Well, we lived long enough to see this happen.
Well, we lived long enough to see this happen
Other urls found in this thread:
And that's a good thing
how did nintendo go from censoring MK in the 90s to not giving a fuck about censorship?
The ESRB happened. They deferred all responsibility to them.
Name a single third-party-published game Nintendo has censored since the ESRB's introduction.
You can't.
Fuck I'm so sad now that Rance was banned on steam, imagine the nuclear shitstorm we would have if they get triggered so easily with casual bait like Neptunia.
>pedophiles roleplaying as normal people
Always hilarious to witness.
ERA wouldn't be able to bitch because porn games are banned on their but knowing them the'll fine a way.
Man Hunt 2
Muramasa: The Demon Blade. Dialogue was toned down. The PS Vita port released later on has the original, intended dialogue.
Non-censorship doesn't help the shitty resolution and framerate.
What does that have to do with Nintendo?
Is a fucking joke ive been buying nothing but PlayStation for the las 18 years becosue they were based enogh to not censor enything and bring the jap niche games to the west now screw it . Now im I supposed to buy a fucking tablet now ? fuck this shit .
That wasn't only censored on Nintendo platforms. Everything that was censored on the Wii version was also censored on the PC version.
>Nintendo has no censor plans
>censors characters in Smash
>believe in corporate lies
>hurrr it's not real bideo gaems because it has a touch screen
Not him but it was "toned down" due to a bad translation and its localisation had nothing to do with Nintendo intervening.
I bet most of the poster there were an actual pedophiles in real life
pedoera is disgusting
I mean censorship was literally the only press for fire Emblem at the time.
Sony is American now. No more lolis no more sexy.
WTF is this then? WTF was with all of those 3ds games just a few years ago? All of a sudden we believe this shit?
Smash isn't third party user.
Nintendo are clever motherfucker
You’re a fucking loser.
shill defense force
Nintendo might not, but CERO sure do depending on how low Nintendo want to get the age rating.
>Sony is based
>because they bring niche jap games to the west
Are you confusing publishers releasing games on playstation with that being sony’s doing for some reason?
Not a third party game?
And in a game that had a lower rating than the source game?
Don't be obtuse the Switch is a tablet that looks like shit on a TV.
See As for the 3DS I'm pretty sure when the Switch era started NoA and Treehouse were put on a leash.
My mistake, from what I remembered the PS2 version was left alone and the Wii Got shafted.
The stockings are hot as fuck
Yes please
Defense for what?
You were asked to give an example of a third party game personally censored by Nintendo post ESRB and you didn't.
Sony isn't censoring for the sake of a ratings board. I dunno what's so hard to understand that. Those are M rated games having censorship. This is for a stingy rating board(s).
and 3DS/Wii U are last gen. I don't know what's so hard to believe about that, either. A company's policy can change, literally look at Sony
Xeno and Smash have different CERO ratings, Sakurai had spoken at length about how completely childish and stupid their ratings are. Pyra was unchanged because her tiny boyshorts technically cover everything, they really don't like skirts for some reason
Not a third party game, changed to meet ESRB and/or other ratings board standards so the game wouldn't receive a higher age rating
>changing your own games to get a certain rating
>forcing other developers to change their games you have nothing to do with after they get a rating because you don’t like something
Learn the difference, it might save your life.
The PS versions were censored too to get an M rating rather than AO.
Not a third party game.
Smash has a lower rating than Xenoblade 2.
That's an alternate outfit that's also available in Xenoblade 2 as an option.
Xenoblade 2 is mildly censored though, some suggestive dialogue was changed. Mostly Azurda's comments about Mythra.
So the media and shills are misleading with "Nintendo Has No Plans To Censor Video Games Like Sony" shit when they just mean 3rd party, and probably then we will see it anyways.
The game itself does not matter the censoring does. Even if the character looks better
again, that was a long time ago and remembered otherwise. My bad.
They have good taste, stockings/pantyhose > bare legs
Oh no! Not my cartoon waifu games! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>That's an alternate outfit that's also available in Xenoblade 2 as an option
Only after the smash announcement
Actually, it was in the game before the official Smash announcement, but after the leak.
>Xenoblade 2 is mildly censored though
That's actually a case of bad localisation rather than censorship. Granted most of those like Azurda's comment do carry the same context only with a little more subtlety.
>Oh no, this jpeg got censored on a E-rated game
Literally no one sane gave a shit about Bayonetta's slits or Corrin's thighs.
Changing your own game isn’t censorship, it’s making a design decision.
Someone making a design delicious for your game to let you sell it on their platform is censorship.
Witcher 3 being downgraded for consoles isn’t censorship.
Oblivion scraping Radiant AI isn’t censorship.
>So the media and shills are misleading with "Nintendo Has No Plans To Censor Video Games Like Sony" shit
No, they aren't. The headlines I've seen are along the lines of "Nintendo Reaffirms That It Will Not Censor Third-Party Games, Says Doing So Would 'Inhibit' Industry"
Nintendo doesn't censor third party games.
Sony does censor third party games.
>WTF is this then? WTF was with all of those 3ds games just a few years ago? All of a sudden we believe this shit?
CERO you dipshit.
