Button A >Video games cost $80 and take longer to make >But the core game is completely intact >Cosmetics, characters, weapons >All included with the $80 price tag >Anything that doesn't fit the original scope of the game is still sold as DLC
Button B >Games are now episodic, and bought a la carte >Base game ranges from free to upwards of $40 >Each season will then cost anywhere from $5 to $20 (or $40 if you're Bethseda or EA) >Development time is shorter, since developers release content as it's ready >Players don't feel fucked over if they buy a game they don't like
Button 3 >Games cost $100, but all forms of paid DLC are illegal >As a result from the loot box fallout, lawmakers now decry that paid DLC is false advertising, and developers now have to sell and price games in their entirety >Developers like EA will still try to find a way around the law
I don't press anything and walk away because prices are fine as they are and there's only the odd few occasions where I've actually cared enough where DLC became an issue since I'm not a complete sperg.
A Even considering the best outcome of each (all can have great results), the one in A feels better to me since there is a clear goal for what the game is supposed to be, and if its great then there is nothing wrong with adding a bit more where it makes sense. No need to have this huge following and audience to release something new for that franchise since you could only justify making more content if you could release a brand new, expensive to make ,game, like in C.
Then B however you kind of get something that may feel incomplete, but is forced to have stuff added, and while that happens the direction shifts around and if you liked the original product by the end of the year it may be something very different.
There is much more space for the buyer not knowing what is the actual product in B.
Isaac Barnes
I wont press any button you fucking corporate shill. You niggers earn more than ever and still want to raise the price of games. I hope this industry will crash once again.
Evan Martin
>button A >button B >button 3 WHERE'S BUTTON C YOU FUCKING IDIOT
Brandon Rodriguez
For button 3, I keep coming back to Half 2, .\\ series, and Telltale, which worked great, until it didn't.
Makes you excited for a game, and releases them in bite-size, easy-to-digest nuggets, instead of these exhausting epics, that only get worse as they release more DLC.
I guess it really depends on the gamer and developer. As it is, the prices for games need more flexibility, since all games are different, and also valued differently per customer. If I could buy the entire game from the get-go, without having to tack on the compulsory Season Pass, I would. I feel like Season Passes are a slap in the face.
I don't know man--either I'm getting old, or games just don't excite me anymore, and I feel like monetary accessibility is part of the problem.
>earn less than literally every other field you could get into with the same skills because the only thing that keeps you going is the aspiration to create art >Inflation makes you earn more than 20 years ago >"wtf why are you unhappy"
Jordan James
Button B is objectively the best. There is nothing wrong with episodic games and only retarded faggots get upset about buying a game in four quarters at $15 each instead of a whole game for $60
Carson Green
#3 and pirate it all
Blake Bailey
>There is nothing wrong with episodic games xcept for all episodes beyond the first one being utter shit
Lincoln Kelly
buying one episode for $15 and no others because they're shit is somehow worse than buying a title at full price where only the beginning is good?