Fate/Extella Link

I played this back on release but now I've gone back to try and get a Platinum.

What did you guys think? Other than being a repetitive musou I thought it was alright. I mean, Fatefags eat up anything you throw at them, really.

Will we ever get another RPG Fate game? Will Type Moon ever make a visual novel again?

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CCC when

Is there any chance we'd get a Grand Order-based action game?

I want Nightingale, Jack and Semiramis playable in an action or fighting game.

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>And as the deluge of comments and tweets imply, no, CCC is not cancelled, it’s on the backburner so projects like this and Eternal Punishment(which are WORLDS easier) can see completion.

It's being handled by a team that's doing a shitload of simultaneous translations. They decided to put CCC on halt completely to work on other projects. Specifically in this case, it's the Saturn and PC versions of Sakura Wars.

There's a free PSVR game about F/GO so it's not impossible. It's hard to predict what Type Moon will do. I mean, nobody was expecting them to turn the Fate/Extra timeline from a series of JRPGs into a series of Musou games.

At least we have a game with playable Astolpho.

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>There's a free PSVR game about F/GO so it's not impossible.
I tried that, it's neat but it's basically just a "Mash and Saber hang out with you for like 10 minutes" VR experience, not really a game. I'm a Saberfag so it made me happy though.

I miss playing Unlimited Codes with a dude back in college on PSP. A Grand Order fighting game similar to the Granblue one would be amazing.

I would've got Extella Link but I really haven't followed the Extra story at all.

no raikou no buy

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It's such a ridiculous step up from Extella 1 it's ridiculous. Link very much feels like a filler title to bring the engine up to snuff for making Extella 2 proper.
My wild dream is that they use this engine to remake Extra and CCC.

FGO Arcade just needs a console version.

>Is there any chance we'd get a Grand Order-based action game?
They barely put money and effort into their biggest moneymaker, why would they risk investing money into making games that will at best make a fraction of they money FGO makes with barely any effort, and at worst will be just a waste of money

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>A Grand Order fighting game similar to the Granblue one would be amazing.
Not going to happen because, unlike based Cygames, Type Moon only does lazy things.

>I would've got Extella Link but I really haven't followed the Extra story at all.
Play the first Fate/Extra on the PSP. From there you can go straight to the PS4 Musou games.

I didn't play the first Extella, was it really that bad?

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I liked it, its a decent time waster. The 1st one had a way better story and events in general, though this one has superior gameplay and also scathach
I doubt they'll ever release a proper rpg, its too much of a hassle when they're already drowning in money with barely any effort given

never played the first game. felt this was fucking nothing and musou's are still empty pretend games. Couldn't even get any real story or anything.

>I didn't play the first Extella, was it really that bad?
Yes, possibly one of the worst Musou games ever made.

>The 1st one had a way better story
>an actual story section with Altera
>and then more Nerowank
It had 1/4th of a good story.

IS it any better than normal Extella? I hated how it was the only musou where an area is lost the second an enem officer steps into it

Okay. Take extella link
>Downgrade the graphics hard
>No bonus battles. You have 3 main routes where you do the like 6 main maps in differing order and the side routes which has everyone but the 3 heroines just have a 3-fight sub story.
>Make it so in the campaign you can only use Nero, Tamamo, and Altera with specific mystic codes letting you tag out to Nameless, Karna, and Gil. Route-specific pairs.
>No active skills, just longer basic combos with what became a number of active skills behind the "heavy" input finishers.
>Plants spawn WAY more frequently and aggressively.
>Instead of drive move, you have the extella maneuver. Which breaks the entire game's balance and makes it more braindead everything else would. Where you build up, press circle, and wipe entire rooms after a few hits. Easiest way to build combo.
The only real downgrade from Extella to Link is the main story dip and lack of the character side-stories.

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At least they tried, in link its pretty much an afterthought. For example, i have no clue how everyone is ok with archimedes or how he even appeared in the first place

Honestly Link just feels non-canon.
Because it absolutely drops the entire existence of Mathman being Mathman or C. Liz's entire subplot.
You could argue they were resummoned, but it's never explained one way or the other.

It pretty much is a filler until they release extella 2. Though im honestly fine with link, they really did improve combat, hopefully they'll polish it even further for the next game

It has my waifu Nero so its automatically GOTY

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i hate how the fights take place in sparkly intangible magic cube arenas instead of normal battlefields

>maybe people should realize how rotten to the core is TM these days

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her head looks too small


>games that usually have dozens of characters
>licensed a franchise with dozens of characters
>less than 30 playable
Saying that, I will still start playing as soon as passionlip is playable.

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I liked extella link, it was mindless fun. Way better than their first musou

You're a man of culture.

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