Here is your Yennefer, bro
Here is your Yennefer, bro
Gotta meet that diversity quota
Now that's a nice ass
>poonifer of shitterberg.
His ass is literally bigger than Poonnefer
why does he only have 1 sword?
thankyou jews!
oh dude, i bet 100% he will only have one sword because the writers dont give a fuck, also i bet he wont use oils either
What about those Nilfgaardian soldiers, bro?
because in the books he keeps the silver sword on his horse
is there no budget to fucking make the medallion Netflix? you fucking ultra niggers
BROWN SHITSKIN BITCH, i hate subhumans
>also i bet he wont use oils either
Has he ever canonically used oils?
I honestly think she's a beautiful woman, but a shit Yennefer.
Someone should make a series based on the games, after this one bombs.
she's hot asf.. can't wait
what is the "live action"
based nerd
This to be quite honest with you Yea Forums
I've laughed at everyone getting mad about Netflix adaptations because they haven't done it to anything I care about yet, but now Sandman has been announced.
Death is going to be black isn't she.
>no scar
>shit medallion
>no cat eyes
>make tv series to capitalize on the popularity of a game
>fail to copy game
Do the people who pay the money for these movies not think that they should make sure they're pandering to their core audience?
Because I know that all the actors and producers and writers think they're hot shit and can do everything better then a silly game.
But the people who're paying their salaries should know why this project is greenlit, because people liked the fucking games and those are the people you should be enticing to watch your movie.
Retarded gameonli
I guess it might be because they needed to talk to Sapkowski about this and he would have thrown a shitfit if they mentioned the games to him at all.
where are all the people of color tho?
Post Triss
>The worst Netflix Originals are the ones we create
What did they mean by this?
Spakowski is an old jew and doesn't care about where the money comes from and he killed Gerald because he was sick of writing the books.
btw his only son died recently
This is genuinely looks like trash
Didn't know GoT is getting a new season
Actually, this medalion makes more sense than the game one. Do you really want to, while making pirouettes, spinning, dodging and swinging, to have a metallic object full of sharp edges near your face?
This show isn't for us, this show isn't for anybody that would ever come here. This show is for people who have heard 'Witcher' once in passing during its hype and thought they were getting another GOT.
Just don't watch it, ignore it, don't get angered by it because frankly you were never intended to see it anyway.
Please don't tell me this is Ciri.
she cute
pls gib goth death gf
>here are your writers bro
Why is she holding a dagger
Case and point - Not for you.
why is this happening
>Actually, this medalion makes more sense than the game one. Do you really want to, while making pirouettes, spinning, dodging and swinging, to have a metallic object full of sharp edges near your face?
Yes, I want a big, clunky one that I can never miss vibrating whenever a monster approaches.
t. retard
More reason for White Sharia.
leftists are incels and don't have sex
>south is meant to be the habsburg empire
Hurrrdurrr lets put a nigger there because south means niggers.
delete plz i can't take it what they did to my waifu
>all white
Because you spent all of your time playing video games instead of actually trying to find your place in the world.
How do you become a television writer, anyways?
that's how he got his scars
Does anyone actually care about the Witcher tv series?
1. It's a TV series, of course it will be shit
2. Sapkowski has a part of it and he only cares about making money, of course it will be shit.
oh no no no
this is what happens when women are in charge
say what you want about DnD but at least the castings were racially accurate
But color that pokemon trainer a shade lighter and the whole world loses their shit.
What the fuck genetics even cause that face? She literally looks like she has Down’s syndrome
Just because they're adapting the same source material doesn't mean they have permission to do everything CDPR did.
>actress headshot
>edited to look lighter skinned
Leftists deserve the gulag
Has anyone checked if Sapkowski has lost his fucking mind over this?
why the FUCK did I laff at this?
That's a meme
Alright so hear me out.
Can all game adaptations just have face capture for their 3D models, while they do the rest of the acting?
Simply put the 3D mesh onto the actor's face after, obviously make it more "realistic" but keep the same shape and form as the initial model.
That's it. Then the hard part begins of actually making an okay movie.
