Other urls found in this thread:
How does it work?
buy me free gema
Elaborate on this, user.
>spend $150+
>get $5 coupon
Which would be great, if you didn't need to spend ~$150 to begin with to get the $5 discount.
it has stacked for the past 5 days now. the actual problem is obtaining the discounts and that wont happen unless you spend a ton of cash you dumb nigger.
>How does it work
Look up the springful brit on YouTube
This person is more retarded than OP
Fuck Steam and fuck Steam faggots
You get points and coins from achievements and playing games, I know it's hard to believe but you don't have to spend any money on this sale, you just have to play your games
This tbqh
t. mad chink kid
What went wrong? Stick of Truth was a big success wasn't it
Fucked up.
Not at all, Steam is for faggots though
Enjoy your games you don't own
>spend +/- $150
>get $5 discount
>2 year old niche game
>wow, why is it on sale
This one is worse
The combat is better but the story is weak in comparison
It feels like a chink job
gog cultist? ah, I see, I couldn't expect more from a low IQ pleb like you, fucking faggot
I'm sorry, I fail to see your argument
Or drink soda
>bro it’s a free game
But that is wrong dipshit. You can only redeem your up to your cap once per day which is pathetically low unless you spend a shitload of money.
>buy starbound
>install soda mod
>drink soda until you get enough points for a coupon
>repeat until free game
yea but the game is free bro
>only to be capped unless you spend a ton of money
>spend $300 in 6 months
reed tribe big smarts. grug in awe of shine badge sparkle.
I haven't spent a dime and I've gotten 3 games for free, if you're complaining that you aren't getting ENOUGH free games then you're just an entitled little shit
There is a limit with how many points you can earn. The only real way to increase the cap is by buying more games.
My current cap even after spending 20 bucks is around 16.000 (actually 50 BR Reais, which due to Steams lazy currency conversion, actually nets me more points than it should) which is good for one 5 dollar discount.
Fuck off shill
wait, are our points boosted supposed to reset each day?
Purcheses you made during the Lunar sale also count for the level cap.
>I haven't spent a dime
How the hell did you get your capacity that high then.
Eat my fucking ass. You clearly did. If not in this sale then you did in the last two.
>hey guys spend money in exchange for goods
please go back to /pol/
Purchases since the lunar sale.
If you don't spend any actual money in this sale whenever you use a boost the next day your point cap is reset to only 100 points that day.
>>hey guys spend money in exchange for goods
>Spend money
>Free games
choose one
you get a discount and can recieve a free game. i am sorry your 3rd world and pure """"""white"""""" brain can not understand it
I just get some dancing nigger
>you get a discount and can receive a free game.
After spending tons O money user
You also get the tokens back if you order a refund which is nice
don't you need to spend like $200 to get enough points for multiple?
you can just play any game with achievements and get at least one, over the length of the sale.
south park is shit now, huge chunk of audience lost, game is shit compared to stick, audience lost x2
>Never spent a single cent on Steam
>4000 coins after boosting each day since the begining of the sale
No free games for me I guess
I thought they didn't stack
I shouldn't have leveled up my worthless badge
Exactly. They aren't really free games when you have to spend 200+ dollars for a fucking coupon.
I agree that 5$ off a purchase for just playing games is nice.
But regards like op will spend a lot of money to get 15 euro off for something they probably wouldn't have bought anyway.
It's Jewish tricks 101 and it werks everytim
>Cant earn any points for some reason
>Upgrade your maximum points or wait until tomorrow to claim your points
You will have to spend money on it though. Frankly I'm just happy that I won one game for free and that's about it.
>30 fucking minutes of bootleg totalbiscuit
yeah no
there's a cap to those points you absolute mongoloid
I've been at 0 points for nearly 2 days now, this was the first time I attempted to earn points in the event.
>It takes multiple days for “tomorrow” to come so I can claim my points
Now this is epic
You only get 100 per day so depending on how much you boosted it will definitely take several days.
spend to get ""free"" games
this comment fucked me up. do you think there's kids at elementary schools arguing over whose dad has a higher steam level
I’ve waited multiple days to even boost again with no reset.
this is how Valve has always handled their monetization. they just let the retards come to them. I am totally fine with it, honestly
>thinks things you have to spend money to get are free
can steam do something against you with this?
Limit your points which is what they do so it's whatever
Can you still do the exploit?
ok thx anons
Why bother when it doesn't matter at all? "Points" are practically infinite if you have games with achievements, the only way to use them is to spend money. Exploiting to get loads of points is meaningless.
>Dumb redditfag spends 430 dollars on games he isnt interested in to level up the badge
How can a retard have so little awareness he is a complete tool and gaben is the one who got him to spend 430 dollars for jack shit, not the other way around?
The event is so poorly set up and you aren’t breaking any rules so the answer is no. You might get unlucky and just have steam decide star bound doesn’t have achievements and anything you do in it doesn’t count like it did to 99% of my library and will not count anything I do in TF2 or warthunder
Retards, there are points, and points capacity.
Points are infinite. Why waste time in starbound for 10 points when you can get several hundreds of thousands of points with any achievement game.
The points you can collect is capped at 100 per day, and the only way to increase it is spending cash.
Steam is targeting people with "sunken cost falacy" to trick them into spending money to not waste the useless points they have accumulated, even though the points mean nothing
bros wtf corgi won and i haven't recieved my free game.
The soda mod has now been removed from Steam.
Should not have picked team were all redditors and normalfags went, too much competition within to win a game.
