2019 ... I am forgotten

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Shitty games deserve to be forgotten.

DOA6 was the better 3d fighter than SC6

DoAXVV will keep the franchise alive do not worry about it. Now go to hell DoA6 and your nerfed tits

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And SC6 was forgotten even faster despite the forced hype.

Best Scoob since 2

Nobody likes Hitomi, of course she's forgotten (DOA6 isn't forgotten though, check the CEO tournament)

Yeah, but Koei "cucked" to SJWs.

At least, that's what the Quartering told me.

>The guy that believes DOAX tits are the standard size is still here

Not enough positive coverage. Hope they improve this appeal in DoA7.


never ever

You were the best looking girl in the old DOA style. Now you're the worst looking girl. Blame the new designers.

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Maybe if they didn't nerf Ayane's Ayanes DOA6 would have been good.

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Yeah, but I still play her because I'm a lifelong Hitomifag

Oh i see you love waiting 10mins tog et intoa match how cute .

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Well, I still play it

>ywn suck on Ayane's Ayanes

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My nigga

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And it's people like you who make it so DOA will never improve.

Rape Ayane!

Would DOA be more successful if they marketed their game to blacks like Mortal Kombat?

No. Blacks are too poor to buy $1000+ of DLC.

Tits too small

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>blacks are too poor
They use all the free money they get from the government to buy $200 sneakers and $500 smartphone plans. They have more money than your typical white wage slave.

Finna be the best Hitomi ... in vappa

Wait, there's a DOA6?

I wish there wasn't.

haha imagine hitomi's gi coming open in the middle of a fight haha

I'll never forget my German

>Nobody likes Hitomi
No u

Blacks are no longer the minority du jour in the West. Their numbers are too low and admitting that more blacks are employed in the US than ever and have more disposable income would be to admit that the Bad Orange Man isn't a Grand Wizard if the KKK after all. Tom Lee and his TDS weren't about to do that, so he deliberately made Diego in a clumsy, Commiefornian elitist manner to pander to Hispanics, who would've preferred another girl with big tits over 'representation' by some greasy chicano voiced by a leftist white guy (DC Douglas).

Nice tits

>DOA was my favorite 3D fighter
>actually had solid combat and I played characters I didn't even fap to
>defended DOA from all the Tekken and Soul Calibur fags who mocked it
>DOA5/Dimensions comes along and destroys both the combat and ruins the visuals
>tons of DLC
Even a hardcore DOA fan like me gave up on the series.

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Having played DOA4 online, I can tell you the majority of the audience is blacks, military losers and teenager white kids who pretend they're black online.

It's forgotten for a reason
Dumbass director just wouldn't keep his mouth shut
He just had to keep flip flopping on who he was appealing to and killed every group's interest in the game
Now barely anyone plays it

It's as alive as Skullgirls on Steam

Ain't Skullgirls like 6 years old though?

Fighters don't have a time limit. The most popular fighting games are 15+ years old. Many of them having no online options.

I know but it wouldn't be as populated as before.

Skullgirls is also a better game, and DOA like Soul Calibur has a large casual audience that drops it after a month or so

Which is a shame, because the gameplay is pretty good, and nothing else really has the combination of gameplay and fabpait.

such a shame. instead of making something new and good, they saw that the DLC gravy train for DoA5 LR was running out and thought "let's basically make the same fucking game again, get that gravy train rolling again".
any fool could see that it wouldn't work. new games need to be new, feel new. DoA6 feels like DoA5.5. Only two new characters was fucking embarassing. Only an average of three new moves per returning character was embarassing. Not even balancing the new sidestep move was fucking embarassing. Having only one win / loss pose per character was embarassing. The stage selecrtion was embarassing. The enivronmental texture work was embarassing. And so on and so on to infinity.

Based. 6fags are now the skin off franchise

>Having only one win / loss pose per character was embarassing
Why didn't they just bring the ones from 5 over?

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the most embarrassing thing was definitely the costume selection. went from 6+ unique FREE costumes per character to 2/3 in different colours that you had to grind for. pathetic

Melee, MvC and SF2 got more players over time. Fighters generally have sub 1 million players when they're "new" and gain more over time. I only wish CvsSNK2 would have done this instead of MvC.

