>Witcher show promotional posters
>Geralt only has one sword on his back
How can you get something SO FUCKING FUNDAMENTAL wrong? This is the single hardest thing to get wrong. The two swords are references all over.
>Witcher show promotional posters
>Geralt only has one sword on his back
How can you get something SO FUCKING FUNDAMENTAL wrong? This is the single hardest thing to get wrong. The two swords are references all over.
Other urls found in this thread:
Magic's gone.
I mean what did you expect?
You have seen that leak of the Nilfgaard outfits right?
The silver sword is kept in his horse because he barely has to use it.
That is the silver sword on his back, dumdum.
This is a good take on game Geralt, armor and face and all. Not the jaguar-vampire ghoulish Geralt I wanted, but a better look than I expected.
Read the books
You aren't you when you are hungry, XY chromosome. Have a Snickers.
I have, multiple times.
*munch munch munch*
Have sex
Having 1 swords on his back on the poster is stupid. You can rationalize it as much as you want, its bad. This isn't a screenshot from him entering a village, or him at the bar. Its supposed to sell the monster hunter to casuals. He needed to have two swords. True fax.
I have, multiple times.
>Can spend $100,000,000 a year on Friends
>Can't spend >$100 on a prop sword that's integral to your heroes' identity
Yennefer is a darkie DROPPED
She's not black, you mong.
Also, you absolutely would.
It's a reference to this short story where Geralt gets involved in a romance with a mermaid and investigates a bunch of missing fishermen.
>defining feature is pale skin
Are they actually not going to use the game medallion?
these people are going full retard
In the The Shawshank Redemption story by Steven King, the character Red's defining characteristic is him being red haired (this the nickname).
In the movie, he is black, and still has the nickname Red as a joke. The movie is also much superior to the book, and one of my favorite movies ever made.
So I am really not bothered by this.
Yeah, they are using book stuff. But with the game muscular daddy Geralt. I'm weirded out as well, because I separate book Geralt and game Geralt mentally, and now I am seeing game Geralt in book Geralt's world.
The Netflix series isn't adapting the games. It's adapting the source novels. Which 90% of gamers haven't touched.
They only have the book rights. They aren‘t allowed to use the game medallion.
90% is too low for the general gaming public, and too high for specifically Witcher fans.
The actor is poo n loo! An aryan! Part of the aryan race! She’s practically white!
>The worst monsters are the ones we create
I appreciate Netflix's honesty in their advertising.
>the movie is much superior to the book
first off no.
Second off just because someone else made a good adaption of the source material while editing a characters features, does not mean, by ANY circumstances, that it is okay to do it willy nilly.
They changed the Fringilla as well, even though half her character in the books is that she looks like Yenn.
I don't even fucking know why they are casting her since she is only really in the last fucking one.
Why not? they are specifically using the game designs for Geralt
why is yen a nigger
what the fuck
im not an incel or anything, but seeing everything so different from the game which is how i see the book characters now is really fucking weird.
yen is cute, her being black is not a problem in itself, but why the fuck is *yen* black
Because muh diversity muh representation muh #hollywoodsowhite
It's easier to adapt a linear book than a nonlinear game.
Netflix hates same race relationships. It seems like every none of their shows has an interracial couple at the forefront.
No, its because:
>1. It creates outrage, which is free advertisement.
>2. It makes customers of all self identified woke people.
>3. It makes more likely customers of all indians (a billion of them) to cast an indian.
This is about capitalism, market, advertisement, etc, it isn't about ethnical conclusions you disagree with. Ethics are commodified regardless, yours probably are too, and it is very likely that you being really passionate about a social issue is the result of someone being successful in selling you a product.
>it isn't about ethnical conclusions you disagree with.
I never said it was.
muh diversity muh representation muh #hollywoodsowhite are social issues and social campaigns
adding an indian actress into your show is a marketing decision
the two are simply not the same thing, one is a parasite infecting the other
Then you know he keeps the silver sword on his horse.
Not on the fucking promotional poster/cover he doesn't You needed to show him with 2 swords on the promo.
It's called pre-programming
Every time.
kind of sad how sapkowski doesn't even care about this at all, he doesn't give a fuck about what netflix does to his creation he just wants the money
>white liberals
lmao, every time
>Game has some of the best armor designs in all of vidya
>Show has generic brown studded leather
Khamala Harris just showed the world niggers don't consider Jamaican Indians black. They are unironically more exclusionary than the whites they cry RACIST at.
You are incorrect. It's an agenda, clear as day. No profits have ever been increased by shoehorning in interracial couplings. That's not why they're doing it.
A reminder that the systematic replacing of white cultural symbols with shitskins is an effort to demoralize white people so that they aren't "allowed" to have their own unique stories, histories, etc. and make it all belong to the world now.
This isn't just some bizarre coincidence all of this is happening. No one looks at THIS and then thinks casting an ugly shitskin is going to make them more money, they do it for the purpose of subversion and demoralization.
