55 more days bros!
55 more days bros!
streamers + the beta unironically killed my excitement almost completely. I mean I'll play on release, but eh. I'll probably quit once the fun has been had.
Yea Forums is already fucked and when classic hits, nobody is safe here. im not going to play it, played it enough already
I can't wait! Just like the original game!
holy based
This, to be honest.
why is forsen very high, he's gonna play 3 days and quit
>watch not even 1 minute of the video
>already saw one guy saying "INVITE ASMON" on the chat
Holy fuck this is pathetic.
>forsen with very high
lmao he's a variety streamer so who cares
While EU has some streamers I'm glad it won't be this bad.
this is the most depressing shit
You'd better hope you're right. Worst case scenario, EU zoomers will congregate around the streamers and actively make them stronger.
Kek this is the first time where the wojak image is actually a 1:1 portrayal of what's happening in the game.
I honestly don't feel bad for classicfags. They spammed HOME all day and this is what they get.
Wait a minute, you're telling me there's other games that aren't WoW?
>he knew but couldn't warn us
I've never played WoW, or watched many streams, but why do so many people dislike them?
I hate him so much
>Asmongold reacts to
>Nixxiom reacts to Asmongold reacting to
I've always disliked reaction videos, but Asmongold pisses me off with that shit especially
You have to remember that EU servers are many countries, Different Language, Culture. Everyone will try to go to a server where most of his people playing. It's already a thing since Launch of WoW Ragnaros for Finns and Hungarians, Drak'Thul for Czech and Slovaks. Burning Legion for Polish etc. you get the point
While on NA realms everyone speaks english. Everyone is American.
Also barely any hyper popular Streamers on EU
Biggests I can think of is Method members, Preach and Nobbel, Who aren't canceroes and nobody would follow them around.
every time i think about how nice it must be to play videogames for a living and have dipshits hand over their shit shoveling salary i remember weird cunts like this. it would make me feel uncomfortable knowing theres a large group of people in this world that will pay to watch me play games and react to shit so they feel less lonely, maybe get their name shouted out and a cue card "thanks"
the beta is fucking dead too
there's so many bugs it will never be fixed on time
>Yea Forums makes progressively more degrading wojaks about him
>Bring them up on stream to laugh and be a good sport about them
>Collect youtube/twitch bux
>Flood Yea Forums with more zoomers
bros... i think asmon is winning... we need more flies and stink lines on the next asmongoldjak
Exactly, so you'd better hope that every server doesn't get their own national streamer that zoomers to congregate around.
He looks like if ToadyOne lost weight
Not playing classic but this is based as fuck.
I dont want fucking Vanilla I want Burning Crusade
BCfags are the worst.
I wouldn't think I'd be agreeing but between the shit show of this streamer beta. And how screwed up layering is this close to release my excitement is very low
Fuck layering. They should do zone sharding.
Capital cities should only have a single shard. There's nothing more frustrating then trying to do business with people you can't see and having to hop layer to layer to sell enchants.
On launch starter zones should have like 10 shards for players under level 15. And the faction controlled zones for levels 15-25 should have like 5 shards. Then past that turn that shit off.
Layering isn't going to solve the launch problem. Lets say that each layer is going to hold 600 players per continent. There's 3 starting zones per continent. That means there's going to be 200 people per starting zone. And there aren't 200 mobs in the starting zones. So you're going to have to camp a single mob spawn node and compete against other players when it spawns to get your fucking mottled boar or rattlecage skeleton quest credit. Gonna take 30 minutes for your level 1 quest. As has happened in every stress test.
If zones were sharded by player faction and level then you would never have to worry about world PvP getting fucked over. You would never have multiple garubashi arena layers.
>Sharding bad
>Laggy overpopulated persistent world good
thats a good blizzdrone you deserve a treat
Me need to sound like a faggot and say unironically, just say the fucking statement.
>@summit1g What up my dude. Just got off work so you can get your cut
>Hey brotherman! I left a big $100 bomb earlier and you missed it D: am I gonna have to drop another quick 20?
oh my fucking god just DIE
they plan to do bc and wrath
just don't die for another decade ;^)
Abusing sharding to farm more efficiently will be more fun than whatever faggot shit you'll be up to.
not if everyone else is doing too, dumbo
Thank God I'm EU
Its gonna be bad sadly, not only because streamers will be the kings of the servers and rule them all, because they will have a army of followers that will give them gold / items / materials. But also because they will abuse the layering stuff by force farming devilsaur hide and shit
Enjoy not being able to see your friends sometimes
Enjoy being dismounted while flying and falling to your death because you got into a different layer
Enjoy being ignored by the whole server because you dared to kill a streamer or took his items (or winning a roll while he wanted the item)
And so on
servers will be dead 3d 9h 30m after release
>be shaman farming demonic runes in felwood for your raid tomorrow
>see some warrior and buddies racing by
>realize it's asmongold and orbiters going for songflower
>follow, purge asmon's world buffs as he's screeching into his mic for a summon
>immediately get 100+ whispers calling you a faggot
>go back to farming runes, 10 minutes later eat a 3 day suspension for "targeted harassment/griefing"
>in winterspring, holy shit a black lotus
>start to gather it, suddenly Chance the druid is behind you saying "wtf nice hacks homo holy shit"
>he declares that you are botting lotus spawns, his orbiters make several threads on bnet and reddit "exposing" you
>your guild asks you "bro r u really botting lotus?" a few discreetly ask if you can hook them up
>a week later joining a ZG pug, only need little more rep for enchant
>raid leader says "wait is that the faggot botting black lotus? nope, good luck cheater, in classic the community polices itself"
>get kicked
>Thank God I'm EU
There are EU streamers user like forsen and many more, also you are forgetting the fact that blizzard killed EU servers by forcing all of us sharing a few servers insted of having dedicated servers for every EU country, the odds of not having a large streamer on a EU server are not minimal. Not to mention even if we dont, our servers will be split into several communities because i dont see different countries being buddies
>see black lotus
>gather it
>aks my friend for different server to invite me
>change layers
>gather the same black lotus on different layer
Will be easy user
It's probably because he acts like some kind of turbo-normalfag, the very concept of speedrunning seems to boggle his mind.
