Pic unrelated

>pic unrelated
I'm being 100% serious here- why would anyone ever care what someone else thinks about the entertainment they consume?

I'm not a nihilist/egoist whatever the fuck, but what good reason is there for me to give a fuck if 99% of the world thinks a game I thoroughly and genuinely enjoy is steaming dogshit? It doesn't affect me at all. It has no bearing on me playing and enjoying the game so what is the point of people constantly spouting their opinions as if it's law?

Games are particularly plagued by this "review-culture" for lack of a better term, probably on par or followed by movies

Anyone else feel this way?

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Yes, but arguing with retards about the most pointless shit helps me with my english.

>Who cares if I read Stephen King, I like it
We still think you're a retard, and it at least bugged you enough to make this thread

It is ultimately meaningless but we all have our own ways of fighting boredom.
These petty fights over entertainment choices are fun enough.

Spoon me on water pail meme
Is this some sort of american thing?

BASED. trapped the clown in his own logic.

Maybe you should head on back to /int/, you'll get praised for being an obsessed retard there more often.

Didn't bug me at all, I'm just curious, but I'm sure you will/have already convinced yourself I'm super ticked off so who cares

But to continue the discussion, why should I care if a rando/anonymous person on the internet thinks I'm retarded? I'm just curious if people say these things or share these opinions because they think the person on the receiving end will care

>he doesn't drink water
Which reminds me, be right back, gotta fetch some water

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If you think a sunset is beautiful and someone says "so what? it's just a stupid sunset, the same one you see very night," you don't have to stop appreciating sunsets.

That's... exactly my point. Why do people act like the outcome will be different online over entertainment?

Like "professional reviewers", especially with videogames, are just "professional my opinion givers".

>I'm not mad at all, he assures in another Redditspaced post
Do you really think you don't have the basic evolutionary reaction to feeling uncomfortable with the fact people think you're stupid? That's a flat lack of self-awareness on your part

They aren't "people". It's numbers and letters on the internet. For all I know literally every single "person" I interact with could be a fuckin' robot till proven otherwise

It took me so long to get these

>Words aren't people bro, I can totally disassociate on command with what is clearly intended to be human interaction
This is the logic of someone on meds.

Because humans are social animals and naturally crave the approval of their peers.

Go choke on a dick, the first three Dark Tower books rock.


When it comes to the internet, what differentiates a peer from the cyber equivalent of some dude shouting from a street corner? Not making fun, curious

God bless pailposting

Can someone post the crummy pail of water reverse comic

The empathy response doesn't shut down because you're consuming text instead of speech.
You're digging your own grave user. Being a closet AssCreed fan or whatever wasn't a great start. But every post you make is just dumb
You can keep up the aloof act all you want but I know you'd be grinning like a retard if you found playpen where whatever you like is worshipped, if your logic held up this place wouldn't even exist

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>When it comes to the internet, what differentiates a peer from the cyber equivalent of some dude shouting from a street corner? Not making fun, curious
Nothing. Which is why there are so many people on the internet desperately seeking validation from retards. They can't distinguish their peers from those who don't matter. So they begin to see everyone as their peers.

Making fun of out of touch newspaper comics

There is a point where you realize that professional reviewers and critics, regardless of the medium, are no different from the average Yea Forums poster; they're just well connected so they got a space on mainstream media to post their own opinions. Said opinion just boiling down to "I didn't like it so it's shit".

When you know well enough your own tastes and the industry as a whole, you don't need andyone to find a game. You can rely on your own gut to guide you towards the right titles.

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It's a Yea Forums-born meme.
There is a newspaper comic strip with the typical "old good new bad" message where the main character was reading a book about fetching a pail of water to his kid who instead wanted the book's characters to catch Pokemon.
Yea Forums made an edit inverting the text (the book is about catching Pokemon and the kid wants to fetch water) and the meme exploded from there.