You are a mark, and being played. Nike, Gillette, etc, make money from you.
Khamala Harris also just got done claiming that schools were segregated in California in the 1970s and she was one of the first kids to be bussed in for integration so I wouldn't put too much stock in anything she says.
Its about money, you dummy. You are playing into it.
I think the antoher sword will be introduce as long the show running...
I don't buy any of their products so they're not making money from me.
Yeah man it's all a coincidence.
And that's a good thing.
That's a nigger, nigger
What did they mean by this?
Not to agree with the screeching autists, but... they have a point. Witchers carrying two swords is a pretty fucking constant theme in the games, numerous NPC's comment on it. Steel for armored humans, silver for vulnerable monsters. This is basic witchercraft.
Damn this looks pretty cool. Gonna check it out and ignore /pol/s opinion on this.
i'm pretty sure that's just a /pol/ false flag, i haven't seen any significant difference in the polls based on that
Good, go hang yourself and expedite the process.
Why are jews always blamed though? Whites are willingly doing all that shit on their own. No one is forcing them to follow jewish commands.
Who should Priscilla and Ciri be? Was thinking about Micheal Dauglas for Emhyr
That looks like a proud german to me.
Yen it's supposed to be a mother figure for ciri and they almost look the same age, in a couple of years if they don't cancel this shit and the kid it's even older, how is that relationship going to work at all.
I chuckeled.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Shit casting, only Triss is correct.
Don’t forget the penis helmets
Awful casting. Geralt doesn't have a beard and he doesnt look 70 years old.
Priscilla doesn't exist in the books
Prequel prior to him being a witcher
The what now?
He was a witcher since he was a kid
The ass is promising.
Did all this vidya you play finally rot your brain you fucking retard? Geralt never had two swords on his back, he kept his silver sword with Roach's saddle and took it out on monster hunts that required silver to get the job done, which was rare in itself. Read a fucking BOOK once in a while, nigger, Jesus Christ
>no wolf medallion
>one sword
>no cats eyes
Not even going to Nilfgaard ballsack arnor and dickhead helmet or Yen and Fringilla being turned into shitskin chimps but this has absolutely nothing salvagable.
>Why are jews always blamed though? Whites are willingly doing all that shit on their own. No one is forcing them to follow jewish commands.
Jews have overwhelming control of the media and the higher education system, and their control of the banking system also allows them to put their thumb on anyone they please either to discourage behavior they dislike, or to prop up their personal toadies.
I have nothing but contempt for white leftists, and consider them in a way worse than a Jew because I don't really expect a foreign, hostile race of rootless cosmopolitans to really care about their host country, but at the same time pointing out how ruinous these parasites are in every host country they inhabit is really important to point out. I mean look at how many dead Americans we have simply due to the enormous political sway fucking Israel has on US foreign policy.
nice ass
>hurt anyone who questions my rhetoric is a jew
I'm an Arab Christian from the UAE.
As long as acting is good...
This thread has finally thrown me off the deep end with how many fucking retarded faggots are allowed to comment here with their wrong fucking opinions.
Yet continue to not give a single fuck about Geralt being describe as grotesquely ugly in the books yet he is a chad in the shown
you fucking retarded niggers read a fucking book for once in your fucking lives if you are even remotely capable everybody knows he keeps his silver sword on his horse and only uses it when need be.
Please fucking kill yourselves everybody on in this thread or learn to read you fucking imbecile gamers. no wonder every gaming company continues to shit out garbage every year because of the retards like all of you
>Why are people talking about the videogame on Yea Forums - Videogames in a thread about a Netflix series based on a franchise that is literally only known and popular because of the videogames?
the show has nothing to do with the videogame :) please kill yourself :) nigger :)
Why is Legolas a Witcher now wtf?
oh yeah, i love women that smell of shit and curry
Stranger things 3 is going to suck shit isn't it
>Make a show based on a book that is only known because people like the videogame based on the book
>Fill it with ugly shitskins
>When it flops blame it all on evil white men
Like clockwork.
can someone explain this to me pls
good casting.... 20 years ago
LMFAO this looks so out of place
Yet again you fail to address anything and repeat the same hypocrisy of "muh shit skinskins"
This is a good move actually. When this show inevitably flops it’ll just add another tomb stone to the graveyard of identity politics-fueled entertainment. More fuel for the fire. Not like the games or books are in danger.
The game is pretty linear.
Basically the people who claim to be the most inclusive are the most exclusive.
have sex
Address what, exactly? You haven't even tried to make a point.
No, it’s not. Major companies do not make more money by showcasing radical diversity and inclusion tactics, the vast majority of Americans are moderates. It’s clearly an agenda meant to sensitize people to a new moral and ethical hierarchy
Shawshank is not based on cultural and traditional Easter European folklore like the Witcher series. Sapkowski drew on Slavic pagan traditions as his source material.