Why did they have to pull forced diversity on this one... It's not mandatory, there are Netflix shows without this nonsense. I mean I don't normally even mind at all, but literally nobody imagined Triss as a nignog.
>All women
Yep, it's going to be shit for sure.
>game adaptations
It's not a game adaptation, it's a book adaptation.
if by "the whole world" you mean a handful of angry white twitumblrqueer hamgalaxies, sure.
Dead on arrival
They're obviously using the games as visual reference though
Are they?
Damn what a monkey's paw. I was hoping for a Sandman stuff while this comic boom is still hot but not by netflix... Well at least the endless could come in any shape, size or color they please for mortal eyes to see.
She is fucking really cute. You guys are straight fags if you arent down for this brown
Such as? Everything we've seen so far hasn't looked anything like the games, and follows more closely the descriptions in the books.
is this real
>tfw no big tiddy goth death gf
Gamergate resulted in a catastrophic defeat, unironically one of the biggest tactical defeats in the history of humanity
She's cute. She looks like she's 19-20 years old. Yennefer is supposed to be this wise matronly woman who knows better than you because she has more experience. The games visualized that look by making her look like a woman, not a young adult.
i dont think people see her as ugly... its just dissapointing that she doesnt look like the description of yen in the books. I wasnt really expecting anything from the show but i cant help feel kinda let down.
It's continued by faggots like Jim "AAA" Sterling and YongYAAAAAAAU
Yeah, it was a catastrophic defeat.
this is the cast for the live action netflix cowboy bebop
can you guess who's portraying who?
>yfw you're not a Witcher fan so you don't have to care that yet another franchise you like is being raped
the more I look at this, the angrier I get. do not pay Netflix for this trash.
why did they do it bros
if they somehow try to ruin jet im going to lose my shit and go alt right.
Cringe and falseflagpilled
Spike, Jet, Faye, ...Vicious?
I can't bring myself to give a fuck, no
Mental illness
Jet's the nigger
ameripoors really do ruin everything, don't they
*make everything
I feel pretty alright with this though. It was an anime, and I can't imagine the creators weren't picturing an Asian dude as Spike.
Name one live-adaptation of a book that has been good
kekwork orange
The Mist
Reminder that she's only a half poo and she looks cute here, but yeah I don't see Yennefer
no I really did mean ruin.
Forrest Gump, Shawshank, Jurassic Park
i googled it and it seems true. i cant fucking believe this. damn.
I don't normally sperg out about this shit, but that is just terrible. It's actually worse than I would have expected from Netflix.
holy fuck this show is going to be an embarassment.....
you can already tell that it's going to turn out exactly like the new ghostbusters remake.
>Pushing diversity into a show that already has plenty of it
If that Faye isn't Singaporean, I'm going to flip my shit
This is actually the exact description of the medallion in the books too, as well as the one sword only
where is ed?
>live action cowboy bebop
Fuck off are you serious?
From left to right: Cowboy Bebop, Ein, Jet, Mad Pierre.
Ein has been recast as a pitbull at the request of Jet's actor
Ed is problematic
>Patriarchy smasher
Step 1
Be a mediocre white woman
See this is the kind of shit that make ambivalent people like me start thinking about society in ways i didnt before... Why do these people have to meddle in everything?. why cant they let things be....?
>smooth talking, jazz loving, ex cop who left the force because of internal corruption
It works, user.
>His name is Jet Black, so we better get a black guy
Somehow I don't believe this at all.
Random picture with random people, only one of whom is confirmed.
i dont get it? where the fuck is ed? google gives contradictory info
We were the monsters
Why isn't anyone giving them shit for erasing the identity of a minority group like redheads?
No you fucking retard, fuck off.
>only played the games
No, retard, YOU fuck off.
>fucking based keanu always wanted to adapt cowboy bebop and be spike but hollywood doesn't want to
imagine not being autistic enough to force your studio into a corner
What's wrong buddy?
>They're obviously using the games as visual reference though
>characters look nothing like their in-game counterparts
What did user mean by this?
