So what's next after these two masterpieces? The bar is set so high I fear nothing will come even close any time soon.
So what's next after these two masterpieces? The bar is set so high I fear nothing will come even close any time soon
Bloodstained is literally worse than SotN though
You Mean "what's next after *this* masterpiece
Why this, ofcourse.
Fuck off fag, both are great.
thats not curse of the moon
hollow knight is trash tho
Silksong is coming... eventually.
But I also want a "Loot Metroidvania" (I don't know how to call this kind of game) like Bloodstained.
How so? Elaborate.
Is bloodstained that good? I’m hearing different stuff about it
Also hell yeah, can’t wait for Hornet
Bloodstained looks completely soulless.
Hollow Knight looks completely soulless.
I liked Bloodstained way more than I thought I would.
Well, he is an empty vessel after all.
that's what the pale king thought
I cannot get ice how fucking ugly this game is, it's absolutely unreal
fuck off fag, both are utter garbage
how is dead cells?
so how do you get the sword in the pic anyway? I have a familiar that looks like it, but not that particular sword to use myself. I just beat the game too. I'm assuming its stats are shit.
>hey guys i'm in this thread just to show you what a retarded faggot i am by shitposting about how your games are shit haha
Considering SotN looks so good the art direction is kinda baffling
I hate HK combat so much, every single fight is the same. feels so lazy
It's great if you like replaying the game over and over and over and dying a million times just to get the true ending.
isn't that how rouge-lite (you know what I mean) games work?
t. still at the beginning with no fun upgrades
We have a masterpiece better than both already.
Yep. It's pretty brutal and unforgiving. Especially once you get to the higher soul difficulties and some of the new enemies are just straight up bullshit.
>muh strawman
beat the game long ago with the NKG dlc
lol this nigga aint even get to godhome
Can you elaborate on this? I mean you can't do any crazy combos but I think the movement is tight enough and the bosses have enough variety that they make each fight satisfying
HK is better, BS's level design is boring as fuck
Try getting past the first 3 bosses. You actually do get upgrades and abilities. Crazy, right?
most of the threat from enemies comes from them jumping or running into you and there's no weapon variety aside from some spells. it's just hit hit hit over and over with your little stick while you keep your distance so you don't accidentally touch them
nigger I beat NKG. also stop being passive agressive
Not a strawman.
>it's just hit hit hit over and over with your little stick while you keep your distance so you don't accidentally touch them
So like literally every other game in the genre?
Again, there's enough variety in the bosses themselves that it makes up for it and makes each fight feel like it has its own distinct challenge
HK and Bloodstained are the Super Metroid and SotN of this generation
> it's just hit hit hit over and over with your little stick while you keep your distance so you don't accidentally touch them
So litterally like every other game like it.
lol that's exactly what it is. you didn't like what I said so you literally made up how I played the game
no, several games have weapon variety that allows you to vary your strategy. I don't think HK is one of them
Again, I strongly disagree
Hollow Knight is good for an indie game but that's it. It's an indie game, it looks and feels like an indie game.
Bloodstained is on another level.
but that's not true at all
Please do tell how others are different.
HK has dodges, a variety of abilities, charms.
Just because you were too retarded to use them it doesn't mean that it isn't true. Good luck ever getting past Pantheon 3 in Godhome with just poking your little stick at enemies.
There's some jankiness on Bloodstained, but nothing that hurts it. I fought the Revenant yesterday and he got stuck in the door of the area, so i just equipped a GSword and busted him
>lol that's exactly what it is. you didn't like what I said so you literally made up how I played the game
A straw man is when you pretend that you're attacking your opponent's argument while actually attacking an argument nobody ever made.
The guy you're arguing with did not pretend that he was even making any argument in the first place.
Tell me how the False Knight boss fight is like Mantis Lords
faster, you slut
Isn't Indivisible supposed to also be a metroidvania?
If so they'll have a tall order to follow
a strawman doesn't have an objective definition and can be applied in this situation too. he made up a scenario where it was easy to attack my position
you have some serious anger issues considering you're getting this upset over me thinking HK has bad combat. I think it's boring and not varied enough in terms of strategies you can utilize
mantis lords is actually one of the few bosses I really enjoyed fighting because of the teleporting aspect and them attacking in tandem. it had a satisfying flow to it, albeit a but slow and easy
Thanks for proving that you're an absolute shitter.
Bloodstained is the only Metroidvania I've played and I thought it was okay.
