You ARE going to play his game before you main him, right user? You wouldn't dare become a Smash tertiary, right?

You ARE going to play his game before you main him, right user? You wouldn't dare become a Smash tertiary, right?

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Should I bother with Xenlon or call it a day and play something else?

playing a character's game has shit to do with smash, its just a brawler with known character skins, that's all there is to it: if the game was filled with made up characters it would've never got a sequel in the first place

Is dragon quest 11 good enough? I don't really care enough to want to play the older ones.

I'm playing 8's game first.

I'm not going to main an Anime Swordsman. Played Dragon Quest, can't remember which one, thought it was pure shite.

Biiiiiitccchh, I've played his game at least ten times through since I got it for the GBC as a kid. I'm fucking more than ready for this.

So long as 11 is the Hero you're maining, then sure.

Yeah, but wait for the Switch version if you can. It changes and adds a ton of shit. If you can't, then it's a still a good game regardless.

>if the game was filled with made up characters it would've never got a sequel in the first place
but it's not filled with made up characters so that's a moot point

>I don't really care enough to want to play the older ones.
You won't like DQ.

Call it a day

who cares

>shit taste

Checks out. Back to GTAV with you

I should replay it. I played the SNES version, but maybe I'll go for the GBC one this time.

If you haven't played at least one dragon quest game before the smash announcement you need to GTFO off of this board

I'm not even gonna buy his DLC.

I don't play Smash, I just get excited at the character announcements.

What the fuck you gonna do to stop me tard? I’ll even read tv tropes pages on the game just so I can pretend I played.

I refuse to use characters that are wasted slots, on principle

Should I name the DQ8 protag Hero or Rocket?

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It's a gorgeous game but the difficulty is too low on the default settings to be engaging and the plot isn't strong enough to carry that weight alone

I'm in the middle of playing DQ5 right now. I'm not really feeling the PS2 fan translation so I might restart with the 3DS version (but then I'd have to deal with the MIDI soundtrack).

Well you should have fun playing as Hero then

I already beat it on a physical GBC years ago

>a Smash tertiary, right?
Only Supreme autists care about shit like this. I'll play whoever I damn well please. The only DQ i player was one the DS and that Hero doesn't have a skin. I will play the green haired Guy as hè looks the most unique and coolest. The one you posted looks like teen Gohan, the XI Guy is Trunks/17 fusion, and the other one looks like a dumb pirate.

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>one of the biggest series in Japan
>wasted slot

Yeah it's good, make sure you enable stronger monster for a normal game challenge. I would also say play DQ1 on your phone, you can beat it in 1 or 2 days as it's super short.

>only DQ game I've ever beat in my life was fucking DQM joker on the DS
I'll just take the L on this one. Besides, playing games just because smash is stupid anyway.

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>implying I won't just try him out for an hour or two at most like I did Joker before going back to my main

Not Scottish. We say shite in parts of England as well.

I already did, good game

I've seen people say that DQ11 is too easy, this is a positive for me because while I enjoy JRPGs for their stories I don't really like grinding and stuff. So, is it just easy in general like Pokémon or just easy for people who are JRPG experts, but not for casuals like me?

there are a few bumps in the road but DQ11 is easy.

Not "I can beat this by mashing attack easy (ala FFXV)" but on the easier side.

Plus there is a level grinding method near the end of the game

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About 30 hours in. It's pretty enjoyable but utterly unremarkable. It's just a fine RPG.

It's pretty easy so long as you're changing up your party lineup frequently and using a good variety of abilities. I actually think it's harder earlier in the game when you have less party members.

"secondary" wasn't a good enough word for this? you had to jack it up to "tertiary"?

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