What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone in a video game Yea Forums?
What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone in a video game Yea Forums?
elevator grenade in scp secret lab
SCP secret lab was literally made for griefing. The broadcast room alone is proof of that.
I pushed a guy's dog into lava in Minecraft.
Told some guy in Runescape that he won the RS lottery but he had to give me his password to claim it. Then I entered his account and emptied his bank on the streets.
Logged into my best friend's RS account back in 2008 and dropped all his adamant gear & money.
Killed some kid in GTA 5 online for 20+ times after he randomly drove over me. When he went into passive mode I blew up every car he got close so he couldnt run away. He screamed like mad into the mic when his mom came in and heard him. Left the lobby a few seconds after but you could hear him crying before he left.
A fun pastime is seeing how fast I can kiss up to Minecraft server admins, become admin, and nuke a server.
My personal best is 1.5 hours. Gotta love redditors.
Back in the 2D days I'd look for noobs wearing the standard issue noob gear and lure them deep into the sewers claiming I'd give them 100k and laugh at them while they got raped by red spiders
My friends and I playing halo 3 matchmaking. 4v4 so we got 1 rando who soloed the other team while we dicked around the whole time and won. They spent the whole time bitching at us and i said "calm down dude its a video game" and in the deeps voice they yelled "im a girl!" We spent the rest of the match laughing at their deep man voice and in the lobby it turns out the person we had was in a 5 person party so they had been soloing their friends and the other team proceeded to spout "you only won because she was on your team" and we continued laughing until they declined the rematch. This might have been my first run in with a tranny
Told some kid in this dumb x360 chatroom game thing when I was drunk that I had no arms or legs and couldn't get up, kid started crying and got his mum on the mic to help me, I pussied out and quit after that
In PAYDAY 2 I let a cheater carry me through a mission where it took half an hour to collect all loot (that was before carry stackers) and kicked them just before the exit point
> Anarchy Online
> Want to test my PVP twink in the dickish way possible
> Hang out around the biomare dungeon
> Lure guards over to the dungeon entrance and then run in
> Guards attack people thus flagging them
> Murder the fuck out of any flagged dudes who entered the dungeon
But how did you quit if you have no arms and legs?
>got his mum on the mic to help me
good kid
A few days ago I was playing Dark Souls and a guy invaded me right before O&S. I was on that spot where you get the Dragonslayer Greatbow, where visibility is almost zero from down under and from above, and the only way to reach it is by coming out of the window and walking that narrow path to it. I used Ring of Fog and according to my Switch clock, watched him run up and down Anor Londo trying to find me (moving the elevator stairs 4 times) over the course of half an hour with no clues where the host was. Thought about shooting from there, but I wanted to see if he was going to just leave.
He didn't, so I removed the ring and stayed close to the bars so he could see me. He came through the only path available and was met with Chaos Fireballs to the face, falling out of the platform like a cartoon character would. By the time he got back there, I was laughing too hard to fight back and he got me.
His mum helped me
I stole someone's girlfriend. Never knew the guy but the girl was hot and kissed like a succubus.
>Tibia 7.8
>Convince some random to climb one of the mountains using some chair I found
>He did it
>I threw the chairs in the sea
>Felt bad and log out
I'm sorry if you are reading this.
Invading in Dark Souls, I guess?
back when anime games on steam were rare i put up some rare otome game background up in the market for 300 dollars. some fag actually bought it, I don't know if you can consider that mean though
I don't think that counts, you simply put a thing for sale and someone with more cents than sense bought it.
I told someone he should tell the anime girl in his profile pic I was coming to get her and the dude lost his damn mind.
it's ok
spraying goatse/tubgirl in counter strike. I'd piss myself laughing at people screaming on voice EWWW WTF IS THAT
In Dark Souls 1 used cheats to put an egg on their head with dragon form for rest of body, and then insta curse kill.
on some tf2 server if you put in !roll you'd get a screamer, so I kept telling people to !roll to get advantages
ghosted all my online friends
>classic Fly For Fun
>the last channel on every server was an open pvp channel
>openly killing someone makes you a pk'er earning you a red name
>attacking someone but not killing them would just earn you an orange name which was like a warning
>being a red name meant that if someone kills you, you drop some of your items, money, equipment, and other things you normally can't drop
>in order to remove your pk title you have to be killed a bunch of times or kill a lot of monsters
>you also couldn't talk to npc's while red named and if no one revives you you'll be sent to prison island and be force to work off your pk title
>mfw all this shit was easy to exploit
>mfw I would trick noobs into going pk and taking their shit
>I would lightly tap new players and become orange name and in doing so new players would attack me
>then I would slowly remove my equipment and weaken my character, just enough that he kills me and in return he goes red name instead
>mfw I would even egg new players to fight each other just to take the spoils
>the worst of it all was Flyff was a buggy piece of shit and wearing any kind of reflect equipment in the open PK channel WOULD REFLECT PK STATUS meaning you could kill anyone wearing any kind of reflecting equipment and they would go PK instead of you
>you could literally give out reflect equipment to some noob and watch them equip it and kill them for their stuff
>mfw I made a living out of doing this all this
Still regret some of it but not the whale kids and kids who came to the pk channel loaded down in cash shop gears from their parents credit cards.
Worst I did was just spoil kingdom hearts to an acquaintance while playing a fighting game a few hours before it launched. Dude got so mad he started spouting death threats saying he was gonna go to where I live and the usual walls of text that lasted for a few days He was a good nigger too
*Hood nigger
should've told her to jerk you off
I've played over 3000 hours of dota and I have never, ever griefed. I've hardly lived.
>Ragnarok Online
>way back in the day
>The first level of Geffen Dungeon is a popular spot for people around 20-40
>like most high traffic leveling areas the entrance has multiple AFK merchant players with shops setup
>usually a few people are hanging out around here to rest or buy stuff inbetween grinding, or just open a chat room to attention whore while they go AFK
>one of the common monsters is a Poison Spore, a purple mushroom thing that aggros on site
>they're not particularly dangerous, give decent exp, and they're common
>but the more monsters attacking you the lower your evasion stat becomes until it hits 0
>most people leveling here will die quickly if they're mobbed by 5 or 6 Poison Spores
>walk around the whole first level for a few minutes, aggroing every Poison Spore I see
>get about 15 or so
>train them all the way to the entrance
>leave the dungeon, deaggroing myself
>re-enter just in time to see half a dozen low level merchants, swordsmen, and mages get eaten alive
>do this once every 10 or 15 minutes for an hour or so
>eventually have the dungeon all to myself for a few hours
>Dig under my friends house in Minecraft
>arm it with TNT, get caught halfway and have to blow it up early taking out his farmland but only half his house
>rush over and steal as many valuables as I can carry from his treasure chest that got blown up, diamonds, weapons, potions, etc.
>rush into a ravine down the field and throw myself in lava, burning it all
I did all this because he liked to sneak up to my mountain house and push me off the cliff, I like building in high spots