Get hype, this is what the game should have been at launch
Apex is fucking BACK
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeahhh, I don't play games with FUCKING MUTTS in them. Choke on a cock, advertiser
fuck Battle Royales, fuck EA, fuck zoomers and fuck niggers
Wattson is for beaners
Still sucks
i'm not watching your gay video. bulletpoint all the actual gameplay changes for me in the next minute and i might reinstall your game, marketing biscuit
She's too white. Who greenlit this design in the ?
Sorry i dont play games with ugly fat nigger women
Checks out. Kiddos are loose on the board boys.
Regardless, fuck Apex, and fuck EA.
> Le fps has arrived
looks like the dios mio ayy lmao titty streamer
>"Yea Forums isn't racist"
>"totally not a newfaggot, guys"
Ummmm sweetie wraith is still best girl so Watson can suck my scrotum(I’ll still try her)
it doesnt need any gameplay changes
mechanically its the best multiplayer shooter in recent memory
She's gonna be lesbian, calling it
It's dead, Jim
Fuck you and your diversity game.
abit late, its been like what? 6 months?
It takes more than one white character to make that shit game worth playing. It looks Lawbreakers tier unappealing, both the environments and characters.
Summer kiddos and /pol/ racebait to make a thread stay alive longer and get attention. Yea Forums uses and makes fun of race differently than /pol/. You'd be able to tell the difference if you weren't a nigger and a newfag yourself.
>spells out "newfaggot"
then how come its fucking dead faggot?
It should have been Titanfall 3 at launch.
Then they'd have an actual loyal userbase rather than highschool children who flock to whatever the streamers are playing
See you at the last page, marketer! And choke on my fat dick along the way.
it's a very middling shooter, it doesn't do anything special, it's "okay"
It's below average.
Literally who?
>both titanfall releases failed to meet expectations
>both died shortly after release in regard to online playerbases
yeah user, "loyal" lmao.
Non-whites are forced to play as whites in so many other games, yet whites can’t handle the opposite for them. Devs add an option and you people still complain, this is why the world wants you gone.
Its not though
Too late. it took them 5 fucking months to add content? fuck right off.
Begone with your "muh reparations" shit.
yeah buddy it is
non-whites don't use the term non-whites, you false flagging fuck
still looks like a plastic alien, the character design in apex is atrocious
why does every character look like some kind of aah real monsters
is this a clever joke about /pol/ being comprised of mostly Americans (i.e. non-whites) and how they do in fact use the term non-white frequently? You got me.
if you're gonna shill at least make it believable
>no cute girls
Sorry Fortnite remains supreme
That music is kind of familiar. Where did I hear that before?
Oh yeah, the dozens of games and movie trailers from the last five years.
In GTA San Andreas you play as a black man, and no one has ever complained.
I love Wattson's vagina bones!
Depends on your definition of dead. According to mine, it definitely isn't.
BASED Apex BTFO incels and fortnite kiddies
Is solo in yet or am i supposed to play with headless chicken (this included my friends)
>Caring about this
already shipped her with octane just like they shipped wraith with mirage in the first trailer
sorry user, your lesbians are bangalore and lifeline
So you are the asshole that abandons the team?
No one cares about your zoomer retardation simulator.
pic unrelated
No I'm the one that doesn't play it until solo is in
why the fuck all girls have to be either ugly nigress or "le quirky white girl"?
unless theyre gonna give every gun twice as much magazine capacity or three times as much damage im still not interested
its fast paced, has a lot of movement mechanics, guns feel good and it doesnt have any retarded gimmicks like building that you must abuse to win
>small map
>60 player limit
>3 player squad limit
>no vehicles
>no swimming
>no prone
>no destructible windows
>no bullet penetration
>few guns
>few attachments
PUBG and Blackout are better by every possible measure
Didnt they nerf accuracy while sliding or on the air recently? They are making the game slower and easier
it plays like a 2008 shooter with slightly more modern graphics
>I haven't played it
>I like clunky games
imagine enjoying fucking SWIMMING in video games.
