Will they change it?
Will they change it?
Other urls found in this thread:
You can’t change something as iconic as that
I don't know, they might concede to the waifufags.
If they did, it would be a post launch paid dlc, maybe a “what if” type expansion pack
Aeris' death was crucial to the plot because her soul reaching the planet/going to the lifestream allowed her to trigger the holy spell to counter the meteor.
If she doesn't die the meteor flat out slams earth.
let her live just to kill her off later
>"Why the long face?"
Will they change this?
To be honest, that scene always looked wonky and kind of stupid. I can't imagine current gen Sephiroth falling from heavens with that stupidly long katana of his and just doing a point pierce through the torso. If they had to remade this exact scene I imagine it would be much more brutal and gory, probably cutting her vertically in half or something idk. And obviously that would not happen.
>they might concede to the waifufags.
If that was the case here then they wouldn't have changed Tifa's look at all.
Are people really this ass blasted that she has a slightly smaller cupsize?
There's about a fifty fifty they add to it and whatever they add to it is dumb as hell. Like, she'll give a whole speech while impaled, or maybe her ghost will fly up and wave at Cloud. You know. Dumb shit.
people are mad because the tits are slightly smaller and because of the design
honestly I don't think it would've been a problem for more than a day or two if Nomura didn't mention the "ethics committee" or whatever the fuck
>"because of the ethics department"
Probably the most useless department in a videogame studio you can have.
That and the entire outfit, gook face, black void under the skirt, lack of muscle, worse haircut, et....
>You can’t change something as iconic as that
That's where you're wrong, kid
>Then 5 minutes later Cloud realizes he could have used a phoenix down.
I don't think Phoenix Downs actually revive dead people
Do dead bodies sink?
>make characters realistic proportioned
>breasts become realistic proportioned (though still big) as a result
This is probably the biggest non-controversy to ever hit Yea Forums
She might receive Luis from RE4 treatment.
Yep her tits will be gone,
as with tifa
fuck sjws
>Beautiful women with big breast don't actually exist
Oh, boy. Here we go again.
>anything smaller than muh gross titcow isn't big
I swear to god you retards dont even play the games
>gross titcow
Anything less than cowtits isn't Tifa.
Mark my words. Extreme slo mo.
Yeah, I can see it.
you guys are really over exaggerating her design changes.
This. Honestly she’s bigger than I expected she would be. Still smaller than I would have hoped for, but honestly I think things worked out fairly well. And I say this as someone who jacks off to piyokorota stuff, I’m not some dfc loving basedboy
I doubt it,
but I wonder if they will move it closer to where it was originally.
She was supposed to die far closer to the end of disk 2, but due to time reasons they changed it to the end of disk 1, this is why if you hack her back into your party after she is dead, she will still have dialogue well into disk2.
They're not going to change it because her death isn't even one of the biggest reveals of the game
Extreme slow-mo and Indian soap opera camera editing
>I can't imagine current gen Sephiroth falling from heavens with that stupidly long katana of his and just doing a point pierce through the torso.
Why? What sounds so weird about that?
You know we're talking about a JRPG right?
Would you be ok with her dying at a different later point in the story instead?
Oh I didn’t know that, that’s neat. Does she say anything noteworthy or is it just standard reaction dialogue stuff
>yfw they keep the "you have to control Cloud about to kill her" scene but make it way slower and heartwrenching
Originally, yes. But it's funnier to think Cloud accidentally drowned her
The remake is toning down the anime weeb nature of the game.
she died too soon in the original anyway
standard reaction stuff, but unique to her if she is in your party.
Yuffie is kinda of the same, she has dialogue far before its possible to get her in your party
Is that why Cloud is still wielding a giant Guts sword and you fight a robot crab?
No she didn't, that was the perfect point for her to die
she is cute, user. You just sound very salty
they will create a branch for the games, you can buy the "original route", or the "love route".
>artistry designed thot cleavage
Can't wait for the $5 Zombie Aerith DLC so you can keep using her after she's dead in the story
Yuffie is always a riot to have around
It's fucking Yea Forums, would you expect anything else?
Will they change it?
It would be more awesome if we got a DLC a la night of the living dead
I would quite like it if they just kept the comical stuff in.
Especially Red disguising himself as a soldier
there will be blood if they do
Which is funny because it'll just come off as more ridiculous and silly
>Carry Armor appears on screen for the first time
>Yuffie thinks it's a crane game
Fucking hell I forgot about this.
I love nuTifa
her bowels will unloosen like a real life corpse, which will add +5 points to both your Tifa and Yuffie romance scores
*Phoenix Tail
I cried at Minwu's death, get on my level
uhh sweaty, it is Aeris
>posting big tits to complain that there are no big tits
based AND paradoxpilled
I think the whole point is that she's trying to return to the planet, through some magic or something.
She has to die in order for the planet to be saved. Are you people fucking stupid?
Based on Japanese mythology?
Do people actually believe that edited pic of Aerith?
Technically, the only reason Holy didn't work is because they were too late. If they were on time, which they probably would be if she was still alive, everything would've been fine.
I want Cloud and Tifa to have sex as soon as Aerith dies so they can celebrate life
>complaining over NT Tifa
mega faggot
They are not going to change it, but there will be a quest to resurrect her.
Absolutely yes
I want to see the "hugging all night" scene in glorious HD
>but there will be a quest to resurrect her.
just imagine all the raw emotions
People aren't talking enough about how the in-battle banter will probably be totally different depending on who's in your party
How exactly are they going to prevent someone from going to Level 99 in the first chapter and just sweeping the rest of the series?
What part of so-called Japanese myhtology has gay ass Gackt looking twink with an oversized sword fighting a robot crab?
>twink using giant ass swords to fight oversized animals
that is pretty much most of jap mythology.
wait how can you have yuffie at this point
That's still anime Japanese nature
Because if they're going for 'muh realism' kind of style, the force and speed of Sephiroth falling down from such high point would actually cut Aerith in half from the point of the pierce following down her spine and through her ass. She would be cut in half.
Nu-anime isn't Japanese mythology. Actual Japanese mythology involves actual looking Japanese man that don't look like weird dykes.
you don't know shit about mythology, stupid underage weeb
>weird dykes.
So Japanese men
>he thinks that 21st century anime is Japanese mythology
>posts a show that shits on Japanese mythology
Nukes happened.
i was willing to forgive the episodic release
i was willing to forgive charging full price for 1/4 of a game
i was willing to forgive covering up barrets chest
i was willing to forgive honeybee inn censorship
but they fucked with tifa
this game is no longer worthy of attention, not for true fans, not for anyone
i wont even be pirating this insult of a game
That's the point, user.
They’re not going for that much realism.
Stop complaining over my wife you swine
she should get a limit break that's like that one move from that Samurai Skeleton in tekken
It'll just have a bunch of cringy as fuck voice acting now.
Literal braindead waifufaggot.
Doesn't he stop right before?
Why do you want to change a perfect plotline?
>just listen to ff characters perform in KH
Stupid brainlet. All they have to do is make Sephiroth's sword even longer so he can stab her original style, without even jumping and with her wound finally making sense.
Name one FF with realism?
They're just selling it for new audiences who never played FF7 before. This is SE they love edgy shit like the one you describe.
what would even be the threat in the game if Aeris lives? There would be no tension at all.
aerisdiesdotcom is still online
ignore him he is clearly braindead and baiting
Tifa dies instead? Barret dies? Don Corneo dies?
My point is that after Aeris dies the situation seems to be hopeless since she was the last cetra, which meant that there was no chance for the party to activate Holy anymore. The moment when Tifa wakes up in Junon and we are presented with Meteor, would have no impact at all since Aeris was around to cast Holy in time
prove it
>replaying FF7
>it's boring as shit
>never any real difficulty or danger
>just tediously going from one plot point mashing X to the other
>the story and characters are generic and bland too
Why is it so loved again? Both 6, 8, and 9 are all so much better.
this is now a tranny thread. post tranny cock
Of course they will. Either you can save Aeris because fuck the story, or you can buy the DLC that puts her in your party even though she's supposed to be dead. Also Barret will not punch Biggs into the screen, or have any emotive tantrums because he's cool and smooth and wears sunglasses at night.
>Yo lil Cloudy!
>Nomura already confirms he’s added his own gay OCs to the game
>Watchers of Fate
You’re going to fight fate and save Aerith from dying, just watch.
>Aerith dead
>Holy can't be activated anymore
>Cloud went postal and disappeared
>it's not even clear if he wasn't just some Sephiroth clone
>begged Hojo to at least give him a number
>Hojo just tells him his is a failure and to fuck off
>Weapons are lose
>Sephiroth actually managed to complete the Reunion and waits for meteo in the North cave
>waking up to a fucking lava rock as big as the moon flying towards earth
CD2 was a pretty wild ride
I want to choose between Aeris and Jessie. Like which one died at the start of the game and which one in the forgotten city
She will still die. But they will have hours of psuedo intellectual babble and "symbolism" in cutscenes leading up to it. None of which add anything to the scene.