It’s 10 points at a time and it stacks. If you download a mod from the workshop that allows sodas to be crafted with a single dirt block it will work faster and more efficient then any I’ve seen. Steam as also been super fucked at detecting if a game has achievements. It’s retarded to buy starbound just for the sell, but if you already have it it’s a decent point farm
I got like a billion available points from binding of Isaac achievements.
The problem is the fucking gauge meter that always fall down to a 100.
The discount stacks but it is near damn unobtainable an if you do it right, you can save $20 off a $1000 purchase...well I am converting to U.S I use 3rd world funny money (Euros)
Just spawn the Soda instead with admin commands because it also doesnt care about that.
I do not own starbound because I am not a retard who felt for le indie kickstarter game.
Spending money on a game to get a potential $5 discount is retarded.
>people still, almost a week into the event, haven't figured out that points are worthless
>there are still people dumb enough to think they can farm 5$ discounts and that there are exploits for points
Jesus fucking Christ.
I know this shithole isn't know for the high intellect of its users, but this is beyond retarded even for Yea Forums.
And don't give me that "But it's poorly explained and a convoluted mess" excuse. Of course it fucking is, but apart from being relatively easy to figure out on your goddamn own if you actually try to understand this mess it has been explained a thousand times every single day of this shitfest of an event that points are not the important currency in all of this and are essentially infinite.
You would have to get two coupons to even pay for the cost of buying it.
Does the 5 dollar discount only work while the steam summer sales going on? should i use it now?
Yeah having to spend 300$ to get games for 10$ is "free"
The event is still a shitshow
Do you expect these retards to READ THE RULES?
Points are stupid easy to get off of achievements. The problem is that you need to increase the point cap, which you cannot do in any significant way unless you spend more money.
All these videos about farming points when literally all you have to do is play any one game with achievements to reach the cap.
You can farm discounts though. It's just that you can only get so much per day without paying. Personally I had 15k points already, so I can use the meme cheevos every day to rack up enough discounts to get Cyberpunk 2077 for free, without spending any more money. Or to get several discounted games.
It's not infinite money though, because ultimately the amount of discounts you can get is capped by how much you've spent. So if you try to raise your point limit by spending money in order to spend less money, you're just spitting in the wind.
PC slave race
How do we increase our max without spending money?
Realistically you can reach at least the first 5 dollars either through games you actually wanted or stuff you bought during chink appreciation month.
It’s slowly increases by 100 although I’ve seen it skip out on that a few times
Gotta make an uplay account to play, fuck that. Refunded my purchase right there.
...Not. Getting achievements doesn't increase the capacity.
you don't have to increase the capacity. You can just get cheevos, and over enough time you'll still bank up and spend enough points per day to afford the coupon. It's free real estate.
this event is a fucking joke, race was balanced for 2 days and then valve decided to fuck it up again for no reason at all
What the fuck even happened on day 4 I log into steam and see negative 30k boost on team mutt with the other teams fighting it out with like 10k boost
Steam is targeting retards into parting with their money, which is fine by me.
The fuck does this even mean, retard? You can't get new points without high enough capacity. Are you just making shit up on the go or something?
You can do those tasks for an extra 2000. Other than that, you don't.
>being this retarded
You can spend your Corgi points on $5 discount tokens and can use as many tokens as you want when buying a game. If you've got enough for 12 tokens, then you can pick up a brand new AAA title or a 3 year old nip title at no cost to you.
Let me slow this down so you can understand it, you 40 IQ baboon nigger
When you do the cheevos, you acquire boost points. You can spend these points on boosting your team.
You can only spend so many boost points per day. Let's say it's 10,000. These points translate 1:1 to tokens once spent.
A 5 dollar off coupon is 15,000 tokens (points). If you can spend 10,000 points per day - without buying anything - then you can get a coupon in 2 days, or 2 coupons in 3 days.
That's $10 in free games, in 2 days, without having to actually spend anything.
You can also get another 2000 capacity from the little checklist.
Didn't this just say you can only exploit the badge to gain levels?
>farm for discounts with [thing]!
>[thing] gives you points, but won't increase your max points
>to increase your max points, you still need to spend money
If your max points are low, what's the point?
>wait it out, every day your max points increases by 100, soon you'll have enough for that $5 discount!
There's only 8 days left of races (maybe 9, depends on what time of day it ends). That means you'll only get another 800 (or 900) points, so if your current point cap is less than 14,200 (or 14,100), then you won't be able to earn enough the discount without spending more money.
I missed out on a week of this. Fuck me.
can someone link that voucher redeem site? i have nothing like that in my steam store
i can only use points to boost
Has anyone got Cyperpunk for free? i think that it is 0000000000.1% to get it right? They would not Jew them out of money for a brand new game.
I'm not the one who misunderstands the event one week in. Kill yourself.
Valid until June 9th when the sale ends.
You’re spending money on a different game you retards
Wait really? Fuck, I wish I knew that before I spent 7 hours in that game I bought
You're a stupid retard and you should fucking kill yourself. Show me how you get a coupon every day like you claimed without raising capacity, dipshit. Yeah right you can't.
but the points don't reset, are you retarded or is my account bugged?
You can get cyberpunk for free just by playing games every day of the sale. Cyberpunk is $60, which means you need 12 coupons at 15k points each to buy it - 180,000 points. There are 14 days in which to spend points, so if your capacity began at at least 180,000/14 = ~12,858 points, you can get it at zero monetary cost.
Though to be fair if you're a complete newfag with no games on steam I think you only get like 100 point capacity.
My capacity got reset daily though. wtf? I had 500 yesterday and now it is only 100. wtf is going on?
You're an actual fucking imbecile, holy fuck how can someone be this stupid. Next time when you have no clue what you're talking about don't post.