This is fiction vs European history you’re comparing.
and what the fuck is that
Sarpowski personally allowed the staff to do whatever they wanted and that characters could have been of all races, probably in his self-sided hatred for CDPR's Witcher
ITT: white people cry about people of color getting equal representation.
Get a life.
dat triss is 100% on point
have sex
Owing to its present culture relevance this thread is a wasteland of leftists larping as /pol/ and people talking to bots. You do know about the bots which comprise the majority of the "people" you argue with on here, right?
>casting a literal street shitter as Yennefer
bravo Nolan!
Not video games you fucking mong.
So like.....when he was five?
Medallion and sword make sense from what's in the books.
Niggers and poos in 13th century Europe are not in the books.
Daily reminder the showrunner (LHissrich) wanted Janet Montgomery for Yennefer but they had to settle w/ the indian because of scheduling issues..
play videogames
Yeah, she had to settle for the shitskin because there were no other options at all, right?
>100 Mil on FRIENDS
Fucking what...? It costs that much to have rights to they garbage?
>Red? Why do they call you that?
>.........probably because I'm Irish.
Morgan Freeman is a god damn national treasure
>muh folklore
It's a series about a sterile mutant going around killing monsters and banging ladies left and right, just relax and enjoy the ride
budget constraints user. They already have superman.. I'm really sad we got this Indian-Very-Young-Looking-Yen and I wanted Janet Montgomery for the part desu.
Fuuuuuuck she would have made a PERFECT Yen
you are completely right. They are not only changing it to their fucking liking but also neglecting anything that was set in stone for the Witcher to begin with. Netflix is a hopeless pile of garbage.
>just relax and enjoy the ride
Fuck off kike.
i hate when people cast based on strictly looks and not personality/acting skill/chemistry , although who they did cast as the witcher is kind of bad anyway
Look at Istredd lmao
having to use two different swords because muh silver kills monstahs was the worst part of the witcher
ITT nigger cries about white culture while begging to be shoved into it
Oh for FUCKS sake....
Where is Idris Elba?
>not give a single fuck about Geralt being describe as grotesquely ugly
They never once describe him as ugly in the books, in fact he's described as handsome in about two of them. He get's described as an outcast mutant, but not once ugly.
Where do people get this idea that he's ugly from, or always say that in the books he's ugly?
To be fair, "people of color" as they are presently known are fucking repulsive at best. The real people of color give meaning to the term.
You ain't seen the penis helmets? the main human mooks were armor and helmets that look like ballshacks and dick heads
>get offered a million bucks to do a show based off your source material
>uh yeah sure knock yourselves out
What does this prove? Nothing. He’s not making any creative decisions on the show and he wasn’t informed who would be cast when they approached him two years ago
>Thought Catalog
Oh no some /pol/tard wrote a shitpost falseflag on a publicly submissible website, fucking white genocide!
Every time I see the bbc armor it makes me smile
Thanks netflix
Mods can you ban this racist please?
It's been a long time since I've read the novels but to all the people saying he generally carries the steel sword on his back and the silver sword on roach in the books. I don't fucking remember this at all. I remember him rarely even having his silver sword. He generally used the gifted Sihil for a massive part of the novels.
Oh fucking hell I forgot about this shit. God damn what the fuck where they thinking?
Stephen King also sold the rights to that story for $1.00
If you faggots all listened to /pol/ years ago this shit wouldn't be happening.
They try a pozzed version of everything and drop it fast as fuck if it doesn't catch on.
They can't afford to lose money on everything, pirate everything that black/gender washes anything so they stop fucking doing it.
But no fuck you heres fat wymen ghostbusters and black Achilles and Yen and Triss because you enjoy eating shit.
If they know they won't get away with it they'll stop trying, but if you let them do it it's just going to keep getting worse.
What's the next thing they'll ruin? Gonna go for an Somali genderswapped LOTR? Gay Batman? black woman Iron Man?
You can't stop them, but you don't have to support writing your own race out of history.
People literally believe that white people have NEVER had a country or area to themselves now, that's what kids are being taught in schools.
This isn't a /pol/ rant, they are trying to make white people go the way of the unicorn and it's super fucking obvious.
not him, but have you ever considered hiding someones post?
holy shit is my bardfu essi gonna be in this show?
Have you ever considered creating an ethnostate like Israel?
The metal in the pic looks like the "silver" sword. It has a /slight/ v-shape in the cross-guard which in the games indicated silver.
Why should i have to go through extra effort to remove problematic content that is against the rules? That's what the janitors don't get paid for.
top whitewash seething
Everyday we stray farther from God's light
>If you faggots all listened to /pol/
fucking stopped reading right there you unbelievable faggot. I don't say this often and mean it but please do the world a favor and fucking kill yourself.
I think it's only mentioned like once or twice but that is indeed the case regarding him the roach situation.
You're right about him not having one for most of the books though. During the entire saga, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have one save for during his stay in Toussaint presumably.
No, those people are not smart enough to do this on purpose.
Nope. He bangs an 18yo bard in that story.
