latest EVO numbers
1st - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2nd - Tekken 7
3rd - Street Fighter V
4th - Samurai Shodown
5th - Mortal Kombat 11
6th - Under Night In Birth
7th - Dragonball FighterZ
8th - Soul Calibur 6
9th - Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle
latest EVO numbers
1st - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2nd - Tekken 7
3rd - Street Fighter V
4th - Samurai Shodown
5th - Mortal Kombat 11
6th - Under Night In Birth
7th - Dragonball FighterZ
8th - Soul Calibur 6
9th - Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle
Other urls found in this thread:
/fgg/appa gonna freak
Why the fuck is dbfz so low JESUS
Holy shit, SamSho is already taking over
B-b-but stinky! Yeah, they're stinky!
This, in no exaggeration, is why nobody likes Smash. The consistent implication it's better than every other game. Smelly jokes are blowing smoke but this is literally what ignites the fire. Far worse than the NRS community even
Smash isn't a fighting game, why do we still have to deal with it?
just fucking pull off cross tag
>There was never a lewd SamSho or Soul Calibur OVA
soul calibur vi was honestly pretty ass and crosstag is a joke
Nakoruru's OVA has a scene where she takes a bath and you can see her rurus
imagine losing to uniel
Take a shower.
Is this the first time a SF is in the third place? Talking about EVOs
>SamSho rose to 4th
Neat. I'd buy it if there weren't for the 6 other non-fighting games fighting for my attention.
I’d buy it if the platform release schedule wasn’t fucking retarded
Wtf is EVO?
Wtf is lurking?
Soul Calibur doesn't really need one unlike the other fighting games.
>SCVI second to last
This hurts me.
In my honest opinion SF have better "lewd" than Soul Calibu
>Tekken dethrones Snoozefighter V
Because the game is boring as fuck to watch
Because the game is absolutely fucking terrible. And this is coming from a big DB fanboy
Game is boring, 90% gokus, nobody takes it seriously as their main game.
Novelty died, game got stale with shitty balance and then Toei tried to charge any tournament that featured the game which scared away a lot of players.
What do you think Ono has in store for SFV at evo
Can someone put sc6 out of it's misery. They had great guest characters and it still flopped
Supposedly were's supposed to get news in August.
8/10 of roster are all kamehameha users, hope the next is really Janemba.
Street Fighter 6 along with his retirement hopefully
kek the state of this franchise
They fucked MK11 with the retarded tournament variants.
Well it just sucks as a fighting game anyways.
It hasn't changed , that franchise has always been for casuals
>SamSho beating out MK11 and just below SF
fuck year
It's not appealing to the people who like the core gameplay either though.
When is it?
August 2-4
People don't like constant blockchains.
my fucking sides you nigger
3v3 tag is kusoge by default
Thanks bro.
I hope I'll be able to watch UNIEL.
>Why the fuck is dbfz so low
Turns out facing your 50th Bardock/Goku/Whoever in a row wears you down.
Why don't you play UMvC3 anymore, Yea Forums?
I still do.
OH NO NO NO NO NO Neehhhhhhhhhhhh whatever
How's the playerbase on ps4?
Darli chads rise up
You are so obviously gay.
lurk moar newfag
DBFZ already dethroned it once, that means nothing now.
>Under Night in Birth makes the cut
>No DOA6
High level DBFZ is really fun to watch now that ghost oki is barely used anymore. CEO was intense.
Why did soul calibur 6 fail?
It's stable but not nearly as crazy as it used to be. For a while after launch you could play same region randos for a week and never see the same person twice.
It feels unfinished. Like it's 60% of a real SC game.
Because people still remember Soul Calibur 5.
Street fighter Zero 4.
It's okay. Americans are too prudish for a (surprisingly good) fanservice fighter.
>Like it's 60% of a real SC game.
How? 2 stories modes ain't enough? Think it had over 20 characters on launch which is pretty good, and the CaS was decent as well.
No amount of HD titties will motivate people to actually travel if the game itself is bad. I'd rather just play 2 on Dolphin because somehow the pacing of that game is so much better than even offlive VI.
Ey, being 5th place isn’t that bad
6 was better than 5 tho
Congrats on being marginally more popular than a dead anime game MK11!
>cross tag is a sunday game
fucking kek
can you stop posting this in every thread? retard
Did it sell like shit? I hope it did
First game on Sunday so no one's gonna watch.
thanks, I hope you enjoy the endless circlejerking about SF V vs TK7
I'll just be shitposting and posting Juri as usual
It has to be SF6. As somebody who refundend SFV after 1 hour of play, I'm kinda looking forward to it.
Uhm then post some feets
It had 21 characters with one of them being day one dlc lmao. CaS was worse than previous games and stages are way more boring too
It's a 20$ game that is sold as 60$
I enjoyed it when I played but I wish they would have kept things more simple like 2. Reversal Edge was a bad addition too. Maybe I'll jump back in when the next character drops but it probably won't be for long
They still crying
>Biggest fighting game tournament
>Non fighting game at the top
The absolute state of the FGC
Fuck you’re the juriposter, I used to respect you
One dethroned it because it was the hot new shit that got just released, while the other was released at roughly the same time and has seen steady growth.
Why you think that doesn mean anything is beyond me
I only intend to watch SamSho and maybe UNIST. I'll watch the GG side tournament too. I'm not that excited for EVO this year though, the only announcement I see happening that'll interest me is an official announcement of UNI -r and I'm not too excited about that.
reversal edge ruined it.
