post shit maps
Post shit maps
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Why did they have to make it an island? Couldn't they just make it so that it's endless desert to the east and endless ocean to the west?
God damn GTA 5's map was such a step back. All that country space that is never used man. The city should have been bigger than it was.
Imagine the city would take more that 50% of the map
Except it's actually good.
Rockstar are retarded
Easily the best Just Cause map, retard.
Why is it a bad map?
it was online...which is really why it was designed the way it is
This. GTAV was an afterthought to GTA Online.
Worst GTA game thus far
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea
ITT: kids overwhelmed by GTAO
Such a great game.
>IV was my first GTA
>t. rockstar
go try and stiffle modding again, it went so well. I'm sure people will buy sharkcards aaaaany second now.
GTA was my first GTA
I haven't spent a single cent on GTAV, not even the game, I got it by trading hats.
>who designed this? an alien
Always gets me.
cringe and bluepilled
I liked 4 but the map in 5 is so much better it's not even a contest. City only gets very old very fast. The only GTA with a map that could be argued to be better than 5 is SA, mostly because of the multiple cities, though 5 has of course better quality and scale. If they make a map like 5 but with at least two cities for 6 it's gonna be amazing.
Same problem as GTA 5's. Few interesting, well-defined areas with a bunch of empty filler in between.
Any PS2-era map is better and more memorable than V's, only IV is worse.
Map size isn't even a good argument, V is technically bigger but it's boring and sparse, full of dead space. It's obvious how little attention they gave to the singleplayer part, there's a fuckload of things that are never used.
Who cares about SP.
I think the Just Cause series is unfun repetitive trash but the JC2 map was pretty good.
It's an easy way to create a borderless map.
Because they wanted to, what other explanation do you expect?
Yeah, no
Even if you only count the parts of the map that are actually used in SP missions, V's map is 30 times bigger and more varied than something like VC.
And just because some parts are not used in missions it doesn't mean they don't exist, part of the fun is just taking any vehicle you want and running through the mountains and deserts.
It's bland and empty. No cool little secret places to find, no unique landmarks, just copypaste shrines
>GTAV was an afterthought to GTA Online.
Retarded insight brought by someone who didn't even pay attention to the single-player.
this is a shit image
when you rotate europe, Italy doesn't look like a boot at all. What the fuck is it trying to say there?
The city alone is already 2/3 of the entire San Andreas map. You morons are so easily fooled by the proportions of V's map that you don't even understand the city itself is already fucking huge.
But user, look at all that empty nothing you can explore.
Bigger map =/= more to do.
Honestly, this. The mission design in V is very varied and has some of the best missions in the series, like heists. I swear some people just try to be as contrarian as they can.
Anyone above 18
>response loading
looks like something you'd stick in your ass.
Oh hey, it's the Drakengard map
>confirmed not played the game
There are tons of landmarks, secret caves and shit, you just have to play the game and not soley rely on the in game map like a fucking ubisoft or rockstar casualfag game.
This. V's city is almost the size of the entire GTA4 map and you get the bonus of huge map diversity thanks to the countryside and mountain areas. GTA4 boomers will never admit their full grey city map is a boring repetitive turd, just like their game itself
This map has a lot of variety in terms of location types which is good, but it's far too big with not much to do in it other than attack outposts.
Considering that Singler Player was the focus of every GTA game until V, one would come to the conclusion they would have made the single player experience better.
>There are tons of landmarks
Name 10.
And yet there is nothing to do there.
SA manages to be much more varied despite having less space, the same activities you can do in SA you can do in V but even then SA manages to use the entire map in a meaningful way.
I would even argue you can do more in SA but I haven't played it in years.
Even the AI in V is better since you wont get a star or aggressive behaviour from NPC's by just standing close to them.
The single player in V has as much put into it as other games, hell, it has a lot more than games that get nostalgia memed like VC.
Everything has been a step back after San Andreas. GTA IV was nowhere near as fun as SA and then GTA V was nowhere near as fun as GTA IV.
>Even the AI in V is better since you wont get a star or aggressive behaviour from NPC's by just standing close to them.
Meant SA and IV, of course.
Exactly FFXV for instance was peak nothing.
Not sure if this map is correct in it's dimensions to what is actually in the game but disconnect between the freedom they promised you and the sense you have of it while playing is staggering.
You can't even drive yourself you're stuck on rails an even when you get to staple wings to your car near the end it is effectively impossible to land anywhere they didn't want you to.
I would just like to say I love Vice Citys map even if it is tiny.
>trying to use age as an insult
But it is a good experience, I got a lot out of it, but multiplayer expanded upon it, and gtao is a great experience.
You thought the single player was good? You gotta be underaged.
Not him but I'm most likely older than you and played every GTA since 2 and I think V has one of the best single players if not the best.
They added off road driving a long time ago
this looks pretty comfy actually
>yyyou are young
That's all you have? Pfft
>Confirmed for not playing the game.
>another literal "i hate gta v because its popular" thread
le sigh
Could be worse, they could have mad invisible wall and then a text pop up like in Botw that says you can't go any further. Cheap shit
Yeah and I played it since the shareware version of GTA back in '97 and GTA V is boring as fuck and not funny two things as GTA game should never be. Even GTA VI gave you the fun to mess with the Euphoria engine and stripped all of that away in GTA V.
Yes I love to mop the floor and watch a dog fuck in my quality gameplay too user how did you know
also known as the Bethesda solution
>muh silly ragdolls
Of course
Fuck you, Wii Fit has fun minigames.
