ITT: Real life video game bosses

ITT: Real life video game bosses

Attached: kanyemask1.jpg (480x673, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>final fase, Power instrumental starts playing

Attached: an ancient evil awakens.webm (752x582, 2.93M)

> think YOU'RE worthy of kissing my son?

Attached: finalboss.jpg (1125x1401, 237K)

Birds were dinosaurs.

Based no-more heroes boss

Why yes, this is my final form, how could you tell?

Attached: 1559812274678.jpg (768x960, 39K)

Attached: a weapon to surpass metal gear.webm (320x240, 1.68M)

this looks like a soulslike npc

Attached: h.jpg (1339x1116, 1023K)

It's the narrator

Attached: optional boss.jpg (600x800, 112K)

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Attached: Subway Gang.png (1231x2154, 3.01M)

Why the fuck do I find this so cute

Boss rush mode

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>I truly didn't expect that you'd make it this far, user
>But as a leader, it's only normal that I am stronger than every of my henchmen, I shall now dispose of you personally like so many before who dared to stand in my way

>Loosen up, bubby!

Why is that black man wearing white face?
That's racist


Kiryu, I see you have returned

Attached: Yakuza0_2019-04-21_00-15-06-20.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

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Just stop posting.


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Mc Ride. That motherfucker is in his 50s but looks like a buff 27 year old black dude on meth.

Attached: 2B look out, it's still active.jpg (1024x768, 195K)

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is this cheating? it is literally a real life video game boss

Attached: The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.jpg (1024x768, 269K)

Literally a fucking Yakuza boss

>boss has a final stage
>boss IS A GOD

Attached: ku7y6didyewgdhewudtefwgdhewy674yhudewed.jpg (448x247, 13K)

How can you kill a god?

You life ends meow.

Attached: 1557423813467.jpg (500x500, 247K)

Gangrel, Brujah, Malkavian, Tremere
>Bloodlines 2 classes revealed

Attached: Hairless Bear.jpg (634x693, 96K)

Attached: 1529086444146.jpg (1600x1066, 721K)

Isn't that...

never mind, carrion.

man I want an Arakkoa focussed game so bad

"I had to be smarter than the rest of my pack to survive."

Naw man that's a save point.

Papers Please 2

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"


The god gets bored with being a god and allows you to kill him

Attached: 22A1B644-F497-4E5D-BCEF-4844A5E5BC90.png (690x1044, 1.17M)

looks like cast to some edgy anti-hero comics like "The Boy's" or "Hitman".

or like random badguys from a Wildstorm comic.

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Attached: Martha Stewart's Ghost Recon.jpg (1152x1600, 752K)

fuck, that's terrifying

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Attached: Firekeeper.webm (640x800, 1.8M)

By leaving him be. Alone with his thoughts.

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Bears don't travel in packs

This woman looks like the perfect wife

Cunnilingus is my favorite past time but I seriously cannot into orgies. Or three ways. I just don't understand it.

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you mean Triad

Attached: 1519004290688.jpg (1242x1236, 309K)

It looks like one of the MGS villain squad bosses

Attached: IRL Boss Fights.png (1848x1136, 3.65M)


cosplay doesnt count, its about real fashion becoming something like it was out of vidya

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>Dominating with the T-pose at the end

I've snorted coffee and it hurts now.

Cute feet

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she most have some dry ass teeth

Attached: no trouble.jpg (2048x1365, 250K)

I admire that black guy in beige so much.
At least I can still achieve the look of the guy in the green suit

Attached: cutedesu.jpg (600x900, 83K)

Things are really getting hot now

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I find it cute for some reason and I want to pet it.

I don't understand how, but the black guy in beige and white guy in green pull it off so damn good. They should be co-op protagonists

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Those beady eyes...

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>They call them the "Eight Kings".

>Sekiro boss
>throws his hat, birds attack as projectiles. Can disable birds from battle for a bit if hit with upgraded shuriken
>Birds protect him from mikiri counters if they are both on his staff
>Second phase, he starts riding through the air on his boat, with unblockable swings at high speed
>Movement is buffed, very few openings given
>birds breathe fire and ice respectively, need umbrella to block
>final deathblow features death of his birds and him in 3 strike sequence
>”Now I must sail...down the river to jigoku...”