It's part of making the world more dynamic, believable, and immersive. Enjoy your ridiculous puddle rivers though.
you're playing a game. this isn't a movie. bet you play on ps4 fag
That's your opinion (and it's shitty, in my opinion)
You forgot the terrible netcode, sound and hit registration
You are definitely missing out. I remember a game where I was paired with a russian and a pole, and they just wouldn't stop talking saying things like:
>Yes, we arr landing muslim style, rright into buildings
>We shoot this jewish like in a concentration camp
>Don't worry, we revive you with secret jewish foreskin magic
>Couldn't stop laughing all way through
>We even managed to fucking win
PUBG movement is so bad it ruins the whole game.
Doesn't she wear a diaper with dookey in it?
>Retarded slavshitter gets upset when I pick Pathfinder
>Keeps shittalking me the entire time
>Win the game
>3k+ damage
>He did below 300 damage
>iphone filename
OP is a shill from a chinese marketing company.
>Don't worry, we revive you with secret jewish foreskin magic
I wish I could get these cheeky cunts on my team
I'd reinstall if they added a few new maps that have different themes. A map that's like angel city or the military areas could be cool
Gotta love those faggots
>Text chat
>Someone says "I take ref"
>I ask: "what?"
>I pick first
>I pick Wraith (love them portals)
>Ref somehow meant Wraith
Because being black automatically makes you quirky.
>Spending money on content
>not paying Shroud and Ninja to shill the game
haha dumbasses
This. Why are whitoids a bunch of thin skinned incels.
titanfall 2 had neither of that and it's the best mp fps in the last decade
>join game
>chink hacker 1, chink hacker 2 joined your squad
>then they all quitted
fuck this game, i won't play it till they get rid of chinks
She looks like an autistic supermodel. I think it would be too much on the nose for her to be both autismal AND lesbian.
Your mom does when she gets blacked
You don't play games, poltard
>supporting games that feature shoehorned sandniggers
Here let me fix your post for your
>You don't play SHIT games, polard
thought that was a man unironically....
>Zoomer humor
>"Lol memes xD"
>Streamer culture
>Gameplay focuses on autistic building more than anything else
Yeah, nope. Tits are good, but without good gameplay they are just basically for R34 and nothing else.
>I made this
>You made this?
>I made this
I'd say you'll miss us when we're gone, but you people don't seem to like civilization in the first place, so I guess you'll be fine after you run it into the ground.
it's a multiplayer shooter, not an open world rpg,
They embraced the "no crunch" mentality, you won't get another update for another year.
only br game i've ever had fun with. they nearly fucked it all by having such a shitty season 1. i hope it does better this time
Been playing almost every day for four months and this has literally not happened to me even once.
>>small map
Wait why is that a negative for a BR game? Do you actually want to spend most of the match not seeing a soul and just looting?
yeah but its a white blonde blue eyed girl with a beaner
and thats all I need in my life
That hasn't been true since 2012, user.
Sadly, /pol/ has taken over the entire site. It's just unironic neonazism all around now and all jokes are political.
Grasping at straws with that one. There's enough shit to go around with Apex that you dont need to pad your list with points that out you as a retard.
i enjoyed it, i just have no friends that play games anymore
playing solo or with randoms sucks
so are we getting Crypto with Wattson or are they really going to release only one new champ per season?
if that's true then they're fucked
/pol/ hasn't even successfully taken over /pol/
Go back to wherever you came from you hysterical roastie
>PUBGfags actually believe a small map is a negative
Lel fuck off retard. Games are like 15 minutes at most because of it, it feels more like an arena shooter.
it happened during the first month of game launch
I've been here since 2006 and I'm a balding man.
/pol/ was meant to be a containment board but instead it just functioned as a raid platform for people coming from the stormfag forum.
Yea Forums has changed completely from what it was back then. We said "nigger" all the time, and we had "racist jokes" but we didn't unironically want a meme-induced racewar.
You zoomers are fucking cancer.
The only thing that stood out is that they finally added ranked mode, which is wayyy to late for anyone to care.
Apex still a good game. I spent at least $300 in this game
your game failed SJW loser
its dead like your chances of a life outside of posting pro EA shit on Yea Forums for 2 cents a hour
Maybe consider that Yea Forums in its globality is the reflection of most of western populations.
The huge open world map is the reason BR is such an immersive and compelling mode. Being able to go anywhere, even places where there aren't firefights happening constantly - it's this freedom that gives context to fights when they do happen. Taking that away puts it a step closer to being just another arena shooter.