>Bayonetta's slits
And people say we don't live in a clown world.
We're in a timeline where Nintendo has less censorship than Sony and Valve.
CERO =/= Nintendo you dumbass
>Changing the character design in a different game from the original design to be censored is not censorship
yet evenicle is still there
>The game itself does not matter
Of course it does you idiot. Nintendo said they won't interfere with third party developers not their own games which is the entire point of this thread and the reason why people are pissed at Sony overstepping their boundaries.
Even then since they slapped Treehouse into line its only been adjustments according to CERO which they can't do anything about.
Nintendo's games might as well be censored considering how shit the hardware is.
>This outfit alone is CERO
That's like saying Bayo 2 was censored.
Then stop praising Nintendo for stopping censorship when they clearly haven't
That doesn't even make sense.
It isn’t.
Changing WiiFit Trainer’s face isn’t censorship, either.
Enjoy your jaggies at 720p/30fps.
>banned for differing opinions
Literally an echo chamber of faggots.
The leg holes on her bayo 2 costume have darkened stockings and she never goes full on sling bikini with the Wicked Weaves.
>Publisher vs Developer
You actually think Nintendo made both of these games huh?
Well since Sony allow them to released their stuff on their platform kinda yes and Sony is or was a japanese company so i dont see why small devs woulnt choose to release tehre , nintendo is also japanese but it has allways been the family frindly platform they wouldnt allow some of the games that sony did back in the day you know what i talking about dont pretend to be dumb .
Why would you even justify his existence with this response, user?
The phrase "thou protesteth too much" has never been more fitting.
I swear to God you must be a registered member of nambla to join resetera.
This is some mental gymnastic. No, it isn't.
This is what happens when you keep screaming censorship towards everything. The word loses all meaning.
>Changing the character design in a different game from the original design
It's like you don't even read your own posts.
You know Bayo's design changed right?
>Not everything is censorship therefore things that are changed to censor are not censorship
Ok retard
Why is it always the people who are most vocal online about it that are real pedos?
Yes, you retard.
When you bring something to be rated you tell them what rating you want, and they tell you exactly wha needs to be changed to get that rating. It’s haggling.
A common tactic used to be to include something outrageous that you never meant to keep in so they focus on that and not the actual borderline shit you’re worried about.
Yea Forums doesn't look ugly enough in that picture.
>they wouldnt allow some of the games that sony did back in the day
Such as?
Because Sony has been relatively tame all things considered.
>Rants about anime tiddies
>Has a Kengan Asura profile pic
I'll never understand these hypocritical cunts
>skifree yeti in front of rainbow flag
>over-the-top contrarian opinions
this guy is oldfag as fuck. he's extremely dangerous and should be treated with utmost caution
Wow its almost like the context matters.
Why do they care so much about what other people are playing/seeing?
Yea its your mental gymnastics
>changed to censor
Not sure what kind of fallacy you’re trying to employ here, but you better learn English first, you esl monkey.
Says the person who doesn't understand why smash needed to be altered for the correct rating.
Yes, because she's in a fucking E10+ game instead of an M rated game.
Changed for what? Smash or bayo 2?
That’s how it should be though. Let a rating board throw down a rating for a game.
That is a perfectly valid statement retard
>Nintendo doesn't censor
>*Moves goalpost
>Well they had to!
Are you being retarded on purpose or do you not know that Bayo 2 has the same rating as 1?
Do you even know what this conversation is about?
Her design wasn't changed in Smash, it has both costumes, she just doesn't show nearly as much skin when she uses her hair-demon because the game is Rated E, not M.
And? First party gets free pass somehow? Censorship is censorship. I think Nintendo is more harmful because unlike Sony which basically touching only some shitty visual novels Nintendo censor their main games.
How would you know, Juan?
mental illness
The guy who brought up bayo wasn't talking about smash.
Nintendo has no plans
Just stop here. It's enough
the lady doth protest too much
>Nintendo doesn't censor
>*Moves goalpost
They don't censor third party games
Why are you moving the goalposts
But no, Smash should be rated M, I'm sure that wouldn't affect sales or anything
>It is ok when Nintendo does it
Basically any argument
That one was hilarious
Underage panty quest is not something I endorse at all but seeing leftist hypocrites seethe makes me feel pleasure. Not sure what that makes me
what prompted this response
for once, thank fucking god for China. They make up way more of the market for this stuff than the west and aren't fucking prudes.
>Can't even say why using to with a verb is somehow wrong
Ok Jose
I would take a couple of pixels being covered up over my multiplats being vastly inferior like Bloodstained.
It's over bros. Fuck.
I'm going to buy a Switch tonight. I'm sorry for all that shit I said about Nintendo, I don't want to be left out anymore
What is she even talking about there?
>imaging trying to appeal these people
I wonder if they guys that made DoA6 learned their lesson
>It's not okay that Nintendo is now refusing to censor shit and instead opting to allow the developers' designs remain intact
What did he mean by this?
Fatal Frame was censored, so does Fire Emblem. They have huge history of censoring games.
>I think Nintendo is more harmful
Jump through as many hoops as you like but ultimately they can do what they want with their games because they own them and it's well within their right.
