So, now that the dust has settled, was it good?
So, now that the dust has settled, was it good?
The dust has not settled yet at all, there is still a fair amount of debate as to this games quality.
It was an ok movie
lol here's your final boss bro
I platinumed it the only bad thing about this game is you want more after the end and the sequel isn't out yet
People will tell you it's soi of war but Atreus is Kratos's son by blood. He almost does a spartan rage.
It was mediocre IMO. Flawed in many ways but not the disaster a lot of people on Yea Forums will say it is. A weak 7/10 from me.
It was a good product.
Sold very well, reviewed very well. If I worked at Sony I would be very pleased with it.
Yes it’s good but it’s not on Pc so it’s bad. Thread is done Op is a fag
Pretentious mediocre movie with shitty controls.
Deserves all the onions memes it has spawned.
seething cope cringe
No. It was utterly mediocre, not bad, but mediocre as a game. Also this and this Soi of War is a fitting title for it, frankly.
Here come the Nincels like clockwork
I'm neither of those guys and I have literally never owned a Nintendo console in my life and I think it's mediocre. I loved the previous games, except for Ascension which I never played. This was a far cry from what those games had going for them and it failed on the most important bits because of the focus on story.
no it was average
I've only played the first two but, wanted to play the others. This one looks least interesting to me mainly because the "Durr vikings" have to be thrown into everything as they are in the 2000's what Ninja's were in the 90's
Lacking in fun stuff like funny costumes or weapons but the combat is better than the old games.
Werewolf's look like vaginas when Kratos rips them in half
Cool combat system, nice art
I hate all the unskippable cutscenes they hurt replayability and the angry dad game thing is a fucking meme at this point.
Yeah, it's ok. A good foundation. Reminds me of GoW1 where I was less excited for the actual game than I was speculating for what would be in GoW2.
Kratos was hiding in the woods because he was keeping Low-key
Haha. Haahaha. Ha.
They made them skippable in ng+, but they really should have been skippable in normal ng.
You can skip cutscenes in NG+
NG+ has skippable cutscenes
And it fits, cause Loki was a fucking powerhouse in the actual myths
He could punch troll's teeth out
Unironically one of my favourite games of all time
Well shit guess I'm a dumbass I lost interest after clearing the nasty mt fog and never beat it.
I'm sure SM will be cowards and skip the whole fucked by a horse thing.
Have sex.
He's primed to be the protagonist at some point maybe part 2 he'll be a teenager and start working on his melee skills he's already a crackshot archer
That's too bad, but the combat isn't as crazy as the old games so I understand; the final fight is a passive limp noodle too.
GOTY 2018, absolutely amazing.
have a platform with games
It was like an 8/10 might play it again eventually
I got bored with it.
Or they got ready to be progressive and they'll have the scene ready in 2023, when bestiality and pedophilia will be a part of LGBT
I gave up on it when I realized there's no jump button. What a fucking joke of a game. A disgrace for the rest of the series
Played through it twice and loved it.
So imo it was fantastic
sells well =/= good product
Good product != good game
>I bought the game and played it
>still a nincel because I didn't like it
The absolute state of console peasants
Dilate, snoyboy.
It's a really good movie. It was a gift from my wife's boyfriend and I still rewatch it when they're busy.
It is a good product well polished and complete with zero microtransactions and a NG+ mode that adds more stuff while being as long as all 3 previous GoW games combined
>while being as long as all 3 previous GoW games combined
who would want to watch a movie that long
Pretty good. The camera has to zoom out more in combat so we don't always get hit from behind and I hope the ps5 can make the game much faster overall. More enemies would have been nice. Always hearing about those grand stories while you kill the same old Draugr gets boring.
I kinda doubt that Kratos will be killed for good in the sequel as the prophecy foretells. He will die like in the old games but leave Hel so we can explore the other side of the bridge of the dammed. Maybe at the start Thor kills him and we can see him meet up with Tyr and learn to be a good fucking god. So far he seems to have lost his object of vengeance but ready to kill anyone he wants to reach his goals. Makes me wonder if Baldur will be in the sequel since he should be in Hel too
It's the best God of War game by a country mile, would've been a 10 if there was more titties
No not really. I have this one massive Sony shill friend who was shilling this game to me for free telling me how amazing it is and whatever and then it won the GOTY so I thought hey it might actually be good and Yea Forums is wrong so I bought it and Yea Forums was right its fucking shit. The maps are way too linear and the hub worlds in general are way too small. The combat is as you'd expect from a hack and slash, nothing amazing there but it's not shit combat at least. The whole dad of boy stuff is cringe as hell we're talking about a supposed god of war and they could have gone so many ways with that but they decided to make it into some baby sitting game. The mini games/puzzles aren't very deep 99% of them are extremely easy and not very challenging. I expected way more from the boss battles. I expected way more in terms of questing because even the shittest games now offer a wide variety of side missions and quests but god of war lacks heavily.