Then, you'll have the option to revive her. For the low low price of $39.99 DLC. And after reviving her, she's just someone on your party who doesn't interact with any of the story. She's just a tag along.
that would make zero sense
that's pretty depressing
The absolute perfect cut off point for Episode 3 would be the scene where Tifa wakes up. Barrett opens the window, you see Meteor and Weapon, and then cut to black.
SE just can make up some shit
VII is such a fantastic game
Did you forget Barret pulling his gun on Cloud in the trailer?
You forgot how 3/4 the disk is just filler side quests and dialogue. If Disk 2 took all that out and just had the relevant plot scenes you described, it would be fine.
>You’re going to fight fate and save Aerith from dying, just watch.
Yay, Final Fantasy copies the Chrono series for the 10th time.
>just tediously going from one plot point mashing X to the other
>the story and characters are generic and bland too
But this is all wrong
The whole Cloud going crazy in Whirlwind Maze is kino as fuck and it annoys me how little it's talked about compared to Aerith' death
Maybe it'll be a meta commentary about despite all of the people who want her saved she never will be
I just got to this part for the first time the other day. I nearly died laughing.
Can someone screencap all these retards who think you'll be able to save her?
Because it takes more effort to explain and doesn't have any memetic qualities
Stop this shit
Before I played FFVII, the only things I knew were Midgar, cross-dressing, Aerith dies, Aerith had a bf and memes about Sephiroth wanting his mommy. And like none of that scratches the surface of the twists in the game
Screencap yourself. This is remake, bay bay.
This is also needless doomposting baybee
ditto but I'd say that knowing that Aerith dies more than scratched the surface. I just finished the game for the first time a couple weeks ago
But it's the truth, bay B.
Well Aerith dying is Darth Vader is Lukes' father tier at this point
Yeah just like how they were going to keep Cloud's KH/AC personality
The game is long for us to judge how Cloud is now. Do we need a reminder on 2015's trailer in which he was pure emo-chan like in KH/AC? Exactly.
going from the demo Cloud seems to be a cocky little nigga, which is drastically different from his muh darkness phase around the time KH was released
Nomura is in charge of the game. He wasn't the one who decided to have Aeris die. So he could very easily write some KH level bullshit story reason to revive her. I don't think he should, but it's a full remake that's going to take a decade to finish.
And it doesn't really change anything in the story if Aeris gets revived and uses Holy as a living being. Hell, they could even change the story so she sacrifices herself using Holy at the end of the game, rather than dying in a meaningless scene in the ancient ruins. Then you get to use her the whole game, her death has more of an impact and her story connection in AC isn't ruined. But since this is Square we're talking about, they won't go through all that effort. Yuji Horii would do it, but not Nomura.
>Do we need a reminder on 2015's trailer
Where he was saying the same lines as the original game?
pretty sure he was the one who pitched the idea
>her death has more of an impact
Her death had an impact when it happened already. It was so shocking because it wasn't the generic "sacrifice at the end of the story" like everything else does. You just want your waifu to live over the narrative story.
It will get XV treatment. They will throw her death scene in garbage just like they threw the ending of original XV in the garbage (which was the only good thing about it). Then, they will have everyone happy in the end after beating final villain, the end.
You can if you want money. Square did with DQ already, they can do it to FF as well.
>And it doesn't really change anything in the story
It would change the entire tone of the game. One reason why her death is so shocking is because at that point in the game the party doesn't know she was able to activate holy. We are left to believe that everything is over since she isn't there anymore to pull some cetra trickery to save the day
Kitase and Nomura already confirmed that the main storyline will stay unchanged
>He wasn't the one who decided to have Aeris die.
Yes, he was. It's his most notable contribution to the original game and arguably his biggest contribution to video games period.
Why wouldn't you want to see her get impaled in glorious HD quality?
>Her death had an impact when it happened already.
It really didn't, because there's no build up to it. It's just a random event. So random, Aeris herself points it out in her going away dialogue in Cloud's head. At bare minimum, they need to give her more development besides "I have a feeling but no plan, bye Cloud!"
>It was so shocking because it wasn't the generic "sacrifice at the end of the story" like everything else does.
FFIII, IV and V had already done it to death. Aeris' death is literally just a retread of Aria in FFIII. Their names are similar for a reason.
>You just want your waifu to live over the narrative story.
I prefer Tifa anyway, dumbass. Because she gets more development and grows into a good character. Aeris didn't get enough. Which is why I'm advocating for the remake to fix that.
>It would change the entire tone of the game.
But the remake is already doing that with the myriad of changes it's already making.
>One reason why her death is so shocking is because at that point in the game the party doesn't know she was able to activate holy.
They also didn't know what Holy was. They find that out many hours into Disk 2 thanks to Cloud's trip in the lifestream. It is possible that Aeris is the one telling Cloud this stuff in the lifestream. And that Aeris learned what Holy is/how to use it while merged with the lifestream. However, the game doesn't actually tell us that. Hopefully the remake will clear that up.
If they could learn how to use Holy from Cloud interacting with the lifestream, then Aeris doesn't need to die. It basically becomes like FFX where Yuna doesn't need to go through with the pilgrimage.
>Aeris' death
>the biggest contribution in video game history
My god, 22 years later and FFVII babies still haven't played any other RPGs.
You are actually illiterate. Reread my post.
It is a remake, not a retelling
After she gets beaten by Cloud and runs of. Tifa says to Cloud that they have to find Aeris because if something happens to her they all are fucked. It was clearly stated that they needed
>But the remake is already doing that with the myriad of changes it's already making.
There's a difference between tone like "slightly less comedy" and narrative tone
...nigga dont do this to yourself...
You didn't even quote his text properly. Like you actively rewrote what he said
She will die (And that's a good thing)
>At bare minimum, they need to give her more development
Wow, it's a good thing the Midgar section is going to be longer than 4-5 hours this time for things just lik ethis
I bet you are an 8fag
DLC can retcon stuff.
Look at the DLC and Novel for XV that retconned Ardyn into being a good guy and Bahamut being the real bad guy.
Perfectly unnecessary and just reeks of fanfiction
Ardyn was already portrayed as a very misunderstood villain in the original
>DLC can retcon stuff.
Well let me know when we get story rewriting DLC
>We got a Vincent spinoff
>A Zack spinoff
>Even a fucking Turks spinoff
>No Palmer Isekai spinoff
>Bahamut being the real bad guy.
why is Baha such a chad?
>Ardyn was already portrayed as a very misunderstood villain in the original
I saw him as a guy who used everyone he could (like the Empire) just to get his revenge against the bloodlines of the Oracle and King. What about that was "misunderstood"?
>Well let me know when we get story rewriting DLC
I meant for FF7R you dumbfuck
Despite the fact that he is basically Cain for the rest of eternity for a bullshit reason?
Not a DLC per say, but did you forget crisis core and the whole fuckery going on there? Fuckery that nobody needed, or wanted?
Of course they can make some AU stuff. They could bring back or some shit but why would they do that? It changes so much and takes away from the story and it's emotional moments. It would be literally SOULESS
If he didn't want to fuck over the world with Starscourge just because the gods liked his brother over him, then he wouldn't be in this situation.
Crisis Core didn't actually change the main story though. It's not like we were supposed to be like "Seph did nothing wrong"
It's funny how ass blasted people get when you meme about it.
No, aerith's character is worthless beyond that point in the story. Tifa takes up her spot in the second half once cloud's memories start coming back
We live in Bizarro world, user. Everyone took the blue pill. I'm with you, though. FF7 is so tedious and forgettable. Every FF from 4 to 10 is better, IMO.
Crisis Core is a good example of what to expect. They will add a lot of OC shit, but the core parts of the story will stay the same. Zack dies, Cloud turns into a potato, Sephiroth goes insane.
Well he wouldn't of done that if he wasn't cucked by his brother and tortured for ions
>There's a difference between tone like "slightly less comedy" and narrative tone
And the FFVII Remake is doing far more than just "slightly less comedy." Just the addition of voice acting and the switch to more realistic graphics is going to change so many things down the line, you don't even realize it yet. I still think they're going to remove stuff like dolphin jumping, Red XIII wearing a uniform, half the mini games and so much more.
But there's also lots of main story points which weren't fully fleshed out. Either because the translation was bad or because it relied on a visual cutscene that the blocky models couldn't portray accurately. So people created their own narrative in their head. This remake is going to go against your head canon, clearing up any confusion of the story with detailed models and clear context in spoken dialogue. There's going to be a LOT of hardcore FFVII fans who are pissed that their interpretation of the game over the last 20+ years was wrong. And like it or not, that not only changes the content of the story, but the tone of the game as well.
you are delusional
>It's his most notable contribution to the original game and arguably his biggest contribution to video games period.
Pretty sure his biggest contribution to video games is either the design of Tifa or creating Kingdom Hearts. Not Aeris' dying, which as I already pointed out, is just a retread of a trope Final Fantasy does in almost every game.
>in almost every game
ETA until we get that scene?
jpop will play during the entire scene*
*On the japanese version, the western one will feature a licensed song by the famous singer Ariana Grande
>you are delusional
The irony when you're deluding yourself to avoid the truth.
