How are you holding up?

>be me
>be neet ( also """"student on uni"""") for 6 years
>hate my life and be depressed as fuck
>but still somehow enjoy games and animes, some more some less in a change of shifts
>mom freaks out, get an apprenticeship in I.T.
>know less about coding and shit than general /g/aylord
>the bit of money i get only suffice for the rent
>except time isuess cant even enjoy games and animes anymore
>more depressed than before
someone kill me dudeeeee

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oh yeah i hate my job
but i keep telling me to hold out for 2 more years till i finish this shit
its to painfull bros

>go on first date in awhile
>she tells me about how she slept with some guys where we both work
>get turned off and get awkward the whole date
>no kiss, gives me a hug and says she’s not looking for a relationship
I hate women

feels bad man

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anime is pretty gay bro
I mean, have you even watched Eva? shit sucks yo

stop watching anime you tranny

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>be me
>blog post
I thought moot said summer posters didn't exist.

>in the best shape of my life at 32
>have the V shape, tone in my arms and core
>it all came too late, as I am still in college chasing after a dead end degree, with no idea what I Want to do after I graduate
>no friends, never had a girlfriend, so I'm basically in the best shape of my life too fucking late, for no reason whatsoever
>grew up in the 90s, and every time I see a young twenty-something looking down at their phone in a social situation, I fight back the urge to dropkick a baby
>still live with my mom, crippling depression and insomnia

Y-yeah, I'm holding in there.

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>neet with no job prospects
>miss my family
>barely enjoy video games anymore, feel exhausted after 30 minutes
>need to find a shit job because inheritance money is running out but life already sucks as it is and I don't know if I could stand it

did you do roids?

never, I'm natural.

>>be neet ( also """"student on uni"""") for 6 years
So, not a NEET?

The summers when you're not in class or working are TOP NEET desu

you are the tranny

At least you were mature about it and didn’t raise a scene.

i went there like 1 time week

>rum raisin
fuck started diet 4 days ago and cant stop seeing sugar everywhere

So, not a NEET then


Go out with a bang by killing fictional depictions of politicians and rich people in Minecraft

Explain your shit taste

>I am depressed
>but not really because I enjoy these things
Fuck off with your stupid fucking meme, you stupid zoomer fuck.

No one:

Literally no person:

Not even a single soul:

Yea Forums NEET: I hAvE dEpReSsIoN

>Wasting your inheritance by spending it away instead of investing it towards your future
I hope your happy with your shit retirement.

You know what true suffering is in life?
Being a non-white (non-asian too) weeaboo.
Because you KNOW that the country/culture you're glorifying every day hates your guts and wants you dead on sight.

I can't even watch some nice toho covers without shutting it down and start crying.

Fuck you mum, I never asked for this...

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>go out
>she starts talking about dudes she's fucking
That was not a date.

I'm not happy. Please tell me what I can do to be happy.

That's obviously not even the slightest bit true you retarded twitter teen.

>just graduated college with a degree in a subject I don't care about
>know how to code but degree isn't in compsci
>don't want to work in shitty retail/service

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>have a stable job im doing well at
>but its not enough and i'll have to try for something more eventually

it never ends

You gotta be yourself. And the first step is to take care of yourself.

How do I stop procrastinating? Even with my ADHD meds it feels like every fiber of my being does not want to do that task and will find anything even the smallest to distract me?

And how do I do that without spending money?

get better bait, you fucking mongrel.

>How do I stop procrastinating?
Just like how you stop being a fatty. Just do what you have to do while bearing the discomfort. Its the only way.

>she tells me about how she slept with some guys where we both work
>get turned off
next time,just leave.

Why would she tell you about how she's fucking a bunch of guys at the palce you both work on your first date? Who does that?

>working a steady, salaried job for several years
>about to buy a home
>no gf to waste money on
Feels good guys, living the dream!

I feel you.
Last date I had went well enough right up until she started asking if I'm up for a threesome with another guy she knew.

Kill yourself.

Honestly user the best thing for you is to get a job.
When you have a job you'll cherish all the free time you have so much more, games will become more fun.

I work a dead end job that I fucking hate, doing the work that incompetent management is incapable of. When I get home all I do is sleep and wake up again to work and it's killing me. I haven't been happy in years and now videogames no longer bring me that temporary happiness. I tried modding Minecraft and shit but I'm not getting anywhere near what I want. I just want a fucking postapocalypse zombie shooter with an endless world and I don't know what to fucking do anymore.

