Where were you when Square released the best Final Fantasy story in 19 years?

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Playing it

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Planing to give FFxiv a try for a month given it´s discount on Steam. Is it worthy? I dont intend to tryhard and i dont want to go back to wow given the trainwreck it has become

Ehmet Selch did nothing wrong

>Remember that we existed

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What the fuck is wrong with people? The game has been out for 3 days and learning parties already want you to watch a video for the EX fight.
Guess getting to 80 in 3 days was too slow, now I have to watch a fucking video to do content.
(This isn't the only party I've seen like this. I checked last night before I went to bed and there were two learning parties that wanted people to watch videos)

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>Could have just created a point he wanted WoL to go to and leave rest of the city in ruin
>Instead recreates the whole city and its people in that moment, to bring that city back, if even for a while
Emet Selch... had a hard life.

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Best written villain I've ever seen in a video game, holy shit.

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There's a free trial that allows you to play till level 35. And since you can change classes you can go up to level 35 with everything.
Be warned tho, it's not the best representation, ARR's story has problems and classes become fun when they get their entire skillset which means level 50+

If you enjoy it buy it and try to get to the first expansion and enjoy the ride from there.

>Various citizens work and work to create simple objects and animals and still make mistakes
>He creates a nearly flawless simulcram of his entire city, his home, as it once was, on the brink of disaster.
>yfw you realize he did this for millennia while feeling endless grief for what he lost

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Still working through stormblood. Japanese MMOs always gotta cram their culture into the game somehow, don't they?

Just as Ryne had the right to live, so do we
His time had come and gone

Well, after cramming everyone else's cultures into the game, Kugane was inevitable.

>classes become fun when they get their entire skillset which means level 50+
hard pass

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FFXIV took place on notEarth so it's not as retarded and out of place as, say, PSO putting a copy of feudal japan on a fucking yinyang shaped planet

>just finished the full msq spoiler free
>all sidequests
>all dungeons with trusts for extra dialogue
holy shit, unironically one of the best stories ive played through in a video game
That final climax jesus christ

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Is the story good? I´ve spent my time leveling gunbreaker so far.
Even more important, are the new armors good?

shitters are conditioned to guide ride everything.
WoWfugees made it even worse.

Are the side quests actually good?

I can't find the full trailer theme song anymore. It was on YouTube but they took it down, someones gotta have it T_T

Did DRK get any extra dialogue through the MSQ?

Yes, unironically
There's a chain in il mheg involving beavers that'll make you go "what the fuck" by the end

My negro. Admit that early forest and mining trolley were incredibly weak!

>Is the story good
yes now get the fuck out before you get spoiled there's already some in this thread.

I nearly teared up multiple times. There are a few drags but the contrasting highs are incredible. Its the best ff story so far.

They weren't that bad, never did I feel "ugh get it over with"

What is this trying to convey?

Think of it this way, now you can tell which parties are garbage and should be avoided at a glance

>can easily do savage with group while they fuck around, talk about all sort of shit and make jokes in voice chat
>hurr durr why doesn't the game have a built in 30 second window between each action so my retard ass can slowly pluck out messages instead
jesus christ so this is the absolute state of 1.0sperms

How can she be so cute and lewd at the same time?

I felt nothing.
They're dead. They've been dead for thousands of years. Get over it.

What was wrong with mining land? I thought it was pretty good.

You're not wrong but god damn even those were enjoyable to some extent.

you HAVE already farmed both ex primals, right Yea Forums?

>unironically one of the best stories ive played through in a video game
Play Ghost Trick.

>heavensward: "wow this is great, incredible"
>stormblood: "meh, they dropped the ball HW was way better"
Im sad i beat it because of how amazing it was

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Is Alisae still hungry for our big heroic cock? I won't have time to play Shadowbringers til the end of the year.

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No I took my time with the msq and just finished it last night. Now I'm leveling crafters and gatherers. I don't feel the need to farm for ex primals when their gear gets replaced so quickly and my static is probably gonna help me anyway.

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Ghost trick is overrated as fuck, dont listen to him

>Took my time watching the cutscenes, reading quest texts
>Did this for the Crafting and Gathering side quests as well
>Got to 76 and cleared the third area
>Knew people that hit 80 by Saturday
>Bragging in chat they skipped cutscenes

These are the bitches that will be complaining they're out of stuff to do.

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The sylphs were fine.
The Nu Mou were agonizing because I felt the game straining to force me to not progress.

I fucking HOPE Elidibus can be just as good or better written than Emet fucking please Ishikawa

Being Ardbert is suffering

They already did since saturday, all they do is sit around begging people for bonus or afk most the day

MMOs have stories?

It's a better story than this, don't lie to user. If you want overrated video game stories, look at Xenogears/saga.
I'd also recommend 999.

We go from a large scale battle to some dumb story involving grief. I get that it serves as a char development for creed but the place was uninteresting and the mundane quests took their toll. Also getting the signed rock was retarded. The grave scene and char dev were good. This whole expansion made me love the scions all the more. Reminder to pet minifillia whenever possible.

going for my third trial roulette with bonus today, I have no idea of what the story is about and I don't give a fuck

Elidibus is secretly undermining his colleagues because he was Ultima's buff, hence white robes.

Reminder not to bother with this shit.

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Can we agree that the bara lions are the best race?
They have the best facial expressions.

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>he fell for the meme

What do you get? Hq mats?

66 FATEs per zone seems pretty tame, honestly. That's just leveling your classes.

has anyone done any of the other zones? allegedly one of the has a mount but ive yet seen proof

Where does the Shoebill minion drop?
>I did the smart thing and bought a story and level skip
>I also skipped all the cutscenes in order to rush end game
>wtf it's so boring
Yeah its surprising zoomers even know how to breathe

Fair enough, it's not a game for everyone as it requires patience and commitment on the early stages unfortunately, there is no way around it.

>Call him by his name

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Music scroll and a framed butterfly (furniture)

He was based as fuck and dropped redpills everytime he was in a cutscene.

Rate this expansion so far
If HW was a 10/10 what would ShB be?