Rockstar still far and away the best open world dev desu. Only areas they need to work on is mission design.
Ragdolls? It actually brought more realism to combat oddly enough as characters would more more natural reactions to getting hit. Pushing someone down stairs has them attempt to curl up to protect themselves rather than flail their limbs like a limp corpse. GTA V brings in the stupid ragdoll crap.
GTA V is a big map but the real problem is how empty it is. There's really not much to do but grind and the whole map was designed with that in mind.
Everything about the game is a loading screen, animations and gestures included, that leads to a grinding mission.
>Even GTA VI gave you the fun to mess with the Euphoria engine
Dude GTAVI sounds like it's gonna be fun.
You're describing GTA online. The singleplayer campaign is pretty tight and grind-free
Not really, it's just GTA IV. Someone just made a typo.
Did they added not ripping Sonic 06 off?
How would an endless desert work
does stuff spawn there too or is it still empty hills and invisible walls?
>game about stealing cars
>BUT you can push them downstairs
It's like I'm talking to the same person, same fucking argument all the time
>jumps off a ledge and insta-ragdolls because the game has concluded it's not a safe height
I dunno why but something bothered me about this map, was it the weird transitions from desert to snow or something?
>about stealing cars
That's one (1) of the options available to you.
Basically it’s GTA tradition at this point. Although I think there should’ve been multiple islands like in the previous game instead of just one big shit one.
The single player campaign is the weakest of all the 3D games. It's got no narrative focus, it's missions are almost exclusively scripted set piece ones, and so many arcs are rushed that the game feels unfinished. That's saying nothing of the fact that many locations on the map aren't used at all.
When take a bite it regenerates.
>game about stealing cars
Have we been playing the same game? I always remembered GTA being about the playing going around and being a crazy criminal doing off the wall missions for other crazy criminals in a satirical portrayal of US culture all while letting them go off freely to do whatever they want and were all about pushing the boundaries of what you can do in the games.
If GTAVI is running off RDR2's new Rage engine then the next GTA will have the best physics to date.
Rockstar really needs to get rid of that slow paced shit real soon or else they're gonna let their outdated game design show, hopefully the next gen lets them load shit faster and make animations less of a fucking hassle, maybe vehicles will be faster and maybe buildings will be preloaded, also let me rob people and stores on the fly, if I see a bank I want to rob it right then and there, yes it'll be real difficult since I did no planning beforehand and cops will show up and I'll most likely get killed but at least let me do it and in the rare chance I pull it off I'll get a bunch of cash in advance, you can't do shit in gta games if you don't trigger the cue for a cutscene or a scripted moment to happen
Its missions are way more fun than GTA4's drive to waypoint, shoot bad guys, drive to next waypoint, shoot bad guys,... missions
Let's not forget that the only character with 80% of the focus in the game and with an actual character arc is Michael.
Stilwater was so much better
Those both look like Star Fox 64 “ripoffs” to me.
I don’t know
GTA's main audience are casuals. You really think Rockstar's going to risk alienating the mainstream market by giving you that much freedom of approach?
And yet Trevor still comes out on top as the GOAT.
>no unique landmarks
>Name 10.
oh those goal posts be a movin
Trevor is "le wacky hobo man" from the time where "lolsorandumb" humour was about to die.
IV's missions relied on the core mechanics more and were less flashy on average, but that lead to many of them having multiple approaches. The problem with V's missions is style over substance-- Once you see them the first time, there's no reason to go back to them.
>large swaths of nothing filled with bullet sponge encounters
>most marked locations have nothing of value just a map marker to fill space
>Constant impassible invisible walls breaking up the world forcing you to go the long way round
>200 year old skeletons held together by magic radiation dust in 'silly' positions
>Lot of area to 'explore and enjoy' but almost none of it has anything of interest
Not him but casuals love botw which is 100% freedom. And scripted robberies could still be in
>we’re never going back to good ol street gangster shenanigans in Stilwater. At best we’ll get a game more akin to SR3 than 2
Fuck this gay earth
That's actually better than islands in my opinion. BOTW and TW3 seemed more natural seeing endless land in certain directions. GTA5 looks like a tiny island as soon as you get in the air, for a region that's not really implied to be an island in any context besides using your eyes.
I gotta say that New Vegas did have a lot of one floor empty places to explore.
V has better missions on average than most other games. You nostalgiafags are so delusional it's mindblowing. The only games that are a competition are SA and Ballad of Gay Tony in that department. VC is absolute nostalgia bait that people only go soiface over because of nostalgia and muh 80s and muh Miami.
He asked you named 10 unique landmarks. Do it.
That's because people loved the wacky and goofy elements of 2 more than it's serious moments. People forget that the reason the sillier moments of 2 worked is because they existed alongside serious moments.
Stilwater is such a good map too. Way more life than Steelport ever had.
It's a shame that SR3 did better than it. All the "wacky" stuff took a backseat in the first two games but it's at the forefront in 3/4
You almost had me, but doing the anime girl had me a bit suspicious. An archive of this particular filename/image reveals it has never been used for any posts that aren't baits or shitposts, so here is your (you). Don't spend it all in one place!
San Andreas has terrible mission design though. One of the reasons some people prefer VC over it is because VC has better missions.
Pretty bad world-design
Heresy, trevor is based and is the animal side of all men unleashed on the world. His thirst for revenge on Michael would have been a better arc than Michael's thirst for another fucking pina colada in front of his pool. I would have liked to just play as trevor and gone after Michael fully and properly and cut nigger man out entirely. The father son thing with Mike and DeShawn or whatever his name was never did it for me.