>Because you KNOW that the country/culture you're glorifying every day hates your guts and wants you dead on sight.
Otaku are pretty friendly, user. They hate riajuu much more than they will hate you. So long as you put in some effort to learn their language and culture they'll be fine with you. Unless you're a nigger.

>life already sucks and is barely worth living
>therefore I'll enjoy life more if I spend most of my time doing something I hate
Thanks for the effort but I think this guy's advice makes more sense

You don't. What's your problem? Are you allergic to work or afraid of it?

>Fuck you mum,

Life sucks because you don't do anything, you just sit around and wallow in your misery.
I assume your diet is also junk food and you don't get much exercise as a neet.
Not joking, you need a change to your lifestyle or you'll just keep sliding deeper

you first tranny

how about quitting if you hate it that much
just succ the government bro

Keep at it, bro. You'll stop craving sugar soon.

>have a family that loves me
>have two friends that are comfy to hang out with
>prove i'm not fucked with interactions IRL by cuddling with a girl the other day
>also have my good friends at 4channel
> :)

thx /fit/ bro

>Graduated half a year ago
>Couldn't get a job in my field
>Grades weren't good enough for grad school
>Didn't network at all so I can't nepotism my way in
What do I do now, bros?

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Fuck Tinder sluts? I mean, isn't that what people do these days?

Keep at it. I didn't get my first job until half a year after graduating either. Wyatt did the interviewers not like about you?

Stop describing my life fag.

Take up a new hobby, something that you can "create" something with like buying and making models or drawing etc. Buy a box set of perry miniatures and some paint and just make them, they are cheap, it passes time and you have something to show for it, what you need is to stop "consuming" and still expecting gratification, and start doing something that is rewarding when you do it.

Shit, draw anime titties, put it out there.

I want an anime GF

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Read the situation. Just realise that she is a whore that wants to be used and disposed of.

Either take advantage of her. Or if you are based, take her back to yours, cover the house in plastic sheets, murder her and dump her in the woods, thus rectifying her parents mistake.


I think it's because I'm a fucking nervous sperg

Move to eastern europe. Join far right extremist group. Or live on a commune.

>there are people with no friends and no family
>no money at all
>no place to live
>no possessions
>no social benefits to look after them
>this faggot is whining on the internet

You have no idea how good you have it.

>Didn't finish High school
>Been a neet for the past 5 years.
>Haven't looked for love for the last 6 years.
>Chubby and I hate my own body and myself
>Got a job now and it's going well
>Love everyone at work and they've grown fond of me.
>Had great chemistry with a girl at work and asked her out. She agreed and I got her number
>She goes away for 2 weeks
>When she comes back she's cold and distant towards me. Says she doesn't want to talk outside of work. Barely notice me anymore at work.
>People that previously joked and spoke with me all the time at work are starting to treat me with indifference and I have no idea why.
>Too anxious and nervous to ask why.
>In the past 3 months I've bought 5 games, but I haven't played any of them yet. Not for a lack of time, but interest.
One upside is that I've finally got a job, but everything else still sucks.

>other people are worse so you must be happy all the time
Not how it works buddy. Bet you donate when you see a jewish advert for some african charity to sponsor the mass nignog production factory.

>walking back towards my dorm, qt brunette is just in front of me
>end up in the same elevator
>she turns to me
>"hey, you look really good in that sweater"
>panic, look down
>i'm not even wearing a sweater
>look back up
>turns out she was the god damn loch ness monster
>"alright, now give me that tree fiddy boy"

For the next 12 hours I am okay, I just ate 10 grams of shrooms.

Join the army. It sounds easy and pretty stressless.


What are you so about nervous?

One on Yea Forums every now and then doesn't hurt. They usually get deleted before 260 posts.

I'm in the Same boat
I was thinking just getting a part time job at a liquor store until some company feels enough pity to hire me. Because at least I have experience with booze

I hope you didn't pay for her meal lmao.

Women use men as wallets when they're not interested in taking dick. When they want the dick they'll even pay for shit kek.

A whore who thought she had found a new friend in this dickless turd.

He watched it on Netflix.

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>be yourself
>but also don't be yourself, be someone who employers and coworkers like

I just don't get the logic here. I'm trying to do the remaining things I enjoy the most (video games) and I'm already miserable. I can only imagine becoming more miserable if I did more things I hate.

