How fucking edgy and immature does someone have to be to actually join Caesar’s Legion?

How fucking edgy and immature does someone have to be to actually join Caesar’s Legion?

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Other urls found in this thread:

How fucking educated and pragmatic does someone actually have to be to join Caesar's legion?

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That guy looks like a good meal

>Getting so mad at a video game decision
Was it autism?

Seething roastie whore

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>fresh, tight and slicked slave pussy to pummel after raids
>rape orgies in tents (canon)
>rigorous training regiment and physical conditioning
>fresh water to drink
>literally a bull for a flag

>undermanned and incompetent hierarchy
>soldiers getting raped weekly
>morale and discipline lessened by fruits of Vegas
>full of holes and criminals

Easy choice desu

>The Legion is canonically gay tho

>inb4 hurr teaching people to build things from scratch instead of scavenging
People in NCR territory are already building things from scratch, the Gun Runners have been doing it since Fallout 1. The Legion is behind on this, which is why they're trying to do business with the Silver Rush.

>inb4 durr muh synthesis
The only synthesis that will happen once the Legion takes the Mojave is that they'll overextend like the NCR did, because the actual NCR isn't in the Mojave (which they don't own). The Legion has to keep conquering to avoid becoming stagnant, but won't be able to expand any further once they take Vegas. The Legion is even more fucked in the long term than everyone else.

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I like to make a female courier junkie cannibal energy weapons user to join the Legion for the irony of it.

The chances of his plan turning out just as he wants without causing more troubles than preventing them are astronomically low even with the help of the player.
NCR is massive, it has bodies and resources to throw at you and will fight to the last man.
Even if Legion successfully wins the long drawn out war and somehow integrates the republics people into his empire the damages of this campaing would be irreversible.
Ceasar speaks about combining the two factions into something he feels is the best of the both worlds but doesnt seem to realize just how little he willd be left with if he were to trough go with this.
But I guess setting back the progress NCR has made and wasting all those lives/resources is a fair trade so he can play king.


I like NCR just because the armor is so sexy looking

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Caesar's Legion more so resembles the germanic tribes then the actual Romans. The Romans had culture. They were the height of technology and advancement. They had great orators and philosophers.
Caesar's Legion is deliberately backwards and anti-intellectual. It is a fucking travesty. Nothing but one huge faceless army. The only people who like it are die-hard military fags who think there's no existence beyond the most brutal forms of warfare.

>Killing House just because he didn't give me a raise
It's just business. I guess he was chip outta luck

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>people play different roles in a role-playing game
>this is somehow a problem

All dictatorships are inherently fucking retarded since they rely on one person who will die. Other than Junche since the Kim family are Gods, obviously.

Just cybernetize the dictator bruh

>Caesar's Legion is deliberately backwards and anti-intellectual.
Main reason why I didn't like them in game. They don't seem like a great civilization. Frankly I would just go with House if he offers money and his life support tech. And then I would broker some peace between him and ncr so that both work together.

If you pick anything other than yes man you are fucking the entire wasteland because none of them are prepared to rule it, they have too many flaws.
At least by stopping all three you are giving the future a chance

Caesar is just so dreamy, how can i NOT join him

Except Mr. House who is immortal and thus will lead new Vegas into eternal glory and outer space.

>rape orgies in tents (canon)
where is it said?

Yeah I feel like the Romans never would have been so fragrantly loving of totalitarianism or brutality. It wasn’t really their end goal of civilization.

Yes Man
>yea just do whatever I don't care lol
>let's steal money from people and make them pay taxes because reasons
bomb the Hoover Dam and crucify degenerates and after that's let's pretend we know how to run a country
>Mr. House
Actual solid plan to rebuild the civilization using the money gained running the Strip casinos

sorry, House has no competition here

Attached: FNV_Mr_House_Screen.png (800x500, 267K)

>*opens your chamber*
Nothing personal bro.

oh great I fucked up my greentext again

They loved state totalitarianism and they could be damn well brutal but they were civilized. THE civilizing force. Their army was succesful not only because of discipline but because of technology. Caesar's most impressive feats involved things such as rapidly building walls at the Battle of Alesia and building the first bridge over the river Rhine. He advanced technology not suppress it.
Caesar's Legion is not a civilization it is not even a fucking tribe. It is intentionally kept as nothing but an army which despite Caesar's high-school understanding of Hegelian Dialectics, can never make a synthesis with the NCR because Caesar's legion brings nothing to the table. All it does is create devastation and propagate ignorance.

His plan is to literally abandon earth and go on a risky flight to another planet. No thanks. That will literally only help himself and other rich people who get to go to space, if it even succeeds at all.

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But Caesar understood that, which is why he was planning to reform them after he conquered Vegas.

The NCR clearly seem like the good guys to me

All you need to do is play Fallout 1 & 2 to see that the NCR is an incompetent oligarchy and the only good thing about them is the qt from the first game.

Caesar's Legion is for Romaboos who think that Caesar did nothing wrong in real life and that he'll turn the corrupt republic into a proper Empire. If your Courier isn't a super intelligent, incredibly charismatic superman than Caesar's easily the best choice for the Wasteland.

>Caesar's Legion is for Romaboos who think that Caesar did nothing wrong in real life

Most of the legion was conquered tribes forced to work under Caesar's rule or they were either killed or lived as slaves. The tribes conquered were almost always illiterate unga bungas waving sticks around.

That's just pre-war riot gear. NCR just adopted it when they absorbed the Desert Rangers

Post your couriers.

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So is the courier immortal? Imagine being able to turn the tide of any war on your own just because you feel like it forever.

>service rifle

>no service rifle

Easy choice desu

>no fat man

>no fat man
Both have to go

But was he right doe?

service rifles wont help the NCR when the surrounding hills start talking Latin

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we won't go quietly, the legion can count on that

Reforms take a long time especially when you have people as fanatical as the legion.
Caesar is going to die long before the legion reforms. He cant change shit.

>all this for a hegelian gambit that will ultimately fail

Maybe he should've put Gibbon down and read some Gramsci desu

degenerates like you belong on a cross

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No, he planned that once he takes over Vegas to turn the legion into a sedentary population that would completely change culturally.
He was basically 1 battle away from achieving that.

Yeah and he can just snap his fingers and it will change over night.

>an entire army of people who've spent close to their entire lives raping and killing will just stop on a whim

>implying a couple of fucking casinos in a depopulated starving wasteland will make enough money to sustain itself much less rebuild civilization
its actually retarded though
even if he could make that much money someone would just conquer him he admits he cannot defend himself from eithe ncr or legion so hes playing them against eacother

t. retards that know nothing about history

Caesar is a tyrant, he can tell his army to do whatever. Plus, by becoming sedentary most of them will get land and women to keep them satisfied.

If the big bad NCR can't even hold off a bunch of savages they don't deserve to exist. God help them if a real threat like the Enclave resurfaces.

just because hes a tyrant doesnt mean theel just all listen to him the population would quickly star fighting among itself and form groups, tribes even and all the work to unify the legion would go to waste

I thought the entire reason the NCR was failing was due to not fully committing to fighting the legion, not that they are completely useless.

How fucking dumb do you have to be to join ANYONE other than House?

>only playing characters with views that mirror your own
>making in-game choices based meta knowledge of the fictional universe

What is the coolest armor in NV that’s not associated with a faction?

pretty much. they're stretched so thin because the legion's not enough of an issue to go all out on.

>Any option but Wild Card is wrong
Arguably, any answer at all is right. I was replaying the game and thinking about it - no matter what you do, it's assumed the Courrier continues working towards whatever goal you believed in. House alone may not be capable of anything, but with you doing literally 100% of the work you probably get could mankind to space just like House promised. And if you help the NCR, it's clear you can get deep in their organization and root out some major sources of corruption on your own. With Caesar, they're mainly run by a central head and there's no reason to say the Courier couldn't keep them together.