To put it into some comparison, witcher 3 offers a vast open world with a fuckload of quest lines and many of them have alternative endings. It also offers lots of varied enemies and weapons. In general I don't think anyone can deny the witcher 3 offers substantially more as a game compared to god of war. You might think its a dumb comparison till you find out god of war had over double the budget compared to witcher 3 and isn't even half the game. It leaves you wondering where all that money was spent. Probably on high quality cinematic cut scenes.
Yes, but the gameplay is boring.
Overrated slog of a game. Only got the reviews it got because its Sony and shit eating ""Game"" ""Journalist""
blow their dilate holes at the thought of reviewing movie games
>It's the best God of War game by a country mile
I need to know if you honestly believe this or if it's just bait. Please user, just be completely 100% serious for one moment and tell me if this is bait or not.
They left the best part for the sequel intentionally.
The puzzles are fucking braindead, I remember playing Acension and the furnace puzzle was mind blowing, this game just gives you shit like "pixel hunt 3 targets then throw your axe at them fast enough and you'll open the chest" WOW
The camera choice is fucked up, the use of the blades isnt even that different from the old games, but the camera and rune system fucks it all up.
Fighting the valkyries exposed how the camera and the dodge system can fuck you up, the valkyrie queen had such a tight window for avoiding her install kill move you have literally milliseconds perfect to avoid it
Also, the valkyres have several different attacks that have essentially the same telegraph but one needs to be dodged and the other blocked. Basically a lottery unless you have 300 hours in the game and can recognize the tiny difference in the attack animation. The lack of a jump button is also ridiculous for a game of this type.
It looked like a generic Sony game that they covered with a God of War coat of paint to market it better.
One of the worst looking gameplay systems out there, but not the worst I have seen.
The only Valyrie that's a threat is the queen the others can be outleveled to the point the do little damage to you
It's very good. I love the franchise. People claiming it's a movie or walking simulator or whatever usually haven't played it. It's not as purely gameplay as the previous ones, but the combat has more depth. Great weight to the hits. It needed more bosses and better enemy variety. If the jump from 4 to 5 is similar to the jump from 1 to 2, we could have the GOAT on our hands.
It was a pretty weak game. Definitely didn't have any impact on the industry.
>No impact on the industry
>Won game of the year
>won a literal golden monkey
nice impact retard
still no impact detected
Rent free
Not that guy, but if you think a game winning GOTY doesn't make it impactful you are absolutely delusional.
What impact does a goty award quantify?
Developers and publishers strive for GOTY awards. It's part prestige and part money. Publishers will often give their developers a bonus if they meet a certain threshold score on Metacritic (no joke). So, a game winning GOTY sets an example for the entire rest of the industry of what is successful. Obviously you won't suddenly see every game turning into GoW, but what you will definitely see is more games of this type still being made and the era of Sony cinematic experiences being prolonged even further.
Is there a quantifiable example of this phenomenon that can be observed or if we look at the previous goty awards from the spike award show will we find the opposite? If your assertion is true, isn't it ultimately undesirable that games win such an award as it further homogenizes all games? How does it benefit gamers? Does it actually hurt them?
I liked it a lot.
But I'm not sure if I like this more than GoW 3.
I honestly believe this started off as a different series but somewhere down the line they decided to incorporate GoW and Kratos. The over the shoulder 3rd person camera is so fucking busted and not God of War at all
Plague : A tale of innocence seems inspired by LoU/GoW
seems mostly inspired by 10 years of mediocre walking simulators and half-baked narrative games.
it's fucking amazing honestly
It was pretty good and I'd like to play the sequel because as soon as you finish the story, you got no incentive to go further than that. I had a few side stories and Valkyries to beat up but I quickly dropped the game after the credit because there was no points to them. I still got another world to explore but I don't really want to.
It's one of those games that could have been better if it was streamlined as a linear game instead of being open-world.
like God of Boy?
and the 300 games before it that all look, play and feel exactly the same.
It was the best Gow to date, easy 8/10 game