You can be 'racially inaccurate' to a degree and still not miscast (for example, how the fuck would you cast for an ancient egyptian role?)
This is just m-muh "women of color" representation
lefties deserve the gulag
The Warriors
This show will be amazing if for nothing else than for how pissy it will make all you Yea Forums dorks.
Redheads are ugly.
Every day I thank the lord of the near purity of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Kill yourself.
I'm still not sure about big black corgi Ein.
I don't want to see any more of these disgusting subhumans
I'm glad they're being COMPLETELY ERASED from media and replaced by black people
>some reddit homo implies some twitter homo represents Yea Forums
At least they're proud of the garbage they're making. It reminds me of that Bioware dev who was so smug against criticism before Andromeda came out and couldn't wait for players to finally be able to experience the amazing game they created. Also it was the guy who unironically hated white people.
Wait, did she tried to make him write that Geralt have only one sword instead of two like in the games and then make fun of him he carry usually only one in books but in the end he didn't bite her shitty bait?
I'm sorry, but it's this supposed to be her "owning" him? She just looks like an idiot.
>Amerimutts in charge of adaptation
All of the the endless are are white with 5/7 of them being chalk white. This supposed affront to diversity gives Netflix free reign to turn 4/7 of them black while casting a tranny for desire.
Not video games.
you fuckers haven't even watched the show, why are you so upset? it might be good it might be trash, we'll have to wait and see
>faggots who only ever played the games in charge of reviewing if the Netflix adaptation looks well
>people literally asking why Geralt only has a single sword
Jesus, you faggots are so embarrassing.
>it might be good
No, there's literally zero chance of it being good. The only thing that remains to be seen is just exactly how trash it is.
>why are you shitting on my plate
>how do you know it's shit?
Top kek, wait and see? Who the fuck is gonna actually watch this trainwreck?
>Make the witcher women fugly diversity hires
>But we NEEED the best looking hunk in hollywood right now to play Geralt
Some things never change.
We already pulled that card to allow them to cast slavs for Ciri under the BAME label.
>that Triss
fuck this shit i'm out
Gaiman said he’s spent that last 30 years killing bad Sandman adaptations, let’s at least hope this one is good or that he’ll cancel it
He buried his son last week. I doubt he will give a shit about anything for some time. Also he hates the witcher because it's his most well known work he wanted to write historical fictionhe's only in it for the money.
at least non of them have preferred pronouns in their bio
incel, the post and replies.
Surprisingly I am okay with Jet's actor, he's got that "I don't give a shit anymore" look right.
But holy fuck everyone else looks so fucking wrong.
Spike looks like a middle aged man in a midlife crisis.
Faye looks like a Chinese druggie
Vicious looks like that one Anglo salesman that'll scam you with fake occult trinkets.
If Spike had been played by Keanu I wouldn't be complaining.
What the fuck is wrong with Netflix? I'm not even a big fan of The Witcher franchise at all and this still irritates me.
At least he looks much better here than in the goofy preview shot they first released.
Yea Forums always has and always will be turbo mad. You don't need to make questionable decisions and risk the success of the show. Also if you're posting here you're one of us dorks by definition.
>What the fuck is wrong with Netflix?
>Live action Corbow Bebop
>No Keanu
Not even gonna bother.
>What the fuck is wrong with Netflix?
Do you think we would be hearing about it if he wanted to/could cancel it?
way too stereotypical you wonder if Netflix is really racist all along
Netflix has never made a good show and don't expect them to start anytime soon
>its another Yea Forums "cries about a show they said they didn't give a shit about originally" thread
I've seen this posted before but it just occurred to me. Are these ALL The writers?
She is just pointing out exactly what Yea Forums is pointing out in this thread (book vs game discrepancy) while he is unsuccessfully trying to bait her into an argument about gender politics.
>Yea Forums
Look at this shot , looks pretty great to me
You're all the same eternally bitter faggots.
A still image of Henry Cavill in cheap shitty LARP costume?
>The Witcher is an upcoming American fantasy drama TV series created by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich for Netflix.
>Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
The eternal jew
love death and robots was ok but you could see the hamfisted agenda in every fucking episode
I wish I could kill women with my mind
Red rising might be good because the author is actually writing the script instead of letting Jews touch it and it's basically about beautiful white people with blonde hair ruling the solar system before a white guy with red hair knocks everything down
Yen went from best girl to flugy goblina pretty fast. eeewww
And she's supposed to be really pretty because she uses magic to always look young and stuff despite being like 90 years old. She's even older than Geralt.
I sure you found your place in the world wage cucking, earning millions for someone else.
Can someone explain this "user sees a German name and therefore sees a jew" meme?
>i dont care about the quality, i just want to make people angry
why are leftists all like this
> the worst monsters are the ones we create
> not "this world doesn't need a hero it needs a professional"
cancel this series already.
No that was the first promo picture released
It looks good now
kek don't kid yourself with your cringy "place in the world" dogshit, anyone in your life will replace you a week after you're dead and gone
FIght Club
Why do so many people look better when they're all dirty?
Looks fine. Nice costume. Very evocative of birds.
>modern female producer and writer
Shes an honorary merchant
Well at least Geralt Cavill looks pretty fitting for the role
Too bad it's still gonna blow
>a netflix show will suck
Of course it will. Netflix hasn't made a decent series yet
I'm fine with them making a few changes. I'm also fine with pretty boy Geralt.
And I actually really like Ciri. Really has a Lara Dorren vibe, I think.
But why would they make Yennefer brown? Why would they make Fringilla black?
They're both pretty woman and surely they are also good actors.
But fuck man. No problem with diversity, all for it, but then fucking add your own original characters instead of this bullshit. How is that so hard to get?
Everything that's not authentic can be made to appear more authentic through scuffs, dirt, etc. That's why the 3D Lego models in the movie look banged up, why Game of Thrones has everyone look like dirty peasants in brown despite real world medieval people being clean and dressed in vibrant colors, why Overwatch models have tons of damage on their clothes, stains etc.
My biggest fear about this show is that it'll be exactly like the Marvel stuff and they just won't have the budget to do any of the stuff you actually want to see. Like, Netflix Iron Fist didn't pony up the cash to show him actually fighting Shou-Lao the dragon, so nothing makes me think they're going to show Geralt fighting any monster that isn't human-shaped
I don't understand what the fuck is going on in that picture.
The series isn't about fighting monsters, you shitlord. It's about bringing down white patriarchy.
>Witcher 3 sold 33 million copies
>massive fanbase and a literal gold mine
It could've been the next game of thrones with the right budget and writers.
>political intrigue
>ebin battles
it's all there
Show is about young Geralt, she quite possibly is supposed to be 19-20 years.
I'm more offended at Faye being Latina and Spike being played by 48 year-old asian twig with the charisma of cottage cheese.
It's the hair and lighting mostly, that wig in the promo video looked like shit.
>brown nipples
If you have a white man doing that, it implies that women of color are incapable of doing that and you need the white hero. Checkmate. Oh sorry I mean checkmadam.
>tfw netflix threw away 200 million on Marco Polo trying to make it the next Game of Thrones
If anything he should be latino since he's from Mars which is inspired by Tijuana.
This is honestly the real crime here. How can I ever treat a kid seriously?
No, it's not. The short story where it first appeared specifically says it's shaped like a wolf's head. Bait harder.
Triss actress is definitely not a good actress
American Vandal
Stranger Things (season 1)
Mind Hunter
I'm sure there's more
I actually liked Marco Polo and I'm sad it got cancelled.
Most people who will watch this shit are nerds who only care about the games, that means 99% of the audience will be men. What is the logic behind putting a 10/10 gigachad as the MC but then turning all the hot women into ugly creaturas?
Unless it's the greatest TV series ever, I expect a massive audience drop by episode 3-4. Hope those woke points are worth it.