The linearity of this map is what killed it. No Fallout game before it railroads you as much as NV does.
They literally put no effort into building the cities properly. It's like they copy pasted from Fallout 4 and gave us diamond city over and over again. Or worse, megaton.
This is the best map in video games
>Legion part of the map
Does anyone else think the new Vegas strip and outer street area is about the most boring fucking city they have ever played in before?
Now it is about that, funny how making npcs stumble or push them downstairs has almost no impact on all of that.
Looks like Calradia
Most of the places not connected to the main story are. New Vegas' strengths come from the story and character interactions.
Finally someone gets it. I've always compared the feel of the games to Kill Bill movies, where you're in a world full of weird, out there shit and play it completely straight. Loved that shit.
Stilwater 2 is to this day one of the best maps in vidya. I don't see how the fuck Volition went backwards with the other games.
That isn't the right picture though user.
Here's your kino fucking map.
I think it's the only decent part of the map. The rest is just flat desert that people only jerk off because it has a few crop fields scattered throughout.
Yes but that also made them more repetitive within a single playthrough. GTA5 does has fewer options per mission but the missions are much more varied overall. It's personal preference which you like better (I'd take GTA5's approach)
You can't have a compelling narrative with the freedom BotW gives. Before you bitch about games not needing those kind of tight narratives, one of the brothers that has always owned Rockstar, he writes for a living. So of course he wants a good narrative. Not something that's a joke like BotW. I still think there's room to grow though for good narratives and other types of freedoms in games. BotW isn't the end all, say all when it comes to freedom for open world games
Sure but trekking through the strip to get to the other end is a mess. Why not a circular hub a bit like old world blues but on a smaller scale? With multiple points of entry not one and a slog across the map to the next and the next and the next.
Look everyone, he's trying to communicate in english!
It's all shit to be honest. But getting across the strip is like walking the longest corridor ever.
>yyyou don't know English
Come on user.
I saw the sign
I'm still mad that the new games don't have any moments like "get up".
I want to play SR2 again, but when I tried to play it again I was put off by how clunky the gameplay is.
I literally don't know what you're trying to get at with this
Holy shit no
It was designed with almost no care, because of the crutch mechanic of the compass marker. It's objectively poorly designed, ugly as fuck, and many of the pathways are literally just sheer cliffs (this is more obvious in VR)
>Capital on left side of map
>Very few port cities
>Shitty coast line and those Islands
>Rivers are retarded
Unrealistic as fuck.
>a boot doesn't look like a boot if you flip it
absolutely BASED opinion brother
It's Europe
Basically everything ruined in Cataclysm
The lack of ragdolls and stumbling animations don't affect the gameplay you mentioned.
It's not the most exciting map but still engaging and I can't find any faults with it. For all the failures of Breath of the Wild, its map is not one of them, and in fact ranks among its greatest triumphs.
And it opened up my eyes
It's funny because all of these things are true if the world was oriented this way. It's actually a valid criticism of "let's take a massive real-world geographic formation and rotate it for lels" - there would be enormous consequences in practice due to the shifting of the arctic polar regions and equator, changing of sea levels, deserts, forest and rainforest zones and so on.
How does it not affect the gameplay I mentioned?
obsessed, rent free, etc.
makes a good sims neighborhood
>Uttar Pradesh
The utter PRADESH of these people
Herald of Yikes here.
We have noticed your affectionate support of The Kingdom of Yikes and for that reason has decided to bestow onto you a Yikes freecard.
Nah, not falling for that, free (You) and call it a day.
Ahh 90's elementary school days. How I miss them
Sounds cute!
No it's not.
it makes no sense but I do love it.
Seething crab detected
reminds me of Pathologic
That's unironically what most UK towns are like.
>that wonky perspective
Is this how 4th dimensional beings see everything?
Is there such a thing as a map that's too small?
Games like Shenmue and Yakuza seem to prove that you can do a lot with a small map.
>never again we will have moments like that or play as a 'no-one-in-this-whole-city-can-stand-up-to-me' psycopath instead of 'lol look my comical disregard for life, aren't I cheeky?' """puckish rouge"""
It bugs the crap out of my that no one has made a spiritual successor to SR2 yet? I just want to play another urban gangbanging crime sim because yeah SR2 is really showing it's age now.
Fuck you bitch. MP ruined gaming.
I can vouch for this
>West Bengal
>no East Bengal
what a giant oversight from the devs. can't believe they'd approve of this at rockstar london.
it looks like nu-doomguy with the infinity gauntlet reaching to help you up
Does MP stand for multiplayer? Because gaming was born with multiplayer in mind.
Goddamnit user now I can't unsee it
This sort of thing happens to a lot of game developers unfortunately.
>Last game with heart and soul came out around the late 2000's
>Studio no longer has the budget, talent, etc. to make a game like they once did
>Recent games are stripped back versions which are inferior in every way to games 5 years older than it.
What I just said could apply to Volition, GameFreak, or Sonic Team. It's sad, really.
how does an entire video game take place here
> When you turn towards the east in real life, the world design is suddenly shit
>Singler Player was the focus of every GTA game until V
>muh sp DLC
>40+ hour campaign wasn’t enough
How does one even come up with nonsense?
so true, you can navigate the entire map based purely on landmarks and memory which for a map that big is really impressive
I'm kinda conflicted since Leonardo is my favorite turtle
>Even GTA VI
>Studio no longer has the budget, talent, etc. to make a game like they once did
>Recent games are stripped back versions which are inferior in every way to games 5 years older than it.