Every choice is correct if you assume the Courier continues to be proactive.

It's much easier to pacify and unify a sedentary population than a migratory one, and he already did the latter.

do the sets of riot gear from lonesome road count?

>too retarded to greentext
House followers

His Legions are literally taken from Ooga Booga tribes, this is probably the greatest civilization they have ever experienced.

>God help them if a real threat like the Enclave resurfaces.
oh you mean how they wiped out the remnants post Fallout 2? yeah those Enclave watch out guys

user I'm taking a history degree at uni.
Societal change cant happen in an instant. Especially when Caesars legionaries have been raised and trained from childhood to fit into a certain mold and role. It will take decades, another full generation to see this change through.It's unlikely Caesar has a decade of life in him.
Most of all Caesar has no pre-existing institutions he is a part of. Unlike the historical Caesar who was legitimately a part of Roman government until he crossed the Rubicon and who assumed the position of dictator which was an actual Roman position that not even a century ago was taken upon by Sulla meaning Caesar had a precedent for his actions. The NV Caesar was some fucking linguist introducing something he himself notes is entirely foreign.
Caesars legion knows nothing but conquest. They will not be content to suddenly lay down their arms.

I heard the faction had a lot of missing content, maybe some of that stuff would have made them more viable instead of being 'le generic, evil bad guy' faction. Regardless, no way in hell am I siding with NCR, House or Legion. Yes-Man is the only true choice for males with testosterone flowing through their veins.

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They won't lay down their arms, they'll just become a standing army/police force.

>Forgive me Mama

The Enclave had bases all over America and possibly the world. We also don't know the status of these outposts, but high command is almost certainly fucked since the events of 2 and 3

Attached: enclave bases.png (900x624, 532K)

The OWB stealth suit waifu or the riot armor from HH

>Law down arms
>Become a police force
More like the larger instigators will be sent abroad on suicide conquests.

The trick with Caesar was that he had an internal spy network that, in all honesty, would probably just take over a large portion of the nation after Caesar died. That's part of why Lanius can be convinced to abandon the damn in conversation - because if he doesn't consolidate his power, the other members of the Legion will take everything while he's busy trying to hold a dam.

>Joshua Graham's armor
>the Assassin Suit
>Chinese Stealth Armor
>the Sheriff's Duster

>Mr. House who is immortal
an immortal incel lol

>first time playing New Vegas
>hear about the legion
>decide to join them because I like Ancient Rome type stuff
>they speak some Latin on occasion and even pronounce Caesar correctly
>get to their camp
>they kill innocent people
>they bully slaves for no reason
>they have no battle tactics whatsoever
>they stole their armor from a high school football team
>they aren’t building shit or creating art like the Romans
>they talk down on women but get their asses kicked by that NCR lady in their “arena”
>Caesar is a total egocentric asshole
>worst of all, they won’t let me free based Benny
>they fucking crucify him if you don’t step in
That’s not very ring a ding of them. Not very ring a ding at all.

Patrolling the Mojave makes me wish for a nuclear winter

I agree that a society takes decades to change, and Caesar won't live long enough to see it. But I believe that by sharing his plans of long term change to the courier, he was grooming him to be his successor. The courier has done enough to be seen by the legion as strong, so they'll accept him as Caesar.
He can settle around new vegas and do small pillaging incursions around until the legion takes a more sedentary role

My nigga

The NCR are the good guys, right?

it's the perfect faction if you do a run with your character being
>low INT
>Bad karma
>Douchebag in general

Being low-tech makes the Legion bad. Humans need high tech to have any chance of recovering. The Legion exists to be defeated.

>How edgy and immature ...

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I killed him because he forced me to give him the chip without even letting me get out of lucky 38 to think about it first,hell I would have probably sided with him if he didn't do that,fuck him.

>Caesar spouts meaningful philosophy that is cited by multiple historic eras, defining every faction's role in the world of NV pretty well
>then hard 180s and states being an asshole slave trader who shuns technology and glorifies barbarism will help bring about the new age
He's essentially stating "yes, we are assholes fucking up everything, but the world NEEDS assholes to fuck up everything so others can react to it. We both do our part to make the world better." While this is a solution, the fact of the matter is this is simultaneously an admission that his way of life is fucked up and he's causing problems. With that said, who in their right mind would want to advance society in this cruel and twisted way? It's all well and good to say you want to improve the world, but when you look at the lives you destroy, ruin, and take, does that justify your ideal of a future?

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The NCR is a government, it helps some but messes up others to varying degrees on either. The problem is the Legion is not written as well with its subjectivity, and to 95% of people comes off as straight villains.

how can one faction be so based

Sounds like you've fallen to Benny's charm. Any time you try to reason with that asshole, he either weasels out or backstabs you. There's no way around it, dude is bad news in any sense of the word.

The Legion literally extends to the Mississippi River already you fucking retard.

The guy has a personal robot waifu giving him blowjobs all night

Enclave power armor fears this

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I was so mad when he backstabbed you at the tops. I thought he was genuinely gonna be a cool guy

This thread makes me feel like caeser’s legion could have been way better written. Maybe making them slavers was overkill

Obsidian's gone on record stating the Legion was rushed and unfinished when they released. They wanted to flesh them out and even give you Legion factional partners and many more Legion quests.

>money is important
>in desolate wasteland

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What cost/armor goes the best with the blastmaster helmet?

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Makes sense. To think that the master piece that is F:NV could have been even better, given more time. It really is something.

>9 KB

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I think people shit on Yesman too much but I agree it makes The Courior, whose already pretty OP, even more ridiculously powerful.

It almost feels Mary Sue Esc.

>The Courior, whose already pretty OP
In every fallout game ever made the character you play is walking death, that has been the trade mark of it and most other RPGs for 25 years now.

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I kinda wish they let you actually work with him.
After his capture by Ceaser Legion it shows his endgame wasn't totally selfish and made some sense.


If NV is considered a masterpiece, the FO series is horrendously overrated.

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It is.

>it's overrated, therefore its bad
sasuga Yea Forums-kun

Well you aren't wrong.

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I wish they had a neutral outfit that looked like this

>not dogbread.png
one job

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play Honest Hearts or Lonesome Road

Instead of the Independent line, it should have been a Work with Benny line.

why does this pic strike me as discomforting? Eating a dog in a video game is not at all the most heinous act imaginable

Reinforced metal armor

they do

If fate deals you a winning hand, you better go all in.

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>Work with Benny
Who actually believes this can work?

>Eating a dog
quite common in the world

He should've stated "wealth", but the point is the same.

Enclave Armour.

Sure, and I feel like it's my fault for not mentioning that I'm a 1st wolrder from America and our culture doesn't jive that way, but simultaneously I think I made that evident in my aforementioned opinion.

Even without the dlcs? I don’t have those

Roving Trader set

PC? Shit's probably a buck for all 4 right now.

It really should've been an insta kill item

>don't have the dlcs
what in the fuck? it cost pennies

Naughty Nightwear

>high tech good
>low tech bad
You are aware that Fallout plays in a world with rapidly depleting resources, yeah?

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They still charge 20~ full price for everything, it's half off atm.

It's about 10 bucks you fucking idiot, get it.
Hell, pirate it.

it's 4 bucks on key resellers, dumbo.

>The Legion will race into the Mojave like a storm that no one will be able to stop. Not even you, Courier.
I like them.