>People that previously joked and spoke with me all the time at work are starting to treat me with indifference and I have no idea why.
>Too anxious and nervous to ask why.
Yeah there really is no winning in these situations. Asking about it is only going to make it worse and make people dislike you more. The only thing you can do is try to find how to best interact with them so they find you more endearing, other than that i would just try to give up on friendship.

Shut the fuck up faggot, you're not even Japanese you retard. Go tell everybody how niggers feel about their fuckin' community next, dumb ass.

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Fuck,that actually makes sense now that I think about it. Most changes were things that spat in the face of the old-time fans though,I don't think the overly literal translation would bother a normie. It's probably bait anyway

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Problems are relative you fucking loser. By your logic no one can feel bad about anything as long as they're not dead.

32 is the prime age for fucking 19 year olds you dumb asshole.

> sad little incel is bragging about that time he cuddled

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>no job
>haven't been able to look for one due to personal reasons and I only have to wait at least two more weeks
>haven't maintained much if all contact with any old friends
>feel like a stranger in my own town
>have no incentive to hunt down any dates with women
>still want to finish college, despite only accomplishing 33 credits in 3 years.
>want to finish flight training so badly but I haven't been able to fly for two months because parents haven't been able to help out, bless them though for helping me gain 49 hours.
My second playthrough of FFIX is going pretty well though, Dunno what game I want to do next though

I dont fucking care about turd worlders, we've thrown so much money at them and they haven't done anything with it

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>we've thrown so much money at them and they haven't done anything with it
That's a little rich coming from you

>still in college by 30
Why do guys do this?

Africa aint Wakanda faggot.

Loans are scary and it's too easy to get burnt out

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>be Swedish
>foreign qt interns at my job
>one is a beautiful Irish girl
>have several conversations with her these past weeks
>she's really talkative and patient with my third world English
>last conversation I try to be witty and I mess up
>she asks if it was a joke and I say I don't know and that I'm stupid
>she then proceeds to say "oh stupid user" in a cutesy kind of way
>I let it pass and feel my balls shrink

Fuck man. It's such a minefield talking to pretty girls.

My coworkers invited me out to hang, first time I went out with anyone other than my family in seven years. One left though, the one I talked with the most. Now that he’s gone my catalyst for socialization is gone too. No one else really bothers to talk with me as much and I don’t think I’ll be invited out again. The one who left said he’d up me up to hang and add me on steam but he hasn’t. If this is the case I wish they had never bothered, instead of getting my hopes up that I had finally made new friends.

>be me
>no subscribe button

Take her to Nespresso for a fika

It seems nonsensical, but you have to remember your brain is wired to be unsatisfied with whatever you do for long periods of time. It's why you need variety and to break up whatever activities you indulge in. If you play video games all day with nothing else, you're going to end up hating it. Getting a job is a productive way of breaking up your time since it generates income and work experience, but if you're dead set against it, try working out, or reading a book, or volunteering, or getting a new hobby like hunting, fishing, shooting, chess, cards, whatever. Don't like those? Keep trying new stuff until you find something you like to switch it up with. There's literally thousands of ways to spend your time, you should find something eventually.

Think of it like a meal. If you eat sugary shit nonstop, your tastebuds will stop registering it and you'll want something savory or salty.

I can't man. Got a gf. don't ask me what I'm doing here

>wake up
>make elaborete plan how to make my suicide look like an accident
>realize im a pussy and ill never do it
>still neet and live with mom

I'm feeling great. I got a Raspberry Pi 4 that I've been messing around with and documenting how emulators have been running on it, and one of my vids just hit 3.2k views in a few days.
I love entertaining people as myself. At work, I serve and entertain, but I'm not me and it sucks. Being me at work I get complaints.

why were you considering cheating on her you fucking nigger

Thanks, mom.

dont fuck whores
thats what weak people do
casual sex is for losers

just buty some crypto even if its mean to be extreme poor for while

no the anime actually just sucks

I don't. my dick does each and every time I leave the house

I feel like it's a good thing to not sperg out when talking to girls, and I take every chance to practice. For posterity.

AMD is the prime stock. Buy and sell that shit five times a day.

for once in my life i thought i could be fucking happy
the last few months felt really good
but now she suddenly wants to stay away from me
everything is lonelier than before now
i dont even have the drive to shitpost properly
normally id love to spam junji ito or some milf doujin but i dont ever feel like jerking off anymore
enjoy my blogpost

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but BTC is so high now, only a retard would buy

I fucking hate women

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You swedes are a fucked up people