SFV is probably not going to be the final game this year.
Will it be Tekken or Smash?
I mean, tekken7 is also an extremely unfinished game but retards eat that up.
probably because of muh t3 nostalgia.
in the release year?
its awful.
has capcom started offering free t-shirts yet?
>DBFZ not dead last
Actually surprised. I wonder how much would the numbers climb if they released Gogeta and nu-Broly before the tourney
>Tekken actually beating Street Fighter
What a world we live in.
Yes it sold half of what DOA5 did in the first month. Dumb fucks did it to themselves
SF will always close out Evo. It doesn't really matter because we know that the last sunday slot isn't all that good for viewership.
Nobody can beat a Smash game at its first year. So for consistancy sake it will be Smash, altho I'd love to see Tekken instead.
is that ricky
>It had 21 characters with one of them being day one dlc lmao
That isn't a bad starting roster. SC2 only has 23 if we include the story mode clones.
>CaS was worse than previous games
It wasn't, people are still doing lots with it and we had constant CaS threads on release
> stages are way more boring
Shrine of Eurydice, Snow-capped, Ostrheinsburg, astral chaos, Kunpaetku Temple, Desert Ruins and Azure Horizon are all good stages.
hey alright
But it did well in CEO and Combo Breaker, and this time is a playable game unlike MK X so I’m not complaining
And yes
They should bring back Killer Instinct.
>posting this shit for free in every thread all day long
Read the tweet. When asked if SFV was going to close the event, Wiz said they're going to shake things up this year, which implies SFV won't close it this time.
>doesn't post last years CEO numbers
>SFV has a bigger drop at EVO Japan
LMAO, SFV is just constantly losing players
>Banjo won't be ready on time for EVO19
Goddamn it
would be great.
SFV got fucked over massively by being last.
Smash should be the last game so that people can watch fighting games at the best time.
The game just hasn't been the same since Cell got nerfed.
I think what that implies is that Capcom didn't paid enough
So, unlike all the other Yea Forumstards, I will explain why.
Last year, most people thought that the game was easy to handle because "muh autocombo" "no neutral" and all that bullshit, so the chance to win EVO was high for a shit ton of people.
Surprise surprise, it's not the case, to be good at DBFz, you have to be a fucking god player filled with japanese blood.
Why would people register in a tournament they have absolutely no chance to win?
Same reason why Samsho is 4th, a lot of people think they have a chance.
>SFV won't close it this time.
and that's a good thing!
I hope it's SFV, then Tekken, then Smash. Fuck staying up to 8-9 in the morning.
It ain't getting viewers either way
if it has the most entries it means its the most popular fighting game out there user, suck it up
Cross Tag is absolute trash I'm glad I'll probably never see it at an EVO after this one.
ASW will probably buy a slot for it next year.
>SamSho at 4th
>MK11 at 5th
How did this happen?
Oh noe you forgot to take off your name cuckcheez!
quick delete everything!
who gives a shit you view whore spastic I want to watch the event and then go to work the next day
Next year will be GBVS/new GG.
>There are people who thought SFV bombing was going to end it's Evo run
Lol. SFV is here until SFVI cucks, get used to it.
Wow this is pretty sad. SFags went from bragging about how it always had the most entrants, always had the most views and was always the main event. Now it is yay I get to sleep early. How the might have fallen.
Even sadder is that Tekken likely hasn't crossed 2k entrants, so neither has SFV. It will have less entrants than SF4 in 2014.
Can't wait for Melee fanboys to hijack Ultimate's finals and remind everyone why people hate them.
It's actually impressive how much NRS games sell compared to how little people give a fuck about the competitive scene.
Because NRS game designers are a bunch of shitflinging retards
MK11 literally had the most entrants out of all the fighting games at a major tournament than was just 2 days ago
Smash Brothers is a novelty and doesn't count.
Based Tekken beating Street Fighter for the true #1 spot.
Fuck Mortal Kombat. Glad to see it falling.
Shame for Soul Calibur. Wish it was doing better.
casuals buy games based on marketing and brand recognition alone
and of course EPIC GORE BLOOD that certainly does not get stale after seeing the same canned animation 2000 times
>T7 over SFV
>DBFZ that low
>Crosstag in at all
Those things surprised me.
When's mahvel
Really makes you think
people buy nrs games for the awful capeshit story and then they put the game away.
The fanbase for Mortal Kombat don't care about competitive play.
They buy it for the name recognition, the gore and the ever fleeting hope that it'll have a story on par with 9.
is CEO dying?
The real question is now that SFV is 3rd, who will have the main event?
SFV again like last year? Proving that fatWiz is a fucking capcomshill.
EVO started as a capcom game tournament you braindead retard
your game failed boon mk is dead and no one plays it
just get rid of cross tag already. I'd rather have melee again instead of that shit
melee players have less money than ASW
>NRS games are kusogames
Wiz already said SFV won't be the main game ok twitter.
Most likely, yes. But when all the games before it go past schedule it'll be nap time just like last year.
>actual good fighting game beats baka gaijin beat-em-up that's always only been popular for the shock value
gee I wonder
Shakey shakey capcuk
keep telling yourself you didnt fail fag
season 4 of SFV. Capcom will milk SFV into the ps5 life cycle. Easier to save money that way.
