What vidya is the equivalent of the egypcian God cards?

What vidya is the equivalent of the egypcian God cards?

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Retarded spic

retarded burger


El ogro...

>because of a typo no one will reply to the content of your thread

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Biggest chuckle I've had in a while. Thanks user.

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What's egypcian?

The dragon longsword
An attractive and very powerful weapon that ends up being inferior to "weaker" weapons like the rune scimitar.

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Aren't there Yu Gi Oh games? So the "egypcian" god cards would be the vidya equivalent of themselves.

I bet you are a phoneposter as well.

Is it even possible to make other than obelisk work ? i mean ive never seen someone run Ra or Slifer

dumb cris

Are you americian?

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Dragon balls
Golden thief Bug Card
Marisa B shoot MoF
Moonlight Greatsword

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No. Theres never any circumstance in which you want to get rid of 3 monsters for 1. Because of how the game works you would just be putting yourself at disadvantage.



Someone on private server gets gtb card. The server ends

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Foi só um erro....

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