What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: what the FUCK did he mean by this.jpg (795x438, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why the fuck can't he form normal sentences?

send more money to israel

He means

Post video games

Where the games?

Attached: 1516448475886.png (585x454, 412K)

Video Games

twitter character limit.


Brexit being a shit show is entirely on us bongs, I can only hope that this is some grand tory ruse so that we remain thropugh the back door, but I know that expecting anything from the tories is fucking dumb.


no, he's split things into multiple tweets before

You have captcha issues too?

>twitter character limit
Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.

It means that Trump wants beneficial trading rights like the one EU has with Canada

I pray for the day when twitter screencaps and /pol/ is permabannable.

>he spends so much time on twitter that his vocal speech pattern has devolved into incoherent twitter thread-like rants that have no structure or really any point whatsoever
why the fuck anyone even voted for this imbecile is beyond me

He is saying that he has a 4d chess plan to solve all of americas problems which will very soon come into action, which is the same thing he said 3 years ago about both the EU and things like the Wall.
Also video games

seething EU cucks

he is mentally ill and should be shot on sight, c'mon ANTIFA DO IT

Who gives a fuck, talk about video games you retard.

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I agree with every word he said. It also foreshadowed his dealings with Iran and NK. Smart man trough and trough.

Trump 2020

>I come to the highest traffic blue board because /pol/ doesn't want me

Did anyone ever play his manager game?

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For all new fags here is how deal with this kind of posts.
1)Report it
2)Ignore it
2.1)If you really want to comment on something here's how to deal with the front page:

the US has a neutral trade agreement with the EU, meaning they have standard customs rates on important goods
this differs from the trade agreement on China, which includes massive tariffs to prevent Cheap chinese goods from flooding the EU market, or the one with South-Korea, which has no customs tariffs because the EU wants to trade more with Korea
tl:dr Trump is a bitch and wants no tariffs for trade with the EU

>haha it's all worth it to fuck over both ourselves and our longstanding political allies while ruining the planet for everyone living on it to own the EU cucks and libs :^)

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who gives a shit what Trump writes on twitter anymore. I stopped paying attention to his ramblings about a year ago.


because other imbecils

Yes, its fucking kill me.

I still can hardly believe it's playing out this way.
>Hey guys lets run everything ourselves again!
>>Okay how?
>Three years of constant indecision.
>Missing the deadline foisted upon themselves by invoking the escape clause immediately instead of after having a plan to accomplish self-government in place.
>Every party involved now stalling for political stumping hoping the next elected government will solve every aspect of the questions of governing in a month.
Frankly I'm shocked everyone hasn't come together and asked for a mulligan.

How is everyone not bored of this clown?

Reload the page 2 or 3 times. Resolved my issues with it.

All this faggot does is complain or act all passive aggressive on twitter. It was funny like 2 years ago.
I sure am.

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>flooding the west with rapist muslims and niggers isn't ruining the planet
>trade wars are though

Because left and right wing extremists are mentally ill

>All this faggot does is complain or act all passive aggressive on twitter
You just described everyone on twitter

Also, shit thread

It'll happen after the inevitable GE ends with another hung parliament that can't get anything done. The circus will continue until someone has the stones to admit that it's all a stupid idea

Reminder to resist and ignore what he says, he is literally putting kids in concentration camps and laughing about it.

>You just described everyone on twitter
Yes but this is the president lmao

He is the perfect representation of how western culture is at the moment, especially americans. It's a race about who can be the loudest and more obnoxious retard.

i hope you aren't talking about those illegal shit stains.

I really hope one day the west will be bombed away

What the fuck are you talking about? He literally crossed the Korean DMZ two fucking days ago, just walked right across, and spoke with Kim.
Jesus fucking CHRIST do you not realize how big of a deal that is?

Because he was voted in on the platform of not being Clinton amd that's really it

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Never really understood why Trump is so tough on China but somehow likes Brexit even though the bugmen are the ones who will benefit the most from it.

Enjoy the chinese malware """"5G"""" I guess

>He's still talking about Clinton
I want off this ride

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no human is illegal drumpftard
they actually contribute more than some hicks fucking their cousin

Please tell me she died of despair over losing the presidency to a meme candidate

i don't care as long as he doesn't abolish student debt

God he's such a fucking moron.
How did our country go to this in such a short amount of time? Are we fucked?

In a decade or so people are going to look at all sides in the last 4 years with cringe in every unironic sense of the word

but they literally are illegal. there are illegals that contribute more than some NEETS in Japan but that isn't an argument for japs to let you in illegally. also worth noting that some jap illegal immigrants have committed suicide because japan refuses to help them and treats them like dogs.

donald trump is a dog of zion and accomplisher of nothing

Their being here sure is.
Illegal aliens git ye gone.

>In a decade
I'm cringing at everything right now. What a shitshow

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>i don't care
this is exactly why some people shouldn't vote.

They aren't "illegal" you retard, they're seeking asylum in America. It's one thing to say no and turn them away, it's another to take their fucking kids. Just because people do illegal things doesn't mean we stick them in concrete cells and forget about them, even American prisoners get to take showers and sleep on cots.

voter suppression from a drumpftard?
I'll make sure my undocumented citizen friends vote democrats multiple times

>how big of a deal that is?
Maybe if we had a slightly more competent administration. I was all hyped the first time he got to talk to him and look at the whole fuckload of nothing that led to.

You're so gullible you think political theater means anything. Kim Hong loves these meetings because it gives him credibility, Trump loves these meetings because he sees his name in headlines without him doing anything. Meanwhile nothing whatsoever ever happens regarding nuclear disarmament because neither party cares about an actual dialogue.