If this shit right here isn't that damn truth...I swear on one than more occasion I've heard the current team in Volition now isn't even the same team from the Saints Row 1 and 2 era. I've seen no actual proof of that but goddammit after looking at SR3-AoM I believe it. Shit's not fair...
horrible taste
Heres what I originally saw
>he thinks it was a typo
>he thinks rockstar themselves aren’t in this thread secretly shilling GTA VI
>he doesn’t know.
>40+ hour campaign
As if I give a fuck about those boring side things like hunting and finding shit in the submarine. Oh and having to play the stock market to make money to actually do stuff with was terrible and made me quit playing the game after finishing the story. No GTA game should ever make you wanna stop playing after finishing the main story. Didn't help that going on the killing spree isn't fun anymore as everyone has 1 HP so you can't pick them off slowly. In a franchise where you get to be a crazed killer, they sure did make that not fun in their game about letting you be a crazed killer.
most of borderlands 2 maps were shit, so much fucking running around for side quests with no quick way to do them
That maze in the sea
That zone underground full of guardians
The twin falls
Those little islands with the wind
Those ruins with the horse statue
The bridge where people get mad if you become an hero
The ranch destructed
The house in the mountains where you can practice shield surfing
Where you find the giant horse
Launch online on a private server, pretend it is the dlc as a new character, enjoy other more hours of content
The game just keeps repeating the same stretch of land over and over again and counts how many of those stretches you've crossed s that it takes the same amount of time to return. Just little programming tricks.
I actually love this map, but to each their own. I feel like most people who hate it do so because it doesn't have an icon on it every 30 feet so that qualifies as "empty" in the minds of ADHD kids, even though the map is actually far from it.
fuck. i just wish someone would make a Sims clone because EA was retarded for taking out the seamless world thing. If our toaster computers could (barely) handle Sims 3, why take it out now when people have better systems?
>go online
>hide options
>show all the shit
It is actually flooded with content, they just don't like it because GTAO is a social game.
You have tens of millions of dollars in every character's bank account if you just do the missions and never even touch the stock market. Also the minigames were fun distractions from time to time. Definitely better than fucking bowling and literally nothing else in GTAIV.
>people have better systems?
Arguable, people I know that play the Sims just buy a laptop they like and hope it runs it.
GTAV's map is miles and miles and miles ahead of VC. VC is so small that one neighborhood of Los Santos in GTAV is bigger, more detailed and full of life than all of VC. The fact that GTAV's map has negative space doesn't make it worse than VC's map because the populated areas make up for it tenfold when compared to VC. Take your nostalgia goggles off. I love VC but damn dude, let's try to be just a bit more realistic here.
I actually didn't spend much time with Online at all and spent a lot more time modding the SP. I love the map and some of the mods I have installed really bring out the best of it. If only Rockstar actually implemented some of the mechanics from the mods I have in the SP, it would have been a much better game overall.
This shit was so disappointing.
The fact that you have to run through the entire map everytime you get a new quest doesn't help either.
The transitions between climates are kino and the way if make you feel like you are in a huge map is easily the best I ever ever experienced although I will give Horizon Zero dawn credit for this too. All the villages feel like real and alive little spots rather than just shitty places dropped out of nowhere like fallout 3 or something. It is kino.
to be fair intel does have relatively great iGPUs nowadays, ironically better than AMD"s own "iGPUs" or APUs whatever they call that shit.
It won't compete with dedicated GPUs unless it's a piece of shit passive-cooled thing, but I'm sure it'll play Sims 3 at at least 30fps.
Intel UHD Graphics 620 can almost play Sims 4 at 60 fps (albeit at 1366x768) so I'm sure it can play Sims 3 reasonably. Also the new Intel laptops will usually have TB3 so external GPUs are easy to set up.
heck when I used to have a toaster PC I didn't know any better and was content palying at 15fps-30fps.
The same way the endless ocean works in GTA V. You keep going and going and going.
Also compass marker means nothing here as that is a criticism for navigation and quest completion not layout. The compass actually is unreliable vis a vis the map as if the compass is rudimentary, then all the mountains in the way must be traversable. As they are not, the compass is irrelevant. Saying that is like saying X city is terrible to drive in because my Garmin always runs out of battery.
Which part?
>Rockstar Bradford
Worst opinion in the thread
It's been forty minutes, wat the fuck are you on about
Holy fuck this game felt like a parody of itself. Entire mountains with nothing on them. The hook lets you fly around pretty easy but there was absolutely no reason to add so much nothing in a video game
I never knew you good go that far east
>endless desert
They could have easily done that like what they did with the ocean. Just have all vehicles suddenly break down for no reason as they hit the border, then an endless amount of cougars spawn and try to kill you.
goddamn I love this map. every neighborhood had so much atmosphere and personality
>No Fallout game before it railroads you as much as NV does
I see this a lot but is it really true? you can get anywhere in the map from the start, it just requires more planning and prep. my first playthrough I got to the strip at level 8 by sneaking through the deathclaw zone.
dust is objectively better than dust2
It isn't.
I can't think of another world map that has small shit like Community centres or Airport terminals that you can actually enter. The attention to detail in Stilwater hasn't really been beat to this day.