The evolution of BR will be toward bigger maps and more players. Imagine multiple interconnected servers with 30-player teams comprised of multiple squads. Respawn is going the complete wrong direction.
Very few people even on /pol/ want a racewar. Stop letting the stormfags get to you.
Add solo queue you fucks.
Disappointments that not every area of the map changed. Run off looks exactly the same and so does the area outside airbase.
Oh boy is it round based dm already? No its still the fucking br meme
ok lets talk about apex legends then
>no solo mode
No interest.
Which is great. Who doesn't love lesbians? only christkeks but they're retards
Based and redpilled.
Hey man, there's still enough playes to fill almost three entire servers, as long as ecelebs spread the word on youtube, twitter, and reddit which specific weekend they want everyone to play on.
When did white people get so thin skinned lmao
Are you shitting me? Everyone over the age of 18 hated that fact when the game came out.
;ost of Yea Forums was kids and young teenagers when the game came out
So arma battle royale that takes 3+ hours for a single match?
The appeal of battle royale is quick matches with friends and mostly seamless transitions from one match to the other, not sitting in queues for 5 minutes waiting for 900 people to get matchmade and then plodding around for fucking hours with a bunch of people you dont know or care about
Ape Legends? Nah.
This update does look interesting and im interested in the ranked leagues but is the game really worth coming back to?
based fng poster
It wouldn't be 3 hours if the circles contract fast enough. You could even use teleporters if you had to. I'm not a game designer but I know the evolution of games is always toward bigger worlds and more players. That's why PUBG is a revolutionary classic and Apex Legends is just another copycat footnote. An evolutionary dead end.
>forced teams
this was the gayest hting
At least it made it a little different. If you want solo shit there are like 5 other BR games you can play
apex mechanics are not made to solo
If that were the case we would have more planetsides and games with eve style communities instead of 32 player military shooters and solo grinding simulators out the ass
The fact of the matter is smaller devs dont have the ability to make those kinds of games and bigger devs wont because they might lose money on it
She's such a qt
yeah, thats why they have this thing called "work" in which you can use to make your game not shit
>more camping toons
>ranked meme
>cool but ultimately pointless new game since it's a rare drop you'll see in 1/20 games
>all those faggots on this board that kept spamming "COPE" when people said it would die in a month
Where are you fags now?
>judging a game because of a characters race
>not judging a game because it looks fun to you or not
I want out of this weird bizarro dimension.
i dont play shit games, now get on your knees bitch
the map is changing and a competitive system is being implemented. gameplay is the same, so it's still the best BR game out there
>Apex is back
>They're going to abandon the game for the next 3 months again once this patch is released
Yeah nah, I don't believe it
>it's good news that a tranny saves the game
Yea Forums has changed
>Few attatchments
Nigger there are too many
This whole post reaks to the high heavens of a slow brain boomer that plays games maybe 1 hour per night.
Not everyone likes to play the same game all the time user. People like to mix it up a little and keep it spicy.
>Thinking das juden will make a good game
Out of place mutts are the biggest red flag.
Except that if you want to push a f2p riddled with lootboxes that you can't even get without paying, you have to constantly push updates/content/bug fixes to keep it at least relevant, you can't just shit out a weapon and a character that people will unlock instantly every 3 months since there's nothing else to do in the game once you reach level 100. Most of the times, when someone is bored of a game when there's nothing to do or isn't interesting anymore, people will not get back to it even if a big update comes out.
The only thing that will make me try this game again is they announcing 128 tick rate servers
>making the world more dynamic, believable, and immersive
Swimming is great IRL. Swimming in vidya is a chore. Its not believable at all. Don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
But they already did.
Consider me. I put 100 or so hours into apex. I thought it was great. And I didn't spend any money on it. All I did was put more stress on their servers and then drop it a month or so after release because they didn't update it enough for me to remain interested. Normally I don't really care about such things but the game was really lacking in content at launch.
>Reddit spaces and nitpicks someone spelling “newfaggot”
Just b urself
>Still no improvement to hit reg, audio, reduced delays on the server response, reduced muzzle flash on select weapons, patched bugs that have existed since day 1, or being forced to play with nothing but braindead shitters who can't even manage 50 kills on a level 60 account
Yeah, nah.
