Best suit power and mods?

Best suit power and mods?

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nothing beats we blossom in a hectic fight
though iron arms is good against bosses
and battle focus is good for combat challenges

as for mods, situational:
landmark scanner for web slinging
long scanner and stealth stuff for stealth
x2 web attack focus, kinetic power, combat analyser for fights
gadget refill stuff for gadget challenges

the uninstall one

have sex

Spider bro drone

The Power of Rock

>ignoring a game because of the paradigm of its setting
go and stay go

My favorite suit is the one that makes the game good. Protip: it doesn't exist.

pro tip. if an enemy bugs out and gets stuck in the geometry and you can't hit him, preventing you from finishing a fight?
negative suit power will take care of that

Battle Focus

Threat Sensors
Kinetic Power Cells
Discharge Power Cells

What are your favorite games then? Looking for a laugh

My favorite game is Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno for the PS2.

>Best Suit
Scarlet Spider 2
>Best Power
Web Blossom
>Favorite Mods
Probably the one that auto heals when I get close to dying

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I always use Web Blossom. I wish quips actually had more than 5 sayings and actually did something.

Guess you're too self conscious about it, oh well

>That plastic looking glare on the black part of the suit


If the default/classic costume had the material of the Homecoming suit, it'd be literal perfection.

>best power

Battle Focus
Battle Focus remains top-tier for the entire game and causes the Focus meter to recharge continuously for a brief period of time.

>best mods

Webbed Striker
Web attacks generate more Focus.

Kinetic Power Cells
Increases the rate Focus regenerates.

Discharge Power Cells
Perfect Dodge temporarily increases damage.

My favourite suit is Last Stand.

>nobody posted the actual best suit

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I can't be assed to load up the game to see which mods I used but I remember the electric punches being stupidly powerful.

Symbiote + infinite web gadgets

I hate these drone challenges so fucking much


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but that's my favorite and the one I stuck with the most.

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Symbiote isn’t even in the game bro.

I think I'll swap Weebed Striker with the mod that slows down time after a Perfect Dodge.