The Legion only really gets validated when it finally fails.
It will leave behind hardy resource efficent people with no reliance on chems and a strict moral campus - which is more than one can say about the other factions

If I'm going to spend money, I do it through white sources.
Fuck that gay market shit.

Leather armor, reinforced
Gecko backed version to keep less shit later

Come on bro, what the hell are you doing playing New Vegas without its DLCs.

pleeb delet

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It’s ok man. You definitely did fuck it up but the point you made still stands. I disagree with it but not because of the free text errors.

>One of the most powerful factions in the Wasteland for nearly a hundred years
>"A system that very well may never work"

Literally the only thing the faction needs to be unstoppable, particularly in the Mojave, is for a more aggressive military commander to take the reigns. Lee Oliver directly parallels John B McClellan during the American Civil War. A powerful, influential general whose to scared or to busy playing politics and winning personal accolades to use his objectively superior force effectively.

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I’m a purist and I only like playing games as they were released originally. I don’t like how dlcs change the game

boy you picked the wrong game to do that

>Ignoring the entire game illustrating that the NCR is a corrupt, inefficient, bureaucratic nightmare
>No probability of collapsing under its own weight

Attached: I lost my NV folder, so here's a regular shiggy.jpg (474x474, 21K)

I like wildcard because I think its the closest to preserving the status quo of the wasteland. The Wasteland made the courier who into the most fearsome man in the Mojave, so I think adopting an anarchist mindset is quite reasonable. The weak should fear the strong, etc

cringe as h*ck

>It is not the strength of the West that will slow you, it is their weakness.
This line always gives me chills.

the dlcs just add content, no reason not to play them

Is the NCR really that bad? I didn’t play the previous games but in this one they seem pretty decent and good compared to everyone else.

Yeah we hear about it, but what's actually the worse that comes out of that? Bureaucracy is annoying but it keeps things orderly and supplies in check. Brahmin barons are influential lobbyists, but they also make up the majority of the NCR's economy and food supply. Even then their demands against continuing the Mojave conflict get ignored by Kimball. Every single NCR conscript still has a gun and a uniform. The biggest financial struggles for the NCR are holding Vegas while keeping House in check, which the Courier helps them with, and recouping the loss of their Gold Stock.

Is there a reason why holding the platinum chip allows you to access Mr Houses chamber?


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Being in the military, playing through the NCR's questline gets too real

>Is the NCR really that bad?
They're at Soviet Union tier levels of failure.

>Yeah we hear about it, but what's actually the worse that comes out of that?
Nigger they can barely supply themselves due to their complete ineptitude, are incapable of protecting towns which should be well within their reach, hordes of raiders plague them right outside their goddamn headquarters, and they are struggling against a technologically backward group of slavers who they should be curb stomping.
>Bureaucracy is annoying but it keeps things orderly and supplies in check.
It isn't, it's slowed everything to a crawl.
> Every single NCR conscript still has a gun and a uniform.
And are barely trained, poorly placed, and little better than cannon fodder, against an army that thinks cannons are a sacrilege.

Even the rape?

Especially the rape.

One of their most used military tactic is to keep sending men until the enemy either runs out of bullets or are too fatigued from fighting waves upon waves of conscripts.
The Legion has outmaneuvered them in every stratagem except for Malpais Legate's historical blunder.

What is actually morally wrong about Mr. House?

Nothing, just seething libtards who can't handle FACTS and LOGIC.

he treats you, a living grim reaper that has everything that turns the tide of the battle, like some commoner and compensates you like some mercenary instead of making you his right-hand man. Like what Arcade said, all he does is stronghand everything to his will no matter how good his intentions are

The reason why he is a popular vote to join is because he has the least fucky plan to save mankind

>He supports liberal democracy.

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>they can barely supply themselves due to their complete ineptitude, are incapable of protecting towns which should be well within their reach, hordes of raiders plague them right outside their goddamn headquarters, and they are struggling against a technologically backward group of slavers who they should be curb stomping.
All of this is explicitly due to General Lee being overly cautious and obsessed with Hoover Damn, not a flaw within the faction, which is my entire point. Can't divert supplies from the dam, can't divert men from the dam, can't protect anything that isn't directly related to supplying the Dam. But none of that is due to the flaws of the faction

>It isn't, it's slowed everything to a crawl.
Yes bureaucracy slows things down but that's better then everyone having literally zero idea where anything or anyone is. It's not a flaw with NCR, it's a requirement for it to succeed. The Legion and House are only allowed to ignore it is they bent over backwards to build their whole faction from the ground up in a way that makes their soldiers not need to be regularly supplied in the field

>And are barely trained
Being trained at all gives them a massive advantage over 99% of any threat you'd see in the Wasteland. Only the autists in Caesars Legion with their "Trained from birth" meme offer a problem to the NCR conscripts, and even then the Elites vs Elites fight matches up in the Ranger's favor more often than not.

America is not first world by any definition of the term

>he treats you, a living grim reaper that has everything that turns the tide of the battle, like some commoner
He invites you into hte Lucky 38, he does not treat you like anyone.
>compensates you like some employee*
Which you are. A highly trusted one that is his right hand man.

landgrabbing policies to combat dwindling resources, then raking up taxes to recuperate
taxes so high for low income citizens it almost equates to slavery
can't even provide basic gear or training for their troops
political landscape is corrupt by cattle barons and mobsters

>watch some NV playthrough
>game has the four horsemen of mods (PN, WRP, NMC, and any form of face overhaul)
every time

Oh good, there's already a Fallout thread up
Are the Followers of the Apocalypse the only truly good faction in the wasteland? All the best people come from the Followers, especially Caesar, and everything they do has a generally good effect on the wasteland, or good outcome in Caesar's case

Attached: FollowersApocalypseLogo.png (1348x1196, 59K)

Childhood is being an idealistic NCR member
Maturity is realizing that Caesar is right

They're basically a liberal's dream of a working communism system. Of course they're the only good one

Too bad it doesn't work in real life

>Being low-tech makes the Legion bad. Humans need high tech to have any chance of recovering. The Legion exists to be defeated.
That is exactly absolutely wrong, people need to learn to survive without the rare and finite resource that is technology in the state of the world. Thrive on what's available, and build your way back up.

>truly good
subjective, as a lot of groups tend to view them as anti-reactionary anarchists. They are probably the least selfess group in the wasteland however as all things in the Fallout universe no good deed goes unpunished; they're unable to provide for everyone and get the short end of the stick in most endings

And chadility is knowing the House always wins

Attached: 1547767012481.jpg (758x644, 64K)

>childhood is thinking the NCR are right
>adulthood is joining the Legion
>Maturity is installing a mod to allow a Followers ending

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I'll come out and say it. I got tired of NV after like 3000 hours into it and I want to play FO4. Despite the gutted RPG elements, the gunplay is what's alluring me. Is there a mod list that makes the guns as /k/ as NV?

>All of this is explicitly due to General Lee being overly cautious and obsessed with Hoover Damn
It is a choke point the Legion HAS to take in order to hold the Mojave, the supply throughput would be virtually nothing without it.
They've massed an even larger army than before, and broke the NCR's defenses previously, Lee would be retarded not to focus more men to the dam.
>not a flaw within the faction
It is, either that the politicians are far too removed/inept to see the problems he is supposedly causing, or that it is the inefficiencies of their bureaucracy causing it, the result is still the same.

>Being trained at all gives them a massive advantage over 99% of any threat you'd see in the Wasteland.
They can barely fend off the raiders in their home turf, no, it is not nearly enough.

> the Elites vs Elites fight matches up in the Ranger's favor more often than not.
True, then you need to realize that their elites outnumber theirs heavily.

You had the whole travel before going to him to think about him.

