FFXIV Shadowbringers

Thank him right now!

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Idk man I got this game last week it's pretty boring, I'm having a hard time staying awake while levelling

The music is still trash
The story is still trash
There's still nothing to do in game unless you're a turbo weeb that likes bad story/ an erper

stop linking threads retard

thanks for alex remix, music man

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I feel like he had more freedom this time and it showed

I feel he still went too hard on the leitmotif. innocence and hades shouldn't sound that similar

Anybody here play Monk? i wanna try it but I heard it got changed a bit. I’m looking for a fast and powerful job.

Then play sam

>best healing set was already given away as early as ARR
Name a set better than the Healing Ironworks set, I dare you

Fucking this
And they still haven't added a butt slider or proper feet, are you fucking serious SE?
At least character have nice pits but still, COME ON

>he doesn't get that the Amaurotite society was a proverbial Garden of Eden and thus exhibits the theological state of Innocence

The blue storyline set we get is pretty fucking awesome.

MNK is fun, don't listen to metatards


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>be me
>Accidently read spoilers
>Been working on a 4 hour sleep schedule because of xiv.
>Remember none of the spoilers.
Feels good man.

Alright, who thought it was a bright idea to go and remake Alexander?

>He didnt watch the story

Now wait till we get a hard mode of the remake.

worst level 80 skill in shadowbringers

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I'd like to replace a music track in shadowbringer using FFXIV explorer but i'm looking and the last version was from 2017, does it still work? What are the SHB and SB folders for the BGM? Could anybody enlighten me please?

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ex1 = heavensward
ex2 = stormblood
ex3 = shadowbringers

those are the files you need to open to replace the music

>I'd like to replace a music track in shadowbringer

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Cid, Biggs, Wedge, and their descendants, when they were working on a way to send G'raha Tia back in time after the Calamity in the original timeline. The principle behind it is based on their experiences with Alexander.

Am I stylish enough to start ShB?

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>He just keeps getting better each time.
How do we stop him?

This isn't /vg/ you must leave

When are they fixing this

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the fuck is critlo and the fuck is adlo? you and your god damn acronyms I can't understand anything you're saying

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He woke up much earlier than expected then

for real Shoha is such a fucking waste

The track that plays in the final zone The Tempest is godlike.
It's so fucking chill. Easily one of the best zone tracks I've heard in any game period.

First time doing it, i don't want to fuck anything up.
version 1.8 will work fine yes? Do i still need to revert to a back up before any update?

Yes i'd like to replace the Lakeland day theme by Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It from Ice Cube. No i'd like to replace it the day theme with the night theme. Soken got into his mind that it was okay to put grandiose music as background music, he did it with the lochs and it was god damn stressful to fish there for hours.

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What server to join?

It's not great but holy shit if any fight has downtime Samurai is even more insane than it already is. Samurai has the best burst in the game now and it can all be put out in a 10 second time frame. If we end up with a Suzaku style downtime Imagine how much more damage they're gonna be putting out than Monks. They already stomp them in 100% uptime fights.

Wait, if the Calamity already happened then how would G'hara have have been able to go back in time because by what Solus said everyone on the source should have already been dead after the Calamity due to being sacrificed.


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backup the music file in the program
before every update you hit the restore button to not mess up your music files

Where are my Lalafell bros at?

Replace Titania theme with dear momma by tupac

It hadn't finished yet and/or Zodiark hadn't fully awoken yet.

No spoilers but does completing all the role quest change anything in the MSQ? Not sure if I should just finish the story or help the WoD for maximum comfiness.

How much potency is this shit?

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As usual, the SAM's narrow mind can only think of the MNK

Even if the update doesn't change any music? Does it check the integrity of the entire game when it updates?

It's the easiest class to compare it too.
Dragoon is quite weak right now and SNIN is an auto pick.
If Monk was stronger it might compete for the second slot but it doesn't. Pointing out that Monk is weak with downtime while Samurai only becomes stronger isn't some rent free for monk shit.


critlo is crit reduction, adlo is health regen

This games seems to be for a select people who seem to enjoy it greatly and for that fact alone, I'm out

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They don't have enough rejoinings yet. They need 8 rejoinings to awaken Zodiark, and while this was/ would have been the 8th Calamity, a bunch of those were caused by other things and just called Calamity on the Source since regular people really don't know shit about the Ascians and their plan, take the one caused by Bahamut that transitioned the world into ARR for example.
If I remember right there's only been I believe 4 or 5 rejoinings so far and 1 Shard that fell into the Void and isn't usable anymore.

Green Mendor

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You have to finish one role quest chain completely to progress the MSQ at 79/80.

shitting out 3000 potency every other meikyo feels orgasmic

>big numbers make peepee go hard
basically every fucking thing in this game, it's all generic with some flashy animation and different numbers, single target, cone or aoe and that's it.

It is obsession, because NIN and DRG are still meta, SAM is still and always will be in the shed, especially now that DNC is trash and you wont be getting your precious saber dance buffs. SAMs counted their eggs before they hatched. Again.

No, there have been 7 Rejoinings in our timeline, and 8 in Future-G'raha's. He even showed us that hologram displaying them all. Bahamut was the Astral Calamity, aka the Darkness Calamity.

game literally tells you in shb there's been seven rejoinings already

To all you DNCs out there.
What song are you dancing to?

