Multiplayer for Cyberpunk 2077 confirmed

Multiplayer for Cyberpunk 2077 confirmed.

And probably a smaller linear game also set in Cyberpunk.

Attached: Screenshot_5.png (737x151, 121K)

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>people will still deny it's just a GTA clone
GTA has stats too btw.

smells like a gta onlie cashgrab

nice screenshot with words on it.

They were hiring for online components fucking months/years ago. This isn't news.
hope you can read polish

Matter of fact they announced it would have multiplayer in 2013.

And considering it's a stand alone thing worked on by a separate team who the fuck even cares.

>The president added that one of the teams working on cyberpunk projects, located in Wrocław, has about 40 people. Kiciński reported that the development of the studio in Wroclaw is associated with the work on the multiplayer mode "Cyberpunk 2077".

40 players isnt much, it'll be like AC mp portion. Or maybe its preproduction idk.

It'll be Mass Effect tier of online. It'll be pure shit.

Do you know how to read? It says that the TEAM working on the project has 40 people.

I thought people really enjoyed the multiplayer of ME3?

as long as it doesnt have cars programmed into crashing you it will be good, anyone got the webm?

You know how words are grouped together in the brain? Player- people-developer are close to each other so mistakes happen.

Whatever you say ESL.

Based brainlet

Polack here. I confirm. It's an interview with CEO of Cd Projekt Red. The article was released today. He states that they have 5 teams: 3 of them work on Cyberpunk related games: main game, multiplayer and something else. Fourth one works on Gwent and the fifth one on unannounced project.

You know how the cdpr leads thought they could work on cp and witcher 3 at the same time?
They suck at management.

There's no traffic on the roads for cars to crash into the player

maybe now they can

Yeah, it's literally the best part of 3. user probably never even played ME at all.

Oh yeah for sure. That's why they rebooted the cyberpunk game 3 fucking times


They still suck at management.
They used to be commies after all

that doesnt mean anything

Commies are bad at managing people and commerce.
Thats why every communist nation either collapses or collapses.


And this attitude of collapsing carries over to cdpr
which is why they can only handle 1 large project at a time

sure thing