There were fewer team-based, ego-protecting games then

Why did they remove all those unique outfits anyway?

so they can charge you for them later

Finna be the best Marie .. in Yea Forums

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they're doing that now by patch. basically it was the laziest, most rushed game imaginable

It might be a wild guess but chances are we got a complitely different game than what KT had planned , i mean the game receaved a lot of heat before release ( No jiggles - no skimpy costumes - more *realistic* models - overall a more serious approuch ) so they probably had to go back and redo the whole thing after seeing how the fans reacted at the news. This might explain why DoA6 was released in such state.

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>Hope they improve this appeal in DoA7.

user... I....

What went so wrong bros

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Appealing to the wrong audience. Why do devs keep trying to do this?

The vocal minority keeps bitching to them about it and they only see the dollar signs they will potentially get by appealing to them

Yeah Let's pretend the hatred towards DoA is a new thing . The FGC have allways rejected this game the fact that they arent playing DoA6 speaks for itself the fucking game is one of the "sefier" fighting games out there right now even Tekken have more Fan service .

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Left > Right

I like the sexy cowgirl theme, instead of just being a bikini

It really doesn't deserve the hate

They'll make 7 and have it be really good, right?

The mainline DOA games are a labor of love funded by DOAXVV whales

I saw CEO, they already did.
Even then how do you pander

It's not a new thing
They hate it because you can just throw out counters whenever and fuck up the flow of a match
Then the whole evo CORE VALUES thing killed their desire to play it since there's no money there
DoA6 went into production catering to sjws by toning down the sexiness and killed the interest of those who actually play the series because the director wouldn't keep his story straight about who he was catering to

Surely everyone else stopped playing because it was too addicting right?

They better put more love in for 7

I feel like this is the last mainline DOA with how poorly it sold and lack of competitive legs

>my KoF main gets in 6 as DLC
>meaning Kula probably won’t see being DLC in any other fighter based on the rule of SNK guest chars
>her outfits are kind of crappy too
>but she looks kind of fun
>need to buy DOA6 if I want to have fun with her
>nobody ripped her model yet so I can’t even make giantess renders with it
I liked it better when I got to make fun of DOA6 all the time, why they gotta hold Kula hostage, bros?

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No VF characters being in it killed it for me.

Why go BACKWARDS when the whole point is to build forward?

>buy DOA6
Just get F2P version and Kula

>I feel like this is the last mainline DOA with how poorly it sold
They said the same thing about many DOA games in the past.

>and lack of competitive legs
The DOA team doesn't care about tournaments. DOA was founded on the idea of being the anti Tekken. A game which didn't cater to tournaments or arcade players. They only care if the game makes a certain amount of money. And if anything is going to kill DOA, it's the DLC crap.

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Tournaments seem to be a good indicator of a game's legs, and I'd like to play DOA with people around my skill level without the game turning into a Discord fighter. Or be able to get more people into a game that's actually pretty fun.

5 was my first DOA game. I was a little disappointed with 6 being stripped.

>Tournaments seem to be a good indicator of a game's legs
1% of extreme players is not a good indicator of anything. There are games which only competitive players keep alive. And their parent companies don't support it, because only a small fraction of dedicated people keep playing it. Fighters have this more than any other genre except maybe RTS.

That's because the gameplay is fucking unappealing. 5 already saw a shrink in the competitive scene, but the casuals buying fanservice dlc kept it alive. 6 got rid of the fanservice and kept the same gameplay, so now all you see are the diehard competitive types, which are a handful of people. You are confusing hatred with apathy.

Why can VV be availible to the west on steam?

How would you fix DOA6's gameplay?

KT hates westerners.

Venus Vacation skips the boring fighting game parts and gets straight to the sniffs. No wonder it's more successful.

Well, loud retards keep complaining so they gave up on us.

They're the actual full blown retards for not evaluating the situation more accurately. Those complainers have zero power.

KT's fault for taking the shit "journalists" seriously

I don't know how you "fix" it but removing the Hold system would be what the FGC tryhards would call a step in the right direction since it adds randomness to the gameplay and they hate that shit .

Holds aren't that bad though

Am I supposed to do Team Ninja's job for them? Go ask why SF, Tekken, MK, and other fighting games don't have an F2P version and still get a larger player base. Even people who try out lots of FGs dropped DOA after a week or two. Whatever it is, the gameplay isn't hooking people in.