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Lvl 80 story dungeon

>Its good to see you awake

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But muh people

Dont worry about it. It's a game that blossoms as it goes on. Problem is that it evolves in increments involving expansions. It is literally the "gets good 500hrs in" meme

>I have to watch a 5 minute long video
Oh you poor, precious little flower. What hardship you must endure! A video makes learning hell of a lot faster because you can see the mechanic in action and how to tackle it rather than rely on a poor text description or some guy with a shit mic mumbling it out.

But nah wiping several times because you don't know what to do if targeted with a mechanic is what real pro gamers do.

HW was a 5/10 at best
SB was a solid 7/10
ShB is a 7.3/10

>A smile is better suited for a hero

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>dude dead is sad

Okay, niggers no bullshit now.

I'm bored out of my mind, finished Pathfinder and there's nothing that grabs my attention.

WoW is trash, is this game any good? What's the catch?

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Am i autistic that after i log off for the day. I unequip all my stuff then make my character go to bed? About to enter heavensward and keep hearing its great, Also heard stormblood was doo doo.

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You are missing out, SHB has a really good story, not counting it's an MMO. To each his own I guess.

I'm gonna make some burgers today, who wants some?

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found the parse tranny

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SB had better content, but HW had better aesthetics and writing.

>every fucking day people said dnc was gonna be mandatory
>ended being the worst class
>whm ended being op
Why are we always wrong?

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Stormblood isnt THAT bad, its just ok. compared to heavensward its not good; but there are some parts in stormblood that are really important to know

The whole ending sequence with the light pillars and Hades reveal was godlike

>reading quest texts
You're not hardcore unless you talk to every NPC after every main story quest to see what else they have to say.

finished the story but im already bored. its the same lame dungeon grind for tomes again followed by 2-3 raids and thats gonna be it
nothing else changed

I do about to make some anyways
Thanks for going though the trouble

grinding through ARR. God, this shit is so long

If emet was HADES then what's elidibus?

Who was the Exarch?

You must be a retard if never expected this.

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I'm glad the mod that fixes the feet models hasn't been updated yet, because honestly with all the scenes of Minfilia it'd be very distracting.

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boy is she ever


>That one mysterynigger sits next to you

>Ascian simulacrum mentions that he created an android
>YorHa: Dark Apocalypse will take place during the ascian calamity

I expected a clever twist and was disappointed. What happens if you never bothered?

>If HW was a 10/10 what would ShB be?
a 14/10 going by that metric. shb is just hw at its highest point but consistently throughout the entire experience.

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A dancer was targeting the wrong shit and not doing there job. After we got wipe twice, they left then we got a gun bro that was great. Fuck you Dancer, we told you what to do but you left

>muh evil light
>muh evil church
wow, such an original story.

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Newbie question but can i trust allkey list of shops? One of the key shops eneba has the complete edition which comes out tomorrow for 32 euro shekels.

Is this game worth playing on PS4? I hate playing on laptops, but the threads for this game always seem so comfy.

>expecting anything beyond story in a FINAL FANTASY GAME

Turns out the light is still less evil than darkness.

>but you beat up the big bad while sparkling like a fag

what are your impressions on the tanks right now? trying to decide which to level but not sure. leaning towards warrior.

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that's not the story at all

If you want to sacrifice days off your life, sure.

You ate all the light to bring shadows. Why would a shadowbringer be made of shadow?

How fucking OP is the warrior of light now?

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>evil church

gnb is made of cotton swabs
drk is made of tinfoil
warrior is made of aluminum that can somehow regenerate
paladin is made of fucking unbreakable adamantite

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WAR, NIN, DRG and BLM are the only safe classes in this game. Anyone else might get fucked next expansion.


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You have 2 options
- Enjoy the story and go slow, this option requires you to actually like the world and it's lore, problem is, it starts really slow and boring.
- Buy a skip potion or/and skip cutscenes and reach endgame as soon as possible. This is also valid as there are tons of people who don't care about the story and just like the gameplay and raids.

Either option is fine, since an expansion just dropped, endgame is still forming and you will have some time to catch up, they put patches every 3-4 months with new stuff.

considering they'll struggle to kill basic things again like a boar next expansion or some shit really not all that strong

0% given we didn't get a real powerup this expansion and in fact relinquished power.


If you pick the option to ask as soon as you meet him why does he lie?

They're in public.

>trash mobs are getting close to ARR primal tier hp
its pretty funny honestly

well we're 8/14th's of a person so

The only catch is that they actually care about more than endgame raiding. The story is good, don't fucking skip it after lv40. Take your time and enjoy the ride. Ignore that other nigga and don't buy the skip potions until you've done shit legit on at least one class.
Also, literally -everything- is unlocked by doing the Main Story questline. Don't let that shit fall behind your level.

damn i was not expecting them to pour so much resources into the last area. Thought it'll just be a painted on background or something but they went ham on that and the dungeon.

>Blessing of Light
>Absorbed one of hraesvalgr's eyes
>7/13th Ascian, 8/13th when merged with Ardbert

we'll be immortal creation gods before 14's last expansion

I thought they were going to be cheeky with time shenanigans and say he was G'raha's ancestor.


Wall to wall mob pulls in the 79 dungeon are thrilling.

Yeah but like... why would anyone else even know who the fuck he was by name?

It's very much "love it or hate it".
If you can get invested in the world, make the effort to enjoy the journey and can somehow brave the 200 filler quests in the first quarter of the game you'll love it.
If you want to blow through all the fun stuff to get to the awful endgame treadmill in the expectation that you can only have fun at the level cap, you'll hate it.

Also what the actual fuck is wrong with the captcha at the moment.
>here, do 5 in a row, with slow loading images.

What place is the Mor Dhona of this expansion?

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You might have missed the part were its only been out for 3 fucking days dumbass.

when did we absorb the other 6 parts?

Wait till you get to the level 80 dungeons

>7/13th ascian
Since when?

So which dps didnt get neutered into tediousness? MCH bandwagoners are popping out in the droves since it just shits out damage but requires you to john fucking madden all fights more than usual.

Less a buff and more of a weird tool for nodeath/talking/skill learning.
>Blessing of Light
This is actual plot armor, you're right.
>Absorbed one of hraesvalgr's eyes
Used right afterwards, same as lightwarden aether, only short term.