FFII, III, IV, V, VI, VII, X, XIII, XIV all have a character who dies in the same way Aeris does. And there's probably other examples I'm not even remembering. FF does it so often, I just roll my eyes and forget about it when I see it. Especially after playing FFIV, when half the fucking cast does it. And it's laughable people are so adamant that they won't bring back Aeris when FFIV exists.
Speaking of Crisis Core...
Since it's get into remake's canon judging by whole Zack quote that Sephiroth did, will the BEST BOY return as well?
Nobody dies in 6.
unless you consider General Leo which, lmao.
Is the remake really being released in parts? Everyone keeps saying it is, but none of the recent stuff they've released would suggest this
>believes Aeris will live
>calls other people delusional
That was the original plan and the tralier only showed midgard.
I think they will go a little farther though.
They will include the nibelheim flashback too, since that is the perfect place to end it.
Genesis becoming canon was the gift of the goddess the whole time
Aerith dying is more iconic than both, even if people like Tifa more.
What did CC add? Jehovah project had 2nd brand? That doesn't change the course of FF7O.
You might be sarcastic about that, but there are people out there who unironically liked this faggot.
They will find a way to shoe horn Genesis into the FF7 remake. It would give them a lot more padding to add into the game if they can throw in plot points from Crisis Core.
in the remake, if you talk to all NPCs not necessary to talk to up to that point in reverse order of appearance, Cloud will be able to save Aerith
>it doesn't count because they're an NPC
The death of his wife and child is suppose to have the same impact. And it did. I'd argue it has more of an impact. Because it had proper build up. It wasn't just random like Aeris.
Hopefully the FFVII:R will improve Aeris' death with a proper build up and not just vague dialogue in a dream. It's stupid because Cloud and co are all trying to find Sephiroth anyway. So there's no logical reason for Aeris to go off on her own, aside from a vague "I don't want to put you in danger" excuse. But if Aeris really felt that way, she wouldn't have joined the team from the start.
They could easily have it so Aeris "has a feeling" about the Ancient Ruins. But instead of running off in the middle of the night, she tells the team and they go there together. Then Sephiroth pops up out of nowhere and stabs her like before. It makes no sense to have the team split up in the first place, since her death only triggers when you reach her at the spot in the ancient ruins. The entire stupid sequence was set up like that just to create a cinematic cut scene of her alone on a pedestal. The remake should fix this.
Aerith has to die, since it would be too sad to see her ending up alone after Cloud and Tifa become a thing
>believes Aeris will live
Literally not reading my posts.
she got beaten up by Cloud after that fucker gave away the black materia. At this point running off wasn't such a bad option anymore
How in the hell is he delusional? I have a very vivid and expanded headcanon about what is going on in VII, which makes every replay wonderful. A headcanon that I'm absolutely convinced Square-Enix won't even remotely equal. I in fact have about five distinct interpretation canons, which all grant me different types of fun, if only as a completionist. VII alone, VII alone with twisted characters, VII+Last Order+Before Crisis+an interview, all of the above+Advent Children+Dirge of Cerberus+Crisis Core+all the novels and all of the above+X-2 connection.
When you've drawn far reaching implications from mere word choices, a Remake will never equal the satisfaction. It will be alien and underwhelmingly standard.
I just feel like that'd be odd if it's still the plan and they haven't mentioned it
If it is though, it'll probably be a pass from me until it goes on sale
Not paying $60 for each part
Aerith actually goes onto the journey in lifestream to stop Sephiroth after life. It's in her shortstories
FF7R could tackle this area but I'm not sure if it'd become distraction. The story is just her and bunch of dead characters
what a autistic post
Genesis is LOVE
Genesis is LIFE
Genesis a CUTE
I want to have sex with Genesis in the doggy position for the sole purpose of being a faggot.
nigga u gay
>she got beaten up by Cloud after that fucker gave away the black materia.
More of your broken head canon. Cloud never beat up Aeris. And why would he beat her up for something he did?
>Nomura we need another Gackt clone in our game
>Say no more
t. Nomura
>Cloud never beat up Aeris
After the temple of the ancients.
Did you play the fucking game?
Yuffie is truly best girl, lol
I still believe Crisis Core's third greatest crime is ruining Genesis and the only Genesis that is worthwhile is in Dirge of Cerberus. Even if his gimmick of seemingly "being Sephiroth's brother" is insultingly simple, he still had potential to do important stuff, because Sephiroth was a very active participant in the plot of the original. As such after your fury subsides in some year, you're left with mild interest. Now all of that is gone.
The only good thing about Genesis is him having the best Job in Final Fantasy, Mystic Knight. A job that made no sense in FFVII and is thus striking, but since he also follows the Goddess, it's even thematically appropriate Job for him and not just a source of a cool fighting mechanic.
They'll obviously need to change the scene. Sephiroth outright killing Aeris is FAR too unethical for modern day gamers. Instead of a longsword, Sephiroth will instead be armed with a strongly worded conversation about the legitimacy of global climate change and the current rate of airborne diseases plaguing society as a result. Aeris will be so moved by this factually sound information, forcing her to withdraw from the conflict entirely, where she will return to her home unabated by Cloud's pleas and never return.
Reminder that SE thought that this fag will be so loved by fans that they would start making games about him as protagonist. Never forget that blunder.
>Did you play the fucking game?
Ah yes, the eternal defense for the head canon FFVII fans. Please provide proof where Cloud hit Aeris.
>it's just some retarded Aerisfag who tries to push his fanfiction
he beat her up, even in one of the Ultimanias that scene is described as Cloud doing something unforgivable to Aeris
>buy a game thinking it's going to be about Zack
>end up getting a story about Cloud, Sephy and a gay angel
>even fucking Yuffie gets more attention than Zack
This guy single-handedly ruined CC for me. I thought it was fun until this guy and his melodramatic poetry and muh Gift of the Goddess kept droning ON AND ON AND ON.
At one point I thought he was going to snap out of it, or perhaps reveal some greater motive behind his actions, but nah he's just a fucking brainwashed faggot.
dumb Aerisfag
It is aerith
Then you won't struggle to post a source for it.
You betcha. I fucking love FFVII and have completed it 36 times even though it's only my fourth favorite FF. Although I'll add here that I find it the most compelling and complete alone.
How good is ffx?
>I'm autistic and proud!
jesus, user
>Played 36 times
Seek help
be one with the BLITZBALL
>36 times
a bit much don't you think?
why are ff niggers so autistic?
Playing it as a tradition adds up.
>Put the Jenova boss BEFORE the death
>Make it a faux-timed mission: Kill Jenova before it kills Aerith
World Design
Half the music
Half the characters
The other half of the characters
The other half of the music
how bad is the story?
It was a dream the whole time
Tifa was unethical from the very beginning. They need to remove her from the game altogether.
This scene you fucking retard. After. The. Temple. Of. The. Ancients.
Are you actually dense, or am I being baited right now?
FFVIIR: Midgar
FFVIIR: Exiting Midgar to End of Disc 1
FFVIIR: Endgame
This may be an exaggeration but it really isn't even that far off. Her new design is vastly inferior to the left one either way.
It would take multiple posts to explain. But basically, it's suppose to be "Tidus' Story" but 80% of it focuses on Yuna. And Yuna's story is made irrelevant because of the events in Tidus' story.
Okay...where's Cloud beating up Aeris?
It's more ethical, which is what we epic gamers want.
>Second isn't "METEOR WARS"
There's no way there won't be at least five parts, if they expanded Midgar, that took ten percent of the game into a full game. We're not seeing the end of this Remake until 2030, in the unlikely case that Square-Enix doesn't abandon it as unprofitable.
Secondly the first disc ended at the 40% mark, so dividing the parts to those three is insanity.
I got my answer, have fun with the thread
I have a hard time believing that they will end it at midgard.
I honestly just don't see it.
nobody waifu's aerith, she's so ugly and has no personality
So you have nothing, got it.
ah yes, the r-word
Nah, it means you go almost as much time not having her as having her. There’s a reason death usually comes toward the end, to avoid this
Yes, it turns out FFVII fans don't want realism. They wanted the anime look the original game had. Square is remaking the game to be more "realistic" (grounded) in design because they want to draw in new fans. The FFVII hardcore fans will buy it no matter what, just because it's FFVII.
nice mobile image retard
I dunno, I see it having 3, 4 games max:
FFVIRI: Midgar
Just Midgar
FFVIIR-2: Resistance
>Eastern Continent (includes Kalm expansion, Fort Condor, Junon, and the first Jenova fight)
FFVIIR-3: Revelations
>Western Continent (includes Costa del Sol, Corel, Nibelheim, Gold Saucer, ends on Aerith's Death)
FFVIIR-4: I can't think of a subtitle
>Mostly endgame content, "finish the fight"
Her death causes a tonal shift. Disc 2 is way less comedic than disc 2 and eventually her deatth and memory form the motivation for everyone else
>nobody waifu's aerith, she's so ugly and has no personality
All three of those statements are very wrong. Though the first is the least inaccurate. I practically can't believe you would say the latter ones, unless you're referring to the Aerith in most of the Compilation and especially in Crisis Core.
absolut retarded tier
i'm referring to aerith, the person
unless she's a different person in the other ff7 games, that's who i'm talking about
she's so bland and unattractive it's crazy
Aerith goes from having ennui about her role as the last cetra to doing what the last cetra should do. I agree her sacrifice is awkwardly placed (apparently disc 2 was the original plan) but that is development for a character who is only around half of the game.
