Why did 3D platformer genre die? After 6th generation, the only 3D platformers were Mario games, recently we have either got Mario, remasters or dissapointments (Yooka-Laylee and Hat in Time).
Why did 3D platformer genre die? After 6th generation, the only 3D platformers were Mario games...
Because they're shit.
>Hat in Time
That game was fantastic though, so much personality to it. To each their own though.
Too much effort for little reward
Seems easier to shit out shooters and open worlds
hat in time is shit
3d platformers suck
i cant enjoy them no matter how much i try
What bums me out is there are practically no 3D precision platformers. Deadcore is alright, Kaizo Mario 64 is alright, Lovely Planet is whatever. TF2 Surf maps, Halo ninja maps, and Sonic Adventure 1 speedrunning (spindash chaining and spindash jumping off inclines) are all fun, but not standalone games. I can't wait for Nintendo to eventually make Super Mario 3D Maker so I can stop complaining about this.
>he hasnt played a single good 3d platformer in his life
did you play ratchet & clank? or jak & daxter?
Play Vexx
Most devs in the genre were just chasing trends, what's popular changed, only Nintendo continued to make them, Devs wanted to see if there was money in the well since other things have been drying up, now it's back.
It's harder to tell a "mature" story through a platformer and games are made story first these days, especially in the west.
>no 3D precision platformers
that's because 3d will always be less precise than 2d so you'd just play an inferior version of an already existing genre
Hat in Time was a great 4 hours of game
I'd argue that this is objectively untrue. It's more difficult, but you can still be 100% precise if the camera is good, the game isn't 1st person, and the physics/momentum are tight. 3D adds a visceral aspect that 2D can never achieve.
Because normalfags and zoomers took over the industry and their taste in games is basically angry birds
when was the last you have seen anyone talk about angry birds? That game stopped being relevant 4 years ago
>missing the point entirely
Jump Jet Rex and Super Lucky's Tale are fun.
>Why did 3D platformer genre die?
Because snoy over saturated the market with shitty ones.
We want the call of duty audience happened
Double jump and hover ruined this genre.
It didn't. It still exists in the indie sphere, like "Here Comes Niko," (technically) "Super Lucky's Tale," etc.
>Hat in Time
wew lad
The real question is how come there isn't any 3D metroidvania
Zoomer Here, I love 3D platformers, that shit is my jam, MUH BANJO, MARIO & DK 64 is stupid as shit when there's just as many if not more for the kids who grew up in the late PS2 Gamecube Era, I'm 18 and have played
>Mario Sunshine
>Crash 1 & 3, Wrath of Cortex
>Jak and Daxter,Daxter, Jak 2 & 3
>Spyro 3
>Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 1-3
>Rachet and Clank, Going Commando, Up Your Arsenal, Size Matters
>Sly Cooper 1-Thieves in Time
>Pacman World 2
People don't really appreciate platformers anymore, it went from BROWN and BLOOM to MATURE CINEMATIC GREEN 4K EXPERIENCE
Funny enough Fortnite has the exact catoony style I enjoy but it's mainly a shooter/horde defense game, there's death runs and custom maps but the physics just don't support it too work, Shadow Grenade in BR and Ninjas in STW are kinda enjoyable though.
How would a narrative be harder? You have so many options for a setting with 3d platforming that it's not even funny.
Many collectathons use a central hub area to tell a story, while getting a variety of settings from warping to new areas for levels. Sly Cooper canonically travels around the world for all his missions which allow for episodic level premises, hell Tak and the Power of Juju takes place all on one central country as he travels arpumd dping various tasks.
If you think the genre is limited in storytelling methods, I worry you might stand to be a bit more open minded in your thinking of the subject.
I think there are a few notable narrative 3d platformers like Valley and A story my uncle told me
Those are atmospheric and fun as the gameplay serves the narrative very well, especially in Valley
Banjo's less a 3D platformer and more like an adventure game without puzzles
>without puzzles
What game are you playing?