So true

So true.

Attached: comment_34IwTFkMsHn8rAxyXFCPdfkhrGNM4ca8.jpg (600x1200, 299K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>having non white parents
>not living in america


Attached: ffb.png (521x596, 511K)

This comic is literally unironically true.

I fucking love Hey! Arnold.

the bottom is correct though.
Yea Forums is the most racist and homophobic board.

Attached: aauugh.jpg (960x957, 146K)

>White people
oh no no no non o HAHHAAHAHAHAH

>parents who don’t play video games dislike the violence and want the government to censor then

>women and minorities who do play video games want to be depicted more sensitively and criticize games that don’t, without bringing the government in at all

Call me when devs are testifying to the Senate again.

Yes but that's because it's full of self-hating niggers and faggots.

Attached: fce.png (651x481, 117K)

there are like 8 boards that are more racist and homophobic. It ends up becoming a discussion topic here a lot though because of how media is used by kikes and blue haired dykes.

I don't get it

damn. witness the leftist seethefest below

Lootboxes? We still get nanny state demands.

Attached: sweet chocolate pussy.jpg (1000x700, 142K)

have sex

>there are like 8 boards that are more racist and homophobic
I count 2.

>Yea Forums is the most racist and homophobic board.
t. haven't browsed any gay, trap and jungle fever threads on Yea Forums

The lootbox ban was written by a Republican Senator. That’s not a SJW thing.

White sjws with a jesus complex don't represent minorities. And they don't play the game they change either. Otherwise pandering games wouldn't go financially bust.

>women and minorities who do play video games
>want to be depicted more sensitively and criticize games
>make her breasts smaller than mine!
>that black woman doesn't look like a west african, and instead looks like an east african and that's racism!
Amazing contributions to the gaming industry my dude.

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I thought this was shadman by the thumbnail

i thought these shitty threads were supposed to be about cringy misinformed opinions, not cringy but ultimately correct opinions

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>>that black woman doesn't look like a west african, and instead looks like an east african and that's racism!
Yes yes, go follow more japanese twitter artists who hate black people

Imagine being a gamer and genuinely believing that you're oppressed.

How can correct opinions be cringey?


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Yea Forums probably has the highest concentration of left winger tourists, nigs and fags to balance it out though.
Any thread you go in there's a 30% chance some furshitter is posting his homo bara ""art""" or people unironically playing childish pedoshit like a hat in time.

upvoted redditbro

>that black woman doesn't look like a west african, and instead looks like an east african and that's racism!
is this coming from the people that say anime is white while ignoring white facial features?

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they can be phrased in a melodramatic way


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>is this coming from the people that say anime is white while ignoring white facial features?

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>SJWs complain about video games
>Anti-SJWs harass and murder people

I wonder which is worse.

Who the fuck is the guy on the right?

Why do they use the same hoe? There are better black female actors in her age range

you've just posted cringe

>Kids that play video games are a bunch of violent parasites of society
this is true though

Some sjw professor attacked with some bikelock from behind on a demonstration. You're right though that for most matters sjw's are simply less of an issue because they too scared to get physical.

Imagine unironically wearing a beanie and advertising it to people


>There are better black female actors in her age range
But they don't look stereo typically black so the sjw white saviors short-circuit and crap their pants.

Attached: shrek.jpg (1893x368, 241K)

Don't pretend like socjus types wouldn't murder people if they were actually physically capable of it. Antifag has injured more then a few people by now.

It's that or Tessa Thompson. Your choice.

hey arnold fucking sucks

Oh, you mean like that transgender kid who hated Trump and shot up a school? Yeah he was totally anti-sjw

>>SJWs complain about video games
About that

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This. The former involved the government getting involved and the latter didn't

As much as everyone bitched about Anita Sarkeesian being Jack Thompson that was completely wrong, she didn't introduce any actual legislation that could be enforced as law.

Guns are also legal for radical leftists, yet you don't see them shoot up mosques and synagogues, don't you?
Kill yourself, you self-victimizing right wing snowflake.

I know you are not retarded, you are just a lying piece of trash

Tessa Thompson 100%

OH I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT LITTLE SHIT. Did anyone die there? Honest question, the socjus may now have a kill count.