Followers are good but are the least pragmatic.
Caesar highlights why he thought they are one of the most deluded faction in the Wasteland, prompting him to leave and set things right with his own faction.

>Too bad it doesn't work in real life
Doesn't work like that in game either.

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Why do these games have so much fucking DLC? Are they really all worth playing?


to this day, I still haven't done a playthrough with wild wasteland trait.

>surprised that the man who has spent the past centuries looking for his chip doesn't let the man holding it in front of his terminal go without giving it up first

You have to be the average nu-Yea Forums browser.

>Why do these games have so much fucking DLC?
Development time constraints + Contractual agreement with Bethesda.

>Are they really all worth playing?

A lot of great games have that one thing the devs wanted to do but ran out of time. It's always fascinating to think about them.

>events of 2
>and 3

Are you that purist kek above? It's not even that much. It's just 4 main DLCs and the two smaller ones

Except Lee doesn't divert soldiers to protect Nevada territory even at outposts which aren't threatened from the main Legion army and also explicitly hamstrings the Ranger's ability to act effectively because he's bitter about Chief Ranger Hanlon stealing his glory at the First Battle of Hoover Damn. Pretty much every Ranger and Officer says "We could take care of this ourselves but orders from upstairs is to stay put"

The President of the NCR is a previous General himself, in particular Kimbell was known for being an aggresive leader. Something that makes Caesar acknowledge him as a threat when he tries to assassinate him, and House directly praises him for. Which also alludes to your third point, where before the war in the Mojave, Kimbell had just successfully annihilated the main raider threat affecting the NCR. An event that both House and Kimbell himself talk about.

>True, then you need to realize that their elites outnumber theirs heavily.
According to what? NCR Rangers annihilated the Legion elites before they even got close.

Actually, there are plenty of defintions by which is it first world, hyperboleshitter. Stop spouting falsehoods with a confident air of truth. It's retarded.

>and even pronounce Caesar correctly
Oh, you mean like /kɛ.sar/?


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Why would the Legion be creating works of art on the frontlines of their war?

>after being fucking headshotted and thrown in the dirt
what in the goddamn
Either you're taking the piss or you're stupid. Not very ring a ding ding of you.

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>every Ranger and Officer says "We could take care of this ourselves but orders from upstairs is to stay put"
See point 2, part B of the last post.

>Kimbell had just successfully annihilated the main raider threat affecting the NCR. An event that both House and Kimbell himself talk about.
By "home turf" I'm talking about their headquarters at Mccarren, not the NCR "Proper"
The main Raider threat was also much smaller in scope than fucking Caesar's Legion.

>According to what?
A larger pool of manpower leaves a greater concentration of soldiers at the tip of a bell curve.
Unless you want to argue that Caesar has a smaller/equally sized force, which would seem strange.

That user forgives people for shooting him on the head.

Maybe a twisted and cruel society is needed to thin the herd of people, to make them become strong willed, mind you the great war cause ultimate destruction of U.S practically sending people back to the stone age with monster,ghouls and raiders, Cesar Legion weeds out the weakest and put them to work in the safety of their settlements (albeit are cruel to them) while the strong fights and dies in combat. U.S politics,Corruption,technology and the fight for limited resources cause the wasteland in the first place so Cesar avoided using old world ideology in favor of Rome's, the Roman empire lasted 507 years If Cesar where to Modified the ideology and learn the mistakes of past Rome his mighty empire will well more then 507 years
Yeah they are assholes slavers but they are surviving in the rough and growing ever so bigger because they are mighty asshole slavers

>Casear is a tyrant, he can tell his army to do whatever
Because that worked so well for the last dude named Caesar right?
Oh no, wait. Thats just a good way to end up with multiple knives in your back

The thing about Caesar is that he tells you everything on the table, no bullshit and no underhanded shenanigans.
He tells you this is the Legion, if you don't like it, fuck off and die.

The question is, would anyone be willing to take up Caesar's mantle?
I think Caesar's issue is keeping everything to himself. The absolute best person he had to take over was Joshua Graham, but he fucking burned him in God's light

I fucking love how this game lets you carry a silent pistol into casinos and other restricted areas.

If the powers that be ever gave a shit about the FO franchise the next game should be focused on the Legion and how they are coping with the Death of Caesar with various splintered groups.

>See point 2, part B of the last post.
Not relevant, as it isn't related to bureaucracy, it's a chain of command issue. If the situations were reversed and Caesar had an overly cautious Legate running things the same problem would be effecting the Legion in that situation. Except they'd probably be even worse off because Legionnaires wouldn't have the autonomy to ask a merc to do it like the NCR does.

The Raiders near Mccaren don't threaten the actual position, they just harass supply lines and scouting parties, an issue that Lee sees as an acceptable threat compared to "risking" cleaning up the place. So once again the issue is still Lee and the chain of command.

>A larger pool of manpower
Where does it ever say the Legion has more population than the entirety of the New Californian Republic conscript pool? The sole fact that NCR has more ready access to old world Medicine ever since they absorbed Vault City means that the NCR population should massively dwarf the Legion.

>If the powers that be ever gave a shit about the FO franchise
I stopped being this hopeful years ago

I think it’s a shame we never really got to see more of the legion beyond the FOB overlooking hoover dam. Maybe a town that had been turned into a sort of reflection of Legion society, maybe have a few quests that expanded on slavery, totalitarian brainwashing and maybe some more ethical challenges. The devs clearly wanted to make them so much more complex but were likely hit by time/engine constraints

Came out in the age where DLC was all the rage, but it's not too bad since they're functionally expansion packs.

You get a semblance of it in passing conversation.
Legion lands are the safest in the Wasteland and takes care of their citizens.

Or just Muslim

>Not relevant, as it isn't related to bureaucracy, it's a chain of command issue.
The commander of the Military is under the purview of the bureaucracy, why do you think the President is also the Commander in Chief?

>If the situations were reversed
They never would be.
It would be virtually impossible for a commander within the Legion to get away with even a percent of what Oliver did, see Joshua.

>The Raiders near Mccaren don't threaten the actual position, they just harass supply lines and scouting parties
In which their patrols barely come out alive.

>Where does it ever say the Legion has more population than the entirety of the New Californian Republic conscript pool?
I never said anything about their population, I said "manpower", how many men they can throw at the dam, or the NCR in general.
It's at minimum implied that they have the larger force, offset by their technological inferiority.

At least they don't rape people.

Fuck off cuck

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they have gangsters for that

They let the raiders do that for them.

Lee's choices have nothing to do with bureaucracy, they have to do with personal political gain. he, as well as simple resource availability, is the limiting factor on supply lines

>It would be virtually impossible for a commander within the Legion to get away with even a percent of what Oliver did, see Joshua.
What Joshua did was a massive military disaster which in any logical world would have shattered the Legion with widespread rebellion after their image of invincibility got wrekt. Oliver is incompetent, and should be removed based on what we as the player know, but he's not doing anything that would justify Kimbell stepping in. Yet. It isn't anything that any typical military office couldn't explain away, even in the Legion.

>In which their patrols barely come out alive.
They barely have patrols.

Solid point

>Lee's choices have nothing to do with bureaucracy,
He's there because of the bureaucracy.
He remains there because of it.

>he's not doing anything that would justify Kimbell stepping in.
The Powder Gangers fiasco and Fiends alone should have him relieved.

Why would the NCR?

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>mfw just realized you can run through the whole Villa with Dog/God to clear out the Ghosts before you take the weaker companions to their destinations
You can even activate the holograms for Dean Domino beforehand too.

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Because they are not the whirlwind of force that is logistically prepared to push to the coast as fast as possible in terms of lightning warfare.
Also that image is more tragic than it is inspiring since the Desert Rangers were fucking based.