>he thought the edit was the original comic

>ruins everything for the next 100 years

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because then only shit games get made you dumb normie

If you like a game that is generally hated, it means there's little chance for a sequel or similar games which you would also enjoy. If a game you hate is popular, that means it's likely to get a sequel and have other similar games made, which you would likely also hate, and which would take resources away from companies which could be making games you would enjoy.

You know this pail of water joke is going the sneed way.

You have realized the truth. Congratulations!

People that say they dont care are the ones that care the most about what other people think

This is true.
Someone who doesn't care never proclaims said lack of care to the four winds; it just keeps it to himself / herself.

I want more people to share my tastes and standards for the media that they consume. This would shift market forces more towards things that I like, and away from things I don't like. However, it's significantly harder to get people to like the things that you like if they're already very, very far from your perspective. So you start with the big things you can get large groups to agree with (Fuck MTX, Focus on the gameplay, muh graffix isn't an excuse for anything, etc.). Trouble is, people like you are stubborn in your desire not to think. To accept media / entertainment without proper analysis or scrutiny, of what it is, what it's doing, and why. I may not be immune to propaganda, but you're guzzling it down like there's no tomorrow and loving every second. And sure, some of it might be genuinely harmful, but most of it just makes you seem very low class. On that note, most of this can actually be handwaved as taste signaling, attempting to gain status via one's preferred media being "better" (read: more obscure, more challenging) than the majority. But that's just basic elitism doing it's job.
Now, with all this understood (and reread it if you need to, no shame in that) there is one consistent "out" for this. The concept of the "guilty pleasure." Very basic, it's an acknowledgement that the thing you like is mostly bad, but still has redeeming qualities to you. When you go on the line to discuss these things, you can talk about redeeming factors, in the hopes of finding other individuals who share your tastes and mindset about things. But you will still take the hit (socially) for liking the "Bad Thing" if you don't acknowledge that it is the "Bad Thing," and more importantly, why. Assuming you talk about games somewhere you're not anonymous of course. Here, just shitpost like you're completely blind to the bad parts of things, guaranteed (you)s. Image only slightly related.

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What you described here is called common sense, don't take Yea Forums too seriously. It's just pissing in an ocean of piss.

Is the officer surprised?

The people who make images like this (I mean the original) utterly weird me out.
The world we currently live in is pretty good. It is the safest, most peaceful, richest, best educated, most technologically advanced, most culturally understanding, most well-connected epoch in human history, and focusing on the few bad things that happen (even if they are very bad) is not a healthy lifestyle at all, especially if it prohibits you from actually enjoying things.
Yeah, we do have problems, but those problems aren't the end of the world. Unless you die, I guess, but... eh, tough luck?

It's a bit unclear, the cartoonist isn't all that good at drawing faces to convey emotions.

Oh, you're one of those assholes who shits on games I like.
I'm glad no one will listen to you.

There's one thing about getting people to share your opinion, but then you seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you is some brainwashed pleb, which is lol you locus of taste you

on one hand, its good to understand the arguments against the game to put it into perspective and understand the medium you enjoy. on the other hand, you dont find that here, and even elsewhere there are plenty of contrarians. you shouldnt let it affect your enjoyment of the game, but there's potential to learn something from dissenting opinions

fuck off, Bjorn

you'd have to assume everyone's opinions are valid in order for it to be useful for you to care about their opinion. but once you see a retard spamming cyberpunk threads because he thinks the game would have been better as a 3rd person japanese hack and slash, it really puts things into perspective about how you should treat anonymous opinions

i assume theres a reason portal 2 is just portal 2? i havent played it in like 10 years

the main reason to give a fuck about what someone else thinks about a piece of media is to help you figure out who has an opinion that matches up with your own. nevermind everyone who hates the thing you like, pay attention to those who like the same things you do and you'll probably end up finding other things you'll like, or at least come to understand your own preferences better.
Don't take arguments on the internet too seriously, most people aren't interested on discussing why they like or dislike something and are more focused on "winning" the argument and will use anything and everything to achieve that which is why you see review scores and sales being thrown around, just focus on the actual arguments and figure out for yourself if they matter to you.

