Hey Yea Forums I'm a 20 years and I've never experienced love.
Any game that helps me coping this feeling?
Hey Yea Forums I'm a 20 years and I've never experienced love
Other urls found in this thread:
Emily is Away
Emily is Away 2
I've just played the first one since it's free, is the second worth it?
I can be your love.
I listen to japanese voice works where anime girls tell me they love me
More of the same basically.
It's better to never have experienced, than had a chance at happiness and have to live with the fact that you missed it because you are pathetic.
Fuck off homo
No, get a job.
>tfw too autistic to feel love
A blessing, and a curse.
Love hurts, it's not worth it. I remember thinking that the one thing that would fix my life is love, but it ended up ruining it further. You don't want love.
so what youre saying is no one has ever ripped your guts out
Don't worry user I'm too much of a paranoid cynic to have relationships
There isn't a sure fire way. Best thing to do is to figure it out yourself. If you have someone else do it for you, you're going to be lead around. Remember this user, Love is beautiful but it is selfish. And I'm not talking partner wise.
i feel you bro just keep working at that one hobby and start lifting one day it will be our time
I'm 23 and I only had my first proper kiss a few weeks ago, we'll all make it one day, I know it
tfw I don't know of she meant it, I don't know if she just felt sorry for me and we've both not brought it up properly since and I don't want to because I'm scared of losing her as a friend.
Don't think there's any game that can help you cope with that.
you want tokimeki memorial on gameboy color
But I want to feel loved, I want someone to care about me, I want someone that will even sacrifice themselves for me and I want to do the same for them.
I would really like to feel this, I know that in the real world it's impossible to me but I want to illude myself in a videogame
Don't sperg.
>I know that in the real world it's impossible to me
Depends, are you a boy or girl?
Have others loved you, but you never loved them back?
Or have you not experienced loving another person (wether they loved you or not)?
Persona 4 golden
2 months into playing the game + 0 masturbation landed me my first GF
You already lost
This. I couldn’t imagine being that one user who had a girl he liked basically confess to him in his yearbook, but he didn’t ever read it until like a decade later.
I'm 31 years old and can barely pay my bill's. I havent killed myself because when I sold everything I kept my PS2 loaded with games and my 2008 laptop that can reach my neighbors wifi.
Still a virgin.
If he ever passwords that shit I'm going to fucking die.
Hire some hookers
have sex
Nigga you're basically still a child
There's still plenty of time
Im sure posting your animes on 4channel will help you find love. Great job OP!
>I'm 31 years old and can barely pay my bill's.
How do you people do this?
>To realistically get a gf you would have to put your vidya collection in a cardboard box for your kids to find in a decade
it's actually not fair
Don't worry about it.
cool picture. what is exactly
same here lad, you’re not alone.
I am ugly and have no experience
>Depends, are you a boy or girl?
Boy, of course
>Have others loved you, but you never loved them back?
>Or have you not experienced loving another person
Yes like always
the way real relationships play out this sort of mutual pure unconditional love doesn't really exist anywhere, at best you'll only get the illusion of it during the honeymoon phase. if you have this sort of expectation then video games would actually be a healthier alternative for you.
Just love video games.
Be neet that's how
How ugly are you, really?
Morbidly obese? Short?
some scifi art I saved from a deepsea thread or /x/ idk
rooks rike giant ika
I'm not obese but chubby and I'm 1,80m
You got to start by loving yourself user. Otherwise you'll never be able to believe anybody else is capable of it.
Are you really that hideous?
getting a gf won't change how lonely you really are
This isn't your blog faggot you're only 20 stop being a sappy ass little bitch
Do drugs, it's literally the same, particularly MDMA will just show you how teens feel in love no strings attached
I'm 26 this week
I'll lose my virginity this year, I swear this time
>Boy, of course
I know a 22 y'old girl/woman who never experienced love from her side, but people have crushes on her. There is no "of course", especially on Yea Forums.
>Yes like always
This is your problem.