At least Russians are separate on their own server, if only they did the same for the Chinese, i can stand the rest of the EU rabble.
>you think you do, but you don't
He will play it for a week or two and then drop it. I wouldn't worry
Isn't WoW banned in China nowadays?
>playing on mutt server
>fantasizing about being bullied by faggots
I too know the pleasures of being submissive.
month old video, layering has already undergone huge changes on beta, fk off
>convince myself it's a beta people don't care about money
>this will most likely continue after launch people throwing stuff at him
>at one point when they raided Nathanos he called out one fucker in the raid who didn't listen to his commands (as if everyone in the guild needs to watch his stream)
>the guy being yelled at panicked and traded asmongoloid 100g and consumables out of fear of being blacklisted from the only guild on the server
Why would people even be part of such a thing? Surely you can find a regular guild with average drama to be content with instead.
Why are you even playing an American game then?
speedrunners hit level 60 in that time
>avoiding streamers
There are some resources out there already, like the avoid streamers page. That's GREAT. However, small snag.
Blizzard is letting everyone reserve 3 names on august 13th. This means you can get your stupid xlegolasx name - it also means assigning your server at the same time.
For some streamers, we'll know what server they are going by then. Others are hoping to keep us in the dark on purpose. Obviously that secret won't last long, but it will likely persist through the naming reservation stage.
What this means is you and your guild could reserve names on ServerA and be excited, only to find out a week later that Asmongold chose ServerA as well and now not only are you stuck, good luck convincing an entire guild to choose another server at launch.
This sounds great, right? Fuck those e-celebs, let's camp them until they logoff.
However in reality this doesn't happen. What does happen is they sperg out to getting camped, zoomers clip their reactions and post it everywhere, reddit loves it, mmo-champion loves it, bnet loves it.
The streamer ends up with MORE viewers due to his "epic" reactions, this turns into subs which turns into more money for him.
So by fucking with the streamer, you are effectively creating "content" for him and you're nothing more than an unpaid extra in his reality programming.
Can someone explain the popularity of Asmongold? I genuinely don't get it. He's a terrible human being.
>just got off work so you can get your cut
What a cheap bait, apply yourself.
alright Eu bros can we all agree
Russians are actually happy with that because finally they are free from EU shitters on BG who don't know how to play.
The common complain is that once you get in EU team it is a 9/10 chance you are going to lose.
Server 4... Layer 5... Asmongold group... the Barrens... Home...
>Why would people even be part of such a thing?
It is younger people who see them as idols and want to be their friends or at least being a part of it, they dont know any better but will do everything for him, streamers will rule the economy on each server I believe since all their followers will shower them with gold and items. It is the same thing as with twitch whores or internet sluts, people workship them and even pay them insted of just going to any porn site.
WoW was for protozoomers, everyone else played UO or Everquest before they got shitted up.
zoomers like him cause of his edgy reddit tier jokes
eh he's fine. he's basically a world event. kites dragons to capitals. organizes PvP raids. only bad part about it is all those people trying get layered from his raids that spam zone generals for layer invites. and that's blizzard's fault.
Retarded butthurt faggots, asmonbalds fanbase is boomer tier and he've repeatedly said that vanilla is piss easy
His community of absolute spergs will probably hang on for a few months, though.
Isn't he the only "big" streamer who plays this dogshit game like 16 hours a day or whatever? It's just zoom-zooms looking for background noise.
Idk I dont watch streamers that shit ruined games. I wouldn't say he's a terrible person.. just a disgusting pig. So disgusting he would wipe blood on the wall in his own home. Not that wiping blood on the wall anywhere is acceptable but come on grab a tissue or toilet paper If your too poor to afford tissues. He might not even use toilet paper though so who knows. The guy never brushed his teeth and let them all rot out (that's where the blood came from). He's just gross and theres no reason he should be making the kind of money he is off retarded kids donations and subs with their parents credit cards
>Yea Forums is so pathetic that they make up cuck fantasies about being bullied by streamers
The Germans have thrown an enormous sperg fit on the forums, they'll get their own servers too for sure. There's a certain threshold of forums autism where Blizzard will just give in to make it go away, and the Krauts crossed that.
based boomer but has a legion of zoomers from nu-wow following him because of twitch
Boomers are 60 year olds and up you Internet addict memespouter.
You confused fantasy with reality, user. One or both of the following two are true:
1. You are not aware of the ever-present hate bandwagon that is so rampant in online communities largely spurred on by emotional thinking and confirmation bias.
2. You are an active instigator and/or participant in emotionally-driven, mindless hate bandwagoning.
There is a reason "outrage culture" is a thing, largely seen on facebook, reddit, and twitter. Also very popular on space station 13 servers which I later found out the people going on crusades on the servers are fucking redditors, which explains everything.
The added a cooldown on layer hopping after gathering/gaining xp/opening chests to specifically prevent that from happening. Even if you did happen to have a friend in another layer on the same server/continent to act as your personal on-demand invite bitch, sorry user.
We know. Nobody cares, zoomer.
I dislike the streamer culture so much
I'm glad I don't give a fuck about this dogshit game. It must suck for you guys who actually want to play this trash, but maybe you should really think harder about if you really want to be caught playing the ultimate zoomer game.
