
looks like we wont live long enough to see the ps5 and the xbox 2 bros ;___;

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck! Is that picture the first one?

The chances of you personally getting hit by an asteroid are astronomical.

just shoot them mid air
we got bunch of rocket and atom bombs right?


>this is what consolebrains actually look forward to
yeah too bad you'll never play the next Fifa and 2k..shit man


>implying that will do dick
If it does though, will it beat kojima releasing his game?

Sweet release

>International Asteroid day

Earning those paychecks United Nations. It's not like we're at war or anything.

Check out the pleb that died from the first asteroid.
Couldn't even make it to the second one coul

Yeah, that's a reliable source right there.

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pls crash on berlin

if true, thanks God, i will be free from this Hell.

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>says a person getting his new on 4channel.org
Lmao, OP image is just a photoshop

>still giving a shit about asteroids in the year 2019 when we can just shoot a rocket at them to blow them up and have the smaller chunks burn up in the atmosphere before touching ground
who cares

Remember when people said an asteroid was gonna hit us back in January or something? Remember back in September the 23rd 2015 when people said the Blood Moon (I think it was a Blood Moon) was gonna fuck us all over and the anti-christ would be reborn or some shit?

Only if one of the other 3 crashes into Frankfurt.

>that one night when the world was supposed to end and the final hours music from Majora’s Mask started playing over Yea Forums
maximum comfy

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in your case, your ass is so big it wouldn't be so weird

blood moon just makes things angrier so you get stuff like mega isis

actually its a photo from the ISS, shockwave will be here in a few minutes

Thank God I won't have to worry about how the rest of my life will go

Don't listen to this shit they're lyiwfedjasnnn

>you and everyone you've ever known is about to die
games for this feel?

I too frequently type "asteroid" into google due to my overwhelming paranoia and anxiety
btw the article is total click bait and all those asteroids have like a 1/1000 chance of hitting earth

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>all those asteroids have like a 1/1000 chance of hitting earth
Hope you're kidding because those aren't low odds.

Click baited hard ahah

I remember the threads on /pol/ about some asteroid.

Well yeah, but none of those asteroids are big enough to wipe out the planet, and even if they hit earth there's an even less chance of them hitting a populated area
They were crying about an asteroid last month

What is your escape plan?

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that would be cool, this gay planet should get rekt

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Thank god.
I won't be a failure at life for very long any more.

>all the asteroids in the article are just gonna fly tens of thousands of kilometers close to earth
I fucking sleep

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this might be the first time one of his comics has a good ending

prolly just shoot myself

> read and trust WaPo and NYT
>Trump is owned by Putin

Your brain is mush, and you should be put down

It's always like that.

>oh btw it's only going to pass us not actually hit haha gottem



>billions of years of evolutionary progress wiped in an instant, never to be remembered ever again

Really makes you think.

To sustain an entity even older.

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looks like XBOX ONE X will forever remain the most powerful console in history

Look at the retard and laugh.

The chance of any decent sized asteroid striking the earth is actually obscenely low due to the gravitational influence that Jupiter exerts on literally anything that comes into our solar system.

It's such a good asteroid deterrent that it's even proposed to be one of the reasons that Earth has had few enough collisions to actually allow life to evolve to this point here.
Remember to thank Jupiter, he is the truest bro.

What was that cross floating in the last panel? Was it from Earth?

I don’t understand why people think this is a bad thing.

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If you actually read the article, they're not on a collision course with the earth, just headed to approach it, as plenty of astral bodies in our solar system have done and will continue to do.

>all four asteroids are so small they will most likely just evaporate upon entering our atmosphere
>still attach a huge asteroid destroying earth to the news

Thank you Bethesda drone for spoiling RAGE 3 plot.

imagine being too dumb to get the joke

jupiterchads ww@

I'll okay both of this if I also get one of them straight in my face to end my suffering.

>another bunch of asteroids that miss earth by several hundred thousand, if not even millions of kilometers

oh no!?

Imagine trusting space niggers in 2019.

>The date was chosen because the largest asteroid impact in recorded history took place over Tunguska, Russia on that day in 1908 when an enormous asteroid exploded and destroyed hundreds of acres of forest.
Fake news. Not a single debris was found and locals reported seeing a beam of light shoot through the sky, one man said it looked the sky tore in half.
Teslas death ray caused Tunguska.

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True bro AND best girl.

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The hell is this ?

How's it going over there at the Internet Research Agency, Boris?

You really are dumb, I just wanted you to know that

Jews and nigs are worse than any asteroid.

You only get taken only if you say the entire name of Candlejack, you fucking ne-

A drag kid that dances in front of grown gay men while they throw money at him

We had some kind of Super Wolf Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse or some shit earlier this year, and it freaked me the fuck out, because I hadn't heard anything about it until I just randomly looked up at the moon at one point, and you could see it up there, but it wasn't lit. It was fucking weird looking like a giant lightbulb that was switched off.

Not video games

Wasn't the world supposed to end in 2012 or something

Desmond is amazing. 13 yo drag kid as said.
Also notice the symbol on his forehead? Pedo symbol.

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It’s been over a decade, when are you faggots going to realize Candlejack has and never will be re

The most video games.