That's /fa/scist

Attached: 1553118635097.jpg (820x546, 66K)

The white guy in green is a dead-ringer of a Batman: The Animated Series villain.

Attached: 2358.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

They both look like absolute mad scientists. Black guy gives me a Hugo Starnge vibe, white guy reminds me of someone too

best outfit kanye ever had

Attached: beerbarian.jpg (480x560, 91K)

What's this boss's theme music?

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Attached: typical octopath boss.jpg (640x480, 36K)


yeah boss just finishing up those spreadsheets.

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cool eyes

Someone is a big fan of George Romero's Knightriders

>you been wasting my money at that fancy school, boy?

Attached: Big axe man.jpg (318x331, 21K)

>sent by a quest giver to slay her
>turns out she was the hero the whole time

RIP Queen Nasim

Attached: 20190112_105804.jpg (648x564, 118K)

>smash bottle, doesn't go down
>takes your weapon


There is no more Kino look than La Sape

What a grand and intoxicating innocence

>jumps around the map so fast you cant ever get a hit on it

Attached: queen_silverback.gif (300x225, 852K)

does anyone have that one tweet of the guy being like "what it's like inside a character select screen" with a guy standing and wind blowing his shirt while faint music plays

>Necromancy spells causes Panic status

Attached: dok look out.jpg (634x424, 204K)

The perfect wife. The ideal woman. Taken from this Earth before her prime. RIP.

He learned it from his mentors

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It's pretty rad.

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they've killed BILLIONS

Do football teams just have supervillain cloaks hand to give out to their most hated players?

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to pleasure thousands

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Attached: inspect.webm (882x650, 2.88M)

What spells can he cast?

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Boss becomes an ally then dies halfway through for emotional impact

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All of them.

all of them

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gib /toy/ gf

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>distant "hmmmhmmm"
I can't believe they're gonna fuck up dark crystal boys.

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Post the homeless guy that looks like a fighting game protagonist


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>statue comes to life
>destiny's force plays

Attached: George Washington.jpg (1141x1600, 249K)

Was about to post this

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Unironically thought that was solidus from the thumbnail

Mah Qween

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>boss takes damage before the fight even starts
is it bugged?

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guess his weakness

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>When you see it...

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Not even his final form

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>Takeshi Kusanagi, Fist of the Rolling Storm
>Martin Wright, the Professor of War
>Thaddeus Crispin, Illusory Gentleman
>John “Longshanks” Buscle
>Enlil Abara, The Ebony Reaper
>Detengo and Osto
>Steven Wrath, Declarer of Rebellion
>Momosuke Momochi, the Bamboo Artisan

Attached: GettyImages-1067929408-5c5a5cfcc9e77c0001d00e42.jpg (960x640, 120K)

Light Magic

Attached: 1190600921842.jpg (450x352, 51K)

looks comfy

Dude on the right clearly has the same move set as Necro

Look closer.

Wait is it Boston or Bosstown Dynamics? I could of sworn it was Boston.

Law - Neutral - Chaos

>Yea Forums is a tranny
as expected

Attached: 1551721226352.png (1956x2194, 3.03M)


Fall damage

First stage:
Second stage:
Third stage:
Final stage:

Attached: 1560135134839.png (300x300, 112K)


>skinny top
>on those tiny shoulders

>chef rush
>his gimmick is a boss rush but with various meals designed to slow you down and force you into abandoning the fight in order to indulge in gluttony

Attached: Young Brother Feather.jpg (1024x768, 100K)

i guess we know where all these dudes hang out

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Is it true he joined a cult?

Curing his confusion status effect causes him to defeat himself

I thought he was just wearing a baseball cap and looking down and I thought it looked awesome, but now he looks dumb.

Bludgeoning damage.

Attached: 1337872.jpg (600x900, 176K)

>ywn play a beat-em-up where you control a clunky-ass robot
That'd actually be some pretty interesting gameplay, like the robot starting out as hard to control but becoming better with upgrades.

