oh shit, and how much was it? half the price?
will intel stop cartelling their market now?
Oh shit, and how much was it? half the price?
Other urls found in this thread:
dude half of Yea Forums doesn't even know what a cpu is
Then how do they play AAA steam games in better quality than consoles?
Does it also produce twice as much heat compared to Intel, you know, like they always do?
That's not a very high bar, you can do that with a $700 prebuilt from Amazon lol
pre built gayming pc or laptops
but a good part of Yea Forums is made of console fags, mostly underage
ryzen is fantastic. i hope we dont have a repeat of the phenom days though where amd sits on a good design and only improves it incrementally and then gets left behind by intel.
that being said im more worried about amd gpus. ryzen is pretty good and if amd continues to make the design better with each iteration they can be a serious threat to intel in both the desktop and server market. imagine ryzen but on ARM. that could fuck over a bunch of people.
the gpus however are a different story. amd really does nothing with them, and they are too expensive for what they do. amd doesnt have a high end card currently. and all their midrange cards fall short of nvidias mid range cards in gaming performance even if they have theoretically higher raw performance. its really a sad state of affairs.
if amd can make a gpu that slaps the 1170gtx around like an abusive lover but keeps the pricetag to ~230$ they will fuck over nvidia hard.
dude, you just whined about amd cpus when intel i9 needs a fucking industrial cooler to run normally, since ryzen the temps are equal and mostly lower than intels (on desktop)
Refuse to believe this. Sure majority are console shit flingers, but there are threads where we talk about games like bannerlord, steam and epic, and even advice for upgrading your pc
>if amd can make a gpu that slaps the 1170gtx around like an abusive lover but keeps the pricetag to ~230$ they will fuck over nvidia hard.
This really is the only way for AMD to beat out Nvidia in the gpu market. They need to make a strong gpu for a cheap, affordable price that beats out Nvidia's Mid to High range gpus for half the price.
dunno, maybe the smash and NEVER EVER threads are spammed by a loud minority then
And it is summer
Someone explain this to me. My understanding is that multiple core performance is more important than single core performance, and multi-threading is a big deal in games optimization
and just like that, he's gone
cool, but why should I upgrade from my 7700k that I bought 2 and a half years ago?
Of course! Anyone who says ridiculous shit like that just say it so the masses will take it at face value. But if you ask for specifics, they run and hide
AMD always lies about their benchmarks and specs.
Never trust the chinese on anything.
beacuse it's ridden with vulnerabilies, don't fall for the intel meme again buddy
It is, multiple core performance is more important and the fact that people crown single thread performance as anything important shows how out of touch AMD is.
AMD crushes Intel in multi-core all the time, but usually lags in single core. That's why the headline is focusing on single core.
amd already fucks over intel in multi thread. the only unknown is the single core.
PC performance doesn't actually push the industry forward, that only happens on consoles. Nvidia's latest scam, raytracing, is floundering so badly with its lack of support that they need to add it to games themselves like quake 2. When was the last game that had raytracing before that? Oh yeah, back in 2018. It's almost been a year and you know what's gonna really cause raytracing to become standard? When consoles use it.
>shows how out of touch AMD is
the irony
Im not the person you're replying to but i made a 500$ PC that beats consoles,the bar is not very high.
Every fucking amd launch
>Amd has beat intel finally! Intel on suicide watch!
>Product actually launches
>Performance is worse across the board
sure but unless someone somehow exploits them without my downloading anything, I have nothing to worry about. seems like a waste of money honestly, such marginal upgrades.
I'm hoping it's faster than Intel at gaming and emulation. I'm itching to build a new pc this year.
>nearly 3x the cost of a console
>keyboard/mouse/controller not included
reminder the "console killer" meme has always been a joke because console actually gets games and PC just gets some shitty multiplats months later with added DRM, no real optimization and more bugs.
>beats consoles
Waiting for the impending Intcel Cope™ in this thread
>Zen launches
>Beats Intel in multithread but not in single threaded workloads
>Zen+ Launches
>Still beats intel in multithread, and is closer to or at parity with them singlethread wise depending on workload
>Zen 2 Launches
>Buying AMD
No one even understands what that means.
It means ryzen is better for playing flash games that only use one core, but any real game released in this millenium will see absolutely no benefit.
intel first, nvidia next
zoomer dont remember p4!
>doesn't post proof
>$250 mid end beats $500 high end
holy fuck this is the hd4000 series all over again.
aktually amd now runs cooler
check mate intel 14nm+++++ tards
The 9900K is $489.
The Ryzen 3600 is releasing at $199.
>paying the Intel tax for security exploits and mitigations
I'll wait for more test, but this could be the turning point.
In questionable synthetics, who cares. The leaked real world benchmarks show that it's better than 2700, but not better than i9
you download stuff all the times when you are on the web though, something like a java script you load automatically, but for now there has been no known case of someone using these vulnerabilities so for now we are safe
Your google-fu is weak, peasant
>posts a random video card video
>check and m8
The gymnastics
>javascript you load automatically
I know exactly what every page I visit loads.
When will AMD finally make a good GPU?
I've been waiting ages for that. Last good AMD GPU series I remember were HD7ks.
Memes aside are AMD CPUs worth getting?
I need to upgrade from my i5.
AMD always does superbly well in benchmarks. Then you try to run an actual game with their CPUs or GPUs and they shit the bed. I don't give a fuck about benchmark scores, I want to play games.
so 3 times the cost of a 365$ console (my specs aimed at beyond one X performance) is 500,that doesnt even make sense,its not even double,and you dont have to deal with paid online and the games tend to be cheaper.
and a keyboard and mouse is like 10$ maybe 30 at most.
ok believe what you want,i just dont put good PC performance on a monolith,cause its just not that hard.
No, don't listen to these threads, don't browse and search on your own, only buy Intel certified processors.