I hated grinding for materials, and thought the end game was a joke, never had to learn any of the later bosses patterns because your damage output is so high that they just melt. Was expecting at least another phase on the final one because I'd only been fighting the second for like 30 seconds before it died.
Is Hollow Knight better? I really liked the exploration aspect.
whatever you say man, hope it makes you feel good and satisfied
>haha yes, I have the power to arbitrate what makes a game real or not.
You’re a fucking loser with no life.
For me bloodstained feel like an early ps2 and thats a good thing
>B tier story doesnt take too serius and dont pretend to be more than actually is a videogame
I hope For a secuel
fuck it, time to switch to back dashing.
Does it really need complex combat and different weapons though? That just means it plays closer to a metroid game than a castlevania. HK just has spells and weapon arts instead of missles/bombs and beam types. Plenty of simple games still have good boss fights.
>Soma, Alucard, JOHNATHON, and Shanoa have great walk cycles
>Miriam walks like a retard
3D was a mistake
It's more of a Valkyrie Profile clone, and it looks like a pretty shitty one
Blue rose is one of the best swords in the game.
Its craftible only and i believe the book is by gebels room somewhere
It's Blue Rose, the strongest sword in the game. You just craft it with the ultimate weapon recipe.
Of course, it's shit compared to Rhava Velar or the Adrasteia, which are both ridiculously busted. One shits out damage like nothing else, and the other lets you stand in one place mashing the attack button as homing bullets oneshot almost everything in the game (and twoshotting everything else), doing twice the damage without a specific build that other 'ultimate' weapons can muster with proper equipment and passives.
I didn't say it needs it, I enjoyed the game and DLC because of several elements and aspects. I just wish it was better in terms of combat because that would make me replay it
>there are people who genuinely think that Hollow Knight is shit
im still on the fence of getting bloodstained.
I want to get it, but $50+CAN is a little too much. I think I can wait until its inevitable discount.
I don't usually like grinding in games, but there's something about the grind in Metroidvanias that just feels...fulfilling.
>opinions differ
is this your first day in our world? welcome, from which asteroid did you spawn?
This, and there are people who think SotN is better than bloodstained.
Yo, user.
Mad respect for holding and explaining your opinion, even if I disagree about Hollow Knight.
It’s tough when people on Yea Forums will just all descend upon you if they don’t like your position.
Quick question, I know you said weapon variety would help, but what do you mean exactly? Like ranged weapons and such? Or just different types of close and far range weapons. Kinda like Sotn or any game with equippable weapons.
You call it a metroidvania, that is how the genre was created, HK is a metroid-like game, since it doesn't have any rpg elements
now we're talking
maybe a bit in the direction of dead cells for example. it lets you utilize a vast arsenal of several melee weapons, turrets, traps, bows and crossbows, shields etc
not saying it has to be exactly like that of course, but just a step in that direction to spice things up a bit would help a lot
also thanks, but it's just the internet after all
Combat variety doesn't necessarily improve the fights though. Bloodstained has lots of variety for ways to deal damage, but its boss fights are trash (rest of the game plays fine). I prefer fights like NKG or Pure Vessel where you have to learn all the boss's moves to be able to beat it. I found beating all fights on radiant difficulty more fun than getting boss medals in Bloodstained.
>since it doesn't have any rpg elements
Wait really? What a fucking piece of crap, do people actually like this shit? Not only it looks hideous it's not even an RPG.
Hollow Knight is great all the way throughout.
Bloodstained has a fantastic introduction and first half but everything that is required for true ending is a fucking joke and not a funny one as well. Horrendous bosses, horrendous samey levels, horrendous soul variety (which was honestly surprising - it's not even close to the hilarious shit you could've used in Dawn of Sorrow like summoning a health-sucking vacuum cleaner or growing a tail), absolutely horrendous "story" that is not even memetic like Iga's best works, it was just all around horrible.
that's fair, although I can't comment on bloodstained because I haven't played it
So apparently Bloodstained sold best on Switch, despite it releasing a week later and being ass. People really want a new metroidvania game on Switch I guess.
it wasn't a backer platform
Why do people on this board seem to have a disproporcianal amount of hatred for HK? There's never a "real" explanation out there, just that "it sucks" or the most reductionist garbage like saying you "just point at a guy and he dies" to describe why doom is bad for instance
100% agree with you there user, which is why I'm not such a big fan of "classic" metroidvanias, indies have brought some massive improvements to the genre overall, whether it's Enviromental Station Alpha, Hollow Knight or Rabi Ribi they all bring unique challenges to the table and have endgames with enough difficulty that require true mastery of the mechanics to beat them
>how dare people like games you can't trivialize through grinding
>bug dark n edgy game only reddit enjoy
memevania still the best, fucking basedboys
just a bit of the ol' contrariansm because it gets talked about a lot, and shitposter were spamming it in Bloodstained threads
Wasn't it an option for people to switch from WiiU to?