>Enjoy being dismounted while flying
I can't wait to boost based Asmon. He makes Retri almost viable!
Just because there is a cooldown does not mean that it wont be abused, people in the beta are already using it to abuse farming and assmong said that he will use this to mass farm devilsaur leather along with his army of followers
Most of the cancerous streamers are Americans so I don't give a fuck.
Blizzard already gave the Russians their own containment server, once they cave in to German autism then it'll be fine.
You transcribed it you fucking autist
Yes, it got abused on beta to do shit like loot multiple arena chests. They recently added a cooldown and now you can't do that anymore.
Maybe anons/redditor trash will stop sperging out about months old problems come August, but that's probably wishful thinking.
>Dismounted while flying
>in classic wow
Good job exposing yourself you faggot zoomer, fuck off.
To be honest, I don't see the big streamers playing classic for long. Many of them will just move on to whatever the next FOTM game is. Asmon will always play a new retail wow patch when they come out. He might play classic during retail content droughts, but we'll see. I bet he will drop classic whenever the new retail expansion comes out though.
The only people that will consistently stay are those that genuinely like classic and will only steam it. Those guys won't have enough impact to affect the server.
Also, the zoomies will be annoying at first but most of them won't make it to 60. Low level zones and dungeons will be hell until they quit or git gud.
Also, even if the big streamers stay, there will be neets griefing them and making steamer reeing their top priority in life.
Also the issues with layering SHOULDN'T affect high level content. If that shit is implemented in high level zones and capital cities, then classic is ruined.
>server shits you out of the current layer
>can't go to your friend's layer because there is a cooldown
You homefags can't win.
Forsen won't even play for a week. I even doubt he will play Classic at all. But if he does, his fanbase is going to be absolute cancer. I agree on Greek and I don't know who Hydramist is. And thankfully Methodjosh has been permabanned from Twitch kek
>And thankfully Methodjosh has been permabanned from Twitch
What happened anyhow?
Good to know that you never played wow
Imagine being a grown man, logging into the wow classic beta and spamming "INVITE TO ASMON LAYER"
This beta has proved just how subhuman blizzdrones are. Literally the most subhuman fanbase in all of gaming
He means getting ejected from the flight points, presumably when you cross into another layer
user I think you should delete this post and then circumcise yourself.
He doesn't mean personal flying mounts, user
>there will be neets griefing them
This is the best part i'll enjoy seeing this shit, and their gang of personal army faggots can't be there all day
The pancreas pirates alone will destroy them
His fans realised that it wasn't just an oh so funny act, and that he actually is a mentally deranged loon. How they didn't realise that from the basic fact he plays fucking WoW, I'll never know.
I honestly have no idea. Something about maybe being an asshole to some girl who visited him or him threatening her with a knife on stream. Jokingly I might add. Though people are speculating about there being more going on that the public hasn't heard about.
>1.12 baseline
>nuWoW AV
>crossrealm BGs
>no RP-PvP server
>dishonorable kills
>monthly fee instead of one time purchase
I don't know why I even trusted Blizzard not to fuck it up in the first place
fuck cUckmongold
I'll honestly only play it because some buddies are gonna play it. Lets see how long I'll last.
No what's going to happen is this.
>Classic starts
>Everyone rushes to 60 (this is the plan for all streamers, seriously ask anyone, they're all working on leveling guides/etc)
>They want to Raid MC and Onyxia on fucking week 2.
>They're going to crush you, because not only do they do this as their job (which means income + progress, while you have to work a real job, and then as a result have less time to play)
>They'll get their fanbases to funnel cash into them for world epics, and best in slot pre-raid.
>They'll raid UBRS and shit with the specific intention of getting gear. All the rest of the shitters will give them the gear, because they're the most important
>All gear will get funneled to the streamers in the guild
>Nepotism will be rampant. Anyone who's a big donator will get preferential treatment.
>After everyone finishes MC and Onyxia gear, and while waiting for BWL and other shit to drop, they'll do the following
>PvP, ruining the game for anyone not playing it 24/7 or "in"
>Abandon it
Once a streamer abandons a server, you bet your ass that server is going to fucking die.
Thats not even getting into the fact you'll never be able to actually do world content. You, the unsuspecting fellow gank a streamer by coincidence? just because you're in stranglethorn. You're getting camped for hours.
You piss off a streamer? You're out of the guild and blacklisted.
I'm glad the beta came out. I enjoyed it, and I left satisfied. I have no desire to continue playing anymore, I got it out of my system. The hype train got me amped, but the idea of playing with these chucklefucks is not appealing.
Maybe Ill come back if BC or Lich King comes out, but I have better things to do.
There's Forsen i guess. But i doubt he'll last long.
>there is not flying in vanilla
Ok user
streamers are kinda shitting on the entire idea of MMORPG when you have streamer and army of zoomers ravaging entire area like a locust
additionaly an streamer will never have to actually work for his ingame progress everything will be handed over to him on a golden plate
t. buzz killington
Id legit rather play with hues or chinks than twitch kiddies so I think I'm going to have to pass my man.
>crossrealm BGs
>dishonorable kills
These are good though
>monthly fee instead of one time purchase
This always was
Pretty sure this is a false statemnt.
The only thing positive about Asmongold is that it brings along McConnel, other than that Asmongold is a cancer who admits he enjoys getting carried by his Twitch followers
Seems like a really cool guy.
I don't have a fucking clue why you zoomers like this garbage.
In a perfect world Blizzard would contain all streamers and anybody who associates with them to one server under the threat of perma banning their Bnet for life. Keep the cancer quarantined.