Still here faggot, I'm just not a fucking spoonfeeder. Look it up yourself
Kek, what games do consoles get that aren't on PC aside from a handful of PS4 exclusives and RDR2/KH3?
Even PC has its own exclusives, with recent PC exclusives released this year (Risk of Rain 2, Mordhau, Total War Three Kingdoms) being some of the only successful western games released this year.
Only poor people buy AMD.
If you want to support china then get AMD, if you want to support american companies then get Intel. At least you know they wont spy and steal your data like the chinese would.
Should I go for an i9 or are those a meme?
We'll know in 6 days if not before then.
he probably linked that vid cause the RX 580 is the equivalent to the one X gpu.
he probably only speaks in metacritic
They both have NSA backdoors. The difference being AMD doesn't have a cult to defend it and doesn't rape your wallet.
Intel products at this point are like Apple crap; a fashion statement.
Yes, only i9 with 8 cores and 8 threads delivers the best gaming experience you can have. Good and wise choice, don't consider AMD at all even now when the reviews are 6 days away.
>you dont have to deal with paid online
depends on the game, PC has per game subscriptions, but then again is online play really worth it? It's not. If I wanted to deal with bratty 13 year olds I'd talk to you all day.
>games tend to be cheaper.
a myth backed up only by superfluous steam sales that occur a handful of times a year. Console physical copies, which are far more desirable than digital rentals, drop in price quick, you'll find you can get last years biggest releases for 15 dollars tops these days. Doom 2016 on consoles? Hey that's $5 now just about anywhere that sells used games. Doom 2016 on PC? Wow, a sale that marks a copy you don't even own down to $15, and this is supposed to be a landmark of PC gaming these days.
Nah, you don't even own your games, they aren't worth spending any money on.
>keyboard and mouse is like 10$ maybe 30 at most.
>buying the cheapest shit imaginable
>doesn't even have nkeyrollover
>some garbage sensor with prediction and angle snapping
you're new to this whole PC gaming thing, aren't you?
lmao get the fuck off my board.
>A-AMD runs hot
I don't get this meme for CPUs. For GPUs, maybe, but nVidia had their house fire years too. However, CPUs just don't consume that much power. Ryzen certainly doesn't. Intel, on the other hand, has needed de-lidding for a great many years to avoid overheating at any significant overclock, and if/when they use proper TIM, it's "news".
>ryzen is fantastic. i hope we dont have a repeat of the phenom days though where amd sits on a good design and only improves it incrementally and then gets left behind by intel.
I'm sure they've got it planned a few years ahead, eventually possibly "3D-stacking"? They have some patents for cooling that iirc. In ay case, what's his face joined AMD, designed the next few years of CPUs, and left. That's what they hired him for.
The old 580 was good value. The 1060 got marginally higher FPS here or there, but it was a much worse value. You can buy Vega 56 for like $300 new now as well. The new GPUs are unnecessarily expensive though. I hope that it's some kind of strategy to get nVidia to launch their "upgrades" (the "super" cards), and then they go "Aha, it was all a ruse, we really meant $279 and $349" and then everyone buys those instead.
>Never trust the chinese on anything.
AMD is American. If we're going that route, never trust made-in-Israel-hardware-bug Intel on anything either.
>Why should I upgrade from a 4c4t CPU
You can wait a little while longer, but it's going to really struggle when next generation consoles are out.
>AAA-devs make their games for the easiest to sell to-markets
Imagine my shock. PC performance doesn't push the industry forward too much in general, but sometimes it features things that the consoles just can't do, and then they want to include that in the next gen.
>Ryzen releases
>I-Intel still does old engine single-threaded gaming better
>Ryzen 2 releases
>Wh-Who needs single thre-
And your reading comprehension is terrible. You may be, a retard.
>AMD midrange beats every Intel CPU except the absolute top of the line
Embarrassing on Intel's part. God help them when R7 and R9 benchmarks come out.
>PC has per game subscriptions
Not really, the only games with sub fees on PC are FFXIV and WoW, pretty much every other MMO dropped their sub fees.
But yes, online play is worth it on PC since it's not infested with 12 year olds (since dedicated server admins can just ban squeakers unlike on consoles).
>Doom 2016 on consoles? Hey that's $5 now just about anywhere that sells used games
And it's free on thepiratebay, what's your point?
Neither do used copies.
How the fuck do you even use the internet without JavaScript
Don’t spout shit without some proof to back it up. Only double niggers do that. Burden of proof is not spoonfeeding, homo.
I'll be buying a new PC this summer. It'll sting in the wallet, but it'll last me 7-8 years hopefully.
Going Ryzen Zen 2, baby.
Alright turbonerds, how does this look for a budget desktop?
What's it like being tech illiterate?
of course goy, buy an i9
And by budget i mean under $1500
I do use it, but I don't just allow any fucking javascript to run without knowing what it entails and studying it. I don't really visit new sites anyway cause they of fer me nothing.
>Risk of Rain 2
early access garbage that will be on consoles once you're done beta testing for us
yet another first person adhd game focused around shitty "realistic" melee combat, online is already dead. Chivalry showed everyone that the genre isn't even worth doing.
>Total War Three Kingdoms
Where's the inventive games like gravity rush 2?
>Not really but yes really
you didn't think your way though that one, did you?
>nline play is worth it on PC since it's not infested with 12 year olds
guess you never played any valve game online
>dedicated server admins
oh yeah, RIP dedicated servers, it's all just matchmaking these days.
>what's your point?
that PC gamers have no ground to stand on and will shift goal posts happily.
>Neither do used copies.
but they give you something tangible and worthwhile, digital copies do not.
The sad thing about PC gaming is that everything is in the end-of-world state. They'll pretend to drone off the benefits and propaganda like the cheaper games and free online* meme but the reality is they're penny pinching depth grovelers who will latch on to any free game they can, live in a well next to a market they refuse to engage with and slimily worm their way out of a discussion with shifting goal posts. You can see it in this very thread. These kids are sad and need help, PC gaming has turned them into antisocial retards.
