prove me wrong faggot. you literally cant.
This game will be a massive letdown
Prove yourself right
Maybe hes searching pasta's.
It's a generic FPS that takes place in one city and you can't even drive floating cars. There's literally nothing interesting or special about it except for Keenormie Reeves hype.
for starters the box cover is complete shit. an unironical niggergame simulator has better art than trannypunk. and it only goes downhill from there on
>sun (in NIGHT city!!)
>gta tier optics
>made by project red who have never done a good game in their entire life (witcher has shit gameplay)
>muh based slavs already broke down and pander to the tranny crowd now
>only 3 classes
>too many niggers
>downgraded from RGP to action adventure
it goes on and on thats just off the top of my head. also the biggest reason: nobody has made a good game since 2004. it has been a nonstop parade of disappointments, dumbing down franchises and pandering to the lowest common denominator
Some of us have reasonable expectations not based on completely imaginary games dreamed up out of thin air based on an empty teaser created for the sole purpose of hiring fresh programmers.
Bit y'know, you do you senpai.
>nobody has made a good game since 2004
Maybe you should just kill yourself.
>lol just dont have any standards bro
see this is exactly what I mean. zoomers like you ruined video games.
>reasonable expectations
Of what? It's just a first person shooter with a different aesthetic. Gameplay wise there's absolutely nothing going for it and the """"open world"""" is just one city.
>Gameplay wise there's absolutely nothing going for it
I'll take my 453-type games any which way I can get them.
They're never the utmost pinnacle of vidya but they're always fun.
>the box cover is complete shit.
Dilate tranny
Only trannies hate this game, proof me wrong oh wait you can't.
Strongly agree. The developers have absolutely no background in FPS.
Literally any game ever would seem like a massive letdown when a board won't shut up about it for years on end.
If you believe it will be a disappointment, it won't be.
Why does Cyberpunk attracts so many autistic shitposters anyway? Are these people still mad that W3 won the goty over their favorite game or something?
This. Only normalfags who like it because Keanu and The Shitcher 3 buy into this meme game. The map for Cyberpunk is going to be tiny compared to GTA and your character is linear as fuck, not even a true rpg either. nu-Yea Forums is fucking retarded
What happened? Did the japchink pussy reject him as well? Is that why? “ we can go thru puberty together” no kid has ever said this im pretty sure a more realistic reply from a kid would be “ but arent you a boy? How can a boy turn into a girl?” And then a realistic response to the child would be trannywashing the kid with retarded trans shit
the game is too ambitious, has been in development for way too long and the polak devs have never EVER released a game with good gameplay mechanics. its gonna be a hilarious disaster once cyberpunk hits the stores. will still sell gazillions obviously but it will be a huge disappointment to everyone actually playing it
Shitposting is pretty much the only thing they can do while they dilate.
Cyberpunk is literally a SJW game though. Tranny options in character creation.
Nice try tranny.
It's already been a massive let down
>sun (in NIGHT city!!)
nice bait my friend
I honestly hope the game will be either great or horrible, just so Yea Forums has a mental breakdown once again
also the OC
Doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad, there’s still gonna be like thirteen OH NO NO NO threads a day with all reasoned criticism/discussion drowned out by actual retards spamming cope and seethe
As with all CDPR game to date, it will probably be janky and bugridden at release.
Just wait for the DLCs and the complete/enhanced edition to play it.
>>sun (in NIGHT city!!)
Retarded tranny that don't know the lore.png
just imagine, there is a significant portion of people who think this obviously insane dude is perfectly normal
Been saying this since reddit celebrated the game's reveal back in 012 desu
>I know how a game that I never played plays out
I bet even other retards stay clear of you
This is about what I expected. Why would I be let down by a Cyberpunk game by the Witcher team unless I was delusional?
It's only a disappointment if you let your expectations get too high.
Anybody remember RDR2?
me neither
First post based post.
I wanted to be a cop or a corporate guy. Not a generic Grand Theft Auto protagonist...
Go back. The only people who say everything is reddit are redditor refugees here to simply shitpost.
>I want to be a generic protagonist not a generic protagonist
You can have a corpo background.
I was already in the leaving stages of reddit then, no way I'd go back now after 7 fucking years
>lol why dont you like, just have no expectations dude
zoomers dont realize back in the day we had actual good RPGs and thats what the fans expect from cyberpunk. they will be horribly disappointed. of course retarded zoomers will love it anyways, just like they love fortnite and all these other shit games
>Le old good! And this le bad!
Please stop larping as someone older than twelve years of age.
You want pastas. Sure, I'll post one.