It’s a lot more than what Tifa or many other characters go through which is basically just related to their particular subplot
>implying that the underage newfags have any idea what that means
Something about her is very dubious. She sells flowers at night and immediately threw herself at Cloud the moment they meet. At some point they imply she knows Cloud impersonating Zack and very flirtatous toward him but never explain why.
Tbf both Tifa & Aerith are undeveloped but at least we know Tifa is autistic & shy despite of her look.
They should better be flesh out Aerith character in F7R
You didn’t play the game if you think this lol
stop asking questions user...
Aerith doesn’t throw herself at Cloud. They get tangled up in each others problems and she’s interested but in a fairly normal way. And his mannerisms being similar to Zack’s made her curious about him, which makes sense
yikes, looks like you're wrong
>Her death causes a tonal shift.
I'd argue you'd get the same tonal shift with Cloud being turned into a vegetable, the team being disbanded and METEOR barreling down on the planet.
>Disc 2 is way less comedic than disc 2 and eventually her deatth and memory form the motivation for everyone else
But they hardly ever remember her or mention her. They also have very odd tonal shifts back to comedy at various times in Disk 2. One minute you're watching a dramatic scene with Tifa and Cloud. The next you're watching a silly Turks or Yuffie scene. It's a mess. And none of this is really impacted by Aeris' death. She just gets mentioned a couple times in dialogue, then shows up in the final scene. So...why not just have Aeris sacrifice herself in the final scene?
He doesn't hit her aside from shoving
You make me think of Zack's death. In the original game he basically dies like a nobody bitch. In that PSP game he is so awesome cool killing thousands before those meanie bastards finally kill the epin hero. Zack also wasn't nearly as important to the original like he was made in all FFVII media afterwards. Yeah Cloud took his sword and his gimmick but there wasn't really this impression left on the player that Could respected him that fucking much or that Zack was anything much more special than what was presented.
This entire conversation is "will Aerith still die". There's no other way to interpret that. It either happens or doesn't which will fundamentally change the story
the bitch literally offers him a date the second she meets him and won't let him leave even when he says he wants to go back to sector 7. She is pretty cock crazy
I think they cannot use Genesis legally
Actually she thinks Cloud is a liability. Tells him not to “have a meltdown” in the dream convo
>absolut retarded tier
>Sweden thinks they're funny
The date was her being savvy because she wanted him to extract her from the Turks boxing them in.
Did you play the game?
She jokingly proposes a date, and she only stays with him because she feel indebted
>It’s a lot more than what Tifa or many other characters go through
Oh look,this guy again.
>He thinks there's only going to be 3 parts
The problem you repeated is ending anything at the death of Aerith that late into the parts. It's really only 16 hours into a 39 hour game. There's huge amounts of stuff after her. Icicle Inn, Great glacier, Gaea's Cliff, Crater, Junon, Mideel, Fort Condor, North Corel, Lifestream, Junon reactor, Rocket Town, (Quick trip to Cosmo Canyon), City of the Ancients, Midgar and Northern Crater. Plus all the side quests.
Who cares, the ethics department is in charge of the game now.
I hope you like your butchered crossdressing section.
No, the tonal shift happens beforehand.
And like I said, the placement of Aerith’s death is awkward. And the idea that they wanted to do it in disc 2 explains why nobody mentions it until disc 2 is almost over
>and has no personality
Wanna guess how I know you haven't actually played the game
Nigga, have you seen Tifa?
That's literally the only conceding they needed to do and they still didn't.
Why do you want Aerith to live so bad?
It is. You never argue against it, you sort of just erect arbirtary reasons it’s not good enough.
>This entire conversation is "will Aerith still die".
No. People have made many tangential comments. I have also said many times that Aeris should die. I just want more development behind her death. I also think Aeris could sacrifice herself at the end of the game using Holy, since it leads to the exact same outcome. But I don't think Square will do this.
its not the same as knowing that they lost the last cetra who was able to stop Jenova and Sephiroth. Take your waifu glasses down for a sec user. Having Aerith around would take away a iconic moment from the game and also a lot of the tension
Video link of this?
>finally decided to play through FF7 after ignoring it all these years despite playing several FF games
>mfw aerith and cloud have 0 intimiate moments outside her death which is most likely fueled by his delusions of Zack
>mfw a big portion of the second disc is Tifa connecting with Cloud on a personal level, both currently and in the past
why do people even push cloud and aerith?
>I played the game
>I just have basically the same opinions as someone who didn’t
Really saved face there
>You never argue against it, you sort of just erect arbirtary reasons it’s not good enough.
I've posted many times how Tifa gets more development than Aeris. You just plug your ears and go "B-but ennui and peppy personality!" Then ignore all my points. So I'm not going to even bother posting them all again.
forgot my face
I got through this scene a few days ago, he starts pounding but it may either be her or the ground near her, it's unclear
Because that theory is wrong. He doesn’t believe he is Zack at all and Aerith even says he’s not the same person outside of superficial mannerisms
They act nothing alike, all Cloud knows of Zack is some stories Zack told him about directly
-How do I even know that's you?
-How could someone who's played the game say some dumb shit like "she has no personality" when one of the biggest concerns about Aerith going into FF7R is if she will retain her personality compared to everything else she's been in since
>36 times
I've completed Pokemon gen 1 around that many times and a couple of Genesis games about that many times.
I know he doesn't believe he's Zack entirely but he has impressed his life onto his own. That said even with that Tifa and Cloud spend way more time together
How does she have no personality?
Good. Because Tifa’s development is the same qualitatively. Tifa’s is more obvious yes because there’s a glorified cutscene centered on it but Aerith’s still exists.
>if you are arguing Aeris should get more development, you just think she's you're waifu!
>already said multiple times I like Tifa more
Not even going to respond to anyone else who uses this as their argument.
>I have also said many times that Aeris should die.
You want her to die at the end of the game, not where she's supposed to die
>I just want more development behind her death
Well luckily they're expanding the whole game
Shipperfags. Also, the game had romance dialogue options which led to a date scene so waifufags.
>-How do I even know that's you?
stop backpedalling, it's pathetic
Not him but I call bullshit on this. Explain more. I don't remember this at all. It was clear Tidus was a manifested dream and then disappears at the end of X.
waifuniggers will be waifuniggers
They will change it so that Cloud kills her under mind control
Screencap this
To be fair, it’s a little unfair to aerith to use that metric.
The game has a love triangle and Cloud had feelings for both. One dies and he grows closer to the other but his relaionship to both is important toward the resolution.
His relationship to Tifa fixes his brain, his relationship to Aerith forms the motivation to stop Seph and save the world.
The waifu war is dumb because it tramples on the obvious reason both girls are in the game.
You’re talking to two different people and you’ve never defended your assertion.
>get to sit and look at tits all day
>probably watch porn 24/7 as "reference"
>get to troll video game virgins by demanding they shrink tits and asses
But you also want to fundamentally change the story
>stop backpedalling
You didn't even respond to the real question
Actually cloud and aerith flirt a fair bit in their scripted convos. It’s not a big romantic moment like Cloud and Tifa have (which makes sense, it’s more climactic and near the end) butto say there’s nothing going on between Aerith and Cloud is just the opposie stupidity
That would actually be the good kind of change but then Cloud wouldn't have any redemption
I'll take a "titcow" any day over some flat chestie who projects her insecurities onto fictional characters
funny, because both of you said the exact same shit and both got proven wrong
see and so yes, you're both backpedalling
I've been expecting that for a while. The leftover guilt over beating her up without apologizing isn't enough in modern times to "sell the emotion." Which is a shame, because that humane non-disproportionate guilt lifted hers to the best death scene in the franchise. I guess Josef will claim the throne in the future.
>The waifu war is dumb because it tramples on the obvious reason both girls are in the game.
I mean, this is the same place who thinks the only point to Tifa's character is her boobalies
Are you at least going to address the actual question >-How could someone who's played the game say some dumb shit like "she has no personality" when one of the biggest concerns about Aerith going into FF7R is if she will retain her personality compared to everything else she's been in since
because she is more beautiful than she has ever been now
Yea we talked trash “did you play the game”, you’ll live. You still have the exact same opinion as people who play KH or other spinoffs and never the original.
I don't think they would even have Cloud beat her up, they'd just have him shove her really really hard and dramatic like
>You want her to die at the end of the game, not where she's supposed to die
You're arguing there's a "tonal shift" by her dying earlier. And I already pointed out how that tonal shift happens whether or not she dies. Her death doesn't add anything to the tone except making it happen about 5 hours earlier. It doesn't add to the story and, like multiple people have pointed out, her death isn't even remembered for most of the rest of the game. They randomly bring it up once on the mountain at the end of Disk 1 and then again in the airship at the end of Disk 2.