>At least you know they wont spy and steal your data like the chinese would.
you glow, cia nigger
>Where's the inventive games like gravity rush 2?
Like everything that's not AAA shit on consoles.
Is that why your list had a ryzen 7?
I look forward to the future when streaming kills consoles so I can spam posts like this and laugh at them with other Yea Forumsirgins.
It's ridiculous to pretend that a handful of PC games having subscription fees is anything like consoles requiring you to pay a generic Xbox Live/PSN plus fee to play anything online. And you know it's ridiculous, too.
Imagine actually believing this
Ah, the PC gamer delusion. You've been wrong about everything in this thread so far, you'll be wrong about that too. After all, without consoles where will you get your ports from?
The PC gaming landscape is truly desolate.
>that psu
Never cheap out on a PSU, user.
Pffft, hahahaha. Not even close sweetie.
>you'll be wrong about that too.
Tick tock consolecuck.
Digital sales already make up ~65% of sales on consoles, I think we both know consoleniggers will lie down and accept streaming since they're poorfags and value convenience over all else.
I'll shed no tears, because most consolefags are like you and deserve nothing but suffering.
Not close to what? Those are all better than current gen consoles.
Whats cheap about that psu? Genuinely open to suggestions so i dont fuck this up
Just ignore that retard
>It's ridiculous to pretend that a handful of PC games having subscription fees
I'm just pointing out the contradiction, no need to get so defensive. PC gaming has a real subscription problem, individual games cost $180 to play for a year. That's truly ridiculous, and PC gamers defend it. Or rather, they pretend it doesn't exist and act like $20 a month is the end of the world.
Once again, justify online play. If I wanted to deal with bratty 13 year olds I'd talk to you. Online play is cancer, it isn't a test of skill, it's a test of how well you know the flaws of a games networking, not a test of reflexes, a test of whether or not the lag compensation (which is in every game, every engine in use today) will favor you or the guy you're shooting at. You don't even have dedicated servers any more. There was once a time where I believed the same as you, where I'd play on lila_panic for hours on end, wc3 custom games, 1.6 xmen, surf, gungame, but today? That was reality 10 years ago, now it's all about matchmaking, shit competitive play on 60 tick servers, or in many other games like battlefield vagina 15 tick servers. Online play isn't worth it, ergo the argument that console subscriptions are this awful thing aren't remotely valid.
Besides, the only good online game from the past 20 years is console only, tetris 99.
nah but if you want to be a bitch about it
Do your own research faggot, I got no more time for this
I just recently got a Switch and I have to wonder, where are all these amazing games not on PC that consolefags are apparently playing?
All I ever see are the same 5 games jerked ad infinitum, most of which are years-old at this point.
Console gaming is barren as fuck, and the eShop has just as much shitty shovelware as Steam.
Outside of Nintendo exclusives and a few Jap games that aren't on PC (like Dragon Quest Builders) consoles are dead as fuck and this delusion always baffles the hell out of me.
Since the 70's, we killed streaming around 5 times now, and we will keep doing so, because the whole concept is horrible and allow publishers to erase games from existence.
>Or rather, they pretend it doesn't exist
Because it only applies to 2 games on the market.
Functionally speaking, it does not exist.
>i7 4790k
Where the fuck do you even plan on finding one of these? Just buy a 2600 like everyone else. Or wait until the 3600 comes out if you're not in a rush.
Nah, console gamers only care about convenience, and just like they've accepted digital games, they'll accept streaming, because convenience topples everything else, including the quality of the experience.
>Digital sales already make up ~65% of sales on consoles
Only in the West, you've forgotten another trend entirely - Japanese and east asian releases come with all language options in the past few years - a region where digital sales don't even consist of 10% of the market.
Physical is going nowhere, and you can remain eternally envious that the big box PC game market is dead, the physical PC game market is replaced with cardboard disks with a URL for a steaminstall.exe download and all you have left is scraps from consoles. Have fun with your "dedicated servers."
Intel's memo is pretty serious, they even think AMD could be pushing into their laptop and business havens.
what year is this
Boy, if only there was a way for a PC to transfer data from a digital form to a physical form.
Shit, I guess it's just not possible.
This is why consoleniggers are always hilarious, anyone who actually cares about the physical aspect just uses a blu-ray burner and burns games, faggots like you just care about the pretty cardboard box and pretend that it's some amazing thing.
>PC has per game subscriptions
I can only think of WoW, which is mmo garbage
>but then again is online play really worth it? It's not
it is, why would someone pay more for less, it must be a consolefags thing
>>keyboard and mouse is like 10$ maybe 30 at most.
>buying the cheapest shit imaginable
there's cheap but still great mice, an example are logitech g203 and g300s, which have nice sensors, keyboards are irrelevant unless ghosting really bothers you, personally, in 20 years of playing, it affected me like 5-10 times
Intel is far, far worse value for the performance in general usecases, and if the new benchmarks are true, even single threaded performance (which until now was their only win/reason to buy). The only positive they have left is that if you buy their $499 + more expensive motherboard than AMD equivalent, you might be able to get a few more percent out up towards the 300-FPS range in an e-sports title like Overwatch, CS:GO or whatever. We'll have to wait and see with the new Ryzen 2 CPUs (3000-series) in a few days.
>They both have NSA backdoors.
The difference is that Intel CPUs have 1) Skipped safety checks to score better in tests and 2) Direct connections to/designs from Israel. It's no coincidence that the bullshit Hasbara-tier "AMD vulnerabilities" with greenscreen backgrounds and fake analysts came out of Israel after Intel got caught in their first set of serious hardware-level/hardcoded vulnerabilities.
The higher core count, the higher they clock too, it seems from the official specs. Better binned chiplets with higher-tier CPUs I guess. Then again, at this rate of innovation, do you really even want to buy the top chip at this point unless you "need" it?