Sony on the other hand have been censoring third party games that they do NOT own and beyond those VNs that you've mentioned.
fucking based
>Such as?
dead or alive 2 for example.
>Because Sony has been relatively tame all things considered.
Ok now i know you are baiting .
Well except if those developers work for them.
>Fatal Frame was censored, so does Fire Emblem
Are you an idiot?
They own these games. Sony doesn't own Senran or Omega Labyrinth yet they forced senran to be delayed and omega Labyrinth's localisation was cancelled.
nothing at all, someone posted that pic and that was her response. I do like the fact that by saying that you can get 20k likes on twitter
>leftist hypocrites
Censoring games has been a big government thing on all parties since before you were born.
Zoomers with no grasp of history need to stop talking.
Have people forgotten this already? They removed a bunch of costumes from Fatal Frame
Just seems like company's have a short memory or a poor feeling for the pulse of a generation. Sony got a boon in being the "good guy" after MS botched things with the Xbox at e3 then they went on to become "the bad guys". Nintendo is just capitalizing on the situation
I've got no fucking allegiance. If my games are uncensored on switch I buy them there, if they are uncensored on PS4 I buy them there. I don't care about the historical precedents or anything, the only thing that matters is the present.
So that they knowingly censored them, removing and changing content because they feared for their child friendly rep, doesn't matter?
Looking forward in a couple of years when the tables are once again turned and see Nintendo fanboys defend censorship and shunning anime games
No, it's exclusive but third party you cretin.
Or this
Why are you attacking me? Are you one of the aforementioned leftist hypocrites. Why do you swing between puritanism and degenerate licentiousness based on the subject. You have no problem with young boys parading in the street half naked but you want to shut down the underage panty quest. Why you trying to force your values on me when you haven't figured them out for yourself?
Yeah, but that's the PAST user. We live NOW and now things are like in
Sure, Nintendo sucked ass in terms of censorship back then, but I'm glad they changed their mind.
Lol, Nintendo is fucking cancer.
>Iwata died
>Nintendo stopped being anal about censorship
Is there a correlation?
Based. Hope this happens enough so all companies become good guys.
Gamers have the memory of a doughnut.
>We live NOW
They censored Joker this year user.
>dead or alive 2 for example
The Gamecube wasn't out when that was released. Not to mention the 3ds got dimensions and the switch got an uncensored xtreme 3.
>Ok now i know you are baiting .
You'd think so but no. Sony isn't very lenient with these games, there was even a fair amount of censorship on the vita before these policies.
Absolutely, Iwata was a developer first like he always said. He was a softie and let NoA and censor fanatics push him around. It took until a no nonsense marketing guy got back in charge that things changed.
I will take it with a grain of salt.
I stopped caring about graphics when I became an adult.
I somehow doubt its in the past but we will see. People will jerk off to this for a few months until we learn of some new Nintendo thing they fucked up and the mental gymnastics of how it does not contradict what was said before
every single one of those people are basically 100% confirmed to have child porn on their computers
and I mean real child porn, with real children
You're going to call anyone else a cretin without even knowing that Nintendo co-own fatal frame?
Projection, like those anti-gay guys always being found at glory holes 15 years ago.
PlayStation is older than most people on this board.
>Why are you attacking me?
Because you are the moron trying to make a partisan issue out of a creative and artistic freedom issue because it suits your agenda and gives you upvotes on Yea Forums.
Worse, your idiocy practically assures that the actual issues will never be addressed because you are trying to cloak them in current era political dross that will not exist 10 years down the line.
Well it's a good thing NoA doesn't run things anymore. Americans are such hypocrites.
You keep naming games and IPs they fucking own, they aren't censoring third-party games
>No, it's exclusive but third party you cretin.
No, its not third party because NINTENDO OWNS THE IP
Not really sure if that statement makes any sense. People can like games for many different reasons I do not think you being older changes those. Now a good game can have shit graphics and a bad game can have really good graphics but a masterpiece can have both that work together.
little do they know female legwear only makes my dick harder
Breed a force of brand warriors that care more for the PS logo than the games on the system?
pretty sure this means nintendo japan, the localized version will still get censored as always
>Breed a force of brand warriors that care more for the PS logo than the games on the system?
You could replace 'PS logo' with Nintendo/Steam/Xbox and would fit
I wonder if they'll still censor Lin if/when they do an X rerelease.
>digital controller
>political dross that will not exist 10 years down the line
Lol sure thing. Sounds like a touched nerve desu
>but a masterpiece can have both that work together.
[citation seriously needed]
>NOA pushed the fucking president of Nintendo around and MADE him say it was okay to censor muh anime tiddies
Holy shit the mental gymnastics you retards do to justify your narratives is beyond ridiculous.
>It MUST be censorship! I'll invent a ridiculous scenario that confirms my already jumped-to conclusion!
Nintendo thought that was the best way to handle that kind of content for the western market. They were wrong, the games didn't sell well, so they changed course. End of fucking story.
Nintendo games get identical global releases now with the same exact data on the game card. There's no such thing as a "localized version" anymore.
>if you don't like don't buy it
>if you don't want your kids to see it then that is your responsibility
wow so controversial and based snoy btfo etc.
That honestly looks disgusting, X is so fucking ugly, holy shit
nintendo of america lost its power
I'm talking about those who soley judges a game on its graphical fidelity.
