Does anyone else prefer playing vidya on PS4 over PC?

Does anyone else prefer playing vidya on PS4 over PC?

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Considering the PS4 is hooked on my PC monitor, and I can use a DS4 with my PC, it makes 0 difference other than one runs at 24fps and the other at 144fps, so no.


Yes, pc doesnt have bloodborne

Are you asking if I'm a retard?

Yes, I am but even I am not retarded enough to prefer the slideshow box.

paying a sony a fee to use online services is SOUL

Yeah, it's more comfy.

i play with ur mum

Yes, pretty much any adult with a disposable income that has a PS4.
Note; 90% of them.


Attached: 1561801498640.gif (326x300, 796K)

No because I prefer strategy games over cinematic experiences

If you run PS4 Linux, maybe there's a point. Otherwise you have a PC that is not a PC, there is basically no benefit.

PS4 sucks dicks, so no.

Yeah, they run better and look better on PS4

No, why would I play an inferior product?

That's not an online service, online service is what Xbox and Nintendo have
Sony's is more of an optional donation for giving us do many good games.

I've been literally laying off replaying Bloodborne for no other reason than playing on ps4 is so goddamn uncomfy compared to PC

Found the soi thread

I don't.

Sorry, I don't use toys.

>Does anyone else prefer playing vidya on PS4 over PC?
Hell no, fuck the fps, the worst about PS4 are loading times and forced updates which take 10times longer on PS4 then on PC.

So many sonyposting shills recently my God. I can hit F5 every 3 minutes and see another fucking thread about it even through the deluge of waifu posts, "when x thing happens in game" posts and discord tranny posts.