But the game plays well right? And is probably the best feeling BR out there right? The game finally has content and something more to play for. Yet people will still shit on it because the devs weren't forced to do intense work hours to push out content every other week for the kiddies.
fuck off shill cunt
Fucking. Based.
It wasn't even content though. I'd forgive them for not making content if they we're fixing their game. Except they did neither.
You can make the best looking game with the best gameplay, if there's nothing to do in it, people won't keep playing it, go back to a game where you actually do stuff and it'll die quickly
> I'm not a game designer but I know the evolution of games is always toward bigger worlds and more players.
You are just talking out your ass. The evolution of games isn't something that makes an industry standard that all games must follow. If what you are saying is true MAG should have been revolutionary and already kickstarted this trend you are talking about.
If there is anything close to a "rule" for the evolution of games it is probably that games trend towards Easy of Use and Accessibility, see how much more user friendly Apex/Fortnight are compared to PUBG,and even that is only true in AAA releases.
is that meant to be white?
she has the facial structures of a NIGGER
>Most of the times, when someone is bored of a game when there's nothing to do or isn't interesting anymore, people will not get back to it even if a big update comes out.
Explain why WoW gets a huge increase in Subs everytime a new patch comes out. And that Apex is f2p and riddled with COSMETIC lootboxes benefits me as the game is just a free game to me. So as long as I still find the movement and gunplay fun, and the servers aren't a ghosttown, Respawn doesn't have to trick me with weekly skins.Fortnight needs to constant updates to hold for their ADHD audiences attention and to afford their next coke yacht but Apex isn't being run as an ATM.
You don't know anything about features friend. White, black, asian, spanish, etc.
ok race mixer
Whatever happened to playing a game because you enjoy it? Updates are just a bonus.
Puffy vulva
Because WoW already has a shit ton of content and pretty much no competitor, where Apex has just barebones content, and fartnite/PUBGay as a competitor
Oh you can definitely enjoy a game, I enjoy apex gameplay very much, but once I reached level 100, I was just playing to pass time and even that gets boring after a while
>updates are just a bonus
Not if the base game is boring and devoid of content, you baiting nigger.
Look at UT2004. Look at how many fucking gamemodes and content was there to begin with.
Then let your nigger eyes rest on Apex for comparison.
>Yea Forums
>not excited for chics with dicks
Fuck off faker
>game gets 1 white person
Try making a game with no non-whites and i'll consider buying it
Y'know when you think about it. Thats exactly what video games are. A way to pass time.
The game isn't boring in my opinion though. Sure the content wasn't there in the beginning but it is now.
My friends and I still play it plenty without any trouble finding games, we only play it a couple nights a week though because there are a dozen other games we swap around and play as well. I don’t think it’s particularly healthy to play a single game for five hours a day for over a year.
>comparing UT to a BR
>I don’t think it’s particularly healthy to play a single game for five hours a day for over a year.
Where do you think we're.jpg
Yup, and there's tons of video games on the market, so why would you play a game where you pass time with nothing to do in it when you can play another game for free, where you actually have some sort of progression system and where your time spent gets rewarded
What meaningful content did it get?
A brand new gamemode? A new map?
>posts niggers
At least you're not hiding your abysmally low standards.
Good job missing the point, faggot.
Jesus christ, somalians truly are the most visually repulsive creatures on the planet.
You must be the type of person that only likes to play one game forever. Shit on it while still playing it every single day religiously and then shit on other games when they come,
have you ever actually played fortnite?
So you don't know about the game. Shit man i thought you were knowledgeable about it despite calling it boring?
what does Yea Forums think of that?
>local faggot has to resort to "y-y-you didnt play the game!!!" in order to make an argument
I gave this game a chance but releasing a new character and some shitty skins once in a blue moon is unacceptable for a game with no content.
Because I don't need cheap Skinner box mechanics and rewards to keep me playing a game. Seriously fuck CoD 4 for the FPS RPGlite trend that has retards constantly needing another grinding wheel.
Using your own example from earlier would Unreal 04 be infinity better if as you played you unlocked ugly skins? Would you stop playing the game because you couldn't unlock new skins? If yes then you probably weren't enjoying the game in the first place
You might not need it, but it's clear that a lot of people do
Isn't it only 24 atm?