Release on PC already for Christ's sake
>Best selling game of the year
This and also unironically. DBFZ is the fastest and most intense fighting game out there, sure it's easy to play at a decent level, but it's probably the hardest game to be the best at.
2 or 3 characters, maybe some mode, promise of fixes (that is doesn't deliver on) and the game being called Super/Ultra. Fanboys will lap it up, then everyone realises nothing changed and that SFV characters are explored within a month. Then back to whining for updates
Didn’t had mk 11 finals had 50k views
>and the ever fleeting hope that it'll have a story on par with 9
9 was just a fluke.
This. I have a PS4 but fuck paying another €60 for PS+ and more for an adapter for my stick. I'm pretty jealous actually and that almost never happens.
See you in December or whatever.
BTFO tekkuck
>That isn't a bad starting roster
For a game that reuses assets from more than a decade ago? I thought I was getting fucked when I bought Tekken 7 for 30$ with its 35 character roster. Ffs even DoA 6 had either 25 or 26
>It wasn't
Yes it was, it had way less than SC5 even though most of them are direct ports. Are you being retarded on purpose?
I don't even feel like arguing with that stages part, you find fucking desert with nothing on it interesting
There was a sc4, sc5, sc6 compare webm but I can't find it
Fuck off with that low-t cancer
Where’s Melee?
>The fanbase for Mortal Kombat don't care about competitive play.
But I do care, when the fuck are they going to nerf cassie low shot?
six feet under
kusoge game don’t sell that much
I might be the first non samefag reply, but here it is:
>Game is a year and a half old, the only games that can mantain their popularity this long are Street Fighter and Smash.
>All the tournament bullshit at the end of lest year made a lot of people drop the game.
>Only one DLC character since January, and a pretty shit one at that.
I don’t get it this pic. MK is basically Tekken 2D. And the tekken fanabase aren’t that bad with mkfags. Why moking tekkenfags when you could mock capfags and animefags, who are the one that usually mock NRS games?
>posting launch numbers
you failed sjw nigger iw on kill yourself
>The consistent implication it's better than every other game
smashfags are so weird. All they care about is roster shitposting and the number of people playing. Smash really is a good game, but its a shame the competitive smashfags on Yea Forums can only parrot about "muh views". At least the stage builder threads were fun. But you can tell other games are shitty because most people only talk about how well it sold, like MK11, or God of war.
No, tekken is a shallow game for button mashers, while MK actually has depth and system mechanics
We're almost at the end of the cycle already
Are they going to provide us with gas masks or something?
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHH no fucking retarded faggot kill yourself
MK11 hasn't even had a balance patch yet, just a handful of bug fixes, NRS showing some actual restraint.
tekken faggots hate all games though.
they shit on both 2D and 3D fighters all day.
imagine trying to pretend tekken was anything more than a casual button masher, yikes.
netcode wasn’t shit and Shang Tsung isn’t OP
9 was absolutely a fluke, which we are now seeing.
imagine thinking NRS makes games and you are not subhuman
Tekken have his depth too, even if it is unintentionally just like Melee
tekkenfags are extremely bitter about any other fighting game, its like they all share a deep inferiority complex brought on by the fact deep down they know their game is shallow.
If there's one thing I'm happy about it's that Smashfags now have a choice. It's Ultimate or nothing.
Glad that fucking Melee is gone and no longer hogging a spot, game's two goddamn decades old and has plenty of its own tournaments.
>Arin exist
Maybe you’re right
You're getting baited, you know that right?
lolno tekken has no depth, you are right about it being like melee though it a shallow childs button masher with no depth and a low skill ceiling.
i'm really happy for samsho fans out there, hope evo will do the game justice
this retard is the real deal look at him
are they gonna put samsho on steam in the future? I like the more footsie focused gameplay instead of combos
Its not bait to say tekken is a shallow pile of casual garbage, its facts.
>Under Night In Birth
what the fuck is this
It's literally the same few people from /fgg/ that shitpost Tekken whenever they see a fighting game thread on Yea Forums
How do people stand playing MK competitively? The gameplay looks fucking obnoxious.
an actually good fighting game
Anime game. Not to be confused with "game based on an anime" like DBFZ.
keep it down
Tekken 7 is a predictable follow-up to a series that's never aimed particularly high, it may please casual gamers for a day or two but the stagnant ongoing series is definitely in the second tier of fighters way below Capcom or NetherRealm Studios games, and it's seriously getting old and tired. The lack of depth and subtlety and the emphasis on the offensive, rather than the defensive, puts this squarely two notches below the best in the genre, the "who-can-get-their-super-move-off-first" gameplay leaves much to be desired from a serious fighting game player. Like the prequels, Tekken 7 is geared towards casual gamers and anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, DoA and MK games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
>Zero irony copy pasting tranny shit from plebbit
this character design is so fucking infuriatingly bad holy shit
have people stopped pretending they care about UNIST?
>UNIST still beating out DBFZ and Cross Tag
I'm ascended
If you're gonna throw shit, at least be clever and call us Under Night In-Breds
when does registration end?
