ITT: games women will never understand

ITT: games women will never understand

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Pick any game, women only "understand" things on an absolute surface level that is required


>American women and women cucked by american culture only "understand" things on an absolute surface level that is required

Red dead revolver, redemption and redemption 2

Have sex.

Get married.

Asuras Wrath is the ultimate roastie filter


lol no thanks

Those disgusting women, am I right, fellas?
Jaded motherfucker

Have children.

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Im euro and in my whole life (28 years) I have never EVER met a woman that would understand anything beyond scheming and spreading evil in the world. Women do not love, they only want to aquire things, they dont have honor, they are not brave. They dont know what friendship is and they do NOT possess any qualities that make a human. Yes I strongly believe women are not human and shouldnt be treated as such. They are animals driven by desire, nothing but dogs.

Pay a mortgage.

>Im euro and in my whole life (28 years) I have never EVER met a woman that would understand anything beyond scheming and spreading evil in the world
Speaks volumes about you, not the women that you never managed to meet. Mostly because you have shit for brains.

Get a 401K.

who let this dog out

Bury your parents.

A woman wrote the English version of mgs2, Kojima's original plot was totally fucked and she had to rewrite the whole thing so it at least made some sense.

Start day drinking.

Beat your wife.

Most women end up liking MGS when they give it a try, so no.

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You're kidding right? This has men in spandex suits fighting, grunting, with a bunch of drama, and character development. Metal Gear Solid makes woman cream. You have any idea how many times I've heard snake eater while I got inside her box!? DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE BEING COMPARED TO BIG BOSS?! HAVE YOU EVER FUCKED WITH AN EYE PATCH ON AND A TASER READIED ON YOUR ASS?! It's just... woman can like things too and it shouldn't shock you.

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Get a divorce.

Lose your house and children.

This game has those cringy Rose codec calls those aren't for men

Live at a motel.

ITT: people with no experience with women try to discuss what they think

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Spoilers: They don't think.

You mean "games EOPs will never understand".

Now read that again.

Would you say that about your mother?

Finland is not europe

Yes my mother is one of dumbest women I know

Basically any cunny game.

Looks just because they're looking for a buldge under the spandex doesnt mean they grasp anything more than surface level

Russia is not Europe

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Be found dead three months later.

She got me a PSP for my birthday with Peace walker and made me 100 percent it because she has terrible motor skills. When we were done she made me go over the tapes and to this day I believe the Boss lineage was the only ones who sought true peace, while big boss failed and only perpetuated it war. She called me an idiot and said he made himself a global threat to deter war around the world and give mankind a single goal to achieve to strengthen national neighboring bonds. STILL TO THIS DAY WE STILL GET INTO A FIGHT OVER IT, THIS ISN'T SURFACE LEVEL SHIT

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ITT: games men will never understand

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Get reincarnated as a woman

Become your own wife?


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>implying women can't understand being pedophiles

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Have Yea Forums always been filled with turbo-incels?

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This is beautiful

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We just called them virgins.

Nice. Should have kept how it started.

an amazing comment trail, thank you

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