Yeah. CPUs have been fine for a few years now, and if you buy a higher-end Ryzen 2 it'll have a real chance of lasting 7-8 years. Silicon is reaching its limits within a few generations of nodes, and a lot of game logic isn't able to be broken up into any more threads anyway.
Streaming WILL kill consoles. A modern fibre connection (or 5G if it's to spec) with Stadia or something, will deliver a similar amount of latency to a console. Add to that the ability to play any game almost instantly, better graphics, and new types of gameplay, and you've got something that beats a console in value in every way for its intended audience.
The fuck you mean “what year is it?” Its 2005, when Yea Forums is great.
Why someone so casual would bother with AAA games when all they want is on the mobile?
Ok thanks guys.
If Ryzen 2 is good then I'll go with that.
Only because they didn't overclock the 9900K.
Also the 10900K on 10nm will beat anything AMD has and the 11900K on 7nm will finish off anything that is left of AMD
>Only in the West
As if anywhere else matters
>Streaming WILL kill consoles
And just as consoles were becoming cheap PCs. I hope that Microsoft doesn't fall for it, they were so close to integrating Windows into the Xbox line.
Uhh, I don't know if you realize this, but most console gamers only buy a console to play Fifa, CoD, and NBA 2k.
Those people will 100% stick with streaming instead of dropping $300-$600 on a console.
>on 10nm
In 2021
first, wait for real benchmarks
second, no. no it doesn't geekbench is garbage
third, i know this is bait to anyway, but i'll talk to you about it because i've got to kill about an hour anyway
They're a tiny parcel if compared to the mobile players.
its only a small amount of games with any fees
physical games are nice its one of the only things i truly miss about consoles but with huge day one patches and steam allowing you to just play offline neither is that great and steam says they do have measures to make sure you keep the games you have dont just disappear but its probably just to stop panic
and if you count since around the ps4 release as new,then ok.
>i hope amd doesnt sits on a good design and only improves it incrementally
>if amd continues to make the design better with each iteration they can be a serious threat to intel
U wot?
You don't understand, most of them will be streaming from their phones, so they WILL be mobile gamers.
And one of them you can also play on a PS4.
Fuck off shill.
Not really.
They're a completely different group, also there is another little detail that everyone is conveniently forgetting.
Internet is sold as cocaine, ISPs pay big for the real internet access, then they use caches, grannies that only use the internet every century and shaping to profit.
And they will not like this uncacheable,unprofitable content being transmitted at all.
You are missing your OS, 4K BD, mouse and keyboard/controller, your CPU and GPU aren't at MSRP, hard drive holds a hell of a lot less than consoles, etc...
games benefit from single core more.
professional software that can benefit from an expensive CPU is extreely likely to implement its workload with multithreading.
You literally linked an article saying intel 10nm is coming in 2019. Guess what year it is?
>buying windows
>buying movies
>PC gaming has turned them into antisocial retards
>says the guys who doesn't play online because of 12 brats
what a buffoon
>They're a completely different group
They really aren't, the vast majority of console gamers also play mobile games.
pirate windows or use linux like someone who knows what they're doing
>bluray player
lol, is it 2008
>mouse, keyboard
you have a point, add a 30$ intellimouse and a cheap 50$ logikek
The 9900K cannot be overclocked to any relevant degree over the base turbo
It's only AMD's internal data that we have, but Intel's reaction to this seems to indicate performance parity (±10%) in application.
fuck meant for
All consoles are like this. You play the 5 decent exclusives then all you have to play is multiplats until another exclusive releases in a year.
No idea how people use them as a main gaming platform, unless you play rarely.
Dude I didn't link anything. 10nm is only coming to laptops this year, it will be at least another year after for socketed chips
Yes, but they don't play controller games on mobile.
Any game that attempts to do touch screen controller fares much worse than simple puzzle games.
Older game engines like single core more. Newer are starting to use more. Still, it's difficult (and devs are too lazy) to divide enough processes into separate threads, to actually make use of anything more than 4-8. I expect the new consoles to help with this a little, but not a lot.
₪2 have been deposited into your account. Thank you for your contribution.
They didn't overclock the ryzen either both are stock, and the 3600 is the lowest product in the stack.
This is fucking disgusting.
>its only a small amount of games with any fees
they're huge games with millions of players, a definitive PC genre.
>steam says they do have measures to make sure you keep the games you have dont just disappear
they've been saying this for 15 years. The reality is when steam is done for the only thing you'll get is a notification that the steam servers can't be connected to. Imagine trusting Valve at all after 2012.
I don't feel like I belong with 12 year olds, maybe you do.
Good thing they work with b450/x470 eh chap? This isn't intel where you need the latest mobo.
No reason for x570 unless ur rich.
i've seen a spanish site that's done some benchmarks, but again im going to wait for people I know to benchmark them first.
in that leak zen2 was at best they were like 5 to 10 fps behind i9 9900k, in games that aren't cpu intensive. In newer titles that are CPU intensive, it was still like 35-50 fps difference, lol.
>pleased at how zen2 is shaping up
>horrified at x570 motherboard prices
im an ausfag and we will probably see 400 dollar 'low end' x570 boards. b550 when?
>they're huge games with millions of players
Irrelevant, they are only 2 actual games, ergo a tiny part of the overall market.
Every other online game does not have a sub fee, unlike on consoles.
free and open source
>4K BD
useless and DRM controlled
>your CPU and GPU aren't at MSRP
that means absolutely nothing
>hard drive holds a hell of a lot less than consoles
Solid state, you could get a 1TB hard drive for the same price
Once again, justify why I should want to play a game with retarded children?
that's every game
>Everyone who plays games online is a retarded children
Oof, sounds like a consolenigger problem.
>is a retarded children
Dunno, seems like it's a you problem.
Exactly, online play is for retards.
they are large games but its not that many games its the number of games not just the player count
and you can just play the games offline,i do that alot being a midwest fag and good.
