Paradox Interactive: "The 70/30 revenue split is outrageous"

>The 70/30 revenue split offered to developers by most platform holders is "outrageous," according to Paradox Interactive's Fredrik Wester, who praised Epic Games' efforts to offer a more reasonable alternative with its own store.
>"I think the 70/30 revenue split is outrageous," he said. "I think the platform holders are taking too much money. Everyone in the press here, just quote me on that."
>Steam takes 30% of revenue from the majority of games on its platform -- just like platforms operated by Microsoft, Sony, Apple and others.
>However, Wester suggested that the 70/30 split was based on a model established by Warner Bros. in the '70s, for the distribution of films on boxed VHS tapes.
>"That was physical. It cost a lot of money," he said.
>"This doesn't cost anything. So Epic has done a great job for the whole industry, because you get 88%. Fantastic move. Thank you very much."
>"I think it is, especially for new developers. They have lower margins, to get into the market. But I think it's also a matter of decency. I mean, how much does it actually cost to deliver a game?
>"When the competition is low, the platform holder can get a big share of the pie; as competition increases, they need to lower their part of the pie, as well. That's how the market works, right?"
>For his part, Sweeney has publicly stated that it will abandon its exclusives strategy if Valve changes Steam's revenue share to offer developers a more favourable deal.

At the end of the article Raul Rubio says that steam is too overcrowded for new games for them to compete and that's why the EGS is better. Though the only Paradox Interactive game on EGS is Vampire Bloodlines. Maybe more to come?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yea Forums-kun, daisuki~

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I feel really bad for GOG, Tim attacks GOG as much as he attacks Steam.

Steam gives a huge boost in sales for any game there, 30% is a lot but the sales you gain from being on their platform is worth. If they think the deal is raw just change to Epic but in the end it's just gonna lose them money cause no one wants to use that chinkshit

for how many days do chink shill usually spam these threads?

Reminder that Tencent has a significant stake in Paradox, and that Paradox has been spending the last few years on an aggressive acquisition binge.

Publishers killed gog before epic was even a thing

gog laid off a bunch of workers this year
exclusivity deals are bad for the pc market

Steam was complete garbage at launch even with that 30%.
It took them more than a decade to stop being complete shit.

Tim Sweeny is a god.

All Gabe does is spend his money on food and living the rich guy lifestyle.

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>exclusivity deals are bad for the pc market

GOG wouldn't have been able to do World War Z

Maybe Heavy Rain

>>gog laid off a bunch of workers this year
>meanwhile in reality

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-01 CD Projekt hiring 250 new employees for GOG and CD Projekt Red - GameRevolutio (970x717, 802K)

I hope they go full retard and take their GSGs out of steam and into EGS so retarded whales would stop buying that fucking DLC

hilarious how these threads are in the same exact format
is it just one person behind them?

Gog is able to do barely any games. But that wasn't the point
Pubilisher and devs started to reject gog cut and they had to re-arranged that. Due to how small GoG is they barely exsist at this point

>paradox calling anyone else's business practices outrageous

How about charging full price for mspaint map simulators that are barebones skeletons for selling hundreds of dollars of future DLC packs?

fuck pdx and fuck jewhan

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yeah back in reality you polish gamergate sped

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It fascinates me how Sweeny alone has done so much fucking long term damage to his brand.

Tim is literally a good person compared to a greedy fat fuck

I still haven’t forgave them for removing the other FTL methods from sellaris.

What do you expect from a publisher full of former-EA employees?

I would kill sweeney if I ever happened to come across him. He's actively trying to kill gaming along with sony. Both need to be eradicated asap.

i just want to play video games man i wouldnt mind using egs for example metro exodus but steam is way better for a daily use than egs this shit is so tiresome

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Tim is based as fuck though. He's paying devs so we don't have to.

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>got metro exodus on gamepass
>windows store version was ported to UWP and is a fucking dumpster fire



If it's too much then go to EGS, it's that easy Swedish cucks.