And the last thing doesn't give you power. They're just dudes with the Echo.

Eulmore, as we suspected

>gnb is made of cotton swabs
boy is this ever the fucking truth

I was grinding DNC before starting the main campaign.

In fact, I'm still doing that. No spoilers pls kthxbye

Rdm is still a brainlet job

When the 7 other shards merged back into the source. Emet-Selch heavily hints at it during his optional dialogue.

Of course WoL is getting more powerful - his level is going up.

He doesn't want ascians listening to shit.

well it's kinda true i guess, he is g'raha just not yours, but from another timeline. The one in the source is still snoozing with no idea



DNC is shit
t. Someone who regreets wasting the first day lvling it

Only 1 day left. I hope everyone has their sleep schedules adjusted for launch.

What y’all think about him?

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I love those little lore dumps he can give you if you ask
>So if we kill all three...

Weird grandpa.

Made no sense

But we already beated it

I would argue, playing them from lvl 1 onward makes sure you know what you are doing and for what which skill is for. And compared to before, now classes are actually playable and functional once you reach 30ish. after that it slowly adds new and more stuff.

>all my other subscribed shit charged my ass at once so i have no money until next week

What Zenos should've been, but also deserved a real fight

I wish he had a more important fight

But I like the old man.

anyone find it kinda funny that WoW as usual tried to snipe a competitor with their 8.2 azshara patch, only to have shb coincidentally have an underwater zone too that blows them out of the water in setting and production value.

I really wasn't expecting something so disturbing

>tanks take more damage
>healers got the dick unless theyre a whm
>gnb has questionable cooldowns when you look at stuff like camouflage being mostly parry based when they just nerfed the shit out of it and removed the parry cds from pld and war because its awful now
>but its fine to throw on our new class :)

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>start playing
>join free company
>get invited to their discord
>join voice chat
>hear a high pitched, child like voice
>can’t be real
>look at their character
>”girl” dressed in light blue and pink
And here I was thinking the tranny discord thing was just a joke.

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That zones theme is kino

Alright, downloading it right now.

Wish me luck.

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Reminds me of the solo instance with cool wolf dude in Stormblood.

Should have been a previous WoL, a Monk perhaps because him beating the current WoL/D is far out of play. I know the Blessing of Light ignites her champion depending on the threat but after fighting a robot that constructed his own universe, is god of said universe. Beating time itself and fucking over the father of all dragons, after getting my ass kicked by an old man made zero sense.

Other JRPGs
>darkness evil
>light good
>light evil
>darkness good
simply revolutionary

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Annoying grandpa.
>I have your measure now
>Does one quarter of my HP but I'm down for the count anyway

But this RPG says light AND dark bad.

>there is some guy at square writing dialogue for all the npcs after a major event
>only a few of us will read them
God bless him.

wait a minute
so the WoL is a fucking fragmented ascian?

He meant it's penis inspection day.

>beat the shit out of him
>does as much damage as an average dungeon mob using a skill

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actually, everything bad in this one

So whats that about him and us being part of the same Ascian? Why was Emet so upset because we didn't remember?

Your character draws parallels to Zodiark himself. Everytime a shard is destroyed, he becomes less shackled and you become more complete.

Calling it now, Zenos is going to become Zodiark and you're going to become Hydalyn and then there'll be a retelling of the fight on the murals a millennia ago.

a tranny would sound like this

I wish they'd have indicators when NPC's have new stuff to say. It got annoying as hell having to talk to absolutely everybody after each quest

yes, which means all others with the echo are also fragmented ascians

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You forgot the worst part
>Force to run away from him for nearly the rest of the game
If they wanted him to be an imposing villain they should have just had him in scenes where the WoL was absent or otherwise occupied.

>want to buy it
>remember I dropped halfway of omega raids
urgh I don't want to deal with this shit
wake me up when I'll finally be able to play as an imperial judge

the ascians needed 8 calamities aka 8 shards merged back into the source to bring back zodiark

this is most likely why when ardbert temporarily merges with you, emet-selch sees you in your ascian form for a couple seconds

So.. you mean that everyone blessed with Hydalynes Echo is most likely one of the Ancients
who created her in the first place?

Yeah probably.

Also can we talk about how epic it was that the other players summed for the Hades fight are meant to be heroes from the other shards?


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His special attack has a bullshit debuff that appears on your status bar. You can hover your mouse over it and see its effect is that you cannot perform any actions: that wasn't you being so hurt you couldn't keep fighting, the magical paralysis is the actual effect of the ability. So he is a legitimately unbeatable opponent as long as him using that ability on you is a possibility.

wwhy is zenos so fucking strong?

Wasn't he meant to show who Thancred could have become?

more like KUSOha they should quadruple its potency

Or a reincarnation of their aether, yeah.
aka, Tenzen is literally you.

Whenever Minfilia asks you to return to the Waking Sands, teleport to Limsa Lominsa, take the aethernet to the arcanist guild, board the nearby ferry and it deposits you 20 meters away.

You'll thank me.

>it's a streamer levels to 20 then jumps to 70 without having ever played the game before episode
holy shit, what the hell are these idiots thinking

Because he never skipped leg day and is a total chad.
Saying no to woman only to fight your dearest friend till the ends of time will give you that power.

its just down for the count. there are a fuck ton of things in this game that apply that, its not special. it just denotes that your character got fucked up so bad they have to take a breather.

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So is Ramza?


was he based?

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he watched the video beforehand

>post people skipped cutscenes just to rush to 80 on day 1
They missed out, lmao

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>Final boss
>DPS wait time: 19 minutes

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Not as based nor redpilled as Emet.

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why you were ERPing in the quicksand, he studied the blade

because no matter how powerful the WoL gets there has to be someone stronger so theres tension and room for them to grow.
they could just do an asspull later and "strip" us of our power but we'll see.

they already did that in HW

>calls you his friend
>wants to kill you
Friends don't do that.

Anyone hace the “just lalas can access this spot” pic?

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is ffxiv biggest month-paying remorse of all times?

So what happened to this fag clones?