You are not supposed to use X570 if you do not want PCIe 4.0. Buy a B450 or X470 board; the hardware is otherwise exactly the same. AMD should do a better job marketing this but all of the AM4 socket boards are in theory compatible with all AM4 CPUs, even some X370 boards like the Taichi could handle a 3950X
I'll ask again, where are all these amazing singleplayer console-only games that you're playing?
With all the shitposting you're doing I expect at least 50 console-only singleplayer games worth playing released this gen.
>everyone on pc is a 12yo
what a pathetic excuse
you don't play online because you suck a videogames
>you can just play the games offline
Until the game requires you to authenticate. Oh and that's one of the shittiest things about PC gaming in 2019. You can't even refuse patches, Valve took that feature away.
>total war warhammer 2
How about a game that isn't almost 3 years old?
Good thing I can just pirate the games then.
>You can't even refuse patches
Not technically true. Launching a game through steam prompts the client to update, but you could buy games without DRM and launch them manually. Or, use the depot function to downgrade the .exe
seething intel pajeets is the best thing about intel doing shit in the market
>I'll ask again, where are all these amazing singleplayer console-only games that you're playing?
monster boy, gravity rush 2, mario odyssey, judgement, shadow of the beast, just to name a few I've been playing recently.
>you suck a videogames
and I wish, maybe then I'd find online play challenging.
i would have said that too but i dont want to deal with the seething of moral fags.
>but you could buy games without DRM
you can't.
when the Phenom came out amd had a competetor to beat out intels Chips. But intel improved their architecture and performance as well as temperature and energy efficiency.
amd just threw more cores onto the phenom 2 without much improvement. thats where the more cores meme came from btw.
I bet you have a folder full of furry shit, for demonstrative purposes of course ;)
That's 5 games, 1 of which is indie, 1 of which is shit, and 1 of which is going to be on PC in a year's time.
Is that it?
Is all your shitposting about 5 games?
I guess console gaming really is as barren as expected.
Steam doesn't force DRM
No, it's just in my "PC gamers" folder.
why would you need an overpowered PC?
Just what I've been playing recently. If PC had any games worth playing recently I'd love to hear about them, so far I just don't care for first person ADHD simulators, autism simulators or console ports.
Overpowered by what standard
GOG,you can buy many games on it,its not all games,but its many.
And I don't care for platformers, shitty beat em ups, and PC ports, so I guess consoles have no games, as expected.
Interesting amount of shitposting for platforms that are functionally dead.
Yes, well aware. Soon a good game will be out on PC! It's a console port of course, but what do you expect? A game to be developed with PC in mind? That's funny. I personally didn't want to wait for a mediocre PC port of the best platformer of last year.
Most games only utilize two cores, so single-threaded speed is the most important for games. That is why Intel has always been dominant in gaming. They have had faster per-thread performance while AMD has had superior multi-threaded performance.
>the best platformer of last year.
Oof, consoleniggers have some dogshit taste.
I do however love laughing at them bragging about mediocre indieshit, since we all know if the game was a PC to console port they'd be calling it what it is: a shitty indie game.
That must be sad, you don't like any good games. You must also dislike Tetris, STGs, rhythm games. If all you're into is accounting and spread sheet games, why even talk about consoles? An inferiority complex perhaps?
>a shitty indie game.
momodora was pretty mediocre, but it's so sad to see PC gamers with their heads stuck so far up their own ass.
now that's what I call embarrassing.
this is why i avoid talking about exclusives,you can just say the game is bad or i dont care and thats that,its too subjective.
AMD has had better multi-threaded performance for years. It's a minority of games that can actually perform better with that, though. Now that they have a newer architecture, Intel lags behind because they are stuck optimizing what they had started using in 2015 and it can't keep up with Zen 2 on a smaller node
>Rhythm games
Dead and trash
But yea, I'm glad we've come to an agreement.
But, I'm an idort and since I'm not poor I have a good gaming PC, console gaming is absolutely barren nowadays with nothing but AAA shit, ports of PC games, and a handful of decent Jap games. Everything else is trash that console-only fags tell themselves is good to help cope.
is that your boyfriend?
In an attempt to flex on console chads the PC Cuckold has admitted good games don't exist. A strategy I'm not sure why he's so confident in, but an amusing one to watch.
>Most games only utilize two cores
This has been changing. Intel's philosophy up to 2017 was that consumers would never need more than four cores even when they pay hundreds of dollars. There have more recently been games that can use four to eight cores, it's just the start of an S curve.
If you aren't including the blu Ray then make it budget of 300 for an x
Is PCIe 4.0 even relevant for vidya? I mean sure, it's double the bandwith, but does any GPU take advantage of it or is it just straight`up for the enthusiast/business consumer?
Nah, plenty of good games out there, unfortunately, very few of them are console exclusives nowadays.
Used to be you'd buy a console for 40+ great exclusive games, nowadays you're lucky to find 10 decent ones while everything else is better on PC.
If by better you mean
>a copy you can only rent, not own
>over priced, digital only, matching physical price
>DRM filled and running poorer on equivalent to console hardware
Sure sounds "better" to me.
>Gain advantage in the "free" market
>(((They))) start planting ways to stay ahead
Capitalism is beautiful.
Good thing I can pirate them all and own them forever, and since I'm not poor my PC isn't a "console equivalent."
But maybe one day you'll have a job user, and you'll be able to afford things that aren't shit.
Yes games will more and more utilize multiple cores, but devs are lazy so it will be a slow change. Speed of the core is more important than number of course. Sadly. There are a few modern exceptions. Watch_Dogs 2 is a great example of multi-threaded performance being more important.
>Defaults to piracy
PC gamers are too predictable, you do know CFW has existed for a long time, right? You can pirate any console game too. You need a real argument.