The mermaid becomes human in the end to be together with her human bf
Have fun being nigger food faggot. I bet you live in the city.
Are you not paying attention to what's happening?
It's exciting.
>just another thread with /pol/ spreading it's bullshit ideology and infographics
I want to shit on this adaptation, not fucking join a retard cult
or you could be a little bitch about it
>Please fucking kill yourselves everybody on in this thread or learn to read you fucking imbecile gamers.
you know this is Yea Forums right mongoloid? but seriously imagine being this ass blasted
>all this pissers getting uppity about the one sword
Personally I always thought the notion of a silver sword to be laughable despite the in-universe reasoning for it. Silver is probably the worst metal to use to make a working blade with since it's so soft holding an edge with it would be neigh impossible
Is this a bot?
Fuck off nigger.
You're autistic
laugh at me
He typically only carried one on him in the books
He left the silver on his horse because it was rarely used and it was too expensive to carry around with him regularly
Read the books
>Netflix changing fundamental aspects in Witcher is now /pol/'s fault
just neck yourself already
>Read the books
Thanks for working and going into debt so I don't have to, oh and thanks for your money.
So that when you sperg out online, you can do it from a position of knowledge instead of ignorance
Is this really the fucking armor? I just have such a hard time believing anyone in the production crew would look at this and think "yep, that's the perfect depiction of the black cloaks of nilfgaard"
They don't carry two swords on their person in the books. Silver swords are ridiculously expensive, so Geralt keeps his hidden in his stuff on Roach. He rarely pulls it out.
Nobody would even know about the shitty books if not for the games. Fuck the books.
Book Geralt goes through so much shit that I believe he could've made 10x easier on himself if he just used fucking signs more than twice a book.
It's based on the books though. Geralt almost never carries both swords with him in the books
Educate yourself before posting next time
It makes sense that way, you don't want extra weight on you in a fight.
They're pretty nice. The two short story collections are certainly worth it and are a quick, rather light read.
Who would win?
But it doesn't change the fact that the show is based on the books.
Gonna report you so you'll be hanged for denying islam.
The books are fun and despite people claiming the series only matters because of the games, they are still the source material and true canon.
Ideally one should know what they are talking about when criticizing stuff, unless you only care for shitposting.
What is the budget for this show? Even if they wanted that design, they surely could've made it look better than wearing plastic bags
Retards saw the "freak" insults and a few occasions when his snarl was described as ugly and decided Geralt has to be butt ugly because they have no reading comprehension.
Gonna make it even funnier when it utterly fails.
>the true canon
The games and the books are two different canons and nothing pisses me off more than someone bringing one up in a discussion about the other.
>Talking about game waifus
Tell it to Yea Forums.
there aren't any other signs used or mentioned in the original books except aard. However, some other signs were added in Season of Storms but that book came out way after the games. Like his whole fucking "i hate portals shtick" that comes form the games and was just put in to make book geralt more inline with the much more famous game geralt.
turns out its really expensive to smith big sets of armour en masse so we get wrinkly penis suits instead
>unless you only care for shitposting
Where do you think we are?
I think they should've stuck to the game more. Two sword geralt and his medallion are iconic.
Most armor in shows isn't actually metal you sperg
Witcher signs are pretty weak in the books. He's no match for actual sorceresses/sorcerers in this regard.
Season of Storms came out in 2013, two years before "I hate portals" became a meme.
Surely there's some middle ground to be found here?
>look these people share hair, facial hair, facial structure, hair color
>that means they would be a good fit
I've always hated these types of casting posts.
Yrden and quen are mostly good for incorporeal things and that probably makes for shit television.
All shows use molded plastic or fiberglass for armor
The BBC is just artistic choice
whoops my mistake. I thought that book came out after the witcher 3
Gotta make penis evil man
It gets even more fucking odd the more you look at it. I initially thought upon seeing a low res image that they were trying to do some sort of loose cloth/vinyl wrapping around the plates for some reason. But then I looked at the full image and no, you can see metal weathering paint. The plates are literally supposed to be fat and wrinkly for some ungodly reason. I genuinely cannot fathom how this was given the green light. Why did nobody say anything?
I read the last wish (which I think came out later than the rest) he only used aard and axii and he used igni in sword of destiny.
Against mages sure but had times he fought random thugs or guards, got his ass beat and didn't use it.
Let someone else have the spotlight for once, whitey. Jesus...
point is that its expensive to make many good quality costumes so we get these formless pieces of shit that are easy and cheap to make
yikes and oof
the blackwashing has become insane. netflix has gone full retard on that diversity crap. they whine about white privilege, yet look at how eager they are to always replace whites with naggers. real black privilege
>das raycis tho!
a word given power only by those who care about the moral weight behind defamation
They shouldve cast one that atleast looks like Yen from games or the movie/series.
Netflix is huge and wealthy. There is literally no excuse, especially when you only cast literally who actresses
What are you talking about? Everything in the games is a continuation of exactly what happened in the books. Of course people will point it out.