Fatal Frame isn't a third party game
>doesn't address the post, post "u mad"
This is the part where I know I called you out squarely, and you can't even begin to make an argument that doesn't make you look stupider than you already have.
I didn't think that was censoring so much as it was sheer incompetence since they flat out didn't translate a bunch of shit and make a ton of mistakes on the translations they did make, god only knows why that was outsourced instead of being translated in house by atlus
I'm wondering how Furukawa is keeping that going these days. Considering he's a lot younger and doesn't really seem very no nonsense like Kirishima was during the interim. For all intents and purposes, he seems like he should be a pushover getting bullied by the older staff at Nintendo, but it doesn't seem to be happening that way.
>I wonder if they'll put a 13 year-old in a tiny bikini
Isn't XBC2 made on the same engine? Amazing what shaders can do, huh?
It was a weird trip down memory lane going through my X folder. This was the best explanation came across for the intent, but the execution was lacking to say the least.
You know, you console warring retards keep trying to blame the other company, but the fact is that is entirely, 100% the fault of Americans.
>I do not think you being older changes those
Yeah it kind of does.
You see when you get older and have invested time into this medium you tend to start looking beyond the flashy lights and visuals and look more to the mechanics and gameplay that set them apart from each other just because by then you would have played an incredible amount of games that begin to feel the same once the novelty of visuals wear off.
It's metal gymnastics to imply that what NoA did to many games isn't censorship. They altered products to avoid potential political and social backlash. They were fully within their rights to do so, but whether it is morally or financially correct to do so is the real debate.
That's so weird, because they did everywhere else. Just not here in NA where they censored her with the undergarments that covered her much more conservatively.
Furukawa is literally the one that made this "censorship inhibits the industry" statement. He's shown nothing but support for the Kimishima policy so far.
Ignoring everything else that has already been mentioned, Smash censorship was fucking weird. Zero Suit Samus, Camilla and Mythra were censored, but Bayonetta, Pyra and pic related were not.
Very fucking nice. That is what all gaming companies should be doing, rather than censoring games and creative designers for some arbitrary moral standard originating out of California and European hate speech bullshit, like SNOY does.
Death to all censorship
only in murica
european version had then
Not really. All of those had moments where the fans abandoned them or berated them while Sony hasn't. Even with 599 YOU ESS DOLLARS and no games the ps3 managed to almost hit 90m in sales.
Compare that to the wii u and xbone, they didn't even reach a quarter of that because their fanbases don't buy on company logo but games.
I'm kind of impressed. I didn't know what to think of Furukawa at first, but if he really supports that mindset and policy, then perhaps we'll finally be entering back into another Nintendo golden age.
>Death to all censorship
I dont see hourly threads about boycotting Steam despite censoring or outright banning certain games on their store
Oh wait i forgot its Sony so no matter what they do its always bad
>13 year old in a bikini is scandalous
Seriously go outside, it's July, you'll be seeing that a lot.
>Compare that to the wii u
Which fanboys here defended to the death and to this day still do?
>and xbone,
Read above
>Even with 599 YOU ESS DOLLARS and no games the ps3 managed to almost hit 90m in sales.
Except PS3 for the longest time it was at the bottom and it took years for it to catch up?
Consider the following: Not everyone gives a shit about Steam.
He's definitely more of a happy go lucky type but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a pushover. After all, friendly and strict aren't mutually exclusive.
Watch out though, his background as this Pokemon Company executive, the merchandise and brand division of pokemon, means they might reverse course as soon as they see any kind of detriment from the policy.
>People can only post last gen examples
Might as well post SNES & NES games that had religious imagery removed
Is that why we have hourly "Steam good, Epic bad" threads?
You mean Joker's final smash where he was supposed to slice against enemies and have blood gushing out was instead censored to simply be a bunch of stars in a family-friendly game full of non-human characters? Mr. G&W would have been a better reference to use in the case of censorship, user.
That's the best part of the "go outside" argument that SJWs make. They themselves want to live in a little bubble where they can pretend other, more attractive females don't walk around wearing that kind of shit in public. In truth they know they can't stop it, so they settle for stopping it in a medium they have somehow gained some influence over.
and they kept dropping in hw sales eversince
Forcing censorship and content changes on already M rated titles is in a completely different league to arbitrary blocking of unrated steam games. Don't get me wrong, I think that Steam should fuck off with what they're doing, but Sony poses a greater immediate threat because they can bully developers into pre-censoring their titles on all platforms.
Welcome to reality, I can search for photos of nudist colonies featuring minors on google too, doesn't mean its acceptable for it to be in a video game
Sorry they didn't want the game to carry an M rating
They're not bad localization. Even the PoppiA wearing a bikini turned into PoppiA wearing a Bunny "Armor", which has enough subtle context enough to get the most stripperiffic feminine blade raise an eyebrow
>Which fanboys here defended to the death and to this day still do?
Excuse me, not that user, but I despise my Wii U. I didn't even pay for it, and I hate the day I got it, because even compared to any other console I've saved up and bought, I have never been more disappointed in something as I was in the absolute piece of shit that was my Wii U.
that's because japs literally don't understand censorship
snoy's problem is moving to california
What's up with video game ratings, anyway? How come games have to have a giant letter plastered on the front of their boxart but movies have an almost invisibly small rating on the back of the case?