I doubt many backers picked the WiiU version
Yeah, you have the freedom to that, that's what a ROLE PLAYING GAME is all about.
>what's next?
Well, Apparently Mercury Steam is not done with Metroid according to King Zell.
So it is possible we'll see another 2d Metroid on switch.
wow must be suck to be you fucking loser lol
glad bloodstained is selling more than that Yea Forums trash
>shitty bug game i like!
You’re a fucking loser with no life.
kill yourself
Can we actually answer OP's question?
I know theres at least Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom coming up
So every game that isn't an RPG sucks?
You're fucking cancer, you remind me of DDfags who hate on Itsuno because he made DMC5 first
To me, yes
I only play RPGs and can't get the appeal of that flash game in the OP
So literally how the fuck do you beat Alfred in Bloodstained? Once he casts his Slow spell I have no way to avoid being anally raped as he starts spamming spells like he's on crack. I also can't believe the slow fields are just slightly too big to jump over, does it just last a long time and I'm supposed to wait it out?
Which room is Gebel's room?
We live in a golden age of metroidvania
Whats the release date?
The one where you fought him
Thanks for the reminder it seems to be releasing next month on Steam.
got it. thanks user.
Forgot to add a wojak reaction image from your folder there, user.
Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all agree that
Bloodstained = best RPG elements
HK = best combat
Ori = best platforming
RW = best atmosphere/storytelling
Zangetsu Adventures in Chuuniland
Fuck y'all cucks ima still buy bloodstained cause it looks cool
Unironically dont know what this stands for
Poison him.
I’ll never understand SotN dickriding. Almost avery one of it’s antecessors did the formula better, including Bloodstained
Probably Rain World.
Rain World and Ori are both 50% off right now ($9.99), Are they worth playing?
Fucking RAIN WORLD of course
Not really a metroidvania though
Absolutely based
Absolutely, but I'm sure they could go for cheaper, they're pretty old games. Rain World has a fan expansion coming up tho and lots of other mods
Posts like this is why people hate it. I’m sure it’s a fine game but people comparing it with classic metroidvanias when they’re not really the same at all. HK is by no means the game I want so claiming it’s an “improvement to the genre” is some blood-boiling shit
I’m glad there’s a push to differentiate the two in terminology now that we finally fucking have a proper metroidvania again
Get Gram and qcf
>best map : La Mulana
I swear each room had like 4 levels of puzzles within it
Pretty sure Rabi ribi is Metroidvania while HK is more metroid-like
This, these damn kids and the fact that they always think that the first game they play from a genre (even If it is vaguely associated with said genre) must be the best game of it's kind and anything else can't even come close to it. At last a true metroidvania came out, and these elitist assholes are now kicking and screaming at how utterly wrong they were.
How does La Mulana stack up, it's pretty cheap right now?
I’ve been eyeballing Rabi Ribi for years, at this point I’m waiting for the Switch port
So you're just mad a lot of people like the other one better, got it
My first Metroidvania was Aria of Sorrow, Hollow Knight is still better than Bloodstained.
Unironically the pinnacle of the genre, but it can be pretty difficult, especially if you expect it to hold your hand
It's extremely good but it's very much a hardcore experience. Like, you'll need a notepad in order to complete it. Or a walkthrough if you're a cheater.
Eh, is there any other classic like metroidvanias ? I'm just finished bloodstained for 100% and i felt this game definitely not any other metroidvanias i played and know.
Work on that reading comprehension champ
Imagine not knowing shit about videogames that much
Try Aria of Sorrow or Portrait of Ruin
Reminder that if you like Metroidvanias there is literally no reason not to have played through Environmental Station Alpha yet.
Visit the library
kinda boring desu
It's literally one of the best, but it's insanely hard. The sequel is a lot more fair in my opinion.
Of course. HK has no materials to collect, no levels and no gear to make you OP. Only a few upgrades and skills.
It's very niche and emulates the style of MSX/NES era games.