>That guy who joined Darkside in KOTOR
>That guy who intentionally kills harmless NPC's in open world games
>That guy who intentionally goes for the bad end in a video game
You fucking edge masters should be God damned ashamed of yourselves.

He's there because he's a military general who "saved" the Dam during the first battle. He's there because there isn't an immediate reason to remove him. He's an issue responsible for the NCR's trouble in the Mojave, but the reasons for his continued presence are perfectly justifiable, particularly when there isn't an immediate replacement for his due to the political unpopularity of the war.

>The Powder Gangers fiasco and Fiends alone should have him relieved.
Both of these are entirely irrelevant. The Fiends existed before the NCR even arrived in the area and the Powder Gangers are prison escapees that have nothing to do with the military. A potentially costly campaign to remove either of these isolated and unpredictable elements when they're barely a threat to the NCR position is easily advised against, even if they do put strain on their supply lines.

Anti-Material Rifles

What now, faglord?

>He used anything but the Hunting Revolver
Explain yourself, you disgusting varmint.

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They always shit themselves when they die

How do they even maintain those things? Or get the bullets? It's not like they're buying them from the gun runners like I do

I like the gun on the cover

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Whoops wrong pic

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The damage that revolvers could shit out when you had all the damage perks was just disgusting. Like they were strong enough already and then we got shit like the Cowboy perk.

Whenever i start this game i allways get to either Primm or the Mojave Outpost before i lose interest

Roleplaying is hard, how do people do it or even come up with creative characters

Just read everything

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Legion are ultimately the best choice because they know that degeneracy is the root of all evil. Anyone who fight the evils of degeneracy is, as far as I am concerned, the greater good.

>just read everything
what do you mean? all the dialog?

*disintegrates you*

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I thought the ending implied that the Courier wasn't really in control and that Yes Mas was primarily going to do his own thing while the Courier just kind of does whatever he wants (which sounds ideal to me. I don't want the responsibility of maintaining one of the last vestiges of human civilization.)

You know, all choices are pretty shit, but at least House can give you a town to have fun in it. What can NCR or Legion can offer you? Fucking wasteland? And Yesman shit is retarded. Why the fuck do I want to rule all this shit if I can do whatever the fuck I want while House do all the work with rebuilding shit?


Those both have different contexts
NV Caesar was the leader of the Legion and everyone in the Legion loved him to death
RL Caesar was an extremely controversial figure who killed thousands of Romans during the Civil War

Yes, the Yes Man is your "word made law" so to speak.
He will only respond to whatever you think fits best for New Vegas then you can fuck off somewhere and hang out with Cassidy.

Julius Caesar was a traitor but the plebs oved him due to his victories against the Gauls.

Why is op such a faggot

These threads are just excuses to talk about New Vegas

>was for the people and expanding power of Rome and against senile rich faggot cowards

He was a traitor in every sense of the word according to the laws, user.

Yes man is the bad end. Your character can't hold everything together and everyone goes tribal again

Too many quests in this game are “go around to these several people and help them”

I'd be tempted to ditch Cass for the chad huntress alpha female Red Lucy

Imperfect ones. If Caesar followed these laws, Rome wouldn't last long with senate full of fat cowards

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>start another NV playthrough
>make another junkie character
The sound effects of taking the various drugs is oddly satisfying.

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Just low int.

>Red Lucy
She's a psychopath.


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The lower-level people in the NCR like the common citizens and soldiers are generally nice folk, but the game emphasizes that the higher up the totem pole you go, the worse it gets. Between the government being ran by an informal hereditary dictatorship, to businessmen like the brahmin barons far too much power themselves, and the NCR's logistics being stretched to the breaking point due to its leadership's desire to constantly expand, it's starting to hit its breaking point.

Cass mentions that she kinda hopes the Legion wins in Vegas because it'd at least give the NCR some things to think about, because a fair amount of their issues derives from their constant success with little challenge.

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>can't fuck Cass and fulfill your destiny as a rightful heir of a Chosen one

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And if you're a female PC, what then?

>stronk dyke is the only one who isn't stupid in the BROTHERhood of steel
Enjoy your shitty sjw game cucks.

>what is hoover dam
>Implying he won't cuck the NCR out of all their money by forcing them to pay top dollar for water when the retards run all their resources try
Based retard.

Beep beep outta my way Profligate fucking shits!

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How stupid does someone have to be to not judge The Legion in the context of the world it exists?

Cass is old and busted goods faggot.

>even to this day FO devs still can't into cars with Gamebryo/Creation Engine
What in the shit is going on in there.

Why would he let you go with his property he already paid you to deliver? Basically you're saying he wouldn't let you steal from him and that's why you didn't side with him.

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>his plan is to literally abandon the dead irradiated planet and go on a risky flight to another planet

Sub 3 intelligence legion serial killer. ED-E tags along to photograph my shit while Vulpes watches over Caesars interest.

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I don't know if you're aware, but the secret to how car mods work is that there is invisible explosions behind the car as a form of acceleration

user they can't even program ladders into their games, let alone cars.

lmao, fuck this antiquated engine. Btw, did Obsidian use the same method to move the monorail as Bethesda did with 3? IE. attaching a running body under the vehicle to make it move.

>That guy who complains about people on an online forum playing a video game a way he doesn't like

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nah, fade to black

>tfw want to try and do a journal thing like that user last night or use a journal mod for this run
>tfw don't think I'm autistic enough to keep at it if I start it
I'd properly keep following the rp but not fill in the actual journal, I've never went real serious with it.

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Fucking hate Bethesda, just a bunch of old fucks that have no idea how to use new hardware, so they don't even bother

>House doesn't verbally slobber all over my dick every time I see him so he's an asshole
It's legitimately too subtle for you to understand and that's sad

Just do it loser.

In barbarianland sure

I'm a sucker for Femme Fatale types. Max luck, charisma, and high agility. Always take Black Widow and Cherchez la femme. Silenced pistol and a knife, with takedowns from Solid Project. Conquering the strip is so much fun.

Attached: Fallout - New Vegas Screenshot 2019.06.30 - (1920x1080, 2.01M)

The monorail moves when you fail to stop it blowing up.
It wouldn't need to be an equippable item because the player isn't in it when it moves. Vertibirds in 3 and NV follow set paths when they're seen "flying" so the monorail presumably works the same way


I still don’t know how to get to the boomer camp, I just run as fast as possible hoping I don’t die

The slave thing is because they had to make them evil for being chauvinist, they couldn't let women work in menial labor but in relative safety when compared to the death of war.
Innocent people I'm guessing you are referring to Nipton? The mayor is corrupt and backstabbing, it was full of escaped convicts and the city itself was full of people that would only weaken them if they had absorbed them into their society, that's the reasoning behind it.
As for art, it's a battle camp, not their towns which according to Raul they are much safer and civil than much of the NCR.
You are only seeing the army and it's acts of war, so of course they are going to be viscous, you never actually get to see their society which is a lot better, that many traders prefer traveling through Legion territory than NCR.

I murdered every single one of them the second I set foot in the camp. Ask me anything.

Did you find the C4 in the Lucky 38 bar?

>It's all well and good to say you want to improve the world, but when you look at the lives you destroy, ruin, and take, does that justify your ideal of a future?
You don't seem to understand what was there before the Legion, endless violence between very primitive tribes, there was more death and ruin before the Legion.
Why do so many people refuse to look at the context of the world the game takes place in?


wait, i don't think i got raped once while in the NCR. what did i do wrong?

One, Caesar is not an objective source of historical truth with regards to the tribes of Arizona before his arrival. Anything he says is filtered through the lens of his belief that he has genuinely improved all their lives by eradicating their cultures.