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I wonder if they're bitching because years of shit dlc policies and completely butchering their own franchises has tanked their profits.
I'm not certain but it would be nice. Hopefully they move to Ebin and go out of business.

What's outrageous is selling an incomplete game and charge more than 100$ for the completed version.
Fucking hypocritical pieces of trash.

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>Epic is garbage
>paradox is garbage
what a happy couple

everything that isn't smash bros is garbage on Yea Forums so

*Gives you solid free games and the best deals in your path*

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Tencent owns Paradox Interactive and Epic Games

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gamergays from 8gag are used to running generals for their autism, because their website is dead and run by morons. anytime they get some kind of desirable headline for curating the kind of outrage they want, they come here, and they turn that clickbait into a stealth general.
90% chance all pro-egs posts are gators falseflagging


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Nintendo is on the same level of EA, Paradox and Epic.

>paraJEW complaining about money
That's RICH.

*bans you for actually buying games*

swedes are fucking jews I tell you

who the fuck mentioned smash bros? go outside

holy shit, it's true. Tencent is a major stakeholder in PDX. How deep does the rabbit hole go?

>pays for games so you don't have to
>punishes paypiggies to dissuade their dumb behavior
Sounds pretty based to me.

"behind every jew is a swede"
- old danish proverb

jewish dlc practices of paradox are what's outrageous

Tencent also own valve

reminder that any dev or publisher bragging about chinkstore sales is including the purchases from epic

Came to post this. Fucking Paradox m8.

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>owning a private company
Based chinktard.

but valve isn't a publicly traded company

Tencent Holdings Limited
Owner: Naspers (31.2%)
Naspers was founded in 1915
Naspers first published the Afrikaans language daily De Burger (later renamed Die Burger) in June 1915

Hmmm. Die, Burger. What did they mean by this?

valve is owned by gabe and other cofounders
it's probably been an extremely profitable investment for them

Yeah but Paradox is based unlike Epic. They have a store for their own games but they also put them on Steam and GOG. They also understand how important Steam Workshop is and what a draw it is for their titles. They are absolutely right that steam is an overcrowded platform with too high a revenue share. But they're also not like Ebin, bringing "exclusives" cancer to the PC market and having a shitty forced spyware launcher. Paradox games don't even use DRM because they know it's a waste of time and more cost effective to not use it.


I would buy The Sinking City but it's on epic. fuck epic

they will sell less because of this, they will leant to appreciate valve 30% cut

Then move to Epic you nordic jews, nobody will miss you. Nevermind how Epic claims its impossible to sustain a business with the payment mechanisms that allow steam to give lower prices to less developed regions, as well as (increasingly less common) big sales. Fuck all jews everywhere.

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are you having a stroke?

>paradox games don't even use DRM

>paradox is based

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just pirate the game and buy wherever when epic's exclusivity is over (or don't idc)

The Danes are right when they say behind every jew is a swede

People don't mention this a lot because most people who pay for vidya live in developed nations.
But for me, as a third world dwelling individual, regional Steam pricing is the only reason I buy my video games. I still pirate games from developers who don't offer regional pricing, like Bethesda.

wtf I love the tiananmen square shop now

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why buy it at all, even later on? Tim Sweeney already paid for my copy.

Epic is also private. Stocks don't have to be public for third parties to own them you fucking zoomer

>lay off 20 people
>hire 250 more
Nice reading comprehension, mutt.

Then show me how much % of stocks has Tencent in Valve.

Paradox buys out studios after their one-and-done hit is over. The EA in their blood is tainted though, because you are supposed to milk the studios to death, not buy their corpses.
Paradox probably worries that all of the shit they bought up with shareholder's cash may not pan out.

>70/30 split is outrageous, but a DLC with 5 features every 2 months for 1/4 price of the base game is perfectly fine. Now please stop thinking for ourselves, having standards and complaining and just give us more of your money.
t. Paradox Interactive

yeah lay off 10% of your gog staff due unprofitability and hire for cyberpunk 2077 development
you are incredibly stupid

Epic's gonna have a grand time

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Paradox the devs that remove features and put them in dlc.
also didn't they put stalarious on gog?
never buying a game from them again

They don't use DRM though.