Depends if you consider ashes of the singularity a game or a benchmark since amd's only demo showing the benefits of pcie4 for games was essentially ashes 2.0
Been thinking about making an amd build for a while now because I don't use my PC for gaming much anymore.
X570 boards are more expensive than Z390 boards
Then just like the previous Ryzens you need magical expensive Samsung RAM to maximize your setup
The newest Ryzens need 4000Mhz+ RAM now
Also the fanboys and shills claim to just buy a X470 board...when most of these motherboards require an existing Ryzen CPU to be able to update the motherboard's BIOS and AMD only sends out rental CPUs in North America
Oh and X570 boards sound like jet engines since they have tiny ass fans, not even the most expensive Intel boards have mini fans
>Pirate on a console
>A non-zero chance that it bricks my system
>Can no longer play games online
>Can't even use any of the non-gaming services on said devices since they require updates
Sounds great.
Nah, I'll stick to my PC since I'm not poor and just use my Switch for all 6 of the decent games on it.
Not gonna bother with a PS4 since I've already beaten Bloodborne.
>>A non-zero chance that it bricks my system
learn to follow directions
>Can no longer play games online
nothing of value, etc.
>Can't even use any of the non-gaming services on said devices since they require updates
download updates on another device, transfer over usb.
>since I'm not poor
Yeah, you just have to pirate everything or else you can't afford it on your $500 console killer. Seriously, when are you gonna provide an argument? PC gamers are truly sad
It's not. You have some professionals or semi-professional workers who can use PCIe to move crazy amounts of data, it just isn't at all useful for gaming. At most, a video card could use 4 lanes at full speed, anything more would probably not improve performance at all.
The reason X570 costs more is because board quality and thermal design to support PCIe speeds that high requires premium material so the manufacturers have to go big or go home. The cheap ones actually may not be able to handle sustained usage of the PCIe lanes.
As I mentioned it's an S curve so it is likely to pick up hard when major engines integrate optimization and then drop off at some point for games where it doesn't matter or engines like Bethesda's that have no capacity to support it
>>A non-zero chance that it bricks my system
Oh, because every single pirated PC game is malware free
AMD's current resurgence are all thanks to China
Ryzen is literally made in China
Intel may be shit now but I'm never buying a CPU made by Chicoms
>Go through all this shit for free games when I could easily get them for free on my PC
Nah, no thanks.
But yea, unlike you I'm an idort since I'm not poor, I just understand that consoles are shit and only worthwhile for the exclusives.
If not for those, I wouldn't own any aside from maybe a Switch for portability.
Keep on coping though, maybe one day you'll be able to afford some nice things.
>nothing of value
Subjectively true at best, objectively wrong if you are talking money
The silicon is developed entirely outside of China. Would you rather use Intel chips designed in Israel?
If you're not a retard, yea.
I hacked plenty of consoles before (WiiU, Wii, PS2) but those were consoles worth owning since they had actual games.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of most modern consoles.
thats true though,taking about exclusives is autistic cause its too subjective anyone can just say "that game doesnt matter" or "its shit" or just about any excuse in the book to say a game is good or bad,this goes both ways
youre basically be stuck on low firmware and many games require certain firmwares,jail breaking is cool but its not a great solution.
>do you want to be spied on by Israelis who openly execute Americans and help the US jail law abiding citizens
>do you want to be spied on by Chinks who at worst will try to steal your credit card which can be easily remedied with charge backs and account closure
Hmm. I'll take one Ryzen CPU please.
AMD should get their shit together with their GPUs first. CPU barely matters in most games unless they feature heavy simulation or are developed with elmers glue and duct tape.
Wrong board, user.
firmware can be spoofed.
China can't spy on AMD chips, they don't build the logical parts. You might be able to get spied on by Taiwan since it's TSMC that makes the wafers, but they don't make the designs so then it goes back to the USA who you'll be watched by either way.
They are, but their solution is just to be more like NVIDIA
What a fucking mess
>Ryzen is literally made in China
you mean like pretty much every tech product, anyway it's better for me, I don't want to support (((america)))
I'm aware of the China fear being unfounded. I was just comparing the two extreme scenarios and even in the extremes AMD is a superior product. Israel/USA spying on me, as an American, is far far far far more terrifying than some bugman in China.
>as an American, is far far far far more terrifying than some bugman in China.
Nice try Ping Wang
AMD is American
I don't give a single fuck about WiFi. Put Bluetooth on your budget boards and now I'm interested.
after looking it up,i cant find anything on it for ps4,can you give a source.
Built an amd rig, ryzen 5 2600x and rx 590. Think the cpu will be just fine for a while, will sell the 590 and replace with a navi probs, and get a new 4k monitor with it.
g-d bless amd
American or (((American)))?
>AMD is American
Led by a Chink
Has their CPUs and GPUs made by Chinks
Yes, compared to the Intel alternative that doesn't exist
They let you use X470 and B450, that's actually the intended use for low-end CPUs that have no reasonable use for PCIe 4.0
In the sense that Uncle Sam can take all their data, both. As a business they generally tend to be the more pro-consumer and freedom respecting competitor, but they are locking down Navi so it seems like that may be changing.
Its simple dummy if you live in chinkland buy the intel
if you live in freedomland buy the amd
unless they form a one world gubberment your shit taste in vidya and doujins is safe
>Nvida GPU
Best of both worlds. Though I wish AMD would get their shit together in the GPU department, the last one I had was a Radeon 9600 Pro and that fucker literally burned out.
I think NVIDIA has severely botched RTX by releasing half baked technology
I really don't like their business model, they use their tech lead to sell shitty ray tracing and make you buy the good ray tracing once it's actually done
>made in china
>by taiwan semiconductors
Okay buddy. Go the fuck away nigger.
amd is good for budget shit but any card beyond 200$ and amd goes into the shitter
Well if you're not a retard you won't brick your console so...
they all can, it just depends on the game
Bros how could this happen... Their chips are just glued together.... how could they beat us....