Her death only has relevance to the plot at the very end, when she casts Holy from the lifestream. So...why couldn't she just do that as a living person? Clearly its because the dev team decided to have her die. But again, her death just comes off as "we need to have a character die to tug at the players heart strings" and not something that adds to the story. Having a character die is not bad. But they need to develop it more. Final Fantasy has this problem in multiple games, having a character die just because they think the game has gone too long without a major dramatic scene or the whims of the writers (FFIV did both).
>Well luckily they're expanding the whole game
Yes. And I hope they do expand on Aeris' death. But there's no guarantee they will. FF remakes have a bad habit of expanding on things that were fine in the original game and keeping the flaws exactly the same.
Well, if you think Tifa’s boobies were not important to her appeal you are delusional imo
so you have no argument then, got it
Will they actually change it so it becomes more blatant that they fucked?
Except I didn't say appeal, I said "character"
Her death is relevant to the characters’ changing motivation.
Now, of course, this can all be rewritten to accommodate her living. Or at least the timing of her death can be changed. But almost everything can be rewritten.
The subplot about Cloud’s Memories exists because they needed a way for Sephiroth to just take the Black Materia without begging the question why he does not kill the party. So they decided he is acting through proxies, including Cloud and Jenova.
And a main consequence of this is Aerith running off alone to die because Cloud is compromised and she has to act.
So we end up in a situation where you cen rewrite a lot of pivotal moments.
Her character is based in the idea that her physical appeal and personality are not what you’d entirely expect. It’s a tough call but I’m making It!
Will they change it?
Yes, they´ll make mind controlled Cloud kill her. Because Cloud... is a puppet
They didn't allow Toriyama to contribute to the one part in VII he was most in control of (Midgar) with his crazy ideas, so how are they going to allow that, when they're already not embracing the risque and zaniness?
of course they will
Aerith's death is not any of those things
Tidus gets pulled into "reality" by Auron. Right from the start, inconsistencies and plot convenience begin. He's dropped near ruins, with Auron not there to guide him, but magically Rikku and an Al Bhed ship are there to pick him up. And Rikku full on states later in the game that this ship was heading to Zanarkand.
Auron's whole goal was to get Tidus to Zanarkand in the hopes that he could learn what his father learned, repeat the events and defeat Sin. It's not much of a plan, but it's better than another pilgrimage. Instead, what happens? Tidus conveniently gets thrown off the boat and floats halfway across the world to...Besaid. That is already breaking believably. But then he meets Yuna and agrees (with is dick) to go on the pilgrimage. Once they finally catch up to Auron, Auron gets annoyed and full on says his going on the pilgrimage is a waste of time. But you do it anyway, because most of the game is world building from the pilgrimage. This is Yuna's story and it lasts 80% of the game.
You go on the pilgrimage and everyone conveniently hides all the relevant information from Tidus. Because you know, the minute they tell Tidus what's going to happen, he'll try to talk Yuna out of it. Which is...exactly what he does, 80% into the game. And this is finally when Tidus' story begins. And it invalidates the pilgrimage and Yuna's role in the story, outside of being a vehicle to seeing the world. But if Tidus hadn't fallen off the boat and reached Zanarkand without ever meeting Yuna, the spirits in the wall would have told him all the relevant information he found out during the pilgrimage.
To make matters worse, in the final battle, you find that Yuna's only purpose is to cast Aeons (don't even need all of them) on Yu Yevon to weaken him, allowing Tidus and the spirits to destroy Yu Yevon. So basically, any summoner could have joined the team and done the same job. And her love plot is also pointless.
>He doesn't believe he's Zack
Proof of this? Cloud lost his memory. Some of his flashbacks were. Zack's
He believed he was ex soldier which was wrong.
Cloud didn't believe he was Zack literally but he believed he was the 'perfect Soldier' aka Zack wannabe
>Not beacause
You had one job.
>"Hey ref, isn't it against the rules for the goalie to move the goal posts?"
They will say Aerith as a trophy waifu was fridged to develop Cloud. Especially with her new angelic personality. Square-Enix won't see the response coming like a deer in the headlights though, so the scene won't have a chance to change beforehand.
>Her death is relevant to the characters’ changing motivation.
How? Cloud is obsessed with finding and destroying Sephiroth before Aeris dies. And the rest of the team feel the same way. Aeris being killed by him doesn't change anything.
>The subplot about Cloud’s Memories exists because they needed a way for Sephiroth to just take the Black Materia without begging the question why he does not kill the party. So they decided he is acting through proxies, including Cloud and Jenova.
>And a main consequence of this is Aerith running off alone to die because Cloud is compromised and she has to act.
But she knew about that long before the Golden Saucer. So why did she pick that random time to leave?
>So we end up in a situation where you cen rewrite a lot of pivotal moments.
Agreed. That's all I've been saying. I'm not advocating her to live, just that they should rewrite parts of the story to clean up when and how she dies. Because it was made plenty clear by the developers themselves that her death was just thrown together late in development.
Josef's was pretty hard for me, for some reason.
>When they start using healing spells.
God damn, I could only imagine what ten year old Japanese child had to feel when witnessing that.
I hope this shit gets removed, cringey as fuck and served no purpose whatsoever
>So why did she pick that random time to leave?
Because Cloud beat her up. As a proactive individual, she knew she had to get out of the situation post haste and had to create a plan after. [Officially Aerith loses free will and is compelled by the Voices of the Planet to travel to the City of the Ancients without herself understanding why. (Why anyone thought this was a good idea, I don't know. It's similarly gross distortion on the game as the fact that the Jenova Cells scan Tifa's brain in the train station to construct Cloud's new identity.)]
Anyone who thinks SE would listen to SJWs screeching on twitter when it comes to something like this is a dumbass. They changed Tifa and that's one thing, but they would get so much bile and vitriol spewed at them for fucking up one of the most widely known and widely spoiled moments in video game history that it wouldn't even be funny.
Anyone who even remotely suggests that it's "sexist" or whatever the fuck and complained in a public forum would be immediately crucified. There is literally no amount of entitled pissbaby outrage that would get Square to shoot itself in the foot like that.
Because he states he only incporated what Zack directly told him. So the jdea he was copying Zack’s personality, in addition to being contradicted by them not having the same personalities, is never how that is explained.
Cloud calls himself the master of his ow illusory world and constructed his idea of a cool badass, while Zack was more mellow than that. And it just so happens Cloud’s idea of a badass is aloof and full of himself, which is how he acted as a kid when he had no friends.
And also... I didn’t make the positive claim so the burden is not on me btw
We also know Zack’s memories played no role with Aerith because we never see the white static when they are together, except for when Sephiroth is directly taking control
Sorry about the typos. Typed quickly.
Probably plan to milk the scene and make it "le major epin event". It's embarrassing how everyone acts like Aerith's death was somehow more important than Galuf's death. Or how people claim it was rare when 2 and 4 had several meaningful deaths each.
I'm not the one looking forward to a bunch of buff ugly hairy men getting into a bath with a japanese twink
wow. you must be really gay
For me, it's because the party lies to the townspeople out of shame after the fact and claim he committed suicide. Also meeting his granddaughter and would've been wife to deal with the pain of loss for those left behind. It's grounded. As I said before in the thread it's the second after Aerith for me.
I was just answering him, that yes, it's the lower left of them and that he's foolish if he thinks they won't screech.
I think we disagree a little on the idea that the writers awkwardly bungle the execution of something without it therefore being worthless. I don’t mean to imply that’s orecisely what you think but it’s the best way I can describe it
After all, Aerith’s death was moved up from dsc 2 to disc 1, which explains the staging problems you have here. But it does not mean her death loses the relevance disc 2 ascribes to it
>aeris being killed doesnt change anything
Adding more personal emotional weight to their mission and presenting them their opportunity is actually very important. Stories are not just plots after all, it’s about the resonance given
>she knew that
She knew he was messed up in some vague way. Nobody knew Seph could outright control Cloud until the Temple. It’s the first time we see that. That’s why Cloud is afraid of even following Aerith when he comes to in Gongaga
That is dumb. She clearly is aware of herself when talking to Cloud in the dream. I am fine with her trusting her senses, the Temple seemed to heighten them as she figured out Sephiroth was not an ancient and had those religious-style episodes where she was talking and learning with spirits. But that’s just silly.
You are clearly inserting your own personal bias and displeasure of the events of the game. While you are right on most of this that doesn't mean it plays out as awful as you are saying it does. And Tidus is the one who disappears from the world fag. The so called "real" world you wanted to quote is in fact Yuna's world and her story is important because she is functionally the second protagonist to the game and her "world" that you seem to eager to shit on.
Just because the story isn't exactly how you want it to be doesn't mean you get to insert stupid ass shit and try convincing people its bad or anything. Fuck out of here with that whole it could be any summoner shit you autist. That isn't how stories in anything fucking work and you completely purposefully shit on Yuna's character simply because you apparently disliked her. Thanks for wasting my time fag.
Threadly reminder Tifa is for Aerith only!
>Because Cloud beat her up.
Oh right, this event you keep referencing but can't provide an example for.
>b-but I have this super small image of Aeris lying on the ground and it hints that Cloud did something to her!