It's fucking hilarious, as in hilariously stupid. The game isn't even out yet, but so far everything we've seen is pretty good and promising. And knowing the devs behind this game: their work ethic, their methods, their promises about the game and their tendancy to fulfill said promises. People still shit on it so much it's beyond retarded.
>"Muh subpar gameplay"
>"Muh not cyberpunk-y enough setting"
>"Muh diversity or not enough diversity"
>"Muh not enough info on the project"
>"Muh X, Y and Z mongoloid reasons and bullshit excuses"
Seriously. The shills, the trash devs, the retards, the (((videogame journalists and critics))) are out on full force. You tried this shit with Doom and Kingdom Come: Deliverance, it didn't work then and it won't work now. Then you proceed to REEEEE since your own garbage won't ever be successful, because you are fucking trash at anything and everything vidya related. Know this... Once the game comes out and BTFOs your dogshit yet again. I will be playing it and I will take massive satisfaction from your failed attempts at smearing, seething, shilling and overall getting triggered; your tears coupled with your failure makes my smug wider and my cock harder.
Stay mad and stay bad, subhumans. much this!!! This transphobic garbage ""rpg"" should not be allowed to exist. F*ck these subhuman racist polack f*cks
It will railroad me into being Niko Bellic
Not gonna lie, former CDPR supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching CDPR crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the GOTY.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
I'm starting to feel like companies are starting to realize the blue checkmark tranny army was never going to buy their games anyways and it's pointless to pander to them
do you have a single fact to back up the claim that you can have a corpo backup?
makes it sound like you're just going to be a Geralt type of character and every other character and faction in the game are just quest givers
Thanks. Let the morons be mad about it. We'll stay in our comfy rooms and enjoy some decent video games while sipping on tea and maybe some nice cookies.
This game becomes more and more like GTA 2077 every new trailer. It might still be fun but it definitely won't be a cyberpunk rpg.
Are you serious? You can pick your background.
It isn’t the same as joining a faction
I know, right? I can’t believe that I won’t be able to wageslave for 60 hours a week in-game
again, try to hold yourself to the same standard as you want others to. bring only a single fact to back it up
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of, retard.
Way to prove you know literally nothing about the game. There should be an intelligence requirement for posting on Yea Forums
Kek, these people are trash. Seeing sperging like this unironically makes me happy.
No problem.
>sipping on tea
I don't really like tea
>some nice cookies
I'm okay with this.
All in all, unless something goes horribly wrong which I doubt, at bare minimum we can expect everything we got in Witcher 3, content wise... CDPR have played their hand on this project very well. Hell... Those two letters they hid in the trailers (if I remember correctly) for the players to find are better PR and marketing than any other studio I've seen do in the last 10 years or so.
Also, I've noticed that you can almost measure how "well" a dev studio is doing regarding a project by the amount of seething from trannies, (((Journalists))) etc... Why? Because they hate everything is good about vidya. Lol.
Here. How are you gonna weasel out of this I wonder?
I was hyped at first, but the more information that releases, the less hyped I am for the game. At this point im looking forward to animal crossing and dying light 2 way more
Every game is a disappointment
Citations in scholarly articles are not required if the statement is common knowledge. Not only is this common knowledge, it isn’t a scholarly article.
Character backgrounds are one of the only things we know for sure about this game
>im looking forward to animal crossing
Please let me know how the term was used incorrectly.
With that mindset the game can surprise you in a positive way. Fuck hype culture.
It looks like one of those style over substance games.
All the resources are going into wrong things. But thats the result of having too much money to throw around. They got lazy. Theres no vision for something new and novel, or just interesting in some way. People are going to play it and say, "same old shit, but it looks nice."
Guys, we cant have the same 3 shit threads about this game every day for the next 10 months.
His mouth is disgusting
>can't tell how a FPS is going to play from extended "gameplay" footage
Stay there.
The hype was real way before Keanu Reeves was introduced in this year's E3. My alternative is EA lootboxes and Ubisoft checklists. The Witcher 3 was fucking great despite what contrarians say, so Cyberpunk 2077 will be even better. This is the true power of state-funded capitalism.
>The hype was real way before Keanu Reeves was introduced
No it wasn't
Yes it was, what are you talking about?
yes it was, no amount lying will change it
yes it was you stupid fuck
this is the same fag who's been posting the same shit for the last week or so damn. imagine being so obsessed with a game that hasnt even come out yet. same shit about how the soundtrack is not synthpop or something, how its sunny all the time ruining the atmosphere or whatever the fuck, how cdpr missed their shot on not using the 80s as inspiration. dude you need to get out of that dark place jesus...