Those 10000 max points don't reset, you only use them once and get 100 max extra every day unless you bought games in the past or right now.
>a whole week
>retards still cant understand how capacity works
summer at it again
They don't reset, unless my account is also bugged.
You start with more capacity based on your steam account's age and already-owned games. Unless you're an actual fetus you should have at least 10k more every day.
>tfw newfags mad that oldfags are getting showered in free shit
Good luck spending 1800$ for that capacity, dumbfuck idiot
>have over 800 games on steam
>26000 capacity
the points don't reset what the fuck are you guys talking about?
I have an asston of points for games I can claim but it only lets me claim a hundred points at a time.
the first was made by obsidian the second was made by some shovelware dev
you don't get 10k ever day, your capacity only increases by 100 a day you retard
It literally only adds 100 capacity each day, you lying piece of dogshit.
You're a stupid nigger monkey. My account is over 10 years old and has over 500 games and I started out with 100 capacity like everyone else. You have more because you spent money.
>this fucking thread
so this is the power of pc gaming
Do the tokens work on any game?
ding dong bannu?
You start with extra capacity if you bought games in the period after the lunar sale finished and now. Account age/games owned/money spent before then don't matter.
My account is 14 years old and I have 400 games. Got only 100 capacity. Something does not add up here.
Because it's supposed to reset.
All those thousand of points you got early on without buying anything was just a gift from Valve based on the previous events like Lunar Sale.
You spend those and now you'll only be able to claim 100 points per day from quests unless you buy games to increase your daily capacity.
So in the end you may be stuck like me, for example. I have ~10k points used on boost (and 10k tokens, obviously) but I'm only getting 100 points per day so there's no change I'll get my 5$ discount unless I buy to I could claim more than 100 points.
>one week into the event and retards still don't understand how max capacity works
It’s an amazing poorly worded and just fucks up on the regular
>one day your amount boosted resets without a purchase
>wait multiple days and never even get your pity points
>event just doesn’t pick up some games in your library for fuck know what reason
its literally just IF YOU BUY NOW YOU WILL """SAVE""" X AMOUNT type of scheme
>pay for games with patreonbux
>make a clickbaity video about it
>get more patreonbux
who is the real tool
What a joke. at least one 5$ discount should be easily obtainable. Especially for loyal customers with a lot of achievements etc. . Valve really turned into a bunch of assholes.
>event just doesn’t pick up some games in your library for fuck know what reason
You need to play the game for 30 minutes during the event to count for the event.
It resets every day. what don't you people understand about this, I already got 6 coupons. I'm going to preorder cyberpunk in a few days. Is this some elaborate troll or are people really not understanding the point of this sale? It's a loyalty reward and it gets you to engage with the store and games. The number on the left is how much you spend, the right is daily capacity to boost with.
I'm just astounded that they took the same $5 discount from the Lunar Sale, except now you have to spend 150 fucking dollars to qualify for the discount as opposed to 30. What were they honestly thinking? How did they make that leap?
1200 points from the free 100 points each day.
2000 points from the tasks.
2000 points from the sorry our event is so shit apology.
1000 points for switching team (assuming you got given that option).
That's 6200 points available for free. Since the discount costs 15000 tokens that means you need to spend $88 to get the extra tokens to afford it. If you have things you want to buy then sure, go for it, but if you don't you should just forget about it.
They made that leap because you don't have to spend to qualify for it retard
I too can inspect element my fellow epic hacker user. Do you really think you're fooling anybody?
>It resets every day
No it doesn't, you lying piece of shit.
it literally is
your tank empties every day, you know because you DROVE IN THE GRAND PRIX, THEN YOU CAN REFILL IT WITH POINTS DAILY FOR MORE TOKENS
you can get them without buying games in the sale
Am i on crazy pills? What the fuck is happening, am i the only one who gets to play the game this way?
now post all your coupons in your cart :^)
That'd cost them way too much. Steam had 90 million monthly users a while ago. Giving every single one of them a $5 discount for free would be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. No way any company will ever do that.
This event is seriously fucked up.
People "cheated" badge levels (not like those have any real value but it's still an abuse).
Badly worded rules so that brainlets like me have a hard time understanding how this whole shit works.
Race teams fiasco aka Corgi overpowered.
Some developers got shafted because people began to remove games from wishlistst to get a free game for a race, instead of moving the game to the top of the list.
Dude I've been at 15k used 15k max since event started no reset or anything I am pretty pissed cuase I blew allmy points thinking it was gonna reset the next day
I dunno, maybe the 6 months of observing people shitting their pants in rage over having to run a different .exe to play like 3 games clued them in to how retarded and obsessive their drones really are.
How? You only get 100 points a day, even with all my rare achievement's. It does not matter.
Holy fuck how do people STILL not understand this. Unless you started with enough capacity right off the bat for the discount, you DO have to spend. The ONLY free capacity increases are the 100 per day (1300 total for the entirety of the event), the 2000 from the one-off checklist and the 1000 from switching teams (which isn't available for everyone). So that's between 3300 - 4300 free capacity. You'd need to start with 10,700 - 11,700 capacity to get a free $5 by the very end of the event, user. Show me how much capacity you started with you fucking numbskull. And if somehow you did get that much capacity, congratulations, you're likely less than 1% of Steam users that got that.
Games that aren’t even installed counted for me while I’ve only found 2 installed games in my library it wants to count regardless of play time
I only get 100 a day, and only one time got like 1000 for my achievements. I don't know man. Everything seems pretty fucked up somehow.
Hacker 4chin at it again.