And since they already did that in HW people would rightfully call bullshit if they did it again.

Doing it once is alright.
Doing it multiple times is running out of ideas.

This one?

in some warehouse for when he needs a new body

He is an autist user.

how the fuck did our nigga zenos not stop the calamity in the other timeline

>Boss goes invincible
Oy Vey it's another Shoha

If they want it to work they should triple or quintuple its potency.

Confirmed to never played it

Fuck off

I just finished last night. 30-40ish was fucking brutal last arc of the story was pretty cool. Until you hit the praetorium, so many monologues dude.

Just finished the expansion, the credits are rolling
And oh my fucking god
What a goddamn trip it was
SHB is now my favorite expansion and FF story of all time, like holy fucking shit, everything and I do mean EVERYTHING was so much better.
Story, characters, voice actors, OST, Camera work...
They went balls to the wall
I fucking teared up a bit at the Remember that we existed part
Holy fucking shit
That was so fucking GOOOOOOD

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>n-nuh I won't buy shb
>watch a dancer ability video
what the fuck, why does it look so fun, I don't want to spend 50$

It’s not fun.


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Considering how Yea Forums, who shits on everything regardless of the truth, has a majority of people praising the expansion, you may want to reconsider

I decided to try it and I'm having fun. What is the most effective way to upgrade to full version? Do all available story and then get full version? Which version should I buy, just vanilla or full bundle with all expansions?

Incredible. This expansion actual gave the scions enough character building for me to finally care about them. Is this what it feels like to be retarded?

I already miss him

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I miss him creeping in my room already, at least he can chill with his pals in peace now

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Shouldn't that be a 16/16

nah he lahabrea-tier dead

Chances are, he might have been a WoL himself and is trying to stop us because he knows what lies ahead

The whole mining trolley arc was way too drawn out but the fight with [Redacted] and [Redacted] was good payoff.

you know that you can just watch cutscenes in the inn right?

when does the game introduce me to crafting jobs? I'm around lvl 20 and I haven't seen any of it.

What's that one dungeon you like to do to get in the groove of a class again after not playing it for a long while?
I like using Haukke as a starter

Just bought the time card today since I got the money, should I still get the Fat Chocobo?

At lvl 1

never? you go and do crafting whenever you want

It's going to be some minor plotpoint in either the patches or next expac, it's pretty funny how most of the garlemald patch stuff in SB has been thrown out the window by the end of SHB

you have to go pick them up of your own accord

Seems like a nice bonus if you wanna level a job through fates that might have long queues.


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We got stripped of our power in HW and got even stronger, did you forged how Lahabrea shat his robe when we recovered our blessing and he realized we were kicking his teeth in while nerfed?


bardam's mettle

Maybe Elidibus stole one after running away from Zenos

Considering most of the story takes place on the First it's no wonder the Eorzean troubles take a back seat.


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>best Final Fantasy story in 19 years

More like best Final Fantasy story in 32 years

Seriously. The absolute madmen did it. And in an MMO of all things

I main DRG right now but I'd like to branch out into other roles. What tanks/casters would I enjoy?

We had the Blessing of Light back by the time we slapped his, and Igeryohm's shit

>tfw no jokes of ardbert watching you change in your dialogues

lol look at this never-played-it fag

Well shit I thought we only got it after we fought their separate form

I think if you buy vanilla on steam you get the first xpac for free

Is AST as bad as people say?

No no, if you havent beaten the MSQ then I might've already said too much, but there is a reason WHY it's being thrown out and it's not because the MSQ takes place on The First.

Dunno, what do you like about DRG?


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I hit 78 and I saw the cutscene where our boy is taking back what's his.

Nope, we get the whole thing back after speaking with Tiamat, Midgardsormr then let's us ride on his back and flies us off to their dungeon

C'mon, you've got to give me more than that, I won't be able to play and need to know more about how active she is in the MQ and how often we get dialog with and about her.

So how did everyone feel about the trials having checkpoints?

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Are we the final boss?

It help scrubs but after a while it won't really be used if people really know the fight

>All these comments mentioning how kino the ending is
In still in Rak'Tika i need to go faster AHHHHHHH

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Don't rush, enjoy the ride

I assume its not in the Innocence EX though, right? I'm one gear piece off from being 430

>go faster
dont, take ur time and let it all soak in

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The lighting engine is really dogshit on darker skinned characters. I ended up bleaching my character and its pretty good now

post your face when you reached the final boss of The Twinning

Who has the best role quest?
And why it's Giott?

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so whats the meta comp

Where is the patches gonna take us next in the MSQ? Just back to Garlemald just like that?

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time travel shenanigans with omega and ironworks alexander

>an mmo literally worse than the current wow xpack

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Dont rush and for gods sake get off Yea Forums and the entire internet while you do, it's absolutely worth not being spoiled on.
I assume we're gonna be hopping back and forth, but i thought it was weird how 5.1 seems to be setting up primarily in Eorzea instead of slowly weaning us off the the first

Any romance for our lonely WoL yet? How is the Trust system? How is Gunbreaker? Do we get more Zenos? Hoping to play soon, but these are pressing things I need to know.


I’m give ya a pity reply.

The flashiness, the bar building, the cool weapon, and the general idea of the job just vibes with me.

no, its great but slow but thats ok, idk, kind of

>use Passage of Arms
>no one seems to know what it is

I'm trying to protect you

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If you wipe during the second half of Innocence or the third trial, it takes you to the start of the second half instead of all the way back to the start of the entire fight but Im certain this only applies to the MSQ versions and not the EX

looks like im right tho because i have played it . 90% of the story is unvoiced . only cuts are .

>excited to see new SMN moves
>literally gets all its new moves at 72 and everything till 80 is traits
>phoenix is just an auto attack with an extra button to hit
>have to wait 2 years for another summon

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Do not

No Fatty in EX

So what happened with the alexander in the damamine?

>tanks take more damage

Isn't it because the expansion got released so tanks aren't wearing the best gear at the moment?