Post classes which feel like a downgrade and why, let me start
>SMN because the Phoenix is just a reskinned Bahamut, you now have to mindlessly spam energy drain and egi abilities on cooldown and the only proc it had was taken away

Big idiot here. What should I buy to play this game? I need the base game and shadowbringers but there's so many editions and I don't really know the difference. Also I can buy through the SE store or mog station but does going through mog get pre-order stuff like the SE store does? Please help me I feel really stupid.

My wife and I are going on our honeymoon.

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>drg meme again

What is the priority system with this job? What is Bow Shock for? When should I just blow my cartridges? Should I blow them down to 0 or just 1?

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does anyone still have the datamined music archive please

Huh, I must have misunderstood that completely then. Really good to know, thanks.
In that case it just wasn't far along then I suppose, guess these things take longer than a few centuries.

Buy the Starter edition, and then Shadowbringers and you're all set
Just get it from the SE store for simplicity's sake

I like drill.
I wish air anchor was a bunch of missiles instead of chains but is cool too.

What the fuck are they saying in titan theme song?
>bararrapa brabarapabbrarararpa TITAN!


Bow down over-dweller, Titan
Unless you are talking about the remixed version they used for Ultimate Ultima Weapon, in which case it really is just BAWAWAWAWA

Play the trial to 35 > Buy starter edition > Buy Shadowbringers once you hit 50 as it comes with all expansions.

>drg in July 2019
Someone hasn't been keeping up. If there's no Samurai you take a second Caster or Bard/MCH.

Bow down overdweller





>Buy Shadowbringers once you hit 50
I won't get the preorder bonuses if I wait though? Are they just not worth it?

>tfw every cutscene, even the happy ones, make me sad
Describe the sky to me, Urianger

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The earrings are worth it due to the exp boost and level scaling stats

Maintenance is in like 30 minutes.


Even in HW during "A smile better suits a hero" I was sad but didnt cry. Now multiple times through the MSQ I was on the verge of tears

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What's the fastest way to get my WAR from 30 to 70? Normally I'd spam dungeons and roulettes, but dungeon queue times have been unsavory with the influx of new players

how did they manage to make shadowbringers boss man easier than shinryu but still magnitudes more impactful

>the entire final area
>the final dungeon
>Emet's narration throughout

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nigga you're high

The Aetheryte Earring is really good, boosts your combat exp by 30% as long as you are below Lv70 (80 is cap now) and its stats scale with your level so it's not even like you give up stats to use it or anything.
It's a gamble I guess, if you are sure you will be playing past the base game there is no reason not to preorder now, you have another 10h or so to decide before Early Access ends and you won't be able to Preorder anymore.

Add up every skill he uses then divide by 6, and that's your dot potency (multiply abyssal drain and quietus for every enemy hit)

potentially saving $40 may be worth more. The only thing of real importance is the earing that gives 30% extra XP but that only counts for creatures slain and most of your XP will come from story quests for your first character and POTD for your alt classes.
If you 100% know you're gonna be playing it through or just don't care about $40 then grab it now, you only have like 10 hours to preorder I think.

The exp earrings are totally worth it
This msq was a rollercoaster of feels and I loved every moment of it

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technically it's palace of the dead up to 61 and then heaven on high until 70 but you will rot your brain doing so

PoTD and HoH, experience the DPS leveling experience you slut.

>Arbert phases through the sin eater

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Join the dancecucks in potd and have something else to occupy your brain

Critlo is a way to refer to a crit adloquium. Adlo is short for adloquium.

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Aquire something decent to wear. she looks cold.

>when the kid asks you where you came from and if you're the warrior of darkness.

Tips on how to cope with everything that is kinobringers?

This is such a garbage ESL tooltip
>when critical HP is restored
This could simultaneously mean when you heal someone thats low health

>DR trial
>two GNBs
>"Wait, I've never tanked this before, LOL"
>"Me neither"
>tell them tanking is easy just face enemy away, use cooldowns to mitigate damage (they never did)
>tell them they need get it
>neither do
>I grab it last second and tell my co healer to get ready to heal
>of course they don't fucking do that, thanks parsetranny culture

>explain that we need either of them to get it, and that anyone can do it if they don't, just needs to be healed through
>neither GNB grabs it again
>no one gets it again
>I grab it last second
>Co healer spamming medica at the southernmost part of the map so I don't get heals again

Thankfully someone bailed and since I'm healer I was able to leave after and re queue instantly but holy shit

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>when Ryne asks you at the start of the Shadowbringers quest
>A friend once told me, "Fate can be cruel, but a smile better suits a hero."

No, it means when you land a crit.

Become what you must

how hard is innocence ex compared to titania ex?
titania ex was literally just a dancing rythm after a few tries

user tanking is hard please understand!

How are they going to fix AST?
It feels like shit that the equivalent of spread balance is on a 180s cooldown and weaving single cards feels more like a dps loss.

You're an ESL too, dumbass

>be Hrothgar
>other Hrothgar are total bros
>none of the furfag flaming homo shit everyone here expected
>still plenty of gay catbois and roes
Turns out Hrothgar really are all just tank mains.