>Antifa beats a few people up, maybe cause some property damage
>Anti-SJWs go on a mass shooting spree (which often includes shooting children) and celebrate it, especially if it involves shooting brown people
Great equivalence you've got there

lmao, people are already biting

>yet you don't see them shoot up mosques and synagogues, don't you?
No, just everywhere else lmao

did somebody say ''cringe''?

Anti-Sjw is quite a broad term, literaly every sane person qualifies and the most violent group in america is still the blacks so fuck off Noseberg

Why would they shoot up mosques and synagogues when they would rather shoot up a church or something instead? Furthermore, why would they do anything like that at all when they are ultimately too cowardly to do so? Make no mistake, the left would love to see all their enemies slaughtered and dead, their rhetoric online proves it, they are just too scared and incapable of making their deepest and darkest desires reality.


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Stop responding to the super obvious bait, holy shit.

>which often includes shooting children
What are you referencing here? Also you seem to be confusing the term anti-SJW with right wing extremist. Just because someone disagrees with SJW retardation and oversensitivity doesn't mean they're an extremist. I realize you're probably baiting but I wanna see where you take this.

>It's okay if we riot and beat people because some guy literally halfway across the world shot some people

Attached: quebec-protest[1].jpg (780x439, 71K)

brah that was cringe


haha so relatable

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that would actually take balls. instead you gang up on people while wearing a mask.

I think he's referencing stuff like the Christ Church shooting where some kids died and Yea Forums called it based or the one shooting where a kid shot a girl that rejected him and 12 others while wearing some nazi shit.


I’d fug both

>No, just everywhere else lmao
Post two (2) mass shooting perpetrated by a radical leftist.
Bonus points for America and Antifa member.



Literally everyone who is not an SJW are opposed to them by the virtue of SJWs having the mindset "with us or against us"

When non-SJWs do some shady shit, everyone condemns them

When SJW hit people with bikelocks, throw shit at people and act like apes, SJWs are silent

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no, they prefer to kill white people

It seems like they're starting to like black people even more I'm starting to see a bunch of japs draw BBC cuck shit

If you cared about kids you would segregate blacks and stop pushing trans shit on them

I saved it just so I could crop the faces as reaction images and wait for Yea Forumsirgins to ask for sauce thinking it was porn haha


Why is this always memed by brown nations?

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what is this you shit? I didn't do anything but say what user is talking about you faggot.

Yea Forums is full of homos that think traps aren't gay.


>Anti-SJW is broad!
>Anders Breivik leaves behind a manifesto that is complete regurgitation of the Unabomber's (another terrorist) that complains about political correctness and leftism
>Christchurch shooter does the same shit and also says the above inspired him and uses the same rhetoric, complaining about immigrants and white genocide
>Parkland shooter does the same shit
Almost all of the worst mass shooters are people who regurgitate the same rhetoric, complaining about immigrants and brown people and political correctness. Antifa's worst crimes are milkshakes, some property damage and beating a few people up and they're treated as equivalent. This is peak centrism

i don't get the joke.

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is that a kid or a manlet

>you don't see them shoot up the people they're trying to suck up to
oh really now you full-blown retard?

antifa literally supports killing whites though
they are just too pussy to do it for now

This guy and the the soi "man" with the kid are the worst ones

>women and minorities who do play video games
they don't


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>When non-SJWs do some shady shit, everyone condemns them
what about when anons said the Christ Church shooting was based

Whoops let's pretend this didn't happen

Wow thanks for the cancer

Still nowhere near the black crimes, tranny come back when you also support segregation.

saying "brown people" is oxymoronic lmfao

you never know with fags

thats a good one

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it's bipartisan you sniveling fuck


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it think the joke is that you don't play games because you like them, but because it is the best way to delude yourself from everything.

who you callin a oxymoron cracker bitch

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>the most violent group in america is still the blacks
Actually FBI statistics say it's whites with them committing 62% of all violent crimes in america while blacks fluctuate between 26-32%

God damn, I cannot imagine you being a person who anyone in real life takes seriously, ever

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>>Anti-SJWs harass and murder people

meanwhile antifa just attacked a gay asian man with caustic milkshakes

But they do, are you gonna tell me white men brought MK11? If so that just proves whites are cucks

>per capita

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What's the big fucking deal? Who cares if a character is brown or gay or a woman.


You also had BLM advocating for racial genocide, impacting the economy due to protests. Fuck your dishonest "some propety damage" shit, faggot. Leftists protest damages and clean up just during the election days were in the millions. Fuck you, you lying cunt.