They ARE illegal you massive retard.
They ILLEGALLY crossed the border.
Why cant you understand this? Do you have an actual disability? Do you need help preparing breakfast?

Unfortunately not, but I would've. Imagine losing the easiest presidential run in the history of your country to Trump.

How're you guys feeling about Tucker Carlson defending the North Korean regime? Whether you like Trump or not, you've got to agree that he's a major cock, right?

and what about when he gets re-elected?


Go kiss the ass of your Chinese masters, orange man.

right on brother just look at this picture, this is trumps fault

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if they were seeking asylum in Japan they'd still be removed. if they were in Japan they'd be stuck in concrete cells and forgotton about.

But muh will of the people

So you believe everyone who does something illegal should be thrown in a concrete box with no soap, beds, toothbrushes, or any tools for hygiene? Interesting. Maybe they'll arrange that for you if you ever run a stop sign. Whether it's illegal or not, that is fucking wrong and you know it. Especially when you do it to their kids, who have no choice in the matter.
You know, there was this old group of people who stuck a bunch of people they deemed "illegal" into big concrete buildings and gave them nothing to wash themselves with, or sleep on. I wonder what those people were called? I wonder what they did with the "illegals"?

I never noticed that he just randomly capitalizes words before.

>talking about someone being brutal and/or unfair
Peak irony.

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>with no soap, beds, toothbrushes, or any tools for hygiene
Good troll: aila.org/File/Related/14111359v.pdf

a legit problem imo.
spending too much time on Yea Forums has led to most of my sentences being way too short, I had to put actual mental effort into changing it for small talk because it came across as super impolite
it would probably be a lot worse if I had spent all that time on twitter

Go offer your house to ICE if you care so much, faggot.

He has a habit of tagging the wrong account in his tweets too, happened a few times now. Pretty funny

>citizen breaking laws
>illegal alien breaching the national border
How about fuck you you stupid fucking beaner-lover? I bet you're a pedo and wanted all that illegal brown loli cunny for a cheap price.

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Over the last couple of years I've gotten my life somewhat together, started studying and meeting people, and I constantly stop myself right before I end up saying something extremely untasteful to someone's face that I wouldn't even have second thoughts about saying to an user
I'm fully convinced interacting online too much can be a serious detriment to social skills

It's not a fucking hotel you faggot. What do you expect when you invade a foreign nation, Paco? A Thai massage?

why are people replying unironically to that female-tier discourse bait

Huh, two years ago one state released those kids, with no help from Donald Trump. Wonder when those camps in Texas will follow suit?

>illegal brown loli cunny for a cheap price.
i would let the little girls stay at my place actually. for research purposes.

>Called mom a nigger again

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>they're seeking asylum in America
I love how you tards just throw words around as you want in the vain hope that something sticks.

>literal children
>invading America
O-o-oh no guys, the kindergarteners will get us!! Quick, throw them in that concentration camp, then they won't get us!!

>live in a cuck-tier country where you can get in legal trouble for wrongspeech
One of these days I'm gonna casually say something about jews to the wrong person in get myself in serious bother

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reminder that the third lady was an illegal who overstayed her visa (much like all the other illegals) and married trump to get citizenship
where's your (fake) outrage

The msm did remove the timestamp, right?

Cry more.

I thought most illegals crossed legally and end up going on the down low once their visa expires

being poor is not grounds for asylum
access to white people is not a human right
fuck spics and fuck jews

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Yes, they're concentration camps. The nazis also had them and just a handful of people died in there, right? Because it's literally the same shit according to you dumbfucks who never opened a history book and actively work on strengthening the very thing you always claim to fight against.
You fuckers aren't retarded, actual retards still eclipse you mentally tenfold.

Didn't this cuck jump on muh videogame violence bandwagon a while back?

are you talking about TRump's wife? but she's a hot euro bitch. that's not even remotely comparable.

Thats true but you have to realize it isn't actually about illegal immigration, its about race.

>still thinks they're asylum seekers
Please keep going, my sides thank you for it.

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>he defends capturing kids who have no idea what the fuck is happening and putting them in jails where they can't even wash themselves, just because their parents made shit choices

>Trump literally makes history
>all the her turners can do is cry themselves to sleep
The salt never ends, it's glorious.

Hey cool, post video games.

Attached: Hey alright.jpg (1024x805, 31K)

And /pol/ was there to call him based and redpilled for calling out videogames, and somehow managed to turn it into a statement about all the degeneracy seeping into videogames instead of it being typical moralizing calls for censorship

>flooding the west with rapist muslims and niggers
As if the ones behind this aren't the US

as soon as you adopt an unwanted child, cuck.

based Trump, eurocucks seething

>he actually gave his shekels to the gook jew

Beat it, kid

this, praise kek libs triggered etc.

>gets btfo so hard he immediately starwmans
Loving every laugh. Lets see what next bullshit you can come up with. And don't forget kid, nazis were did the same thing, nothing more according to your own twisted logic.

user most people here don't socialize and don't give a fuck about something bad happening to someone, unless it's them.

He's not wrong.

why is this thread still up lmao

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>no recent nuclear testing
>war games has stop near south korea
>whole fuckload of nothing that led to.


>give me free trade you fucks
Literally asking for gibs

poorfag detected, maybe get a job?

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US immigration policies are retarded but there's zero reasons euro countries have to accept immigrants they don't want to.

Jannies on break

Blame the parents.

Then he wins because the democrats force pushed Uncle Scratch N Sniff to the forefront

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