>SamSho is 4th
>Sold out in Japan
>Online is still magically alive somehow
If SNK can get their shit together with netcode then I am really excited about KoFXV
Every time a melee tourney finishes and the stream goes into ultimate top 8, the melee chat gets so fucking toxic it’s ridiculous
Some people probably, and I'm sure some of the people who do play the game are glad they've moved on from just using UNI to shittalk other games. I'm just gonna play it, myself.
what have unistfriends ever done to smashfags
>low skill ceiling
Correct smelee is a low skill ceiling child's game
Bloody Roar fag working extra hard this thread
anyone here gonna attend evo? In a match or just spectating? Whats there to do at evo besides watching people fight?
Made fun of them so they had to pretend they liked Ultimate
I want to fuck it, so it's good.
>No KoF
There's casuals and side-tournaments and stuff going on if you can find them, or follow the right people on Twitter to keep up with that stuff. And, of course, you're in Las Vegas. Sure you're gonna get ripped off but there's shit to do there as a whole, and if you're going to EVO you've probably shelled out for the plane ticket/hotel room so you may as well take it as a vacation.
It should be Smash, I say that as someone who is indifferent to it
Smash always runs late, minimize that by just sticking it at the end
run a train on gllty
>Whats there to do at evo besides watching people fight?
brother, you're in fucking vegas
why would you go to evo if you didnt plan to compete?
GBVS will have a permanent slot separate from the ArcSys one
It's the other way around, too. Plenty of "Ultimate waiting room" comments
Your first mistake was taking any stock in Twitch chat.
Based Tekken. Let's fucking go
She's fine, but she is one of my less liked designs in the game. She looks fairly out of place, even among the other characters in the same organization as her. Taken on its own it's fine though, nothing special, but fine.
Because I like it
Burka costumes dlcs with announcement as the main costumes for SFVI
If BB weren't there then Guilty Gear or Melee would be in its place. KOF never stood a chance.
So how many people are currently seething that Ultimate is first. If it's the last game I hope it doesn't become a CEO situation where the previous game runs a hour late
i cant even think of leaving the house without showering desu
t. westcuck
If Wiz wants to wake Capcom up and celebrate fighting games in general still, it should be Tekken that closes the event.
If he however wants the death of Memelee and FGCucks, then Ultimate will probably close it out for absolute despair points
why would people seethe? Its not like the other games suddenly dont exist. I can still enjoy guilty gear even if its not at evo. And its not like I can't enjoy smash and other fighting games on the list.
Game got old somewhat fast.
>And, of course, you're in Las Vegas. Sure you're gonna get ripped off but there's shit to do there as a whole, and if you're going to EVO you've probably shelled out for the plane ticket/hotel room so you may as well take it as a vacation.
yeah that makes sense, I somehow forgot it took place in vegas.
No one seems to give a fuck about ultimate being 1st, we're laughing at capcom
>laughing at capcom
i didn't even think about that, it would actually be worth it for sf5 to be last since east coast niggas can just go to bed
It's missing a bunch of key characters and has a tiny amount of playable maps. Also none of the music is memorable.
Is SFV so bad? This is the first time it isn't in the 1º place isn't it?
its obvious, given that Yea Forums doesnt play fighting games.
Second time not being first at EVO, regularly 2nd and 3rd at events now. Game is shit but fgg still shill it. All the characters feel like shittier versions, retarded new mechanics but what I hate most are the normals
its great desu.
Which of these games are actually worth watching? Smash Top 8 was pretty hype at CEO, but MK11 was dreadful.
>smash isn't a fighting game because it doesn't copy-paste the gameplay like everyone else
why is he so upset, he can still play melee in other tournaments. or you know for fun
yeah its not a fighting game because its not a fighting game.
I hope Hero comes out soon enough for EVO to use the patch. I always get less interested in Smash tournaments that use an old patch
I highly doubt there will be a season 2 at this point, but the core of 6 is so fun I hope that if season 2 ends up happening it gets a major glow up. Kinda like Season 3 of SFV.
I just want more consistent character releases, a major RE rework, nerfs to combo length, and possibly some revamps to the solo campaign.
first they stole they main event away from us at ceo and now it looks like they're going to do the same at evo. why the fuck is this allowed? these are fighting game tournaments not baby daycares. we need to start boycotting these tournaments until they drop smash once and for all, bros
I don't think he will.
I guess we'll get a trailer and release date for the Hero during EVO though.
Imagine so few people giving a fuck that ultimate beat other games that you need to false flag this poorly.
take a shower
>SamSho at 4th
fucking nice work lads
for 5 yes this is true, but 6 is just a piece of shit
Because it's been solved and it's a basic bitch anime fighter. Everyone still just runs bardock, cell, and vegeta with one or two swapped for kid goku or adult gohan and the team doesn't give a shit about balancing that or at least trying to buff shutters like nappa and beerus.
GT Kid Goku is also cancer to fight with
I entered and have entered each of the anime evos that had it for the past few years. I'm not that great but I love the game and want to support it.
This is the guy who wrote an entire essay about how he didn't want to go on Reddit anymore.
SC6 in fucking grave
Two weeks left to go and Street Fighter players are known to register late. SF chads will reclaim the top spot and dab on the competition as usual.
>genres are restricted to a gameplay template
Fuck off, tard, smash is a fighting game.
>tfw i'm the only person on Yea Forums that still plays DBFZ
if i'm not mistaken, tos usually leave one month inbetween an important patch release and its use in a tournament setting (i'm obviously talking about big tournaments here) so hero should be come this week to be playable at evo
I tried to get into it again last month. However it still has the same problems as before. Neutral is just an absokute clusterfuck, its not fun its just stressful and feels random even when it is not. Its really fun once you hit them and get to start mixing them up, but being on the receiving end is so horribly shitty feeling that, combined with the neutral, I just can't have fun with the game.