Fortnite is garbage but I definately agree that Spec Ops skin is cute
That lightning scar is hot as fuck.
>opposites of whites are blacks
This is bait, but it perfectly represents how they think. And they're telling us they're not the racists.
And I love those people because their addiction let's me play Apex for free. But fuck anyone who tries to argue about the quality of their hamster wheel and whether or not it detracts from the actual game.
>he doesn't know
Look user, you don't have to keep insulting me. All i'm saying is that the gunplay, movement, mechanics and ALMOST everything about apex is pretty good. The game isn't boring at all if you enjoy those things and you shouldn't need weekly updates to keep you playing the game.
>Apex Legend
No thanks
W-Where does he get in?
>white male complains about people being racist towards them
How does it feel, honkey?
>Best multiplayer shooter
>Battle royale
Isn't it obvious?
Look man I love Apex as much as the next guy but it isn't the best shooter. At least say it has the best gunplay in a BR.
Look, I like the smaller map and loved all the choke points. But if you're going to go this way, especially with the movement speed, it needs multiple maps or less desirably, frequent changes.
Are the random disconnects fixed?
That's not an actual answer tho
My guess is that happens to you too and you want to believe, but it's mostly still fucked, right?
Such a shame. Respawn would be a world class dev if they weren't with EA.
Its fucking dead jim
Apex """""""balance""""""""
Everyone else
The game is balanced like shit and their half assed attempt to buff characters was worth nothing.
I haven't had a disconnect or a crash since April.
But none of that is true. This is why so many games have a bad rep nowadays. Misinformation.
>implying I'm white
Can't override the programming, huh?
You wish it was shit posting, but it's not
Wraith's tiny little ass gets you 5 times more survivability than anyone else. Bangalot's passive is an instant out of jail card, and Lifeline's hitbox is fucked too, BUT has also a healing pack for herself.
Everyone else is fuckhuge or useless.
Caustic and Gibraltar are MASSIVE in comparison, every weapon deal full damage to them, on top of their gadgets being asinine or useless.
The game is fucked, totally and completely, and can't be taken seriously if their fatties aren't buffed 200% to even take a peek and not instantly drop, or make Wraith and everyone else huge too.
i had no idea what you meant by "random disconnects"
random disconnects you had? teammates had? crashes? origin fuckery? i've had barely any issues over the past month
>every weapon deal full damage to them
confirmed for not having played since season one launched
shut the fuck up
You're talking about the ridiculous 10% damage reduction that was literally not working and took more than a month to be fixed ?
Not the same user but this JUST happened awhile browsing this thread
Happend AGAIN mid fight
Shit's busted and will never work.
Shitskins are disgusting to look at is the problem, forget about assuming the skin of one and seeing through their eyes. What a nightmare
Google Code Leaf
Shit man you must work for EA if you defend this bullshit
Is this fixed already?
works on my machine
Who Mozambique/re45 here?
>Get hype, this is what the game should have been at launch
Oh cool, it's Titanfall 3 now?
this trailer came out like a week ago. seems awful convenient you're shilling it a day before season 2 launches.....
you guys arent fooling anyone, man up and switch to windows 10
t. underage zoomer
i have windows 7 and it works fine
You fuckin know it!
Gibraltar isn't a woman, retard. He's just gay.
it's not
shill. anyways why didn't you post the full body pic of Watson her camel toe is top choice. I remember some stream during E3 where they were slowly panning down and the chink guy laughed because it's so obvious
I want Wattson to lick the tip of my circumsized penis while wearing that coif.
He's just excited about the update user. It's only logical he'd want to talk about it before it launches.
Why do you think people are so excited about Star Citizen that they spend millions on it. Whether Star Citizen works or not, that's what people want from games and that's where they're ultimately headed.
Wait, are white women back to be counted as white on Yea Forums?
Desu I think it's a result of Immersive Sims dying as a genre and Star Citizen is offering the ultimate one to fill the gap. Not so much about large worlds or anything, but because they're spending all their effort on making systems emulating real-world mechanics so that you can do stuff that even the devs didn't forsee.
>can't even go one sentence without having to deflect to "but [other battle royale cancer] BAD"
lmao whatever EA pays shills like you these days it's a terrible investment
You can never really tell with Yea Forums.