You play as an archeologist who unravels the secrets of underground ruins through solving extremely obtuse puzzles with nothing more than tablet hints and attention to detail.
The movement and combat are limited, you have access to main weapons (swords, axes, katanas) and sub weapons ( shuriken, bombs, etc.) but you have to know how to use them given the limited movement options.
Remembering room names, reading the manual a d drawing the map on a notebook is a requirement to best the game blind, and even then you might be tempted to give up and read a spoiler free guide.
Talk to Dominique then go to the library
ugly af, the sprite resolution is like 120p what the hell
I honestly think this game has a better atmosphere than Super Metroid. It's made by the guy that made Baba Is You.
Thanks my dude.
It has the best combat out of the 3 by far, but its more a roguelite than a metriodvania
It's very low res but you're missing out if you can't look passed that.
ESA = best Metroid
That's what I thought the first time I looked at it but then a friend forced me to play it and it was definitely worth it.
Axiom Verge exists.
what kinda rouge-lite is it? can good RNG carry you like crazy or is it mostly skill based?
La Mulana follows secretious barely known school of Maze of Gallious. It's pretty different from both Metroid and Igavanias, instead of being a light platformer with occasional secret or ability-locked path here and there it's a confusing maze filled with puzzles
That game is so dull, I never beat it.
Then you are a functioning adult that can choose something being better based on personal taste and not because it's the first you played, I am not talking about you in my post, carry on
I have zero idea why people even mention it in metroidvania threads. It has not a single feature related to them.
It's a roguelike as in it has randomly generated levels and perma death. It is mostly skill based. There aren't that many weapons, so it's not rare to get your favorite ones. Nowhere near Isaac levels of RNG.
>can good RNG carry you like crazy or is it mostly skill based?
I mean getting good stat rolls on weapons certainly helps, but if your not good at dodging/parrying you wont get far. Even on normal bosses and enemies deal a good amount of damage. I never felt that I died soley cause of RNG
It has metriodvania elements like not being able to access certain areas until you get specific runes, but outside of that, I agree, Id never classify it as a metriodvania
Hollow Knight’s controls are so fucking bland. Thankfully Silksong seems to be addressing this.
Yes it is, but really give it a chance.
I hated it at first for it's unapologetic uglyness too
Eh, i won't fight you. I love AV too
Post weaponfus
Where does Gram drop? I had one but spent it on the Greatsword shard upgrade because I'm using one of the upgraded 8-bit coin Greatswords which does better damage.
It seemed to last forever. I only got the medal by being super aggro and killing him before he got the spell off. Took many attempts.
Buy stonewards.
Also a Kickstarter game. Don't forget.
La Mulana is a puzzle game. It just has a metroidvania level design, as in 2d open world, but instead of killing bosses to progress and/or acquiring keys / mobility upgrades, you solve puzzle. A lot of people seems to come with the metroidvania mindset and get frustrated, that or they're sub 110 IQ chimps. Mulana 2 is a bit more casual than 1 and has less meme puzzles, so it's the superior choice, even though i prefer 1.
Nigga, you also kill bosses, and there is a huge emphasis on exploration. It's a metroidvania more than it is a puzzle game.
You might have to craft it
I just beat Failed Champion and now I'm stuck exploring random places looking for dreams or something. I got about 1,100 essence and the only place I can think of is the fog area but the map man is blocked by some black shit and I can't tell if I've missed something without a map. Already killed the spider queen dream.
>So what's next after these two masterpieces?
This masterpeice will arrive next year and rape them both.
>platforming autism in spike filled tunnels
hard pass for most people
70% skills and 30% rng.
You can get pretty far even with garbage items if youre good enough, but it's almost impossible to beat the game only with pure kills.
On the other end, you can get the ebst items in the game and you could easily lose to the first boss every time if you suck at 2D action games.
The first game has some parts that I would legitimately consider bad design, don't worry if you have to look shit up. This is coming from someone who considers it in his top 10 games. The second game is much more fair but still really hard. I was able to finish it without looking it up.
...Fuck some parts in the first game though.
Fuck the buglets.
Play more games for fuck sake.
>how is dead cells?
Not a mteroidvania, so get the fuck out of this thread.
>It's Blue Rose, the strongest sword in the game
No it's not. The stronger sword in the game is 32 bit Eu's Sword.
That's the first game.
The second one is developed to be a full fledged metroidvania.
They even hired the man who alone made AM2R to reach that goal.
Also Ori 2 will have a bigger budget than all the other metroidvania released in the past years.