The way the industry works is that talent moves from studio to studio all the time. That's understandable considering that working in vidya has almost no job security.
Still, I don't think it's a coincidence that any franchise which hasn't gone to shit nowadays usually has at least some of the old guard still on the team.
wait a fucking minute, I've just realised that melemele in pokemon SM is basically this fucking island. GF really are hacks
I haven't played Arma 2 or DayZ in years and I can still remember my way around Chernarus like it was my hometown.
Overwhelmed by the long loading screens? Yeah
don't EVER let ANYONE tell you that botw map is soulless or without fun things to find
fuck forgot pic
>How dare devs put hard enemies in end-game areas
almost like they're game designers or something, who do they think they are
Rockstar mission design sucks, my guy. Not just in V but in all of their open world games that have come out after the PS2 era. You're just mindlessly following dots on the map and shooting guys. You have no freedom of approach in missions and you just go from setpiece to setpiece exactly as the developers script you to. Ironic how these games advertise themselves as open and free but that's just on a surface level, when you're actually on a mission you might as well be on rails. I will say GTAV has cooler missions than GTAIV most of the time, but the mission design is just shit in Rockstar games in general.
I mean people definitely buy them, I'm not sure what point you thought you were making. Not defending Rockstar and their kinda shitty games, but they are immensely successful to an almost absurd extent.
Welp, I guess user just had an aneurysm and made no sense
The upper three landmasses were great but the bottom two were such a waste.
Nice job saving the thumbnail, retard
fuck off with that low resolution shit you retarded phoneposter.
>I'm not sure what point you thought you were making
That the entire game is built around farming/grinding with every "fun-factor" designed around you spending in-game currency.
>Ireland and the fenian subhumans within don't exist
Perfect world honestly
Kinda like how china's inner mongolia is under Mongolia itself
That's because Obsidian were heavily rushed and didn't get to make the Strip into what they wanted.
I doubt they could have done what they wanted with that fucking piece of shit engine even if they were given a few extra decades to finish the game.
I think the mad max game did it
Holy shit, I'm glad they completely reworked this before release.
Nope, you eventually die if you drive for a couple of minutes. The explanation is that the sandstorms are too severe to survive.
>hurr-durr gta is about stealing cars
>hurr-durr car engine noises have no impact on that, so let's remove it
return südtirol
Las Vegas is too far North.
Not just the engine, but remember it had to run on PS3 and 360, which can't handle more than a few NPCs at once.
best map in BF4 right here
Well that's gay.
I hope consolefags collectively kill themselves, or something.
Stop baiting, you FUCKING NIPPLE...!
Map fucking sucks and everyone just hangs out on roofs
Hoenn was so boring, even emerald couldn’t fix it.
>good ol street gangster shenanigan
This is my biggest gripe.
The only reason the "crazy, over-the-top" things were good in SR2 is because the game takes places in a mostly-grounded world. Maero was a hulking huge guy, the only character that size/shape. It would completely detract from his unique vibe if there were, say, regular enemies that were also big hulk dudes like him *COUGH*SRIII*COUGH*. It would just become, "Oh, another big guy fight, *sigh* these are so tedious...", but instead, facing Maero was intimidating because it's the only time you'll see some giant angry motherfucker voiced by a Michael Dorn like that, as a street gangster working their way up from nothing in a city. The "you're just a normal person in a normal world" angle works so well, because then it makes any action sequence really intense. When you're just a normal person trying to face off against huge odds (three/four city-spanning criminal empires), it makes shit like shooting someone while jumping through a window really crazy, or sneakily planting a bomb in someone's car smart and effective, because when your only strengths are "dgaf about laws/morality" and "will do literally whatever it takes to achieve goals", taking on particular opponents/groups face-to-face would mean certain death/failure.
By SRIII, you're already insanely rich and famous, all the crazy over-the-top things are so commonplace they're groan-worthy, there is almost never a reason to feel tension because the boss is practically a superhero who can survive anything, while shooting a rocket launcher, doing a backflip, and shouting a one-liner. In SR2, buying a sports car was impressive. In SRIII, money becomes almost completely worthless early on, except for the permanent RPG-style upgrades that are earned from grinding instead of rewards for activities.
I could go on forever, but to top it all off, that fucking map: Steelport was a mistake. The whole thing is samey, dull, empty, and purple-hued.
Why did someone delete 2/3rds of France, closed the Bosphorus and removed Crimea?
I don't get why everybody rides this game's dick so fucking hard, I never played a Zelda game until a few years ago and I liked OoT and MM, so I bought this shit full price and got bored of it after a few hours. The novelty of the open world and the goofy YOU CAN DO ANYTHING molymeme physics wears off pretty quick.
As opposed to the kids that love GTAO?
the real question is why they did not make at least a second city north of the map
yeah. the map was disappointingly small
At what point in SF64 do you circle strafe a giant monster?
I've just pirated it for CEMU with all the graphics and framerate mods from the guide. What am I in for?
The fact that 1.0 Black Shroud has no replies in agreement proves this thread doesn't know shit.
Imagine navigating this fucking thing with no mount. All copy/paste hallways filled with the same few monsters. The whole place is dark as hell, and worst of all, opening your fucking map required going through a menu that was subject to input lag because the fucking UI was server-side and took up your full screen.
If it's not Golmud Railway, it sux.
Just realized Los Santos is literally VVanderfell.
morroc is shit
Nostalgia is one of the most POTENT drug to ever grace this planet.
What happened to Iberia?
Why do consoleniggers keep insisting that it's a masterpiece then?