And books don't have any kind of rating at all. A song of ice and fire has tones of super graphic scenes that aren't appropriate for younger people.
It just seems really unbalanced that one particular type of media is so heavily rated.
No citation for a concept. How can you disagree that a good looking game with good gameplay is worse than the same game but with bad graphics? See GOW 2018 if you need an example I guess. It would be a shit game if it was pixel graphics
>we'll censor this game on our platform, every other platform gets the game without censorship
>we'll ban this game despite it already being on the store and met the requirements for it to be sold
gee i wonder which is worse
the fact that the top honchos over at steam haven't clamped down upon the mod periodically banning random mature content is indeed troublesome, and I hope cancer and AIDS and death descends upon the mods entire family and wipes all of them out as soon as possible while they infect the gene pool with their diseased retardation.
>these people exist unironically
Can't sell R-rated movies to minors, nothing is different
>Which fanboys here defended to the death and to this day still do?
On what planet? At best you'll see people say it has a few hidden gems but ultimately isn't worth it especially with the switch existing.
That's fairly reasonable.
>Read above
Again doesn't apply. Even moreso than the Wii U in fact because its exclusives have been ported to PC.
>Except PS3 for the longest time it was at the bottom and it took years for it to catch up
Just like the Wii U and Xbone. If they had even half of the fanboys that Sony has their sales would have doubled.
Not to mention Nintendo was heavily criticised when it came to their first party censorship on the 3ds and Wii U while there are people currently saying that's worse than Sony censoring third party games.
Whether you like it or not brand warriors are predominantly on Sony systems.
CERO is known for being inconsistent as fuck and even Sakurai complained about it. Compare it to other spirits in the same game like the Ouendan cheerleaders who also show their bare legs yet were unchanged.
>I dont see hourly threads about boycotting Steam despite censoring or outright banning certain games on their store
You must be new here or have a very selective memory then, Sonybronie. There were plenty of threads whenever games got censored on Steam, be it for violent or sexual content. That actually resulted in enough of a backlash to make Valve loosen their gates on adult content. Valve is by no means perfect and they still do a lot of arbitrary shit when it comes to denying access that they should definitely be called out on, but regardless of that they're objectively the laxest gaming storefront out right now in terms of adult content.
Sony on the other hand is tightening consoles' *already restrictive* content policies (compared to PC) even further to satisfy Californians, and they're going so far they're forcing Japanese devs to censor games intended solely for the Japanese market when previously only localized games had to deal with upholding American values.
My friend, I'm just playing Devil's advocate here. 4 years ago, I made the exact same points you are, because a child shouldn't be depicted in that manner, yet there Lin was dressed like that in every version of Xenoblade Chronicles X not sold in North America. As someone who defended that choice against people who railed against the game as though they were combating censorship itself, all I am trying to advise is to take OP's statement from Nintendo with a grain of salt, because when you put Ninty's balls on a cinder block and threaten to bring an axe down on them, and Ninty bluffs and tells you to do it, don't think they wont pull them away at the last second if they ever really believe they might get in some trouble.
Also, she wasn't 13. She just looked like she was.
There are more Playstation owners so there also are more fanboys
There's also no denying that the WiiU failure and the Xbox One underperforming has calmed down most of their zealots
>Well, we lived long enough to see this happen.
You are living a lie.
Guess you already forgot all about the localization censorship. Nintendo can claim they ain't censoring all they want but they got everything from region locks to other shit going for them.
There's a reason they lost the war to Sony for many years and that's because of their straight up dictatorship. Even now their 1st party IPs are held hostage so we rarely ever see any games from old and if they make them it's hard to consider them "decent" because all they release is Mario and Zelda while their other IPs play 8th fiddle to them.
Want to play as Luigi? Enjoy Luigi's Mansion 3 cause he ass wont be in Mario Odyssey nor peach nor...
Just because I criticize Nintendo on this doesn't mean Sony gets a pass. You fucks never understand this.
Censorship is bad and these PR stunts can suck it.
>every other platform gets the game without censorship
Except that's not necessarily true. Developers may choose to take the cheaper route and only create one "Sony approved" version of the game and assets rather than sink money into funding two separate games with separate content.
On top of that, by explicitly creating a censored version for Sony, Sony might not like the bad press they get over it. For smaller games like Omega Labyrinth it's not such a big deal because there is no relationship there, but Imagine if FFVII remake wasn't Sony exclusive and Tifa's outfit was only "updated" for the PS4 version. Would Sony really appreciate all the bad press and would Square really want to damage their relationship with a big publisher like that?
That´s what you get in capitalism and goes for most/any brand. Go outside more.
Fatal Frame is now a first party in collaboration with KT, and FE always was first party. A better example would be the Bravely Default games which are indeed third party yet were censored in the west were Nintendo published them, but everyone hated all those changes that Treehouse were making at the time.
>On what planet?
On Yea Forums, everyone thought it would be the Wii 2 in terms of success and spent every single day gloating about how any day now Nintendo would release a killer app that would crush the PS4
>Again doesn't apply.
