What is it about this character that makes male incels love her so much?

What is it about this character that makes male incels love her so much?

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Incels think they're smart and only equally smart (i.e. PhD levels) girls would be able to understand them.

for me, it is Moeka!

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Her chemistry with Okabe.

I just like her cause she's a goofball memelord and a cutie.

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Wonder why so many of you retards are misusing the term incel. It's cringy as fuck

I just really like pantyhose.

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Good taste

Moeka is my second favorite behind Kurisu, she'd be best girl if she actually had a route

This pretty much. Incels think that being "redpilled" on women is the only thing that matters in life, so naturally they think they're smarter than everyone.

Epitome of incel fantasy
>in love with you
>despite all of this still undesired by men and still a virgin

She's basically a trap character without a dick, women like this cannot exist in real life because the incessant attention they get from men everywhere, all the time, ruins any chance they have of becoming normal human beings

>cute and sexy

She's literally perfect.

Who you preaching too, nigga?

An incel is just someone who's never had sex but wants to. I don't see how that relates to the definition. Kys

she does


what does involuntarily being a virgin have anything to do with what you retards are saying? not everyone is attractive enough to get pussy all day

Im assuming theyre just newfags or people from resetera.

What would Christina's favorite Yea Forums meme be?

Anyone who uses incel should just be disregarded, it's pretty much become the newest version of "virgin" in terms of how it's used as an insult without sounding as sexist as calling someone out as a virgin

Based, though I will say women can and do act like normal ass human beings but figuring out which ones do that is pretty much a crapshoot.

Other than the technical description, people made more associations with the word recently. Currently, you'll see this generally used as an insult toward angry virgin males.

Eh, that's half true with the virgin pasrt. Since it's mostly thrown around on the internet against random people. Namely males that don't hold mainstream opinions or ones that criticize a woman

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Oh man, you should do some research into that reddit cult that the Incels started, that shit alone makes for some hilarious reading.
Dunno what happened to them after their "Support group" subreddit got shut down because I became a hobo for a while but apparently they just came here and resetera.


Resetera doesn't seem like a good place for incels

I have no idea if it is or not, all I know is I've been back on the internet (for recreational purposes) for about 3 months and shits slowly turning into 1984.

>Even while being dead, she's still best girl

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>Based, though I will say women can and do act like normal ass human beings but figuring out which ones do that is pretty much a crapshoot.
They're usually just good at faking it, like sociopaths. Make no mistake, people only do what they have to do, and just like rich people don't have to work menial physical jobs, women don't have to have personalities, be interesting, or even just normal. There are exceptions but they are negligible in the big scheme.

Imagine an updated kurisu memedrops where she just calls you an incel or responds with cringe

I mean it started out that way, and then it became a self-descriptor for "it's the rest of the world's fault that I haven't had sex, not my abhorrent personality or anything about my life that I could fix but don't, woe is me" nerds.
Then someone who called himself an incel tried to start the incel revolution by running people over with his car and the term hit the mainstream and everyone realized how fucking pathetic they were. So now all the nerds who proudly called themselves incels a year ago are doubling back and saying it's a meaningless word. Like you.

The translation mainly uses japanese memes and explains them through tips though.

She's one of the few anime girls who would actually ironically dab without a hint of irony.

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>The few normal women that exist are not important
>Not even fucking implying it
What the fuck? do you just prefer to stick your dick in crazy or have you never got that far?

But that's bad translation.

No? It's a faithful translation, the best kind of translation. It wouldn't make sense for a japanese game that takes place in Japan to have western memes. Anyway, that's just how it is, like it or not

You should be able to solve this.

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I'm not saying they're not important, I'm saying the chance of finding one is worse than the chance of winning the lottery

don't forget this too

OkaKuri is great but Kurisu herself is just ok. Moeka though I love the character herself.

If its that bad for you you may have a problem or just really shitty luck.

>Unironically using the word incel
>suddenly start preaching strange political bullshit

Now do you see why you should disrespect that word? Every time. Every person who unironically uses that word, when you see a picture of them, are always these weird looking dweebs that ironically seems to fit the definition of "incel" that they keep spouting.

You have to be a loser to use the 2019 variant of "your a virgin" to someone, and you are an even bigger loser, because you cannot have sex either, but you stay in denial, and then you insult everyone with that word, but even worse, you start PREACHING about that word. The insult is not enough.

The fuck does "incel" have to do with "redpilled" you leftists fucktard. Incel is a reddit term, and the only people who use that word unironically are leftists and ledditors.

If moot were still around, for the good of the site, that word would be wordfilter and the butthurt from the fags who use that word will be real.

Kurisu's the best female character in the series.