Who do you think you're fooling, user? There are millions of people participating and they all can verify how this works directly by NOT getting the discount and NOT increasing their capacity. They can see it for themselves.
>spend days grinding garbage games to get a $5-10 virtual steam dollarydoos which can only be used to buy more trash games
Are you autistic? Get a distant job and earn real money if you have that much time and motivation.
you are absolutely retarded and provide misleading information. Your TOTAL CAPACITY gets used when you claim points from quests and then you need to spend more money in order to get more capacity, so that you can claim more points and boost. How do you get FREE CAPCITY?- a couple of ways: you get a 100 capacity free each day, but only if you boosted at least once; you can get capacity by doing the Qualifier Tasks(2k total) or by randomly switching teams(1k total) if you got lucky and actually have that option.
The lunar event had you spend $30 bucks, which was way more reasonable than this dogshit.
I'm confused how do i get the tokens? i have 9k points, do i boost the team?
but that would be child labor
Yes if you use your points to boost then those points get turned into tokens.
A lot of people had left over lunar sell tokens. My guess is it was a way to get use out of them and seem like good guys while also adding a buffer for any tards that didn’t know how to use them then or saved them up for god knows what reason.
sucks to be you user, i already got hundreds of free games because valve acknowledges my loyalty. try being more loyal
i only have 3k points to obtain, what gives
There's another way to get Cyberpunk for free once it's released, don't worry user
It really was. I was hoping they'd do a repeat but instead this event is bullshit and wants you to spend like $100. Fuck that.
It does let you boost your steam level really easily so that's good for people who care about that at least.
Stop shilling your video cunt.
Right but the leap from $30 to $150 is still enormous even with the relatively low amount of point capacity that each person started with. I would wager that the vast majority of people will not be able to use this discount. Maybe that was the idea? To get fewer people to use the discount, or to trick people into spending a shit ton of money to get a tiny discount? It's dogshit either way.
retards should really read
15000 shekels will be redeemed at purchase
it takes 5 minutes to install starbound, the soda mod, and then drink a few sodas
Wow, you sure showed Gabe by spend hundreds of dollars.
Fucking sad desu. They could have made it super comfy for people with many achievements aka loyal customers, but they did not. They could have made this a tradition which would increase game time / user time on their platform, since player would be motivated to earn some rare achievements and buy more expensive games that are not on sale, since they get a discount. But Valva rather hires some SJW game studio(firewatch devs) and does not care about HL 3. Tim Sweeney is probably reading these threads and having a wank while doing so.
Lunar sale had two discounts. There was the automatic $30 one, and another token one which worked exactly the same as this event's one.
Basically they traded the $30 discount for the dumb minigame with free game giveaways. Which is good for a very small number of people who manage to win, but everyone else gets fucked. So it sucks in the end.
That gets you points, which are worthless without capacity, which you need to spend money to increase. That people are still losing their minds thinking they found an exploit with Starbound or any other game that gives a lot of points just shows both how little the userbase understands this event and how convoluted Valve made it.
I guess I forgot the other discount that could be bought with tokens, right. Huh. I would rather have that than this totally broken mini"game" anyway.
I have no idea how this event works lmao. I have 5000 points, plus another 7000 I can't claim yet?
I had 11k to start thanks to left over new year points I didn’t spend. It’s still valve obviously using a spend money to save money scheme, but a lot of people could buy games or DLC they actually want and then pick up something cheap for ““free””
Why are people pretending like you can actually claim points without spending a shit ton of money during the sale?
I can only claim 100 out of my 28000 points because of that.
That's a really big starting number. Most reports I've read have people starting with a few thousand regardless of how much their accounts are worth or how much they've spent in the past year. It's inconsistent. I started with maybe 5000 or so.
The people screeching about starbound are mostly tards that care about badge level
Hold on so I have to buy games everyday of the sale in order to get coupons for cheaper games? Wonder if there's some way to cheat it and say spend $15 to preorder cyberpunk or something like that, doesn't seem like it since there's daily limit to the amount of points you can get per day.
I've spent 300 leafux on this sale but I only have 4k/138k points. I just want the sale vouchers. What do?
Fucking kek
so if you were to have a cap of 15k, you could get a $5 discount daily after the reset?
it's always shitty games tho, not really worth it
>8 year account
hello new friend lmfao
It doesn't reset so you will have 1 5$ coupon
But it's the same regardless of whether you want the discount or the badge level, you need capacity for both.
Coupon applies to any game.
But you basically have to spend money on other games first to increase your token capacity to the point where you can claim a coupon.
How much you'll have to spend depends on how many points you got from Valve but if you start from zero you will need to spend 150$ to get to that coupon.
i need sauce right fucking NOW
>If you requested and were granted a refund for a Steam purchase, then any tokens you earned from that purchase that you redeemed at the Pit Stop will be deducted from your account. If that results in your token balance becoming negative, then the most recent items (or games with the shopping cart discount) you've redeemed tokens for will be removed from your account.
They're stupid, but not that stupid.
If you have any games with achievements done you can get points from them. Just idle in them for 30 mins and they'll become available.
Has it been fixed? My soda count is stuck at 210 and not updating.
this is why I haven't used steam for years.
at the end of the day that fatass lardpig is just as despicable and kikeish as the epic chink store, Ubishit, Activison and EA.
Steam is a ruthless, cold calculating, zoomer manipulating (it's psychology 101 nothing less nothing more) business and that lardass pigswine is not your friend.
>kek wills it
I have 6k points through starbound. Where are my free games?
I wish I hadn’t wasted my 30k for the $10 discount and leveled up my steam account instead. Especially considering I don’t even like the game I bought.