Attached: sketch-1535214857253.png (1080x1216, 946K)

>entire game in euphoria engine

Attached: 1531222699531.jpg (500x398, 26K)

>bottom left
how the fuck do I get an outfit that flows in the wind like that

the fuck is this?

i didn't enjoy kubo and it felt like the mcguffins didn't help at all

that's a big pp

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You can only beat him by making him realize he doesn't exist through philosophical debate

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>bloodlines 2

Attached: 1511936927634.jpg (650x430, 129K)

What the fuck am I looking at here

>boss doesn't let you pass until you complete your end of the bargain

Attached: dealio.jpg (850x1203, 204K)

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>when you walking
>you ever just walk?

Attached: 1522078025833.jpg (630x435, 57K)

>Rang Q'desi, keeper of riches

Attached: orange.jpg (720x540, 121K)



final boss


>boss walks out steals your money and walks away

Attached: 10689565_915476568494308_7928077996685608139_n.jpg (640x640, 40K)

>cutscene features the main villain before his reveal

There's a creepy guy in a pig mask somewhere in & .


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Fucking shit man does that guy tenderize all of the meat by beating it to death with his bare fucking hands?

based retard

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Fuck you breeze you snail

Circle him.

All of them.

>we're here to teach you about fascism...

Chinese bootleg Odin.

Oh god all those upcoming reports and that finale

>Perfect Storm

>name is CHEF RUSH
What the fuck, that's such a cool name

prole gap

Attached: Oh, You're approaching me.png (1006x584, 963K)

>Caller of the Flock
>Mr. Little

Attached: 1497737412564.jpg (1024x766, 134K)


Who put Ion Hazzikostas on that panel?

>a rare photo of Khal Drogo in his 'scene' phase

Legitimately, feels like a great kino boss fight experience.


Attached: ledarskap-nmr-borlange-2016_0.jpg (1040x694, 698K)

big wet boys

Attached: 1351065140830.jpg (2941x1570, 655K)

For a second I thought this was a Rick Owens runway

when will people embrace high waisted pants again

>boss teams up with versions of himself from the future

Attached: DaqkNI8W0AACY55.jpg (640x640, 87K)

cool sweatpants

too easy

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how do these south african dudes in bright colored suits not get dirty walking all these dirt roads

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youre joking but i do want to interview one of these guys to see how they keep their clothes so pristine in such godawful conditions

Attached: 1433781333434.webm (640x480, 2.87M)

actual real life villains

metal gear solid boss that you watch take down an entire squad in an earlier cutscene

Attached: e.jpg (819x613, 338K)

>Snake that is Laughing Gull, Part of B.E.A.C.H unit.

>Laughing gull?

>Yes, They say he was a member of the Navy seals, An elite amphibious unit part of the US armed forces. On one mission his unit was ambushed as they made land fall, his men where gunned down around him. Gull included.

>Really...Then how did he survive?

>You see snake, Just as his unit was being attacked a flock of gulls came down, they swarmed his body protecting him from the bullets.

They’re using their Ki to shield them from the dirt

Nobody asked you

>boss has a second phase

Attached: latest Bethesda release.webm (720x404, 1.86M)

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there's a few docs on "la sape"
They take extreme care and constantly buy new shit. It's a weird culture where they are admired for spending their money poorly

He was too good for this world.

Attached: 1469231614762.jpg (476x395, 44K)

>choose your difficulty

Just slap some gothic chorus to that and you got a souls boss

>It's a boss that has done nothing bad to you but needs to die for the world to become a better place.
>It accepts this fate and rewards you for taking that burden.

Attached: 1538938039488.jpg (1080x1262, 1.87M)

This looks like a waffle house story


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oh god what the fuck

Attached: 1537574518095.jpg (856x1024, 49K)

>An elite Member of the Adam Unit, They where special forces trained in hand to hand, They say the original founder was even trained in CQC by the Boss herself in WW2.


>We want ze money Lebowski!

Rogue/monk, wizard/chronomancer, illusionist, engineer, warlock/sorceror, beastmaster, beserker, soldier/demolition specialist

Shame on you my sweet Neravar.

Attached: 1559679067149.jpg (1335x1060, 123K)

>it's a duo boss fight

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final boss


Attached: lykoi.jpg (962x622, 106K)

>Brady hater
Lol ring number 7

literally just these guys

Attached: FB18F3F8-D1A1-46BB-9D55-095B90D540BE.png (150x168, 39K)

>he spams the crab throw again
Who thought this was a good idea?

