how is sunset overdrive? cringy memeshit?
How is sunset overdrive? cringy memeshit?
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Genuinely fantastic movement, pretty good selection of guns, nice character customization
Whether you'll enjoy the writing is subjective but for my money i found it less annoying than Borderlands-- it's not constantly spouting 3 or 4 soundbites at you. The actual characters are pretty unique too
Its a fun game with a fitting soundtrack, but unless you like games with Neptunia tier humor you're better off disabling voices.
Still a fun game for the price.
I did not like the soundtrack because I don't enjoy that type of music and I found the humor cringy.
The rest of the game I thought was fantastic.
>tfw this game is next up my backlog
Pretty excited. Been playing old games. Gonna be nice to finally play a bright, 1080p game on my TV.
The plot is EXTREMELY cringe but the game is fun.
Anyone manage to pirate the PC version?
I tried all the codex versions I could find but the game fails to start
Like everyone else has said, its a fun game with cringey dialogue.
The movement, graphics, and gunplay are all fantastic so its easy to ignore the bad stuff. I'm still holding out for a sequel that's even faster and more over the top.
The only good Xbox one exclusive, that's not exclusive anymore.
Tons of fun, the comedy is hit or miss, only you will know if you like it or not, but there's still a really fun game in there, if you ignore the writting/story, like Watchdogs 2
you can create some amazing looking sluts, so there's that.
bruh it's on game pass for a buck
I played the whole game as the girl wearing those cute shorts and glasses hnnnnggg my goodness
also it was fun
thats what i wanted to hear
>buying an xbone
It's available on PC now.
>requires Windows 10
You're joking, right?
Great tier gameplay, shit tier writing. I played to 100% completion and enjoyed myself.
I might get a chance to pick up a copy cheap today, so maybe in a while, I'll let you know.
It has "unofficial support" for Win7 and 8 with the Steam version. As in it runs but has epilepsy-inducing graphical errors on every surface that will never be fixed.
it runs on steam.
literally not true it runs fine on windows 8.
"Sunset.Overdrive-CODEX" works almost perfectly on WIN7.
fuck this, get onechanbara z2 chaos
>do tutorial
>huh, seems okay after all
>load into main area
>basketball court melting into multiple planes of existence
I still don't know why it was so fucky and why it couldn't be fixed
The movement system is a bunch of fun but it ruined Spider-Man for me when I went to it because I kept trying to leap off of cars and grind on the sides of buildings. Most of the weapons are pretty situational more than anything and it feels like R&C has more useful overall weapons (Trying to find a decent weapon for the Fizzbots while also having them be good for other enemies is a bit annoying) but the Hair Spray Gun is one of the most overpowered weapons I've ever seen and you can top Chaos Squad by literally just shooting in random directions with Second Amendment equipped and the thunder ability.
Jokes are really the only hit-or-miss kind of thing, there's lots of memes, tons of movie references (There's even a side mission about Psycho), and there's so many fourth wall breaking things it's insane, so if you can't stand those this might ruin the game for you. Death animations are also played as jokes like a DeLorean flying you back in before you died, you spawning from a Tardis equivalent, getting kicked out of a van filled with OD, a UFO dropping you out after presumably probing you, etc.
Character customization is really great especially the female one since you can make yourself look like a slut (you can almost be fully naked) also the female character has nice breasts, feet, thighs, legs and tummy. Everything you need!
Movement is great
Great game, bought it on release day when it came to PC and finished it within a week. The respawn animations are cool.
It's alright
It's a fun game. Think of it as a 3d platformer. The story is stupid but it's suppose to be. It constantly breaks the 4th wall and makes fun of its self. The world is colorful and cozy. Movement is fairly satisaying. I liked it.
>cringy memeshit?
This board is so fucking retarded.
generic bargain bin trash
its because they want to pressure people into downloading windows 10
it was fun, especially moving around, but it should have ended like 2 hours earlier and I got really bored towards the end.
>Neptunia tier humor
retard horsefucker
Gameplay is very strong, movement options are great, character customization is good, world that's not too big or too small and while the story's humor is a bit outdated it's interesting and WACKY enough to hold your attention throughout the fun gameplay. If you have a Game Pass sub I'd definitely say go for it.
Im an xbro and bought this for jsrf vibes but it sucked hard balls. Ducked so bad i laugh when dudes mention spiderman
Yea Forums likes it now that its on pc and everyone is dickslurping insomniac
Only cringey thing was the main chatacter constantly being like "WOAH WE'RE IN A VIDEO GAME, THINK ABOUT THE PLAYER LOL ARE THEY GUNNA LIKE THE GAME HAHA??"
I just wish the game was a little more self contained. Not like I didn't expect it though. Otherwise an amazing game, definitely worth it.
has a real saints row 2-3 vibe. overall its really enjoyable minus this weird tower defense type minigame it forces you to sit through to progress a few times.
