We've got a hell of a Deep Rock Galactic thread heading your way team! Get ready!

We've got a hell of a Deep Rock Galactic thread heading your way team! Get ready!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>implyn I have friend to play this with

Pubs are fine as long as you don't mind lag teleporting when pressing jump repeatedly. I can play with people from China even and its fine.

Fuck Magma Core and its agonizing ceiling deposits. Fuck Magma Core and its constant big drops with no good walls for ziplines. Fuck Magma Core and its constant making you slow as shit to open up the ground under your ass. Fuck Magma Core and its MY BOOTS, MY POOR BOOTS. Fuck Magma Core.

But you do, user.

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This guy knows what's up. Bosco is your best friend.

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How are you supposed to use the flamethrower? I feel like I'm using it wrong since I constantly run out of ammo.

Aim in a way that the stream of fire hits both the bug and the ground the bug is on. When properly handled the flamethrower will melt anything in mere moments unless its a Praetorian. Also the flamerthrower does jack shit to Dreadnoughts, so don't worry about damaging those too much.

>constant making you slow as shit to open up the ground under your ass
This shit is the worst. And Glacial Strata's blizzards. Movement impairment feels awful by default in these games, but an unpreventable slow every few minutes is just obnoxious.

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Dammit I can't bump this thread because I just want to play instead.


>overpriced early access game

It’s worth it if you enjoy the “Dig, shoot bugs, run, repeat” gameplay loop. I’ve gotten over 100 hours on it already.

i will play with you

Have you played team of 5 yet? We bugged the game a bit.

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>nobody online doing missions to unlock hazard 4
>think I'll never unlock it
>try to solo them for shits and giggles
>manage to do all of them without even going down once
God bless engie.

Bro, you'll soon see that anything below haz 4 is literally just a walk in the park, 4 is OK, and 5 is where it's really at.

I can't. Haz 5 is too much for me, too many bugs all the time.

Is this Operations guy a Dwarf or a fat human? No self respecting Dwarf would ever willingly get rid of their beard, that's kinda the whole gimmick with Dwarves is their beard.

Mission Control is a human.

I hope this is the correct answer.

Just bought this game, bretty gud so far

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What is this retarded meme picture suppose to tell me?

>Refunded this game a year ago cause of shitty pc and joining 4 games in a row with being team killed then kicked and no teamwork
>Bought it a few days ago to give it another try and shit now a lot better with a better pc and people are working together as a team
Glad I gave this game another try

>omb4 mention Driller
If you weren't a brainlet you'd notice his main weapon is a Flamethrower, and Dwarves handling pyrotechnics usually wear beard protection because one ember or backblast wind will set their beard alight.

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Oh boy I can't wait for 150 posts of Yea Forumsirgins telling us how much they're not going to buy an early access game and shitposters reposting the same 3 retarded reviews.

Hasard 6 when, H5 is getting too easy, only shield warning point extractions are still reliably challenging.

>and joining 4 games in a row with being team killed then kicked and no teamwork
I had the game back then but I never played it until now, I'm glad I never got to experience that nightmare, it would have turned me off the game big fucking time.

>H5 is getting too easy
I wish I was that good. How do you spec your weapons generally, damage, accuracy, ammo capacity?

desu that's a problem with the players, not the game itself

>beard protection
Why did this make me laugh so hard?

You got your answer last time.

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>implying your shit game will even get 50 posts

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The wiki says he's a dwarf.


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It's literally called "a clean shave" ingame and there are no burn marks. Any of the dwarves can willingly be clean-shaven.

more ammo, one cooldown
all freeze related options + chance to break
single, full dmg
>machine pistols
speedbuff after reloading

2 engineers are better than 1 gunner

I'd like to agree, but that was pretty much my entire experience in L4D2.
>he no play goodly kick kick kick

What about perks and the other weapons?

I always go damage, armor breaking and capacity. The fancy effects are cool but not reliable enough when you need to deal with 300 bugs. At H5 they always end up getting close so accuracy is rarely an issue. Except for the freeze gun, you want all the freezing boosts for that.

