Does anyone play this shit?

Does anyone play this shit?
Can i ask you some questions?

Attached: Battlefield-V-battle-royale.jpg (1200x675, 89K)

I do, bought Origin Access for bf4 and ended up playing bf5 and liking it.

I did and dropped it.

Don’t bother. It’s a close quarters twitch shooter with no semblance of the badassery of past titles.

Small maps and no physical vehicle spawns

That and the SJW shit

I want to buy it too.
Is it any good?
I hated BF4 with all of my body, while i greatly enjoyed BF3 and BF1.
Is BFV more or less the same as BF4? i've been reading conflicting information about it.

As someone who liked and enjoy BF3,4 and 1

I can't really recommend BFV.

It's going to need years of work to be good. And there's so way that's going to happen when DICE/EA are going to release a new battlefield game next year

Don't even think about it buying it. Every patch fucks the game up worse than the last and the drip feeding of content will leave you bored very quickly with nothing significant on the horizon until the Fall.

It’s closer to BF1 than 3.

The gunplay is admittedly a huge improvement and the fluid movement mechanics like rolling and crawling on your back are great additions

Everything else is trash. Maps are the worst in the series, with the community and developer preferring meat grinders than classic conquest experiences.

The sandboxes are smaller than they’ve ever been and vehicles are de-emphasized even more now

I play it most weekends with a few old friends.
What do you want to know?

Everytime i re-install it i uninstall it after about 2 hours. It doesn't really stay fun.

What about BF1? Is that one active?

Bf3 was the best Battlefield


I love BFV idk how you guys hate it so much. Then again I'm the only one who has it so I'm stuck being by myself in all situations so I can't actually play with strategy.

Firestorm is fun wish I had friends to play it with.

“I don’t know why you guys don’t like it”
“I’m stuck playing by myself”

Maybe figure out why you’re the outlier here? It’s a shit game that has departed far from its military sandbox roots.

I hated BF4 because the vehicles were absolutely retarded, especially planes and helicopters.
The suppression was the worst at his series, with most 1v1 engagements ending up on who's firing\who spotted first.
The weapons were all generic bland shit and only a few of them were actually viable in the top meatgrind maps like metro or locker.
Most maps were absolute fucking trash, chokepoints galore where the only tactic in un-ruled servers was to spam explosives and smoke in the vane hope of killing something.
I tried playing it again recently and the game is still the same jankshit of 4 years ago, just overrun with cheaters.
I don't care about money, i care about fun, that's why i'm asking about BFV.
I've heard opinions on how BFV is very close to BF4 gameplay-wise, and i'm afraid i might not enjoy it as much as i enjoyed BF3 and BF1.
Help me bros.

>It’s a shit game that has departed far from its military sandbox roots.
It hasn't been "military sandbox" since BF fucking 3, yet most of Yea Forums drools over it and BC2.

go play arma then

I got it for free bundled with my RTX2080. It's incredibly meh, I would under no conditions recommend you to pay money for it.
I actually found BF1 to be more fun than this, at least the setting is more interesting with surprisingly good music and large battles, even if it doesn't have much to do with actualy WW1.

Why would I? I don't care for BF, I only play V because friends bought it for me, I don't play it without them.
It's a fine game for what it is but it is plagued by awful design decisions in every almost every category there is. And lack of content doesn't help.

I played beta and hated every second of it after one hour.
Just no.

Care to articulate a bit?
What's wrong?

I think the shitty advertising and Dev Twitter trash hurt the game. It still plays well. None of my friends bought it cause they're fags who play gay shit like Apex, pay for cosmetics, then switch to another game a month later and repeat the process.

game is boring and feels like a chore.
the answer is really that simple.

I have the game and can just never get into it. After BF1, BFV just feels like a cheaper copy of BF1.

>I hated BF4 because the vehicles were absolutely retarded, especially planes and helicopters.
In my experience tanks are alright in this game and planes aren't as annoying with the lack of spotting.
>The suppression was the worst at his series, with most 1v1 engagements ending up on who's firing\who spotted first.
I regularly am able to win 1v1s were the opponent fires first.
>The weapons were all generic bland shit and only a few of them were actually viable in the top meatgrind maps like metro or locker.
I think most of these weapons are bland and far too many appeared in BF1. Less meatgrinder maps but they are adding in operation metrolike soon.
>Most maps were absolute fucking trash, chokepoints galore where the only tactic in un-ruled servers was to spam explosives and smoke in the vane hope of killing something.
Explosives are less common than BF1 and you usually get a few routes to the objective.
>I tried playing it again recently and the game is still the same jankshit of 4 years ago, just overrun with cheaters.
There are still plenty of cheaters.
>I don't care about money, i care about fun, that's why i'm asking about BFV.
It's decent. It keeps everyone engaged but we also spend of the time talking shit to each other. The lack of content is disappointing and I don't like customisation.

Thanks user.
Would you advice purchasing it for 30 dollars?

Basically what said.

Not him, but I personally paid 23 bucks for it on origin a week back and I feel like I got my money’s worth, and maybe it’s just me, but I would’ve rather bought it on a console. I guess I’m better suited for controllers.

Thanks anons.
Looking forward to have some fun.

>giving money to EA
might as well call thread /cuckgeneral/

>hurr durr quit having fun

better install forgotten honor 2 for free

It plays like bf1 and looks like bf4