>Face the guy in front first
>Fight amps him up to be real hot shit
>Fight is super easy
>Finish front guy
>Just before final blow redshirt comes
>Kills Boss and wrecks your shit
>The fight restarts from the beginning again
>you most defeat chump boss again.
>Also there is an unskipable cutscene

I would guess light fabric, similar to flags.

It's like the difficulty selection for a 90's FPS
>I'm a pretty princess!
>Not the face!
>Danger is my middle name!
>Bring it on!

These are powerful men
The kind that build worlds and destroy them

Attached: 15575262736452.webm (640x800, 2.92M)

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Doesn't he summon a giant enemy crab that can do big damage if you let him though?


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how the fuck does he even have time to get swole like that as a chef with all the work and coke

>g-man-esque recurring npc, secretly a bad guy
>first boss
>final boss
>elite enemy
>the guy you think is the final boss but he’s really defeated halfway through the game
>rival character

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Fucking Japanese bird-boatmen
Is this a reference to something

Are you serious?

I hate these kind of pics
>inbf hur dur muh secret club

>didn't realize it was a gif
You legit scared the shit out of me fuck

What a fucking legend.

Attached: GOAT.png (1894x899, 239K)

Sir, the've gone up the ventilation shaft

>girls laughing at him

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Attached: swindled.png (871x689, 335K)

If you didn't think Captain Buckethead had the gnarliest theme, you're fucking stupid

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He is that guy that is the head prophet to an eldritch terror, who sacrifices himself to bring his god to our reality. That or he “ascends”, turning into a mindless body horror monster.

imagine a fighting game with these propaganda monster things.

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Ned Kelly is just further proof that Australians are fucking bonkers.

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I’d main Americamonster
He has 2 bitches

Attached: boobs-butt-and-feet-comic.png (1000x1000, 67K)

>protagonist joins forces with boss to become final boss
>perspective shifts to hired mercenary

Attached: kim trump dmz.webm (640x360, 1.97M)

>/fit/ is a DYEL manlet
Pretty accurate.

Amazingly still an accurate representation

Attached: Marie_Claire_Bissonnette_attacker_810_500_75_s_c1-998x616.jpg (998x616, 83K)

OK but that's actually rad as fuck. Why has no game done something like this yet

This looks like a really crazy Persona

literally ganon from wind waker

This is so unreal

>Navy seals

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match made in heaven

the burning bastion

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Why do African blacks seem more intelligent when speaking French?
Am I just not hearing some weird accent accent?

Attached: respek.png (870x748, 866K)

Whats the story behind this one? Is it just "you gotta match word violence with fist violence"?


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>dancing nigger cage
I'm in.

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maybe if you learnt french you'd become more intelligent user

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he's a big guy

Attached: 7ZdRR4U.jpg (1242x1543, 207K)


>sephiroth fight in kingdom hearts

Techno Viking is one of those bosses that have the same moveset as you.

>dont let me get into my zone
>Im definetly in my zone

Attached: BALLSOHARD.gif (379x212, 1.71M)

You can see the regret in their eyes

Attached: 1550078048615.png (351x317, 61K)

>magma burns hotter than fire, fire fist

>I can see him in the first picture
>I don't see him in the second
Uh.. guys?

Look at this man...

Attached: radical anarchist group ''Seven Human Virtues'' deploys its final attack on New (1200x799, 166K)

He's hiding behind the Jeep in the second pic and looking into the window with the yellow glow.

>Watch_Dogs multiplayer.jpg

i wish.

Attached: photo.gif (391x585, 177K)

They're like the quirky minoboss squad.

Where the fuck is he in the first picture?

>0% fat 100% muscle
>nickname is the fucking Wolfman
They lost as soon as they entered his house.

Standing next to the silver car on the far left.

leftmost bottom window on the house. look under it.

Vidya kino

Here's your potion, hero.

Attached: b155f674-ef9e-4622-818c-b28d86d48ad1.jpg (1200x1600, 281K)

did this really happen? I quit reading news after the election.
He just walked over the line?