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It did. The simulation is in maintenance mode.

The world was supposed to end at least once every year since we started counting years.

That only works on a a very small fraction of the smaller range ones

>in mid air
americans, when will you stop being stupid?

Dont get your hopes up

Itll probably disintegrate in the atmosphere and do absolutely nothing

Humanity is just too damn lucky to get rid off desu

>tfw vorefag

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Retard. You have no idea how hard it is to destroy a huge chunk of rock and spaaaace metal the size of something capable if doing significant damage to the earth

At best throwing a missile at it would break off chunks that would impact doing more damage

Children of a dead Earth, Planetary annihilation, Spore, Interplanetary, Kerbal Space Program, Majora's mask, Black and White (2)
Hell even the Sims 2 and onward has deadly space debris

people claim the world is going to end like every 3 months

A lot of asteroids are just clusters of smaller rocks with a regolith layer, so a nuke might work for them.

For anyone worried

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oh shit, every user who doesn't want to die a virgin can fuck my boipucci!
fast, before it's to late! :3c

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About fucking time

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the scientist who found the planet named it after his daughter, but once they found out the planet was spooky the populous went apeshit and blamed the girl for it all trying to sacrifice her to the planet to appease it.


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we will probably be dead and extinct when they arrive here

you horny little slut

i thought megalith was supposed to be better than stonehenge

sorry there was a bit of a delay friends

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why there are so many off topic threads right now?

No sir but I appreciate your offer.
Hope I get to see some fags getting melt by the asteroid before I die too.

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That always fails. I had to get the spaceship parts to fight Sigma instead.

Americans are waking up

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>right now
it's always like that, mods don't give a flying fuck

Again? wasn't this suppose to hit on last month?

y-yes, and daddy?

Megalith is literally the opposite of Stonehenge, it was meant to weaponize leftover asteroid fragments against ISAF nations

truly the protector of humanity

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That would actually make things worse because the broken rock would still be hurtling towards Earth. In fact, it would be worse because the resulting explosion would make each addition impact greater.

LOOK up the Tsunguska Incident for proof of this.

>That always fails.

Haha you faggots, there's no way asteroids are gonna co

Last studies say you can't, rocks will merge back due to gravitation

If the event was apocalyptic they wouldn't reveal it to the public. We'll all live, unfortunately

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I know you're just joking, but on the topic of asteroid defense, they always say we shouldn't use a nuke because it would make things worse, but couldn't we use the blast of a nuke to change an asteroids directory?

>If the event was apocalyptic they wouldn't reveal it to the public.
If there was an apocalyptic event coming from space, pretty much anyone with a telescope to independent observatories would see it coming from months away, especially people actively looking for stuff like that

wow its fucking nothing

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I wish that piece of earth in Puerto Rico was me, bros...

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I'd rather be buff as Duke and fuck hot chicks then be some skinny fag who thinks he's smart. A nobel prize winner in economics said the same thing.

attention: the asteroids already hit and did nothing. you still have to go to work and be lonely and miserable.

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I lived through roughly about 10 predicted "end of the world" theories and prophecies
I can't taken anything like that seriously anymore

was it a good ending? the protagonists are left to float in space and die when they run out of resources

Don't worry, we got this.

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>tfw you lived through the rapture twice

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No. Every explosion as a laymen understands it requires a medium. In weapons in our cases usually that's air to convert the chemical energy potential into a chemical reaction. Nukes are different, but detonating a nuke where there's no air will create controlled fission but since there's no air to heat up it will release all of the energy as radiation, light, and heat. Which will be poorly transmitted again because there will be no air to get a mushroom cloud going.

Ultimately throwing a nuke at a rock in space will only accomplish slightly heating up part of it. Detonating it on the surface won't budge it since the force generated by alpha, beta, and gamma radiation to actually push something is less than the sun puts out in solar winds. Doing an Armageddon and taking the rock apart from the inside also likely won't work to break it apart since the greatest force going to act on it there is its own gravity and it'll just fall back together. Since I think you can agree nukes don't usually move mountains.

Why don't we just build a giant trampoline to bounce it back to space?

>Everytime they predict an apocalypse it's fucking nothing

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Would a small asteroid of like 1km width even merge back together tho?

>it will miss
>tfw you will never drive that faggot asteroid into San Francisco

I like how nobody read the article, it says the 4 asteroid are just approaching earth every revolution of their orbit, and the one that's most likely to hit would be on the size of a football field which is not that big, just a big boom in the sky.

I wont :^)

pretty big chances my dude


Wait, Stonehenge appears in AC7? Is it the same one from AC4?

I love how junjis work still have a humorous tone to them. The whole cult leader thing and how everyone was in the air because of the earths spin was hilarious.

Y2k, 6/6/2006, 2012 and what else?

I'll survive too, just so I can kill you

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Rolling for Tel Aviv, Mecca, And Jerusalem

Yes, 7 is a sequel to 4 and 5

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Jesus fuck, i'm honestly surprised you remembered that. Yeah, it was December 2012. Was very eerie.

This was the song they played across the board, You can still see comments from back then youtube.com/watch?v=knLCbS02T1Y

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