Fuck Niggerflix
so its going to be a soap opera for women to engage in cucumber coitus
Actually it'll probably end up like GoT. That was an incredibly obscure fantasy series until the show started, and then tons of women started watching it
>Stranger Things
Didn't she describe herself as Romani? So if the show is going to make her basic latina they're literally decreasing diversity.
Also anyone else think that it's incredibly racist to make Jet a black guy just because his surname is Black?
> modern capeshit writer
>patriarchy smasher
>aspiring cat mom
>possibly a witch
You literally cannot make this shit up if you tried
what the fuck is a Romani?
I did too, I don't know why people dumped on it, maybe they couldn't get over that it was historical fiction and not historically accurate. Maybe the name Marco Polo didn't draw people in to click on it.
>while casting a tranny for desire
How is this not the perfect approach to casting Desire?
>the worst monsters are the white males
GoT being written by 2 fucking white males didn't help
For once I wanted resting bitch face and they manage to fuck that up.
Gypsy scum.
netflix shows are always pushing something. and now they have got their hands on the witcher
They made Jet black because the english VA is black, so at least there's that excuse.
>The worst Netflix Originals are the ones we create
So, literally this?
Why the fuck wouldn't you just cast Eva GReen as Yennefer? It's literally a dead ringer. Not that i'm going to watch it anyway, but holy fuck even fans do a better job.
These kikes, i wear...
Don't care, not gonna watch.
The first four seasons of GoT.
The chinese Romance of the Three Kingdoms that came out in 2010.
Literally bigger than Geralt in the games. Fucking Kino. Cavill has never been on more steroids, not sure what happened. Man of Steel and Batman v Superman were borderline, but the pic with the Supes figurine onwards is some solid roid physique.
Can't really imagine Netflix came to him and told him: "We need you to go back to Superman size and then cut some bodyfat while gaining 5 more kg of muscle at the same time."
She's a bit old.
I wish this many people complained about Mandarin in I3 being a white British actor
Watching Dark has made me despise college pamphlet casting even more.
I'm so bored of soulless adaptations.
What the fuck this blows everything out of the water we've ever seen. Why did they ever release the awful test footage if they were going to make him look good for the series? Are they stupid?
that's how I know you're 17
Geralt and Yennefer are not exactly young either. She's supposed to look a bit older than Geralt anyway.
While desire is hermaphroditic/androgynous, she/he is the manifestation of want and beauty. Do you really want an ugly as sin abomination to play Desire just for diversity points? Besides you have to make it look like both male and female kinda like a Bowie vibe. Maybe someone like Tilda Swinton but more attractive.
>Ben Kingsley
Pretty sure it was leaked. It was a hair and makeup test, which is why it looked like shit, they put a generic wig on him to test the look and then they'd order a custom wig that isn't shit.
>Eva Green is a beautiful actress
>1:1 resemblance to the game's descriptions and models (and book's) for the character Yennefer
>Even personality traits define Yennefer as more mature than youthful, never mind character experience and personality
>"Eva's a bit too told to play Yennefer"
>Do you really want an ugly as sin abomination to play Desire just for diversity points?
What kind of retard logic do you have to operate on to think they're not going to plaster each and every one of the Endless with makeup and CGI, especially Desire, who looks like a living Nagel illustration?
>no curly hair
A rancher from southwestern Termina.
>Geralt and Yennefer are not exactly young either. She's supposed to look a bit older than Geralt anyway.
>that's how I know you're 17
Did you retards read the books?
Yennifer is described as 20-25 years old beauty with silky smooth skin, tiny youthful tits, etc. She does NOT look like a mature 30-35+ woman.
Male mages like Istredd looked like 35-40+ years old men because it helped them to look respectful, it was easier to trust them, their age associated with their wisdom, etc.
Female mages all wanted to look like young bitches, they never cared about looking respectful. They only wanted to look sexy and youthful.
Curly swapped for curry obviously
The original mountain gypsies from somewhere between India and Pakistan. Women wear huge ugly skirts and men look like 50's greasers. Cute girls that grow up into hideous women. And everyone has an incredible singing voice and they know every song in the universe by heart. And they steal anything and everything from anyone who isn't romani like them.