Preparation and environmental awareness helps a lot. Remember good places to defend, retreat there when a wave is announced and clean it up a bit. If there's no good place, prepare to move as a team, getting separated is a death sentence for anyone but scouts. If you have an engineer, they should setup their turrets to watch your back if needed or be a bit out of the way so you can kite in case shit goes wrong.

Focus on getting the last tier of the good perks (buy cheap perks to unlock higher tiers). The fear bonus on res is a life saver.

other weapons dont play a big role, you can figure out yourself
alive for x seconds perk is crucial

What's the weapon meta for each class?

Vampire + Iron Will makes you functionally immortal if you're not retarded, especially with power attack being a thing now.

Redpill me on thid game, I'm kind of interested.

L4D2 with bugs, burps and beards

Definitely worth a try if you like L4D or fun 4 player co-op

Shit son thats all you had to say.

This but expanded; you dig up minerals like Minecraft, shoot bugs like L4D, and GET TO ZE DROP POD like Titanfall
Also it has fun guns (best flamer I've ever used, solid minigun, A FUCKING FREEZE GUN)

It's like Killing Floor except you have an objective to do each level and the devs actually update the game with content, I know an EA game that get's updates right?

>mfw two of my friends finally got this game

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It's kinda like Minecraft crossed with l4d. You play one of 4 (or just one) dearf dropped into a hostile planet via drill.rocket to explore procedurally generated voxel caves to mine precious minerals or complete other objectives which invariably involvr digging. Environment hazards and giant alien insects who see you as an invader get in your way.

Game has 4 classes that share a perk tree, but each class has unique visual custom as well as unique equipment you can upgrade and customize.

It's currently in EA but only slightly jank, devs are responsive and active, community is good and generally bro/coop oriented

Rock and Stone

Recently got this game and it's great, I can comfortably play and beat missions on hazard 3, anything I should have before going into hazard 4? I just don't want to be dead weight when I join a lobby, mostly play driller, any obscure mechanics or tips for him? I already know about digging tunnels to the pod etc.

Don't even bother replying if you're a knife-eared moss muncher

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Can you post the math for the turret build? I keep reading MkII is better than Gemini but doing the math says otherwise. Am I being a brainlet or is there some not obvious advantage I'm missing?

Use the freeze gun when in a full team or in a smaller team with a gunner.

>freeze gun
Ain't nothing it can do that the flamer can't do better.

>Deep Rock threads popping continuously
Really good. It's a great game that was on the verge of death until it got the overhaul. I'm glad its alive and well

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Rock and stone, brother.

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Except being a freeze gun

Fair point.

It can stop a dreadnought, prevent a nexus from shitting out swarmer, one shot spawners.

I thought mission control had glasses and a crew cut

Not getting blasted by a bulk detonator is a pretty good perk imo.

if you were tasked with desinging new enmies for this game what would you do?
please come up with something that is actually fun to fight against and keep deep rocks fully destructible world in mind when it comes to enemy movement

I feel like they should add more weapons.

And add more enemy variety. Fighting the same spiders isn’t fun.

Yea Forums steam group WHEN

Is it $80 where you live?

Oh hey guys, I see you're holding down in a small cave area charging up your drop pod's fuel cells, mind if I drop by?

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Space moth that destroys light/attacks people throwing glowsticks or shooting flares

They can tunnel like glyphid menaces but they pop up right under you and try to gnaw your beard off.

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Sure, remember to bring your twin brother along too. We wouldnt want Mr. Dreadnaught to get lonely now would we?

Parasite bug.
Causes a constant health drain that you have to overpower with healing.
If you get downed from it a few swarmers explode out of you.
Number of swarmers is doubled if its an actual death.

I want something explosive other than the GL, like some sort of mining rocket launcher.

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More weapons would be great. Three options for a primary and secondary would be the perfect number.


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why doesn't Yea Forums ever talk about ark? I think it's a great game with alot to talk about but theres literally never any threads, and there damn sure isn't a general. why?

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Multiplayer griefing simulators aren't popular on websites where the userbase is older than 12 year olds.

that's actually a neat idea

An evolved version of the web spitter, have it look like a big spider and it would leave webs everywhere it goes. It can spit webs like the the small one or can shoot a web line at you and pull you in, ensnaring you in a coccon on the wall or ceiling. Burn it or dig your way out.