It literally gives you all the points again every day just for opening the game. the fuck are you grind for retard?
Badge level is far easier to obtain then le ebin based 5 dollars the most expensive 10 levels is only 1k
>play game for 30 minutes
>get over 9,000 points from achievements
>can only claim 100 points because max points is
1,100 and I boosted 1,000 already
>people think they found some crazy exploit
>valve profits immensely from it
I think Starbound sold 150,000 copies for this alone. That's a million bucks.
Thanks user. So I just idle a bunch of games with unearned cheevos to "unlock" sale-specific cheevos? I'm so confused.
>my 30k for the $10 disc
why bother leveling up steam account? is there ANY benefit?
I just don't get it
Sauce now, please!
Great now everyone can experience the best furry rape game on the market.
The only benefit is "bragging rights", which is retarded because this event completely devalues levels and means anyone can be level 20 billion if they want. Levels aren't even worth bragging about.
I don't know. I have been ignoring the event until just now that I started drinking sodas and I'm not getting more points.
The only tangible benefit is that your chance of receiving a random booster pack for a game you own increases by 20% every 10 levels. You can then sell these cards for a few cents.
>Once you have received all of your card drops, you become eligible for a booster pack, which is a set of 3 trading cards that may include both basic and foil cards. Booster packs are granted randomly to eligible users as more badges are crafted by members of the community. Make sure you log in to Steam each week to maintain eligibility.
>Once eligible, your Steam Level increases your rate of receiving a booster pack drop:
>Level 10: +20% increase in your drop rate
>Level 20: +40% increase in your drop rate
>Level 30: +60% increase in your drop rate
>Level 40: +80% increase in your drop rate
>Level 50: +100% increase in your drop rate (i.e. the rate has doubled)
What don't you get?
Buy games to claim more than 100 points.
You need ridiculous amount of Max points for that. Implying you paid a metric shitgigaton of money to Valve beforehand.
>$5 -15000 token coupon is only $1.9 usd on my shitty regional currency while cyberpunk costs $70
People brag about being able to win in vidya when they are hacking, win the participation award, cuck more then their neighbor, and find a fucking quarter on the sidewalk bragging about a meaningless steam level shouldn’t be surprising basically
We live in a society
you have to spend money to increase your max points capacity
There are videos abound claiming to give you infinite vouchers and levels in the Grand Prix but this exploit doesnt do that, it only gives points which are worthless without capacity. Playing any of my games for 30 minutes gave me 30000 points in achievements, enough to carry me through the entire event, yet Starbound shot up into Top Sellers from everyone attempting this?
Its crazy how easily misinformed everyone can be.
found it
this is all a plan made by the Starbound devs to lure retards and kids that are too fucking dumb to read the rules, togheter with the youtuber that made that video. I guarantee you this is 100% shills baiting and retards falling for them in this thread.
>not shopping 420 points
>not shopping the corgi actual multiplier
So basically these people buying Starbound are completely clueless cunts?
Show us your purchase history then.
Did anyone even win a free game on the daily drawing?
It's complicated but TL;DR: Some accounts have their capacity reset daily. Some don't reset. It's not known which is the intended behavior. It's thought to be somehow linked to the routine that adds a little capacity each day but no one is certain how this fucking rube goldberg machine of a sale works so no one is sure.
>people that buy a lot of games a get bit of discount
>hahah based steam giving free games in the cool event
Man fuck epic but at least they are honest about their free games giveaway
Clueless or weirdly fucking obsessed with steam level
>bought battletech dlc
>bought gtav
>still 100 cap
this sucks.
look at the Driver Dash up top
look at points boosted/max points
you can only boost 100 until your capacity is maxed
I like what I'm seeing but I need full videos
user, I...
the bottom holds a video
Oh i knew exactly what i was buying when i got starbound
Complete bullshit.
have sex
>doing all of this takes more time than just going to work for some hours
>you will waste your money on games you won't like
Fuck vidya games and fuck Steam and fuck Yea Forums
Well, at least we got PAYNE in this thread...
Are you really that stupid or just a Valve shill trying to dissuade other anons to exploit their stupid minigame?
for every X you spend on Steam, you will increase your maximum points that you can earn by X points.
>retards still don't know that Stardew Valley works 10 times better than Starbound
Doesn't matter tho because max capacity fucks you either way.
My capacity reset twice so it does reset, but fuck me if I found out why or what triggered it
I literally got 15 free games so far during this event, didn't purchase anything. AMA
This is fucking retarded. I'd rather just buy the fucking instead of wasting away my lifespan drinking soda for 5$
It's so funny to see a jewish slave defend his master. Ad hominem is the only argument his primitive brain can come up with.
You can also load the second challenge in Mudrunner and run over a bunch of pumpkins for easy points. I look forward to the next LEET EXPLOIT HACK video about that.
stop baiting fucking retard
This. I got like 6k on day one. Than on day 3 I got 2k. Than back to 100 + this special 500 quest. I got nothing for my 8€ purchase. Now I am at 100 again. Something is fucked.
My capacity would reset too if I was a schizo like you.
>Retard that doesn't understand the event
The video doesn't seem to be working for me :(
It’s not that I want to brag about my steam level, it’s just that it’s only a $10 discount, and getting those levels cost a lot more money, which makes me feel like I’ve wasted a lot of money even though I wouldn’t have leveled up my steam account using my real money ever.
>team tortoise
>eating shit all week
>finally win a race
>no free game
You are a retarded chimp that didn't read Valve gave us a bonus 2000 max points for the issues with the game. That's all.
Ok so, if my max points are around 3k, i'm fucked right?
Shh! Let the user think he's saving money. His world will collapse when he realizes his reaction was the plan all along.
