post your favourite tf2 map or i'll pull the trigger
Post your favourite tf2 map or i'll pull the trigger
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do it please
Oh yeah?! Wellyore ugleh
mario_kart where all the memes are replaced with wojack edits
Hightower until a Gunslinger Engi comes in.
Gorge is probably my top map. Defending your last point feels like you're really defending your base.
Now, get on your knees, boy
Anything that's not the bullcrap that 2fort and turbine are
24/7 TDM turbine is unironically kino
I like Sawmill
I like cp_sunshine the most out of the newer maps. any 5cp is good though and a few of the payload maps.
ugliest map in the game you fucking weeb
I've never played tf2 and I probably never will, so I don't know anything about the maps. I love the fuck out of the characters anyways.
Now pull it
old mariokart map, where you could go into the box and see portal chell porn
>He thinks he can kill with that gun
quad damage
Got you. It's actually Upward.
You and me, Hoss.
Thunder Mountain
pl_upward for real maps
and for "meme" maps that goldenrod city one.
It's beginning to look alot like Dustbowl!
I like it because there are a lot of health packs so there is less pressure to have a medic
I used to play arena all day every day so I might be biased
suijin before they added the walls at the capture point
This will do only 12 dmg, do it fag
Banana Bay for fucking around.
Borneo for playing the objective.
For me, it's turbine.
This but with the memes untouched and the control points give you AIDS
the goldenrod (+ other vidya maps) server i went on a lot slowly died after all the autistic sniper mains that used it as their personal DM server got it changed
i'm by no means some friendly pootis memelord, but going on a fucking trade/chill server and successfully lobbying away crits, most lethal rtd results that might make them lose a domination and then whining about spawn protection and trying to get it gutted is something else
the huge desert 2fort
pl_upward easily, that very last cap is always fun to slog it out on
Are you talking about the egyptian 2fort? If so you have exquisite taste my man.
Why yes, my favorite map is 24/7 TDM ctf_turbine, why would I play anything else?
2fort -> engineer -> teleporters where the snipers are -> it goes to the basement
yes. I used to play on a server that ran it like 24/7 and it was my shit
doublecross or hightower
I might have to start doing this if I ever happen to find myself playing 2fort ever.
Loved playing that map and even going on an offline server and try to do rocket jump shit in it.
For official maps it's Badwater
As for custom ones it has to Wacky Races, shame no servers run it anymore
Arena_lumberyard is goat
gravelpit or badwater
nothing can beat perfection
>heh, cool maps you have here guys, shame if they were all on empty servers because all players play on me
at least post cp_orange_x3
or at least that was the only one that people played when I used to play this
I only know this map from Saxxon Hale servers
I like 2fort.
I also have no idea how the game works an. Just random classes for keks for a few minutes and then leave.
all 5cp maps except granary
>tfw don't have the patience for payload or 5cp anymore
>pretty much only play koth to frag for a bit before not touching the game for another month
Never thought I would ever get bored of TF2, I used to no-life this game pretty much every day in 2012.
Mountain lab has the best asthetics.
what is the WORST final point to push? can be pl or cp
(hardmode: no dustbowl)
The final cap on gourge can be pretty excrutiating.
All day every day
Don't remember well so there might be one I hated more but I recall hating the end of pl_borneo. It was so easy to defend.
I've been feeling the same way.
I'd like to think I'm just sick of the map rotation being the same for ages now.
>nobody mentioned Badlands yet
>favorite map is freight
>literally nobody ever plays it even before MYM update
Pull the trigger. End my suffering.
Fucking Upward. Either blue steamrolls the last point, or RED builds like 20 sentries which are impossible to take down without some coordinated spy & medics (which never happens on a pub).
2nd and the area around it is claustrophobic as fuck. Otherwise I like this one too.
koth_badlands is fucking awful. Who thought it would be a good idea to cut a map that obviously wasn't made with koth in mind, and make it into a koth map?
With a competent team? Hoodoo
Without a competent team? Mountain Lab
Plebian shitters. Leave your "based" replies in my PM inbox
>koth_badlands is fucking awful.
Them’s fighting words.
Pb_Watergate. Home.
>I used to play arena all day every day
Fucking this. I like the cut of your jib
arena, obviously
I don't know why, but it's ctf_landfall. I just like that big tree in the middle of it.
>IHOD will never return
Why Lizard?!
Are arena maps played anymore outside of VSH?
fuck valve
Why not though? People love the battle royals format, what’s so different mechanically compared to arena mode(besides not being a free for all on a giant map obviously, large open maps suck for tf2)
>just realized Battle Royale games are just Arena Mode
Holy shit.
>tfw love badwater but friends hate it and just do 24/7 dustbowl and 2fort
That's exactly why, though. Arena has long bouts of playing and not-playing, whereas BR takes you out as soon as you die.
anyone know where the original of this pic is from? i think it was some girl holding up her fist like that
either koth_sawmill or koth_harvest
2fort Twisted
The comfiest map.
Hey Yea Forums,
They truly rank about the best
True. Yet it doesn’t explain why counter strike is still so popular despite being almost the exact same thing as tf2 arena mode
payload: upward
koth: harvest
ctf: well
cp: powerhouse
a/d: gorge
that one map you made in Hammer.
if you still got it, then post it.
>last of point of hoodoo
>cant even get the payload around the bend because the fucking sightlines are insane
What makes a good payload map?
According to Benny, Borneo has objectively the best finale balance wise since snipers can't lockdown choke points as hard.
fucking payload swiftwater
That's what it was!
RIP secret lewd box.
user, its still there.