Except there's been that copy pasta of Xboners saying Sony is doomed and Xbone is coming back at full force
>Whether you like it or not brand warriors are predominantly on Sony systems.
My pic says so otherwise
Sony hasn't actually censored anything though, they just made games more appropriate and less cringey
Because Nintendo only does that shit to keep CERO and ESRB happy and they don't force other developers to abide by any standards besides not getting AO ratings.
There are no region locks on the switch, retard. Games are released with all languages on the same cart in all regions. You can even easily buy games that were only released in japan directly from the eshop.
People buy those games because they are like that. Have the sales of those games gone up because they removed those elements?
>People defending paying the same for less
>The Pure Sony
>The Degenerate Nintendo
Will America ever regain its sanity?
I understand why people don't want to play weeb games but
>don't like it don't play it
Why must SJWs ruin my fun.
>only in murica
Well, that's where all the problems come from.
The american divisions are the only ones pushing this kind of shit, it was true for Nintendo and Treehouse just as it's true for Sony's american division, americans are the problem, not Sony or Nintendo.
>inb4 muh commiefornia
>There were plenty of threads whenever games got censored on Steam
This game is still banned from Steam, there were barely any thread about this getting removed despite it already being on the store for a couple of days, even more when Mangagamer contacted Steam curators several times and got no response from them
If it wasnt for GOG this game wouldnt be available anywhere else, take Gaben's chode off your mouth every once in a while
Bro the Switch is going to be like 4 gens behind in hardware once the PS5 comes out. I'm a PC gamer but I'd be mad as fuck if I was forced to switch to a 2009 macbook just to play my videogames without white bars.
Now post a pic of her game, not a game where she makes a cameo, and show me how censored it is.
Do you retards actually think this is the same as censoring the game itself like Sony does? Fuck off.
They're just mad that 2d---->3d even when applied to loli and shota content. Fuck'em. Also, they like to fuck actual children lol
Been a long time since I've seen a "Yea Forums is one person" tier argument.
>What Cyberpunk will feature
No, just be thankful the market for weeb games in the west isn't growing as fast as it is in Asia. Things may ultimately end up like the Anime industry, five years ago or so there was tons of doomposting about how the West was becoming a significant market and content would change to cater to them. Ultimately it turned out China and South East Asia now make up something like quadruple the market compared to the West. Everything worked out fine, and my hope is japanese games end up the same way.
The function is the same. But the rating itself is much more prominent on video games.
It does when Nintendo's own game is aiming for a certain rating. Or any publisher for the matter. I don't mind that this happened outside of XBC2 and that it was done in both the US and Japan. For Smash, it was to be expected. As long as get the same version as Japan or better. Because of CERO the last Smash game had been censored only in Japan via update, it pretty much confirms how strict they compared to the ESRB. Since the Switch's release we haven't seen Nintendo censor a localization in a while, hopefully it stays that way.
Jesus Nintendo why do you think people wanted to play this game?! Just don't release it in the West if you're just going to butcher it.
A lot of the names in this post are the same people who post in every censorship thread and every thread about a problematic game.
Is Yea Forums unironically the most normal place on the internet? Like everywhere else is full of trannies & actual pedophiles. But the average Yea Forums user is probably just a 20 year old college student or Wagie
I read about this too, The west is on track to becoming secondary again. but that doesn't necessarily mean the return of the kind of games a traditional weeab would necessarily want to play.
>20 year old
But it's got the original Japanese voice actors, no dubs! This was seriously one of their selling points. And I totally agree. Give me the full product or don't even bother bringing it over.
don't speak for me you baiting mongoloid
have a (You), you're obviously thirsty
Other places on the internet are too regulated with upvotes, likes and names/reputation. When you post anonymously you get a real representation of people, at least among each type of community. It's been this way through all of history, you need to look at the anonymous to get an idea of the average person, see pic related.
Jannies confirmed it awhile ago, aside from Yea Forums this is the youngest, healthiest and most sexually active board on Yea Forums. With only like 45% virgins
>Like everywhere else is full of trannies & actual pedophiles.
>Being this new
Literal delusion, dear election tourist.
You have to give tribute in lips service and virtue signalling just to have the right to post in there. Imagine going to a forum that hates videogames instead of video games enthusiasm for it. Yea Forums hating video games is just a meme, but this is the real deal.
>B-But nintendo in last gen
No, fuck off. They made Treehouse their bitch since last gen. Anything other than that is CERO and your mental gymnastics. The only point you have is G&W f-smash. There are a lot more points against you. Why isn't Nintendo censoring Senran Kagura Peach Ball? What about Dead or Alive Xtreme 3? I could go on but i guess you get my point.
Do you have problems with reading comprehension? Like I already said, I'm not trying to argue that Steam dindunuffin. I also said that the content selection process is arbitrary which I'm unhappy with, but despite that it's still one of the laxest storefronts if not the laxest one around (aside from those exceptions), precisely because fans created enough of a backlash, take Hatred or Huniepop for example. I'm just stating an objective fact that their policy is much better than it was before.