Also I'm not at all defending the Netflix shit. Just saying having such disdain for the source material is pretty weird. Do you just dislike reading fantasy books? Reading in general?
wow if only these actors that look like the characters were perhaps employed regularly to act like other people who are different from them so that they could emulate the characters theyve been chosen to play
>Witcher signs are pretty weak in the books
This. Actual sorceress' routinely throw out level 4 reality bending spells while witchers can only use the basic cantrips
Heliotrop is a sign mentioned several times too. Its just not in TW3
What does it do?
From what I understand, utter trash that nobody else wants to publish is bought by netflix. Netflix is almost the new "anyone can make a VHS" craze. People who made it originally are broke, netflix isn't pouring much cash into the dumpster fire. I think it'll bomb hard since people are fed up with Game of Thrones.
There's a bit of implied discontinuation with the "lost my memory" bit for the fish out of water introduction.
>What are you talking about? Everything in the games is a continuation of exactly what happened in the books.
Fucking obviously not.
>Do you just dislike reading fantasy books? Reading in general?
I already said, I just hate when people bring up one canon when talking about another. This is Yea Forums, not Yea Forums. Bookfags just can't wait for the chance to sperg about some shit in the games being different from the books. We get it, we know. They're not the same fucking canon.
>It is made by crossing one's wrists, and works as a buffer against physical attacks, combat magic and impacts with walls, ground etc. Contrary to Quen, which is active until broken or dispelled, the Heliotrop is active only for a moment and cushions from a single powerful attack or damage
Geralt, Yennifer and Ciri's symbols for the show.
if this extremely odd looking cunt isn't Meryl Streep levels of acting then it's just forced diversity. Most of these ugly el creatura's would never get a role in anything if not for diversity quotas and bottom of the barrel writers.
It's just fucking bizarre to take a clearly eastern european setting and put street shitters and other mystery meats in it.
oh i figured why I thought this. The book came out in 2013 but it wasn't officially translated till 2018.
Yeah you guys are right, I was wrong
>for once
For once I would like to have authentic medieval setting. I don't give a fuck about any other shows netflix butchers. How about you go watch some Ugandan movies instead.
You marketed their products online. You are a mark. Useful idiot. Your passionate dislike of their diversity hires and ads is making them money. You are making them money.
why are white people so powerless to stop white genocide in media?
History Channel has a knights show now, just watch that. Let the rest of us watch our mutant monster hunter show in peace
I dunno dude, Slavic Pagan folklore is rarely ever adapted into a popular medium, so I get kinda salty when they try this multicultural shit. Same reason I am salty when I saw Gladiator have Numidians were Arabic clothing instead of Berber clothing. Historical folklore has some cool shit and aesthetic. There's plenty of shows/games/movies you can make out of African, Slavic, Arabic, Berber, Japanese, Chinese, Native American, etc folklore. But most filmmakers nowadays are too lazy to research this stuff so they lump everything together to make everyone happy. But they fail. If they wanted actual representation they'd make a series/movie on actual old African folklore. But they don't, so it just seems disingenuous to me.
t. An actual mixed race mutt.
Brah, white people are the ones behind it all.
>isn't Meryl Streep levels of acting
Oh god let's hope so, never seen a more overrated actress
Because the media is run by non-whites, or Hebes as I like to call them
I'm pretty sure white incels shout more about being oppressed in the current year than actual minorities
they are going to turn this into a soap opera, like GoT.
Why is Yennefer such a treacherous bitch to everyone she meets?
most of the media is either owned by jews or funded by jews and nepotism is absolutely rife.
In the case of netflix it's actually a much less sinister explanation. They jump on popular things and then skimp on everything. Just look at the writers, directors, actors, etc. in any netflix produced show. It's like the wal-mart of movies. At least jews have a decent standard of quality even if they shovel degenerate filth into the general public's face. Netflix won't even give us that.
>ITT americans fuck up everything with their tolerance, again
What's new?
Henry is a great Geralt. They will 100% fuck this up though.
She is too old
>our mutant monster hunter show
It's not yours. Why even call it witcher. Write something original that fits your melting pot of shit in US.
>no true Scotsman
If white is Aryan, then the indian actress is white too. And if we drop the language, semites are pretty much the same as the traditionally seen as "white".
Reminder that italians, slavs and the irish weren't seen as white until recently, its that stupid of a concept.
Well aren't they? Minorities are literally no oppressed in any way and only /pol/ saids anything negative about them, everyone else praises minorities and gives them free shit
Why is Henry always getting garbage roles?
Huh that sounds like a fun gameplay mechanic. Shame it isn't in there.
>the netflixer
Sour and traumatized ex-hunchback with resentment towards people in general. Puts up a thorny exterior to not get her feelings hurt again.
And she enjoys being a bitch
>Why even call it witcher
Welcome the exciting world of brand recognition, son
Ok but was Boholt REALLY just joking about the rape?
you know the fight scenes are going to be jump cut city.