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Post-MSQ spoilers
So now that we know that everyone with the Echo was an Ascian split in parts, any bets on who the WoL is?
Seemed to be someone rather famous the way Emet-Selch and his old buddy in the Tempest reacted, maybe the leader of the group that summoned Hydaelyn or something?

That's why everything's on fire

Whoops, misread am/pm.

are you still going at it?

You would be surprised at how much retards can fuck up things that seem unfuckable.
>That one guy in Alexander 11 that goes "how the fuck do I get on the ship, I'm clicking and I can get on it lol"

Bring shadow + bring the light

That's most likely the case,the first one to give their life to summon her or something.

I can excuse my party for being retarded in first time mechanics. But, IF I LITERALLY FEED YOU THE SOLUTION, YOU BETTER FUCKING LISTEN.

Had a healer kept dying in the first boss of the 75 dungeon despite literally putting a square at the top of my head and telling them to follow me.

Hrothgar more like Hrothgay.

180s is way too fucking long of a cooldown for a skill that does as little as Divination does. Either buff the skill or reduce the CD to 60s max. It's a 5% attack buff, it's not that game-changing.

I hope you got the best minion already.

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Stuck at work after 3 days of straight kino in ShB. Just hit 79, and it's getting even better.

They said it was a woman, so my personal guess right now is Altima. But I wasn't even thinking about the Hydaelyn faction so you're probably right. It was someone Emet cared about so I was hoping for an answer straight from him.

Just realized I have the lyrics wrong

So how different is this from WoW?

>hey tell me, you're the warrior of darkness aren't ya?
>tell me where you're from, how did you get so strong?
>that turn around
>that look
>that shh
>cut to credits
Why is it so fucking perfect?

Does logging out in your room increase rest exp?

Very likely.

Perhaps the 14th Administrator mentioned by one of the shades.

You knew wowfugess are going to be flooding old duties now, but still you went roulette?

>Emet asking you several times over the expansion to remember

I think they were too afraid of certain jobs being meta because their buffs were too strong. Only NIN made it out unscathed.
Is it actually a woman or does it change depending on your characters gender?

Is this game worth playing on PS4?

I'm fucking seething right now.

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I'm not thanking fucking anyone until they remove the dumb ass 2.1-2.55 quests
holy shit


I actually don't know but there's no reason the original form's gender has to match what our soul reincarnated into so I just assumed it was his lover or something when the shade said he saw "her" in us.


It depends on your character gender. I've seen a screenshot saying him.

>implying mommy Yshtola even cares for your microdick

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you just know

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>implying Lion bro has anything but pure feeling of deep friendship with catmom

I'd assume it's always a woman since we know souls aren't inherently one gender by Arbert being the part of our soul that ended up the First

Her womb is going dry, and WoL believes in the path of wizardry

Anyone from EU who ordered Collectors Edition from the Square Store, any news on delivery yet?

what adjustments did they make to 2.x main story quests?

So does this factually confirm that male Au Ra do in fact have tiny penises?

Its slower, has worse zones but is way less buggy. I havent encountered a bug in Shadowbringers yet but I find several bugs daily in the new WoW patch

When I saw that I knew half of the budget went into those animations

What are the best 2 retainer classes?

Everywhere i look for an answer is full of fags who say
>Oh i just have one of each cause i'm a massive tool who pays to have 20 retainers

Can you post it?
Not saying you are bullshitting, but this is very important to the lore and I'd love confirmation one way or another


STOP! It pains me much

I know.
But does completing it change anything in the story line? Even minor stuff?

A gatherer and literally anything else

>worse zones
>less buggy

Am I stupid for liking the DRK changes? I feel the class is in the best spot it's ever been. Dark arts spamming was not skillful or fun, it was just annoying. Maybe just adjust the MP regen on some attacks a bit like Carve and Spit and we're good to go.

Let everyone else flock to weak ass GNB.

>Zenos just wanting his body back was enough to fuck the Garleans over.

Gatherers for crystals + whichever combat class you have raised to 80.

Miner or botanist?

Does anything change if you're a SCH in the fairy area?

The temptation of free XP is too hard to resist.

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min/bot and any combat class
min/bot gets you min/bot stuff, battle classes get you skins and meat which are annoying to farm


I did the healer role quests as they became available and didn't notice anything in the MSQ acknowledging the fact until the 79/80 thing.

Nope, unfortunately.


Probably not, asked an ultimate legend btw what they thought about DRK in one of the endgame dungeons and they said they loved it.
Personally I went with miner but I dont know which is actually better. Its a lot of sending them on ventures before they become useful though and I meant A LOT now that the cap is 80


Nah. The sort of Fairies you summon as SCH and all the Faefolk are completely unrelated.


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It was on a previous thread.

Okay dude i can't open any expansion .index, only the base ARR .index. FFXIV explorer's music swapper doesn't find them, it doesn't know about any expansion music.
Help, is there a pointer file i can give Explorer so that it can know these .index exist?

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I think ff14 zones are some of the worst in modern MMOS. They all feel so flat, barren and all with one scheme. Also my APM is way lower in ff14 than in WoW

>The ending to Il Mheg with the ARR Hard Mode dungeon theme playing

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is the dwarf tribe available yet or am I retarded

Astrologian AF1

I'm only 74 what happens in it

Imagine playing a Lala and ruining every kino scene in the MSQ

Do they acknowledge any of your jobs in the MSQ?