But yet the game doesn't actually say what he did, if anything. So you're creating head canon to what he did. And if he beat her up, why didn't she leave right then? Not only does she stick around, but she never even talks about him doing anything and goes on a date with him.
He’s not the guy you were replying to, I am, the explanation suggested by Aerith’s last message to Cloud suggests 1) urgency so she can’t wait for Cloud to regain consciousness 2) extrasensory guidance she can’t simply ignore in good conscience and 3) she thinks Cloud will just break down again
It’s all good enough for me. You might disagree.
Her death won't have the same impact since you know it's coming.
Also, being honest, her death is kinda meaningless when she dies mid way through the game and it only servers for shock value.
If they want her dead so bad they can just kill her near the end of the game by being a sacrifice for holy.
This would be inspired. And also show off more of what we are later told about her. There’s a lot they can do with her that got axed due to her early death. But now they have an opportunity.
>Also, being honest, her death is kinda meaningless when she dies mid way through the game and it only servers for shock value.
her death has massive thematic purpose. Why does everyone just pretend it was for shock value?
>You are clearly inserting your own personal bias and displeasure of the events of the game.
No, I'm just pointing out the events as they happen. And that certain plot points contradict with earlier ones. I didn't make any opinions about them.
>And Tidus is the one who disappears from the world fag. The so called "real" world you wanted to quote is in fact Yuna's world and her story is important because she is functionally the second protagonist to the game and her "world" that you seem to eager to shit on.
Hence why I said "reality" in quotes. I'm also not shitting on the world of Spira. I think the world building is the best thing FFX has going for it. But I was saying that a lot of the world building becomes pointless because of the plot. Tidus could essentially have skipped most of the pilgrimage (which provides the world building) if he had 1) Not fallen off the boat 2) Auron just told him what was going on at any time or 3) Anyone else had fucking told him what was going on during the pilgrimage. My point is there is a laughable string of plot convenience to delay the plot until near the end of the game.
>Just because the story isn't exactly how you want it to be doesn't mean you get to insert stupid ass shit and try convincing people its bad or anything.
I didn't insert anything. Every single thing I listed is something that happens in the actual game.
>That isn't how stories in anything fucking work and you completely purposefully shit on Yuna's character simply because you apparently disliked her.
I dislike her because of the bad writing. Not some personality issue.
>Thanks for wasting my time fag.
I warned you. But you insisted I write it all out. You're the one to blame.
It's shock value for the sake of shock value. Maybe they got away with it 1997 but in this age it's poor writing. It's not even shocking anymore since this is 22 years old story
Most people are blind by nostalgia, but her death in the original game doesn't even hit Cloud that hard and it's quickly swapped under the rubber before being brought up in the end.
Okay, you are replying to the wrong guy. But even there he’s punching her legs or some shit.
Again, she tells him to “not have another breakdown” in the dream so we don’t need abuse to give her a reason to not trust his mental state
>Cloud is being mind controlled
>Aeris completely understands he's not consciously doing it and forgives him as he's doing it
So much for that theory.
>Oh right, this event you keep referencing but can't provide an example for.
I'm not one of those guys. However the smacking sounds you hear when Cloud is flailing his arms around Aerith knocked down on the floor are usually used in punches throughout the game. Even further the third party member will always be in distress with an equivalent of "What the hell are you doing, Cloud?" rushing down fast on the edges of the hole, coming down and knocking out Cloud with a fist. All the while Cait Sith #2 says that the moment is a bad time, as in something is wrong.
>But yet the game doesn't actually say what he did, if anything. So you're creating head canon to what he did. And if he beat her up, why didn't she leave right then? Not only does she stick around, but she never even talks about him doing anything and goes on a date with him.
What in the actual fuck? This is what you're confused about? The Temple of the Ancients is after the date and Gold Saucer and Aerith does leave right after getting beaten, while Cloud is unconscious.
Nah dude, you're a waifufag to say the second most important character being axed off early would not work twice /s
All of what you said is basically repeating what the guy you're quoting said.
It hits Cloud very hard. Then disc 2 awkwardly has nobody bring it up again for a long time. Which is why I believe the claim she was supposed to die in disc 2 originally
She does forgive him in the forest. And smiles when he shows up in the capital.
And he punches her legs anyway.
She forgives him because he’s been controlled and is having a breakdown. A little different
>Oh right, this event you keep referencing but can't provide an example for.
Hang on. user, do you really think he wasn't beating her up? Your third party member punches him out to stop him. Why would they attack him otherwise?
>She does forgive him in the forest.
She tells him to really start worrying about it. That doesn't seem like forgiveness.
The smile at the altar might though, but it leaves things delightfully ambiguous, which is better.
His story was pretty done in CC, can't think of the point bringing him back to fight Cloud and co.
Maybe a character like Cisseni but not this guy.
>shock value for the sake of shock value
no it's fucking not. Aerith dying was to raise the stakes and to give the player a vendetta of their own against Sephiroth.
She forgives Tseng and is sad when he dies, I think we know what she’s like.
And appears before Cloud briefly after Seph dies
They will
On final fantasy 7 remake part 10 60$+tip
Which the characters vocalize in some form
>1) urgency so she can’t wait for Cloud to regain consciousness
But urgency based on what? She also spends more time talking in his dream than it would take to just go wake him up.
>2) extrasensory guidance she can’t simply ignore in good conscience and
The problem is she just says it's based on a "feeling" and then goes on to admit she doesn't have a plan as to what to do. Running off without a plan to meet up with a madman who can destroy her in an instant is pretty dumb. It breaks believably, even for a fantasy story. But especially since this whole time, Aeris has been staying with the party because Cloud promised to protect her. Which leads to your last point.
>3) she thinks Cloud will just break down again
This is true. And her leaving because she thinks Cloud would get mind controlled by Sephiroth is a perfectly fine explanation. But if that's the case, she should have left right after the Temple and not stayed with the team, even to go to a hotel.
But even if she leaves, she still doesn't have any plan or reason to go to the ancient ruins or seek out Sephiroth. She doesn't even know Holy exists or what she should do. I'd argue that it would be better to stay with Cloud, who is trying to find a way to kill Sephiroth, even if he's prone to being mind controlled. She could at least predict when it would happen again. But then, I'm looking at it with the benefit of hindsight.
I still contend that Aeris running off alone is just to set up a cutscene and makes no sense to the plot. Hopefully the remake can pull some magic context out that makes it work.
Yeah, we know. But it's important that it's ambiguous and non-verbal for Cloud until towards the end. You might even add that since he was so fucked in the head at the moment, that he might not even be sure after a while, if she smiled at all.
Zack was nobody and died like a bitch in the original yet they made him a legend in CC. You seriously think they won't touch Aeirth? Her death IS objectively bad for plot AND gameplay if you drop the nostalgia blindness.
Every character already has an established reason for wanting to fight Sephiroth. Aeris dying just adds another reason to the pile. Her dying doesn't add anything except a tear jerker for the audience (those that still fall for that after every previous FF game has done the same trope).
>objectively bad
because they kill a character you liked?
>Hence why I said "reality" in quotes. I'm also not shitting on the world of Spira. I think the world building is the best thing FFX has going for it. But I was saying that a lot of the world building becomes pointless because of the plot. Tidus could essentially have skipped most of the pilgrimage (which provides the world building) if he had 1) Not fallen off the boat 2) Auron just told him what was going on at any time or 3) Anyone else had fucking told him what was going on during the pilgrimage. My point is there is a laughable string of plot convenience to delay the plot until near the end of the game.
You fail to state that Tidus grew as the story unfolds. If they told him well before her pilgrimage was over his stance might have been much different. Especially if he didn't become attached to her. Maybe he would have been immature about it and said fuck that I am leaving instead. So yeah you are shitting badly on the story due to autism.
>I didn't insert anything. Every single thing I listed is something that happens in the actual game.
Except you are implying stupid shit so yeah you did insert.
>I dislike her because of the bad writing. Not some personality issue.
So looks like you are one of these fags. Tell me then you shit, give me a good example of writing/story in a game. This shit is so subjective its pathetic at this point.
Cloud was out for a few days iirc. Also, Seph is going to try using Meteor.
She says something is guiding her too. Her feelings are not just feelings, it’s like druidic esp
>mind control
Uh... the hotel and date is before the temple. She leaves right after the temple
Because the way they did it.
Basically this is proving something I said in the very beginning. That the blocky models and reliance on visuals to tell the story was unclear for some people in the original game. And the remake, with highly detailed models, will clear everything up.
The problem with this is, while it will help with some scenes like Cloud beating on Aeris, it will also destroy a lot of fans theories and headcanon in other scenes that are also unclear. A lot of the reason FFVII is still loved and talked about today is because so much of it is up to interpretation of the player. And that's going to be gone in the remake.
All the previous FF death's were heroic sacrifices (Yes even Aria/Elia unlike someone said before, she took an arrow for the Onion Kids by pushing them away.), but Aerith's was senseless unintended death on her part. So it wasn't the same trope.
Does FF8 have a better soundtrack? youtu.be
Cid absolutely did not have a motivation besides "eh, fuck Shinra". Ignoring that, the player absolutely doesn't have a emotional reason to dislike Sephiroth until that moment.
