Remember when video games used to be good? Back in the 90s you would be jumping around like crazy blowing things up or driving a car with guns and missiles attached to them. Now every game is slow where you waddle up to a guy and slowly aim down your sites to hit them with 1 or 2 bullets or have “emotional” cutscenes about someone contracting aids or whatever.
Realism killed vidya
kids nowadays hate 3D platformers, for some reason, either way.
Naughty Dog just aged with it's audience, from Crash, to Jak and Daxter to Uncharted and TLOU, it makes sense.
Games are becoming more arcady and cartoony again. Have you live under a rock?
You must be a lost boomer, let me help you out Gramps.
Pretty much. the everything is brown and or military shooter stuff was 10 years ago
Or compare
Where you are just hiding behind cover like a faggot
But if it aged with its audience it wouldn’t have dumbed down its games for zoomers
yea sorry. 10 years don't play naughty dog games.
Maybe boomers don't want to play games anymore, they just want to enjoy them? Hence the linear story gameplay.
Yet they still play the same. Overwatch is slow as shit and no where as crazy as say fur fighter.
No, they are shitposting in this thread showing everyone how underage they are with their bad grammmar.
>Enjoy them
There is nothing enjoyable about walking lesbian sims trying to be deep
Have you actually play fast games then? Even Titanfall is fast.
>walking lesbian sims trying to be deep
that sentence makes me want to play the game more though?
Uncharted 4 is unironically more fun than Jak 1 though
I legit feel sorry for modern day kids. They don’t have any fun shit to play. Fortnite only seems fun because they don’t know any better.
Titan fall is only fast by modern day standards. It’s slow as shit compared to games from the ps2 era.
Have fun with the aids
You gave a shitty cod clone jet packs, it’s still lame and slow paced with high to, focus on ADS and trying to be realistic.
What aids? I'm clean bro.
>he never went fast
Git gud shitter
>COD clone
>focus on ADS
>remotely being realistic
Underage retard. Titan fall is lame and tries to be realistic with ADS, military shit, ect. It’s lame and you are an underage faggot. Compare Titanfall to twisted metal. Also titanfall isn’t even fast, play Tribes nigger.
Titanfall is slow paced as shit. I know you are underage and don’t know shit but compare faggot fall to vid related.
>series with mechs and anime bosses
>realistic with ADS
>military shit
Only if you are a low iq 3rd worlder
I don't even need to click the link to know that you're mad retarded
You really are a retard that didn’t even bother watching the video. The devs even said their mechs aren’t really mechs. Play twisted metal if you think shittyfall isn’t trying to be realistic with its low ttk, ads and generic gun mechanics.
i hate nu naughty dog
Of course, because you are underage and can’t argue. On,y one mad here is you Titanfall shill.
Lol, underage faggots.
My first game was Lotus 3 on DOS back in 1994
You be zooming and you don’t even know fast. Funny world
>b-buh the game isn't retarded unlike twisted metal!
Lol, you are triggered.
>Le modern day Yea Forums meme
>Le shitposting face
Newfag is also underage, who would have guessed?
Unlike those anons that were triggered because I said that Titanfall is fast?
Titanfall still isn’t as fast as even cod 4. that’s why they made Apex Legends faster it didn’t even compare in speed with all of the movement options.
Game is slow son. Go play super monkey ball, half life, anything from the past. It’s higher paced guaranteed. Sports games are a perfect example of this only getting slower and worse over time
Not triggered. You are just wrong and underage. Twisted Metal and Tribes are a million times faster. Jedi outcast is faster. Titanfalls low ttk slows down the gameplay and movement options are far less open than older games.
the fps genre is a great example of this
otherwise, they were just arcade games in first person with different types of puzzles and enemies
He doesn't understand. He thinks just because he has a jetpack that it's "Fast paced". The thing is, with Black Mesa releasing he has no excuse.
I don't even mind games like Uncharted, LOU, NuGOW, etc. I just that devs pumped more variety. Maybe I got it wrong, but I remember there being a plethora of games to choose from with a some being stylized like ala Jak and Daxter and some erring on the side of COD or whatever. Right now it seems like devs can't be bothered to divy up their output and only produce one type of game per generation (which I get, seeing the crazy amount the pump into games they really can't afford to make something that won't bring in some cash, so they've got o play to the trends). I really have to point to this rambling, I just want more games with a Jak and Daxter approach alongside games like nuGOW.
Vid related is your average game in the 90s
Pic related is your average game now.