Vega was good at its higher price, it was just trashed by power usage and bitcoin mining
Glued together is a more technical term than it sounds. Though probably not one used in good faith.
>but they are locking down Navi so it seems like that may be changing
I swear if they fuckin pull a code 43 with navi I will buy bloody nvidia to spite them
if the locking down is just for overclocking idgaf that shit is for ln2 nerds since ryzen already hits its limit out of the box when boosting makes sense to carry over that design philosophy to gpus
you just can't do anything with BIOS or power limits, the shit NVIDIA is known for fucking over people who want real performance
brainlet here.
Is ryzen compatible with Nvidia cards like 2080Ti? what's the worst thing that could happen?
All current gen hardware is fully compatible
Except I don't get access to newer games unless I feel like spoofing firmware which increases the chance of bricking said console exponentially.
>Is ryzen compatible with Nvidia cards like 2080Ti?
>what's the worst thing that could happen?
Your 2080ti could suddenly die on you because Nvidia shipped them with a known hardware defect.
nice. thx
Even if that was true, why wouldn't Intel be doing the same as well?
>real performance
>exceeding 300W
if it just werks and doesn't intentionally limit my use of it in a VM I don't care
you enjoy your 380mm radiator gpu but understand that 95% of people don't even overclock, hope they put out a gpu with all the safeties off/someone bypasses the safety on navi so you can tinker though
now post video game benchmarks
Good. This will force Intel to panic price drop their CPUs which I'll take advantage of to get one.
Emulation is simply too important for me to go AMD. Sorry bros.
It will be the best combination for quite a while now.
That would be exceeding even AMD's own claims. Stop falling for clickbait.
You can wait a bit and see how well the zen 2 perform with emulators.
It's literally an completely unknown thing as we stand. It can be better or worse than intel.
>Your 2080ti could suddenly die on you because Nvidia shipped them with a known hardware defect.
I'm pretty sure that was micron memory chips. They were defective or manufactured incorrectly or something. I think they have replaced all the faulty memory chips by now.
not shilling, just saying.
Sure and I'll do that. But I'm not holding my breath considering how AMD usually goes with emulation.
also meant to add that I don't think anyone knew about the error in the chip making until too late.
they didn't know what to do about it. it was just a random mistake at the plant, it has nothing to do with literally anyone but the actual assembly line that made the memory chips for them.
remember anons, WAIT FOR REVIEWS don't pre-order hardware
they already said 10 to 15% off
AMD already destroys intel with multithread, idiot.
The singlethread performanxe(read: most games) was lower, and they fixed that
Yes, but its an average and they didn't actually ran any emulators.
So the shit they improved could do nothing for the emus or could do a lot.
They're a workload that love branch predictor performance, even more than regular games so need to see how well the Zen2 does it.
i was talking about price of the intel cpu's
By the way, don't buy a 2080 Ti. A 2080 is the highest price for a card that makes any sense in games and that's barely not terrible
Ah yes.
That's probably great news for people that already bought an intel mobo.
>Streaming WILL kill consoles. A modern fibre connection (or 5G if it's to spec) with Stadia or something, will deliver a similar amount of latency to a console
bullfucking shit, there will ALWAYS be a limitation related to the physical distance to the servers, at best someone in the major big cities of the western world might get some use out of it, but for everyone else, it'll be absolute garbage.
>95% of people don't even overclock
For low-end cards that AMD didn't lock down
Apparently if you spend $500 you should have less access to your hardware, it makes no sense at all
it'd argue the opposite, if you can spend 800 on a video card you can spend another 200+ (evga black series retails at 1000) plus there are other board partners cards that go for like 1150 or so.
The performance gain from 2080 to 2080 ti is honestly like 20-40 fps average, roughly.
Well, as much you can say, given how different each game is.
oh and that's at 1440p and 4k
It's an animetard, they are clinically retarded.
spend, i meant to say save for another 200
based and redpilled
streaming will kill nothing,many places still have shit like satellite and thats in the US.
i couldn't imagine the aweful shit some people deal with.
On top of that no one is considering how every single publisher will want a piece of that pie, and just like that killed netflix, it'll kill any chance streaming ever had.
Question: I was looking to finally upgrade my GPU and will likely go with a 1660 Ti. Would my 600w PSU be good enough, or would I have to upgrade that as well?
>Has their CPUs and GPUs made by Chinks
You've already been shown how this is factually wrong. How asshurt do you have to be to push this lie again to the very same prople you just tried it on, retard?
>3600 is only 2-4% slower than a 9900k
Is this finally AMDs time to shine?
More than enough. You're good.
It's like 120~ out of the box, you're fine.
yeah tards go like
"streaming will kill PC"
or "streaming will destroy console"
its all just tards who have no idea what they are talking about.
Your lowest prices are $680 compared to $1000, a 47% price increase. Your performance is sometimes less than 10% up to 20% gains, and ONLY at 2160p. Even factoring total system price/ total performance, it isn't worth it.
Just curious, which Intel chip are you considering for emulation? Do you think hyperthreading is worth the extra cost for this use case? (referring to 9700k vs 9900k).
>Fury X and 980 Ti slated for launch
>Several benchmarks putting the Fury X over the 980 Ti
>Cards release
>Fury X actually performs leagues worse in all but like one game
I'm happy with my 9700K. If these newest Ryzens are this good though I might build a second system on a tighter budget.
I don't think it will be physics that will destroy it or excess of services.
It will be the fact you can't cache those services, and they will cost the ISPs a LOT more than what google can bribe em with to keep the shit going, so the ISPs will just throttle it to death.