>genres are restricted to a gameplay template
yes actually.
thats literally how genres work.
>Tekken 7 being 2d despite having little content
This will lead future fighting games to have only practice and online and Yea Forums will be happy about it
>DBFZ dropped that goddamn hard from last year
>Samsho beating out Abortion Kombat still
>Meleebabies are still seething
>Banjo & Kazooie could win EVO next year
>even if no Persona chars make GF in Blazblue, Persona will probably still win EVO in Ultimate
>may be more DLC for Tekken 7
>new Under Night game reveal
It’s gonna be a great year, I can feel it.
Yea Forums has been hypocritical about this.
>SFV releases in a barebones state - bad.
>T7 releases in a barebones state - based.
>thats literally how genres work.
No it's fucking not, you mongoloid.
See: RPG
I'm having fun with samsho and looking forward to seeing it on the main stage.
Please, don’t let the winner be MK Leo
they do. rpgs do too.
Leo is going to clean house.
fuck off smellee, and stop leeching off Ultimate's success
'Summer 2019' barely has two months left
We'll get something by the end of July guaranteed, though it's unlikely Hero will be playable at EVO because of the timeframe.
Leo is a fag
>Implying competitive smash Bros would've been as big as it was if it wasn't for the fucking decades of Melee tournaments before Ultimate was announced
>no melee
yeah yeah we get it, now shush
That's just not happening considering we have one character left before we get them, they'll likely either be the EVO reveals or flatout revealed in the fall.
Same, Ricki a cute
>they do. rpgs do too.
I put this together for you.
If it wasn't Cross Tag, you would've got Xrd.
KOFs time has passed.
What the fuck happend to DBFZ?
one jrpg, two crpgs and one arpg.
completely different genres.
good job.
>wanting HBox to get another Evo win.
>doesn't count
I accept your concession.
Ono doesn't have shit, remember he got demoted.
ono will always have KAGE
JRPOG, CRPG, and ARPG, are all sub-generes of RPG.
Fighting Game is parent definition just like RPG, smash-like is a sub-genre.
If I had to guess it's at most 3 but likely 2 reasons.
>The game is stagnant, Outside of people like Sonicfox with somewhat niche picks like Zamasu, it's the same few characters being picked like Bardock and Cell
>Neutral is an absolute mess that's annoying to keep up with and the amount of visual noise in the average match is somewhat overwhelming
>The big one I personally think is that matches in Fighterz are either stomps or REALLY fucking long, it has a 300 second timer and matches get closer and closer to consistently becoming timeouts which combined with the previous point, it's now becoming very boring to watch.
>smash number 1
FGCucks seething
>smash isn't a fighting game
>killer instinct isn't a fighting game
>dive kick isn't a fighting game
>soul caliber isn't a fighting game
You sure you wanna keep going with this user?
out of those only smash bros isnt a fighting game.
you smash babbs cant even spell soul calibur right.
its soulcalibur morons
hello, no spam post
netcode is actually good though this time.
ungabunga characters are a little silly though
Second time.
show him this
T7 didn't release in a barebones state, it's single player content just sucked ass. There is a small difference.
Street Fighter III: Final Round
T7 is barebones as fuck to this day.
Game still has no tutorial, framedata, match recording or tons of other features modern games get.
It has way less shit than previous Tekken games too.
It only launched with a decently sized roster because the game was being held hostage for three fucking years in arcades. The original arcade launch T7 had like ten characters.
Could Doa6 have done better than BBtag?
Did he get surgery? Ricky looked like a low effort potato tranny a while back just wearing big sweaters and ponytail.
None of those share the "fighting game template", so under your definition of genre, they are not fighting games; just like smash.
If Smash isn't a fighting game, then the other three aren't either, and I bet there are plenty more that wouldn't be fighting games under your definition of genre too.
>you smash babbs-
Oh I don't even play fighting games, I don't even own a nintendo console, I'm just a spectator who decided to shit all over your point of view.
Smash Brothers is a fighting game and always has been.
>inb4 you try to use me not playing the genre as some way to invalidate everything you can't refute
>None of those share the "fighting game template
but they do
What was good about 9?
Ricki just doesn't focus on trying to look good at tourneys
>but they do
No they don't, dive kick in particular was designed specifically to play nothing like a typical fighting game.
>Oh I don't even play fighting games
you made that much evident lmao.
way to throw the towel.
divekick follows fighting game rules from start to finish.
you're clueless and you admitted that you dont know anything about fighting games. stop wasting peoples time.
last reply you're getting.
>you made that much evident lmao.
>way to throw the towel.
>">inb4 you try to use me not playing the genre as some way to invalidate everything you can't refute"
Divekick was designed specifically to be all the core elements of a fighting game boiled down
Because it wasn’t a masterpiece and tekkentards used that as an excuse to make everyone think that one mechanic completely made the game 100% ass when it barely plays into anything at competent levels
The mom jeans distract you from the dude hands nice
When is EVO happening?
using inb4 doesnt make you any less of an ignorant fucktard.
so basically eat shit.
>divekick follows fighting game rules from start to finish.
>Divekick was designed specifically to be all the core elements of a fighting game boiled down
FGCfags getting so mad that they start pretending dive kick is something entirely different.