A hidden reverse leech. It would have a small hole in the ground with a slightly different texture covering it, just deep enough that you can't jump out of it. It dies in one hit but if it gets you it instantly break your shield but do very little damage (like a single swarmer). They'd pop out and capture swarmers if one happens to walk on it.

A big moth that spreads a powder. The powder slightly buff the bugs. It poisons you through your shield but also buffs you.

A healing version of the lootbug. It slowly heals when you're nearby but it dies in one shot. It's a bit faster that regula rlootbugs and try to run away from everything. Bigger glyphids can eat it to heal themselves.

Shill me on what makes your early access crafting survival game better than the sea of shitty early access crafting survival games out there.

Ideas? Gunner or Driller could maybe get Scout could use a burst fire gun

>is older than 12 year olds
bullshit. 99% of the people I've met in that game are about 20+ years old with alot of them over 30. theres no way you can convince me that zoomers have the attention span to get anything meaningful done in that game. It's a long, tedious boomer game if ever there was one.

Ark has had its day, it was great fun when it came out but its old now

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an witch-like enemy that starts of stationary and can be heard from far away like BET-C. If it gets shot accidentally or if you startle it with light from your headlamp, flares, or glowsticks, it becomes active and extremely dangerous.
You have to either turn off your headlights and give it a wide arc, or tunnel around it.
It could also spawn with some kind of very valuable mineral nearby to create a risk-reward scenario for players willing to fight it.

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Because it’s poorly optimized.

Also is extremely aggressive towards everything in dropped flare light radius.

Goblin pirates who tunnel in trying to steal your shit by laying ambushes

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The drone design in this game is legitimately adorable. I don't know how they manages to make a flying square so likable.

Engineer gets a micro-missile launcher. It shoots rockets similar to Bosco's but at a faster rate of fire.
Gunner gets a rail gun. Big, slow, but absolutely annihilates anything in its path

See now, ideas are the hardest part about this. Its easier to do on some classes as they have solid themes to go on, the Driller's main weapons are stream based, you could give him a lightning gun that shoots streams of lightning, this has great compatibility with other weapons not from him as well. The Gunner is heavy weapons, while the Autocannon can shoot fast as fuck, it doesn't have to if you don't spec into it, holding down the fire button for better effect is a theme of his, I'd go for a powerful single shot cannon that flies harder and faster if you hold down the fire button for long, basically give him the cannon from Serious Sam.

Its the secondaries and the Engineer and Socut that I have no idea.

give them grappling hooks and clawed boots that allow them to attach themselves on the ceiling and it should work


Fucking why? They’re so ugly and unappealing. I don’t want to play as turbo manlets. Give me humans or elves instead.

I like this. How about they also occasionally raid the space rig and you get down to the hangar to fend off boarding craft?

What a degenerate.

how much of a zoomer are you? the entire game is about digging and getting as much valuable shit as you can get, aka DWARVES


>Wanting to play as a beardless leaf lover
You should be ashamed of yourself, user.

Get a load of this leaf-lover

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I've played 50 hours in 5 days after getting it on the sale and I need an intervention.

What class do you lads main? I can't decide what I want to try out first.


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a giant monster mole called the tunnel terror which only shows up in special tunnel labyrinth bioms.
the dwarfs have a chance to dig around it or hide in small side tunnels

I play everyone equally, but my personal favorite would be the Gunner.

A giant balrog enemy that spawns in if you fuck around for too long on missions would also have a specific mission where you have to bait it around and knock pieces off of it. completely unkillable but can be slowed down it does decent damage and will kill other creatures in its path indiscriminately.

always thought that it´s combat was shit

Sounds cool. It'd actually give you a reason to turn off your flashlight.

>tfw driller
buff flammenwerfer bitte

When it comes to the unholy trinity of crafting survival early access, I like mine to be chill and devoid of screaming children and gangs of assholes that exist for the sole purpose of trying to make other people playing the game as miserable as possible. So unless you can shill me on the singleplayer aspect, I'm not going to bother with it.