>Under 80W TDP as well
3600 is the new 2500k
Theoretical single thread would put them about even in emulation if the software doesn't fuck up for its own reasons
And AMD has overclockable chips for much cheaper
Emulators are known for not using extra threads at all and basically being a single core pieces of shit
Video cards operate differently while CPUs all use x86 frequency scaling
looks like its 700 now on nvidia.com, 4k also has the lowest gains overall to fps in general because it's so ahrd to run. at 1440p i remember it's like 40 fps
idk anyway, desu. nvlink for me regardless
all the price to performance talk is honestly pathetic, i hate wasting my time on this
if your an adult you should be able to afford a high end gaming pc no problem
use a CPU for like 8 years and a GPU for 5.
im done talking now, but you deserve a response
idc anyway*
icing in the cake
its good that its gonna fail
steam may have bad DRM but its leagues better than the draconian,give away your soul level of DRM that these service will have.
fuck chinks
fuck commies
and fuck amd
>lowest gains overall
But highest percentage, since you aren't bottlenecked by the CPU
The 2080 Ti is designed like a workstation card, not a gaming one. Saying "if your an adult you should be able to afford a high end gaming pc" is like saying you should be able to afford a semi truck. They are completely different designs.
okay, you got me. the 2080 ti is the highest end gaming card. the titan rtx is the workstation non gaming card.
whatever, again im done. take care
and your analogy works for the titan, not the 2080 ti
i know this is just a bait post, but who the fuck unironically uses optical media for movies in 2019
No, I mean they designed a Titan and called it a gaming card, but it isn't. For the same reasons, the Titan X Pascal was really not a Titan but an overpriced GTX card.
You can expect games to start using more cores as the next console generation comes out with 8 core 16 thread Ryzen 3000 chips.
It's PC that limits the number of cores on PC games, not the consoles.
On PS4 you not only can use all the cores but you MUST as the jaguar cores are pretty much ARM knockoffs.
But on PC, if your game is using DirectX9-11, only one thread is allowed to talk to the GPU, so the other cores can't do shit but help the sacred thread.
Vulkan is the thing that allow games to use more cores.
Just check how well doom 2k6 runs on shitty but heavily threaded CPUs when vulkan is on.
now if only they could make a gpu so nvidia can stop fucking us in the ass raw
before the 1600 series amd was winning mid range by a suibstanial amount and not by raw power or anything but by actual fps.
Which I didn't like since I was planning on upgrading and I like nvidia more for variety of reasons but by jew side would not let me buy a more expensive and inferior 1060 and etc.
>cartelling their market now?
amd sells all the cpu's that they produce.
they litteraly could not get a bigger market share right now
Didn't people say the exact same shit at the beginning of this gen?
DX12 and Vulkan support has gotten better, it's just slower than we'd like
Also there are a lot of people still on 7 and 8.1 so they sandbag people who want to move on from DX11
The games are more multithreaded, on consoles due the reason the other quoter posted.
You can use vulkan on Windows 7/8.1, its just DX12 that is windows 10 exclusive.
good choice bro. best midrange card on the market right now, got mine a week ago and it's been a blast, although anything would be a blast compared to my old trustworthy reliable gts250 512mb god bless its undying soul.
I’m still running a Ryzen 5 1600x. Should I upgrade to a 3600 once it’s out? The 2600 didn’t seem like it was that big of an improvement.
Vulkan is usually more specialized from the start, though. So developers take the easy path and use DX11 which is also why Linux has had a hard time with game support, even though it has slowly been getting better just like multi threaded improvements.
Wait til 7/7.
I'm on an old 4790 so 3600 is a no-brainer
No, you probably don't need to. If you're running 144Hz you might want to consider it (that is if your motherboard gets patched for Zen 2). You could also buy a cheaper 2700X
DX12 is shit compared to Vulkan though, that's the real issue.
It probably will be the norm when UE4/Unity get a stable support for it.
To fully take advantage of vulkan/DX12, you have to redo your rendering pipeline to make it multithreaded, which means either having two pipelines (one for single core DX11/OGL shit and one for DX12/Vulkan) or not having support to the older APIs.
So people that do "DirectX12" games at the moment don't take advantage of this and only do some basic "sugarcoating", kinda like with DX10 titles.
I completely agree, but developers are not going to bother in many cases. At least DX12 has support for modern features. Emulators that do bother to optimize usually start on DX12 and move to Vulkan later, the same with certain games.
my number one thing when it comes to buying a CPU is emulation and so far AMD was shit compared to intel and nvidia.
That probably is even less true than before
And it isn't like Ryzen was absolutely terrible, it just couldn't do high clocks
>AMD was shit
>t.stuck in 2010
You've got it slightly wrong, it's AMD GPU's that are shit for emulation.
More like a quarter of the price the 3600 is going to be around $240 lmoa
>it's AMD GPU's that are shit for emulation.
Not on linux :)
>not even 60fps
if ryzen 2 gets this right which I doubt, I might consider buying it.
>tfw we'd be stuck with quad-core i7 if it wasn't for AMD
Who’s worse? The chinks or Israel? I honestly don’t know what to do now. I have everything BUT my cpu and I don’t decide who’s the lesser of two evils. Are there any other CPU’s out there?
i love linux but no one but a few nerds use it.
From what little knowledge I have, the reason AMD has been shit for emulation is performance. They simply lag behind intel 20% in raw performance, and that translates especially in emulators which are heavily CPU bound. If Ryzen 3000 matches or even surpasses intel's mainstream offering then it should be fine.
It isn't quite 20% anymore since AMD is over 4GHz but Intel hit a wall around 5.1
Not for consumers. IBM and various ARM-based solutions exist for specific buyers.
I'm done with Intel because I'm sick of losing 10-20% of my processor's performance to patches every time a new security hole involving speculative execution is found.
You should be more concerned with value, which Intel can't offer
It's servers that ate the whole 20% I/O hit. Other processes were not as severely impacted.
>single thread
so it's irrilevant for any application developed past 2005?
Yes and no
AMD has always had very competitive multi-thread, beating Intel squarely
Single thread matters for games using archaic APIs and some other applications that can't scale well if you wanted them to