Individual pawns are but instruments for the Great Game players.
season 2 nnnnigguh
Maybe you should get out of your mom's basement and interact with the world a bit instead of basing your world views on Yea Forums
>tweet that you will be loyal to the original material, you totes swear
>butcher the source material, stuff minorities everywhere
>our, us
fuck off, faggot netflix representative
kill yourself
As opposed to a flat camera long, boring and dull fight like this youtube.com
I can't wait for all the bendy rubber swords.
Because he's attractive enough to get those "big strong man" roles and in a way it has limited his career. I feel bad for the guy.
Isn't she like 36?
>uses vidya to complain about cinematic
Apples and oranges, user.
you want some shots like that to show the dancing witchers do in battle. not saying it should all be that but cmon now.
Book Geralt is painfully hideous and viscerated. Nobody wants to watch an uggo
What the fuck? This is awesome.
Hes way too handsome to be Geralt, which was usually referred to as being not attractive looking.
It was rhetorical question you mutt. There is no justification for this. Just as GOT was ruined so will this show.
We are on Yea Forums, nobody has clue about directing, or cinematography. This is literally what I've seen people ask for. This actual video being given for an example of what they want in a movie. It isn't a strawman, its bringing up an actual argument I've seen on this board.
No it's not, retard.
Adaptations with correct racial casting make money, shit casting that makes no sense falls flat on its face every time. The most succesful adaptations in modern media are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones which were slavish in their casting of appropriate actors for the roles and almost all had their main protagonists be white like in their original media.
They just want to force this through until one succeeds and they can say "diversity works!".
So many franchises have had a potentially lucrative future demolished by diversity casting, they just don't want you to know that. It also goes without saying that these films and shows completely bomb in China unless it's Marvel.
they need an attractive lead male actor for the women audience to gush over
He is pale and has sharp facial features. He's a fairly attractive slav, but has scars and wacky eyes. He has a creepy evil smile which is what gets called ugly most of the time.
So what's the appeal of this if its not going to include some of the best characters from the trilogy?
fucking CRINGE. Negress in a dress
>Yennefer of Bangladesh
Irl swords bend.
The reavers take their rape antics very seriously
I do, how are any minorities oppressed? Go on tell me, name one thing
How did Netflix do a good job with castlevania but a shit job with Witcher?
She's not black, you trailer trash shit.
Because he's autistic and doesn't know any better. Offer him a chance to play a videogame character and he'll jump at it, no matter how much his agent pleads for him not to.
You know what I mean, faget.
you're retarded.
Someone has to provide material for the cucumber self-love
Ciri looks bad. Not as bad as yennefer but still bad.
Doesn't even resemble the descriptions from the book aside from having dark hair and a dress.
I'm sure that studios refer to these kinds of people as, "the ones we'll never satisfy". Easy to see with this level of autism.
user, pls.
If you send out the exact same resume to job employers, but name half of them Jamal and half Henry, Henry will get the job considerably more often. This experiment has been recreated many times, too, with different race coded names. Also done for random checkups, for asking if a person is guilty or not, etc. All other things being equal, people will treat the exact same person worse if they think the person is black.
Tell me they didn't ruin my slavfu Shani yet. Hopefully this shit will flop before they get to her.
I love him but I think the show is gonna be bad
spot on
what's it like to be a shit skin?
That's not about name, that's more about upbringing. A parent who names their child Henry is going to put far, far more effort into raising them than one who names their kid Jamal.
I think it looks good
the only person that looks bad is Yennefer
but then again I never pay attention to video games stories because most of them are shit anyway
Explain how he has so much sex then
If only black parents were capable of giving their children normal names like Henry instead of Jaquaveous.
You are rationalizing instead of reasoning. Be truthful to yourself, at least.
>How can you get something SO FUCKING FUNDAMENTAL wrong?
I see you've never discussed the witcher on Yea Forums before. Well my friend, the answer is quite simple, they haven't really read the books same with most of Yea Forums and half of CDPR.
Doth i?
>I'm looking for a woman
>left looks good
You blind, son
No actual point in arguing with you. Just follow my advice.
She does have the purple eyes tbf. Still looks shit though. Looks better then I thought it would be but still really bad.
>if only black people would hide their blackness, then they'd get invited to the job interview and only declined after the employer sees them in person, instead of immediately upon reading their name :)
Black people can be named Henry bro, calling your kid Tyrone is a sign of low intellect, just like calling your kid cletus meaning the kid will be an idiot too
Did they compare white trash too or just black trash along side regular people? I know the answer and so do you, this experiment was setup to give the desired answer, that blacks are oppressed and it's nonsense if anything it proves a class divide, middle class blacks don't call their kids Tyrone and Shaniqua anymore than middle class whites call their kids Cooter and Joesphine
>The two swords are references all over.
you do know Geralt only ever carried one sword in the books, kept the silver sword on Roach
Arabs have been Christian way before wh*tes have. Christianity belongs to the middle east, retard.
Not an argument
I like him but I don't think he's suited for Geralt.