As stupid as it sounds, you need to stop falling in love.
Focus on yourself for now and improve what you can improve or you're going to become some worthless human garbage like an Incel.
>I'm not obese but chubby and I'm 1,80m
In that case you are not a lost cause. 180cm is still an ok height. If you start to do sports and shit you can train yourself to become much more appealing.
That's something a
Clannad means family.
lets do it, ill pop ur cherry senpai
>wasting 26 years when you are only 4 away from super powers
Hookers m8
i mean you've took the first step you might as well see how far you can get mate.
lmao, look at this pleb
>tfw 27 years old kissless virgin, 152cm skinny manlet, NEET
come on we all know hookers don't count.
not what i was expecting, but still nice ty.
>152cm skinny manlet
literally perfect
Akria Points.
Yes if you are in love with them
Don't be like that.
Just keeping back will only lead to problems, I know from experience.
Gently start asking about the kiss and what it meant to her, maybe even make a light joke about it and see how she reacts.
The problem is, being in love with her, but her not being in love will only lead to you two having problems down the line.
If you tell her right away that you love her (do you?), you won't have to be coy about it. You won't waste your time with wishful thinking and she won't break your heart at a later point.
Clear this up asap and don't wait for too long.
>Had sex with 3 women, all loveless
>I couldn't even finish the last time
If you're not in great health there's no point, it just feels like work really
Leave Kanye
You put your dick in a vagina.
That's all that "losing your virginity" means.
much better than a
>Yea Forums is full of 20 year olds
No wonder this place is shit now.
>mfw Im 31
This is wrong, and it's a lot lower.
29 year old here
get used to the feeling. Faggot.
Play Lost Life
I'm so horny and lonely. And you make this thread.
I'M 28 and a virgin incel.
Yeah most people on Yea Forums are clearly still in highschool. The best you can hope for is that they're actually 18. So many posters are just someone clearly being a fucking moron that if they're not shitposting they have to be a teenager.
>be a turbo nerd perma virgin
>somehow managed to get a gf around 18 or 19
>older than me, into anime and vidya, etc
>but i didn't like to socialize even back then
>always left after 2-3 hours
>broke up few months later
Still a virgin almost a decade later, enjoying my sleep and money.
The reason why you haven't is because instead of going out there and trying to get real experiences with real people in the real world, you continue to attempt to simulate them through nihilistic indivualistic consumerism. Stop playing videogames.
>I don't want to because I'm scared of losing her as a friend.
You're a fucking fag. The only reason any man has a friend that's a woman is because he wants to fuck her. You'll never get over it, you'll just be a beta orbiter until she breaks it off herself if you don't ever bother really pursuing her.
We’re not gonna make it Yea Forumsros...
That's not true desu. When you're popular or part of a popular group you will have many female friends you're not particularly into desu.
>kissless hugless virgin
>going to be a wizard in a few months
>feel good knowing I'll never be as pathetic as people who whine about tfw no gf on the internet
There's no reason to have a woman as a friend unless you're planning on fucking her.
Only if I wanted to become a trap. But I'm way too hairy for that.
Then why do you gloat about it while being portrayed as a disheveled grown man?
play an easy f2p mmo where girls just afk/fashion in towns and score a whale gf who will pay for a plane ticket to visit you
it's not too late
>graduation party after ending high school
>music is too loud, my feet hurt, could be home playing mw2, etc
>take off my glasses to clean them
>one of the girls exclaim that i actually look good without glasses
>all the girls around her laugh
Not him, but in most cases it's not about actually putting your dick in a vagina. Is about why you are so socially retarded that you can't do it without paying in the first place.
Hotline Miami 2
I literally just responded to this. Even if you don't particularly like or get along with women, when you're part of a popular clique in highschool or uni you will automatically have lots if female friends by osmosis. Most of these women will be already taken or not attractive iyo, yet you will still hang out and party with them as friends. That's just a direct consequence if being popular. You would understand if you were ever part of a group like that.