>no more Aetherflow for Summoner
I feel so empty

I hit 80 on my war while enjoying the story, got the job title of "worldcleaver" which i really like and i am now leveling mch which i also find pretty fun to play as, only problem i am facing with mch is how i am meant to be doing single target rotations, clearly when i reach 80 i will have a better idea
but as it is, at 73 i just use the 100% crit thing with the driill during a thing that uses up 50 battery and then spam heat shot to get my 2 stacking skills back up and kinda loop it like that
that fine for now or have i been doing it fucking wrong like a gay retard faggit

>not making your own PF
I'm finishing the story today and I hate people that don't like learning on their own especially on release, gonna make a fresh learning pf and enjoy the ride

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>the Rejoining happens
>WoL watches in horror as 8th umbral calamity happens
> starts playing

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I figured that would be the case, gets right to the good stuff. First phase Hades does have some unique mechanics unlike Shinryu though, so I'm curious if it will just be a full 2nd phase or they'll do something with both

>still level 72
>Need half a bar of xp till I can progress through the quest
I wish quests gave more exp

>Giott the Aleforged

Legitimately lol’d out loud at that part


Just a reskinned Alex as the final boss in one of the 80 dungeons

>party wipes four times to The Twinning boss
Just like old times

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>ARR's story has problems
What problems?
It's more interesting than the HW story.

So if Solus was telling the truth all along why do we still fight him? It would've been way cooler to betray the scions and kill them all

if white mage is so strong why isn't it meta?

>the DRK 80 quest
>wander around and people tell you how much you mean to them

why is the meta still the same except brd got cucked by dnc?

>no 71-80 deep dungeon for a while
how am I gonna level up my other jobs

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ARR story bad
HW story good
SB story bad
Shadow bringer story good
So do the devs take turns writing?

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You motherfuckers keep hyping up the ShB story and its making me anxious because i still have to get through stormblood
quit iiiiiit

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Because as wellw ritten as he is, he's still a cunt and his time has unironically passed.

Where did they use the Omega escape remix?

Solus wants to sacrifice everyone on the source to feed Zodiark. He also thinks you're trash since you can't contain the light. Why on earth would your character ever betray the Scions at that point?

Is this a serious question?

I think most anons don't realize that it sets up alot of things that have a payout in the expansion. I enjoyed comfy adventuring. I look back and yearn for it because It doesn't get easier, does it?


>actually needing deep dungeon to level

Attached: 1559814092374.jpg (500x500, 59K)

Get a load of this absolute fucking faggot

postgame dungeon

>brd got cucked by dnc
Should we tell him?

>shb sch
>consolation doesn’t replace fey blessing in the hotbar
>if you’re not overhealing you’re playing wrong since theres no other way to expend aetherflow stacks
>people think its good that fairy abilities are on ogcd so now I have to cast ruin 2 every time I want to use a fairy ability, effectively removing any and all pet micromanagement
>you can’t even target the fucking fairy, she doesn’t even have an hp bar, its incredibly hard to see where she is at any given time
>literally deleted selene
>can’t spread critlo effect anymore
>lost like half its hotbar while only gaining one new ability in return
>can’t aoe spam without running out of mp
>bosses still don’t do enough damage to warrant all the heal ogcds with no damage ones, indomitability still heals aoe damage in full
>dissipation still exists for some fucking reason
>literally doesn’t work with an ast co healer because noct shields wont stack with galvanize so neutral sect literaly works against a sch co healer
>art of war has a tiny ass range
>embrace is like a 75 pot regen and you can’t choose who it ticks on

I have never seen a class so brutally gutted. Pet abilities on your ogcd and no energy drain make it play so badly that it literally makes me sick.
At least seraphs shields stack with yours

ARR bad
HW good
SB average
ShB great

Stormblood was fine, it just has the misfortune of being the middle episode between literally the top 2 final fantasy stories of all time and can’t compete


Then I would say either PLD or DRK for the flashiness, though WAR is the easiest

I was dead set on not playing it, but after checking it out(I quit during 4.0), I got to admit that it's just a massive step up and thus ended up buying it after all. Go for it.

because it lacks shields and buffs, so the other two healers are always better

>type this out
>forgot the !

>i need my dick held by others at all time
holy yikes lilzoom
don't you have a stream to watch

>want to hear the last boss theme just to see how good is it
>every fucking retard that uploaded the ost included all the fight with it

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I seriously hope you haven’t been using deep dungeon to level alts. It’s one of the least efficient methods after about 50, and debatable before that

So Aymeric's Garlean assistant wants his D, right?

Do they ever plan to fix leveling or they make too much money from it being shit by selling boosts?

most of the arr story was referencing the 1.0 story but barely anyone knows that because no one played that shit game, so for 90% of the story you're left with having no clue what anyone is talking about and then the cherry on top are the two dungeons at the end that have TWO HOURS of unskippable cutscenes
in the HW story you were just as clueless as the characters and you solved the mystery in a timely manner so it was in general a lot more enjoyable

For tanks and healers I dungeon spammed 1-cap but for dps I go with deep dungeons

HW: What if we cloudsurfed on our own island?

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>at fc
>everyone is doing their shit
>a guy comes and starts bitching about why is not everyone doing content together like a real FC
>everyone tells him that you don’t need your FC to do endgame stuff on this game
>he bitch more, rages and leaves the FC
Anyone else?

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It's so they can't get the Squeenix cops called on them.

>the minion you get from completing the MSQ spoils the game
>walk around town with spoiler flag waving around

>tfw picking WHM for shadowbringers was the right call

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SCH got fucked, but half of this post is jut blatantly wrong

SE removes youtube videos that are just the music, they only leave up gameplay that happens to have the music playing

>please save us from the light
>this guy is healing us with it
The people of the first must be so confused

I used Squadrons pre-50 and Deep Dungeons after that. What's faster after 50?

It's one of the things I generally like about Final Fantasy. Shit never gets easier for the heroes, no matter how powerful they get, or what they accomplish.

GNB is pretty damn good
DNC sucks cock
DRG sucks for the first time in forever
SAM is good now
the rest is more or less the same

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Everything in that post is objectively true. That is exactly how each an everyone of the abilities mentioned in that post work.

thanks user, you been of great help to understand the meta, I'll buy you any game on steam that you want!