Should have posted the drawing based on her book appearance, because she looks like ass in the game compared to the other chicks.
>blackness is defined by hilarious made up names, urban streetwear, and rap music
That's pretty racist, user.
>Giving your kids lower class names is blackness
You are retarded
I'm getting B-tier quality vibes from everything about it
>Yennefer of Bangladesh
see and quit rationalizing.
This also happens with visual aids. No names, just pictures of whites and blacks, and people being given identical scenarios, and having to decide who committed the murder, or who was the smartest guy in class, etc, just by looking at faces.
And guess what, whites discriminate against blacks. All other things being equal, race being the only differential, whites dislike blacks and rate them as lesser.
>black names are low class names
Very racist.
That image is pedantry to the most literal degree. It's beyond retarded. Nobody is arguing about which race is literally monochrome, why would someone even make it? What purpose does it serve? To make brainlets feel superior?
That's cultural bias not racism. I'd bet you that germans would be more likely to hire someone with a german name like yohan but a WASP would rather hire someone named john. Which is just more evidence that multiculturalism is a bad idea because people will ALWAYS retain roots to their original culture and always be biased towards it
Witcher thread turns into pol debate
>>black names are low class names
He's not wrong.
And anytime they've done blind resume tests where the employer doesn't know the race or gender of the applicant, they end up overwhelmingly with white dudes getting picked. Hmmmmmmmm.
>blackness is giving your kids retarded names that even the average African would laugh at
>This Geralt looks way too fucking handsome even compared to the games, let alone his book appearance
>One sword
>The medallion barely resembles a wolf
>Yen looks like a JoJo villain with that dress and isn't that book accurate either
God this is going to suck hard
who is that on the bottom?
That's a game thing meant to affect gameplay mechanics, he only has one sword in the books, read them
>people trust their own race/culture more than others
Really? Wow... no way!
>hungergames bird
Bangladesh is a country not a city.
It should be Yennefer of Dhaka or Yennefer of Chittagong
Which would you read first, an application from a person named, "Shaniqya Moniqua Yoniqqa", or an application from a person named, "Thomas Riddle"?
Where? They look brown to me
There's no debate. If you support what they're doing, you're brainwashed. Period. Full stop.
>don't hire educated blacks
>blacks see they have little use for education
>they cease getting educated, because why bother
>now employers can excuse their discrimination (which totally still exists, as seen by the other blind tests like the one I mentioned)
It's actually very easy to satisfy, just respect the source material and don't cast subhumans for human roles.
need to see costume version
Eva Green does unspeakable things to my libido, please don't post more pictures of her.
That Jewess is the ultimate semen demon for me.
I like how the argument started with "there is no discrimination", and now people are joining that say "well of course there is discrimination, duh!". You think you are disagreeing with me, too, when I am on your side of this argument - there is in group preference. There is discrimination. Me and you agree in this.
>All other things being equal, race being the only differential, whites dislike blacks and rate them as lesser.
Just like every other fucking race on the planet, this isn't something whites are uniquely "evil" in. Japanese prefer Japanese, Nigerians prefer Nigerians, Arabs prefer Arabs. This is fine and accepted for every race and culture on the planet except for those of European descent apparently.
>And guess what, whites discriminate against blacks. All other things being equal, race being the only differential, whites dislike blacks and rate them as lesser.
You're now describing in-group preference and guess what, blacks and asians do the same to whites, this is not the same as prejudice
>black names are low class names
Tyrone is ghetto trash, Tyler and Jordan are respectable black names, you are being intentionally obtuse because you have a lack of faith in your own arguments
>mashing syllables together to form a word is blackness
top fucking kek
Except as someone pointed out it's a class thing and not a racial thing.
Nobody hires Cletus or Jedediah either.
I think Henry Cavill is a fine Witcher. The show is still going to suck. I also think Henry is the only person who would be able to play Guts.
There are probably more millionaires called Tyrone in the USA, than there are millionaires called Charles, a "high class name".
looks so mush like my mommy-ex
Eva would've been TOP tier Yen
Suggest a racially typical name thats not low class. Then imagine the same experiment being conducted. And honestly, truthfully, tell me that it would go much differently.
what the FUCK
How are there so many nigger millionaires if minorities are so discriminated against?
>mass monster muscleguy buffdude
>a fine witcher
Witchers are meant to be like cats, not like rhinos.
They aren't discriminated against in music and sports, where all the rich Tyrones are at.
Whites are just to blame no matter what then? Well, that makes the world a much simpler place, I guess.
>racially typical name
That's pretty fucking racist, my dude.
wouldn't have expected to see Jam in this thread but, as always, I'm glad I did.
No, they had to settle for literally who's because they spend whatever pitiful budget they had on Henry Cavill, something that they didn't plan and just agreed because Cavill really wanted to be Geralt.