>Pretty sure this is a false statemnt
inB4 "they'll remove it later". No, is part of nu-WoW servers.
I don't doubt the big streamer guilds doing this on their servers, but how is this that different than top guilds dominating like they always do? You will always have a minority that completely outpaces the minority.
Also would that situation be long term? How many of those people would play from launch to Naxx?
>Pretty sure this is a false statemnt.
Yeah having npc phase in and out of existance all the time is a false statement.
Oh you're referring to layers. Don't be retarded, user.
why do random, ugly weirdos with no discernable talent get popular?
>every zone is an independent layer dude, totally not shards
This is your brain on... wait, you don't have one!
dude sounds even more retarded than asmongold
other random, ugly weirdos with no discernable talent that are lonely.
Oh, right.
Its gonna be such an absolute shitfest of cancer
Ofcourse Blizzard would somehow fuck it up.
Still gonna print millions in zoomdollars tho
This is like the one time I have ever seen merit in the NPC meme
The people who watch and support streamers are 100x NPCs
Congrats, you just described almost all of the Doom posters on Yea Forums
Makes him relateable to his fanbase of zoomin' twiggy onions pumped shit-teeth faggots. He's the alpha faggot
If he was a chisled handsome chad he would still be popular, but be too intimidating to these people, and they make up the majority of twitch viewers
The fact that you're taking it on its face and not realizing it's all an act is sad, user. This is nu-reality-tv basically. These people are playing characters. Doesn't mean they don't have similarities in their real life, they aren't "trained" actors but it's still all an act.
In this context, think of Asmongold as more of a shock jock radio personality and McConnel as his straight-man, sometimes hype man.
They're both part of the same cancer. There is no positive to it. if you enjoy watching them then neato burrito but let's not pretend that you're not any better than some soccer mom sipping wine and watching real housewives of atlanta or something. It's all the same fucking thing, just different genre. The downside to it being this genre is we're wrapped up in it without whether we like it or not as the programming is the gay virtual world we're playing around in.
>Still gonna print millions in zoomdollars tho
And some millions in nostalgiabucks from the boomers that will play for 2 weeks.
I saw a thumbnail video with Assmongold, Jesus fucking Christ, why are his eyes so fucking small
he's 100% bugman
In early vanilla you took individual points and there were not interconnected, dismounting you at each and every point along the overall flightpath.
anglo genes
And his point is that, if you cross over through layers while flying, then you could possibly get dismounted and drop to your death. This has been a bug that's happened before.
No one will play classic for long.
3 scenarios can play out.
1. Lets assume, blizzard for some magical reason does a 180°, which they probably won't, they redeem themselves and everyone is happy. You have bigger chance winning on lottery than this, but still lets be positive. Everyone is happy, but oh noes guess what you are playing a solved game in 2019 with a fuckton of info available, people start asking for mechanics they spite on now (this actually happened every time mind you, WoW players are known for hypocrisy). People gradually lose interest despite everything clicks on dev's side. This goes on to winter, playerbase is halved by now. Most people definitely leave before new year.
2.Which most likely will happen: Blizzard being the usual fucktards, they add a fuckton of annoying shit, ruining everything as usual, while most people eat it up, you'll see the same exact sub drop but a long before winter. Around october you'll have BfA population, but sharding remains, so it tricks you many people play. People return in patches, exhaust the content then leave. Streamer influence fucks up the AH especially, you'll have to carefully pick where and when you play.
3.This is inside blizzdrone's head: Classic is incredibly successful and rekindles the genre, everyone takes their time and plays slowly like it was supposed to be. Honestly even if its successful I heavily doubt it'll live up to this hype behind it, how it'll change everything.
Reminder that blizz-shit-eaters are already ""playing"" BFA as we speak and having a sub is the only requirement for classic
Blizz will rake in some jewgold from the boomer, nostalgia-crowd and of course lilzoom who wants to follow his favorite faggot around, but ultimately these are all fleeting subs lasting 1-2 months and their gone
The real "fuck you" is gonna be the fact Blizz will shamelessly count all subs as retail ones even though BFA will be btfo for 3-4months. Then they'll post some stats and go "WOW LOOK HOW WELL BFA'S DOING GUYS HAHA THE GAME'S GREAT" just in time to try and shill the naga expac
Holy fuck that entitlement
>Yea Forums hasn't concoted a plan to cuck asmon out of his scarab.
If you do it he probably would kill himself.
>people actually dislike streamers for them taking free money from people
>he doesn't enjoy the stream and love watching the KEKS shower streamers in their hard earned cash
The shits hilarious anons I can't comprehend being so jealous of a person that you get angry over their success
oh you don't know? you better call somebody
If you do that he would probably get double his income in pity donations
>gamer entitlement was real all along
Yeah, they might even publish their sub numbers again.
its free content and attention for him you fucking retard
>my entertainment is watching other people give money to streamers haha its so funny guys
Yeah sounds like an absolute riot user, I think I'll stick to playing video games for my fun though.
>The real "fuck you" is gonna be the fact Blizz will shamelessly count all subs as retail ones even though BFA will be btfo for 3-4months. Then they'll post some stats and go "WOW LOOK HOW WELL BFA'S DOING GUYS HAHA THE GAME'S GREAT" just in time to try and shill the naga expac
Holy shit this a million times, I bet my fucking ass on this that they'll play out this card and there will be a lot of threads here on Yea Forums too. Reminder that there are legit advertisers here who try to trick you into playing BfA, or even classic because players are already bored of the hype and beta too.
never said I watched streams user, the most I'll do is watch a YT highlight of one aint got time to spend hours watching someone talk
Plus I got Baldurs gate 1 and 2 to play I'm fucking booked until classic drops
You forgot to add something like "it makes Yea Forums seethe therefor it's based xD"
Well darn, for us, it's only negative 2 days before we are
that fucking chatlog, jesus. how pathetic can you get
how many servers will classic have? 5?