Wololo Wololo Wololo TITAN

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Point the explorer at your game folder first.

It was actually easy to find.

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>lala girl doing the shh at the end
ow my dick

She gives Urianger a slap on the ass in a later cutscene.
If you talk to her while she's standing around for the MSQ she occassionally makes suggestive comments about the attractiveness of certain individuals as well.

She's definitely had her sexual awakening over these past 3 years.

why lie about it? slower doesn't mean worse

How would you rank ranged and melee dps by fun? How do you think they will rank by meta?

No, DRK is great now. Retards who only press 123 over and over think its bad. It objectively has a more varied rotation now with the increased blackblood gain and your 123 is broken up by periods by periods of blackblood spending ever 2 or so rotations. DRK is great and anyone who complains about muh combo doesn't understand how rotations work. Its like saying WAR is fun because it does 123124 while completely ignoring the Fellcleave window.

The only two things I would change.Carve and Spit, either make it 30 seconds cd or increase the MP gain significantly. Then add mana to base Bloodspiller and its literally perfect.

Guys, does Complete Edition include shadowbringers? Want to jump in, but SE page gives me conflicting informations.

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>main character makes their power clear unexpectedly to the enemy
I love this cliche
Kino scene

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where do i unlock expert roulette for shadowbringers

MCH is too fast for me I should never have chosen it

you type like a retard

Another dumb question. I bought it but can I just let these activation codes sit until I hit the end of the trial then use them for free months of play? Do they expire?

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How old is yshtola supposed to be

There's an unmarked AoE. Boss will move to an angle and cleave half the screen diagonally. However there's a laser that will cleave the screen vertically. So you have a small area to dodge it. Healer kept getting fucking hit by both of them.



What's the DNC rotation? 1->2, do whatever procs you got, repeat?

Enjoy your shallow expansion weebs. In just a few months it'll be forgotten

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ranged brd > blm > smn > mch > rdm
melee sam > nin > drg > mnk

>literally LITERALLY the reach scene with Zenos rehash
Except this time the other NPCs like Exarch are fucking useful and entertaining

Last commercial before official launch of ShB.


And find music hashes? I did but it didn't find out about what's in Ex1, Ex2, Ex3.

>hating 2.3 onwards
>removing based Midgardsormer
Shut the fuck up faggot.


I prefer HW oGCD style but it was definitely underpowered. Delirium to bloodsplitter feels a bit too awkward for DRK for me. I'd kinda prefer if they just added a buff to potency to 123 or at least made them charges rather than on a timer.

Very rarely. There's been a few times where you get to actually heal people in cutscenes if you are on a healer. There's a bunch of small line changes for a few classes spread around as well, but healers are probably the big one that's the most obvious and more than just a single line of difference.
Tataru in SB even had one cutscene where you got extra dialogue if you were on Arcanist (Yes, not Summoner/Scholar). They are mostly just fun little easter eggs, nothing big and nothing really worth noting.

Go back to bed grandpa.

>sam above anything
>brd above blm

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So... who’re the singers of the main theme?

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I can't believe they managed to make me sympathize with an ascian.

Damn I can see it though. Sometimes you get too focused on healing that you don't pay attention

I'm not going to lie. I felt fucking sick to my stomach seeing that.

Yep. No lazy mhiggers
>Liberate ala mhigo
>They do absolutely nothing to better their home

>you will never be princess carried by a beefy lion man

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Okay, so that means it's not a past lover or something and they probably won't do all that much with who you used to be since they wouldn't have different cutscenes for male and female WoLs.

>Male Au'ra
>Female Miqote
Ew. The worst fucking races in the game.

so what is that ship crashed in the area at the end with thancred and ryne? the raid? ascians? alexander?

The same guy who sang RULES OF NATURE.

It's Eden, which means it's related to the raid

>They do absolutely nothing to better their home
Actually, if you check out the settlement by the salt lake they rebuilt it and have started trading again.

>> Currently sitting at 65min queue for Crown of the Immaculate

Fuck Healers switching to my ROLE.

I excused it for the first couple of times. But it's obvious when he'll do it. I also macro'd a sound effect and shout in party when it happened. But he still stood still right in front of both of the AoEs

Hrothgar conquer even the unconquerable asexual momcat!
Hrothgar are the truest chads!

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Red Mage is absolute gutter trash. I mean truly the shittiest dps class by 10 miles. It was bad in stormblood, but at least in stormblood I could easily top parses 100% of the time. In shadowbringers they are such absolute garbage that I am basically being forced to play black mage. It’s a shame the red mage aesthetic is so cool. Fuck Verraise, I would rather have an actual DPS class that isn’t strictly worse than every other class.

>few months
try a few days, that's all it takes to do the new msq and then you're out of "content"

You think doing all of them will change anything?

Don't get the one with the armored man in the front. Thats the old complete edition

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>*Laughs in ACN*

Is there a spreadsheet of which jobs do the highest DPS? Need to know for shitposting purposes.


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I wanted ask for some time already, but what does "/o" means? Just in case that it's some kind of insult.

>joked how buff lionmen are going to be stealing all the catgirls from the twink catbois
>turns out to be true
based lionbros, get fucked Tia fags.