I can't pick a favorite so I usually decide based on what the mission type is.
Gunner for extermination, Driller for mining / egg hunts, Engineer for point extraction and salvage, Scout for anything else or if I'm tired of not being able to see.

Engineer is my nigga. Pretty enjoyable to play.

I'd like to see secondaries that are a mix of damage and utility.
Gunner could get a glue gun. It stops bugs from moving and applies a weak poison but also fonctions as trampoline to reduce fall damage & bounce higher.
Driller could get a stake launcher (inspired by the stakes miners use to break rocks). They have great range, damage and accuracy, low ammo but they can serve as single-use platforms.
Scout could use some aoe. How about a gun that creates a sonic blast? It push back mobs and staggers them, dealing weak damage. You can charge it up for a larger blast doing more damage.
Enginner definitely could have some sort of laser gun. It deal only electric damage, can ignite mobs pretty fast and also recovers/boost the shields of other players. It would also boost the rate of fire of turrets for a few seconds.

>he doesnt freezegun
sad and pathetic

I'm new to the game and I have few questions.

1. Is there any reason to "Over mine" primary and secondary resources?

2. Early on should I level all the classes up to 10 to get new weapons?

3. Any pro tips for a newcomer?

>3. Any pro tips for a newcomer?
git gud

>Not shaving off the beard and becoming a goblin instead

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of course I freezegun, because it's the only viable main gun for driller.
But I'd rather fire and fury.

I did
Practice on solo missions with Bosco, he's a brobot

It's a good game, I played it when it first became available, back before a whole load of this current content was added, and it was good but I dropped it. Came back a few days ago and i'm having a great time with it again.

Very enjoyable and amazingly it even proves fun in solo mode, something i've not seen any other game in this genre manage. Bosco is such a fucking cutiepie I just want to squeeze him until he pops.
It'd be nice if you could customize Bosco a little more, skins or something for him, but it is in development and that'd be a low priority thing so maybe it'll come later.

There is no reason to not let the players have every single perk on at once. Everybody runs the top 4 perks to do hazard 5 anyway and the other perks are mostly quality of life or just plain fun that wouldn't make the players any more or less OP if they had them. throwing flares further, carrying more, faster ziplines, stuff that's fun and improves the routine that doesn't impact at all the survival rate, stuff you can't take for a smoother time because you're forced to take the 4 OP perks if you wish to survive or carry less experienced teammates.

1 - no
2 - Driller yes for the freeze gun. Other classes can make do with their defautl weapons just fine and anyway will get there pretty fast, especially if you play higher difficulties with friends. You might have trouble getting enough credits/resources though so no need to rush & buy everything asap.
3 - Max out the res and iron will perks first.

this, I bought DRG because my friends were playing it and now they play other games

>Advice to a newcomer is just to follow the cancerous meta

Good job!

you get extra money at the end for mined materials

Shush, the freezegun is the only gun that drastically changes your strategy.

Not enough to make it worth it

*and experience. Or maybe just experience. Either way, it's not pointless.

>cancerous meta
Its a PvE game. And also unfortunately all the other perks are completely zero impact on whether or not a team will survive, you can only play for "fun" for so long before all those "Damn we would have lived if I had Iron Will on..." moments get to you.

Is there any reason to ever use the engie's breach cutter or the scout's sniper? They're cool but at higher difficulties the low ammo and low speed make them pretty useless imo.

don't take the game too seriously, the metashitters should fuck back off to contershit global onionization or ASSFAGGOTS.
Also wiggle your laser pointer around at dark ceilings in big caverns you've just breached, might just save you from being molested by tentacles.

because it runs like shit and takes way too long to actually accomplish anything

>point extraction on magma core with exploder infestation

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What meta? The only thing I see people arguing about are freeze gun vs flamethrower.

It’s refreshing to see a team that actually gives a shit and knows when to listen to fans while also knowing when not to cave.

>What meta?

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>Is there a reason to use two very powerful weapons?