>>he doesn't enjoy the stream and love watching the KEKS shower streamers in their hard earned cash
this implies that you do this and are gloating that the other user doesn't
They are all rolling on the same server.
>sees the entertainment value in something
it's like you're living in the 1940s or something why is your life so black and white user-kun?
well the hype certainly has died. I've been lately getting a feeling that maybe Brack was right all along. I'll play it for sure but something has happened in this timeline
it's called a backpedel. I'm shocked his Bull let him post the follow-up reply
is it just me or is the classic hype dying? was it just nostalgia, bros?
Literal god
Yes its dying.
Yes it was just the nostalgia.
Nostalgia is fun. It's fun to look back on the good times you had in your youth.
The "you think you do but you dont" guy wasn't actually wrong. Most people dont want to, or have the time to invest in WoW. Do you want to farm raid consumables now that you're working a a 9-5 job, with an hour commute each way? Do you want to really grind the same raid for a chance at gear now?
When you were in Highschool and College, itw as easy. its not the same anymore.
because there is nothing inherently fun in watching stupid people waste their money
if I see someone buy a lottery ticket am I supposed to get something out of that? should my instincts tell me to laugh at them? because my first thought is usually 'that's a poor investment and could be better spent elsewhere'. i don't buy it, I just think you're trying to defend the streamers you watch whilst avoiding criticism by saying 'Well I'm not like THOSE viewers'
>I'll probably quit once the fun has been had
so you're not going to keep playing once you're not having fun?
who the FUCK is asmongold?
This guy takes cuck to another level
how fucking long has this "streamer only" shit been going jesus christ, I've been seeing threads for what must be weeks (months?) now and honestly who would ""spoil"" the classic hype like this? who thought having streamers actively play the whole experience (in theory not in practice obviously) in front of an audience was a good idea
too bad, he used to be pretty cool
>most of his vids are helpful
>then suddenly he makes a twitch account
>comfy streams with only several hundred people
>then he gets a sub button
>and all twitchfags flock to him
>couple hundred goes to some twenty thousand viewers
>stops making videos
>even admits his chat are god awful
its such a shame...will never see the old asmongold that was largely unknown outside of youtube
>Beta blew the hype load too early
>The threads moved to /vg/ where the same 50-60 people just circlejerk over and over
>Streamers will plague every server
>Layering, if not fixed or changed, could drastically change the leveling experience
>Friends are all playing the opposite faction
I'm still looking forward to it, but I'm not as hyped as I used to be.
someone tell this dude that Josh got permabanned from Twitch
>that webm
classic is gonna be a wild ride. Can't he see the damage he is doing to the game?
classic is an imitation of vanilla for zoomers.
play on RP server
Well you can argue that they blew their load a little early, but they always had to account for 8.2 and not wanting to outshine it.
These aren't real betas, they are streamer hype betas. They did the same thing to a lesser extent with legion and BFA.
I agree with you for the most part, just stating the obvious from their perspective.
As far as more classic hype, we should see it soonish as the 8.2 interest dies down, possibly culminating in a very brief open beta - or they just may use the final "stress test" as it will function as the same thing.
Launch isn't that far off so for the time being less is more. Like I said above, it's very possible this entire thing was a miscalculation - the level 30 meta was interesting if someone was interested in the game in general, and the pvp tournament was sort of fun to see the results of, but then raising the cap exposed how limited the cap restricted meta really is and past 40 is some real neet-hours investment for something that is going to vanish. no surprise that it's virtually only streamers now (since its their job) and dead servers.
More than this re: streamers in general, they should be viewed as paid contractors for blizzard and not anything representing "us".
Was he the one that got caught hot-chatting a tranny in discord or was that a different person from method?
How does it feel blizzdrones that this ugly piece of disgusting autist is the face of both Classic WoW and Retail WoW?
Chatting? He met with trannies from /r9k/ because he thought they were real girls.
>Can't he see the damage he is doing to the game?
what is he supposed to do about it? People are stalking him in game. I imagine he just wants to play and stream without these spergs.
damn I always laugh at lotto people, fucking literally maybe I'll be struck by lightning odds
if I had a second monitor maybe I would watch but idk what else to tell you I'm never on twitch
>face of both Classic WoW and Retail WoW
maybe to redditors
make sure you hit that 10 minute mark :)!
About as "happy" knowing this ugly piece of disgusting autist is the face of XIV
90% of mmo's is spent not having fun and just waiting or building up to the 10% fun part. then it's back to the 90%.
Wow players are depressed brainlet neets
When did this Method Josh shit happen? Is he even part of Method anymore?
no bully, his epic classic channel didn't take off at all
The way it works now is that you have a high chance of being dismounted while being in the air if you happen to change layers there for resulting in your death if you are unlucky.
This is why excess males need to be killed off in wars
what video is that actually from?
Method has no reason to release him unless it's confirmed a case of sending dick pics to minors. He is not banned from WoW.
>Can't he see the damage he is doing to the game?
He's there only to make a quick buck. Once Classic fails (2-10 weeks) he'll jump to the next popular shit.
>he'll jump to the next popular shit.
Very informed post
but when did all this shit happen? He seemed normal and doing well on twitch.
The beta realm being dead is a preview of live Classic after a month or two desu.
>I agree on Greek and I don't know who Hydramist is.
So NA realm will only have chinks and EU will have Pshero grinding alone?
Hydra is a prime example why all those epic pvp movie makers shouldn't be playing right now.
