Is this image still relevant?
Is this image still relevant?
No. All of Yea Forums already knows Zelda's shit, so nobody has a reason to cry about it anymore.
No, it's a good game only snoys bitch about it.
Thanks for confirming that it is still very relevant.
Sonychad here, I unironically hope Nintendo gets more games because having Nintendo have great exclusives gives more incentive for other companies to create new IPs, and it might even convince me to buy a Switch one day.
Console-warring is retarded, we should all be happy for each other's success. Nintendo having great games doesn't diminish the ps4 from having great games and vice versa.
It got posted every thread, so I guess in theory the person posting it was crying over Breath of the Wild, even if it's for a different reason.
How the fuck are you people not banned yet. You've made zelda and and the switch a laughing stock on Yea Forums. You can't get threads without people shitting on botw and the switch.
Not only that but you've done it while breaking the rules.
Fuck you
I love lolis
Dead game
Children are sexy
Does Yea Forums have a favourite doujin?
Hey, I fucking loved this game. I mean, I get why some don't, I can admit the overworld's a bit empty and combat can be a bit braindead. But I really, really loved this game, and the only other LOZ game I've played is OOT.
i like muk
Only if you think criticism counts as "crying". We've had some good discussions about the flaws of BotW where this picture has been posted.
I like this one
It's weird how anything negative pertaining to the Switch is so often considered shitposting, people lying, etc.
Why is it that no one can have any negative opinions about Nintendo garbage on this board? People literally freak out, start calling you names, threaten you; what the fuck is wrong with the Nintendo fans on this board, also, doesn't the constant threads seeking validation and defending the game just prove its heavily flawed? You clearly show severe insecurities surrounding it.
muk is legendary
it was never relevant
mods are nintendards you'd notcie with constant nintendo stickies and fanboy threads that stay up like this one
You're right, Yea Forums is Nintendo territory and Sony is Reddit.
Go Back.
Fuck you, you double nigger.
Don't drag me in with you fanboys, you're the biggest fucking problem on this board.
i love threads that break the rules
>Please please talk about the game
Nobody cares OP, it was a cool tech demo that exposed reviewers.
Maybe if you stop shitting in comfy Switch threads with constant 'kek Soitch has no geimz!!' posts, people would treat you differently. But since you won't stop...
Yeah. Fragile fanboys always need their cope images. Any response to this post proves me right.
>complains about 3 trillion smash threads when 99% of them aren't even discussing the game but making endless speculation about retarded rostershit
>mods doing literally nothing to stop people from making 10 threads per minute that starts with "he's in"
I will even take threads that start with 's picture over the constant smash autism, yet they will still scream that Yea Forums is somehow not pro-nintnedo.
>comfy Switch threads
All Shitch threads are started by defensive coping nintendogs trying to take others down with their nogames fisher price tablet
It has already been improved upon by other titles
Mods are fucking niggers, fuck them.
This rule is never ever fucking enforced. I fucking hate mods so fucking much.
Thank you for confirmation.
>why yes, i post reaction images of smug video game and anime characters, how could you tell?
glad to see some anons are still /based/
>complains about console war threads and fanboyism in general
>outright states that I don't support either side and points out how fanboyism are fueling posts riddled with lies and selective evidence to fuel console flamewar thread
That alongside with all the political shitposting made me retire to the lower traffic boards these days, I guess the trannies have won.