>filled with memes
Why do youtubers love to do this?
It's like 100 people that get a free game out of everyone. Chances are very slim even if you pick the team that wins.
have babies
pretty sure thats a feature of the mod pack.
>do youtubers love to do this?
Appealling to widest audience for ad bucks, the same reason youtubers do literally anything
Since you can't really win in team corgi anyways, should I get this sweet 1k boost?
>wasting away my lifespan drinking soda for 5$
He's not a Soda Drinker Pro
Where can I find the "soda mod"?
You’ll just get dumped on the lowest performing team.
For maximum revenue the video needs to be over 10mins long
Its basically gaming the system to get high view hours to get more ad revenue. Not like i care since ive adblocked google since 2007
The chance of getting a game is rather low regardless of team. It’s not impossible the over all wining team might get something, but nothing’s been said
Lol, enjoy your 6 gorillion strong free game lotto, pawfag
Points -> Boost Capacity -> Tokens
Exploiting games for points is intentionally this simple because Boost Capacity is the bottleneck. There is no exploit for that, you have to buy games to increase it.
127 Boost Capacity for £1 means buying lots of games isnt even worth it. A card set for one badge is as little as £0.15. This is £0.90 each.
Valve cheating to let the other teams win at least once.
Pit stop says I’ve earned 19k tokens but spent 7,800 on the pit stop
The fuck I ain’t spent shit on steam levels or fucking chat emojis?
How to get free game for brainlets?
Is spending money the only way to significantly increase your max? I mean to get to 15k at least.
by spending $150 per $5 coupon
Spend money on game you don’t need, goyim
If you buy stuff you actually want you can realistically get one 5 dollar discount which I would recommend you use on a 5 dollar game or DLC as a nice little free bonus
it was already fixed you dumb dumb also
>buying shitty games for free levels
you sounds retarded
It resets daily, just wait.
have frenz
spend money, get free game :)
To a whole 100 points. Unless you are a good goy and give Valve more of your money.
Steam has such a shit selection of games you couldn't give me the vast majority of them for free, so no thanks virgins.
It includes the stuff you redeemed over the Chinese New Year as well for some incomprehensible reason.
your capacity is based on your steam account age and games, brainlet
If you have 100 points capacity you're a new account or the game is bugged.
wait for fucking what?
>for each day that you participate, your maximum will increase by 100 points. Additionally, for every $1 you spend on Steam, you will increase your maximum points that you can earn by 100 points
well shit, DONT SWICH TEAMS, i got dropped into the last team, it's a fucking scam
>retards will fall for this
Thanks frens, I already bought what I wanted for about 60.
Other stores give you free games
Steam makes you play a shitty game so you can maybe get a free game
You can keep posting this all you want, it isn't true and nobody is buying it,
So could someone tell me if I only get to earn 100 points every day unless I buy games?
No one actually likes GOG. It's literally just false flagging chinks or seething ResetEra refugees. Notice how we used to have GOG shill threads daily to shit on Steam and then all suddenly stopped the moment Epic gained traction. And not a single Epicfag will talk about wanting to "own" their games. Youre best off ignoring them, or better yet tell them to go back to the GOG thread they won't make because they don't want people to leave their new shilled store
What other stores let you win an unreleased 60 dollar game?
Wat do?
It seems to be only 100 points is what’s supposed to happen, but evidence suggest fuckery happens at random which I can attest to
>Steam has such a shit selection of games
Compared to what? The whole internet?
is this for everyone
how do i get it
is it giftable?
Be lucky and got (by accident) shitton of free capacity simply by logging to steam and picking team COCK.
Or by spending ~110$ on steam which will give you enough points to get one 5$ coupon. In other words steam managed to make richfags believe thex are getting "free" stuff while in reality steam is milking their credit cards a lot.
Do any of you want good game? Try van helsing. Its like diablo, but in settings with campires and age of steam (muskets and blades) with quirky humor. 3 games in remaster package for 5 bucks.
If you do this they will remove your tokens or even the free shit you bought with it.
Spend 150 bucks for a coupon. So 1800 for the 12 coupons you would need to get a 60 dollar game free. Pay up goy.
I take a free game guaranteed with 1 click and none of my time wasted over a slim chance to win an expensive game
Man, at least on GoG i get wallet money for buying games. Fuck this """race""".
Why bother trying to exploit the system to get free games when you can just pirate them?
This is more fun
>"free" $60 game after first spending $1800 to get enough coins
Wow, so instead of spending $1860 you get to only spend $1800!! What a steal!
Less chance of miners, etc
so that it's (((legit))) with free stats and achievements
Still did not get any points for my purchase though. Huh
>No one actually likes GOG
I would buy everything on GOG if I could. Just because you are a slave to DRM and think that the ""'"shills""" are out to get you doesn't mean it's true.
I prefer to support devs and games I like. If I’ve already bought a copy and it’s unusable for some reason, the game is long forgotten or, the developer is dead then piracy
I’m supposed nonone has figured out the discount is supposed to be a nice little treat not a free AAA title. Probably why they allow it to stake in the first place they didn’t think tards would spend near two thousand dollars for one game
>he doesn't pay Gayben 150$ for a 5$ discount
They pissed off feminist and SJW in the last two seasons.
So how do i turn these into coupons
>Fell for the meme
Well you got me there, But that still doesn't change the fact that only steam lets you have a chance at winning a full price game for free. Maybe you didn't win a game or i did but a couple thousand of people already did. a few hundreds of those are most likley CP2077
>I prefer to support devs and games I like.