Irony: ff7 is good because it can tell you things without overtly telling you
FF7 is also bad because people have their own half-remembered interpretation biased by what characters they like or don’t like
Cid’s motivation is he’s lowkey depressed with how his life and the future turned out. Wants to recapure that adventurous spirit, etc etc
>You fail to state that Tidus grew as the story unfolds. If they told him well before her pilgrimage was over his stance might have been much different.
So you're trying to prove my ideas are speculation by...speculating yourself.
>Especially if he didn't become attached to her.
He was infatuated with her the very first time he met her. And he didn't "grow" beyond this. Even at their final point in the love story, it's still at the level of a teenage infatuation. Despite the story wanting you to believe that Yuna's love was so strong, it "willed" Tidus into existence. But this is just cinematic storytelling. In reality, the extent of their romantic connection is a couple awkward scenes of them talking together and then kissing in a pool. Even fucking Love Hina had more development than that.
>Except you are implying stupid shit so yeah you did insert.
>anything I don't agree with is invalid!
Well why didn't you just say so from the start. Could have saved me a reply.
>Tell me then you shit, give me a good example of writing/story in a game.
I already did. And your reply was
>anything I don't agree with is invalid!
So yeah. It's totally worth repeating to you.
How are you supposed to choose between Tifa and Aerith when both are great?
Yes. Though FF7 has some better individual songs, FF8 has far more good songs in total.
Post 3 songs from FF8 that are good
One ends tragically. But for me I like Aeris more for a variety of reasons, one of which is just that I like the character more and my best gfs have been relatively outgoing girls who pull me out of my shell. And she has a similar effect on Cloud.
>the player absolutely doesn't have a emotional reason to dislike Sephiroth until that moment.
Sephiroth had already killed multiple people in Midgar, two entire towns and you see his descent into madness. Him killing one more person doesn't really add anything to how much the player dislikes him. I honestly didn't have any feelings for him even at the end of the game. He's just being used by Hojo and Jenova anyway.
One dies, the other doesn't. Your choice has been made.
Why did they limit the party to 3 members for the remake? They should let you use everyone. I like all of them. I don't want to have to exclude any of them.
People who are faceless entirely, nothing to you. Stories are emotional, not about bodycount for its own sake
>just being used by hojo and jenova
Hojo himself is supplicating toward Seph at the end and says Seph’s Will is making reunion happen.
Ff9 is why
Not the guy and I think VIII's soundtrack is unironically akin to water torture, but it has exactly three to four good themes. Maybe I'm a Lion, Man with the Machine Gun, Under Her Control (Deling City) and just sometimes The Castle. FFVIII's soundtrack is absolutely horrendous.
>I already did. And your reply was
Where? What is your example of good writing and story in a video game?
Only three?
Silence and Motion
The Extreme
Timber Owls
imagine how big of a cluster fuck that would be.
On the other hand, Nomura mentioned something about having to pick specific characters to cover specific """affinities"" or whatever. So you'll probably be forced to rotate them out. If something is flying you might HAVE to use Vincent, Barrett, or Yuffie, or anyone with high magic.
>Ff9 is why
Didnt play it. Expand please.
>36 times
Good lord man. Get out of the house more.
Well they could have at least increased it to 4 party members instead of 3.
based and redpilled
Only Final Fantasy I actually like is 7. Why? And no it wasnt the first one I bought/played. 8 was. But 7 was the first one I ever saw at my uncles house.
It was super slow, especially in battles, because 4 party members was too much for the ps1
>Hojo himself is supplicating toward Seph at the end
Never does he do or say anything that hints he's being controlled my Sephiroth but rather he feels like he's the one who has the power, because he created a demigod. The typical insane scientist role.
So you're saying Cloud/Tifa's whole backstory is nothing. Okay.
Well alright but 7 remake is fast paced. Switching between 4 characters would be ok.
If they really wanted to appeal to the normal fags that like stuff like Witcher 3 then why don't they have sex scenes? Or are Jap games not allowed to do that? Are yank journalists racist against Japs?
Will they tone down the violence and bloody stuff when Sephiroth goes into shinra hq and kills a load of people?
Supplicating doesn’t mean outright controlled. It means a subservience.
To you, the player, the people of Nibel are not very important. We aretalking about the player’s pov
Maybe. The point is that in principle too many party members can be tough on console hardware
Your uncle raped your boy pussy and you're using FF7 as a way to repress the negative memory with a positive one. Now you have a bias perception of the game.
Grow up.
love hina actually has a fair amount of development, at least the comic, its just dragged out and full of tropes, but thats just kind of what it is.
This actually might happen. SE knows Aerith dying is a big emotional pull on the playerbase so they might milk it this time
I liked the military sort of music in FF8
The game is still going to have the Japanese equivalent of a Teen rating. This is part of the reason they added Leggings to Tifa's costume. Because Japanese CERO ratings system has been getting more stringent recently. Dragon Quest had to do the same thing, adding skirts/leggings/more clothes to certain costumes for characters to avoid getting a higher rating on the game. Sex is right out.
Why do they care about the jap audience? They are tiny compared to USA and EU. Jap audience means nothing.
They could get cute with it and incorporate all the fake “revival” rumors theories into it.
The part of Chrono Trigger were you get Chrono back was great due to the lessened direction. Ideally they’d copy that
>To you, the player, the people of Nibel are not very important. We aretalking about the player’s pov
And nothing makes Aeris important aside from her being a playable character and the vague idea that she is the last of her kind. And the second is not really understood until long after her death. Why don't you just admit that, at the time of her death, she isn't as impacting as you're trying to make out?
The remake could fix this by moving her death to a different point or developing her role earlier. But that's only if they want to improve things within the context of the story. Everyone playing it will already know Aeris dies, so it won't have any impact anyway.
Their not going to revive Aerith. For god sake dont be ridiculous.
I hope they change everything slightly but it still happens roughly the same way with the same impact, Sephiroth wouldn't necessarily have to stab her in the back or at the exact same instance etc that would actually be a good way of making it fresh for fans and pleasing them
>Why do they care about the jap audience?
It's 40% of all FF sales. They also tried to go for the western audience with FFXIII and XV already. Sure, they sold more as individual games. But they also didn't develop long term fans for the FF series and generated the most hate in the series history. Leading to them doing this remake of FFVII to bring back fans.
>They are tiny compared to USA and EU.
And as we've seen, people in the west who play Japanese games want Japanese games with the Japanese culture and tropes. Not a clone of Witcher 3. If they want Witcher, they'll just play Witcher. When they buy a FF game, they expect the FF tropes and style.
You’re talking to someone new here, I have not been arguing with you this whole time.
Aerith has a likable personality and you grow familiar with her, that’s all it means to like anyone in a game. You never get that with anyone else killed by Sephiroth.
Moreover on a few levels you can easily feel it’s your fault. She ran off to stop the Black Materia, she’s involved in the plot due to Cloud, you did not save or protect her in the final moments, your inability to do anything but follow Sephiroth around before then made this possible, etc.
A motivation they continued on in AC (I think, never saw it)
one of the best songs in the entire series
>Aerith has a likable personality and you grow familiar with her, that’s all it means to like anyone in a game.
Good characters have a lot more than that. You can also like characters that have a personality you hate, depending on how they're developed in the story. See The Joker in Batman or Kai Winn in Star Trek.
they would be gay as fuck if they do.
This is the company that made FFIV: The After Years, Crisis Core, FFX-2 and FFX-3. They're crazy enough to do anything. Especially with Final Fantasy, which each game tries to "top" the previous one with shock value and twists.
Square: "Heh, they'll never expect us to have Aeris live this time. We're so daring and bold."
you didn’t even know the date takes place before the Temple, nobody is interested in you trying to raise the bar. You asked why “one more body would matter” and you got an answer that differentiates that body from the rest of the pile.
The Joker has no development in his most popular incarnations, he’s fun to be vicariously bad through.
And star trek is a tv show with more time to use and does not have to prioritize things like gameplay, so it should have more character development
They deliberately avoided a heroic sacrifice in the original game. The previous games did it already.
not him but neurotypicals are a dying breed and nuero-divergent types are growing more and more every single year, in other words Gundam got it right and autism is the next evolution of human kind.
>>waking up to a fucking lava rock as big as the moon flying towards earth
You know, part of me wonders if Rufus' plan to hit Meteor with a rocket full of huge materia would have worked. I mean, even without the huge materia, the rocket itself did some major damage to it.
It makes me wonder if Cloud and his crew screwed things up for everyone. If they had just stayed out of the way and let Shinra get all 4 huge materias, it could've worked.
You can fail to get the huge materia and it still fails
They have to change that Cid minigame. He kept repeating the same 3 clues and I wanted to smack him
Will they keep this gem?
The point he's trying to tell you is that you can only grow emotionally attached to characters over time and that when they're in the limelight as playable characters, that is more likely to happen.