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>another pokenigger seething his shit series is getting outed for it's extreme lack of polish

>>I'm being 100% serious here- why would anyone ever care what someone else thinks about the entertainment they consume?
i'm being 100$ serious here, why would anyone ever care what someone else thinks about what they said on the internet?

To further clarify, the exploitability of the kid’s obsession with water came in turn from Yea Forums gamer fuel threads, where a loud portion of Yea Forums would staunchly proclaim that they only drink water and never drink alcohol or anything else like some sort of straightedge in denial, and it got to the point of absurdity

Please submit the exact legal statute that shows that your opinion on whether someone is retarded makes them actually retarded, backed up by at least 3 examples of relevant case-law, properly cited in Blue Book format. If you make a single mistake then you no longer count as a human being and must kill yourself immediately.

Sort of, I use that for certain hopeless arguments that are shitting up threads.
For example (and this is just a sample series, obviously the reasoning would change between different ones)
>Why are you even arguing? There's no point.
>Side X, you win. No matter how much side Y shits on your game, you got 2 sets of games for it, a bunch of merch, high ratings, you got it all. They'll all just be screaming into the void while you have fun.
>Side Y, you also win. No matter how much side X tries to hoist the games up, they'll always be seen as a low point by a lot of players and guess what? Their era is over, the sequels are coming out and soon people will have moved on and you'll be able to dismiss stuff from this iteration as a bad memory.
However, what I think you're more referring to is two things.
First, people who cite reviews in place of their own opinions as criticism to why a game is bad. For example, you tell a friend that you loved X game. He tells you it's bad because it got low review scores, rather than having actually played it. Obviously you're talking more about the general culture behind stuff like this, on a larger scale.
Secondly, just the fact that people tend to attack opinions contrary to their own, as if it's law. This is simply part of human nature, tribalism. Really can't change that, but like you said, just enjoy the game and let people get mad. As said a little while ago on Yea Forums, in 5 minutes you won't be mad, but they'll still be retarded.
Another key point is from the same reason people recommend games they like, as opposed to shitting on ones they dislike, and that point is simply that it's fun to discuss something you enjoy with other people. When all the discussion is negative, it tends to create resentment.
But in the end, you just enjoy what you enjoy. Could be some 8/10 rated game that Yea Forums hates like 3DS Pokemon titles, could be the same 6/10 rated 3DS JRPG that I adored, the ratings don't really matter.

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This. People here just like to start shit and spew buzzwords because it's the easiest way to get "entertainment" out of people

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What does "dilate" refers to?

Don't know, don't care. People just tend to use it a lot

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This is the difference between you and I, simple-kun. I can accept that the things I like are niche / not great, and still enjoy them. All you need to do is accept it. Also, people will listen to me, if only because I can actually put my thoughts and opinions into words, while you can only form very short shitposts with your mind.
I don't believe that people are "brainwashed," just that they find a thing they enjoy and then refuse to give it any critical thought or entertain the idea that others have differing opinions on the things that they like, which mostly worsens the level of discussion on general public forums like this one.

so you're just seething at people who like things you don't like, great cope.

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For most of Yea Forums, literally just a cope for their inferiority complex.
IRL no one cares about your vidya opinion if you're personable.

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when getting gender reassignment surgery, a trans person's new vagina will close up unless they put a specific tool in it to keep it open every X hours
its referred to as dilating

When trannies get their dicks inverted, the gaping wound they call a vagoo constantly tries to heal itself, therefore, multiple times a day, every day, for years, they have to "dilate" the wound using different sized cylinders. Basically they have to put different size dildos in their fake neo-vaginas to make sure the wound doesn't close.

>Half Full 3

>a book about fetching a pail of water

he was reading Jack and Jill...

Maybe the original comic has a point

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That's... disturbing.

This. Stephen King is a fucking hack.
He writes DOO-DOO for DUMB-DUMBS.