>Implying asmongold will ever stop playing wow
fucking retard
Is this real or is it meant as a joke? I genuinely can't imagine anyone being this much of a sperg.
It's post-ironic
Tbh its comfy for EU. Just dont
don't roll on the same server as Forsen
>doesnt realize Mcconnel is fucking around.
I love people that dont get him and get mad at him.
No. It was a bug in the beta that effected everyone and was patched out in about 6 hours.
what the fuck are you talking about the streamers are the perfect representation of those who want classic.
>started in TBC or very late vanilla at best
>bitched for game not being convenient enough practically wanting flying and LFG
>later despised these mechanics saying it hurts the game, despite heavily using them.
>literally a snake oil salesman to attrackt a large amount gullible idiots, talking about shit that could be debunked easily
>said idiots like kids who never played the game follow their streamer for big bro figure, lets the older player's nostalgia affect him
>older players who were addicts, now ooze about how good the old days were despite they themselves being dumbass kids, who were unable to make valid opinions.
>best case scenario is that they got invited into MC twice and wiped before Rag, or they completely deleted their memories of the fuckton of headache from dealing with people
>instead of just playing already thinking about minmaxing on char creation screen.
>suddenly all of reality kicks in when replaying it and especially around lvl 30 where the game gets painfully slow, and the hype exhausts, you are suddenly capable of critical thinking again, and that you were fooled by your own self into putting money on blizz. Again. For the 6th+ time.
>this doesn't stop you and despite bashing Blizz you remain in the hope someone will join your deadass game, shilling daily and to justify your own foolishness
>when pointed out other games decline by default, because your stockholm syndrome, which you mask doesn't allow you to move on you bash other games for ridiculous shit making a complete idiout out of yourself.
yep 1:1
If anything it's a nice way to catch up with some people you lost contact with. vanillafriends.com
Not everyone is familiar with your favorite e-celebs zoomy, because unlike you, not everyone is a flaming faggot.
Imagine if they turned this into a feature where you can just dismount wherever you want and not just the nearest flight path, a man can dream.
how could we let fftrannies win Yea Forumsros... on our turf of all places!!
Actually not having autism and picking up very simple social cues is kinda what does it.
Imagine playing world of warcraft.
Just going by this video it's absolutely imaginable that there sperglords out there behaving like this unironically.
>people actually dislike streamers fucking up their server's community and economy
Hard to tell, his whining "oh no the horde is here we better scram!" during the beta is first seen as ironic but his authentic whining keep seeping into it constantly. Just call him McCuck and be done with it since it triggers him massively.
Yes, but the fucking REEEE and worthless threat of not streaming again was a joke. Yeah hes obviously really disappointed but he was over acting for fun. Not hard to understand.
Yeah the literal REEEEE is giving it away I guess.
I actually really hate these posts.
What does Yea Forums think about moonmoon?
>bowling shirts
explain why the game is in the state that it is in
MMO's are dead, aren't they?
It was a legit issue in the beta because Blizzard let fuck all in and horde outnumbered ally by a lot, when they showed up it made shit a huge waste of time.
Chaotic good.
At least the game isn't shit.
not as dead as your mom if you don't reply to this post!
keep telling yourself that
Our tranny janny isn't working hard enough! Xe needs to delete more ff threads and sticky wow threads!
Every post about your "game" is "I love the story! I loved the cinematics! I loved the OST!"
I'll do that in the threads that are actually about the game and not constant butthurt over how shit the game has become like WoW threads.
And every post about your game is "I fucking hate it." "WoW is dead." Maybe open yourself up to love something again?
like xivg? that's dominated by erpers? or the xiv threads on Yea Forums that are filled with erpers?
maybe you should stop shitting up wow threads with your japanese dragon age inquisition
>eu servers will be safe
Doesn't nixxiom play on eu?
Of course it was just nostalgia, we all have fond memories of playing this game but it's impossible to experience them again because times have changed and we aren't 15 anymore.
You can learn to ignore them, they don't affect the game itself. Besides WoW is the game with fatties as a race and amputee gnomes to appeal to SJW's.
I'll stop when WoW threads stop being shitty.
if they have to have layers why cant they make it obvious like in fucking guild wars where you could click on the instance of the server you wanted to enter?
He's only doing damage to the beta. Since you can reserve your name 2 weeks in advance Blizzard has made it so you can avoid streamer servers with ease, if someone ends up on his server its their own fault
as opposed to xiv which has a race of lion men and rabbit girls that appeal to furries? and they do affect the game considering they've already taken over Balmung and Mateus
Just play FFXIV. The Asmongler will never trouble you there.
>Watches enough twitch to know some /who/ and what the fuck he streams
You have to be 18 to post on this site kid
>as opposed to xiv which has a race of lion men and rabbit girls that appeal to furries?
Uh th-those don't count. Don't ask me why
I'm already playing World of Warcraft why would I switch to World of Warcraft: Anime Edition?
You have Worgen and Pandas. At least the furries in XIV are appealing.
He knew...
I'd rather play a werewolf than a race that appeals to barafags desu
no wpvp or i'd give it a chance
maybe im a huge faggot but a mmo without wpvp feels hollow to me.
you fuckers are obsessed with asmon
>At least the furries in XIV are appealing
Wasn't he playing XIV yesterday?
Furry shit aside, name something retail WoW does better than XIV.
Ulduar 25 man hardmode.
Nothing FF14 has ever done has even come close.
hate that guy even more
>streamers + the beta unironically killed my excitement almost completely
Then you were a trend riding fag, and your absence won't even be noticed
I said retail, not old WoW.