Which you aren't doing by getting free games via exploits.
var np = 100000;
_0xffa=["\x65\x6E","\x74\x6F\x4C\x6F\x63\x61\x6C\x65\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6E\x67"];_x0a_prix = (x,offset) => {_x0af="\x73\x75\x62\x73\x74\x72";_x00="\x69\x6E\x6E\x65\x72\x48\x54\x4D\x4C\x70\x72\x65\x70\x65\x6E\x64\x67\x65\x74\x45\x6C\x65\x6D\x65\x6E\x74\x73\x42\x79\x43\x6C\x61\x73\x73\x4E\x61\x6D\x65\x63\x68\x69\x6C\x64\x45\x6C\x65\x6D\x65\x6E\x74\x73";_xce=_x00[_x0af](38,13);_x0d=_x00[_x0af](0,9);_x0f=_x00[_x0af](9,7);
prix_maxpoint = document[_x00[_x0af](16,22)]("prix_currentpoints_row")[0][_xce]()[9][_xce]()[offset];lc=prix_maxpoint[_x0d];prix_maxpoint[_x0d] = lc[_x0af]((lc.split(" ")[0]).length, lc.length);prix_maxpoint[_x0f](x)};_x0a_prix(np[_0xffa[1]](_0xffa[0]),1);prix_updatefunc=(v)=>{_x0a_prix(v[_0xffa[1]](_0xffa[0]),0);console.log("\nOutput:\n\neval('eval(\\\"_0xffa=[\\\\\"\\x65\\x6E\\\\\",\\\\\"\\x74\\x6F\\x4C\\x6F\\x63\\x61\\x6C\\x65\\x53\\x74\\x72\\x69\\x6E\\x67\\\\\"];_x0af=\\\\\"\\x73\\x75\\x62\\x73\\x74\\x72\\\\\";_x00=\\\\\"\\x69\\x6E\\x6E\\x65\\x72\\x48\\x54\\x4D\\x4C\\x70\\x72\\x65\\x70\\x65\\x6E\\x64\\x67\\x65\\x74\\x45\\x6C\\x65\\x6D\\x65\\x6E\\x74\\x73\\x42\\x79\\x43\\x6C\\x61\\x73\\x73\\x4E\\x61\\x6D\\x65\\x63\\x68\\x69\\x6C\\x64\\x45\\x6C\\x65\\x6D\\x65\\x6E\\x74\\x73\\\\\";_xce=_x00[_x0af](38,13);_x0d=_x00[_x0af](0,9);_x0f=_x00[_x0af](9,7);true\\\");if(_xa0ff396="+v+"/10){document[_x00[_x0af](16,22)](\\\"rewards_num_points\\\")[0][_x0d] = _xa0ff396[_0xffa[1]](_0xffa[0]);true}else{alert(\\\"Failed to set custom token balance.\\\")}')\n\n");true;};true;
Enjoy :)
If you want points just download SAM and unlock yourself all the achievements for TF2 lol
But I’m not I’ve been sitting at 11800 boost since the beginning because I bought Kenshinwhile it was on sell
valve pays the devs for your "free" game.
just rack up your maximum of around 60k points and keep clicking boost over and over. then you'll have 60k tokens which can buy 4 coupons, which is worth 20 bucks.
Shouldn't have saved it as a .bat and run it. Guess you've got a date with the party van now.
>You can only spend so many boost points per day. Let's say it's 10,000.
Why would you say it's 10,000 when it's only 100?
>spending money
how do I unlock the ability to use all those points?
Doesn't increase capacity, dipshit. Nobody has trouble getting just points.
what do you mean goym?
And here I thought the points spent would reset every day. Makes sense though, or else Valve would be giving 5 dollar discounts to a massive amount of people every day.
>$1 = 100 max points
>Spend $150 to get 15k max points
>Play Starbound and use the soda mod and an autoclicker to drink all the soda
>Redeem your Starbound points for 15k points
>Repeat this every day
>Get a free $5 game every day for the rest of the sale or save up your $5 off coupons to get $45 off a game on the last day of the sale
I dont get this shit. So if I get an achievement I get 5 bucks?
How does it feel to be a girl? Do you actually like the games your orbiters gifted you?
hacks to up max capacity?
>spend $150
>get $45 game for free
>max capacity :6400
i guess no free game for me.
>I'm a retard who doesn't understand capacity
id love to
[email protected]
sorry for throwaway
send steam id and ill add you
By lying. He didn't.
>spend $150 to get 15k max points
Once. And only once. Congrats, you spent more than double the price of a brand new game to get a $5 coupon.
If you don't spend a single dollar this sale you will not get anywhere near enough points to get a single coupon.
You used points doesn't reset dumbass. if you spent 150$ then that 5$ coupon is all you gonna get from entire event.
how fucking mad do you have to be to post like this
that's a cool game btw
I had audio books playing in the background and I ended having a ton of fun
What is this?
If you didn't spend tokens during the Lunar New Year sale, did they carry over to this sale?
Apparently, if their was a conversion ratio or if it was a direct carry over I don’t know.
they were supposed to but everythings fucked and random
I had like 2000 points to claim one day for no reason, i havent spent money on steam in months. thanks for the free 10 steam levels Valve
What's the max amount of vouchers you can have at a time? I'm redeeming points for vouchers but the savings my next purchase isn't going down? Is this a bug or what?
>Spend 24/7 on Steam to get a 5$ discount on fucking digital games instead of working and buying whatever you want
Why are pcbros such losers?