Huh ex primals are out already?

I'm still like level 76 because I got GNB to 70 before I started the MSQ

The answer to you gave us that day.

Was It ever mine?

why wouldn't they be, it's the raid that opens in 2 weeks

how do i unlock the tomestone vendors

>stayed true to your pld roots rather than going drk
Made of titanium while dishing out tons of aoe
Felt even better when you use light to blow Hades out the water in the final fight and cutscene

Attached: Pld chad.png (1200x912, 2.31M)

Did you rike my new music?

If you've finished the main story, you can find them in Eulmore

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>90% of the ost for each expac is the trailer song remixed
>9% are shitty remixes of old ps2 era final fantasies
>About 1% are unique boss themes (they all suck)
>people praise soken and call him amazing
Christ. I hope when Yoko Taro gets his raid in we actually get some good fucking music, this is trash

I did but they're saying business is closed until further notice

tell me bros, how is the real endgame
by that i mean fishing in shadowbringers

they literally recycled the slam monster from seiryu 3 times already

>complete all quests in an area
>continue MSQ
>MSQ sends me through that area again
>new quests have popped up
>the areas I neglected to do quests in are now swarming with quest markers

>what is a leitmotif
Fuck off.

Did they get Okabe? I thought it was just Taro for the scenario

>TWO HOURS of unskippable cutscenes
Actually you used to be able to skip them.
When I first played them with a friend we didn't skip them and people had finished the dungeon before we finished the cutscenes.
Though yeah now you can't skip them so for msq roulette it is a lot more annoying.
First time through though I really don't see the problem with it.
Also anybody who cared about the story watched that 1.0 story video on youtube so they knew what was up.

Did you rike my new music?
Don’t forget to say thank you

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You put the rod down then reel the line up.

>What is leitmotif
It's what hacks use when they can't come up with original compositions

>from seiryu

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Thank you, Soken!

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SCH is still ridiculously strong.
It's full of bad design decisions and feels like complete dogshit to play, but it's a very good job regardless.
They really should give it, and WHM for that matter, a resource dump that isn't healing related. Dumping all your Lilies on random heals inbetween pulls or when a boss becomes untargettable feels just as shit as letting two Aetherflow stacks go to waste since Soil is all you so frequently spend it on.

Also as a side note, you can still target your fairy and have the nameplate show in combat, there's an option for it in your target settings.

So what’s the most and least popular class? I need to be a special little snowflake and pick a class that’s not popular.

It was the same case for HW and SB as well, but it helps that the HW and SB themes were actually good.

By the time the next expac comes out people will look back on ShB as what it truly was. A garbage iskei side plot made of reused assets


Least played is any Shadowbringers healer.

Yes of course, nobody has ever enjoyed hearing Answers or Dragonsong appear again in the ARR/HW story at pinnacle moments.

Ok some are wrong(can’t spread critlo) and some aren’t actually changes(noct ast never worked with sch, that’s not new)

Others are just dumb, like “omg I have to overheat to spend stacks.” Like... yeah, the lack of aetherflow abilities sucks, and there’s no designated stack dump like ED was, but if you can’t figure out how to be efficient under the new circumstances maybe you’re just bad. drop the bubble on CD and throw excog around more often.

i think SCH was utterly ruined by the way

>I hope when Yoko Taro gets his raid in we actually get some good fucking music
It won't be Drakengard 3 music so nah we won't.

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>all your abilities become holy themed
>headcanon it as using all the excess light aether of the first as much as I want
>no longer bound by jobstone
>unlimited power
easy to see why the amdapor so easily fucked everything up when they got this much power out of it

Yes, I know, it's still unacceptable, it's literally just the same song over and over, you'd expect a musical composer to have some pride but no, they reuse assets AND songs over at SE apparently

>shitgard 3

If it's the whole soundtrack you either cant do your job or have too much on your plate. It gets tiring.

that eScape remix was wonderful! Thank you!

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Echo is unrelated to Hydaelyn or Zodiark.

>We were so close, the end was in sight, and now they'll never see it

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is astro strong too?

I meant they reused the same exact model 3 times already, only difference is they recolored him. Once in Seiryu, another in a SB dungeon, and the other in a SHB dungeon.

I'm sure brainlets and autists enjoy repeatition but most people with an iq above 60 prefer variation. It would be much more impactful if each moment had a unique track because then the OST itself tells the story too instead of just being there to make idiots smile and clap because "oh! It's the trailer music again!"

>Also anybody who cared about the story watched that 1.0 story video on youtube so they knew what was up.
no I didnt

Her English VA did a fantastic job delivering during that scene

post logs

No, she didn't. She sounded bored reading those lines. Awful

Nero didn't actually die
Moenbryda dies
Haurchefant dies
The Dragonsong War was actually caused by shitty Ishgardians, the dragons aren't actually evil
Primals aren't actual gods, they're just a figment of the summoner's belief in something
Ysayle dies
Minfilia dies
All of the Warriors of Darkness died
Papalymo dies
Yda is dead, the Yda you know is actually her sister and she's the worst character in the entire game
Yotsuyu dies
Gaius didn't actually die
The Ascians founded the Garlean Empire and are still in control of it
Emet Selch dies

How do we make SAM's level 80 ability better? So far it's shit.

It has the best version of the Nier songs too. Check out the dlc ost.

>neglecting to do quests

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Why is Monk unpopular?

Are healers really in the shed this time? I heard WHM was very powerful.

Do any of the scions die

no way fag

Imagine if Freya's theme was a variation of Not Alone.
And Vivi's.
And Steiner's.
And every boss had the main riff.

Agree, all the english VA for SHB are suprisingly good except the Titania you fight

we don't want to make sam too overpowered now do we, If it gets any change it should be double damage

We must've heard different voice actors



>finish MSQ
>listening to The Tempest theme on loop for hours now, reflecting on the journey I just took

Fuck bros, I didn't think it was still possible for video games to be good.