Why republicans pretend that Obama was so lefty guy?

dude this is the most retarded shit i have ever seen on Yea Forums and i've been here for a pretty long time.

west can't NTR

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yes per capita

the problem with truth is that it's not funny. just sad.

Unironically this

In Hijibs defense he rationally explained what he was doing. Whitey int he wrong here.

>guy has a based phone case and triggers normies
>he is somehow the bad guy

nah they don't not really anyway all the most popular genres are male dominated and even where there's female participation they don't make up a a large enough share to be worth pandering to

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Because black people are disproportionately impoverished after having centuries of systemic racism that hasn't actually been addressed until relatively recently, and poverty leads to increased crime + are disproprotionatley incarcerated due to the disaster that is the war on drugs.

Anti-SJW don't commit crime because they're poor, it's because they're either mentally ill or objectively evil, and "black crime" includes everything, like owning weed, while I'm talking specfically about terrorism and mass murder

In 2017, 68.9 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 27.2 percent were Black or African American, and 3.9 percent were of other races.
Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.1 percent were Hispanic or Latino.
Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2017, 61.6 percent were White, 34.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.5 percent were of other races.
Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 21.8 percent were Hispanic or Latino.
Of all adults arrested in 2017, 69.5 percent were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.9 percent were of other races.
Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 17.8 were Hispanic or Latino.
White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 58.5 percent of those arrests.

>He doesn't even know what per capita is
Percentages are not per capita, retard


I used to be a lefty cuck, trust they do play game. Mostly normie shit


bullies moved to incel now, even though it's a passive state you can't control. But hey, it's not really hate speech, it's against white men after all.

> Trump is worse on videogames than Anita


Attached: tenor (1).gif (220x165, 127K)

I'm not talking about women you nigger

Attached: Incarceration-by-net-worth-decile-1.png (678x512, 94K)

Yes I bought and I still enjoying it

dude is your iq seriously bellow 100? You are proving me right shittard

Hi faggot

even if it was true it would still be the SJWs. sometimes violence is needed to make sure the ignorant don't impose their shitty ideas on the intelligent

Attached: 058947012.jpg (600x600, 30K)

>Having white parents
>Living in america

t. le 56% face

Didn’t Miller Batman beat nazis, ghetto and the goverment? Except the second one that sounds pretty lefty

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>trump says more random shit that people take seriously
it's funny how some tend to pretend he's a complete dribbling retard one moment and then want to vilify him as some evil coherent person the next


Can't he just create his own Batman fan comic or are these people eternal consumers?

still with this narrative_
you have been proven wrong countless of times
stop lying

Attached: 568896809707.png (644x415, 151K)

I genuinely hope that nobody who has been called an incel has ever felt the slightest pang of anxiety over it, because fuck

>make your vidya characters as ugly as i am!

lol what a fucking liar piece of shit

People unironically make the "it's cause we're poor" argument? I thought was a parody.

Well seeing as the average IQ in the US is below 100 and a huge proportion of the posters here are American, you can often safely assume the poster you're replying to has a sub-100 IQ.

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>I'm not talking about women you nigger
minorities also don't make up enough of a share of gamers to be worth pandering to though it's literally just the endless shortsighted greed of AAA marketers

no actual normal person that's a minority gives a single flying fuck about representation and all this shit is just there for liberals and their dogma

I’m straight and I don’t mind gay shit in my game, so in the end you’re just trying desperatily to “own the heteros” while tons of us are going to enjoy the game anyways.

Today I am going to remind them.

Attached: 1548611503505.png (1722x1615, 606K)

>Intelligence is homogeneously distributed across all US states
Watch out guys, we got a big brain in the house!

>he still plays videogames

>lol stupid low iq retard mutt nigger mixxed mulatto nigger so stupid non-white mutt
>ummm, erm... wow why are americans so obssessed with race, and why don't you worship brown people you non-white nigger mutts
I'll never get this level of shitposting.

I already dilated your mom, she liked it

I never implied that, monkey. Sub-70 IQ detected.

>spotted the SJW redditor

yeah this is a very homophobic, racist board now please go back to your shithole

based redpilled and saved

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The funny part is that race still explains crime rates better than income

Attached: 1553812350850.jpg (2538x3774, 1.19M)

Didn't a guy just get milkshake'd but the inside of the shakes had quick drying cement?

I'm American, retard. Everything in that post is a fact. Don't be mad.