What I am trying to do, is to call out your attempt to deflect this thread's topic about Sony's recent censorship policies by leading the discussion to "b-b-but what about Steam, huh?!?" Like I and other people said already, you should call out all censorship whenever it pops up, be it Valve, MS, Sony or Nintendo or whoever rather than quarrel about which platform is the least worst like a brand loyalist.
What? I thought I was still one of the youngest at 26.
It seems like people have it twisted, the main reason people complain about censorship in one area but not another is because, the games that are getting censored are games with mature ratings, meant for mature audiences, they have clear ratings that dictate what you should expect from a piece of media, but when you remove that i.e censor it, it's a problem. But let's say if a game were to include something more mature in a game made for younger audiences or anyone, they would have to "censor" it because there is a standard that comes with the rating.
Basically, the real problem is that MATURE GAMES with MATURE RATINGS are getting censored which is the problem.
I don't like censorship and anyone who supports it, it's an easy way to see exactly what kind of character they are.
You cannot be ok with one thing but not another, that's not fair to have your standard dictate what and what shouldent censored.
whoops, too blurry
Hnnng look at Maire all gung ho, absolutely qt
>election tourist
wrong board, /pal/
>you should call out all censorship whenever it pops up,
Good idea!
>hey guys Steam censorship sucks
>fuck off Epicshill *posts 1989 Tiananmen pasta*
There simply are lots of people that are fucking hypocrite retards with no principles, that's just the world we live in. The only thing you can do is help out the reasonable people in whatever way you can, the easiest being voting with your wallet on censored products.
Finna be the best DOA player
... on Switch
... in Yea Forums
that was an optional costume added in DLC.
left is what it is like normally.
>things that didn't happen
Also really rich coming from a hypocrite whose very first reaction to people discussing Sony's tightened censorship policies and Nintendo's response is bringing up Valve. Nice.
Like I said, you'd know what happened during Valve attempting to censor Hatred or Huniepop and the Yea Forums outcry if you weren't busy gurgling on your favorite company's cock. Though I think you do know, you just happen to have a conveniently selective memory now that your own platform is under fire.
funny how you sperg over things that never happened while still thinking im a sonyfag because i mentioned them once
>you'd know what happened during Valve attempting to censor Hatred or Huniepop and the Yea Forums outcry
Except there were also people on Yea Forums who didnt care about those games being banned, the same way some other games were also banned from the store but never got the attention from this place though I think you do know, you just happen to have a conveniently selective memory now that your pc store is under fire.
I wish Nintendo would make a Switch Pro. I don't play games outside the house- give me a docked Switch that can do 1080p and I will suck Mario cock.
I have never had sex with a little girl. Or boy.
>everyone thought it would be the Wii 2 in terms of success
Are you being retarded on purpose? We aren't even talking pre release, we're talking about the final result of the systems sales and reception wise. Not to mention pre-release for any system is filled with nonsense from people who are shitposting and people who are hopeful.
Your image happens to be the the former by the way.
>release a killer app that would crush the PS4
Yeah no, save the wii u was fairly common with games like w101 and devil's third, crush ps4 was not.
>Except there's been that copy pasta of Xboners saying Sony is doomed and Xbone is coming back at full force
You mean that one made by sony fanboys to give themselves an out when their games are criticised?
Even if we had legitimate xbox fanboys they would be far too small a group for anyone to take seriously.
>My pic says so otherwise
Yeah no, you have a bunch of cherrypicked shitposting. Even if they were legitimate in the face of this thread and the defense of Sony's censorship its absolutely nothing.
Also wow, you really do have an agenda against everyone but Sony don't you. I mean, that's a 7 year old screenshot and the archives don't even go back that far anymore.
>pedos are crying about anime tities
i don't give a fuck about anime tities because i don't play anime games, but you need to be a retard to cry and want them banned.
I don't understand. why the the fuck people who make that gaping mouth look the same. every. fucking. time.
I'd love this but it's never going to happen. Even if it did, games released for the system would still need to work on the old handheld system so you'd never get something that looks really good in 1080p.
>censorship is not always bad
These people don't deserve to live.
If only everyone was as reasonable as you
Fatal Frame, FE IF, Xenoblade X, Tokyo Mirage...
>"but muh..."
Don't even try.
What was the old offensive name?
It sorta depends. Kinda disappointed that Kingdom Hearts 2 is still censored for PS4. Mostly around the PotC level. So the enemies can't have pistols, but Jack can and "kill" Barbossa with one. There's also Jack getting stabbed and Will pointing a pistol to his head, surprising they kept the blood on the medallion, and Barbossa drinking the rum that pours through his skeletal body, which are both mentioned the rating description. At least Xigbar can use his weapon like a gun now. I really think these changes wouldn't have affected the rating if they were retained.
>trusting Nintendo
>2014/5 3house shit
Not an argument.
>Are you being retarded on purpose? We aren't even talking pre release, we're talking about the final result of the systems sales and reception wise
Except pic related (which you will call 'cherrypicked' because it doesnt fit your narrative) proves you wrong again, Nintendofags thought stuff like Mario 3D World and MK8 which are sequels to massively successful games on the Wii would stomp the PS4 which was having a rough time with launch titles
>You mean that one made by sony fanboys to give themselves an out when their games are criticised?