The EGS doesn't operate in China anyway oddly enough.

Yes they do. Why did I need to crack goy4 man the guns if that's not the case?

Tencent has their own storefront called WeGame.

i just got a call from Gabe the Rave and he told me to be careful because the shills are on full force today

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that's very nice and all, but why should I "the guy buying shit" care about how much money they make?

also, install a fucking shopping cart on your store, like holy shit its been almost a year.

You fucked up the activation process, probably. You need to launch the game from Steam after buying a new DLC so it activates it and then you can copy the game wherever you want and play without Steam. I guess it is a form of DRM, but it's not an usual one.

What is China replacing windows with? Bars?

Literally fake news. The guy wasn't talking about Steam.

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wow I guess the epic games store really is EPIC

>buying more than one digital game at once
fuck off whale

And it's a former Paradox CEO too, so not even someone speaking for the company.

>you need to launch the game from steam
Sounds like DRM to me. Also I don't have goy4 in my steam library. Because I pirated it, that's the entire point.


>please don't hurt us lord gaben
fucking hell

I just hope Cities Skylines 2 is not an Epic exclusive. Really though, the game would fail massively without the Steam workshop support so I probably don't have to worry.

So if the 30% margin isn't justified why don't publishers like Paradox make their own platforms and sell their games there, ala EA/Ubisoft?

Paradox, you make WAY too much overpriced DLC. I think you should suck on this dick before I stop buying your games.

Steam just acts as a download client. The base game works without launching it even once. When it comes to DLC, you need to launch the game once with DLCs activated after you bought them so they know it's legit. Afterwards you can copy the game's folder, uninstall Steam and never use it again. That is unless you plan on buying more DLC. Not that different from having to log in to your GOG account to download install files, aside from the fact you do need to install the client for a moment.

ahahahaha like clockwork

Maintenance costs

he still works for the company you retard he's on the board and a major shareholder

doing it

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Initial cost, maintenance cost and online shops give exposure.

they did and it was called gamersgate and it was a failure

My bad then. Still fake news since he didn't mean Steam.

what are you on about, didnt you read how digital distribution is free?

It does operate in the same way steam does

Are you senile?

The huge part of that was that you ALWAYS had fucking checksum problems with Paradox games if you bought them there.

Oh, of course :^)

He clearly did, it's fucking damage control you moron

i think releasing $20 """expansions""" that add like 3 buttons to click is outrageous

Because you're a retard who ran some russian .exe or dropped in their edited .dll because they said you had to. Enjoy your miner

Paradox is probably just mad that their last big release got review bombed for being garbage on steam right out of the gate.

is it true that the nazis killed anyone in your country with an iq over 90, because they knew they must be jews

Paradox does't care about damage control. Johan has been insulting players since forever and they never apologize.

>Johan has been insulting players since forever and they never apologize.
And it clearly shows with their massive success with Imperator:Rome.


What is this? A Total War clone?

What in the fuck are you even going on about? Lay off the air duster user.

That was a failure due to steam, not due to game being bad.

That's just because the game is super barebones. Most of people playing GSG don't care about Johan's petty insults, they just care about the game. The problem is each consecutive Paradox release is more barebones than the previous one, has more aggressive DLC policy and worse AI. If their titles didn't have those problems Johan could've called all players pathetic scum and the games would still sell.


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I hope you're shitposting

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>That was a failure due to steam, not due to game being bad.
They literally made text wall posts about how they messed up and are going to redesign the game. Even the paracuck forums which are usually full of drones was in full revolt mode over the state of the game. Johan himself gave up on his original ideas and decided to revise it. They admit it's bad themselves

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Thanks timmy!

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We literally just had this thread you faggot

>and worse AI
I'm amazed that after 20 years of making strategy games their AI can't deal with naval warfare or fighting in 2 continents.

Yeah, heard about that. They were beta testing that game on steam. Full release will be exclusive to EGS

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That would be exceedingly retarded of them. I hope they do it.