Its a Nintendo game. Nintendo fans are fanatics and they haven't played non Nintendo games in years. So automatically everything Nintendo does is the best in their mind.
If a Sony or MS game came out with terrible framerate and empty map like Zelda it would be massacred.
this wins the thread for worst map
>made a game that made fun GTA IV
>then proceed to made the next game to have what essentially more boring version of GTA IV's LC, including the similar layout
Volition are such fucking hacks. How did they made Freespace 2, Red Faction Gorilla, and Saints Row 2 to be so fucking good is beyond me
>Red Faction Gorilla
>is it really true?
Older Fallout games are arguably as linear
>you can get anywhere in the map from the start
Not really. After Goodspring you're pretty much locked into either going to the north or south. The middle part of the map is a shitty mountain that you can't pass through and the whole map is pretty much a circuit.
Have it.
What is this map? Seen it before but...
Fucking plebs, I swear
Takes place in Utah/Wyoming.
No, you're both retarded. How is an endless desert better than sea, you fucking idiot?
Me too. My favourite mission was when I spent half an hour working as a unionised dock worker and taking pictures of a boat. Closely followed by an extensive yoga session.
This but unironically. Boring smooth coastlines and a huge flatland in the middle
pontificate, if you will, the aroma
best map in a videogame ever. Kill yourself user.
Imagine being the dude who designed this and having to go through the mental gymnastics to come up with such fucked up perspectives
"Desert" is awfully close to "dessert" and that makes my dick hard...
Based and snackhumpingpilled
Is that place known for wildly different climates just miles apart?
All true, and I dont blame obsidian entirely. They made maybe my favourite game ever kotor2. I will always be forgiving for this reason. But surely a few other means of egress to the main casinos would have been better to start with, then you can jump on the buildings and the people inside.
I wonder if bethesda will ever allow a remaster or sequel? Probably not as after some shitty fallout games from them, if Obsidian knocked it out of the park in one try they'd be eternally embarrassed.
god it is fucking awful
You need some empty spaces to make the world feel realistic. Otherwise it'll look like crap.
I do. Couldnt give a fuck about mp though
and eventually your engine gives out
yeah the crew 2 sucked
At least its not a a "DUDE ITS A SQUARE" lazy ass map
I never managed to play any of the Saints Row games. Should I bother?
I liked this map a lot. Especially for playing fivem. Way better than Liberty City
1 is okay, buggy as shit, every game i've played corrupts the save files after defeating one gang.
2 is fantastic, really miss the multiplayer. 3 is okay, the 'lolsofunnyrndom' shit gets pushed to the forefront and it loses a lot for it. Stop there.
IV wins solely due to the swingsets of doom
That would have so retarded. You suck at gamedesign. The point is to model both rural cali and cosmopolitan LA. You would have ended up with two smaller, less fleshed out cities. Instead of one LS that is as deep as they had resources for.
Yeah, I've seen videos of 3 and it just looks absolutely moronic. Reminds me of how bad GTA Online is.
Not really, and I say that as a fan.
Saints Row 1 is good enough but it really shows its age, especially compared to the other 3. Simple shit like mission checkpoints and fine aiming doesn't exist.
Saints Row 2 is the best one (it has a good story, the best character customisation, best city) but its PC port is literally the worst port of any game ever. Get the 360 version if you really want to play it.
Saints Row 3 is fine but it's a step down in every way from 2.
Saints Row 4 is fun, but it jumps the shark hard and has tonnes of fanservice.
that's adorable
iirc the game files you can find hints they planned to have a north entrance to the strip. Like alot of things it was scrapped due to hardware/engine/time constraints.
>"A super-dimension being... Heh. This might even be a fair fight!"
>blocks your path
rdr1 - shoot guy in knees and he cant walk
Rdr2 unload 5 bullets into each kneecap and he gets up and runs off
Yeah no
Objectively false. The only bad part of NA is the lack of great endemic livestock candidates that Eurasia had.
When it came out I had to navigate the map using rivers. What fucking moron thought it was a good idea not to have roads on the world map?
That's TECHNOLOGY, not physics.
it's the only game they have of that scale
That's turrible. If you're going to generate the "endless" aspect, just make it so that turning-around returns you to the beginning faster. Nobody wants to trek back over that nonsense if there's nothing to do along the way.
Gameplay 102
>literally a straight line
I like linear games but goddamn
I haven't owned a Nintendo console till the Switch and I put somewhere around 400 hours into BOTW
look, STALKER is a great game but this map fucking sucks, CoP made it slighty better by having each zone segmented by fast travel and then being layed out in a more natural way, but this is just a straight line that makes doing missions a giant fucking chore.
wtf is up with spain here
borderlands maps are fucking godawful and I hope they fix them in 3, I dreaded doing missions that took place in areas i've been in because all maps are layed out like a very extended highway interchange where you go in a big circle to end up going right above where you started with no shortcuts.
You can murder people in rdr2 by running into them which throwsthem halfway across the street. Also can push a dead horse by walking into it. Great physics
CoC has the best map, but SoC and CoP are still great, fuck yourself
SoC is not great, it's clear that the lost alpha car was supposed to be part of the design, because sprinting for 15 seconds (before you get infinite sprint from later artifacts) then walking, then sprinting, for 10 minutes to complete a quest in cordon from the other side of the map is not fun, SoC has cool individual AREAS, but not it's overall design.
you cant
Director is a Brit
this is a common thing for small islands with towns, they're usually made by a volcano (if its pacific, which Japanese and American ones are) and have a single port with a town growing next to it
Spain ate Portugal
As much as I enjoy the game, the map is dogshit. the town is far to fucking small for a major corporation to even consider dropping a large store in, half the people don't have canon jobs showing how they afford their homes. It's a damn mess. But hey at least I can make my cute farm girl a lesbian.