Zoom zoom
>terrible human being
People don't watch entertainment for that reason.
hey, MadSeasonShow is pretty cool. all he really does is make videos about classic WoW content on Youtube in an incredibly monotone voice.
Everything in the art department and PvP. I can't objectively say WoW has better raiding since only 1 raid is ran at a time in WoW and it's usually a coinflip between mediocre/god-tier, FFXIV has never had anything as good as Ulduar/Nighthold/Firelands. Levelling in WoW is a mess so it's not hard for FFXIV to beat it but FFXIV just feels like a stagnant WoW clone despite WoW dying too
I have never played WoW before, which is why.
>Everything in the art department
Eh I've played both fairly but XIV beats WoW pretty handily at that. So many good games to draw inspiration for plus absolutely outstanding music carries the game really far.
Haven't even tried PvP on XIV so can't speak there.
Imo the one thing XIV needs to be is as responsive as WoW. WoW just feels so much sharper.
he does play it, sorry faggot
what do you do if you want to level a second job in xiv? grind Palace of Dead like everyone else because you cant repeat story quests and no one makes a second character
WoW also has free leveling that doesn't put up roadblocks every few levels and says "alright you got to level 5 now get to level 10 and you can progress the story" you can go almost anywhere you want in open world and do it seamlessly while you have to go into an instance of a zone with XIV
the story in WoW is filled with lore for all characters as well even ones from the RTS game are still around and constantly being developed. The story in XIV while it does have bosses from previous games, they don't have any relevance to the story they just show up out of nowhere. You can take Stormblood for instance
>the deltascape is acting up again go check it out!
>who's that pokemon? its Kefka!
>same laugh from VI they didn't bother updating
do they look cooler? yes. But they don't have the development WoW does nor do they even have voice acting when pretty much everything in WoW has a voice
dungeons are better in WoW as well. If you're a dps in XIV and you queue for a dungeon you wait at least an hour if not more for a dungeon server to open up. While BFA increased the size, they still aren't as long as XIV which just take forever to complete.
Cash shop is done better in WoW, we don't have player housing so Ion isn't shitting out things like barstools for $10 or gender neutral maid outfits for $20 instead we just get shitty mounts.
We also have the level boost which just takes you from 1-110 so you can experience the new content right away. XIV doesn't have that, they have tokens that just let you skip ARR expansion or Heavensward expansion and the other ones that just boost one job out of the tons that XIV has
is the constant
because those trannies know their game will be dead in 56 days?
will they join the 40%?
>Asmongold and his entire retarded fanbase invade all at once
>They all buttfuck the Aether datacenter trying for Gilgamesh (good raiders are here so if I'm here I'm a good raider) or Jenova (streamer server so I can meet all my favorite e-celebs)
Between that and Faerie being the faggot capital of the game, it feels good to be on Primal instead.
>If you're a dps in XIV and you queue for a dungeon you wait at least an hour if not more for a dungeon server to open up
it's 10 minutes top if it's current content
>wtf why can't I spam NIGGER in trade chat? nuBlizzard are a bunch of kikes
World of Warcraft does not have a story. It has lore. Those are not the same things.
This isn't true is it?
It's 15-20 minutes if it isn't current content. Don't get baited by something so obvious.
I didn't include the music in my comparison but XIV beats WoW in that department, despite BfA being atrocious the models and zones have all looked much better than anything in XIV. Visuals are subjective but to me everything in XIV looks generic and the races are atrocious, I couldn't get into the game because everyone around me just looked laughable and I cannot understand how anyone can look at their character and enjoy playing as them. It's like all the blood elf and gnome player stereotypes turned up to 11 in that game
clever girl
>World of Warcraft does not have a story.
Yes it does
>It has lore.
It... has both.
>Those are not the same things.
I mean, true I guess, but WoW has both.
Wow story is just discount warhammer fantasy for lesbians.
>World of Warcraft does not have a story.
Uh.. what? The definition of a story is "an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment."
What's your retarded definition of a story then?
>Story in WoW
>Click on someone, yellow page pops up, giving you the reason you have to go kill 8 orcs/wolves/dragons/etc
>Developer in a stream admits that this is bad storytelling, so their solution is to make the text slowly fade in on the page
>There fixed lol
Madseasons chill as fuck tho
this but unironically
like literally everything about its UI
the fucking combat
actual meaningful raid encounters that aren't just "DODGE CIRCLES IN A CIRCULAR ARENA #21".
like literally the only thing XIV has going for it are its graphics and music.
>Click on someone, yellow page pops up, giving you the reason you have to go kill 8 orcs/wolves/dragons/etc
>Developer in a stream admits that this is bad storytelling
...So how is this not a story exactly? You even admit here that WoW does have a story, just not a particularly good one. Did you MEAN to prove yourself wrong?
XIV is the exact same, especially in Stormblood >Warrior of Light: look I freed Ala'mhigo!
>Lyse: you freed this? ...I freed this
Doesn't matter how chill or nice someone is, they will still make a gathering of fans who will be a detriment to the server.
kys retard
soda won't stream, check the twitlonger retard
I like your videos Mad.
>Storytelling is so non-existent that the game basically doesn't have a story
>But it does have one!
Like your shrimp dick, while you may technically have one, an inch doesn't really do much of anything, so for all intents and purposes you don't have a dick.
Give it time. He also said he wouldn't play Warlords and Legion and BFA yet was there for each one
he has to play to keep up with asmongold who has become more popular which is why they had that world first race to 120 when BFA released
And yet the game is still shit beyond saving. FFXIV may lack in certain departments, but it's a better game and that can't be refuted. Look at the WoW threads, look at WoW discussion on any website, nobody enjoys this game anymore. People love XIV despite it's flaws. You people gotta move on.