Its not going to be a letdown, it is going to be a great game that is just not revolutionary but still fun
Contrarian detected.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
He's not obsessed with the game, he's lonely and these threads really mean a lot to him.
I prefer it to be tiny
Open world shit is cancer
I prefer a smaller vertical map
what info? nothing besides the game-play released yet
anyway its not the question will it be better than shit like MEandromeda or watch dogs 2 its the question will it be on the level of rdr2/witcher3/gta5 or will it overshadow those titles , redefine aaa and become example
Regardless, it's really fun to assblast a contrarian's ass with FACTS and LOGIC. I feel like my life has some worth now.
Oh yeah. I 100% agree.
yes it was , ppl gone apeshit over a 50m gameplay
okay, but where is the proof?
>be on the level of rdr2/witcher3/gta5
but those are awful, what is wrong with you
What's it like to be this delusional. Are you one of those people that also claim witcher 3 wasn't actually a good game?
Jak and daxter 2 had floating cars. That was like 20 years ago. Cd project fail.
>the witcher 3 was perfect
Ehhhh.... look I'm on the CP2077 hype train myself but TW3 had awful, AWFUL combat. I tried to start the game on three separate occasions and it's still in my library.
There wasn't a single Cyberpunk thread for 2 weeks before E3 that wasn't a bait thread. Nobody cared until he came out on stage. Then you know what happened? For a WEEK you guys jerked off to him. Now it's back to normal.
Those aren't actually awful. This really shows how much overlap Cyberpunk actually has with people who expect vastly different things from their games.
I think so as well. The problem will steam from the fact people were shilled the game was not just going to be great. But one of the (if not THE) best games off all time. It will simply just be good, not pushing any sort of limits of what a video game can do going into the next gen.
The hype will bite them in the ass
Do. (You). Have. A. Single. Fact. To. Back. That. Up?
There have been multiple cyberpunk threads every week since it's debut. How do you not remember the sun threads?
Are you a shitposter ironically defending vaporware?
would totally break the game and it's immersion. eat shit fucking zoomer.
>had awful, AWFUL combat.
baiting way too obvious
>sun threads
You have to be a master level neckbeard to think those weren't false flag threads.
It won't be a deep, customizable, immersive RPG in cyberpunk setting everyone wants. It's going to be another limited, overly cinematic pseudo RPG. Complete the story and forget AAA garbage normies love.
Yeah some people like video games and some people like tv show with button presses
Tortanic posting and corporate cocksucking need to be bannable. When the fuck is there ever going to be genuine discussion about a game on Yea Forums?
TORtanic ruined this board.
That isn’t true, I only opened Yea Forums to search for Cyberpunk threads. I even made one to ask what day the reveal was going to be since I don’t watch e3.
It was literally the only thing I wanted to see from e3
Why would he mention those if it doesn't help his narrative? Use your brain, user!
It doesn't matter what they were, they were threads about Cyberpunk. People have been talking about this game, hyping it up, for like 2 years.
depends on the game, if its AAA then never, if its indie then yeah
Maybe you should leave
Nigger if you base the hype levels on the amount of threads Yea Forums makes, you're really fucking retarded
Pic related. It's you.
>it doesn't matter if threads are false flag treads, that still means people are hype
>their promises about the game and their tendancy to fulfill said promises
I can see people supporting this game, but nobody can say this unironically about CDPR with a straight face.
You know one faggot on this board who will probably write their copypasta and proceed to spam it until the rest of the vermin on this board start adopting in when the games comes out right?
Im not saying Cyberpunk 2077 will be a masterpiece,probably won't be but i know one autistic faggot will proclaim it's the worst game they have ever played because nobody here actually plays videogames. The same thing happend when the Witcher 3 released.
I'm still guessing this will have no effect on gameplay except for some base stats (i.e. +2int, +1 str etc.) that will have next to null effect when you start leveling up
Lmao at people thinking that they'll stick to the April release date. In December or January a delay will be announced to Q4 2020. Probably September.
Games gonna be bug ridden and they know it. People were complaining of bugs at the behind scenes viewing.
>shitposting GOOD
Why are you so happy to ruin Yea Forums? Are you actually some triggered tranny or something?
If this game doesn't give you the reigns after the tutorial it's a trash movie game.
