ITT: We post Boomer Approved Vidya

I will start. Daggerfall. It is even better than Morrowind.
Thread Theme Song:

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Did it aged well? Havent played it in like 15 years.

I've been replaying it the past couple days.
It's still fun.

Here's a good playlist if you want to see it in action.

Daggerfall is fucking garbage.


Morrowind is better than Daggerfall in nearly every single way and I have no idea why this meme was started
literally only zoomers pretending to be "boomers" think that.

Putting this on the highest setting was a mistake because while the enemies were fine in the urban settings and honestly still kind of easy, getting into the jungle where the AI isn't impeded by all the fucking foliage in your face is not fun at all. Not to mention, I can't just prefrag stuff because you have to reach certain points on the map for things up ahead to spawn in.
Didn't wanna waste a thread over it. The game is cool otherwise.

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Daggerfall has much more freedom than Morrowind.

yeah, "freedom".

my teen self became a man due to the nudity in daggerfall

Fuck boomers.


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Based af.

Have played through this game many times over the years.

>Honest friends are few! Art thou my friend?
>I am sad.

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Their extremely different games, stop being a elitist and actually play games fag.

Good taste. Peak boomercore.

I have put many hours into both, that doesn't mean there isn't a clearly better game.

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>he had no enemies
>poor man

Yes it does if both compete on different levels as they do.

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The first one was better.

Daggerfall just has a much bigger focus on Dungeon crawling and works on a larger scale.
Don't act like they are two completely different genres.

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy


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Oh, I'll have to grab that then. For some reason I had it in my head that it was the second one that was supposed to be better.

The only thing Daggerfall has over on Morrowind is a comfy as hell asthetic and some depth in minor areas that are good world building (court system, deadric lord summoning, the flavor text before entering an establishment)

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hey hey people

Dark sun

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I started a game recently for the first time and decided I wanted to role play as a thief. Pickpocketing is useless. You only get two or three gold 5% of the time and get caught all the others. Lockpicking is useless. It's better to learn an open spell because training lockpick gets you put in jail because, like pickpocketing, it only works 5% of the time and all the others you get guards after you. About 2 of the 10 quests I tried to do were broken and I couldn't complete them. Dungeons were cool at first but after two or three of them you get tired of seeing the exact same segments thrown together in a random order that may or may not render the dungeons impossible to complete. One of the quests I did had a dungeon that had the objective in a section of the dungeon that was impossible to get to. After three hours I gave up and cheated to warp to it and it was off in a section that didn't connect to the rest of the dungeon. The only fun I had with the game was when I managed to turn into a werewolf after my first werewolf encounter and just went around killing guards and selling their armor until I had enough money to buy whatever I wanted. I uninstalled it after that. I'm 32 so old games like this are what I grew up with, but it's just a broken piece of garbage. There's a lot about it I liked but it's just unplayable and the flaws outweigh the good things about it by a lot.

I fucked that up. 2 out of 10 I was able to complete.

tfw remaster is soulless

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millenials aren't boomers, stop larping

This is now retro too. Time flies.

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Sseth here

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30 year olds are millennials

You are confusing boomers with baby boomers.

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It's a meme you dip

Zoomers, mirite?

An unfunny, forced meme associated with wojak edits, miss me with that gay shit
Same thing

Welcome to modern Yea Forums. This shit has been the sane for years now

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Why are you asking stupid questions if you already get it?

Finally someone says it. Daggerfall was an experiment, and nothing more.

my hope is that the modding come out of the Daggerfall Unity stuff ultimately builds a decent game out of Daggerfall

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