Just transition already

Just transition already

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dont encourage transition they should learn to deal with their problems in a healthy way

I did!

have sex


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I will if you find me a husband that will let me be his housewife.

>liking girls is gay
u wot m8?

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>have sex for the purpose of procreation
>get pregnant
>start a family
>live a normal life
>work for 40 years
>retire at 65
>die happy

>pick girl in game
>thus, trans
There are people this retarded.

anyone getting it too?

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OP is self-inserting in every game to cope with shortcomings in his own life.
As a result, he thinks, and implies, that everyone else plays games the same way, by self-inserting them.

This he then projects onto people playing females, and since in his world on his own way of thinking exists, he believes those people self-insert as a women when playing female.
OP does not posses the intelligence to empathize with other humans, and therefore has to claim that anyone playing as female is transgender.

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>every tranny plays as a girl


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I play as a girl because I like girls.
I especially like when I can romance other girls and orchestrate a Yuri fantasy.

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see ya in 20 years
oh wait...

>This is what trannies actually believe

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Pics or gtfo

I wonder where all of these trannies are going to be in twenty years time.

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hopefully dead

They'll be underground

if i have a choice i always pick THE BLACK MAN.

if i can pick an old black man, the better

I dont want to be the girl, I want to be in her!

me my gf (male)

Sorry, OP, I'm not a retard.

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all those reasons are legitimate.

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>be me
>be 5'5 and a half
>no adams apple
>slender frame and shoulders
>no masculine facial features
>get bullied relentlessly growing up for all of these things

>reap the benefits
>this triggers the fuck out of Yea Forums because they think all trannies are 6'4 uber chads

Feels pretty good senpai

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