>recipe for disaster

Bonjour, Yea Forums

Attached: rwqiqo34h6z21.png (700x505, 324K)

looks like emerald weapon

>I see you've made this far, congratulations. But this is as far as you go.

Attached: 36gfbaobngc01-1.jpg (370x548, 121K)

Scripted encounter where you are forced to lose to continue the story

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>Let's compare the power of our stand rushes

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>Throws knives at you into a corner
>Spams that flailing attack
Immediately dropped. What were they thinking?

Attached: 12312.jpg (1058x929, 163K)

>You ain't taking mah daughtah oht, ciy boah

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Glad someone said it

is that manly tears?

>jesus christ how horrifying

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You don't have to worry about the crabs, they're just his minions.

da police

What boss would drop this?

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These threads are pretty fucking good. Some of the stuff posted in there really inspires me to come up with shit to draw.

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>final form is bill belichick

would you Yea Forums?

Never get to post this one in time. Yes she is real.

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>Random encounter
>Spawns in an empty map of a suburban town at random
>Map has no loot and warps whatsoever. Completely useless
>Completely silent
>Sometimes spawns behind you
>Keeps that smile all the time

too human

Attached: 7 foot long bitch slap.jpg (460x648, 102K)

>would you
It’d be fun until she fully transforms during her second stage and tears you a new asshole

Is that a prophetic Obama at the bottom?

Haute couture is cheating too, but if that's allowed then everything by Jean-Paul Gauthier looks like it's from some crazy JRPG.

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He was trying to kick the phone out their hand, but missed. Still decided to kick because of opinion.

>Top left
Brother Sharp reminds me of fuck hard optional boss in a yakuza game

You need tons of CC for this fight.
A priest to shackle his undead assistant
A mage to sheep the humanoid assistant
A hunter for the Mechanical Assistant
A durid to root the other humanoid
And then you need to burn the Add that left. Then while the tank has the boss at the other end of the room, keep CC up and kills adds one at a time, keep them far apart because they get a defense and damage buff for every ally unit they are in range of.

Attached: 744A59DB-373B-4D5E-ADE1-88EB3A1C1F2C.jpg (1600x1066, 200K)

>a cook and his mates do this as a joke
>one of them gets concerned because he's convinced he saw movement, but decides it was probably just his imagination
>suddenly the body inflates and the octopus flies in the air, spinning

>4 decapitated corpses are found at the crime scene and 8 knives are reported missing

>they're learning

Attached: 1533179050416.png (500x290, 123K)

Attached: HEELGOAT.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

megaman boss/10


Looks like a bootleg Zaku.

>You think you got what it takes to beat me?
>boss music

Attached: marshall3.jpg (500x500, 121K)

Not based

>That bald eagle sash

Chef Rush is fucking amazing

He looks like an F-ZERO character.

Can't find better pictures with the throne during traditional north African weddings but the dresses are over-the-top enough to be in worn by a JRPG final boss.

Attached: 3c0d88f2ece1ac612946c102a3c248e4.jpg (488x734, 101K)

>Lunch Rush
>Shake and Bake
>Perfect Flip
>EX move: Recipe for Disaster
>Super move: The Main Course

>anolamous Yea Forums hiding in the back

Attached: 1521297930432.jpg (1024x1023, 63K)

cause he's trying to be sneaky :3

>mini-boss that you have to fight for taking a shortcut through his kitchen

Attached: mRuRicWMIxNM2CBdA8YbqpW7nb50PBB-t-QYmbmMocU.jpg (475x712, 55K)

The insect world is a fucking nightmare, just imagine if there were a human sized parasite like that.

Attached: Drunk-man-at-the-bar-000073667511_XXXLarge-639x426.jpg (639x426, 42K)

You need to cast reflect on him so when he casts heals it goes to you instead. Then cast reflect on your party so his black magic hurts him, even though he only take 1/4 magic damage

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>USA will save Europe's culture from ruination.
>By what right?

>stone gargoyle waitress that tries to seduce you

The succubus

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Forgot pic.