It clearly wasn't designed for how most people play STALKER, that's for sure. It's like they made a linear shooter but accidentally gave it mechanics and AI that turned it into, well, STALKER. Great example of feature creep.
>actually caring about that
the game is extremely linear and very short. youre meant to keep following the main story and doing random sidequests when you find them, not doing every single quest in the game.
Bully's map is fucking tiny, god damn.
all the GTA games were before 4.
GTAVI's map will be around 2x's the size of RDR2
i have a few friends who work at R* north
Doing "Making a Mark" I see.
I'm glad it's only that size. Makes retrying missions after a crash much quicker.
>the LOST island with the japanese holdouts only used for a single side-mission
the definition of wasted potential
why are people defending this
Bully's map was well sized for what it was, any larger would have been tedious for going back and forth on missions.
SoC followed a more linear path, which is why the map is designed this way. you complete a few side missions, mostly at the beginning, and then you go on with the main mission. its a semi open world.
Is bullworth the name of the town or just the private school.
>yeah no
What’s with this passive aggressive limped wristed reddit comment? You faggots sound like teenage girls
Yeah, fair points.
Both. It's Old Bullworth Vale on the left, Bullworth Town top middle, Bullworth Academy bottom middle, New Coventry top right and Blue Skies Industrial Park bottom right.
Majoras Mask's map was superior
>using the reddit buzzword
you got no room to speak, turbofaggot sperm collector.
>69 missions total, not counting the heist prepation ones
>lets focus on the four solely missions (one of them being in the tutorial) that have you doing bitch work to disvalid the whole fucking game!
Ah bloo bloo faggot. Must’ve hit close to home
The city was decent but the rest of the map was arse
They take any form of opposing opinion as a personal attack so they have to be snarky about voicing their side.
Like this limp dick
Ah yes, I watched that NakeyJakey video too. I see that just like him you don't understand freedom of approach in the world doesn't necessarily traslate to freedom of approach in missions and because of that you shit on a game for lacking a feature it was never promissed to begin with.
go away paddy
Just looked that video up. 38 fucking minutes? Really?
because you can actually use 97% of the games transportation in the desert instead of the ocean. its literally called grand theft auto, not grand theft vessel.
the top 3 quarters of gta5`s map is ALMOST so pointless, and unused that it would ALMOST be unnoticed if it turned to ocean. but atleast you SOMETIMES, in a rare blue moon drive or fly over it.
literally no one goes out past the shore line.
doesn't stop the fact you use the ''reddit'' meme/buzzword tohugh. it has lost all it's meaning due retards like you throwing it around.
>absolutely fucking NOTHING to do outside of the city
>even then there's only like a dozen interiors in the entire map
>loading screen loading screen loading screen loading screen loading screen loading screen loading screen loading screen loading screen loading screen loading screen loading screen
It relates exactly what I mean it to be. Reddit’s populated by frail socially inept feminine men who reply with passive aggressive comments and that’s exactly the same energy the comment I mentioned gives off. Not my fault you’re relating to that guy
passive-aggressive is the default tone on here though? it doesn't mean anger here, because you'd get ''faggot'' thrown at you if that's the case?
>start a mission
>cutscene triggers
>get into the car
>drive to the opposite side of the map while listening a conversation
>cutscene triggers
>perform some simple instructed actions
>get back into the car
>drive and listen to a talk again
>game has like 100 missions
Based and 4channel pilled
Not based and Reddit pilled
>Reddit’s populated by frail socially inept feminine men who reply with passive aggressive comments
he says confidently, completely oblivious to the fact that it also describes Yea Forums extremely well.
Imagine if you could go all the way up that river, and explore all of the Market. Look at the secret garden in the top right
Oh the irony isn’t lost on me bud, but at least here it’s not supported, and usually faggots acting like that are ostracized
I can make any videogame in the world sound like the most boring shit ever with this greentexting bullet point bullshit, retard.
Why did every motocross game do this back then? Why was it only motocross games that did this, it would be fun in any game.
Oh bugger off you Rockstar shill. The collective waste of an hour these missions provide is significant enough to be criticism.
>duhhh there's more missions h8Rs
Woopie-doo, another 65 missions of generic cover-based third person shooting. Fucking great. That's not mentioning the heist prep missions where you drive around garbage trucks for hours, or the ones where you drive a car from point a to b.
>one being the tutorial
Which one? The dog one? That's past an hour into the game, which is another issue. Rockstar is so far up it's own ass it thinks telling people how to jump over cars and shoot gangsters is quantum physics.
Motocross Madness did it as a joke and then everyone copied it.
It's India so it will smell like poo without a loo.
all the maps in this game sucked ass. BF3 was the last good battlefield
>that fence in hyrule field that's got an opening that doesn't even line up with the path
thats one think but if you get rid of the spur on the wii fit island and put the volcano where the river exits the island the routes and surrounding features are identical
I loved the recreation of Lake Hylia in Sonic Lost World.
Sorry that still goes to BF3's returning map
>Max tickets on conquest
>Matches take around 2 hours
>70+ kills alone
I pirated it for CEMU. Was pretty fun.