Why can't people just want to talk about their favorite games? Why do you think they're trying to shill as if they're being paid? I see this over and over and over again constantly. It's getting very tiresome.
I'd love to play some Apex, sadly I cant identify with all those creaturas in the game.
great game but all the poc, gay, and non binary shit is ridiculous
also what's with a robot in a fight to the death tournie?
>Why can't people just want to talk about their favorite games?
These people you're talking about don't start threads with
>bullet points of a stakeholder slideshow
If you can't figure out the uncanny valley of speech patterns these marketing automatons are rattling off you haven't read enough genuine threads
Apex Legends is based if only for killing TitanFall. The amount of shills on this board for that shitty series holy fuck.
He was made for surveying but was deactivated. Later on he was reactivated, but doesn't know why or who his creator is.
"Still, he's never given up hope, and has joined the Apex Games to gain a following—and hopefully draw the attention of his maker."
So basically, it's just "The more you play, the higher rank you are"
...That's fucking pointless
interesting desu
he's just some fucking code though. he's a battle bot, at least the other characters have consciousness.
Also Caustic is the best
this shit is dumb and is going to be filled with retards. like Apex Elite right now is filled with the absolute worst players who just hide in regular Apex to get into it and then you get stuck with level 20 retards on your team who don't even know how to play and get owned
yeah pretty disappointing every going to rank the highest
What the fuck is that thousand mile death stare? She looks like shes staring into the void. The fuck is going on with her face?
it's just like the battlepass
>pre-made teams play at the member's highest rank.
Wouldn't this open the opportunity for rank boosting? Not that there are any feasible alternatives.
Shitskin should make their own games then otherwise all games are going to continue to be full of white and Japanese character since they're the only ones that actually make games
they made it like that on purpose so people keep playing it
>he doesn't stare into the enemies souls as he kills them
She wants to see the moment when the life from their body finally ceases.
That's all this game has for it so far. The battle pass, the Apex Elite mode, this ranked league.
It's to keep a sense of progression to keep the player playing which is one of the main complaints that people were having back at the start of season 1.
>implying Pathfinder isn't the best character in the game by far
And besides no character makes you win in this game. Good player wins no matter what character he chooses.
Have sex.
Is it still an unbalanced, not optimized piece of shit filled with cheaters?
I'm sorry user but that's an extremely stupid gripe to have.
A black chick, a caribbean chick, a hispanic dude, and a samoan dude. Wowee
Literally one gay dude and it isn't even shoved in your face.
>non binary
Bloodhound is female. End of story.
I hate people like you so much i don't even have the words and time to describe it.
Based /fng/ poster
Drink Water
>This half asssed """ranked"" system noone gives a fuck about and came 6 months too late
skip to 18.28 and listen to that nervous laugh
If you act like an idiot long enough you start attracting actual idiots who think they are in good company.
>this is what the game should have been at launch
Why do zoomers say this about games that literally did not change at all?
You sound retarded. If Bangalore's passive is what makes her good, then how is Octane not good also. It's literally the same but you can use it whenever you want at a low cost
octane best boy
I can see myself getting to plat, no prob, but after that, the rp cost might outpace my skill at the game
I'd have to be top 10 and get at least 2 kills every match to go up?
looks like eternal plat for me, just like Overwatch
Game got boring when people began to realize the meta revolves around 3ish guns. So now we get a new legendary gun, which means the meta stays the same and variety is pretty much non-existent past mid-match
This game and how they moderate it killed EA for me, completely. Never will I ever touch a single product by EA, be it free or not.
I was permanently banned for absolutely no reason, what they accused me of was cheating. I tried sending multiple tickets and inquire more about this ban but all I ever got was their word that I "was cheating", nothing else. They do not give you any information regarding the case, you're not given the possibility to prove your innocence in any way, once you're banned, EA will refuse to contact you. After various tickets I got one reply "resolving" the case, in which they said "no further action will be taken and further messages will be ignored".
I've been adamant of my innocence ever since the day I was groundlessly banned but there's absolutely nothing I can do about it because EA holds the information to themselves, you can't contact anyone personally, it's all done through automated messages and occasional e-mails of employees who don't even read your messages.
I was a fool to buy this game's surprise mechanics and season pass, only to be banned immediately 3 days later after first time booting the game in weeks.
