Name a bigger shithole. Fuck, name a country that has produced less fucking vidya and more faggots

Name a bigger shithole. Fuck, name a country that has produced less fucking vidya and more faggots

Attached: Netherlands.png (465x302, 4K)

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>THE netherlands
No other country does this.


Top tier lads to play with though. Great banter, unlike yanks who just get salty as fuck

atleast i got fucking healthcare and don't get shot whilst going for a walk amerimutt


The Ukraine.

>less fucking vidya
I can literally name 20 countries that have never produced a Playstation game. Netherlands has multiple.


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>The Ukraine

Yeah, you're fucking dumb

Those faggots want to act fucking innocent when it comes to vidya.

ik wordt zo moe van al die nutteloze kankernegers op Yea Forums die zichzelf moeten opknopen kanker amerikanen

Let's be honest though, our democracy is a complete sham at this point

kanker joden kanker negers

>country is a shithole because it doesn't make muh sòydeo games

The USA you goddamn idiot

Isn't the Netherlands just Germany with an even more fucked up language?

Ever heard of the Philippines?

Yeah except online we also use kanker every few words because we're very civilized people

>be dutch
>hate everyone around me
my life is suffering every second of the day.


Based retard

no such thing

Southern florida

>name a country that has produced less fucking vidya and more faggots

Attached: consider the following (2).png (644x580, 223K)

Is there any sillier language in Europe than Dutch? Also, what is wrong with their music taste, with all that weird gabber shit?

Attached: E2A83A2A-EEA8-4B29-B188-C34F1FE8491A.jpg (600x589, 133K)

But you DO get knifed and have acid thrown in your face while you jog down a street piled left and right with the bodies of underage white girls that have been gangraped and mutilated to death on your way to the mosque.

Attached: picapee.jpg (900x900, 89K)

The United Kingdom ffs

>Also, what is wrong with their music taste, with all that weird gabber shit?
it's not the 90s / early 2000s anymore, only a handful of faggots (tokkies) still listen to that.

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Why does every Dutch guy play OSRS. I swear that game is infested with Dutch folk

Gabber is top tier, but Frapcore is even more top tierer, thank you Frons.

>Is there any sillier language in Europe than Dutch?
Finnish and Hungarian obviously.
>what is wrong with their music taste
Nothing, hardcore is based and also you're saying it like everyone loves that.

What are they even good at?

Is this our weekly /int/ thread?

building walls to protect from water

They still call it that in Ukrainian. Not carrying the article over would be a mistake

Thinking they're superior to everyone else.

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Choking during football matches.

The Dutch are my favorite Euros
t. american

Shit, I don't know either. Used to play it a bit back in the day.

Building dykes, making technology, overtaxing citizens, taking it up the ass from Merkel.

Most of the (adult) Dutch people I've met on online games have been chill as fuck
The younger ones are absolutely cancerous though. They're the type of HAHAxD of retard that's absolutely insufferable

i don't live in fucking britain lmao that kind of degenerate shit isn't in the netherlands (yet)

Sorry sweetie, finnish is 150 IQ+ only.

not getting shot when we step outside

>tfw applying for a programmer job at Guerilla Games soon
wish me luck lads

Attached: 1420895944536.jpg (520x678, 69K)

>wanting to work at SJW games
burn it to the ground.

Young Dutch people are immature idiots and it's all because of the school system. Once they become adults and join the work force, most of them turn into proper human beings.


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Good luck. Dunno why you'd wanna program movies though

I blame influence from Turks/Moroccans honestly.

The less vidya a country makes, the more impoverished it is. This is demonstrable.

>trial today of shooting not that long ago
>posts 8 year old shit instead
1 job.

Damn, I never knew I lived in poverty.

>look 6 morons protesting, this means you can't step outside without some Allah dude raping you
Murrican IQ everyone

>having to use an 8 year old incident that immediately resulted in stricter rules as well

I dont care, I just want a decent company on my CV. Maybe you'll understand when you're not underage anymore

>implying i dont have a steady job for over 5 years now
try again when you're not a desperate underage faggot thirsty for any experience that you have to apply for a faggot company like that

More like Niggerlands.

Underwater by 2030
>Small foamy beers
>Openly homosexual Prime Minister only speaks German
>20 buck fuck
>Israeli planes hit your infrastructure daily
>Weed capital of Europe
>Hundreds die monthly in bicycle pileups
>ZERO (0) culture

Is there a more pathetic country?

>don't be black
>don't be homosexual
>don't be a kindergartener
phew that was difficult

Ik heb echt zo'n schijthekel aan die kanker Amerikanen. Houd je bek nou eens joh. Altijd maar dat gezeik de hele dag. Trump dit, Trump dat. Blabla. Het was ooit een cool land, in de 80s en 90s. Maar nu zijn het niks meer dan een stelletje vette varkens die de hele dag knorren als de zwijnen die ze zijn. Ze hebben het hele internet naar de kanker geholpen met die overdreven LIBTARDS LOL vs ALTRIGHT HURRR gezeik. Zelfs Klaver en Wilders zijn niet zo debiel als je doorsnee Libtard/altright Amerikaan op het internet.

>go to NL
>nice people, cool architecture
>get baked potatoes or fries with mayonnaise with every meal. Waiter once came over to apologize profusely because the potatoes took a bit longer
>girls also look like potatoes, 10% of them are 10/10 though
>public transit was nice
>so afraid of their own language that everything is in English
>everyone was tall as fuck
>obsessed with cheese for some reason
>police are fucking pussies
7/10, would go again but stop with the fucking potatoes. Thanks for reading my travel blog.

>someone from France is called French
Makes sense.

>someone from Britain is called British.
Makes sense.

>someone from Germany is called German
Makes sense.

>someone from The Netherlands is called Dutch


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