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OTP of OTPs.

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Long haired skinny girl with a sense of humour and an interest in science. Literally the manic pixie dream girl of intellectuals

Anime girl with a sense of humour
Name literally any other anime girl that could, even slightly, be described as witty

You're willingly choosing to ignore what I told you about the odds

Anyone else think Moeka was John Titor and Suzuha was with Sern? Moeka was taking photos of everything and that made me think she was saving memories of the past. While Suzuha really fucking hates Kurisu.

I like Kurisu but I don't really think she has much sense of humor. She just makes witty comments like your typical kuudere to Okabe because he acts like a retard

She's easy to bully.
She's a smug @channeler that slays low IQ shitposters.
She looks really cute and is smart.
I'm pretty sure most people would love to have her for company.

WOW, user. It's almost like that was the fucking point

I love Christina!

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the fucking movie sucked but made me love the fuck out of Kurisu.

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it's unironically my fetish to be with a girl who is smarter than me in every way and needles me about it in a half-facetious, half-serious way that isn't overly autistic
>inb4 cuck
I know you are but what am I?

Play the Chaos; games Yea Forums

because she's based you stupid faggot

Talk about a spergout. Talk your pills my guy

Let's all share her as our goddess!

I am, though chaos;head has been sorta boring so far

Proof that you retards aren't much better than leftistfags. Hope you enjoyed getting triggered over nothing.

Based taste

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How comes these characters look like they got thier photo taken in a room swimming with dust

Stop acting as if it's anything but the new way to demonize virgins
>Oh you're a virgin? I heard incels hate everyone and commit mass murder so you must too!

>PhD = smart
I hate this meme. Most doctors are fucking autists indians.

What does being annoyed with someone misusing the term incel have to do with politics? Are you genuinely retarded?

>the new way to demonize virgins
It's idiots who think they deserve to be loved and are only aren't because the world is out to get them, not because they're bad people.
Not all virgins are incels. Not all incels are virgins.

>It has a different meaning for me!

This. Okabes chuuniness combined with Kurisus tsundere just work perfectly. Kurisu being one of the best tsunderes made helps too.

That's the same definition everyone uses.
It just makes you upset.

What part are you in? It never felt boring for me, but that may be because I found it really amusing seeing Takumi drop spaghetti wherever he went

>chaos head/child love chu chu both console exclusives
Fuuuuck you Japan

Only someone really insecure about their intellligence would care about something like that. Are you a uni drop out or something?

>Not every INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE is a virgin
Yeah, thanks for your subzero-IQ semantics. If you're gonna shit on language that hard, you might as well be speaking through yells and howling.

>only evil people have hard lives
Jesus Christ, normalfags are retarded

Was just talking to FES in that tunnel about finding his sword.
The clone with the swimsuit was pretty cool

Huh? I love someone else

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For me, it's Suzuha.

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I did, Chaos;Head was pretty good and Chaos;Child was arguably better than Steins;Gate. Really hope that Robotics;Notes will get localised so I can play it too.

Celibacy doesn't mean virginity, my guy.

You're right. Even though you use multiple insults in a single sentence, you aren't a bad person because

trash,don't bother waiting

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I want to bury my head into her spats

If you have had sex in the past you can still swear yourself to a life of celibacy. Celibacy just means no new sex or romance from that point on.

That's abstinence, you fucking retard.

>People worship that brown NTR bitch I wish to forget

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Why's it wrong for an incel to love another incel?

Oh hey, Holiday Matsuri

What do you expect/hope for the localization of two MAGES titles that will be announced on July 4?

Celibacy is a form of abstinence.

i love moe moeka!

Celibacy has the consequence of naturally abstaining from sex. "Abstinence" itself is a separate concept.

Because in my own personal experience those odds are very, very far from accurate.

because they are 13 and have access to the internet

So you have had multiple meaningful deep relationships with different women in the past?

Using it as a synonymous for retards that think too highly of themselves while being unable to grasp basic social interactions isn't misuse. If anything it's a much more coherent use of the term, since "involuntary celibacy" is not a real thing outside of being kidnapped by an order of monks and forced to live in a monastery


no you're an incel
your cringe gender politics can't save you, loser

yes, christ it isn't hard to manage, remember many of them are crazy, many of us aren't all there either and sometimes that makes things easier.

Rephrase everything you just wrote, because I can't make heads or tails of it.