And the worst part about it is the stigma of cheaters, people side with the company 99% of the time, even if someone is unjustly banned for a false positive.
Can't even talk about it or spread the story because it's instantly removed from all forums and people just curse you being a cheater, even if you're not.
Fuck EA and their bullshit
haha fuck off cheater
>it killed EA for me
Also I think the banning for cheats is outsourced to the same company that also does it for Fortnite.
maybe you shouldnt have cheated, faggot
>outsourced to the same company that also does it for Fortnite.
Easy Anti-Cheat is owned by EPIC.
Never have cheated in any online games, faggot. I stand behind my innocence
EAC is so fucking incompetent, you can have notepad on your desktop saying "cheat hacks for video games" and you'll be banned from every game using EAC
it could be anything realy, autohotkey, cheat engine for any reasons.
you're just salty you got caught
Did they fix the servers and disconnects?
>1 update every six months
No wonder this shit is dead
get caught when I've done nothing wrong? It's like you're a parent blaming someone else's kid when your own kid is the one breaking shit because of how far deep your head is up your own asshole. One does not buy lootboxes and season passes and invest time into a game if they're just going to risk getting caught at 100% rate.
I played the game nonstop during its initial release, I went on hiatus to not burn myself out when Octane and season pass were released, after buying the pass and playing for 8 hours straight, I get banned.
It's pure ignorance to say that anti-cheat measures can't make mistakes
I've gotten permabans on games like Path of Exile and Rainbow Six: Siege, but I've since recovered both accounts because I was able to talk with actual people from the companies and provide any information defending my case of being innocent ( granted I didn't expect that from Ubisoft )
You are a fucking tool and a retard.
Its Not
You incel
You will never be white.
They seriously fucked up, how do you go from blowing the fuck out of Fortnite, Dota, Overwatch and league of legends into Shartifact tier following
It took them so fucking long to come up with the battle pass and it ended up being complete trash and waste of time
The game stagnated so incredibly quickly and it's been doing the same since, this game will be dead by 2022, mark my words.
I don't want to be.
because theres no content
this game will be forever irrelevant after it lost its steam
such is the fate of any other BR than fortnite
Because it doesn't gets updates that much, fortnite still popular as fuck because it gets updated every 2 week
>One does not buy lootboxes and season passes and invest time into a game if they're just going to risk getting caught at 100% rate.
wrong, see all those pictures of people with expensive csgo items and vac bans
yes you do.
I just want a fun FPS multiplayer game that also has pilotable mechs and other vehicles. Is that too much to ask?
Battlefield 2143 when?
How are you getting permabanned so consistently in different games
At that point I'd assume its not just the anti cheat fucking up
Google if there's anyone with your specs getting falsely banned
>ugly girl who looks like she was made out of plastic doing a retarded dance
no thanks
The shills are back*
ftfy, Mr. Shill, the Apex hype posts on Yea Forums were one of the most artificial i've ever seen, it was so obvious when marketing campaign ended, every post simply disappeared. I guess they are marketing their new update now, no one actually cares though
I am using windows 7, I've never uninstalled anything I've downloaded and my desktop looks like this
go figure, something here is causing me getting false positive bans on games and I don't know what
Not like that's a hard accomplishment. Your main competitors are PUBG, which is a stiff pile of ass, Fortnite which really doesn't have gunplay as its strong suit, CoD which is CoD, and BF which is BF. Apex took CoD and made it better by virtue of ex-CoD devs and TF experience, but that's still not saying much.
Curious. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you actually like apex?
OMG YASS I just love BattleRoyale!!!
No ass
Maybe like a 4 or 5. I suck at competitive multiplayer and battle royale thus beats my face in, so I don't really care much for these games personally but I ain't a shill.
It is a fun shooter because its Titanfall2
But it doesnt work. Not talking about mechanically, it just plain doesnt work
Lag, disconnects, no people on servers, bad balance, only 3 characters work, EA. Not worth the Origin hassle and not woeth the hype. Also BR gets old fast.
>It is a fun shooter because its Titanfall2
Minus the stuff that actually made Titanfall 2 stand out.
Unfortunately us loyal fans aren’t exactly whales when it comes to money and popularity. Normies just can’t into Titanfall pilotbro
also fuck jannies