Two, the story Caesar tells you only deals with one relatively small part of the state and the seven tribes found there. It is not a reflection of Arizona as a whole, nor does anyone else offer any evidence to suggest things were as bad as Caesar might imply.

Why do people insist on taking the word of egomaniacal dictators as law and refuse to accept that these characters might be biased or self serving, deliberately or not, when they pass on information?

>Barry Dennen, voice of Dean Domino, passed away at age 79
>Alex Rocco, voice of Big Sal, passed away at age 79
New Vegas curse

Does heading straight to New Vegas when you start the game, break the game at all?

What the fuck, their VAs were around 70?

Yes. Without following the trail Benny left, he refuses to acknowledge your existence because "you didn't put in the time, babydoll" and becomes essential until you do the quests properly.

Absolutely not. You can go anywhere as soon as you leave Doc Mitchell's house and the game plays fine.

It's not just Ceaser, Raul is a second source too, he's been all over the place for hundreds of years.
Everyone that mentions the past of Legion territory pretty much validates how terrible it was.

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what are your mods? any tips for making a waifu of my own?

Wish they would have done it better. It could have been an arguement that a rough dictatorship may be necessary in a savage hellscape, at least for a period of time. When I first met them, they basically slaugtered a town with the reasoning being they were theives and murderers. Banmed drink and drugs because it made people complacent about their condition. Fair enough. ... Then came the pointless slavery, sexism and spooky green skies to make them the fucking evil faction by default. How creative.

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Father Elijah's still alive.

>Fuck niggers
>Likes the factions that act the most like niggers

Cass has soul

Isn't it funny how Avellone wrote the original Caesar's Legion from Van Buren. The all male raiders and slavers at war with an all female group.

And now he thinks the Legion and misogyny are bad because Sawyer and others wrote the New Vegas Legion

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Finally an image the gets the Yes Man ending.
The Yes Man ending is probably the best ending possible because it leaves everything to the players imagination. If you give the wasteland to Caeser or the NCR or House, you already know how things will flow. But with the Yes Man, you can just imagine whatever scenario you want, including a scenario in which you rule the Mojave perfectly.

With that in mind, it can also be the most unfulfilling ending due to its open ended nature.

Mannequin race and Megaton Hairs. That's really all you need outside of a body mod. I use the new type 4. Doesn't have much in the way of mod support, but it does handle all the vanilla/DLC and TTW outfits.

Attached: Fallout - New Vegas Screenshot 2019.06.30 - (1920x1080, 1.87M)

It's the "player's" ending.

What you're trying to say is that it is the ending preferred by high standing gentlemen of supreme taste, intelligence, integrity, and that are extremely good looking.

>factions shouldn't have elements that make some pussies uncomfortable
>only black and white good guys vs bad guys allowed, much better writing and more deep

Let's be honest, if Super Mutants weren't sterile would his plan still be retarded?

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Yes, because there are still enough people to eventually take notice of what's going on and throw enough bodies at him to wipe him out.

>I'm going to remove the concept of conflict in society by making everyone the same
Yes. Incredibly so.

I put too much work on this. Rate

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Once I saw the bear, I knew you were my enemy.

Feels good to be on the side of the unambiguous good guys and don’t have to perform lots of mental gymnastics to justify my choice

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Did you dilate today?

I truly do believe the legion would be best. Sure many will die. Sure Caesar himself is probably a bit too blood thristy. But his nation can be something much better than being ruled by money or some shitty Weimar Republic that'll likely crumble in the next two decades based off corruption alone.

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I don't think he is agreeing with that point of view, he is simply stating that, as a writer, making a faction as unappealing as the legion makes people choose it less, keeping people from ejoying that side of the story. Not the greatest opinion, but I can see what he means, ideology aside.
For instance, in the New California mod I cant bring myself to choose the "warrior" path. The football team is a 1to1 copy of bully's football team. It doesn't look great to me. And probably because I haven't tried that path, I'm missing some of the content in the mod.

Is the dreary ENB author here? I got fucking issues running this shit on Honest Hearts because it has special weathers, leading to dark mornings even with the fix

>kill/enslave everyone they hate for "living in the wrong way"
>destroys culture to be replaced by theirs
>want to get rid of "degenerates" but do degenerate shit themselves (allow homosexuals, rape, lax on murder and torture, slaves...)
>Caesar ensures his faction wouldn't work without him but he's dying
>his generals are already fighting each other for power
>enslaves best boy
Why are they "good"?

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Good is relative.

So is society and civilization, but Legions seem to enjoy killing just like raiders.

I guess that civilized, safe, and happy Legion population back in Arizona are murder happy too?

Only if you're part of the military side of the Legion and not a woman.

There is no "Legion population", just people who continue to live in Arizona because the Legion didn't target them

Attached: LegionTowns.jpg (562x562, 148K)

>the virgin maining a faction
>the chad picking a faction based on roleplay

Name one

I like to think the enclave has a base for every embassy the US had before the war.

The flat damage perks were pretty disgusting. Grunt was so retarded that JSawyer actually took All American off it, purely because it was too good

Never read this.
Makes the legion seem quite nice. At least corruption is erased, and they seem to cover most basic human needs for their citizens. After a nuclear apocalypse I would take that anyday.

>a world with rapidly depleting resources
Yeah, partially because of the Legion. They move west, conquer and steal until there is nothing left, America is dead and they will then die too.

>muh retrocanon

Well, my Courier is from the Legion. After some years, he thought it was too oppressive for him to move up the hierarchy so he left and joined the enemy faction which lucky for him, allows him to move up the ladder of society. Will run for President in the future. He's making connections for now.

Yeah, it'll probably be less fun when the legion power structure of one man collapses and there's a big ol' civil war

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I don't get Caeser's idea of mashing the NCR and Legion together. It's like mixing sand with mud and thinking it will create food.

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I don't like the Boomers and everything else is Okay.

t. profligate whore

Basically his thinking is that the legion and NCR have pros and cons. If the two mash together than supposedly only the pros will survive. Maybe not the best idea but still interesting

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That's because we never got to see any of the Legion's conquered lands. Even their traders say no one dares fuck with banditry since it'll just get you crucified. Seeing Flagstaff would be pretty cool. You have to remember that a lot of the Legion content was cut/underdeveloped. If they got as much shit as the NCR did then they could have been a much more interesting faction.

>mfw browsing this thread

Now I have to start a new playthrough, thanks faggots.

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Assassin suit
>actually light armor
>doesn't waste your stimpacks and get you hooked on med-x
>doesn't constantly make reddit jokes

It's completely delusional and the result of someone who only sees groups of people as clay to shape. It totally ignores that the NCR will fight the Legion to death, and probably eradicate them if they ever prove to be an existential threat

After your 5th playthrough, you may be looking for diferente things to try out. Legion is one of those things.

I swear talking about new vegas for more than 10 seconds requires me to reinstall it. I can't help it.

At this point I dont bother uninstalling it

>Billy the Brahmin Shit Shoveller would rather fight tooth and nail to the death than accept living under the Arizona football team
That's why NCR has a draft, so many of their young idealistic youth are signing up to die fighting the Legion they have to make it look like they're being forced into it

What mod is she from?

New California

Based, House is the future

Yeah, he will. Nobody likes the legion. There is no single NCR affiliated NPC who expresses even a small amount of love towards them.
Turns out when you build a reputation of being a brutal slave army, people are less inclined to surrender. Funny how that works

House has so few flaws they had to give him one just so he wasn't the obvious choice.

