Motion controls BAD!

>Motion controls BAD!

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Wii waggle is bad but gyro aiming is great.

name two (2) games with good motion controls

I know it's bait but wouldn't a zoomer be saying the exact opposite? Of course, not like I expect a fucking phoneposter to know how to properly utilize the shitty memes they steal from r/Yea Forums.

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you're the one bringing up boomer/zoomer shit for no reason

>I know this is bait, but
>Replies anyway and gives me a small dopamine rush

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Splatoon 2

Just started Splatoon 2, and while gyro aim is good in general, what kind of autistic nonsense is nintendo trying to pull by limiting the right stick aiming to horizontal movement only?
Gyro works best in tandem with stick aim and leaving Y axis only to gyro aim while both are used for the X axis is the dumbest shit i've ever seen

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But motion controls are bad.

Ok now this is unironically based.


It's just so you can aim up and down with few tiny movements, as you won't be aiming up and down as much as left and right, I know it might be dumb, but I find it easy and convenient, and I got used pretty quick.


>Motion controls GOOD!

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skyward sword was a fun game

any light gun game

>asymmetrical controller layout bad

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>Light gun
>Motion control

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NPCs are the ones that love asymmetrical controllers like the PlebBox 360 that constantly gets hailed as the best controller ever.

About what, bitch?

I have have to give some credit, your retarded wojack spamming breakdown isn't easy. No matter howmuh times your banned you make these threads on every borad, Good bait.

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>inverted controls bad

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