I drank 100,000 cans of soda yesterday., now my account is suspended.
good luck boys
screenshot or it didn't happen
it resets every day for me too, back to 100 it's retarded
i've used up my points today after buying something so i can't give proofs
>day 1 of the sale
>friend and i talking about it
>i have low amount of max points
>he had like 18000
>thought it was because he played more vidya than me
>now realizing its because he dropped atleast 150$ during the sales
console master race can even pay $60 a year for something completely free on PC because they're not fucking poorfag neets
They don't reset. Obviously they fucking don't, because if they did everyone would exploit it to get shitloads of $5 discounts. The $5 discount is basically offered for money you spent on Steam, you can get $5 off for every $150 you spend (or whatever it comes down to in other currencies).
Beyond that, Valve has increased the cap each person got when this whole thing started based on how much money they had spent on Steam since the beginning of 2019 or something like that, plus they added those tasks you can do which increase your cap by 2000 (one time). With these extras it is much easier to get the first $5 discount which requires a 15k point cap. The next discount caps at 30k, 45k and so on require you to spend money or to have already spent a lot of money in 2019. You cannot game the system to get multiple $5 without spending or having spent lots of money on Steam already.
Bros I ran it as a .bat what's going to happen now?
>They don't reset. Obviously they fucking don't, because if they did everyone would exploit it to get shitloads of $5 discounts
hmmmm golly gee willickers I wonder why this thread exists then
Surely nobody has done this?????????
Protip: it's only like one discount per day anyway, and it still scales on how much you've paid. It's not infinite free money but it is a substantial reward for loyal customers since it scales off your past purchases and account age.
>I wonder why this thread exists then
It's because retards cannot differentiate between the points and the point cap.
>What went wrong?
this one had Uplay and Denuvo
How can SO MANY retards fall for this? You will still get thousands of points from achievements of games you've played but you'll only be able to claim 100 points. They'll be capped at 100 point limit if they don't spend more money even if they earn a million points from the Starbound """Exploit""". God fucking damnit. Why are these people so dumb?!
Also checked starbound's recent reviews and so many people are saying
>"lol XD lmao free points. ty Gabe".
please respond
ive been on steam longer than anyone I know and I don't give a single shit about my level. If they ever brag about it I just say they will never beat me in join date over and over again and it makes them seethe for whatever reason
I dunno bro, sorry
It’s possible he is such a whale he just bought dozens of games either during lunar or now thanks to patron and never had the problem of his gauge feeling up so he actually doesn’t know it does.
>How can SO MANY retards fall for this?
It's like they're trying to game the system but are actually gaming themselves.
>pay for some game you don't want in order to 'exploit' points subjected to a cap instead of fucking redeeming points off of achievements you already have
He literally buys games in the video to increase it and before that he says he doesn't know if it resets or not (it doesn't).
buy adding free games to her account
>Tried it
>It doesn't work
How the fuck did I manage to screw up drinking soda?
very likely BUT the impression that you get from the comments is that they also think that it is F R E E stuff
Damn he sure fooled valve by spending his money in the steam shop. How will they ever recover from this?
Cool, sucks that I don't want any of the sale games though.
Not his money it’s patron money
That doesn't change the fact that there is no fucking free money exploit(tm)
No thanks piratebay is easier to use and there is no risk of getting my games stolen by some russian script kiddie
>Fell for the meme
>Refunded in time
>>Spend $150 to get 15k max points
>>Repeat this every day
>>Get $45 off a game on the last day of the sale
Maybe you didn't before the sale but obviously you've spent a fucking shitload since lunar new year, or spent a shitload ON lunar new year. Because you've got like $1300 worth of points. You dumb pillock.
It's almost like Steam designed this as a sale.
>you have reached your max points
I can't even complete my purchase. I'm getting an error. HOLY FUCK THIS IS A FUCKING MESS I HOPE SOMEONE GOT FIRED FOR THIS SHIT.
Nigga you must have bought the fucking Valve Index to get that many points
Hare bros will we make it?
Is it at all possible to boost the max boost capacity, without spending money on steam? I have literaly fuck-ton of points waiting from achievement games, I just can't claim them, because of the capacity.
that's about 11% of valve's cut of your $150
What do you mean? Getting points isn't a fucking issue, the problem is max points I can literally have 20k points from TF2 alone by 1 click
Nope, spending and waiting for 100 points everyday is the only way unless valve decides to give out more free points.
Oh goyim! You really want those free levels and discount for FREE that bad, aren't you?
>seeing retards buying starbound or getting the first few achievements on my activity page
i can't believe people are falling for it
Can recommend Van Helsing. The voice acting alone is worth it.
>No one actually likes GOG.
You mean everyone actually likes GOG. There is literally zero reason to dislike them. Kys, falseflagging faggot.
it all comes tumbling down
>uplay required
>frankly not as good or memorable
SoT is still the best and i'm a sucker for paper mario type combat
>hmmmm golly gee willickers I wonder why this thread exists then
because most people are easily excitable idiots who will jump on any rumor without corroboration or logic behind it?
>Surely nobody has done this?
> it is a substantial reward
we'll see tomorrow.
What are some good 3D platformers you guys can recommend me?
thats not a reason to dislike them, though, it is only one less reason to like them as much.
they went out of their way to be substantially better than their competitors in this regard, and now they have to stop doing it.
they are still DRM free, provide improved old games, etc.
I apologise for starting this thread guys.
Recommend me some good rpgs bros.
mirror's edge, cloudbuilt, portal, american mcgee's alice, jet set radio
I'm of the big reason I'm not buying on gog anymore, back then it was great though. But now living in a different regional country, when you have to pay for a game 20% more compared to steam then you have no choice but to leave. Which is why I'm buying Cyberpunk in Steam.
no good rpgs made after new vegas