The 8th heroine statue
The giant skeleton of a leviathan to the north
The plum tree on a mountain that has glowy animals
The hidden cave the thief buried his plunder near the split mountain
Those high ruins on the westside with a memory, a bunch of enemies, and great view of surrounding areas
The little ice mine north of the gerudo town
Tinkle island/archipelago
The huge stone dragon temple in the jungle
The durian farm nearish by where you use air currents to get around
I can keep going if you want?
so many useless marked locations that would have been better off being unmarked
Toxic dump site... did that really need to be marked?
What a cringe picture.
It's a map of Europe
new meme?
There is an East Bengal but it's only available on GTAO.
>western sahara not part of morocco
>cabo verde called cape Verde
>The Gambia just called Gambia (yes it matters)
>Cote d'Ivoire called ivory coast
>eswatini still called Swaziland
Yup, this map is awful.
>hey remember how Stilwater had unique areas like a trailer park, a university, a boardwalk, a bunch of carverns, a prison and a power plant?
>yeah, well fuck that.
No it's because matchmaking is a shit and randoms are fucking assholes. it's best to play with friends, that is unless your friend plays on another platform and you only got one friend that plays on the same platform as you, then you're screwed for Heists because randoms keep joining and fucking up the game. That and the grind makes the game almost a mobile game at times.
nigger, there are great offroad places in the north
The shrines are the main game. You may not like it, but it succeeds there. The map is designed in such a way that its distinct glow will bait you into exploring things off in the distance.
I hate this map. It was always either sniper day or explosion clusterfuck in the center.
my favorites were terminal and estate, though
the sewer system connecting everything with a hidden city, arena and dungeons was kino
Speaking of shit MW2 maps
all Just Cause sucks
wow it's fucking nothing
You looking to start something here?
It's not showy, but it has everything you need for a good time.
I agree, I hate Canada and Central America. United States and Caribbean are based, though.
any more info?
of course not
Based; Chernarus was GOAT
i know i sound like a total larper/my dad works at nintendo but
there isn't much info but they are trying to make it actually next gen, the kind of leap from SA to 4 in terms of graphics and scale. will be 2021+, a few months after the new console launch. its mostly planning stages with the housers and writing staff got the main overview of story/setting/theme planned and details to follow, with the setting being modern day vice city (obviously). That is the most I can get out of my friends, which I suspect is because they havnt got THAT far into development. most of north;s development is focused on GTAO content creation with each teams leads being probed to do with VI's development to prep them.
buy that fucking Just Cause 3, it's what ISIS plays, it'll keep you up 3 days in a row,
based cocksucka
>most of north;s development is focused on GTAO content
Then why does it all suck so bad?
their main audience is under-18s, ironically
gta online is embarrassing to watch, let alone play
Glad somebody posted Gransys. Love the game, but goddamn the overworld needed more.
holy fuck, i forgot about this game
Okay i will retract that, a lot of their development is, but not most. their lead and senior staff are working on concepts and extremely early content for VI and the junior lead by some senior is working on GTAO, the design for GTAO is where the issues come from. the actually talented staff are working on VI's early stuff and the middle staff are trying to get RDR2 online off the ground. the next 5-6 months you can expect some early mainstream leaks for VI
Theres a sewer in new Vegas?
Did you make this? If so are you fucking retarded? That's Greece turned 90 degrees.
you can by pass the deathclaws by going along the lower area of the super mutants, takes one little jump from a rock and hug the mountain a bit. The deathclaws might get spooked but can't reach you and you just hug along the mountain till you reach the NCR hideout and go north to the robco place and carry on from there
>giving a shit about the pride and integrity and identity of African countries, 100% of which are meme countries or real countries reshaped into memes
Wew lad
Idk. They did it successfully with MCLA and LA Noire
>no one posted the Capital Wasteland
>because you can actually use 97% of the games transportation in the desert instead of the ocean
What is the point of driving forever into the nothing, you goddamn imbecile? The ocean surrounding the map serves as a limit, so you know where the map ends and don't bother trying to go any further.
Goddamn what a fucking moron.
it's better than the Mojave, that's why no one posted it
China is the Han holy land and is rightfully Chinese.
In some regards I liked it more than 3/NV but overall it was so fucking boring and samey
Wow. Surprised the thread didnt end there. Worst map of all time
>raphael holding a sword
The players are retarded for buying their games. Rockstar is smart.
I dont understand why people like open shit. Hub worlds are 10x better
This has to be one of the worst ever. A shitty map fitting of such a shitty game; it's absolutely soulless.
>posts Leonardo
Nothing is better than the Mojave.
What is this meant to be?
Looks like a pokemon game
Gold & Silver beta map.
>The maps are drastically different. It appears that the whole of Japan was to be used as the basis, rather than one region of Japan. This lead to very different looking towns and cities, including one with dead trees and another filled with snow. There was little to no evidence of such places within unused maps in Gold and Silver‘s final versions, suggesting the project may have been very largely changed, and maybe even restarted during the two years between the beta and release. Another angle is that the developers downsized their ambitions when they realised that the Pokémon franchise was here to stay given it was selling better than hotcakes. Initially Gold and Silver were planned to be the last titles in the series.
>The square in the bottom right of the map touching the bottom of the image, incidentally, is Kanto. That’s right – even though this was a beta version, Kanto was reduced to a tiny space that made the final Gold and SIlver version appear absolutely massive.
easily the worst open-world I've ever played
what the fuck were they thinking?