But Gaius wasn't evil nor did he lust for power

>If it's the whole soundtrack

It’s not

Variety for the sake of variety just makes the ost a jumbled mess instead of a coherent whole. Each expansion having its own main theme is unironically one of the main things that elevates FFXIV above other game soundtracks

>The Dragonsong War was actually caused by shitty Ishgardians, the dragons aren't actually evil
>the dragons aren't actually evil
Nidhogg's brood is pretty fucking evil and Hraesvelgr is a cowardly piece of shit who's just as responsible for the thousand years of suffering the descendants of Thordan went through as Nidhogg is

I really really hate how the dungeon system works in this game. Whoever designed it is mentality retarded.

The system have all these bonuses but they're all useless if you're leveling 70+ because the highest dungeon will always give the most exp.
Also why are the leveling dungeons not scaled at 80 to give 80 gear or other items? Instead once you hit 80 the leveling dungeons are pointless.
Why don't dungeons have another set of difficulty at 80? Imagine having 8 dungeons hard modes at 80.

For fucks sake if garbage WoW devs did it in 2010 what are the devs doing

Stopped after finishing ARR and heard that the missions until Hevansward are a chore, how long to finish all of them?

what's your opinion on astrologist

Elidibus and Lahabrea should be with Emet though

I've only leveled and done Extremes on WHM and SCH so far, but based purely on what I read and discussed with my cohealer, AST just seems super weak to me.
Its healing power and defensive utility is ridiculously lackluster compared to the other two and its personal damage beyond pathetic. It has its cards, but with how shit its own damage is and how many more GCDs both healers will have to spend on heals compared to a WHM/SCH duo for a similar result, I really just don't see the cards contributing enough damage to even pull ahead in overall raid DPS on more hectic healing fights.

As is if there are any fights in Savage/Ultimate that even remotely require healing I don't see AST even being considered for a spot.
The class just seems terribly undertuned. Hopefully it gets some dramatic buffs before Savage comes out.

That's not even mentioning that Play functions like a macro and can't be queued currently. Which just makes the entire class fall apart at its seems even if none of the other issues were a thing.


about 10 hours if you skip cutscenes.

Even more proof that yoshi and his team should make the next mainline final fantasy.

I don't like the flue for ashes. The drums and trumpets for Emil is killer.

Not with the way they are written. Fuicking Elidibus runs away like a bitch THIS VERY EXPANSION

Not terribly thrilled with the leveling gear this time around desu. Both vendor and dungeon drops are mostly reused models. I think one is even crafter/gatherer gear but for DoW/DoM jobs.

>Can't spread critlo

Then what the fuck am I doing Swiftcast -> Recitation -> Adlo -> Deployment Tactics to do exactly just that?

>the best story you've ever seen

MMO players really just play mmos and nothing else, huh?

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It’s powerful because it has infinite mp but it’s boring because you only need 2 buttons

>being upset at people who have standards
This is why no mmo will top WoW in terms of endgame raiding.

The community there has so many tools to weed out shit tier autists like you.

Only good leveling set is the Dwarven set for all roles

73 and 75 are the unique drops this time around. I think 77 might be unique as well but I'm not sure since Ive run that dungeon less

at the very least change it so you are now able to meditate and move but attacking breaks the effect.

Post better video game stories. Go on.

Ni(gg)er music is just the same 3sad9u angsty mumble.

It's not just mmos, final fantasy fags have notoriously shit taste in story telling

>Why is the feature labelled LEVELING roulette useless at max?
It's good for easy money and materials earned through tomestones.

Attached: D8geDUGXkAEKk0-.png (732x690, 389K)

Best Final Fantasy story in a long time. XII was a slog, XIII was hot garbage, XV was meh.

>tfw enjoying WHM
>tfw no idea what DPS to level
>tfw PLD seems the most fun tank
Anyone have any recommendations? I'm usually a dot/ranged player and I don't really enjoy turret dps. Was leaning towards SMN or BRD.

You only spread galvanize you mong. The crit portion, catalyze, isn't spread.

How does it play with a controller?

Who are you quoting?

Gaius was actually a great villain who just wanted to stop the primals from fucking over the whole world.
The only reason he went about things the way he did is because he didn't know what they really are or that the primals could be summoned by anybody instead of just the beast races.
Yotsuyu was just hot.

Attached: Yotsuyu.png (1920x1057, 2.02M)

>It’s not
You're right, there are exceptions.
It's most of what you're hearing. Compare that to Uematsu's work on earlier games. I'm not shitting on Soken, just saying the mmo relies too heavily on leitmotifs.

Dynasty Warriors

>FFXIV ISN'T just for weebs!
>Plot is literal Isekai
Uh huh...

actually braindead

Do game cards also have a race change?

Witcher, deus ex, baldurs gate, kotor 2, nier, nier automata, warcraft 3, divinity original sin 1 and 2, planescape torment, fuck, even kiddie shit like halo 2 has better story than this

Dynasty Warriors Gundam in particular.

Where's the truck?

Wait wait wai, so thenwho will be the 5.3 trial?

WHM has absolutely absurd AoE healing compared to the other healers, one of the best party wide mitigation tools in the game in Temperance, nigh on infinite MP even with frequent Raises, and ridiculously high and bursty personal DPS.
It's a powerhouse.

Nope, a critical adlo is still a critical adlo, catalyze is a completely separate effect you moutbreather.


SMN doesn't seem to have positive feedback atm from what I gather. BRD is probably your best bet.

It isn't.
But there is a FF isekai manga if you're interested.

World of Warcraft
Destiny 1 and 2

b-but muh we fall

They're just copying wow's WoD

Post source? I'm a shitter with shit taste, and I'd read that.

XII was an around the world picnic with nothing fucking happening until the grand development of some literal who getting slain 3 seconds after his introduction and the kid next door who you thought was the villain WAS the villain.
I have no idea why people praise that piece of shit.

That's not what the OP says at all. Do you need glasses?

Attached: Final Fantasy Truck.jpg (668x1043, 234K)

>he didn't know what they really are or that the primals could be summoned by anybody instead of just the beast races
He did know that, and that's one of the reasons he was so careful and waited for 20 years to make a move on Eorzea until he had a surefire way of eliminating primals, without sending his men into the meat grinder.



>Destiny "I heard nerds love Nathan Firefly Fillion". 1 and 2

Fuck off.

