What is it that Yea Forums fears the most?
What is it that Yea Forums fears the most?
going outside
Responsibility and accountability.
Enjoying vidya.
Being honest.
something bad happening to a family member
Failure, shame and embarrassment.
Being accused of having bad taste. Why do you think all of this projecting is going on and everything is shit. Can't admit to liking something and then have people accuse you have having bad taste.
Better make it clear you don't like anything and everything is shit except for a few things that people agree are good except wait now some people said those are shit too so I guess those are also shit.
That maybe spending my first two cores on base Excalichad and the Huras Kubrow I hatched wasn't the greatest idea
washing their face
>What is it that Yea Forums fears the most?
Becoming a tranny
for me, it's gay furries.
>check thread expecting furry nigger hate thread
>found people with the same fears as me
this hit close to home
multiplayer games
black majority usa
Tianament square people
Degeneracy that surpasses their own.
Anyone with a dick bigger than 4 inches
Nothing of value is lost
Not being accepted and judgement
Literally going in for minor surgery and saying some degenerate shit in front of my parents such as "I want to suck some anime tranny dick" or "fuck niggers"
the day i stop enjoying video games
it's getting close
why are video games so gay
Why did it have to be Etika to leave us instead of this faggot?
So I'm scared of myself?
I'm a huge racist and it makes me sad that a brother in white power has gay feelings towards cartoons. Sort yourself out friend, use Hitler as your guidestone. Lift weights, stop watching cartoons and advance your career. 14/88 to you and your family, best of luck user
That the afterlife is real and i have to continue being me on another plane of existence forever.
going blind, if I somehow lost an eye I would constantly be terrified of losing the other one
>use a failure as your guidestone
Everyone will remember Hitler for all of eternity. No one will remember you
being wrong
I accept your concession
t.user from Yea Forums dragon ball
if this isn't bait, you are quite pitiful
Give me detailed reasons as to why you think so.
Is it because anons are afraid of ending up in there?
It's pretty true
Someone can rant about how everything is shit but when asked about what they actually like they instantly clam up
The human race.
Being stuck in a lame job with no social contacts for the rest of my life.
I need to get a better job or start going out.
The dreadful reality that we live in a budding centuries long period of cultural and intellectual stagnation.
Employment is worse than ever.
No one here actually FEARS gay niggers, it's just that they need to know their place. If it was up to these minorities every game would contain some sort of homosexual pandering.
Accepting the fact that they're not smart of special, and in reality their a mediocre person at best. And they have no one else to blame but themselves.
Racism outside of Yea Forums is not allowed
getting STD's from the hookers ive been fucking for the last 4 yearsr
which EU country is this?
Judging by the sign it seems to be Netherlands
Realising that pointless discussions on Yea Forums are meaningless, but being unable to leave.
niggers and jews