Tell me, what makes you hate smash so much?
>using inb4 doesnt make you any less of an ignorant fucktard.
Expect unlike you, I'm not trying to deny fact.
August 2-4
embarassing desu.
what is a "fighting game template"?
something like street fighter/tekken, I don't know the specifics, ask this user since he claims to be an expert.
It's extremely boring to watch and matches take forever.
Meleechad here, I'm not huge into the eceleb shit so it might be cancerous enough to make everyone hate us but... why does everyone hate us?
I would think a game with a grassroots community that doesnt have a company to pay them in would be popular to Yea Forums, plz explain.
Also how do I make samsho fun? Whenever I play or watch it feels so slow, what makes it so popular?
I wasn't talking about smash you obsessed retard.
ummm... Capbabs?
fuck off with your grassroots faggotry you bitch
Meleefag here as well. We've often been massive faggots over getting at EVO consistently since 2013 and some people can't spend a day without looking down on every other game, even & especially other Smash titles. This mix made it so that us getting the boot after so long got us almost universal humiliation from all sides. I think it's only fair given that aforementioned behavior throughout the years, but I don't think many people mean poorly against us.
geniune coping
>melee got dropped from evo?
People hate meleefags because meleefags have a massive god-complex.
Just imagine the massive asspain if the Nakoruru in Smash Bros rumor turns out to be true
Because the fgc is full of drama queen faggots. Friendly reminder that everyone looks at the fgc the same way the fgc looks at the smash community
>the subject of the argument is no longer important because I cannot win it, instead I want to argue about something new
>you will live to see street fighter die in your lifetime
SF players deserve it. Before 09 they knew how to play games that weren't %current_shilled_release but they forgot and so here we are with V and a side dish of more V.
I literally only posted correcting you about Divekick. Sorry you're retarded.
> Tekken 7 over SF V
Well color me surprised
Entirety of Season 4 will be dropped there, no more, no less
how is that in any way surprising. sf5 is universally hated and tekken is great
because it's a 16 year old game and people are sick of the same match ups over and over again.
Melee had a purpose when Brawl was shit, but ever since Sm4sh, Melee has had less reason to be featured. Ultimate fixes alot of 4's problems so there is really no reason to give the main stage to an old ass game that relies on outdated hardware the main stage.
No, zoomer
if true, then
>jumping into a long argument just to argue one little thing
> Meleefags playing games for fun
Yeah no
>tekken is great
fuck off aris nuthugger.
when were you faggots when the previous tekken games were out?
>the Nakoruru in Smash Bros rumor
do tell
Sc never did super well competitively in terms of numbers. Even if the game ended up being literally SC2 reskinned edition like all the “huge” sc fans always ask for. It still wouldn’t have done that well and they would have dropped it anyway
SF V i not unniversally hated (not anymore at least) and Tekken is cool, but is way less popular than SF
It is almost like Tekken 7 brought a bunch of new players to the series.
Not every game should be melee speed. Street Fighter as a series plays way slower and is better for it. It rightfully would be ass if it played way faster.
Why do anime fighting games have such bad designs, bros?
Because the matches and matchups get real samey at a high level MvC3 had the same problem.
Still fun to play casually, but no one wants to see Gohan/Bardock/K.Buu mirror matches that take several minutes.
Aka Zoomers that only care about competitive, if asked about the old modes, arcade endings, story and lore about the series and the char. they will not know.
Real talk, does she have a chance to win Evo? She seems to be destined for mid tier imo.
Why do they even bother with anime fighters anymore?
they seem to be profitable enough.
Who cares about the least important parts of a fighting game.
With any luck, euthanasia.
Gonna boil it down for you:
>99% of people in the FGC play Smash, whether it's casually or competitive
>A large portion of them have signed up at tourneys and played their dues
>99% of people that play Smash don't play fighting games
>There is very little cross over with competitive or even casual players from Melee to SF, Tekken, etc.
Now, keeping this in mind, tell me how many Smash-centric tourneys you know of where you can bring a fightstick and play Street Fighter, Tekken, or any other fighting game at. The answer is simple: zero. Why? Because Smash fans don't make room for shit like that at their events while EVO, CEO, ComboBreaker, Frosty Faustings, and every other goddamn tournament on the face of the Earth will host a Smash tourney and cater to those players.
Sure, the FGC doesn't get it right all the time (2/3's instead of 3/5's, warm-up rooms, seeding, etc.) but the reality is that the FGC will bend over backwards to include Smash and Smash players at their events because they understand the appeal, participate in it, and even like playing/watching it competitively. Don't tell me Smash Melee or Ultimate players provide the same thing for FGC peeps when you can't even legally use a SmashBox at their casual setups. This is why when you get cut six years overdue that no one wants to hear the Melee community's whining about how Melee should be at EVO. The FGC has given Melee more than it's due respect. It's about time Smash peeps started doing the same.
and the only good design isn't even from the series
real shit, unist is a much better fighting game than anime fighters except for hokuto no ken
>One time when I was 14 some random kid at school called me "Smelly"
>He was probably joking
>I didn't think he was and became so paranoid about smelling that I now shower at least twice a day and sometimes 3 if I am going out in the afternoon.
I disagree,I'd say Guilty Gear's better in general, HnK is also fun, but it's hard to praise it as being well crafted and good when half the fun of it is the jank of it. I don't even really like Blazblue, but I think stuff like CP or CF are better made games than HnK.