Like for example, the fact that Sephiroth burned Cloud's mother alive is a thing that happens in rapid succession and moreover it happened in the past. Sephiroth didn't take anything potential away from the future, Cloud, the closest link you have for his mother, remains as you knew him. In fact his mother's death is necessary for him to be as he is. This doesn't produce an emotional response in you over his mother's death (or similarly Tifa getting slashed across the breasts) until many replays in, when the brief descriptions Cloud has of her mother and how he tackles the issue gain a life of their own to move you.
Aerith is the first loss you experience, that will have blinded you by rage to the degree that the next time you consciously notice anything on the screen after Cloud says "But I am going." you've stepped onto the snowy overworld and remember nothing in-between.
>And star trek is a tv show with more time to use
FFVII has enough time for two whole seasons of TV. If they wanted to focus more on story, they could put more time into story. Which is what later FF games do. And even with many more hours of dialogue and cutscenes, the story didn't improve.
>Like for example, the fact that Sephiroth burned Cloud's mother alive is a thing that happens in rapid succession and moreover it happened in the past. Sephiroth didn't take anything potential away from the future, Cloud, the closest link you have for his mother, remains as you knew him. In fact his mother's death is necessary for him to be as he is. This doesn't produce an emotional response in you over his mother's death (or similarly Tifa getting slashed across the breasts) until many replays in, when the brief descriptions Cloud has of her mother and how he tackles the issue gain a life of their own to move you.
What your example just pointed out is there are some things which people didn't understand in the first playthrough or aren't polished enough to solicit a response from the player. And its entirely subjective which things those are. So, having come to this conclusion, can you understand that some people had that same reaction to Aeris' death? That it wasn't developed well and not impacting.
Are any of the other FF7 games worth playing besides the main one?
Advent children is really the only thing worth watching outside of the main game
some people will tell you that crisis core is fun. Personally I hate any and all expanded lore tho. FF7 was wrapped up nicely and didn't need anything else. I hate advent children and I don't care for the lore from crisis core. Gameplay is fine tho.
None of it is canon so unless you really like shitty action combat, don't bother. The remake will probably incorporate some of it anyway.
fuck truck-kun
People just don’t buy your reasons man, especially when you keep trying to change what you want to argue about
Resources are finite and games are not episodic. Games have to balance a lot lf things TV shows do not.
So her entire character hinges on her breast size, in other words. Sounds like a pretty shit character unless you're purely in it to jerk off to big anime toddies.
Will Jenova Birth, Life and Death become John Carpenter's The Thing, as originally intended?
i thought she only partially summoned it hence they have to kill sephiroth in the northern crater
No, I understand that some didn't care. And for those reasons too. I'm saying that while writing is probably the most important reason to care, that it can be substituted with time as long as it's passable and that based on these facts and how the other instances are treated, it's highly likely Aerith will be the first time the player is affected enough to hold a personal vendetta on Sephiroth and an emotional reason to kill him, which I think was what your discussion (and therefore mine) was focused on initially. The other cases are more of a history lesson and don't tie the player into the conflict.
And yes, I said it was only highly likely based on the game itself. Someone, who absolutely loves Tifa's breasts before touching the game might declare a blood oath on the spot to put Sephiroth six feet under for hurting their shape. But while this proves it's subjective, I think it's statistically and therefore objectively insignificant.
And I have always thought Aerith's death is intentionally undeveloped. It wasn't supposed to happen. It's a senseless tragedy.
Christ, it's Pyrra Boob Window Gate all over again. Why don't you idiots just go watch ACTUAL PORN if her tits are that important?
Hope they at least look different from each other this time. I’m looking forward to Hojo the most though.
Um excuse me but Crisis Core is canon. And Zack is great. Easily the best most likeable Final Fantasy protagonist by far.
sure and die hard 5 is canon but I never rewatch it talk about it or ever think about it
And she has development. The whole convo in the sleeping forest is her saying it’s her turn to protect her bodyguard.
There’s a lot of unfulfilled development left on the table, but as you say, that serves to make it all the more tragic
I don't think he's the most likable (He's in the top 4-6 area) and even though he is ridiculously likable, it only lifts him a little above a standard FF protagonist, because he's so awful otherwise.
And Crisis Core somehow managed to contradict all other pieces of the Compilation, so it shouldn't be canon just based on that and not merely because it's garbage in its own right.
I bet you think he's "the real hero of VII" even though the three other protagonists achieved much more on that front than him.
VII Zack though? Now, he was great.
It contradicts the compilation? How so? Never here this
Zack is wack
>i was willing to forgive the episodic release
>i was willing to forgive charging full price for 1/4 of a gam
you clearly still don't understand how the multi-part series will work
just get out, brainlet
for the 12094183941 time, it's not gonna be like the walking dead or life is strange
each game will gonna have it's own plot
overture from ff8 have a military tone but i've always felt like the track is telling you "PREPARE FAGGOT, YOU ARE GONNA PLAY THE GREATEST G AME EVER, WITCHES WAR AND MURDER"
Never played 8 personally. Last year I played 1 through 6, right now I'm about to fight sephiroth and be done with 7. 8 is next on my list but it always looked a little too real for my taste? Like it took itself too seriously, the characters aren't little silly chibis like 1-7, the plot is something I know nothing about. What's to like about 8? Genuine question as someone about to go into it. Should i wait for remake? I'm kind of a OG purist I like to play the initial releases for most games.
The plot in 8 is a bit *out there*
if you are an autist that has to optimize everything have to break everything as soon as possible, you are not gonna like it
If you just want to take it slowly and do stuff when you feel like it, it's pretty good
personally i think it has the best soundtrack in the entire series
Since they are doing the game in parts do you think there will be an Advent Children game?
Let's see:
Aerith's personality, Doctor Gast's importance, one wing, Sephiroth's reason to fall, all sorts of coincidental identical events with VII, that no one ever mentions there etc.
>Before Crisis
The Turk in Nibelheim can't be Nunchaku or Shuriken (Cissnei). Zack acts different.
>Advent Children
Mako was discovered 40 years before AC instead of 50 as Crisis Core claims (because both say it happened 40 years ago, but there's 9 years between them, so it can't even be a vague "It was about 40 years ago, I guess"-kinda thing.).
>Dirge of Cerberus
This one I don't remember anymore. Maybe that Weiss and Nero pick up Genesis (at least them wearing SOLDIER uniforms is wrong), because I'm pretty sure they weren't allowed to leave Deepground, and someone else brought him in. I think they're supposed to have the G genes too in their project and the timeline no longer works?
>Aerith's personality
To be fair aeris was younger, maybe something changed on her, stuff happens
>Resources are finite and games are not episodic. Games have to balance a lot lf things TV shows do not.
All the more reason not to focus so much on story. But the game did, so it doesn't get a pass when there's inconsistencies in the story. That said, we in the west can't even judge it properly because the translation is so bad. We don't even know if we got the correct story. Something as small as "let's mosey" can change an entire scene. As you can tell by some fervent fans using that one line as the basis for Cloud's entire personality.
People are also interested and motivated by different things. I was far more interested in the so called "history lessons" than a lot of the character dialogue. A lot of people were. A lot of people look at the flashback scenes or the time in Midgar as more interesting than the stuff with Cloud, Aeris and Tifa. Some people even think Cid is the best character, because they just prefer his story.
So just because you find something "objectively" insignificant, that doesn't mean other people do. On the flip side, just because I feel like Aeris isn't developed enough doesn't mean others share my view. And I've been fine admitting that. However, I still think the creators could take the knowledge and improve all aspects of the game where some fans lacked interest or understanding.
People get annoyed by that one in particular because Zack had a habit of having his paws in every little thing about the original game (like he even convinced Yuffie to hate Shinra iirc), and this was ground zero for that kind of nonsense
The only scene that matters is Cloud getting ass raped in the honey bee inn.
why are the spinoffs so agonizingly terrible?
Literally the C team in Square came up with and executed the ideas for the spin offs. And they were told they'd never be canon, so they did whatever they wanted without respecting the original source. The spin offs are basically the equivalent of every Terminator movie after 2.
Really? Thank god. Now I have a justification to not care
as someone who grew up with the game and played it countless times, i really don't get why people are mad about this of all things. We'll still get plenty of big titty hentai.
I personally find Tifa boring, as a character and love interest, no amount of boob is gonna change that.
She was still plenty proactive as a child even before Crisis Core according to VII's flashbacks. (To make it so everything that Aerith does as an adult is only mimicking Zack is pretty awful.)
I didn't speak of them being interesting or touching (they were). I spoke of them causing the first "I want to kill Sephiroth!" reaction in the player themselves and that's it. It's "Objectively insignificant" at that precise task, not in any other meaning.
In the present state of the game, Aerith's demise is the likeliest, even if it's clumsy. And sure they can try to improve things/characters, I'm not opposed to that. Cid is my favorite character incidentally.
And Before Crisis showed her as savvy and proactive
I think Before Crisis was respectful and loyal to VII, outside of three abominable parts, one of which (the reactor incident), was declared in an interview as non-valid and that officially what happened in VII happened instead.
You're missing my whole point. You just keep circling back that Aeris is the first moment when most people care about defeating Sephiroth. After I've made multiple posts talking about different people having different motivations. This is why the story has half a dozen different things Sephiroth does. Because if killing Aeris was the only thing, then not everyone would be impacted by it.