Is it safe to buy this today ? Is it fixed ?
Yea Forumseredict ?
it's okay but shit.
its alright but it sucks
It's good, but don't buy it on the consoles!
It's pure jank-core where your choice of weapon basically also more or less dictates your method of input.
Melee is alright with a controler while being awkward as shit with kb+m thanks to your limit to eight directions while aiming with guns works a lot better with kb+m.
the primest jank only for true kinosseurs
Breath of the Wild 2 looking good so far.
>Secret german space program
kek, looks kino
>Is it fixed ?
It's a Piranha Bytes game. It's meant to be like that.
>It's meant to be like that.
That's even more or less what the devs said when people complained about the stats doing absolutely nothing but just being there to gate off equipment and skills despite their descriptions telling you otherwise.
You could cheat those stats up to max and you'll still get your ass kicked the same as before.
I found its a really good game if you just turn "damage received" to easy and play on hard. I know this sounds retarded but some of the missions are unreasonable or dont do a good job of explaining that they are intended for later.
I was just playing Risen 1 for the first time but I guess I got some bug where you can't progress the story through the Inquisition and I can't learn magic or some shit. Kind of lost my will to play. Will Elex fill this empty hole?
Yeah and I found Elex always has voiced lines for when you complete something too early and it fuckes something/someone else over.
>when you complete something too early and it fuckes something/someone else over
You mean like doing quest chains out of order or killing a guy needed for a future quest?
>Is it fixed ?
cmon mate, they stopped any support whatsoever a couple months after release
also you can't fix bad game design lel
>Is it safe to buy this today ?
you really should know that for yourself, but since you are asking:
don't buy it if you don't want to be laughed at for your poor taste in games, that thing is literally just a cashgrab based on "muh makers of gothic"
What bad game design does it have? Honest question, as I still toy around with the thought to get it one of these days.
See for starters.
>don't buy it if you don't want to be laughed at for your poor taste in games
How pathetic do you have to be to care what other people think of your "taste" in videogames
Gothic and everything PB makes is niche as fuck, nothing they make is a 'cashgrab;' it's merely the next game they felt like making.
>What bad game design does it have?
eugh.... way too much
combat sucks
rpg system sucks
UI sucks
story unoriginal
cutscenes, dialogues horrible quality
pacing, a huge mess
immersion? get fucked
can't really be arsed to go into detail
>everything PB makes is niche as fuck
>huge open world single player rpg
>muh apocalypse absolutely not fallout
>muh berserkers absolutely not nords
>muh cutscenes
>muh failed dark souls combat copy
>muh quest markers
>muh minimap
yeah, like totally, a 3 to 20 million customers niche
get real tard, their game is full on mainstream and still nobody gave a fuck because it's shit
>can't really be arsed to go into detail
Then why reply at all? None of your points really answered my question.
>ugh everything sucks but I dont want to explain why just trust me
Why even bother typing a post like this?
If the whole "stat descriptions are outright false" shit doesn't tell you enough then you're retarded.
It told me one aspect, I hoped you would explain me how the game actually plays as a result of the game design decisions the dev team made.
Yeah. You can change how much you can damage your enemies/how hard enemies can damage you which is necessary.
The combat is fucking garbage but everything else is amazing for a yurojank rpg. Can't wait for ELEX 2.
Just a few from the top of my head:
The UI is the worst you'll ever see in an RPG and makes you question if the devs ever played one of those before in their lives.
HP, MP, stamina and experience are all displayed as bars but during the game you'll NEVER know what the exact amount of them actually is, made even worse by the fact that experience gained and the recovery values are still displayed as numbers.
The default autotargeting is awkward and borderline broken
Dodging is a crapshot since you don't have I-frames and it's hilarious to look at since the camera stays on your initial spot for a short while as if it thinks "wha- where did he go? Ah, here he is. Sorry, I was asleep there for a while"
Only human enemies have stamina so everything else will just maul you down with no cooldown.
Ranged weapons are ridiculously overpowered, like the ones doing concussion damage that simply blow enemies off their feet with no way for them to defend themselves.
The jetpack is only involved with ONE attack during combat.
You'd think that the devs could've gotten creative with its usage by, say, using it as a way to do quick dodges and stabs but nope - flying in the air and then crashing down is all they came up with.
Alchemy is broken and also neatly shows how unbalanced everything is.
Like just half a dozen stamina drinks essentially mean you got twice the stamina value which is a GIGANTIC game changer.
Good world, decent quest design, terrible combat. Not a fan of how stats were handled either.
Huh. Ignoring the jetpack thing this is pretty much exactly Gothic 2. Seems like they really didn't evolve int he last 20 years.
How's the world/quest design? As that is the part PB actually excels in.
The moral system is poorly explained and I don't even know how anything even influences it due to being vague as hell.
Basically you only got the values "cold", "neutral" and "warm" but during the game I was almost always mr. nice guy and never got the "warm" status.
Afterwards I said "fuck it" and quaffed status boost drinks, which supposedly had the side effect of lowering your moral value, like an idiot to see if it does anything - it didn't.
My stats went through the roof but it still said "neutral".
There are also romancing options which not only are semi-hidden but also have NO point at all in the game besides being absolutely fucking groanworthy and hilarious to watch.