Good hygiene is important, but that's some obsessive disorder level stuff, anons.
user you dont realize the fact that it's hokuto no fucking ken so it's already better than the other lame ass anime fighters
no fighting game has an intro as cool as this one
I know, some random kid when I was 14 gave me a complex that I have a hard time getting rid of.
It's not though. You're right about the intro, but it's hard to top anything with Ai wo Torimodose playing in it, so there's no shame in not being able to surpass that high bar.
Beerus doesn't need buffs. He's a gimmick character and he excels at exactly that.
>I would think a game with a grassroots community that doesnt have a company to pay them in would be popular to Yea Forums
You'd think melee would extended the same courtesy to other games who for years have been in the same position. Instead melee fans probably have the least respect for other communities. They are also completely blind to the fact that maybe their success isn't just down to grassroots, but having a game with some of the biggest gaming franchises in it and also getting a bump from whatever new smash just came out. You guys don't even hold back against new smash games when you wouldn't be here without them.
>Also how do I make samsho fun? Whenever I play or watch it feels so slow
You'd also think melee fans, who push their game on being such a unique and special game. Could understand that other games can be special for having different paces
But you told me Samsho was a literal who game Yea Forums
The real question is when is that bitch getting revealed for Granblue Versus. I need my full armor knight girl fix
>nobody likes Smash
I don't want to brag too early, I still think MK will likely take 4th but I'm amazed at how well it has done
Why do we always have to save fighting games tournaments, smash Yea Forumsros?
It is such a pain sometimes to have to put up with these people and they still have the audacity to not allow 3 Smash games on their dying torunament.
Shake my head
Use soap
It's ok bro. Were still alive.
Take a shower, Memelee-fag.
The only person who replied to that post with the right answer.
This is acceptable.
I wonder if Etika will play Samurai Shodown once it comes to Switch, he was so eager to Embrace Death.
>Smash players don't care about FGC
And that is a good thing
Mario is a shoto
Smash will be safe then
Ah, a beautiful future
Only smash and sf allowed as fighting games
haohmaru is kind a shoto so we might allow samsho in too
Some nip on Twitter that mentioned DQ Hero (specifically the one from 11) and Banjo said the next character was a female fighting game character with a flying weapon and he mistook them for Reimu at first.
Wanna know how I can tell you're false flagging?
DoA6 niggaz, make it happen.
how is mortal kombat and doa dead retard
doa "fans" dont play the game.
MK shills on suicide watch
Doesn't seem like it. But we're still super early so the meta will likely change. Right now best bets are Tam Tam, Genjuro, and Yoshitora. Sleeper picks are Jubei, Hanzo, Ukyo, and Galford.
Chadsho is /ourgame/
>Dead on Arrival not even at Evo and already has less players than the shitty gacha asset dump, see
>Mortal Kommie already has poor tournament numbers
Embrace death motherfucker
Charlotte is the SamSho shoto
But Tekken has Akuma in it
wow he cleaned up nice not gay though
Make me.
Keep on coping
>Mortal Kommie already has poor tournament numbers
how they haven't even posted how many people are there
imagine watching darkies and other minorites play fightings game lol
As opposed to watching white people play fighting games? They're awful at it.
I would cuddle with him, no homo
Is the conversation about views now?
Watching Koreans and White people play FPS
fighting games are for darkies
You mean overwatch? lmao
>Implying Nips and Koreans don't rape everyone at fighters
>what is kekken and smash
ok mayo boy
Damn, was hoping SamSho would be a bit higher but nice to see it in the middle.
>"B-but nu-SNK is shit!"
>"B-but I'm playing Tekken already!"
>"B-but literally who fighting game!"
>"B-but no combos!"
>"B-but it's so slow!"
>"B-but no PC no buy!"
Where's all the naysayers now?
what is it about smash 4/5 that attracts psychical abominations?
In a perfect world Tekken would close it out but it's probably going to be Smash because:
>Smash is the most popular
>Smash always goes over so having it last will prevent it from taking up other games' times
>"B-but 8 frames!"
>"B-but PS2 graphics!"
>"B-but muh Iroha!"
Chadsho literally can't stop winning.
yes it is they haven't showed the number of the people showing up to play do you think only 5 people went there to play mk or something
Congrats tekken and samsho!
Poor SC6 though, it's an excellent fighter. Deserves to be above DBFZ and MK11 at least.
Make up your mind Ed, are we talking about Twitch viewers or tournament attendance?
Something about how Dabuz looks makes me want to slap him across the face. He won't stop moving his lips like a molester when he plays.
you sound like a dumbass
>No argument
Look on the bright side, at least you're fourth place and not fighting for scraps like the weebs.
Dabuz is literally /ourguy/. He and Coney lurk here all the time
wow you really hate mortal kombat dont you
Fighting games in general are on a downswing in terms of competitive play since alot of it same-y.
I believe that the reason SamSho is performing so well is because it's a change of pace from most modern hit-confirm combo-string fighting games out right now.
>"B-but muh Iroha!"
This is the best one here. Fake niggers tryna tell everyone they mained Iroha since Third Strike yet none of the zoomers on this board don't even know Nakaruru.
knew about coney but dabuz? not that it doesn't make sense...