Imagine committing a crime, then 20 years later being found out and in court, and telling the judge "so i am to blame no matter what, huh. bigots!". Yes, you are to blame. You did the thing. The "whites", that is the culture and social group of the european diaspora in the USA, are to blame for what that group did. They did it. Of course they are to blame for it.
I am not retarded enough to ask for counter-lynching or reparations from their ancestors, the sins of the fathers are not sins of the son as far as I am concerned. But admitting it and apologizing would be nice. Doing it less would be nice, something thats already happening, but at a slower rate than I'd like. I really want discrimination to be done before I am done, so maybe accelerate it a bit and we can be equal on the market before the end of the century.
How about any Christian name? American blacks are extremely Christian, or is that only part of white culture too?
That can't be healthy.
The useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more.
― Yuri Bezmenov
>Imagine committing a crime
Sorry, I can't. I'm white.
>pretending to be retarded to "win" an argument on an anime forum
That's pretty fucking pathetic, my dude.
>Its supposed to sell the monster hunter to casuals.
Witcher 3 was as casual as a fucking video game can possibly get without having Mario in it or having Skyrim on the logo you stupid fuck, normies loved it.
Imagine being this fucking jacked and handsome and having to star opposite this thing Poor Cavill.
>Geralt only has one sword on his back
Woah it's almost like this is an adaptation of the novel series.
Bangladesh sounds funnier.
>Being racist as fuck while trying to prove how racist everyone else is
Fucking 4D chess master right here.
>you are the real racist for pointing out racism!
Mind fucking blown, my dude. Just wow.
>Imagine having to go from Amy Adams to this
This show will suck bcz of pic related
Literally perfect in looks, attitude and voice
He's 200lbs tops. Hardly a mass monster.
Dumb take. You are right Japanese prefer Japanese, but they fucking hate other Asians. Just like French people prefer French people and German prefer German people. You're dumb mutt American take assumes that having the same skin color triumphs culture and language.
Fucking hell user.
I don't even have a degradation fetish but that changes when I see her.
Mads is like 90-years-old.
>Blacks can only name their kids shit like Jamal and Devonte
>They are literally incapable of naming their kids something like William or Matthew
Racism of low expectations is still racism.
Why degradation?
>things i never said
>"wow so racis"
Racism of pretending to be retarded on anime forum.
Geralt is what, 104 in the books?
>the sins of the fathers are not sins of the son as far as I am concerned
>But admitting it and apologizing would be nice
Contradiction in the next sentence. Nice. You frame it as I did something with the commiting a crime thing, then say "but obviously I don't blame you for something you didn't do" then ask me to admit some kind of guilt for it anyway right after that? Come on, you muddle collective and individual responsibility freely. Also ignoring the fact that politicians and institutions and whatever CONSTANTLY prostrate themselves in apology to every minority group under the sun, money is constantly poured into affirmative action programs and shit like that. So no, not buying it.
>so maybe accelerate it a bit and we can be equal on the market before the end of the century.
Standard equality of outcome bullshit.
>things i never said
>racially typical name
Real life shot
>Contradiction in the next sentence. Nice.
The implication is very obvious. I don't want you punished for what your grandpa did. But I'd like for you to apologize for your grandpa. This is not outrageous, or strange. It is how relations go in real life as well. People apologize for their relatives actions or words.
The rest of your post flows from this dishonest reading of mine, so you can shove it up your bum tbqh.
I knew this show would be shit since they picked Henry William as a Geralt.
Well-off, professional blacks also discriminate against average blacks. I wonder why.
It isn't racist to point out that most americans named Tyrone are black. Might want to define your terms better.
I wonder what the director had in mind when he made this movie, and why Eva agreed to it, but my dick will be forever thankful.
My grandpa is still alive. Ask him to apologize for some shit he never did so he can tell you to fuck off too.
Are you asking what kind? Because I don't know the why.
I want to clean her sweaty body with my tongue, don't know the why, but that Jewess gets my pp very very hard.
>Yennefer is supposed to be an absolute fucking mommy.
>Turn her into a young rusty-looking poo and loo
That is exactly my point, you retard. The in group preference changes depending on which groups we're talking about. English prefer English to French, Norf prefers Norf to Souf, someone from Manchester doesn't like someone from Liverpool, etc etc etc. The groups in question were obviously white American and black American. Which could probably be then cut down to New England white vs Texan white or whatever the fuck.
If "outrage" is what they're after, then why do they never play the other angle? Why is their outrage never about messing with non-whites or women, gays, etc. ? Why is their target demographic the same when they can create much bigger outrage otherwise?
Because of peer pressure from their new environment.
I discriminate against rural retards after spending a decade in the capital too. I try to police myself doing it, it has become an unconscious judgement.
Give me his phone number, I'll call him and ask for an apology.
Yeah, but witchers age slow.
>book adaptation
>Witchers are meant to be like cats, not like rhinos.
What about Letho?
The Netflix version should have just followed a different Witcher. Set it in the same universe, in the same time period and have events happen alongside the game and book.
That's before she applies magic to fix her ugly meat wagon, right?