>Storytelling is so non-existent that the game basically doesn't have a story
But nobody ever said that. Once again, you even admitted it does have a story, so this feels like a particularly stupid argument.
>Like your shrimp dick, while you may technically have one, an inch doesn't really do much of anything
And now you're losing the argument so bad you're just resorting to ad homenims. Wow, this is genuinely sad lol. I like how quickly you stopped trying to argue and started throwing a tantrum.
Gonna go ahead and post this again since it describes your post so well
Yeah bro nice and best of all you're clearly not upset
Keep posting it. It's not going to make WoW good again.
>You people gotta move on.
you're in a classic thread talking about retail and ff
Keep being a rabid fanboy, its not going to make XIV good again
methodjosh was actually permanently banned from twitch for "unknown reasons" a week ago.
I heard something about the guy jokingly beating up a chick or... something
I think kotaku did an investigation on him that showed he was an abuser or something and of course that imgur link that has discord chat logs of him being a freak
Didn't he learn anything after ProJared's piles of evidence for his sexual abuse allegations
or what happened with Thomas Cheung they obviously just don't learn and figure they won't be caught even though pretty much everything on the internet is public
>You people gotta move on.
That's why we're waiting for Classic in the Classic thread. XIV had to reboot its game before WoW did and it'll die before WoW too
>People love XIV despite it's flaws
Lmao you wish. It`s just like LoL vs Dota/2 back in the day. In your own threads people will shit on the game and ask why they even still play it, calling Yoshi or Ion hacks. Then in threads on Yea Forums if someone talks shit about your game people will defend it to the death. It's the same as any game that has a rivalry like this.
No, he was wrong. It's just that "you think you do, and you do, but we're going to add systems that don't work properly until you don't."
NOBODY defends WoW on XIV threads.
Hey wowbros
Can you stop coming to xiv threads. Seriously. Your wojak and pepe obsessions are awful too
Wait what the fuck are they doing to SS13?
So are 14 fans just giant losers then, seeking out WoW threads to complain?
layering looks awful desu. like it will ruin the entire classic experience if it's in for more than a week after launch to "ease server stress" or whatever blizzard is saying
Blizzard literally added it just to make it easier for streamer faggots
>*layers out of ur world pvp*
>*layers out of waiting for a quest mob respawn instead of making a group with others*
>*layers 1000 black lotuses and ruins the economy*
heh nothing personal paypiggie thanks for the 12 months sub
all of these are already impossible now that they added a long cd to layer switching
I mean they do that in literally every mmo thread on /vg/ begging people to play
god damn it, I knew this thread reeked of FFtrannys
>am i gonna have to drop another quick 20
what in the flying fuck is it that easy?holy shit why didnt i get on that twitch money train
>Big streamer
>Brag about how hardcore they are
>Join PvP server
>Have a legion of zoomers following them
>Get ganked by snipers
>Bitch and cry about how it's unfair
Just force streamers on PvE please.
all you really have to do is stream whatever FOTM game the big streamers are playing and talk shit about them either on twitch or in a YT vid
It's literally bfa fags from the general falseflagging
His viewers are just as terrible if not more
Okay, but, get this;
Play on a server without a streamer.
no, you are required to roll on asmon's server .
If I have to be COMPLETELY honest, I don't have Asmongold. He's a little... dorky, but frankly he seems like the type of guy I might raid with or whatever. No, the problem is his fans. Many of them are rabid motherfuckers, they'll defend the guy no matter WHAT, and they have no qualms with being as obnoxious as possible
On one hand I don't care about WoW or WoWfags and I can't stand that fucking smelly retard who somehow manages to be an autist and a brainlet at the same time but I bought ATVI stock low and hope all the zoomers and ecelebs make it rise
it all started once he got that sub button. For the longest time it was just a couple hundred people in his stream hanging out, then twitchfags saw the sub button and descended on his channel
he even recognized how bad his fanbase has gotten, but there's nothing he can do now
I don't pretend to know shit about stocks but let me get this straight. You bought stock thats value is directly related to wow performance? If yes, what made you think that was a good idea?
What a faggot
>If yes, what made you think that was a good idea?
Because the price basically got cut in half from what it was. I'm banking on WoWfag and Cowadootynormie dedication to bring it back up eventually. Normies eat WoW and CoD up It'll probably bounce back. Probably. Hopefully.
>play on EU server
>at worst you see Preach run past calling you a cheeky bugger then continue telling pub stories with 1 other guy lvling along with him
I wouldn’t want to play a Tauren either
>b-but no one is playing the beta!!
who cares? nobody wants to invest time in something that will get deleted soon
>b-but streamer killed the hype!!
if you legitimately care about some random twitch dude, you need to kill yourself
I wanted to do the same but public knowledge is priced in, a.k.a the stock may not rise. It all depends on if the powers that be take the hype seriously and how will it play out. I think the initial response will be massive, but how will things look a few months in?
That actually looks like a good idea. Just sell one week after Classic release.
I wish there was more info on how much difference there is between classic and private servers, at most there is 2-3 videos on different mob values.
>if you legitimately care about some random twitch dude, you need to kill yourself
they make you care whether you want it or not, read the thread retard
Well to be honest I only have a few hundred in it and I mostly just do it for fun - not enough to put me in real dabger. If it doesn't rise after WoW classic and/or Modern Warfare I'll probably just hold onto it for a while or just take the loss. I'm sorta just dipping my toes into the market this past year.
Well I hope. Fingers crossed.
you have to go back
please explain how cows appeal to barafags more than muscular humanoid lions
What did he mean by this?
>human with animal ears
way to out yourselves animal fuckers
I play xiv what do you expect?
I like asmon for making money off of retards