>Mexican Maximilian picks the game up because muh dik Shiki waifu bae XD
>Gets his shit pushed in
>Calls it a bad game because he expected it to be another bland airdasher kusoge
Based SNK
Post the fish all you want but I stand by what I said.
SamSho is based for playing to its strengths as a read-heavy fighter instead of being a combo fighter like many of its contemporaries.
I wonder which other faggot will get exposed by big dick Samsho, LTG was the first
Unironically true. In a world of weebshit airdashers Samsho stands above the rest.
he likes the game idiot he hate the netcode because its shit
she looks like she fucks white guys
Mexican Maximilian not the real deal. Read nigga.
That's because she does
Do they ever consider that these people are spending all day at a hot venue sweating their asses off gaming?
>FGCucks shit on Smash for being Nintendo, say it's not a fighting game, make memes about players not showering
>Smash players clap back
>FGCucks get their feelings hurt because they can dish out bantz but can't take them
Keep on replying to the bait like the dumbass you are
>read-heavy fighter instead of being a combo fighter like many of its contemporaries.
main reason why im going to pick it up. I suck at combos and spend hours in the training lab only to drop them in game. I get wins soley by reading enemies fuck ups in SFV. I remember in mvc3 I couldn't even juggle enemies in the air.
Why are people shitting on bbtag right now. It's a good game.
>SamSho somehow at 4th
The game has been out for literally a few days. How the fuck?
Watching SamSho gameplay made me want to watch Evo again, after Melee got dumped. It looks like a pretty fun fighting game.
no naruto, fuck this timeline.
Why did they take out Melee? A better game than Ultimate? Oh that's right, because Nintendo are a bunch of jews that want people to move on from a perfectly good game.
why are smashfags so delusional? I know your just making stuff up for bait but I know the competitive scene actually has no self awareness within the FGC or in general.
SSII was one of the OG competitive games, it's just that the franchise was dead for almost one decade
It's literally the only fighting game up there with any semblance of footsies
>fighting game tournament
>most registrations are for a party game
>Soul Calibur VI
That hurts just a little bit because the recent competitive tournaments are always a great watch.
Maybe it'll pull in some of the Tekken crowd again like it did at Combo Breaker when Richsticks made a comeback against Linkorz.
I'm glad it's back, but I always thought it was more obscure and niche.
Smash Bros also has good neutral but the FGC will never admit that, much like how they'll never admit Marvel is an anime fighter
its because the game is so different from traditional fighting games, so it makes sense that audience feels different then the main one. Also the more popular the game is the more likely it has casual "fans" who can't mix in with the more dedicated community. Like how dbzfags were talking about how good the game was last year because it was the most viewed. DBZ is a popular series that attracts normalfags so they overshadow people who atcually want to talk about the game. Same with when SFV was popular because its shit so they can only talk about "muh views"
good taste, he is the most entertaining character in the game
Take a shower.
Samsho actually did get one
Unfortunately soulcalibur's peak popularity came after fighting games had stopped getting ovas
people just want to try it out.
you can be sure that its 90% people who came for other games.
This. It is why i dread when a fighter actually blows up like GBV. Talking about fighters online is already bad, it'll be so much worse with a casual player base
Smeleefags =/= Smashfags, we disowned them a long time ago
>imagine playing fighting games
>imagine watching fighting game tourneys
Specially because it's a waifu series. You're gonna find hundreds of threads spamming screenshots and cropped porn of the girls and not a single lobby up, let alobe anyone talk about the actual game. this happened to Guilty Gear and it hurts so much
I can guarantee you never played the game if you think mashing buttons gets you the win lol
Imagine playing videogames past the age of 13.
They didn't "take it out" it's just not on the main stage because god forbid Melee has to play by the same rules as every other series. New games take precedence over old games.
>Using based Trevor to shitpost
Go back to your panty quest single player trash
Enkidu says Hi
I used to play in tekken tag tournaments when I was younger. It was an easy 150 bucks every Thursday and it funded my weekends so fuck you
Now what data could you possibly have to indicate FGC players enter smash at tournaments, but smash players don't enter other fighting games? We have entrant crossover numbers but no way to distinguish the two.
karma's a bitch when your series becomes mainstream. Isn't it?
You realize the attendee names are publicly release for every event right?
TFW Samurai Shodown comes back and it's kino as fuck while you're laughing at the Darkstalkersfags coping they'll never get a new game.
Post your face when Garo or World Heroes will get a new game before Cuckstalkers.
to be fair Granblue was casual to begin with since its a gacha
It didn't.
It's the best game in the series competitively and is getting a S2. I think it just came out at a bad time and people who didn't know how to play memed about reversal edge.
World Heroes is pretty much guaranteed since it got a new arranged cd, new toys and a manga this year
Yes, but that doesn't answer my question.
dont get cocky, samsho is already dying online.
you can know how to play and reversal edge is still an awful shit mechanic that shouldve never made it into the game.
literally killed the game.
I mean it says its in 3rd place right up there in the OP.
>The delusions of a Capkek trying to cope after bitting the hand that feed them
to only get a fucking digital card game instead of Capcom Allstars fighter
Karma's a bitch isn't it you two faced peaces of shit.
The animation takes too long but other than that there's no real issue with it. I'm guessing you don't actually know how to play though
but sfv is way bigger than samsho will ever be
Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo GameCube
with faggots like you acting this way I'm glad that sc6 is dying.
Is inferior to Super Smash Brothers Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch.
Based and Ultimate