>for (You)
>a slut
>fucked loose by some lion man she never even mentioned before
>not for (You)
How will catfags ever recover from this humiliation?

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\o, o/, \o/, etc are supposed represent people waving or holding their arms up. Like a hello.


What do you mean, you do have to complete every role quest for your archtype to get past a certain point in the main story and any mention of it in the main story is after that point so it's not really even a change in the strictest sense.
Or are you talking about doing the role quests for EVERY role (tank, healer, magical dps, physical dps) before that point?

I legitmately have no idea what you are even asking.

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o/ is a salute or greeting you retard.

I have to say, with square getting so many subs I expected way more content at 80.

I play a lot so the story was over in 2 days for me but I liked it a lot. Having pointless dungeons at max level and the puggable trials makes for very sparse content. All the leveling/world zones and dungeons are going to waste, it's sad.

Is the team working on the game that small? How can the game/pop grow but the content is still in the same content level as HW?

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If you were a DRG during in the HW quests, they would give a nod to it.

I'm just asking if the MSQ gives a nod to the role quests the same way it does above.

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What specifically I'm asking is if there's a nod in the MSQ that happens when you complete all the role quests.

Sounds gay
Fucking germans

But I already have it.

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>he thinks sub money is going into XIV
ahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAH, you mean you didnt find it odd that FF7R suddenly is in a good condition around the same time XIV is reporting record success?

>Warrior of Jobbing does it again
When that fight started and everyone was like "we're outmatched" I immediately lost all interest in it.
Right, we're doing this again then. Why the fuck do we need to establish this guy as BIG THREAT in this lazy manner? This expansion is already brimming with big threats, could've just made this dude a big fish in a small pond.

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>$80 collector edition

That's how it is with every expansion. You have a couple 80 dungeons and Ex trials while the developers gauge the capabilities of the jobs in preparation for adjustments they'll be making before dropping more raids.

Or as some call it a lali ho

Yeah that's bad

> (You)
>Sounds gay
>Fucking germans

this nigga can't be this dumb

The Shire set.

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Normal mode raids in 2 weeks and then Savage 2 weeks after. Staggering it out blows for anyone but the people raiding hardcore, but whatever.

So what I take from this is you are trolling and wasting the time of people that are actually trying to be helpful. Good on you.

>when Solus says "Weary wanderer. No fight left to fight, no life left to live."

Amazing. Also it's fun they know people overanalyze trailers, like with the Master Matoya thing.

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Has anyone been able to unlock their Shadowbringers full game code from the SE store yet? Is it only July 2nd it unlocks?
It used to tell me it would unlock on July 2nd but now it gives me the option to unlock it but there is no code on the next screen.

I was expecting her to turn into a sin eater at that moment

Nah, gotta wank the MC, it's multiple choice.

I can't fucking believe this.
It's a simple yes or no question. ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME?


>npcs actually physically interacting
I love how the cutscenes have finally upgraded from emoting from few feet away from each other.

>brd above blm
the rest is spot on

u need to activate windows

>the light vomiting as a lala girl
stop it, dick

I cried desu
When did you realize that everything in the trailer was what happened before you get there?

Where is it?

I teared up real hard when you bring back the night for the first time.

>what your co scions did in the cinematic was in the past
>WoL in the Cinematic was Ardbert fighting the light using the dark
>You fight the Dark using the Light in the end
YoshiP and co did it again.
Also fuck you for the mental trauma. This story was gruesome as fuck.

So Ultimecia final boss?

All the red herrings in the trailer are hilarious.
They tried to stuff as many of them into it as they possibly could, the writers must have had so much fucking fun with it

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Have they released Hrothgar naming conventions yet? Planning a name change soon, would like to know.

>lazy manner
It makes sense. What's the problem? It wouldn't be much of a story if the WoL was able to obliterate everything first try, life or death battles aside
Personally I don'twant to see the day of WoL One Punch Man

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>while the developers gauge the capabilities of the jobs in preparation for adjustments they'll be making before dropping more raids

>Mixing chalk with their lot

Still no physical interactions with (You), though. Can thank lalas for that, as per fucking usual.
Not even a hug after meeting a dear friend after a year or even more, wondering if they were ever going to show up in this terrible situation you're in and going through immense hardship every day. Thanks so gosh darn much, "friends".

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I wanted to get it from official page, but as i said, mixed signals.
On the fist page its writen that it does include shadowbringes, on second its not.

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Yes I got him

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Empty your Nuts.

>game is making me feel bad for Emet
>It's working

We know Helions use Nordic names based on the ones in the MSQ.

>Don't get hit by a single attack.
>Own him.
>*stuns me and takes me down to 1 hp when it times to put me over for Thancred*

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i cant think of anyone in this expansion i did not feel bad for.
Even fatty.

As someone who skipped ARR, HW and SB cutscenes. Why do we hate them again?

Story is good and the music is good. Pretty much the only 2 good things I can even state for this expansion. Everything else felt like cut corners or dumbed down for the sake of the use of Trusts.
>Ahm Araeng music
I need a Orchestrion Roll of this to play alongside Twilight Over Thanalan.

So wait is the WoL/WoD an ascian which has been split? So how many times has he been joined together? 8 now?

What the fuck happened to DRG?

Also, why is Monk so unpopular?

Ardbert minion when

Everyone with a natural Echo was an Ascian that was split, yes. So Krile and Minfilia for example were ones too.