Not really. It's more about proving you are socially and sexually desirable. Fucking a hooker proves nothing. Having real sex for the first time with an actual loved one is a completely different experience.
oh you were being honest? good to know
This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Not everything is about sex you Yea Forumsirgin.
Why did you have to remind me, I just wanted to discuss video games
I have no idea what you're trying to say.
are people this desperate to lose their virginity? just get a hooker at that point. I just want to hold hands with a girl for fuck's sake. I couldn't care less about getting laid.
>went on a date last night
>she tells me how she fucks some of our coworkers
>get upset and awkward the rest of the date but play nice
>take her back to her place
>she hugs me and says she’s not ready for a boyfriend
>tfw I’m so fucking ugly and disgusting and I wasted money on a hug when other guys got to fuck for free
Literally this
>dating a coworker
24 year old here.
Stop being younger than me.
Don't go to /r9k/.
Don't go to /pol/.
Don't go to /soc/.
Don't go to any of Yea Forums's social boards.
Read books. Go outside and enjoy the sun. Find activities you like to do. The best way to cope with loneliness is to make yourself someone worth interacting with.
You again?
I was like this too before I got a girl. The thing you miss the most is just basic physical contact like a gentle touch, a loving cuddle. Basic stuff like that. The sex can be good but that more like eating an ice cream. Having someone to cuddle with is like taking care of a son. It is a feeling that is harder to explain and goes way deeper.
That's why I think Tinder culture makes people unhappy in the long run. It's hedonistic short term high chasing. It's replacing something deep and real with a cheap shallow imitation.
Just walk to the nearest bar on a friday night and get hammered. Then just go and slap some ass and it'll all work out.
Anyway some visual novels might work for this. Video game "romance" usually boils down to shoving gifts down your waifu's throat until they love you a'la Bioware.
Doesn't matter, manlets are cute by default.
Too bitter to know how to love anyway.
>Don't go to /r9k/.
100 % this
Your opinion is completely irrelevant since it depends on the person.
Get fucked.
Oh. Sorry desu senpai.
>Don't care anymore
>Fap to porn and hentai instead
Family and work colleagues think its a bit weird I'm never with anyone but they don't seem to make a big deal of it. Just be happy with yourself and do shit you enjoy.
>most of my classmates are into FIFA and FPS games
>even the girls play Gears of War
>they also play emulated Smash 64 all the time
>one of my friends plays indie stuff mostly
>whenever i recommend him a game he deletes it from his pc like 2 days later
>another friend plays Dark Souls and Elder Scrolls, and another breathes Touhou every day
>my ex girlfriend only played PS4 stuff like Tomb Raider or Little Big Planet (though she played the original Crash trilogy when she was a kid)
>mfw i don't like most of the above games, i'm just tired of Smash and i play Touhou casually
>mfw i will never find a Sonic bro because "it was never good" or "haha weird fanbase"
>mfw i will never find a Mega bro because anything past Classic is way too obscure here
>mfw other franchises i love (AA, AE, Kirby or Mother) are also too obscure
I'm sure there's Yea Forumsros out there that had it worse but still
I'm 21, I've been in love many times but never had it be mutual. Games don't help as eventually you'll come to the realization that you can never hold your waifu and feel her warmth. You will never be able to listen to her tell you she loves you or smell her hair as you lay in bed together drifting off to sleep. Then you just break down crying because you know you will be alone until the day you stop breathing.
This. I had it and lost it due to incapability, what's worse is I know being autistic is less tolerated the older I get.
Yeah, that's why it's called.. an opinion. Why are you so mad? I'm just giving you my perspective.
you can imagine it
its alright, im used to reading faggot shit on here, just be more considerate next time please and thank you
You got a screencap?
It's called sarcasm.
Get out, go to the gym, get fit, install Tinder and get fuckbuddies, i did it and it was the best shit, the best thing about those apps is that you don't need to stop playing vidya.
This thread is bait you angry idiots
He just wants some love.
>dating a coworker
Wtf is wrong with you?