How many goldfish do you keep in that toilet bowl you call a skull?

literally get married

Based Abdul

Oof, no response from the leftist

Kill yourself tranny
>Kill yourself tranny
Kill yourself tranny
>Kill yourself tranny
Kill yourself tranny
>Kill yourself tranny
Kill yourself tranny
>Kill yourself tranny
Kill yourself tranny
>Kill yourself tranny
Kill yourself tranny
>Kill yourself tranny
Kill yourself tranny
>Kill yourself tranny
Kill yourself tranny
>Kill yourself tranny
Kill yourself tranny
>Kill yourself tranny

>doesn't understand what a national average IQ is
>hurr u dumb!


We live in a society, user.

he also got beaten to the point of getting brain hemorrhage
he wasn't even a nazi just some journalists who disliked antifa and made articles on their violence

I can't stop laughing

It's funny because it's the retarded LGBTPOOPIEWEEWEE+x?2!!]{}´+´´+pÓP¨ community that makes it so difficult by giving everything a label and caring about what other people say.
>n-no bro it's definitely gay sex even if it's with a vagina
I mean why would you even call it "gay sex" or "straight sex" anyways, just fuck off and do what you want in your privacy as long as it's legal.

>being this misleading
Black people as a whole are poorer than white people, the median wealth for white people in that study was significantly higher than the median wealth for black people in that study. Most "rich blacks" are not that rich to begin with.

The irony of this image which faGGots use over and over is that the solution back then was to ignore the retards. It's still the solution today, but no, apparently we have to obsess over what all these retards say and do, follow their blogs and twitters and let everyone on Yea Forums, reddit and 8gag know every single day what the SJWs are having for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Because one obviously has correlation and the other doesn't. No shit

Every muslim who's not one of those "liberal Muslims" along with le based black trump supporters are anti-sjw too.

Im sure if i bothered to dig past the first page of Google i could get full bonus points by proving antifa affiliation too

Oh well


it just shows that the whole thing is about power when they beat a gay person of color so to speak for having the wrong political opinions

>Yea Forums probably has the highest concentration of left winger tourists, nigs and fags
>what are Yea Forums, /tg/, and all of the actual gay boards

Gamegate have nothing to do with the right being usually more violent than the left
>Wow, how could someone that wants guns to be legal being a possible menance?

They're contradictory whether or not you're American, moron.

I will need proofs of those assumptions.

They didn't use a separate wealth metric for different races, retard. The wealth categories are universal for all races.

Lol I won’t because i’m not mentally ill, cope with that

>miller thought this
>batman thought that
When did lefties get the ability to read minds?

MAOA says otherwise, friend

Protip: The leftists refusal to recognize that approx half of US blacks are genetically predisposed to a sharply heightened fight or flight response means that black people being shot by police over apparently petty things will never stop happening in their lifetimes :^)

So what's the point of your post you fucking braindead nigger monkey? Where did I tell you to worship brown people you literal fucking mongoloid retard?

Sugar delays cements' ability to dry, and in quantities like that found in a milkshake, would make it impossible to solidify. All in all, it seems like an unlikely story, and if there actually was cement in the milkshakes, it would have been wasted cement and no more.

>the right being usually more violent than the left
it's not though

> Violent crimes are offenses of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Property crimes are offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.
>white 58.5
>black 37.5
Do you realize niggers are merely 13% of the population?

>multi billionaire who spends his off time beating the shit out of goons, fighting clowns and luchadors
>not a demented nutcase

Attached: elon-musk-joe-rogan-blunt-1536341297-640x428.jpg (640x428, 54K)

>one obviously has correlation and the other doesn't
>a priori assuming instead of investigating, even if it seems unintuitive
I thought you fucks liked science

people like nathan grayson are on twitter bragging about how he had it coming, incidentally, just in case anyone still feels like that guy ever deserved less than to get his ass beaten into the dirt himself. why nobody has yet is beyond me.

when they turned into authoritarians


I respect trans people but I don’t think I could never fuck a woman with a dick?

>i’m not mentally ill

oh nonono hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Literally dilate

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>brown people
oxymoron, bro

Attached: right-vs-left-censorship-comic.png (1000x500, 50K)

Hapas are mentally ill

If a gay PoC is also a Nazi, why shouldn't they treat him the same way they treat the rest of us?