If only bunnies looked like that.

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Naming conventions on the First aren't the same as on the Source.

How many crystals do you get in ARR?

I can't fucking believe they let Urianger drown like that.

And The Lost?

teehee I watched the video too guys!

>Another expansion where I can't decide on a DPS
Oh well, for tanks which is more fun between PLD and GNB?

Whatever "Runar" is.


So how long until Zeno's just kills someone as they're about to kill you?

Runar is also Nordic.


just buy starter edition + shadowbringers, there's no discount for buying them bundled anyway

Ahm Araeng theme is kino as fuck.

With the release of the tomestones I think they said.


I thought that was the shifting altars equivalent for SHB?

When do they send out the registration codes for the expansion?

2 weeks from now together with normal Eden.

So they're all Nordic then.
Hrothchads are the aryans of XIV.


So have you replaced Alisaie with Ryne?

>Nordic-mexican expansion
Weird combo but it ended up pretty good.

>Kill off the most based Ascian in the same expansion he was introduced.

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When will their cutscenes tech improve so they can show my character using spells or attacking?

Lazy as in it's the most stock method to establish this.


I prefered blonde ryne :(

But we didnt kill himIn stormblood

What did he mean by this?

He will get his Estinien moment in 5.5

Uimet makes me want to fanta to bunny, but I will miss using helmets for certain glamour.

Where is my mariachi glam YoshiP

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>level 79 MSQ requires you to finish role quest
>role quest needs level 80 to complete
This bothers me more than it should.

>last area
>final boss
>the Twinning

What the fuck are they feeding Soken?

It's no different than the big red quest marker that blocks you.

Everything about Emet and Amaurot just made me sad.

>What the fuck happened to DRG?
What do you mean?

>Alliance Raid in need (DPS)
>queue after #50
Well then
Though imagine the tank queue in comparison

its probably an oversight they'll fix later
maybe even after tonight's maintenance with a small hotfix

Ascian gameplay when?

Swap classes.


Literally fried chicken. Soken starves himself while he works until he can't take it anymore then goes downstairs to Lawsons and buys all their fried chicken. Yoshi talked about it in an interview.

The problem is that they did the same shit to make Zenos a threat in the previous expansion. And yeah, I guess it was necessary there because you were hot off the heels of killing a dragon as old as the world, but this expansion really didn't need to establish a physical threat to WoL.
They're in a new world populated by an infinite horde of light monsters, basically everything around them is already a physical threat. This guy could've been dangerous because of his military acumen or something, but of course it's much easier to have a solo instance where he uses a HP to 1 move at the end to show that he is BIG STRONG ENEMY MAN.
It's not just lazy, it's completely unnecessary and honestly kind of off putting when the story up to that point had been all but flawless.

final boss is just generic ebin orchestra

it's been close to three hours all weekend for tanks

reminder the exarch did more in 5.0 than anyone did in two years of SB

Imagine a mariachi GNB or MCH

turns out shadowbringers was the friends we made along the way

Literally, he works until he's starving then buys all of them for himself and team once he remembers he needs to eat

It's not because of cutscene tech, it's because of rolepay limitations.
What if a cutscene requires your character to cast a healing spell or a Flare or something but you never even unlocked a DoM job? What if it shows you attacking with a sword, but you leveled BLM and nothing else?
They have to account for any player model with any battle job in the game, and the only feasible way to that without having to choreograph cutscenes for every combination is just not have you do anything but stand and emote in cutscenes.

*unsheathes menacingly*

Have the WoL suplex everyone.

*turns head in question*

I'm playing the free trial right now and I'm starting to get confused as to what kind of game this is. It feels entirely dead, like a basic MMO that you can see people in but there's almost literally no interaction going on. Just people playing dress up and running around to do fetch quests with their waifu characters. Does this change?

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Is it true that drggers are FINALLY in the shed for fucking once? I was so tired of these cunts being mandatory for ranged dps while permanently hogging a melee spot.

are are you SAM fags holding up? is the shed comfy?

The worst part is that the story sells us a story that thanks to the rejoinings the people in the source are much stronger than the rest due to the fact 7 rejoinings happened already. Meanwhile we're getting our asses beaten up by a dude with 1/13th of his total aether.

Pretty sure even khloe could clean the floor with ran'jit.


Six worlds have fallen before...
huh.. that checks out

Pretty much this. It's also why people don't really touch the WoL usually cause they'd have to do different things depending on if you're a Roe or Lalafell, etc

It'd take a lot of extra work and while I wish they did do that I can understand why they don't. Still I want *one* important scene where it's unique to what weapon you're using some day.

You're playing beginner zones during an expansion launch.

7 did. Not 6.

Join an FC and that's probably the most interaction there is.
The game's just loaded with anti-social autists and weebs. Even when they introduced Eureka as a content-type specifically designed to emulate old MMOs that required you to party up even for killing mobs, everybody hated it and called it the worst thing ever.

It's hilarious maining AST because you fucking draw the globe and it just floats there.

Ran'jit has a blood pact with whatever the fuck Gukumatz is. He's not just a normal guy.