>Not triggered
I totally believe you
>he's not sliding all over the place
It's literally not the game fault if you play it like a regular COD game
>Retard loses argument
>Y-You are triggered!
Even with sliding it's still COD shit with low ttk, realistic brown and bloom aesthetic and shit gunplay like all modern realistic games. Play Tribes or even just half-life.
Reminder that this is what a skateboarding game was like in the 90s
It's so obvious you have never played an older shooter if you think COD clone #4231 is somehow special. Seriously, play literally any action game from before 2005.
This was a tactical game in the 90s. Notice how it's more insane and fast paced than any shooter out now?
>2x1 sesión doble
It's hilarious because ND games are indeed movies
This is insane. You were born in the year 2001. You literally were born after the games OP was talking about existed and never played them and yet you think you know more about gaming than all the people who DID play these games and are saying you are wrong.
>COD shit with low ttk
>mention HL and Tribes which had one shot kill weapons in MP
Come one son. You didn't even played the game and not even attempted to pretending. TF gameplay barely plays like average shooter.
>hurr you like modern games that means you never played old gaymes
I finished Doom, Doom 2, Quake, and Blood before. My favorite fps game of all time is MOH AA and Soldier of Fortune 1.
>some "tough" ladies
This is why we’re calling you retarded. You think speed is one aspect.
Speed is everything.
How long does it take to go through a room with nothing in it?
How long does an average fight take?
How should damage output be dealt with so a player feels like they have some control in all situations?
Walk speed vs run speed
Projectile movement
Apex is a good game it’s just not fast, yes it’s movement is fast, but in a 15 minute match if you kill 20 you’re good, in a 15 minute cod 4 shipment game the leader would probably have 500 kills.
Now I’m not saying this inherently is good, but overall the higher the speed of the game leaves more room for skill and creative options.
Sonics catch phrase was gotta go fast for a reason
Those 1 shot kills in tribes were so rare they were almost impossible.
You are an underage faggot. HL1 and Tribes are far faster paced.
What liberals think is realistic. They don't go out much.
This. Compare the cautious cover based play of modern games to any FPS from the 90s where you spawn and are near instantly shooting and dodging shit.
Oh and this doesn't just apply to FPS but it's a good example.
>This is insane
This is fucking hilarious
Nigga speed is speed. We're talking about TF which is WAY faster than the slog called Apex Legends.
>in a 15 minute cod 4 shipment game the leader would probably have 500 kills.
Fucking kek. No shit dumbass. The map is like 50 feet squares.
Nigga I literally played HL MP back in the day and everyone use charged tau cannon or activating the nuke
You don't know what face paced means. Holy shit you are an idiot. Like 4 different anons tried to explain it to you.
If you did then you wouldn't be worshipping modern slow shit games
Here, play vid related.
no, big companies killed it just like the movie industry
And you're among the 5 retards who only parrots shit on Yea Forums. TF sliding momentum is anything but slow. But it's no surprise if scrubs can even do it correctly.
>you can only like one type of things and not the others!
Holy shit the audacity
You don't know what pacing is.
Yeah, if you like slow paced modern shit it means you either didn't get to play or your IQ was too low to play good games.
You're out of arguments by this point. I didn't even mentioned games like MDK yet.
>jetpack is what made TF fast
>b-buh you play slow games means you're retarded despite you already mentioned having played old games that were GOOD!
>Out of arguments
>Everyone mentions pacing
>Retard doesn't know what pacing is and doesn't address anyone's arguments
>Just parrots the same shit
>Posts picture of random E-celeb
Underage faggot.
But TF isn't fast. It's a slow paced game as many people have explained and you failed to disprove. Titanfall is like the new God of War while older shooters were like DMC.
Cope nigger. You didn't even played the game and just parroting things that other people said before.
>You didn't even played the game
I'm talking to a 3rd worlder
I did. It's COD with jetpacks. Fucking underage retard. I did "Played" it.
>You didn't even played the game
>"Nuh uh, you didn't played it, all the cool kids at my school did"
Reminder that the average age of Yea Forums posters is 18. The first game console most of the faggots on Yea Forums likely owned was a 360 and in a few years it will be a ps4
Failed to what? TF pace is fast when you able to keep your momentum by wallrunning and sliding all over the place at anytime. MP maps are bigger than any COD game yet you can run across it in seconds if you understand its physics movement. You can even go faster using stim so that's not even an excuse to go slow. It's not my problem if those people like this retard played it like a COD game, walking around slowly and unironically using ADS when guns are already accurate using hipfire.
The only time when TF was ever slow was during TF2 beta where they nerf the movement until they patched it again.