>Bible and holy grenades
I'm assuming you're pretending to be religious to lure people into thinking you're "harmless", right? Last time I check, Legion wasn't big on things that divide loyalty.

>loved FO3 and FNV
>hated FO4 for the shitty voiced protag and lack of roleplay elements
>drop it after 40 hours
>come back to it two weeks ago
>stick it on survival mode
>come up with elaborate non-canon back stories
>really enjoy rping my characters, not having fast travel, eating and drinking, going scavenging for weapon mods
>lots of really interesting stories you can derive from terminals and the context of places you visit
it's so frustrating the story is fucking trash and forces you to play a certain character with no real choice. having a wife and son was a HUGE mistake as well as the voiced protag. That said, Fallout 4 has some really cool side stories hidden around, and they're sometimes quite subtle: you can work things out from the positions of bodies and items around them. It got more hate than it deserves.
Also, FUCK Far Habour, and FUCK synths.

Mormon men are for _____!

Attached: Joshua Kinky Time.jpg (750x1920, 329K)
And here I thought I made it too obvious.

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You mean the brotherhood of steel? I wouldn't call that a flaw

bullshit wtf

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Free canyon rides.

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>Kill these people
>Pick up this item
Still better than that, would have liked more varied quests of course, but if you follow the traditional first timer path to new Vegas you are hilariously overleveled by the time you get to the strip.

The biggest issue with Caesar's big ideas is that he literally cannot defeat the NCR in an all out war

The NCR at it's weakest is a match for the Legion at it's strongest, every inch they move towards NCR territory they get stronger while the Legion gets weaker due to increased popular support for the war and the Legion being denied the plunder it requires to sustain itself

That's ultimately the argument that defeats Lanius with 100 Speech

He can if he captures New Vegas.
It won't be easy, but he can, especially from the inside a la Batman Begins' League of Shadows.

>first playthrough ever
>got wild wasteland because my friend told me to
Did i fuck up

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>the common man will fight invaders because I say so
Human history ultimately proves you wrong. People will live under the most oppressive of invading regimes because they fear death more than a harsh life.

Legion doesn't have to defeat the NCR, just turning new Vegas into an urbanized commerce zone to manufacture munitions and where to send slaves to the gulags for farming while the NCR look on helplessly. Maybe the NCR might decide on a brute Force attack to break legion stranglehold but I feel like the legion would have the advantage

>Legion doesn't have to defeat the NCR
Caesar's whole plan hinges on him conquering NCR and absorbing their people into a new nation

The German barbarians didn't have to defeat the Roman empire. Just erode away at their societal unity until they are invited in. Brahmin barons would love for the legion who could provide them the slave labour for their farms.

New Vegas does literally and absolutely NOTHING for the Legion
Vegas has no value in itself for the Legion, it has no farms, it's population is not suitable for recruitment, it's weapons will either be used against the legion or moved away on the NCR train out, it's structure is to high tech to be used without heavy modification and it's wealth is mostly in fiat currency which the legion does not use
Vegas is in a tactically horrible position and once they start fucking with the Boomers it gets bombed into the ground because you better believe those madmen can actually reach the city

And then what? Start trekking through the desert towards the NCR? What exactly do they do when the NCR goes scorched earth on them, when they get close enough the NCR railroad starts giving them hilariously superior supply lines and troop movement, when the now vastly more militarized NCR starts putting it's industrial weight behind it's military and produces things like rudimentary artillery, machineguns and barbed wire (the last being a combination of simple to make and an absolute nightmare to get through for a low tech army like the Legion)

And they can't get new recruits in, their supply lines suck dick and to make things worse the enemy has more guns, more bullets and more men

Human history says that when some dirty spear chuckers have no hope of conquering you, you shoot them dead and get it over with.

>into an urbanized commerce zone to manufacture munitions
With what resources? There's not a single intact munitions factory near New Vegas (and before you bring up the gun runners, that place will be wired to blow up long before the legion gets anywhere near it), they don't have the raw materials to make gunpowder or primers, they don't have the technological knowhow for rapid production
and even if they somehow industrialized New Vegas, the NCR has 50 times the factories they do and a vastly superior capacity to grow

New Vegas is the urban core for the empire. The dam provides both power and water to support large scale agriculture. If legion were to develop an auxiliary core of artillery (which you can see they did at the fort) to support their troops they would be fine. Mortar/shell your enemy into submission and then chop chop chop.

Vegas area has no shortage of mines. Lead all trade routes to Vegas with parts have slaves break them down and turn into munitions for mines and fire bombs. Return back with food/water?

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They had 1 piece of artillery in total and to fix that they had to go beg for parts at the boomers
You know who will mortar/shell the enemy into submission? That'd be the NCR.
Who will the Legion get to organize their factories when they don't have education or assimilated any educated settlements
Where will the legion get their explosives? Where will they get the machines? And how in the everloving fuck is the Legion suddenly going to catch up and outgrow the already established NCR industry?

They have a bigger shot of teaching their troops magic than industrializing

In the best Legion ending, the NCR loses their President, the General of their army, hundreds of soldiers and almost the entirety of the Rangers, as well as the power and water from Hoover Dam. It's the first complete loss for NCR as a nation and a massive blow to morale. They might elect a new President, promote a new General and continue forcing people to become soldiers but the loss of the Rangers and the Dam are irreplaceable. Water, in particular, as NCR is forecasting a famine inside a decade due to drought. On top of all that, the flood of refugees fleeing to California is the prime time to introduce Frumentarii agents at all levels of society. That includes the Captain at McCarran who can continue to undermine their military efforts.

NCR failed to capitalize on their first victory at Hoover Dam, leaving Caesar five years to rebuild. It seems unlikely in the face of their own horrific loss they'll be trying to re-take the Mojave anytime soon, letting him reinforce his position while NCR deals with the aftermath.

We're the Mongols educated with huge urban centers filled with literai when they conquered the world?

Oh wow they have a few thousand mines, that should give them in the best case scenario a few hundred shells
low quality shells because they have fucking slaves making them
they have 2 maybe 3 pieces of artillery and no means to fix them, so the second one of their shitty shells explodes in the barrel they lose a third of their total artillery

the Legion has a few things going for them, industrialized warfare is not one of those

No, user. That is literally his plan. "Invade NCR, get citizens, become real nation". He doesn't have the economic infrastructure to play a waiting game, his army marches only as long as conquers.

Wild Wasteland has nearly no affect on the game aside from a few isolated encounters that make meme references

>We're the Mongols educated with huge urban centers filled with literai when they conquered the world?
Where's the China equivalent the Legion conquered?
Also if you put the Mongols against machineguns, artillery and barbed wire they lose.
1850's Belgium could have destroyed the Mongols at their highest

Pay attention to what they say next time
The NCR needs the dam to sustain their rate of growth, not their current territory, they could simply withdraw from Baha and not run into issues for a few decades
The legion does not have 2 decades of life left in them without conquering the NCR

And the whole "lets inflict a single blow to an industrialized nation" thing really does not work out. The Legion has given the NCR a Pearl Harbor, things did not work out well for the Japs when they awoke the sleeping giant

Low scale border war would be fine for the legion. An undeclared war at the border. Split half the legion on consolidation runs against various tribals.
I meant literal mines. One munitions expert captured and he could have tribal fucks preparing mortar/nail bombs to ambush the NCR with.

>trailer shows veteran ranger with an anti-materiel rifle

China was also one of the last places conquered by the Mongols. Once they had experts from around the world advising their leader they managed to develop chinkocide

Get raped by the Legion all day, that's what I do in this game

So you're going to somehow ambush the NCR on their home territory when they have the supply lines for prolonged warfare while you do not?
So your brilliant plan is to walk into the desert, plant your arse down, put mines around you and wait till the enemy attacks you? Even the NCR is not that stupid
Oh and then the NCR starts bringing in actual artillery and shelling your positions from a mile away

I know you're making shit up and you know you're making shit up, so why bother saying it?