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>user thinks i’m a tranny just because i don’t agree with his shitty opinion

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why would whatever aunt wrote this get her sister's toddler to draw this for her? she thought that would leave a good impression on the audience?

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>blacks fluctuate between 26-32%
And they are 15% of the population, that is insane.

Who is the actress?

Attached: 1558502911619.jpg (614x396, 55K)

"Hispanics and Latinos" are lumped in with white. Take those numbers out of the white numbers and you'll see more accurate statistics.
Beyond that, you must consider the portion of the populace each of these groups is. Blacks are only around 13% of the population. So being arrested at rates higher than 13% seems to say something interesting, doesn't it?

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someone post the edit

this cannot be real

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because they claim all gay poc are naturally innocent and oppressed under the rule of white patriarchy

Baxter is the fucking man

>Proud Boys broke a woman’s neck at the same event
>Andy Ngo already out of the hospital despite being killed by the totally real acid cement milkshakes
>everyone focuses on the latter and doesn’t even know Proud Boys exist

All you faggots need to shut the fuck up and give off the internet for awhile God damn. Nice thread you have here mods.

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>Why a man can’t have a gun to defend his hous-AAAAH A BLACK MAN. John give me the rifle
>Use extreme measures to stop illegal inmigration is actually good
Why can’t you admit you guys are usually violent?

To be fair there are no niggers in Japan so that's why their black women are so hot. Also is Riju supposed to be black? I thought the Gerudo were supposed to be based on Arabs+Amazonians

It's fake
For realism, everyone in that picture (cop included) would have to be about 200lb heavier

nigger cunt fag retard

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>”Gays and niggers are degenerate lol”
>You’re an asshole

>OP posts a comment that could bring up a legit in-depth discussion about the criticism of video games
>Hur durr Libertards Conservacucks Trump Islam Amerifats redpill my beliefs>your beliefs
This is Yea Forums's ideology.
Find every opportunity to use politics to derail a topic and jack off to everyone getting frustrated. And if they aren't frustrated, make them frustrated.
It's been 13 years anons. Why are we still acting like children?

Attached: 1554967377552.jpg (1900x1003, 893K)

politics is a luxury good now, like an expensive pair of sunglasses you wear it to signal to your group and to feel good, the actual policies don't matter anymore

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>words is violence
>all speech is serious
>singular extremist opinion to represent the whole
wanna come up with an actual source instead of just bringing about baseless conjecture like a fucking faggot

Preach it, brother! Those mutts wish they were whites like us, amirite?

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It still adds weight and causes chemical burns retard

gonna need context.
Or are you also the guy that said shooting a black person that is robbing your house is racist?

group 1 is still bigger than group 2
Just not in the US
Obama Derangement Syndrome

The post where you were a huge whining cuck, so all of them. Keep trying to win internet points by being one of those "edgy" self hating Americans.

that's always been the case tho

>comic stoy

Everybody itt is getting banned

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Ol' dobby acknowledged us

>acting like people get inflammatory about gays that frequently
This board is contrarian and bait-loving as shit, I sincerely doubt that many niggers seriously drop games because there's lesbians or gay dudes. And attitudes like that comic why gays are viewed as a political statement by people.
Why the fuck would you miss out on a good game because there's one, two or three gays?

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fair point

from what I have heard antifa attacked some old guy and he tried to defend him

there is a difference between advocating violence and actually going out and being violent like the left are currently doing. you can stop with the retarded contradictions because they ain't going to work here. you know as well as I that violence gets the final say and the left are becoming more dangerous with every passing week. the rest of us are just weighing our options and if it scares you then that is your own fault.

Honestly the internet is much more of a danger than video games

The most logical post I saw this month. Let me give you a hug user

They became the bad guy they were fighting from the start. All you hear from these tools are politics politics incel incel tranny tranny its not looknig good imo.

I'm not self hating because my IQ isn't sub-100 which can't be said for most of America. Citing a literal fact is not self-hate you delusional retard. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about since that was my very first post ITT. Seethe some more.

At least the chick on the left lost a hundred pounds between quotes. Guy on the right just straight degenerated

we all deserve it desu senpai baka

>White this, nigger that, Jews control x
Just stop it already, we’ve had enough of this shit /pol/.