We may never know

M1000 Classic is the best priority target killer in the game, it deals with praetorians, menaces, bulks, and deadnoughts like no other. Breach Cutter is really weird, there's not really a situation in which the grenade launcher wouldn't have done the same job better or easier, the only niche I can think of it having is if a swarm of enemies are coming in from one tiny space all funneled together in a decently long narrow tunnel, and even in that scenario the grenade launcher wouldn't perform bad either, and the Driller's anything would be able to deal with that scenario much quicker, safer, and spending less precious ammo doing it.

it was dying?

it was starting to get boring until they added the new enemies and stuff

There's not a ton of endgame content at the moment so player counts dip hard before sales and free weekends. The next update is supposed to give you more things to grind for but it looks like it'll be mostly skins.

back in early 2018 it had 100-200 people playing only and dwindling due to repetition and zero content. Only got revitalized when they added new enemies, maps, and an overhaul in weapons including new weapons.

more "passive" ominous large creatures that themselves don't pose a threat, like the one they just added

less "it's a big bug with big claws", more weird aliens

Sniper is significantly better at dealing with annoying enemies rapidly, and can clear out grunts easily if they get close.
Breach cutter is for when you’re in a narrow tunnel and need to get everything in the general area to just fuck off, or for wiping out a conga line if you’re the last man standing.

They really need to offer more missions with mutators. And just more missions overall. I'm ok with having 2 zones be randomly unavailable but the choice is too small. We should always have at least 3 types of mission in every open zone and 1 of each mutator at all time.

best grenade for each class

>drop down into a game
>immediately put into dying state
T-thanks Bulky...

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Bought this game recently on sale and am having a blast. The combat/mining is very enjoyable but what really makes it for me is the charm of the characters. Like many other coop horde shooters (L4D/KF2 etc.) they have these really fun quotable voice lines that make the experience more enjoyable. The moment I was really sold was last night when I had a really good group going I bought a few extra rounds of drinks for the boys because we were goofing off and whatnot and I was delighted to see the "drunk goggles" effect and one guy even went down. Then next mission you even STAY DRUNK. Fucking brilliant. Getting hammered and going mining, thats what life is about.

i dont even understand why you'd use anything besides the good ol frag. You throw it makes it goes boom. What thats not good enough for you fuck you frag is best. You can doll yourself up for your praetorian bf with your girly hormones or maybe youd like a fortnite grenade but for me its the good ol frag nothing can beat it Nope nothing at all

Sticky for gunner, the fear effect is great.
Axe for driller, it hits like a truck, has ok range and you can pick them up when you miss.
Lure for engineer, no contest there.
Scout I'm not sure, IFG is great but I haven't really tried the other 2

That's what I get for going hazard 4 alone

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you can still use frags?


>IFG is great but I haven't really tried the other 2
Pheromone grenades are pretty nifty. They can bring a horde to a standstill and clump them up, much like the Engie's LURE grenades. Watching a swarm of boosted Grunts beat up the Warden that's buffing them is pretty funny.
The cryo grenades are cute and are nice in a pinch, but the CC they offer compared to a Engie rocking the cryo cannon is negligible. Could be better if you were given more than 4.
IFGs are probably the best of the bunch. The slowing and weakening effect is solid, lasts for ages, has a decent radius AND you're given 6 of them to throw around.

>implying Molly isn't cute as fuck

>join a point extraction
>turns out there's a Dreadnought there
>ok sure whatever I can-
>dreadnought at full health
>constant cycle of going down and reviving
>finally we fucking clear the swarm, time to work on the dread-
>mfw we didn't get 'em

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Fun game, can't wait for the endgame update. I feel like it's too quick/easy to fully gear out all of your classes, especially if you take them all to Promotion 1 for the extra perk slot

Fun: Scout > Driller > Engie > Gunner

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The bartender is cuter.

I had a Haz 4 point extraction while playing with a friend and for some reason the game would NOT stop spawning waves. We're pretty sure we hit the entity limit as old bugs were despawning as new waves showed up. And that was BEFORE the swarms actually showed up.
We had to kite a conga line of fuckers around the map nonstop, including a Bulk Detonator, and perform hit-and-run Aquarq excavation. It was actually quite fun and we succeeded but fucking hell.