Ran'Jit's number is just that big.

i miss when alliance raids was just the crystal tower stuff. ;-;

Yea but one was the void and the rejoining failed, if i remember correctly

Urianger has made great strides in Shadowbringers. He got out of his nerd robe. He learned a new language and he's thinking about improving his weaknesses.

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Is there a way to rejoin shards with the source without causing calamities?

>a second caster
are ranged physical dps that bad right now? mch and brd seem to be dishing out quite the damage in titania amd innocence

is there a way to make antiquated gear not weathered yet

She shit herself or something, what’s wrong with her underwear?

Didn't thought on that, you're right.

The Thirteenth died and became the Void, and then the Ascians figured out how to properly Rejoin. The seven Rejoinings came after.

Do I play DRK or WAR

>the part where he tells thancred he wants to hear more about this "sorcerer" when you meant the trolley guys guessing who everyone is

I would say fixing his speech disability should come first afore anything else

Stop shilling your e-celeb garbage here.

if it's antiquated it's weathered
try getting some modern gear

Should I play this game or resub to WoW?

Nope, gonna have to buld your glamours around it's colors for now of you like it

>Thirteenth dies, but then voidsent breech the dimensional boundary to invade the Source
>this tells the Ascians that there's some kind of natural flow between the shards and the Source
>they then initiate the first Rejoining, the Wind Calamity
>six more follow, one for every element and Darkness/Astral
>only one left is Light/Umbral
There have been 7 successful Rejoinings.

Theme wise DRK is great for the MSQ. No unique dialog, but just feels right imo. Meta wise/fun wise they are both good.

what if hydaelyn was actually a bad apple even after beating zodiark, and the breaking into shards was the last, desperate move of the fourteenth/the other side?
ascians we know of want the rejoining so zodiark can be revived, but maybe even they dont know the full details, and are falling into hydaelyns trap?
meanwhile the only one who knows the truth has also been blasted into pieces and its hydaelyns revenge to temper the fragments to serve unquestioningly as warriors of light until such time as the fourteen shards become whole once more and hydaelyn can once more rule undisputed over one world

reminder there will never be a song as good as this one


resub to wow

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fuck these mario kart msq in ahm araeng

Hydaelyn is working against the calamities and rejoining though, isn't she?

Can we date Innocence yet?

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>literally the first goddamn thing Alisaie does after the final battle is cream her panties over you
She's definitely going to rape us before the end of 5.X

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neither, wait for classic

the fat version?

So can we assume that the crystals you have with you, are those of the heros of the worlds who have rejoined with yours?

No, the pretty boy version

shes playing the long game

If that's the case then we're still missing the crystal of darkness from world Rejoined during Dalamud.

i wish there's a way to filter out crystal tower because i'd rather wipe to ivalice/dun scaith than suffer the brain tumor that's lv50 gameplay and boss designs

Dont forget that the WoD had their crystals as well back in HW

If I just died right now after finishing the MSQ

it would be ok

>Shtola and Rothman gets custom animation of him bridal carrying her.
>Can't even hug Alisaie because of race sizes.

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Thank you.

At least the ARR alliance raids go by fast, ivalice still takes quite a while

Monks lost oGCDs they could weave and got two more abilities for dealing with downtime. TK opener is gone.
I just finished HW with monk (62) and timing howling fist and steel peak with all the buffs, Perfect Balance, and a str potion is something I miss
PB then rotate Dragon Kick and Bootshine with buffs and medicine seems to be okay

I'd rather do crystal tower than spend hours on either.

>Look at this stone
>Theres an engraving on it
oh no
>To my beloved Magnus and Skuli

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Urianger get that fat elf ass over here.

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No, you're garbage at English weeb-kun, "restore critical health" doesn't mean "restore the health of someone who is in critical condition" nor would assuming as much make any god damn sense. Stop sperging out over a language you haven't come close to mastering.

>alliance raid roulette
>it's orbonne

>Urianger using rescue on Ran'jit to yank him off the cliff

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Fuck lalas and everyone who plays this ugly dumb fucking meme race. Every problem in this game concerning characterization can be traced back to them.

You want twin snakes up before you bootshine, so you can only squeeze one out in your opener with PB, but I dont think the new meta opener uses PB right at the start and saves it for the burst window for alternating DK and BS like you said

Where the fuck is the 80 sch class quest?

And I don't mean the role quest

Trauma isn't a dot, it's a stack.

If you nerds want to wave oGCDs go AST, shit is ogcd city and requires big brain even for dungeon pulls.

to add to this, maybe hydaelyns now worried
the first's "shard" has now been joined with the source's without a proper rejoining, bringing the chance closer for the original fourteenth to become whole and remember the truth
all this and recall elidibus wanting to summon "warriors of light" which may or may not actually BE the real ones from the shards
if they are, hydaelyn might be desperate not to have the shards re-merge, probably by forcing a peace or some shit in the name of "good" while scheming to destroy them permanently, by then this plot point will have been revealed and we become wise to it

I like looking at lalas but I don't like playing them
>fuck lalas

How much story is left after meeting the brand new completely original character that is living underwater?

>using a Rescue on a ranged dps casting LB
These rangedlets need to know who is in charge here. Why are they getting so cocky?

An unlikely wish I have is that both the twins get better physical interactions with our character, at least divided between big race/normal race/lala. The WoL is portrayed as an older sibling figure to them so we at least deserve a goddamn hug sometimes.