Its cringy memeshit but the shooting, the guns and the rails movement make up for it. Only people that haven't play it will tell you otherwise.
>Im an xbro
>(X) doubt
Paid PS shill is obvious
Its ok
>gameplay is good, but gets mindless after you master it(kinda like tony hawk games do, not an 100% bad thing)
>weapons, most of them, are good
>missions are repetitive and most of them are boring
>collectibles are everywhere and boring to collect
>dialogue is memey and cringe
>story isnt anything special or interesting
>PC port is either good or bad, on some systems it just runs like shit no matter what you do with cpu and gpu usage being less than 40% at worst, yet the game still stutters and lags like crazy, it gets even worse if you cap it to 30fps for some retarded reason
A fun game with a lot of cringe. It's basically like Borderlands 2 in that regard.
except shallow gameplay and unsatisfying combat
so excellent is what you mean?
Dialogue is cringey, but the gameplay is solid. Movement feels great and the weapons have nice variety. Missions range from interesting to boring, but that's to be expected. Whether you'll like the music is highly dependent on whether you like garage punk rock or not.
I don't but I appreciate how it fits the game, I didn't mute the music for instance.
movement is shit you fall like a fucking rock and you are very slow for something thats supposed to be wacky action yeet dab
and the weapons are literally just party poppers
the enemies arent satisfying to fight because the weapons suck so much dick
Eh, I like the music, but I like garage punk. Understandable though, it's not for everyone. It did fit the game well though
you just suck man
>you fall like a fucking rock
You do realize you get like two seconds of air time and you can delay it even further with an air dash, right?
>and you are very slow
What are you even talking about? Pressing RB while grinding instantly gives you a burst of speed which also carries over to forward momentum if you jump off of the grind rail and you can mash it indefinitely. You can go flying for ages if you do this downtown.
>and the weapons are literally just party poppers
You mean besides the firework gun? Because I have no idea how you can think the Hair Spray Gun, Propane Cannon, the revolver, the pulse mine, and so on are all weak. They're situational, but they're not weak. Even the AK itself is absurdly powerful on stuff it's not meant to be used on.
I'm so confused how you can think the weapons suck dick. R&C is a bit more inventive with how they work, but they're not weak outside of the record launchers.
Like the others said.
It has solid and fun gameplay. It's really fun to just run around the city killing things. It also has a very good soundtrack even if you're not into that kinda of music. The dialogue/cutscenes and story are a bit cringy though.
It's worth playing desu.
seriously what game did you play? The teddy launcher kills like 3 zombies with a single shot, 2 shots for a kill on the robots. If anything I found the game too easy. Fall like a rock? What the fuck are you smoking?
none of what you said actually means anything when gameplay is available right on youtube
the game is slow bargain bin shit and your fanboy feelings wont change that
>my opinion is fact, you're all wrong
for mw it's the dude
I swear the guy sounded exactly like saints row 3 guy. This game just sucked dick. The definition of souless. I feel bad for Microsoft almost because this and Quantum break from two supposedly good devs failed to deliver.
you can literally go minutes without touching the ground, stop talking bullshit about games you haven't played brainlet.
I finally got it for pc durring the sale. Loved it on Xbox. Works just as well on pc
you can go minutes without touching the ground because everything is a trampoline
there is barely movement outside of vertical
you are so slow it just feels annoying to play this shit
>there is barely movement outside of vertical
officially confirmed for never having played the game. Leave this thread retard.
pretty fucking great, moving through the the city is actually fun. Boomer tier humor though.
shut the fuck up faggot
im watching vids now and hes right
nice samefagging retard
>and hes right
Just fucking leave already you retarded samefag.
its like watching a shitty skating game in slowmotion
you nigus got some EXAMPLES of slutty outfits you can put on?
>thread about people liking the game
>some contrarian comes in just to say that the game's shit and anyone who disagrees with him is a faggot
Like pottery
>first 20 minutes
>can't use air speed boosts
>can't use wallruns
>can't mega bounce
>walking on the ground like a little bitch
>never chains wall jumping into grinds or speed boosts
>doesn't even have the style meter yet
If he would make sense it's fine. Like I said before, the game is too easy and too short. Don't come shitting up the place with bullshit that's simply not true because you are a retard that never played it.
none of those tricks even exist in the game
the only upgrade is hp and your weapons
Yeah, get on with the times poorfag lmao.
Have you even played the fucking game?
i dont think anybody has lmao
Here's mine.
Don't talk shit if you have no idea what you're talking about. Leave this fucking board you inane faggot.
I'm tired of the word cringe.
cry more faggot
the game is shit
i dont understand why anyone would shill for such an old game
damn... i got one question: does it have thigh high boots or stockings/socks?
