What games follow the statement
>easy to learn, difficult to master
What games follow the statement
Dick sucking
Just ask you're mom lmao xD
White to move. White played one move and black resigned. Can Yea Forums figure out what white played?
I’m not sure I’d go so far to say chess is difficult to master but 99.99999 percent of people do not have the very specific autism required to devote their entire life to chess or the financial independence in conjunction with said autism required to do nothing but play chess and do nothing but think about chess.
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
Rook to a7?
TF2 works so well with this concept
Still can't git gud after 8 years and 4k hours
Currently playing muse dash. Came for the girls, stayed for the music.
2 button controls but damn does it get difficult sand require mastery of timing.
RTS games and Arena FPS games as genres are pretty much that statement.
i'm very shit at chess but the only moves i see that do anything here are pawn to g4, king to e5, and maybe something silly with the rooks.
Or this, I'd say
but i haven't touched a chess board in 10 years i think
We’re all wrong it’s king to e5
Second rook to the right
King to E5
Leads to huge pawn advantage for white
>We’re all wrong
see >only moves i see that do anything here are king to e5
which actually does turn into something silly with the rooks if the game were to continue
Yeah it’s king to e5 for that reason and it’s backbreaking with the rooks on the same file and an empty file to run down still.
King to e5 right?
>we’ll never witness Fischer vs Carlsen
Why live bros?
>Leads to huge pawn advantage for white
disregard that im retarded
its a mate in 2 after the King to E4
I honestly can't see it. Isn't it just a win if rook moves to h7.
Nah that isn’t mate. Probably mate eventually still unless white blunders huge though, white is in very superior position here.
>its a mate in 2 after the King to E4
it's a mate right away because the pawns will fuck that king up
Rocket league
Devil May Cry
Made me want to play. I’m Mr_Conductor on chess.com if anyone is down
The correct answer is King to e5.
Notice, black's rook on f6 is undefended and if black makes some nothing move white will take it for free, resulting in a dead lost position with all of blacks pawns being captured as well.
So obviously black has to move the rook The only problem is where. Rook g6 and rook f7 result in it being captured immediately too! You might be tempted to rook f8 where it can't be attacked, the only problem is white now has forced checkmate in two moves (rook h7 check, black's king moves to g8 the only legal square, rook c-g7 checkmate)
Seeing he was either going to lose a rook and three pawns, or be checkmated, black (Yates) resigned.
pokemon unironically
>we’ll never witness Fischer vs Carlsen
That wouldn't even be interesting. Fischer would pound him into dust.
Rocket League
This is the last puzzle from "Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess", taken from the 1965 US Championship in Fischer's game against Pal Benko.
Fischer (white) made one move, and black resigned. Can Yea Forums find it? It's not checkmate, but...
(if you've read the book do not spoil it, let people work it out)
h4 to h5? I don't fucking know
God Hand and unironically Dark Souls.
Look at forcing moves. No one is going to resign from random pawn moves not doing anything.
rook to g5?
will cause the pawn to be able to move forward
Racing sims
>rook to g5?
>will cause the pawn to be able to move forward
That loses the rook. He can capture on g5 with the pawn or knight.
Wait holy shit, is it Queen to e8?
Qe8, Rxe8, Bd5+ ?
>Qe8, ....Rxe8,
>Bd5+, ...Re6
>Bxd6+, ...Qxd6
Now the little passed pawn on d6 white just created is totally unstoppable and is going to queen.
You just know this rule was made by some butthurt noble
Tribes (any, at least if your aim is for team to win)