That's the problem with misusing a word. Everyone including you has a different definition of it. Sounds retarded


yes you aren't actively being selected against based upon a myriad of personal deficits in a dating market transformed into consumer market, you just think too highly of yourself (which everyone knows is a terrible strategy for attracting mates)
i'm glad your cohort isn't having sex (you are annoying speds), but i hate that i'm going to have to continue living with you idiots while you call each other virgins for decades

I thought she was wearing a used condom belt there.

steins gate is shit

yeah whatever virgin

The only two good posts ITT

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>i'm going to have to continue living with you idiots while you call each other virgins for decades
>Implying people weren't already doing that
The only personal defect Incels actually suffer from is their own personality, I remember that closed down subreddit, about half the guys on there would have only had a little trouble if they just tried not sperging out and straight up dehumanising the women they were trying to shag, also they fucking labelled themselves after specific faults like elbows and shit based on excuses they got like being turned down for having nobbly kneesthinking it is a thing every woman does.
Incels fucking deserve their term being synonymous with retard.

Now now user, my problem with incels isn't their virginity (it sure took me a long ass time to turn into a functional human being and lose it). It's their "woe is me, the whole world is stacked against me on this and I have no responsibility over my own situation" blabbering that is unbearable to hear. If you can't take responsibility over the state of your life you're an immature idiot, calling yourself an incel is wearing your personal failures as a badge of honor instead of working on it

no you are judged by a myriad of factors: your social economic status, your physical fitness, your cranial features, etc
i don't care about your incel forum loser just rent a u-haul and get off of my planet, because i have no use for you and your "i'm the good kind of incel, ladies (the sneaky rapist kind)"

>believing he doesn't get laid because of his jawline
Dodging that personal responsibility like it's a fucking shmup in here eh?

Yeah nah, I ain't any kind of Incel and anyone judging me on my status is being judged right back because everyone judges everyone, people do this thing called giving people a shot, if you turn out to not be worth talking to thats all on you and if thats all you have then you work with it rather than cry on the internet.

you are judged by factors outside of your control in nature and it's good, because you're fucking ugly and no one wants ugly children
if you continue to use steins;gate as your signature for your cringe gender threads i'm going to put out a buttcoin bounty on your personal details. there is some price at which one of your collaborators will sell you out
go fuck off to some other website you mentally ill shitstain

I enjoyed Chaos;Head a lot, it had a lot of cute male characters to husbando too Misumi best boy.
On Chapter 4 of Child and not really enjoying it as much, the cast feels more lackluster and the story isn't as exciting. Hopefully it gets better soon

>Wah I can't control all information or people opinion of me
You can user, just try not being a shit person

oh no being judged "right back" by the incel furry. how will successful people ever manage

same way incels should, by not taking it too personal, remember user, theres more than 30 people in reality.

being a shit person is actually super beneficial
your metanarrative loses bro

>He added furry becuase he realised Incel only gets a rise out of Incels themselves nowadays
Stay mad, new Nigger.

Maybe if date tinder thots, but out in the real world there are plenty of normal women.

yeah and none of them like you
you really are the same bucket of shit, only one side thinks you're going to win by polishing a turd and the other wears the same pants for 9 months

>post a very handful box yesterday
>only 1 lone user got what I was talking about
Shame, I expected many more puns

>I'm gonna dox you because I can't get laid REEEEEEEEE
Nigga what. Even if you could pull that off, nothing I've said so far is something I don't acknowledge publicly. "Incels are immature morons" is hardly something that destroys someone's career or personal life. Or should I be scared that a bunch of incapable man-children have my home address for some reason? Do you even have the "cranial features" necessary to be able to intimidate someone?

It gets a lot better

Depends on your standard for "normal"

no i added furry because your cohort is loaded with dogfuckers
you are desperate freaks because someone made a meat market for buying men

Yeah but shit is a very wide definition when applied to human beings, because of Personal truth vs absolute truth.
Incels are shit in a very specific way, that they always demonstrate rather than hide.

My cohort? did you really imply im on Yea Forums WITH somebody? like some kind of faggot?

I am playing Chaos;Head right now. It's not really blowing me away, but I'm not suffering like I was when I made the mistake of trying Danganronpa which was pure unfiltered rancid dogshit.

Definitely not as good as Chaos;Child or either of the Steins;Gates, though. Maybe Noah makes a big difference, it's a shame there's no complete translation for it.

the specific way that you are "shit" is your frustration with your lack of sex motivates you develop very visible strategies for to gain advantage over other losers. this actually manifests as a variety of approaches, but mostly delineates between whether you have given up on women or attempting to manipulate women into not realizing you are actually shit.
as far as i can tell your strategies are all worthless and you are a waste of resource that act as forum pollution
your particular form of loserdom previously manifested in talking about "mras" constantly as if they were a relevant political force and not just your bitter enemies in virginity

I think I'm the guy you posted that in reply to - fuck you, you did spoil me after all.