Oh so we are using the 'falseflag' card now? Guess all the sony fanboys you speak of that defended the PS3 were just falseflaggers from other fanbases
>Also wow, you really do have an agenda against everyone but Sony don't you
Except I dont? and that pic was super old? If anything you're the one with the agenda since you seems to deny the existance of hardcore fanboys for anyone who isnt Sony
all those games are pre-"Nintendo where they only semi-care about censorship" era
>2014, 2015, 2015, 2015
Iwata died after those came out and as soon as Kimishima took over there suspiciously haven't been any more examples like that, I wonder why?
RIP Gaius and Aulus
I thought I got it bad when I bought a PS4 back in 2016 and literally everything except Gravity Rush 2 and P5 came to PC and/or switch.
Crack the Whip
>b.b.but remember 20 years ago! that dead guy and that retired guy said THINGS
so fucking irelevant, holy shit.
They're good most of the time with actual DLC. But locking content behind a $13-$15 amiibo that sells out the moment it's annouced? C'mon Nintendo. I think Mario Odyssey did it right when certain amiibo would insta unlock any costume that you could obtain by playing normally.
>these things changed in a few years, but these other things will never change
You know, some ethnicities have trouble with abstraction and visualizing future events different than the present, so maybe your genes just suck, so I'd feel bad calling you retarded
user, if he's a nigger, call him a nigger.
>we will never hop to the DLC train
>Nintendo later hops to the DLC train
>w-who cares those guys are dead
Nice, you can repeat what I say. But your reading comprehension is still lacking.
>now that your pc store is under fire
But it quite literally isn't? The current issue under discussion is Sony going beyond law, beyond national rating agencies and in fact beyond all other console manufacturers in the market to enact the harshest censorship policies in gaming right now. For both Western and Japanese releases intended solely for a market where CERO is laxer regarding to "adult" content. Read that out loud a several times.
If your point was to say that all censorship is bad and should be called out, then yes, I'm in full agreement. I agree about the Sonohana example you posted as well. Like I've mentioned several times already: Valve has gone into better direction in the recent times precisely because of fan backlash while Sony is currently going backwards. Valve is not perfect and I'm not defending any of shitty their decisions. Get that through your thick skull.
Point is that your first response to Sony's new policies is to shift discussion to other companies who censor less. Your very first response was deflection. Your second response was pretending PC players didn't throw a shitfit about the games Valve tried to remove from their store, and started rambling about Epic. You're still trying to divert discussion away from Sony, instead of participating in a similar consumer backlash that managed to make Valve less shit than it was before. That's why you come off as complete moron and a Sony drone.
xenoblades chronicles 2 got censored tho?
care to explain it faggot?
>I don't call or imply people who support first amendment right pedo enablers or whatever
You can't make this shit up
>The current issue under discussion is Sony going beyond law, beyond national rating agencies and in fact beyond all other console manufacturers in the market to enact the harshest censorship policies in gaming right now
user if that were true Sony reps would've been taken to court by now like Activision and Blizzard were with the whole lootbox thing
No court would take seriously the case of putting sunrays over pictures
Also most of the time when a game is multiplat, only the Sony version is censored while the others are safe, the only time when all versions are censored its because it was a decision of the developers or publishers themselves like it happened many times with NISA
>apparently dont have a law against marriages of low age here, surge of "newly arrived" sparked (half assed) questinón about it, and there might be put into law agianst it
>otherwise gets lynched for [fictional] short girls.
are you faggots literally illiterate
You're responding to a post with a really badly photoshoped picture, user.
>people keep bringing up old nintendo censorship examplea from 3-5 years ago
>retards don't realize it was the backlash from those that made nintendo learn and now not have censorship
Is Yea Forums really this dumb?
Why care about steam when Epic exists?
Who is this offensive to, modern day slaves?
What games that utilize amiibo have been released this year that locked significant content? Amiibos are worthless and flooding shelves now.
t. retailfag
arent those alternative costumes?
Nice edits fag
There is always Falcom.
>9000 hours in MSpaint
5/10 for effort
No, its a shitty ass edit from pre release trailer.
They're definitely still making stupid changes here and there but it's nothing compared to the 3ds/Wii U era or what Snoy is doing now. I'm pleased with them for now, curious to see what happens to the new FE.
You know gaming is fucked when Nintendo is suddenly the one with edgier console on the market.
Nintendo is Japanese. They are isolated from what is going on in the West and most importantly North America is not their most important market.
Ever seen an Asian who cares about female representation in video games?
>Except there's been that copy pasta of Xboners saying Sony is doomed
>3rd party
Why are you hiding behind that distinction? How does that make fatal frame, xenoblade x and Tokyo mirage sessions OK?
can confirm this is true, would like to leave at some point but honestly I'm probably stuck here
>t. 20 year old college student
>I'm probably stuck here
>t. 20 year old college student
Kid, I remember being here as a 20 year old college student 12 years ago. If you can get out, do it. Leave and never return because if you don't, you will get stuck here.
t. 32 year old Boomer.
I need an explanation sonybros
America is shit. And yes my dear /pol/ faggies California was incorporated as a State in 1860.
Yikes. And people post the very same opinions with fucking goldface images attached to their posts here like it's supposed to be a Chad opinion or someshit instead of the Snoyboy bullshit it is.