I meant in universe user. IIRC, Haedalyn was the main singer of Answers and Dragonsong in universe

>playing ranged dps in july 2019?


>think this track will be completely out of place
>it basically lets you know when a very kino scene is going to occur

Brace for kino.


>Crystarium night theme when the vocals kick in

I never thought anything would unseat Foundation as the best town theme but holy fuck dude

Maybe its Zodiark then.


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At least we saw Alisae choke the shit out of Alphi.

what song is this called? it was fucking hype as shit at Lakeland.

Purchase the Stormblood Story Skip and a Level 70 Jump Potion and you will have more people around you than you could feasably count.

You're on the home stretch once you beat your role quest for him.

You're also in for a hell of a time.

why does solus look like a fucking Yea Forums tranny

I dont know, no one has uploaded it.

More like impossible. Custom animations in race exclusive cutscenes is something this game won’t ever see.

I teared up too many times during msq

I'm going to miss him

Maybe Ardbert, the WoL’s inner voice, and Ascians?

what do you think

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I finished the msq and I have RDM DRK and WAR at 70 and GNB unlocked, who do I cap next? Does GNB have the biggest damages?

Well they had that one faggot specifically kneel down to get in a Lala player's grill back in Stormblood

>lyse shows up again
MNKbros... no... I thought stormblood was over...

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>What is Bow Shock for

It's an AOE what do you think its for

One of my favorite themes is the one that plays in that cave in Mor Dhona before you get whisked away.

No man, fuck you. Lalas aren’t cute or sexy, they’re just ugly formless blob people.
I could forgive their presence there making sure nobody ever violates your character’s sacred personal space if they were a cute mini race a la Elin, but they’re not.
Lala sympathizers will hang along with the potatoes themselves in the day of the rope.

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>That fucking bassline in Rak'tika
Thank you Soken

That threw me off so much yet I should've expected it

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How did we go from *gong* YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and the darkest bit of story being a fat retard turning himself in a berserker to shadowbringers

I feel you bro, ff xiv is literally "it gets good 100 hours in".

You can do that too in the second dungeon at the final boss, yank people to their doom

High Allagan healing set will literally never be beat in terms of aesthetics.

5.0 MCH is complete garbage Yea Forumsros, how could they take that pile of shit called 4.0 MCH and make it even worse?

The phoenix one from ARR?

So what happens to Crystal Cat at the end?
Do we finally have a way home, and back again as well?

We always could, everyone else is stuck and cat permanently.

>Do we finally have a way home, and back again as well?
We've been able to come and go from the First as we please from the start, it's the Scions that are stuck there for the time being.

Wait, really?
Oh well, at least you guys aren't PLD. From what I hear not even WAR's better off

Elin aren't cute. They actually look like abominations.
What you want are harvin.

should I play pld or drk for my first tank

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Has anyone got their expansion code from ordering on the SE store yet?

I would

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Laliho o/

>an actual tank vs the teen rebel goth "tank"
your choice

WoW is better than this garbage

Fuck you, stupid gook

>a moogle finally shows up

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But it never gets good unless you're a weeb tranny.

Elin are absolute god tier in art.

I love the handwaves for game mechanics in this game

>we used gil found in the tower and miraculously 1 gil here has similar value to 1gil in the source
>once you arrived to the first the time flow stabilized, thus 1 minute spent here is 1 minute in the source
>a fairy travels between worlds whispering the weather, that's why you can see the weather for both worlds with the skywatcher

PLD if you wanna be the king of AoE and DRK if you wanna push a ton of buttons

How many drawing of WoL do you think Alphinaud has?


That'd be Flamethrower, sir.

God please forgive the obscenities I'm thinking about right now

that's level 70

Has someone made a tier list of all the primal fights? That sounds like prime shitposting fodder

>G'raha literally summons the seven other people you fight Hades with

pretty much anything thats not a generic looking robe straight out of expert roulette

There are already people around me but I've seen maybe 3 people talk in my 30-40 hours of playing and there's no reason to party up. May as well be me a 1,000 NPCs.

>Forgiven Obscenity
So I can do any obscene thing I want to her and it's automatically forgiven then?

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They did a good job covering those bases, but unfortunately we still have to travel to eorzea to summon the aesthetcician

PLD if you want to make the leveling experience easy for yourself. DRK for maximum kino.

>in art
Everything usually is.


>God Tier
Ravana, Susano and Shinryu.
>below that
Everything else.

Does the MSQ give an acknowledgement over what role quest you've completed?

>1000 potency in 10s
i think dancer or rdm might be more your speed

Acolyte's set


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>anywhere above trash tier

You literally have to complete one to finish the MSQ so yes.

Did you get pushed off by Tidal Wave, kiddo?

Are any of the level 80 job quests worth doing?

t. slipped off the platform

Worm's tails places it in at least high tier by default.

You know that even the GMs act like they are part of the game world for.. immersion.

I just arrived in the forest area, i have to say the new zones are so much better than in stormblood. The desert one is shit though.

Does ACT work yet?

> this is your average gunbreaker

Stop doing that.

If you complete all of them, do you get a special scene?

It's literally the easiest ex trial in the game. I don't know how you can run it more than 3 or 4 times without falling asleep.

Yeah there's a final quest that unlocks when you do all four.