>muh trump

Are you a newfag or something? It's a fucking LOL thread,


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sounds like you disagree with his politics user maybe you should go to /pol/

Yea Forums absolutely has the most lefties


Based list:
Sam E

>actually going out and being violent
Are usually right wingers though. See >468800175


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Seriously is someone getting paid to let all this /pol/ bullshit stay on Yea Forums. Fuck off already.

thumbnail looks like it has a massive dong lol

>Mfw Anons in 05-07 were fighting the tools then became the tools 10 years later
Wow. It's as if someone was aware of the potential of Yea Forums then infiltrated it to mold Yea Forums into a hypocrite.
I'll be damned.

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>sonic has been pregnant with knuckles baby
>shadow and sonic were meldent into a toilet one time
>tails makes little babies eat his literall shit

I thought the cement was in there just so it would cause chemical burns if he didn't immediately wash it off?

I like how demo is literally just "what if we made him black?"

Attached: 1560238309734.png (1170x658, 380K)

>anders breivik
fucking lmao the guy was a clear nutjob from fucking 2011
ah yes a self described eco terrorist that most identified with chinese way of government surely is representative of the anti sjw crowd

fucking retard

SJWs are commiting ethnocide of white cultures. They have too much to lose and too little resolve to follow through and commit mass murders, they are already getting what they want with support of their governments after all. Unlike anti-SJWs that are being ethnocided. Now adjust for per capita, since SJWs are a minority and remove potential false flags. Yes, they are a lot worse.

Damn... powerful...

Attached: open the mayor.jpg (533x960, 72K)

Imagine being so much of a coping faggot that you must make comics to justify your boyfriend not having a penis

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>beats the shit out of their enemies

>not antifa
>gets the shit kicked out of them

Guess antifa has more balls than the nazis, huh?

Attached: 1536488568562.png (1440x1421, 1.26M)

>there is a difference between advocating violence
But that’s SJW usually, wishing death to nazis and alt right but barely doing anything to them. And even if it is less bad that actually being violent is still wrong unless is self-defense

Woah... we really live in a society

Damn, Baxter.

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And that's a good thing !

>all of the right wingers who actually committed violence are just crazy people and don't count! even though they literally regurgitate the same rhetoric as I do!
Ok then all of the "lefties" saying that white people should die (note: saying, not actually going on mass genocide terrorist attacks) are just crazy people and don't count

lol, all of them except for Charlottesville where made by inmigrants

those inmigrants that you love and support so much traitor

>Little girl with computer knowledge
I don't know that seems like a good thing

you can add FF7R to that now

Attached: x2.jpg (851x1200, 439K)

is usually the opposite tho

Unrealistic as anything weapon shaped is also confiscated even if not a weapon
Hell i got my lego master sword taken away so i had to steal it and rebuild it to look like a dildo

This? Is he an idiot or is he the biggest master mind we've ever seen in politics? Probably neither.

>elliot rodger
>anti-sjw / right-wing
reaching kek
>lesbian couple
>young men are now all anti sjw kek
they probably withheld their race there because it was non whites
that's literally the only valid one and even then at the event there was also left wing violence

Damn.. Gamers are truly the most oppresed minority.

>the final no you aren't

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the antifag later died from his injury

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>those inmigrants that you love and support so much traitor
i never sad that. muslims are still from
the right not matter how much you guys hate them

Batman and specially Miller's Batman has always been kind of a fascist but in the purest sense of self sacrifice to mend the wrongness of Gotham's decadent society by imposing his will.
I like Batman.
Too bad he is a shit hero because he lets the Joker live to kill another bus full of children 24 hours after he drops him off in Arkham. That's why I only read Punisher MAX every so often.

>the problem with gaming is intolerance
>you stupid, basement dwelling manchildren

Attached: fat think.png (320x272, 53K)

>it's not about censorship
>then why did you censor those words

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>5 dollars for a balloon
Jesus Christ, I'd rather have a stick of RAM.

>What is the Christchurch mosque shooting
>What is the Charleston church shooting
>What is the Parkland shooting
>Who is Anders Breivik
>What is the Charlottesville rally

I don't know why this made me chuckle

This, nazi snowflakes can't even fight back and spend their day crying on Yea Forums

There is data showing the underages are starting to become increasingly wary of gay and trans people, but not for the reason you might think why.

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It's a shame this board has turned into this.