Then why are you in the thread if you dont like it?
Because he isn't shilling, retard. Shills are people who are paid to make you think they aren't paid while endorsing a product.
Considering there isn't anyone paying shills for dead games, he isn't a shill. In fact, I like him because he actually plays videogames he talk about. You apparently don't. That makes you useless and retarded like his shitty Wojaks.
>watching vids
I think so, only fired it up to take the screenshot, I finished pretty much everything there is to do months ago.
I with the general consensus on this one; dialogue and humor is butt-ass, but the movement and gameplay is solid. I definitely wouldn't kick a sequel outta bed for getting bread crumbs in the sheets.
So borderlands 2 then?
i hate to ask but could you check for me
Can this be done
>beanie with bangs sticking out in front
>cleavage shirt that also shows off midriff
>fingerless gloves
>jean short shorts
>black thigh highs
>combat boots
yeah but even worse
I claim 4kim
this nigga knows.
Yeah I did and also messed around with the outfit a bit. There's 1 pair of high heels, no thigh highs or long boots or anything.
damn, thats a real shame. thanks a lot for doing this man
why is anyone in the thread?
The female PC is pretty cool.
>Leggings+Huge ass body type
Probably the best triple a game for big butts tbqh
I like the game. I made my guy look like Andre 3000 with a pompadour.
How's that?
the one on the right made my peepee hard if you catch my drift
also cringe
made it to my movementism list so id say its pretty dope
I don't understand, explain further
No Spider-Man?
nice shorts. but my dick requires thigh high boots
fixed swinging is fucking lame
when I use a grapple I want real momentum and freedom of movement not "cinematic speed"
Titanfall is better than Apex too. I know you don't want to buy an EA game but it's amazing.
>giving money to EA
no thank you, hopefully this next season has another exploit to get the battlepass for free otherwise I wont be getting much from it
Are you new hete?
Virgins here like games just because they have cute girls. Lmaooo
not just because, but you better believe that if there is the option of building a hot girl, I use it every single time.
>Fucking adore garage punk
>The mainstream just sees it as le self aware 2cool4skool meme subculture
Kill me
Which spider man do you mean? If you mean PS4 then get the fuck out of here
Love it. GOTY 2014 for me. Great waifu simulator as well.
Spider man doesn't even have actual movement mechanics it just has flight and teleportation
Keep up the spirit of punk, man. Don't let the SJWs pervert it more than they already have
I liked swinging and shit in PS4 Spidey
I wish I could figure out how to get into punk fashion. I'll fucking look at dozens of pictures and outfits and I still can't figure out how to make it work myself. I guess trying to crack such a eccentric style when I'm already a fashion brainlet was a fools errand
You liked it because it didn't let you be bad. It's a glorified cutscene you perform by holding down a single button. The buildings are literal magnets that'll push you away and won't let you crash into them
You should play Umihara Kawase if you like momentum and speed
The plot's fine, it's just the way the factions are handled that falls off and the MC trying to be Deadpool half the time with the snarky comments.
I liked the humor it's funny because its bad.
actual cultural appropriation is a bitch, huh?
NOW we are talking
>Denying Sam his wife
I looked at it once
the grapple mechanics look really good but the base movement and climbing without it look way too slow
doesnt look like itd work for me, today I tried mirrors edge and even that was too clunky and slow for my taste
First thing I did really was make Ryuuko
Sam is a cuck nerd anyway
Sam doesn't care.
sam was /our guy/
hes Yea Forums incarnate
post more sexy legwear please
the god hand of the 2010s, i.e hipster garbage trash
It’s written like the Deadpool movies
These are the best panties to pick right?
>tfw girls get cute bodytypes
>men are either hulk or nerds
>clothes for men are garbage
>no good hairstyles
shit sucks, even the faces for men are trash
The humor and gameplay is so stupid but it fits the story and the online is fun. It's totally worth the money.
Let me go back in game and see if there is anymore. brb
cries in PC master race
Online mode isn't on the PC version?
there really isn't much, just 30 different pairs of pants, leggings, stockings and some shorts.
Titan fall 2 is a good game. And respawn is a good developer. They shouldn't be punished for EA'a shit.
yeah, not much at all.
The shoe of the punk rocker chick, at least it used to be, I am not sure what they wear now, wait, was it vans or converse?
>respawn is a good developer
I fell for the apex meme I can tell you right now thats just plainly not true
this does it. im buying it. thanks man
There's your problem
Good aesthetic, decent to meh writing, but I don't really enjoy the gameplay much which is purely about constantly skating around and chaining combos
>their latest project doesnt reflect poorly on them in anyway
fuck EA and fuck respawn
theyll get no money from me until apex kills fortnite then MAYBE Ill buy a battlepass at most