They conquered northern china pretty early on, they didn't finish the conquest until later sure but they got chinese experts damn early in
and the only thing they needed experts for was siege warfare, their actual armies which they started out with were cutting-edge technologically with advanced riding techniques and composite bows
Legion meanwhile is going to have to figure out a way through barbed wire supported by machineguns with zero artillery

It's literally said ingame by the lead scientist during the vault 22 that they have several decades
The Legion's lifespan on the other hand is equal to Caesar's, and he's got metastasized cancer

Do you get to take companions from New California into the mojave or something? I never touched it so I don't even know who she is.

Well you don't get that unique gauss rifle because of it, you get the alien blaster instead.

Opinion on the someguy series?

The Holy Nation in Kenshi made a lot more sense than the Legion imho. It's a pity NV didn't show you actual Legion territory rather than just a FOB.

Haven't played it but general consensus around here seems to be that it starts well and shits the bed at the end

That's the thing, many people would trade security for freedom, particularly women, they are very risk averse.
Which is why they had to make the Legion so blatantly evil in game with things like making the women carry 300 pounds on their back limping about in misery, as opposed to the way they planned to make them or the way some characters view the legion in dialogue.

prolly immature enough to be playing videogames?

The Inheritance > Everything
also fuck that one cunt, fuck her hard

>hit deathclaw with archimedes
>they stand back up

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Play 1, 2, inheritance and nothing else, or don't touch them at all. 3, Russell and Better Angels are trash.

Sounds agreeable, I just haven't gone anywhere near the ayyys yet

It's a feature from the newest release. If any companions survive the main quest, they can be recruited later in the Mojave, albeit older since their stories take place 20 years apart.

Pic related is her original appearance.

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I don't know if they changed it but the ending to new california was stupid
so very friggin' stupid

Should I bother playing it? I get really autistic about this shit, like I don't like playing TTW because I don't like the idea of the Courier and Lone Wanderer being the same person.

Then you wont want to touch it, because there's some very stupid shit and retcons about the main character and the timeline.

Fuck it, I'd kind of like to see what meeting the companions from it in the mojave would be like but I've already got a idea brewing for my next character that I want to try and be serious about RPing for once, maybe another time. Although I'm using mod organiser so I could set up a seperate profile so I don't have to worry about any mods I installed not working.

Considering I play like a retard and still single handedly slaughtered them all in glorious battle? Not very high, apparantly.

I went with Yes Man simply because I didn't want to exterminate the brotherhood of steel.

Any good quest mods? I'm looking at ones from someone called the overseer which look decent and installed some of the Someguy mods that aren't shit and one that adds a bit more to the generic quests you get for it, and one about running a brothel or something. Also Salt Lake Cities and Zion Trail since that mod affects them.
The brotherhood deserve to be exterminated though.
You ARE using these mods right? You wouldn't be a zoomer would you?

House isn't even an ancap, he's the 2nd most authoritarian of the options given.

Your thoughts?

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>Yes man brotherhood option leaves peaceful coexistence but they reeeee as they patrol highways and seize electronics

Enjoy the hilarious attempts to do CoD style set-pieces with gamebryo.

I joined Caesars legion :)

Based* & Redpilled*

Reminder that only The Big C values your abilities enough to pay you on a regular basis

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I sided with the Legion because I think their Hoover Dam battle is the best.

>Auxillary of gun slingers
>Mechanized (powered by slaves) cavalry force
Would be fun to see the legion go through Marian reforms

I wonder would have happened had Ceasar tried to deal with NCR or House diplomatically.
Oh he does, always sending me a fresh supply of XP, valuable armor and high powered weaponry for me to salvage off the coprses of his assassins.

>Early game when you first get them before the rep reset
>Getting your cavities exploded by the anti-mat

How do you manage to get that kind of rep without leaving Goodsprings?

NCR tried dealing with House diplomatically and he stonewalled them for 7 years after strong arming them into giving him free electricity. Kaizer wouldn't get even that.

They're a levelled spawn so that is basically impossible in normal gameplay

House isn't interested in an alliance because he wants full control of the Mojave and the NCR likely would not want to make an alliance with to their eyes were a bunch of well organized raiders

It's about level 15 after leaving the town with the rocketship quest solving Helios and the NCR base to the east.

Veronica just died in Vault 11 because I took her with me into the final room of the vault quest.

I didn't savescum to bring her back.

It's not like it matters much because they just say you lost your memory after the bullet to the head and don't remember them, and outside your initial talks with them before they join you as a companion they have nothing unique to say. One's a widow in goodsprings who joins you for free and tells you were the rest are, one's a prisoner of the Van Graffs, the other of the legion and you need to rescue them, one is in the Casa Madrid running shit and want's 10k before they'll join and the other two are living together, have kids and want 3k before they go running with you again.


Not with the upgraded securitrons

What's wrong with grey market?

hug the walls

Is there any mod that adds sprint in a fair and balanced way?

why are you using an ncr flag for that statement?

I was looking for THIS sentence.

Just wait out the volleys in the buildings, intlet.

can you name the stupid shit in the mod?

You mean The Reveal? They soft-retconned it
The Father was an insane Nightkin who failed at FEV and basic human cloning. Project Brazil is still a thing but how much is part of them is still very up for grabs. Still lazy writing if I ever saw it.

Yeah the memory bit is bullshit, I prefer making up the rest. Hoping they add more post-content when 1.0 is released

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>ever stopping or slowing down

Sorry, sweatie, you're only allowed to play as the canon character in rpgs.

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>Lonesome Road

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>The Kings
You're alright.

Legion drools!

>The Legion literally extends to the Mississippi River already you fucking retard.
Not him but
>The Legion has to keep conquering to avoid becoming stagnant
you fucking retard.

amongst the legionaries

Legion is as degenerate as they say non-Legion are.

>NCR is a corrupt, inefficient, bureaucratic nightmare

"The NCR just comes to the Mojave to take over shit when nobody wanted them!"
>come to the first NCR station and find out that the Mojave law enforcement welcomed their assistance against local threats

>"The NCR occupations with drain people with their taxes!"
>player lets the NCR occupy Primm and townies immediately tell the player that the taxes aren't a big deal because they get much more business from outside traders since the surrounding roads and settlements become safer.

>"The NCR only cares about filling their own pockets and don't care for non-NCR citizens!"
>Camp Golf distributes water and food for small independent businesses and are willing to give aid to Freeside if not for harassment from the local gangs

>"The NCR are too selfish to help the Followers of the Apocalypse give aid to locals!"
>game ends with the FotA, including Arcade, benefiting from the medical upkeep provided by the NCR, thus allowing for properly-paced health care around Vegas

>"The NCR are stretched too thin and aren't dealing with local threats!"
>Primm forces were already about to take back the correctional facility and kill off the Powder Gangers, the Khans are dwindling, they already beat the Legion before, and plenty of mercenaries are getting work to deal with the Fiends

>"The NCR's military is filled with uncaring pigs!"
>the people who feel bad about the massacre of the Khans at Bitter Springs are NCR soldiers, but nearly everybody else in the Mojave says the Khans had it coming

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if you're just going to cherrypick and take away any context why would anyone bother to debate you on this?

Cowboy that likes repairing shit and using energy weapons and rifles. ED-E as companion and is a sperg and acts like an asshole.

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You can't
You just kill Vulpes and save the Powder Gangers ASAP

Frontier when?

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Sooner than F4NV

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