One of these things is not like the other, maybe you should fuck off back to r/eddit
You shouldn’t keep using that term if you don’t know what it means
>press button
>get different attack animations
If I have to explain more than this I need to explain video games as a whole
You're right, they're not. Make actual criticism, not shitposting, or you fuck off
>I'm going to pretend to like this game that I know nothing about just because people made fun of Witcher 3 four years ago
They had this release date planned when they released the 48 minute demo over a year ago
>make actual criticism
You mean metaposting about how this board was wanting to eat Keanu Reeve's shit for a week isn't valid criticism?
That isn’t what falseflagging is
It’s going to affect relationships and open certain special interactions with characters, and possibly will change the tutorial
It’s literally not
You've been already called out as objectively wrong with this retarded idea. You could MAYBE make a case nobody on Yea Forums cared about CP2077 before the 40 minute game demo from last year, whoch is totally fair. If yoh somehow missed all the threads between then and two weeks before E3, you weren't actually looking, or you're lying.
This doesn't even go into how the game reception on Yea Forums means absolutely nothing in respect the the quality of the real game. Criticize the game, not obvious marketting decisions that don't matter and everyone here has already seen through.
>operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party or group being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility
No, it isn’t. It’s also not true. It was filled with contrarian anti-Keanu threads
Are you trying to say that the sun posters were people excited for the game, that expressed that excitement via non stop shitposting that prevented any actual game discussion?
I'm objectively wrong that people were literally posting about wanting to eat Keanu Reeve's shit? Were you even here? The entire board was filled with "We love Keanu" threads
Who exactly are the sun posters at this point? The definition is getting muddied
Op has to go suck a dick now.
>that people were literally posting about wanting to eat Keanu Reeve's shit?
Yes, unless you got a screencap of an user claiming he wanted to eat his shit. Even then, this is Yea Forums. Nobody ever posts seriously.
Oh so you weren't here. Thanks for letting me know
I want to see the user claiming they wanted to literally eat Keanu Reeves' shit. Post it.
The already lost E3 so the disappointment is settling in already
I'm not searching though the archives for you you faggot. Who do you think I am, a janny?
Why didn't you just screencap it?
Because it was so bad I didn't come back to this shithole for three days.
sounds like you're still not ready to return desu
Listen faggot, if you're defending this absolute autistic shithole for shilling a hollywood actor for a week you're dumber than you think.
I'm saying that if you don't realize the entire point of this website is that you control your own user experience it's probably best if you take more time away because your opinion is only going to continue to decline
Personal Responsibility
That didn’t happen
Literally backwards, board was spammed with anti Keanu posting
>press button
>something happens
It's as if you're playing a video game. 200IQ post right there.
>Shilling this hard
Witcher 3 had MMO tier combat
And still was leagues better than any game released that year. What other games do you remember from 2015 off the top of your head?
>Witcher 3 had MMO tier combat
Look dude, we all played it, who are you even trying to fool?
If I cant then why did you even pose the question? Fucking dumbass .
>witcher 3 was the best game of 2015
>Freely maintaining the public image of a paid actor
Followed closely by Dying Light, which is a Far Cry Ubishit clone with cool parkour mechanics.
Name one game that wasn't a massive letdown.
You're forgetting
>Tomb Raider
>Batman Arkham Knight
>Until Dawn
>Star War Battlefront
This but unironically
>stop liking what I don’t like!
This game is going to consume Yea Forums for weeks upon release. Same with Death Stranding.
Prepare your anuses.
I expect a Bethesda tier RPG thing but in CP2020. If I get that alone, I'll be happy.
It's been stated to affect the way you speak, the way people react to you and other things.
most likely will be not a massive letdown, just meh but the people and critics will call it the best game of the century and then 1 month later, everybody forget about it .
You mean the gameplay that has like 4 minutes of shooting and the rest is showing off different rpg aspects?
>takes place in one city
As opposed to multiple cities...?
What the fuck.
If it gives me essentially a Witcher 2/3 experience but set in a world based on CP2020, it'll be good for me. Being hyped or screaming it's going to be shit is silly. I think it'll be a good game, but then again I'm quite into cyberpunk, I trust the devs and I really like CP2020, so I'm a bit biased. As says, if they give me this, I'll be happy.
Most CP2020 campaigns take place in one city, so this is fine.
wait bros who wants to bet that Keanu is also going to be starring as the next Witcher?
Your opinion is invalid.
>list I listed 7 games that are better than Witcher 3 in some way that came out in 2015
>I listed 7 games that are better than Witcher 3
Combat, Graphics, itemization
Combat, graphics, itemization
>Tomb Raider
Graphics, Itemization
Graphics, combat
>Until Dawn
Graphics, reactivity
Environmental storytelling, story
Combat, Graphics