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because it's fucking garbage and anyone who unironically likes it should genuinely fucking hang themselves

The frequency of spawns is supposed to increase as you spend more time in point extraction, so I can see that happening if you took longer than 15 or 20 minutes. Then again, it's also happened to me right after starting the mission, so it could be a bug.

Point extraction seems to have the craziest spawns. Once I got five bulk detonators on the same map and two of them were at once. After a while point extractions feel like an endless swarm too.

user that's gay.

Yeah I've had similar situation. 2 BD exploded at the base and make it innacessible by normal means, it was silly. I kinda wish the detonator spawn rate was a bit lower and dreadnought was higher, I rarely ever see them.

>aquard mission
>no nitra anywhere
every time

1. Each resource gives you 1 XP per unit at the end with a few of the rare ones giving you 3 XP per unit. Not a lot, but if it is close by, may as well get it.
2. Most people turn on the no duplicates for late joins, so year get some levels in all of them.
3. Don't run off on your own.

Axe for driller, he doesn't need any more AOE but some great single target rounds him out.
LURE is so stupid good on engy no other grenade has a chance.
Scout I would go with IFG or freeze.
Gunner, all of them work.

Seems like bulks are random low chance mob spawns while Dreadnoughts actually replace a normal swarm wave, so they're more special. Not that bulks can't wipe teams either situation depending. Also they might be extremely ultra rare since there is a mission type where you get to see multiple of them anyway, so maybe the devs want to keep Dreadnoughts outside of extermination missions this rare for more of an "oh shit" moment if one does show up.

How does one properly fight a dreadnought as driller? Seems like an extremely bad idea to get up close to one yet all of his weapons are close ranged ones.

C4 charge as he gets out of the egg will blow off his armor in 1 shot.
Cryo gun will slow and eventually freeze him, giving you a safe moment.
Axes do great damage on both him and his armor.
Laser gun does decent damage all around.
You can drill his ass when he's armored.


I really like these guys but I really wished they fixed were it can spawn. Nothing worse than one deciding to spawn on top of you and bam you're just dead. And don't get me started on one spawning under the drop pod in extraction.

Max out freeze strength on his cryocannon and either subata for weakpoint shooting or plasma pistol with bouncy plasma. Freezing the dread stops him spazing around and hiding his butt under cover making him much easier to deal with.

Radioactive zone slowly became my favorite zone. Basically tied now with Crystal Caverns.

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>Play Scout
>Flying around the map, dealing good damage, mining everything
>Play Gunner
>Lay down ziplines for the team, delete everything in sight, fuck up heavy enemies
>Play Engineer
>Trash mobs entirely cease to exist, give Scout lots of mining platforms, enjoy memes with floating platforms to cuck wall-crawling bugs

>Play Driller
>Drill a path to the escape ship, ?????, ?????????

I don't understand why scouts try to play like a gunner or driller, your weapons are for fucking self defense and helping the team in a swarm stop blowing your fucking load and then complaining that you want a second ammo refill and lot the god damn combat classes do their job.

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Drill paths to the mining platform in a point extraction and any hard to reach places, freeze bulk dets and praets

Scout deals almost twice the total DPS of Driller

>big exploder spawns
>then two more at the same time at a later swarm

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And? You're still less ammo efficient than a driller is. Driller can wipe an entire wave of grunts with a single tank fuel.

The game honestly does a really good job at path generation for caves, unless you're short on time (like extraction) it's easier to just walk to where you need to go. And if you can't do that it's usually because it's in the air or over a gap, so Gunner/Scout/Engineer still have the edge with their tools
I'll give you freeze/CC though, he absolutely wins that.

>play driller
>drill through the wall to get minerals stuck to walls before engie shoots platform
>drill shortcuts straight through solid rock
>make staircases to go up
>become team leader when extracting

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>Full tank of fuel for a single wave
That's not efficient at all.

blatant lie or pure stupidity
driller is the second best class right after engineer, he can cheat the game by changing the envoirement to his advantage which is on haz 5 is a necessity while two scouts on haz 5 get you a guaranteed loss, their damage output is laughable and the only thing they can do good is lighting and reaching minerals you fag

>Stuck at the tip-top of a cavern in the Sandblasted region
>Have no way down
>Other guy is a scout
>I'm a driller
>pic related

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I haven't played haz5, just haz4. What changes between them that makes his utility a "cheat" and a necessity for the hazard level
I've never seen him as being particularly useful for general combat in haz4


Why would you want to be a dwarf?