>Ciri not my wife Kristen Stewart
we were made only to suffer
Because Netflix has a budget of 3 dollars. I have no idea how they’re doing this in the first place
I beat the game on hardest difficulty twice and never wasted my time with oils. They were not worth the investment
Oh, well I forgot about that. I guess that makes sense. If he actually manages to sound like Jet and act like Jet then that's two hits out of three and it might be enough.
I can't imagine Cho being able to pull off Spike though.
What investment, it's not like you have to keep crafting them, you just refill them with any alcohol and Manslayer can permanently stay on your steel sword. Also it's 100% worth it since the strongest build for new game+ is combat/alch with euphoria using skills that buff your damage to your oiled blade. You basically just become a tank that heals based on damage dealt and you don't really have to even care about dodging attacks at that point. Just hold down the whirly attack and melt everything.
> Geralt sleeps with Yennefer, Triss and Fringila. All beautiful women.
Henry get's to sleep with the Neflix versions of them? Holy shit!
Pajeet then
Not a gypsy, though that is more of a technicality than anythings else. It would be like trying to describe the difference between say Pakistanis and Indians. Sure it's not the "same", but they differ so little that there's no real point in giving a damn about it.
They're "travelers" with all the stereotypes you'd expect to come from it.
>Reminder that she's only a half poo and she looks cute here, but yeah I don't see Yennefer
Uhhhhhhhhh AFAIK her parents are both ethnic streetshitters
>cucumber coitus
why did this get me, kek
because you know its true
>That one with shit smeared on the arm rest of the chair
Women are the niggers of gender.
Who are the East Asians of gender?
Casting Dinklage as Tyrion was a miscast. Book Tyrion is charming /despite/ how ugly he is and gets far uglier, while Dinklage is probably the only attractive male dwarf in existence and his scar is literally nothing.
Have an ugly character cast as a much more attractive person can actually ruin characterization. Tyrion is a perfect example of this too, his personality got totally cleaned up from his books counterpart and that hurt a lot of potential growth and development, which, in turn, hurts plot. This is in large part because the character went from "ugly little gremlin with a way with words" to "cheeky short fellow who your mom finds kinda hot" in the casting stage and when people actually watch and respond to the character.
Yen is perfect, better than in the games!
why is she a nigger?
Also, it's ok when it's a man.
>Bad casting for Geralt (the one character who keeps his ethnicity)
>Everyone else looks great though
Where the fuck do these people come from? How did they end up like this?
>bad casting for Geralt
>everyone else looks great
what a disgusting cunt
that ass isn't anything to write home about though.
>Yennefer is supposed to be an absolute fucking mommy.
>Turn her into a young rusty-looking poo and loo
>everyone else looks great
>everyone else looks great
>Where the fuck do these people come from?
She's not just 38, she's also will be almost 50 in a few seasons. They clearly need somebody 25-30 to for a lenghty show.
Resetera you dipstick.
but isn't she like 900 years old and uses magic to make herself lo young? So wouldn't it make sense that she would made herself look like a 20 year old?
I meant more of how did such a large group of people succumb to leftist identity politics this hard?
geralt should have been played as a black guy and his whole story is going around impregnating white women until white people are extinct
That'd feel more honest.
>tfw would want a girl like this but know my parents would never be cool with it
they're all cute and interesting looking. i bet the show will be pretty good. we aren't owed anything because we played a video game and wanted the characters to always look the same. chill out. you don't have to watch the show if it's not interesting to you.
>Because you spent all of your time playing video games
I was like 12 dude
she looks indian
Well, I wasn't gonna watch it anyways, but damn, sry for anyone who wanted to
why serialize a goofy as premise as the witcher and then iron it to this vanilla shit, haha, what a failure
imagine him sitting on your face haha
as long as Faye still has bouncy anime boobs, I'm cool with this. If not, I'm going to go postal at Jewflix HQ
>long as Faye still has bouncy anime boobs
doubt [x]
sleep with all of the producers
Back to tumbleddit you fucking cuck
imagine if they casted Eva instead
Triss needs a joke name too