Why don't they teach these skills to western vidya artists?

Why don't they teach these skills to western vidya artists?

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Western audience is not filled with otaku perverts

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Probably because the west is full of people with zero imagination

It’d be better if it was

>making cunny requires imagination

Wc3 Reforged is coming along well I see.

fucking kek

your point validates my own then?

Nipples are too far apart.

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This is where those fucking family finger videos come from, isn't it?

Is there anything more degrading then being Indian?

french do it tho

i dont like moeshit but its true 2d can make everything attractive in every way

only japanese and french know it

Let loose sloppy wet fart at the train and they blamed the old man behind me as if he did it twice before me riding
Shit feels like that spongebob episode

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chinese indian?

There's no competition in the west since the same handful of people control all the money and connections. And they've been purposefully pushing this concept that ugly and low effort is "art" thing since the 1960s. I have connections in the animation industry and know plenty of artists who could draw amazing stuff. Lifelike human figures, old style Disney animation, anime, etc. You know what they're doing right now? Taking a blue canvas and putting a big orange dot in the middle, then selling their painting for $500,000. Because that's the only thing that sells in modern western society.

If you try to get into the animation or gaming industry with an original idea, you're laughed at and kicked out. They just want to remake Marvel/Star Wars/Transformers/Game of Thrones for the 10,000th time. And to do that, they can't have any of that dirty originality. The dumb sheep wouldn't be able to figure out they're copying an IP unless you copy it's style! Never mind the fact that all this copying is failing. The people in charge have to keep pushing it, because they spent two decades pushing out all their talent and ironically, hiring the mindless sheep to make their product.

Japan on the other hand still relies on independent artists/authors to produce original works, then adapts them. And those authors have to do something unique, either in style or content, to stand out. The authors/artists who work on those manga/doujin and stand out then get hired to do design work for games. The west is actively sabotauging such a system. They used to have it. The Japanese got the idea from how the west did stuff in the 1950s-1960s. But while Japan stuck with the old system, the west has created a new system, where the people in the industry keep out new talent and just give their friends/children jobs. A bunch of stuck up rich kids who never had to lift a finger in their life go to "art" school and learn how to "draw."

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There are millions of people in the west who have imagination. But the people in the industry keep them out, because fresh new ideas would put them out of a job. Their making Terminator 14: Feminist Edition and Steven Universe Knock Off #72.

>Their making Terminator 14: Feminist Edition
Fucking hell it looks so damn awful. Pretty funny though when both T1 and T2 had a great strong woman main character.

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They need to make loli pantsu based textbooks to help rehabilitate hikki neets back into society

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I love this. Got anymore?