It can't manage protecting its colonies in EU4 which is why Portugal, Spain and Netherlands have half the world colonized in a few years since they don't have to deal with uprisings.

thank you gog chan, will you join me and my ryzens for a drink?

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This shit ruins HOI4 for me, because even though the game is supposed to be about giant wars between multiple factions, you're the only one who will ever actually do anything as "complicated" as doing naval invasions. Let's say you're playing as a minor like Romania or Hungary in the axis. You can have kicked the allies out of western europe and africa, and have totally conquered the soviet union, but unless you yourself personally intervene to do an operation sealion against Britain, your axis AI partners will NEVER EVER do it themselves. You could just go into observe mode and wait 20 in-game years and they'll still not even make even the slightest attempt despite having every advantage in the world at that point.

So why even designa game set up like that when you're going to have to solo everything yourself?

Come on, now they're doing it too?

I love this new trend


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Nice try Xhang

>But for me, as a untermensch*

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>paradox accusing anyone of being greedy
o am laffin

based amd selling its processor designs to chinks because their business is a failure

How about you make Imperator Rome playable before you make hypocritical statements like that you swedish cucks.

he is so based, he bough metro exodus for me

>This doesn't cost anything
Haha yeah these guys don't have to run servers and pay people to build and manage the entire ecosystem
I remember when Valve revolutionized games for developers because they only asked 30% which is ridiculously little compared to what they end up paying for physical

Based Gabe

Greetings from a supposedly rich country, I'm glad steam did this. I've found so many bros around the world.

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>developers let themselves get raped through the asshole by publishers
>spend twice as long as necessary to make a game
>waste effort into parts of the game that don’t even matter
>cut tons of content to sell later
>over half the budget is marketing
>game is fucking garbage anyway
>no one wants to buy it because it sucks
>now you’re known for being lazy and stupid so your sales forever take a hit
But no, it’s the cut from the platform publisher that ruins it all. FUCK big studio developers. There are tons of development teams with less than 10 people that love their job, make games they like playing, and still find enough success to pay their bills and raise families. Have some self respect and hold up your end of the bargain before you start your entitled whining

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t.brainlet arab who cant fathom the conceptuality of grand strategy games.

and yet Epic had all the time and money to just copy everything steam had it before they launched and they couldn't even put in a fucking shopping cart

Grand strats are easy as fuck. The people who play them are casuals who want to feel intelligent so they play these games that imply intelligence but they're actually just menu clickers with infinite pause times for dummies to plan their next move, and they are ridiculously easy to cheese. The real big brain games will always be competitive skill based games like fighting games, rts, and arena shooters.

The fuck are you talking about 2.x stellaris is miles ahead of the old one. thanks to xatab I can always get the latest version easily

Unironically yikes.

pdxidf pls

>why don't publishers like Paradox make their own platforms
they do

its the fucking standard

meanwhile in reality

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he's absolutely right

You had me going till you said brain and skill games like fighting, rts and arena shooters.


do you have schizophrenia

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What does the price of beef have to do with the price of distributing data over the internets?

>competitive skill based
anyone get get into and play those at surface level,but you just have to be autistically obsessed with min maxing,metas and practice like a deprived creature to be good at them.
grand strategy are easy to play,but getting into them requires some sort of learning which brainlets couldn't do.
also buying a paradox game makes one into a brainlet automatically.

nothing, just like transfer costs have nothing to do with the price to access apple or valve's customers

All of paradox's fans are on steam. If they really tried to switch and do exclusive deals or pull their games then WW3 would happen. Their fans may be autisitc enough to buy their 40 buck dlc day one but not to put up with the epic,store.

paradox has been on my "guilt free pirate" for a while now

>Content Delivery Network pricing is following the same downward price trend, and tends to be priced at approximately the same price point as Internet Transit.

are you going to tell me about your mental diagnosis
you seem to have serious inference deficits

>ever feeling guilty about pirating

>getting into them requires some sort of learning which brainlets couldn't do
Because while simple, they have lots of mechanics and interactions, so the average ADHD "gamer" dislikes them.