It is actually shockingly close to WoD's story. When I started playing through it I genuinely expected backlash but...uh different player bases different story tastes I guess

The new pet abilities are kind of wearing on me since I can't have my pet just do them while I'm doing something else now.
My fear with BRD is all the new DNC will make it impossible to find groups because they will swarm the ranged physical spots.



The graphics were good for the time.

>wowtrannies show up because their 8.2 thread get no attention
>they also show up close to post limit
Nice based WoWtards cya nerds

Go learn how to play your job dumbass.

I’m in North Carolina

what's the point of blue mage?

Lol no
Many classes don't become fun until 80.
Only BLM is fun at 50.

Still better than the dogshit story of ffxiv

Read the fucking tooltip again.

Inside joke at the dev office


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why do you guys fall for such obvious bait

To fill a quota

Because it orcs. It's always orcs. Every epax is about orcs.

This post is a complex woven tapestry of wrongness. The intricacy of how every layer and thread of what you’re wrong about enhances and plays of every other is noting short of awe inspiring.

Brava, user, brava. Not only are you the wrongest person I have ever seen, you have elevated the craft of being wrong to an art form.

I just hate how ShB ripped off the story FFXI. Namely the entire Rise of the Zilart with the Asicans basically the Zilart. Not to mention all the XI mobs rips and names.

Suffering. Also self-destruct so you can cheese lookout spots.

Odin since he's the only Primal who hasn't gotten an ultimate or extreme version yet

Go home, actiblizz shill, Destiny isnt even part of your company anymore and the only good parts were written by Staten before he left and put into grimoire cards

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To shit on my favorite Job

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Yes, read the tooltip again.
Catalyze is the critlo and you can't spread it because it's catalyze, you can only spread galvanize.

Go learn to read dumbass.

Attached: 1547731315079.png (545x434, 109K)

>World of Warcraft
>The game where they only beat the Lich King because Tirion was somehow able to unfreeze himself and then shatter Frostmourne with Ashbringer(absolute bullshit)

Attached: Wow epic meme.jpg (550x412, 76K)

Wow has a better story too

Balthier and Fran. Ivalice was also a pretty in-depth world.

Why does Thanbro stand so close all the time?

Catalyze is an *additional* effect that gets added onto a critical adlo cast.

Are you literally retarded?

XIV is just like IX in that it's an amalgam of previous FF story pieces.

Want to LAN? I'm in South Carolina

Right and that's 10x more dramatic and interesting than
>Elf who really wants dragon cock
>Something evil happened? It's the old go- I mean the asciens!
>haha behold your new antagonist, an autist who really really likes fighting and katanas
Xiv is a joke

What is the story? Everyone says it's good but I don't believe it

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>The orcs didnt do nuffin

Yeah, no.

And you can't spread it because it's CATALYZE and you can only spread GALVANIZE. What part of that do you not understand?

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Balthier is fine. The worldbuilding and setting are fine. Fran is a zero character sexbot whose sole purpose is licking Balthier's soles and nodding to everything he says.


>XIV is just like the worst final fantasy in the series in that they're both lazy ripoffs of better projects
Makes sense

what melee should I level as my 2nd 80? and has anyone been taking advantage of the trust system and is it any good?

Based retard

Why the hell is an MMO the most Final Fantasy than anything SE has released in the last decade?

What part of GALVANIZE can still crit on its own, and you can spread that don't you get?

Are we looking at the same Sylvanas? Voljin and Carine is dead nigga

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Which is fine too

Who cares on that, when people say they can't spread critlo anymore it's because the double shield portion of critlo can't be spread.
SCH went from a 200% spread critlo to a 125% one with a extra 125% shield on the first target.

No matter how much you put brain gymnastics on it, you can't spread critlo anymore.

Galvanize is the same critlo it’s always been and you can still spread it. Catalyze is an extra double crit that you can’t spread but nothing was nerfed.

The absolute state of whiners

People that tell you to skip the story to get to the raids are missing 75% of what makes the game unique and appealing. FFXIV has the best story of the entire franchise and it's locked behind a MMO. The start is so painfully slow, but it does start to pick up towards the end of AAR, and the entirety of HW's story is very good.

If you didn't like WoW, skipping the story to go straight to the raids won't be appealing, since the gameplay is pretty much the same hotbar combat as WoW. The raids are only fun knowing the story behind them anyway, otherwise it's just another fancy monster of the week.

Not gonna spoil the latest expac, but basically you fight an evil empire, that happens to be controlled by some intergalactic evildoers that want to make the world 1 again after splitting into 13 parallel worlds due to some hidden shenanigans from the past.
In this expac you go into one of those parallel worlds to kick gum.

>nothing was nerfed.
Spread adlo is 75% weaker.

>SCH went from a 200% spread critlo to a 125% one with a extra 125% shield on the first target


Not only does none of you people’s whining make any sense at all, but Adloquium was straight up buffed and you’re still bitching about it because you can’t read

Based retard
Play scholar and check your numbers and shield sizes

75% weaker than what?

>Akadaemia BGM

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remember when MNK used to not be able to use shoulder tackle in melee range

He’s right though. Read the old tooltip and the new one

ARR: you start in one of 3 city states that form the Eorzean alliance, Eorzea is the name of the continent that vaguely looks like Africa, the Garlean empire who are basically romans are invading the continent, you drive back their forces from the Alliance's territory but a country called Ala Mhigo stays occupied by the empire
HW: in northern Eorzea there is a city state called Ishgard which is refusing to aid the alliance because they're locked in war with dragons that has been lasting for a 1000 years, you solve the conflict and Ishgard joins the alliance
SB: you move to liberate Ala Mhigo from imperial occupation but fighting the empire's main force would be impossible so you start rebellions in another province to force the imperials to fight on multiple fronts, that province is called Doma, which is basically China, you proceed to liberate Doma and Ala Mhigo, at the end you and the other scions start hearing a weird voice that pulls their spirit from their body
ShB: the voice is revealed to be a sage from the first world, which is about to be swallowed up by light aether, it's the current expansion where you try to prevent the calamity that would be caused on both worlds if the first got swallowed by light aether completely