>an eco terrorist in love with chinese socialism is right wing for hating islam
ok cool good job being a retard
>Ok then all of the "lefties" saying that white people should die (note: saying, not actually going on mass genocide terrorist attacks) are just crazy people and don't count
they do count though because they're part of a greater ideology that's objectively observable within our society and directly leads to that end point

Must be pretty embarrassing that lefties like antifa trigger and kick the shit out of /pol/ fags like the cucks they are lmao

I thought so too lel

make the mean words go away mommy

>incel shooters like the Canadian Armenian, based Eliott, or the yoga studio shooter
>not right wing

literally not a single of those would have happened if we weren't forced to live in multicultural dystopias

Ok but what's next?

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1. even if he wasn’t alt-right he thought that women should fuck him not matter what, that doesn’t sound very SJW
2. beating two women just because they didn’t obey you isn’t also something very lefty
>there was also left wing violence
nice whataboutism

That eco-terrorist was an anti-SJW who dedicated an entire section to whining about leftism and also whined about political correctness and Breivik literally plagiarized that shit on his manifesto.

thats why you let them in by the thousands right?
>muslims are still from
the right
thats why the mayority of them (muslims) vote for social democracy in both America and Europe right?

fucking kys retard

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>boring bigots
Just because you're "non-conforming" doesn't mean you're interesting

>Nintendo females
>None are black
>All of them are generic, shitty anime characters

>praises Drumpf in advancing the cause of white nationalism
>only admires Chinese authoritarianisn
>somehow being ecologically aware makes him left wing
Retard detected

Based Vazna and Sam E not being fags.

>There's a brown guy in a video game OH SHIT better start shooting up a mosque! It's actually your fault the children died not mine!

>everyone I dont like is right wing

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>I am not racist. I just hate niggers


did he have "niggers in video games" written on his gun or "Ebba Akerlund"?

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It's true.
I believe in the goodness of people who proclaim themselves to be "antifascist" about as much as I do a catholic priest who preaches world peace and moralism and then goes off to do some diddling on the side.
The reason for that is that we already went through the experience of corrupt and controlling evil people using antifascism as a moral smokescreen to veil their dogshit - Communism. We kicked it out finally.

You Westerners, the small population of 600m that you are, are pretty much the only people on this planet who have not yet gone through the hypocrisy enlightenment as applied to leftists and "antifascists" like you kind of did with regards to religion.

Nothing purges the childish naivety from you, and you don't qualify as an adult, until you've experienced and have been imprinted with natural skepticism, regarding people who represent noble causes but are blind with self-righteousness to notice the hypocritical evil they engage in or who wear the cause to hide their own evil.

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>exposed belly button
How lewd

have nothing to do with what I posted. just admit you hate gays because you think is “weird”

Thanks user

>1. even if he wasn’t alt-right he thought that women should fuck him not matter what, that doesn’t sound very SJW
that's bending the rules and trying to juggle semantics, we all know what anti-sjw's are by your logic muslims should be anti-sjw but the current societal debate does not consider that the truth
>beating two women just because they didn’t obey you isn’t also something very lefty
yeah lul except when it's a muslim doing it and they willfully ignore it because they'd be racist for criticizing a non western religion


shut the fuck up you cracko incel

you have no self awareness at all

They're social and economic conservatives. Even if others on the right hate them, they're right wing

The more you put faggot shit in my videogames, the less inclined I am to buy them.

I wouldn't want to play as a faggot main character to be honest, and contrary to common opinion here, good games aren't so rare that dropping a game with such content in it would actually bother me all that much.

>makes him left wing
so where did i say that you retard it's others trying to peg him as decidedly right wing or anti sjw

>respecting women is left wing

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What, people above the age of 20?
No, it's the kids that will be "affected" by it.

>ogaa bogaa


>None are black
I feel you bro, check out this white woman.

Attached: lola chuil.jpg (1080x1080, 189K)

Attached: x7.jpg (851x1200, 390K)

If you're talking about that antifa guy that got one punched that's not him. The CCTV video of that hit was never released. It was proven though that he struck first.

Who doesn’t, nigga? Come on now

>Guy 1 shoots up a mosque and murders 51 people in a terrorist attack
>Guy 2 punches some literally who

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Based Yotsuba-user, coming in to save this steaming pile of shit barely resembling a thread

>thats why the mayority of them (muslims) vote for social democracy in both America and Europe right?
>why inmigrants don’t vote the party who wants to kick them out?
in their respective countries they’re usually from the right. Inmigrants are usually the same shit as you. Cope, you’re a sandnigger with white skin