-drill a hole for waves so you dont get fucked from two sides and be able to concentrate the fire on one lengthy tunnel
-make room for fuel pod and beacon in mule missions, you need as much of it as you can since bugs are able to get you down with 4-6 hits
-dig straight to escape pod once the mission is over so you dont have to deal with bugs
-escape from dreadnaught or bulk detonator if cornerd
-get mineral chunks more quickly so you have to deal with less waves
importance in descending order

Wouldn't tunneling for a wave just turn it into a big deathtrap
I mean at least in a semi-open area you can sort of kite enemies if you need to - if you can't outdamage the swarm in a tunnel you're just dead

>Dig a hole
>Sit in the bottom of it
>Neurotoxin grenade detonates at my feet as the crest of the fuckwave arrives
>Pistol is doing god's work under cover of gas
>Neurotoxin is starting to dissipate
>Light that shit up

This is MY hole you fucking bugs.

I always like to imagine the view my teammates get.

in semi open area theres a good chance bugs will sneak by and attack you from behind, which you then have to deal, so you get surrounded realy quickly and have to run
in a tunnel/bunker i barely survive on my own with freezer, alien gun and grenades, with another guy its a cake walk
what happens with all 4 i leave to you to find out

post your id

What's going to be the new class? My money's on a medic.

My money's on either "Something retarded that ruins gameplay flow" or "Something that completely steps all over the toes of one of the other existing classes"

The odds of this happening are pretty much nonexistent but a beast tamer would be cool and it would explain the reason for the company wanting glyphid eggs.

All the current classes have:
two weapons + grenade, wide variety so whatever, new class could have anything
mobility based tool (grapple, platform gun, ziplines, drill)
utility/damage based tool (flare, turret, shield, satchel)

Utility could be anything, so I think the more interesting thing to think about it what mobility options haven't been covered yet.

When is this happening?

Mission control
you are in charge of telling your team when swarms are coming and delivering their resupplies. You can also spam voicelines and change their quests and other such nonsense. The best part is they arent told if you're a player or the AI

I hope the upcoming raid system is fun and not a huge pain.

Similar damage output but half the ammo consumption.

This game sounds fun. I haven't had a fun objective-based co-op to play since I stopped playing Payday 2 with other people.

We just need Greenskins in general, how can you have a Dwarf game without their mortal enemy?

Attached: 1536433046932.gif (480x270, 1.28M)

How do you get past GW autistic selfishness though? Warhammer Orks and Gobs are the most perfected type of Greenskin ever made, from their mannerisms to their procreation which is ingenious to how they manage to be so unkillable.

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It's pretty nice. I think you'll like it.

They're planning a raid system?

Attached: 639.jpg (691x960, 212K)

Its a damn blast with some friends, and only alright when playing solo. Don't be worried about the early access, its one of the ONLY early access games that consistently gets new updates.


Be honest user, how many have you left behind?

Not hom but unironically none. One got downed all the way at the end and the rest of the team hauled ass out of the Pod to go rescue him. LEAVE. NO. DWARF. BEHIND.

Yeah see their last blog post about the blueprints, overclock and batteries

Ah, neat. I'll be looking forward to that one.

Attached: t340.gif (250x250, 2.13M)

Did he died?

Nah, sometimes cats just get excited about cuddling.

Attached: s144923.gif (450x253, 3.66M)

>Swarm in complex Fungus Bogs
>Fall to the bottom of a pit of columns
>No flares hear only screaming bugs
>youtube.com/watch?v=EbI0cMyyw_M starts playing

Attached: ohmyfuckinggod.jpg (300x189, 10K)

You mean, like the Nayaka Trawlers that tunnel under you and snatch you and drag you away from your team at ridiculous high speeds? I mean, they don't really do too much damage, but they're certainly startling when the come up and can really fuck over a teamfight or escape if you're not careful.

Attached: 800px-Trawler[1].png (800x408, 244K)