Attached: 83add184-2cbb-4009-af71-ca86a8fa4c83.jpg (1280x1242, 258K)

This thread is blessed

Attached: wrdgaadva6231.jpg (1231x2048, 225K)

>human sized parasite like that
They're called jews.

I really hate people who quote every single post, you ruined this thread for me.

/fa/ doesn't look so bad tho

Attached: 1475755080345.gif (300x300, 2M)

Wicked Kraut of the Western Front

Boss theme:

>pleasure to meat you

Attached: 1533803045544.jpg (640x739, 96K)

>Closes the bridge just to flex
Real nigga shit

No she's an android. This is a succubus.

Attached: amber_heard.jpg (1800x1200, 209K)

>boss is an F.O.E

Attached: dead-demon-rider.jpg (500x500, 169K)

Attached: 1558817254426.jpg (818x1024, 175K)

Find their theme

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Botswanas deathmetal cowboys look so dope

Attached: 120626043859-botswana-metal-heads-big-horizontal-large-gallery.jpg (980x552, 153K)

The brap monster

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Attached: 1534364412759.jpg (960x640, 176K)

>theme for kanye isnt a kanye song

I won't even look at the rest, you're just too autistic.

Attached: 1560607243301.jpg (1024x757, 120K)


love deluxe

>That picture

Attached: 1560363325162.jpg (399x463, 22K)

Attached: Well+tvat+was+not+too+bad+came+across+this+pic+_a4d760a2a4850461e18aeb4d074c9502.jpg (933x1124, 292K)

It hasn't attacked you yet.

>that absolute unit

Professor Jiggly's theme:

Attached: loose goose.gif (271x223, 659K)

>gangsta big band

Honestly that boss theme would probably be amazing

Attached: 1533275873269.jpg (969x969, 311K)

>I used to be a wimp before Anchor Arms
>Now I'm a jerk and everyone loves me!

Attached: shnisker.png (393x468, 315K)

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move over for the real deal cyka
>would you Yea Forums?

Attached: JuliaVins.png (758x426, 541K)

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Wonder how much var she uses in a day.

>guy with the full beard looks the oldest but is one of the shortest so he looks especially small
goddamn that's tragic

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Royal Cat Vanguard

Attached: catnip party.jpg (768x960, 176K)

they are called joggers. get a pair. they are awesome

Professor Badass theme

No, he is literally a boss from the Yakuza games, as all Yakuza games have stories that involve secretly chinamen that speak perfect japanese from some reason.



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this is more accurate than it was before

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he doesn't look so tough

Lady Gaga has always reminded me of a Final Fantasy villain

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>boss's second phase switches from ranged to physical
All for fashion

Attached: Bulldoz.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

>trigger discipline

>upcoming reports
Those are combo titles.

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Post the edit

The new Watch_dogs is looking good.

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>And Frank the Furless betrayed his own, and the Bears were no more.

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An Armenian tranny YouTuber who tried to shoot up YouTube HQ because he couldn't get any subs.

Attached: also_that_one_time_kenny_and_kota_fought_the_same_sex_doll_and_the_ass_man.gif (406x302, 2.34M)

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My fellow anime north brethren

Attached: 1537496959729.jpg (1335x2000, 216K)

That's a JoJo

>Final boss is Pooh
>Your Christopher Robin

Attached: CEerOQU.jpg (500x500, 82K)

Africans have a very thick accent but imo they sound less retarded than Americans trying to speak French, which is basically what the Quebecois accent sounds like to me.

Attached: 1545138121581.jpg (1004x1666, 251K)

>boss is defeated by guessing his name

Attached: pm.jpg (480x360, 32K)

there is no image/gif that consistently makes me laugh as much as this one. Literally every item on his movelist raises so many questions, it's great. RIP.

big lenny!

>Fat sack of shit copes with his shitty life by ridiculing others


Attached: dogepack.jpg (500x375, 57K)

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>fighting game final boss just has bullshit command grabs that reach midscreen on whiff
Fucking SNK bullshit again

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It doesn't matter how much he pulls up his pants before sitting down, he WILL crack.

"Whaddya buying? Got a lot of good things on sale, strangah"


10/10 accuracy

>boss can be skipped with a charisma check

Attached: beast tamer.jpg (540x653, 117K)

>the slight bloom and blur


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